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Woodville Advocate (1878), 25 May 1882, p. 4

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i'w a year, owing to the receipt of infornm- tion pointing to another conspiracy to destroy the Cz:u- THE coronation of the Czar of Russia has been again postponed, this timé for Tm: Toronto posbofilce leLter carriers struck laut week because a. nolored man was to be employed‘ The man had to he found n position in the ofllce until the matter could he settled . “’6 Were of the opinion that. the color of a man's skin did not affect his social status in this country, but it. is eviient from re- cent. occurrences that we must change. ‘.l‘oronto hotel keepers have refused no. comedntion to a compnny ofrespectahle colored singers. end now u colored man must not be permitted to work among the lordly upstm-Ls of the Toronto pos- ml delivery. Elma ’nuavillc 3mm: 305. J". GAVE, Editor. “OODVIIIE MAY 25,1852. _\\\.~ THERE Will be 211 nlmnbers in the new House of Commons. the Provinces contributing in this proportion : On~ tnrio, 9.2; Quebec. 65 ; Nnva Scotin, ‘21 ; New Brunswick. 16; British Columbia and Prince Edward's Island, 6 each ; Manitoba, 5. MR. George. Otto Trevulyan, who has been chosen by Mr. Gladstone Lo fill the impertunt and difficult 'poét of Chief Secretary for Imlund, has made his mark in both politics and literature Hismothcr, was the sister of Lord Macaulay, and Mr. Trevelyan’s "bio" gruphy of his famous uncle is adjudged to he one of the best Works of the kind in the English language. He lmslfince produced an equally able and crfiicul 1:eview of the early life and times of the statesman, Charles; James Fox. These works have shown the raw Irish {aficr‘e- wry to have inherited an unuéhully clear infellect end refined liteimy taste In politics Mr. Trevelyan is an udvuno- ed Liberul. He has been in parliament. since 1855, having entered it then at the age of twentyuseven. In the second Gladstone administration he was 3}»- poi’uted Civil Lord of the Admimltv, which office he resigned in July 1870, on account of his opposition to the E-lucntiomil Bill introduced by the ad ministration. For years he advocated a. swooping army reform, including the abolition of purchase, which was effect- ed in 1871. List year he was appointed Secrotnry to the Admimlty Baird, which post he held until his late up" puintmunt to the Irish Secretaryxhip. Mr. Trevelynn has thus been ln-opmly trained to deal with pahlic business, While his liherulity of opinion {its him to administer the new policy marked. out by Mr. Gladstone. (£1. LADIESâ€"UH” ulltl innlwct Om' {mgr choice and clleulmmck of Feathers, Flow-ms, 'l‘aimmingu, c. See our ‘t‘rimmed Hausa”, $1.00. See those 11ml Ostrich Feathers, unly $1.00.â€" ‘Miss Brownlow, Milliner‘ M McIntyre Q; I’riqr’s .. Rncmzn nr lusvmznnnu; Piwtzs, restless by day, sleepless at nightfrising unret'rcshed iu the morning, without appetite, and pes- tcred by vm‘ying and perplexing symptoms. the dyspeptic takes indeed a gloomy view of human existence. For him the zest of life seems gone. Heartburn, Opprrssiou at the pit. vi the stomach, and the attendant. nu- nnyamts 0t enstipatiou nud bilioumcus, cmnhiuptu render him utterly wretched, hut them- is. if he will hut take advantage at it. a reliable snurse of relief from all this misery. Kuurmmr Lnnx's \‘i-:ui;~r.\r.x.l~: .lllst'tn'lllfl' Drawer-[iv (70m; AM) ”Lynn l’vmmzi: is. as its "mm! iumnrls. n lmtzuzit: preparatinu, {we {ruin Ininnml puisnn. and an all sullicient remedy for indigmtinn gin Its most uhstinutc form. It. nut uuly on- riches the blow] by ennhling the digestive praaus to convert. the fund rug/chm} into nutriment, hut depurates it. by incl‘cafliug the acliou 0f the lmwels and laidnuys‘ tluu natural outlets lur its impurities. But. wln‘m it relaxes the lmwels. it never dues in, violently i:ll_‘l with pain, like u drastic euth- pi'tic. it aids, hut nchr fumes, Nature, in-. viguruting as troll us purifying and rcgulnb ing the systmn. lt thoroughly rmnm‘es those diseased liugnnurs which trnd to viti- ate the blood, purities the urinary secre- limv, and prumotrsn ll w of healthy lrilu )utu the natural channel, lit-sides expelling; it from the uin-ulntinn. l'preriuHCe hm pmwd that this standard medicine is a thorough remedy for dyspepsia. hilxuusnuss‘, J'OSllVUIM‘S-‘l, kidney cm‘upluiuts, semfulu. yrysilwlus. salt rhuum. lumlmgu and all Im- purities of the blend. l’riec SH“, Sample. :pulc It) Certs. Ark {m Nmrrnimr t'e LY- un‘s Vegetable Discurcry unvl Dyszwptiu ,(‘urm ’l‘hc wrapper lw-nrs a Incwimllr of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. ‘ HE UCBY caution and {uphill I any and l all panama against hau-hmu'iug or giving credit bu my wife, Margaret Jana Hrignall. who in, l buliew. at the Widow Juhn Mur- riuon'u, in Wuodville, as I Will not pay any debt she may contract or any debt that may be contracted in her behalf after this date. she having rcfusml to live with me without any autliciont cause or provocation. \Vitngeap. THUS. BlglGN ALL, A__An-‘-\.-. A E WISECORDS. April 17th, 1882. Municipality of Mariposa HE Court of Revision to revise the - Assessment Roll of the 'l‘mvuship of Maripusa forthuyezn'A. 1). 1882, will be held at the Town Hull, m the COURT OF REVISION MONDAY. MIKY 29.1882 All parties interested fiwill please govern themselves nccurdiugly. Clerk's Olfiue, Uukwood, May 4th, 1882. Joux F. Cuxmxas, Township Clerk. Township of Eldon HP Munici} )1! Umncil of the Township of Eldon \vlill huld a (f nurt of Hmisinu to mvisc the Assessment 110“ 0f said \iuni cip1ulit~y 10) the year 1852, at Village at‘ Qalgwggd! McIntyre’s Easel, Lomavilla -â€"ON~â€" Monday” May 29,1882 All parties intereated win please govern themselves uccurding‘y. Clerk's Ofiice, \Vnndville,Mny 18f, I882. AN mum! Mommm, Clerk of Municipality. Befoié Ming “‘3 firm; 45mm ENGLISH REMEDYâ€"â€" Au unfailing; cure lor Seminal \Vcalmess. Spermatorclwn. lmpotcncy. and all diseases that follow as a consequence of SeifiAbusn ; as loss of memory. Universal Lussitndo, Pain in the Back, Dinmcss of Vision. Premature Old Age, and many other di~cnse3 that. load to Insanity or Consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pmnphlut, which wo, desire to send free by nmil to every one. no‘ The SrI-zcu'xo Mx-zlmrlxu is gold by all druggists at SI per yncknge, or six pzzckagos for $5, or “ill be sent free by mail on receipt of the money. by addressing ALE XANDER MSTCEELL. MARBLE BJILIXN 3 PURI’OS Monuments, Tombstones, QARfiIAGE WORKS, WoaDanLE. ’1 E R1118, a’. 1'} A S ON A B L I 2‘. Everything in the lime kept on 1mm] or made monk-n ml short. IluliCd. Having in my employ mme but First-(Haas Workmeu :uul lhu only FIRSPCLASS CAREHAGE PAINTER In town. I’m-rim having fim-mul. Hnml Rigs in repair, BMW ur trnn, should ick'll them nlung._ Sumo 'If ”20, lwxb rigs ever made in \Vomlvillu nearly finished, All. le-Ic 'Vflrl'flflfl'd. nunsn 5110mm A sv-lcm MTY 1N5280T10N INVITED. ”SQ UEZ‘QF EEVISIQN Caution a. 7 'r:%?3s fig; v). , CAMBRIDGE DBAIJIR AN A.\L_i MJNUFACI‘UIU’Z 1 01" , 9‘. KARWQQE. 0)? SI i Ult'l'liS’l‘ ;\' UTICE. At 10 o’clock in the forcnoon. THE ”BAY MEDICINE C0. 'l‘nrnntu, Ont AND ALI. DESCRIPTIONS OP HAZE 37001353 ALI. le‘hs UP .‘s'mw: Fol: [:LT TO ORDER GRAV’S TRADE M RK, SPECIFIC '1' gm MEDICINE ' ‘ " -â€"-.\ N l)â€" . 0N.â€" ma, LINDSA Y. Gravcuhuffl. THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FIRS’E‘WOLgSS WOOL. Gardinq Spinninq Weavinq FIRST CLASS STYLE A EJEEX ENE Em @N. NORTH ONTARIO WOOLLEN MILL F ULLING AN 1) FINISHING A LARGE STOCK: OI" JPIJOUR on hand at less than Mill J SEVE {AL BARRELS OF GOOD APPLES 0N HAND. BEAVERTON, ONTARIO. r ' C-\ \SH 01’ \1 :3” KEI‘AhLI' PRODUCE, for which the highest FIERBEQ :'â€"-price will be paid. \\ nuduju' :Xlu'il 27th. 1832. GEKEE. NEQE‘*N'§‘WE§E Pflfiflfl. We are prepared to SA! any quantity of 5.2mm Mm mm 33;“me came. Moire SWIS IV oir Satins, Passemen terie Trimmings, Mil/inery, Hats and Bonnets, Formerly known as Ellis’ Mill, Black and Coloured silks and sat/H's, Black and Coloured Oashizzeres Lace bunting/s Zephyr Checks, makes! [nice p-idfin: Uuucr, Eggs. Pork “a all kinds of Produ;o.. fl Grocer/'68, Boots and Shoes. Dress Mantle Making, Millinery and Tailoring- Satin and Lace Parasols, D. - STANTON. {00d Fresh S DOCk of Groceries Of all kinds. ZEAL GRQCL'EIES, PEQVISIO/Nfi, £0. PAH) FOR ANY QUAN'I‘I'I‘Y'OI" Just received a supply of GOOD CLEAR LARD. ~AND IN*â€" Complete in all the populm-VStyles. In all tho Fashionable Shades. Rich Goods . Very fine Stock K Largest and Cheapest. Stock in town Denutiful Goods . Full Stock . Smpcrinu mu] elegant. stock. 0n the premises. on hand at less than Mill "Prices. 4| w The groan-u: Variety ul I’m-molt! in luwu M. Hmlgmu lhou. , \Vl'zfl' Victm‘iu 'l'u-uuhmn' Anuuciutiml will mum, in unnwutiuu M. WumlviHv ml Fliclny and Saturday, J mm 23nd and 24th. ‘8' ICM'I‘ Viutm'iu 'I'euchcm' Amhchuliml uro lmw in mmsiun. 'l‘lm Midlmd l"i’0“ way will iumu mum: tickeln ut mm uml a third fum In u-nclwm 'numnding ”.0 cnnvumiuu, gum! until May 27th izu clmivu. M u. (hmmm Kmm, of Mauve-rm, mid n lhwu ymn 0M cult. u t'nw “Pl'kn ngu, fol the hnmlmmm mm of 8...“). 'I'mn'l‘Y 'hmmnnd 1mm uf Howl mil,» forum Midland Railway will In: “mat to Bull-will“ thin yo-M'. 'l'hvy will '1 u conveyed tlwn: fnmn Montrcml in harm-n. 'l'mc crulm m1- w-ry lmckwural in lhiu amnion thin m-nmm. 'l'lm Woeullmr hmo lu-mn wzry Iml'uvnm'uhln to growth ; cahl mnl ruw. 'l'lm hum “mm mivm lmvo lmlpml w-gutulitm mmnly. 'l'lm (run are now almost in full leaf. ’l'lm m-mon is fully three woukn hehiml- that of l. at your. MARYâ€"Who had that little lamb I‘ml 'l'cutli nu whitc as aunw -, 8‘ 0 always brushed Shem twice a «lay With “’l'zuszuuv" you know. 00“ village corrospomlvm m the Post “71m in error when ‘hc mmlo tho "mention that (liptheria was in I‘m village. No came has yet been in this villuge,mul the only imitation of tho (llumlMeln the neighbourhood occurred some tinm ago overa mile from town. LAST week Mr. Chm. Mitchell, con~ ductor on the '1‘. (EN. R. nmil.tmin “as made We recipient ofu Imndsonw. Riivur watch and chain from Mr. \Vm. Good" erhum as a slight ucknowlexlgemmt. of his etficieut sen vice on the road during the Inner, eleven yems. 925‘ 141:1)le MAcmsn OH. is nnumfucturml solely by McColl Bras. Cm, 'l‘monto, and is the only popnl . m- Machine Oil lu-dny in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Lzudine. ASK your dmler for Castorine Mil- Machine Oil and see that the Inn-tel is branded " Gaston-inc,” as none other is genuine. hummus quantities of eggs are being shipped from this \‘iHnge just. now. This is :1 business which has suddzniy sprung into immense propullions, “- good price being paid with a firm um! growing market. This no doubt i3 owing to the extra high pricé of meat. and the largely increased exportat- Hons. MANY people are being needlessly scared by the report. of diptherin in the Village. We have the word of hoth . Clark and McKay that no case nt‘ the dmulad disease has come under their observation in W‘nodville for n. long time. This unnecessary app-rem lwnsion is working considernhln Inn-In to the village by leaving the impm-ssion among strangers that. \V‘oodvillu is u purticnlar unhealthy locality, when- such is by no means the ease. A REAL McEssrrY.â€"No house should be without. a bottle of Hagyard’s Yellow Uil, in case of accident. There is no pmpnrntiou uttered to sutl'cring Immunity that has made so many ucnnancnt cures. or relieved sn much pain and misery. It is called by some the (mod Samaritan, by others the Clll'u-flll', and by the afflicted an Angel of Mercy. ”WHAT many on; sum mm? m»: 11mm” and every one who has tested its "writs. speaks warmly in praise of Ungyard's I'm!“ tuml Balsam as a pusitivc cure for all thumb and lung cmnplaints, Coughs am] collls, mm throat, bronchitis. and inciplent consump- tmu. 7 (FROM BRAZIL. ‘ The New Compound, Its won- derful affinity to tlzo Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increasâ€" ing the dissolving juices reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful 1931313.? otDyspepsla, Indigestion. -Afitfifn 77177:!” .nnlâ€"r - aw 5‘53: emf-5,1515} 39' Zif’ERI' make Q; Zopesa an every day necessity in every 1291138. 1.,_ _-A_I -_-_-.Cll.. l... 970131 umwn. It acts gently and speedily In; Biliousuess. C'ostx’veness. Head- ache. Sick Headache. Distress afiâ€" tor Eatinmvvmd on the Stomach, Heartburn, I’m‘ns in the Side and Back, Want MA feats. Want at- Energy, Low Sgt]; . Foul Stem. cell. It In vigomto; the L1 vet, can- rics 0!! all surplus b119, regulates- tbo Howels, and gives tone to the w): 010 system. Cut this out and take it to you: Dru st and rat a 10 cent Sample am my» bottle {or 75 cents, d to)! (outnumber about it MQPE EA.

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