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Woodville Advocate (1878), 31 May 1883, p. 5

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Tm! Post will accept. our humble thmko for our correction. And we stand reproved, humbled. Errors are of such we occuronce in our sheet thzt our cotum connot Avoid detecting them. GOING NORTH. . Manors. MAIL. Exmuzns. limp ‘I‘oronto ............ 1.00 a. m. 4.55 p.111. . .. ........ [)3me .9 m " 7.10 " 10.00 0.19. flannjnqton . ..... 9.50 H 7.5) " 11.30 “ IU tor v '....L...11.2-2 6:11:33 f." ........ 1110 frmrkneid .......... 11.05 \‘Victorln Road.. . . .um Tm: sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on Ssbbsth next in the Presby- teriu-éuroh. [Alanâ€"0n Monday lutin Woodvillo, st mat and of village a $5.00bill any person who Elms found the same will please leovo 3t “Tho .onocun Oflicc” Woodville. "- Brocuded Silks, Mantle Silks. Mmtlo sOrnsments. Passimenterie Trimmings, ([0,, at McIntyre . Prior’s, Woodville. Tm: New Midland time table will short- ]y be iaauetl and trains from Midlnnd will rundown the T. N. Branch to Wick where they will connect with the train to lone Port Hope at 6. a. m., connecting with train from Peterborough It 7. e. m.. andpaasing Lindsay at about 8. e. m. This «rill cell for euly time from this station, but to counterbalance the change trains will leave Toronto an hour earlier. This will be much better- Other changes will be mode in the time of this part of the road which will receive our attention more fully when the tablenppears. In. Seaside Library and miscellaneou- .'-booku at Guam Bms., Wacdville. “R. J. Scan. for some time put 5 touch- erin the Glasgowschool, his, we undentcnd, purchasada general stock of good: in the v'ilhge ot Woodville, to which place he will in All probabil'ty remove. as noon u his place cm be filled in the school. We wish him ancoeu in his new sphereâ€"Uxbridgo lluavdian. Mn. DUNCAN MCDOUGALL who ha been engaged in tfiia office for the past four yen: 'left for Toronto on Monday last, to .9061: “me and fortune. We hope to see him find them. ILThe Chea afzegt Tweeds Ind Wontedu at Mprtyre 6: "nor a, Woodvllle, Nmfinza can be mo-re planing to the eye than 3 nice concoction of House plmte. Mt. NV. G. Smith has a fine vsriety on hand. "Cheap Pliuts, Cheap Sateena, Cheap Grommet), at McIntyre Prior'a. \Vood- \‘Ille. W All Wool Tweed. 500%. per ysrd. 1t McIntyre a; Prior’s, Woodville, ‘- NEW Feathers new Flowers Huh trim- milga kc to nrrive about Friday. McIntyre k. Mar. WAT Limlanv on the QM: inst. by the I30:- J. "Mun. Mr. Jim Jack to Miss Isabella Margaret Nichols, all of El-lon. \Voodville. . Linduy. Cnnnington U xbfldge . . . Toronto. . . Vwmuu Conunlflouxcn. will meet on Tuesday, the 12th prox. BORK. ON the ‘25 inst. the wife of JM. Cameron Esq. l’. H. Bum'crton. of a son. .‘IAIH‘IJII'D. AT the Manse. llnlsover, on tho 24H: inst. by the huv. J. 'l‘. l‘aul .I‘szlrc‘ '1‘. Multan. (0 Hannah. leminm Swarmiuuse. both of Eldon. we auppoee from the feet thet noth- ing is being done, that it was a. failcri. This is certainly a disappointment end a .grevioueloss tomanyfermere in this vicinity . We are acquainted with several who largely alcrenscd the number of their cowa. and payed a large price for animals besides seeding down considerable of their lends with the expectations that the factory was toopen this spring., Now however, it is found that it will not. We do not know any reason why A chemo factory should not pay well here. in fact during the period of oper- ationslost year we Were informed the re- coipts Were remarkable good Mill had it continncul this season. would umloubteillv been increased to double. “'0 are of the opinion that a joint stock company could not find a better invostnwnt than the Womlville choose factory. Trains sass Orillia Station as followszo-Going Southâ€"a 5:40 and 8:30 a.m,; 5:00 pm. Going Northâ€"At 12:35.9. an (19:35 pmm. WE have hen-d many complainta lately anent the \Voodville cheese factory. From present uppearances the institution is not to be in operation this season. Some time ago parties were in the village endeavouring to form a stock company for the pmposo of op- erating the factory. a meeting wee advertis- ed but the result we have never heard but Mu. Nan. PATrnasox left for Colondo. U. 8. Int Monday. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. Sn'noxs. 39mm: gum! an“: NORTHERN RAILWAY. GOING SOUTH. MAIL. Emma“. 8.10 11.65 “ 1245 p.111. The Court House, Towh of Whitby, County of Ontario E hereby notity the public against the magic- tiation of a note of hand, given by Phi 1) Smith, of Muiposo. in our favor and dateu. November 8th, 1380, and due February 15$. 1883, Value $33.00. 7 WM. SMITH 00. At Lowest Rates. Mortgtges and Debentures bought. Persons wishing to Buy. Sell or Lease, (arms or other proportion will plum communicate with me. All accounts to be acted upon during the session must be in the hands of tho Clerk on or before the lat June. 1883. JNO. E. FAREWELL. County Clerk's Office. County Clerk. Viitby, May 15th, 1883. will be held in the Council Chamber, at the Court House. in the Town of Lindsay, on Buvenon. May 28. 1883. in harsh given thnt I meeting of the Municipal ouncil of the Corporation of the County Clerk's Office, Lindsay, May 28th, 1883. BUILDING suitable for a. ahoemaker‘e or tailors sho . with dwelling. (situated on Lot. 15.1“ Como! T 01111). A piece of garden ltnd mnynlso be had it required. Apply to, LACHLAN JOHNSON, May Will, 1883. Benetton. P. 0 Clerk's Office. OAkwood. May mat, 1883. RPORATION OF THE COUNTY 01" VIC- TOR-IA. Tuesday, the 12th June, 1883. OTICE is hereby iven that the Court of Re- vision to revise t 0 Assessment Roll of the Township 01 Mari as. for the year. A. D. 1883. mi 1 be held at the All parties interested will please govern them» selves accordingly. Annual Meeting ! IlHltting boots and shoes onuso corns. Hollo- way‘s Como um is the article to euro. Now THAT there is a reliable remedy tor-kidney roubles. halt the terrors attached to those com- plaints have been rumovod. For this let. us bu thankful. and to Du. VAN Ilmum's KIDNEY Cum: award all praise (or having thus removed a hither- to considered fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by all drugmsts. E annual meeting of all intorestcd in the Smith Cometm'v, uh Con. 01 Eldon. will ta. 0 place on TUESDAY. JUN I 5TH. at Q o‘clock p. m.. at tlietoaideiica of Wm. Smith, Esq, 4th «'01:. Eldon. A large attendance is rcquustml as busi- ness of much importance to all interested in tho cemetery will be transacted. The superiority of Mother vaes‘ Worm Ex- torminatoris shown by its good effects on the children. Monday, June 11th, A.D. 1883 Eldon. May 3151:. 1883. J. S. Wothorell. wrltln from Winnipeg. says: "I can saymoro about ’nosmm’rmn now than whenl saw you last in Toronto. My health is much lm wovodmndl am free {rom headaches or any no ms, having only used two apd nhalfhot- :12: of your l‘hosphatlno. For sale by all drugg a . G. W. Mingny. I'nrkdalo. Toronto. writes: "My wife had sovuml very severe attacks of cramps in tho stomach. Hearing of Dn. Ausrm's Pam-urn- ATINE. and its plaamutnoss to take. I van; her two bottles, and she has not had an Mtac since. and her health is much inuu-ovod." For sale by all druggists. Mr. (l w. \lncully. Pavilion Mountainm B. writes: "Dr. Thomas l.clm:trlc Oil is the boat nmdicinn I ovur nsml {m leunmtimn Nonrlj. ovory winmr lmn laid in i with Rheumatism. and have tried nmn‘ly ovary iml of Medicine with- out new“ -' mn' lmnom until I used Dr. Thoma-U Eclectric on It has worked wonders (or Inn and I want another supply for my friends 620“ Township of Mariposa ./ An tho TORI u! \\ hitor vanish IIIIIlor the mimic iII~ llueuoo of the sun a nun. Rn does Bright's Dimmw. Dropsv, Stone in tho Kidnnya mu] Bladder. and lunaumimtimi v! the Kidna) 3. leave thu mm up on the administration of DII VAN Bum-2N a Kln NRY Cum: Hold ny all «lrnggists. Tm: Rnt‘K 0N wmcu MANY a constitution {zoos to plum-is is Dyspo min. The loss of vigor w m-h this diwnso invo v09, tho nmimlios which ac~ compunyitmr which are aggmmmdby it, tim montal :iespomioncy which it entails. aro tor- rihiy exhnnaiiw of vital stamina Its true speci- ficia Northrop it Lymnn‘s Vorotnhin hismvvry and Dyapnptio Cure. which Ii «wise ovurcomos hiiimm maladies. fonmlo Minion”. and those conpiml With impurity of tho hlnmi. Joseph lmsml. Pony: "1 mu: induced to tr'y Dr 'l‘hmnm' Holmetric (HI for n lmnonuns whic l troulviod mo {m- tlnw‘w or four yours. and I found it tllolmst nrthlo [Mar “and It hml 1mm] a mu Mn'flnu tnmo" l-‘rmuls may llnitntu Dr. lmmaa‘ Eclnctric Oil In apmmmnoo and mun". mt In omryflniug also they are dead failures Money to Loan ! Tm 3311. Village 0: Oakwa. Court of Revision. NOTICE 31-} Council of the Corporation of the County 01' Ontario will meet. pursuant to Statute at Tuesday, June 5th, 1883. ~COUNTY OF VICTORIA.- at 12 o'clock. noon, for the transaction of general business. By order, T. MAT(‘HE‘I"1‘. @y _Clerk_Ԥ Dingo, County Clerk. ' To Rent. Note Lost. 3132:1111 gamma. at. 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. A. J. SINCLAIR. Barrister c., Cauuingtou, Ont. JOHN. F. cgNNqus. P. McSWEYN. Townshifi Clerk. Sou-Tress. ALL the glands no secreting organs of which the liver is the largest. Regulate the lundulu secretions and open the cl (:4 chum a oi oi!- culatiou with Burdock Bl Blttoru. Mr. '1‘. 0. Wells. Chemist and Druggiat. Port (‘olbome Ont. Writ“: Northrop L 'nlan's Vugetablo discovery and d amnc ‘ um 84!] 5 well. and gives tlw bout of all action for all disuasos of the blood. It never tail: to root out Ml dis- eases from the system. cums D‘yupo is. Liver Com laiut. out. pun-mes the bloat . an will nuke you ook the picture of beam um happiness. Ix Tm; history of medicine no preparation bus received such universal commendation {or the alleviation it nilords. and the permanent cure it oflocts in kidnoydiwases. as DR. VAN Bmum‘a KIDNEY CURE. Its action in those distressing onlilplainta is simply womlurful. Sold by all drug,- gls 8. Fall Wheat. . . . . Spring Wheat ..... Araneota. Wheat” Barley ......... . . “ Oats... . Peas .............. Potatoes, pm: bag.. rnu "nuns“....-..."...........--...q Spring Wheat ........................ Araneota. Wheat ..................... Barley ......... ........ ..... Oats....... ............. Peas ..... . ..... . ........... ... ........ Potatoes,perba.g...................... Apples. per barrel ............... Butter ................... ............. Eggs ................ . ..... ......... Beef. hind quarters ................ . . . . Pork .................................. Spring Wheat. 0 93 Ltg. 0 95 Amuocta “fl: 0 85 a 0 90 Barley 0 40E!» 0 60 Oats. 0 40 at 0 45 Peas ........................ 0 60 (1» 0 70 Butter. per m cash. 0 15‘s 0 Is was, per dozen trad 0 13 («t o 14 001 perm. ..015@018 Potatoes pe .. 0 $690 35 Rye.. .. 0 53 Li! 0 70 Hides .. 3 00 Q 4 50 Pork 7 (I) @ 7 50 Beef" 6 (I) @ 7 50 Geese, 1 .. 0 05 (a 0 M Chickens. per .. 0 05 @T 0 16 Turkeys, per .. 0 09 Q o oo Clover .... ... ..QWQIOM Timothy“ ...................... 8 (I) O B 50 BEAVERTON MARKETS. Fall Wheat .................. Peas. Black-eyed .......................... Butter, per lb trade ................ $88.1)” dozen trade. . . . ... . .. 001, par 1!) . . . . . .................. Potatoes. per bushel ......... ..... Apples. per bushel ................ Pork ................... . ........... Fa]! Wheat ......................................... 30 (X) @ 0 9‘) Wool. pm- In ......................................... Potatoes. per bushel“ Rye ............................. Hides .. Pork Beef ................ Geese, per lb ...... Chickens. per lb ..... Turkeys. per lb ..... Despairing and hopeless sufferers. disappointed in nthor medicines. should try “Fousnux or HI-‘Al’.’l‘fl." We will relieve or care you or re- fund the money. "Fousnm 0? Hanan“ contains all the best known blood purifying horlus. roots and brake-- acting upon the stomach. bowels and kidnvys. I 11139 no equal in the world. One dollar per bot. t o. It act: as nature's reme lios alwayado â€"prom t l_\'. It is laxative tonic and climatic. Those w o are not satisfied win] other medicines should not fail to try "Fousnmor Hmmn.‘ Price 31111 If you are not feeling “quite so young as you used to bo," instead of considering your “day past. use one bottle of “Forxnlx or Hmn’rn“ or kidney trouble. Sold by all drnggists at $110 GUARAN'rm-t.â€"Every bottle of the “Fovxrux or mum-n" hears the written mmmnteo of the proprietorsâ€"all that it is recommended to do it must. accomplish. or tho money refunded. Nature needs but gentle help to remove ob- .ntructions. A few doses of “FOUNTAIN 0! HEALTH." arouses the liver and kidneys to healthy action, cleanses the blood and renews life. Ina" styles. Single und Double. including the Famous “ Bambridge,” Which we intend to clear out at the howeet. Pos~ aiblo prices. Carriage Works ! Repairing and Painting Hodge's Adjustable Carriage Top. \Voodvlllo, April 25th. 1873. 5O BUGGIES 5O Built to order and from the host mafmials. P. G. Campbell, LOCAL. MARKETS. I'â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"' Sold by ' ' ”" ""' " DIJGGIS'IS a DEALERS Everywhere. Campbell’s Guumru zâ€"Aflor fair trial. with no rellof or cure affected, your money wlll be refunded. _ PRICE, $1.00. For the Spring Trade we have built Waggons Cheaply and Quickly Executed. 8010 Agent for \VOODVILLEM \BKETS. WOODVILLE, ou'r. TORONTO MARKETS. ....-~.. ......... ........... ......... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... 6800800000‘1 mmmmmmumwwmm poaoaooaegca 66003000001..- fimofimmflc.mmmm wwwmmfifimumwmmmmwmmfiw 01000000000077181725 @@@@@a@6@@@@@@u@@@@@ mwmwwmmmmmmwmmmmmmmm M1000000000076360715 Wfifligz Call and see them. An I have added a. First-Class Loom to my mill I am ublo to munuhcture at. the following pnces: per yard. Fulling and Finishing. 12 cts. Fulling and Pressing, 100ts. per yd. Falling, 70158. per yd. Weaving, all wool, llcts. per yard, twilled. do half cotton, cotton provided by me, 14cts per yard, twilled or plain. Weaving, half cotton, blue, cotton provided by me, 15cts, per yard, twilled or plain. I beg to return my thanks to my numerous friends and cusâ€" tomers for their past patronage and hope for a. continuance of the same, and I now offer to the public the best stock of Calding and Picking 5cts ,Greasing, 20138 per lb. Carding and Spinning, 150138. and 9 lbs. Yarn oil 10 lbs. Wool. Czuding, Spinning and Weaving, all Wool Full Cloth, 40cts. All Wool Tweed 65 to 700ts. per yard, very cheap. All Wool Full Cloth 70 to 65cts. per yard, extra value. Bed Blankets, best in the market, at 62: cts. per lb. Horse Blankets, very cheap. ' All Wool Shir-tings at 40 to 45cts. per yard, great value. Half Cotton Shirtings, Sheeting and Tweeds very cheap North Ontario Woollen Mill! May 15th. 183]. All Wool Tweeds, Full Cloths, Shirtings, Bed and Horse Blankets, Give me a. call and judge for yourself 1883. Ducks, Denim, Shirtlngs, Shootings, Prints, Oottons, Gloves, Hosierv, Table Linens, Dames)“, CNVJMBS, Towels, eating. Silks. lemma, Velvets, Cottons, 5 to l‘Zficts per yd. Dress Goods, 8 to GOCts. per yd. Sauna, Silks, ransom, vexvou, Tweeds. Heady-made Elolhing. Hals and Caps 8th Gum. THE QNLY CHEAP STORE; D, MON-£5.39, 13‘ a\'(:rt()n._ The Toronto House! \VILFON'S Fnr Droex Goods Prints c.. R. \\ [LSOV'S For Boots Shoes -~. 1!. \VILSO\‘ S Fnr Ducks Donima Holland H. WILSOV‘ S For Fresh Groceries: Crockery Linens, To“ oiling. Cottons 6:0. and Glassware. H. WILSON’S BflAmwem em". Alex. Dobson, Proprietor. I will give you a higher price for your Wool than my man in Benetton. Cash or Trade. EW SP I will Guarantee Satisfaction. Is the place to get a. good Suit Ready-Made or to order. Call and see for yourself that we are To be Sold at the Very Lowest Prices, AT H. WILSON’S, WOODVILLE, Cheaper GR.OCERIES As all the above goods no my own munuhctm than any price» list yet published. A large stock of at the following prices: MB moms: ALEX. DOBSON, Boavorton.

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