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Woodville Advocate (1878), 1 May 1884, p. 8

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It is with regret We ch uf Mr. Robert Green, who age of 1M ye-nrs, lm leaves ; ("Md in mourn hi1 untimv irod neighbour and was Scarlet lunar lms altacku‘l tlm village. Sweral families are sullen-r1 nt ln‘rs‘unt, \Ve Wolllll leiso tlm cuumril of Hu- khip to nppulut :\ health Village in the uumicipality 'l'uwn- utlicur in each Mrs. Baden of this villngm a duck that one day last \vcck eggs (natural aim) in mm «lay. From Our Correspondent Daknla. He did not find that {gm} of Promise all that he anticipated and after a abort tour of the state he has cunm lmck. Mr. James McLeod east of here one day Inst week, while his horse: ware feeding at noon, carried on his back a huvy plow one undone half miles to the hlncksmith shop. There will be lit) preaching 'in 1'} church next Sunday, {as Mr. preach at Eldon Station. ldon Gillies is to Mr. (leo. L. Fisk has returned home from A serious and probably fatal accident occurred on Sunday lost. to Alexander Mc- Alpine. eldest son of Mrs. P. McAlpino, it appurs the little fellow end some other boys were amusing themselves on the rnilwsy turntable, when he accitlently got caught and was jsmod so bad that his recovery is despair-ed of. This turntable is highly dangerous and should he removed or chil- dren prohibited from using it. The weaker in Illâ€"that could be desired at present. and if dry this week seeding will be neurlv completed in thin section. At the residence of the groom'e brother. Mr. Ssmuel Dumber! 5th Con. Eldon, Mr Chembera, of Cembny was united in the bond- of wedlock to Miss Maggie Murray of Brock. After the knot was tied the young couple Martel for Cemhrey, we wish Elem much joy and a long, happy end pron- peroul life in their We'l'lml sphere. The most of the fall wheatln this vicinity ha been ploughed up. .Bfr. Alch. Shaw 7th Com. bu rented the McAlpine farm east of here for the sum of 8350 per Innum. We Wish him auccus in his enterprise. The Smith farm containing loo acres was sold last week by auction 1|: Woodville for the mm of 83,100. Mr. Alex. MoAlpino Lindmy was the purchaser. We are informed that Mr. some of Wood- villo intends moving here soon, 9nd will Burt businoal in connection with Mr. Fruer, our bhckamith, this will be 3 great. convenience to this section. “'0 have no doubt but he would do well here. Ptom Our Correspondent. Mr. Fraser, agent for Harris Son Cos. celebrated selfs-binder, hm on hand all kinds of farming imolementa. He intends erecting a shop where he will guarantee to the far- mers to keep on hand all kinds of repairs. Mr. Fraser is well known in this part of the country to be one of those men in whom the utmost confidence can be placed. consequent- ly the farmers should not hesitate to send in their order for farming implements at once. Mr. McKenzie is having a handsome porch erected at the front of his residence, Mr. McFMlyen is the builder. On Thursday evening a tegnlerlenp-year petty took place at the residence of Mr. Foster, and was largely nttended by the man-ingenhle young men from Our village. The party was euccess in every respect. Tney ell enjoyed themselves immensely. One sunny tiny during the fore part of ti 0 week A stranger, who we. driving three cows appeared in our thriving village and site:- heving rested himself oflered his cattle for sole. Hsving ssked s reasonable price, Mr. J. McDonsld of our villsge mode s “desi” with him giving 07?.“ for the cows. On the (allowing day another strenger who appeared very much excited srrived in the village and hestily enquired if a. stranger had recently sold three head of cattle here, On being . nuswored in the smrmetiVe, he stated that they had been stolen from him. but did not feel disposed to follow Mr. McDonald for the nettle, but pushed on to Orilliu where he overtook No. l. and compelled him to pay him for his cattle. Onzthe third dsy tinâ€"- other innocent looking stranger, who was foot-eon, weary .nud dry, sppeared on the scene looking for three cOWs elem. He pro- duced a chettle morgege on the three cattle, mounting to 819.50 and I suppose Mr. McDonald will hve to pay him. Ho". ever, Mr. McDonald did not feel disposed to be trifled with in this wsy end so he telegraph- ed to Orillil to have No. l and 2 sneeted. We have not heard whesther they were captured or not. It is supposed it was 3 “put up job" among them. They wore from Heliburton. On Thumday evening Mr. John King, fireman in McKenlie Bros. saw-mill. WM Iuddenly attacked with rheunmtism and on the following dav was unable to movo hand m- foot. This is the fifth time that John has been taken down with that Very painful dime. As the wnrm weatlmr is setting in it in supponed he will mover in ; feW days. From Our Correspondent. of this village claims t) have Maple Hm. Lomovlllo. timely cm], was loved I: Klrkflold. chronicle the death Im «liml M. Um early la a whlnw and mu! k produced two he was A r all who ! Wnnnv. â€".lrm. 9. Fab. 1. Mar. 1. Apr. 1. May 1 Juno 1. July ‘2. Hopi. l. Oct. I. Nuv. I. Doc. 1,, llnomanâ€" [May 2. July :1. Sept. ‘3. l)rrrm's(‘luznk.~ Man. 3. Mar. .1, .\‘m-. .1. l‘ulfl‘ I‘mun'.~~.lau: 22. Mar. l2, May 5. July 7, Supt. 22. Nov. n. llxun1mu:.-~.lau. 23, Mar. 4. May 0. July 8. Supt 2.". NOV. 13. Cassixu'rnx.~dan. 24. Mar. 5, May 7. July 0. Sept 2!. NOV. [9, zvtnnums. .Mar. 0. May 8. July 10. Supt. 35. Nov. ‘JI. l'rl-ltuulur\'n.«.\lz\r. 7. May I. July ll. Septm Nn\'.‘.’l: W..- , ._ ___.__._. .â€" ‘1 ll(‘ ”(‘5 the Comm \Vhithy, Jnn ammm. Transient advertisements Outs F insurtiuu 3cts. per line each en mar tion. qunauled by a scale at Drunkâ€"McKiunon'a Store. Beaverton. 1 SUBsCRlI’TION :-â€"$l.00 per auuum, m vance. or 3|.th if not no paid. ADVERTISING RATIIS. foolumn, 1 year ................... 8|! Wu: ficnvcrtvn Qixprtssl JOS. J. CAVE, PROPRIETOR. Eh»: avnndvmc gamma? Omen :-K1.~m Swan. Woouvu.1.x. The best salve in the world for Cute. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Cheppedllnnda, Clrilblains, Corns, end all Skin Eruptions. and positivuly crma Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect antitfection, or money re. funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John McKinnon Benetton. Sittings of Divisim Courts for 1884 lever on. Up. If you are suffering with low anal depressâ€" ed spirits. loss of appetite. general debility, disordered blood, wank constitution. heali- ache, or any disease of a hillOllfl nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to ace the rapid improvement that will iollow: you will he inspired with new life. strength and activity will return; ain and misery will ce:\ae,and liencefortli you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cent. a bottle by John McKiuuun Bauer. A-.. Published by order 0! 03! Sunday last a party of young men left Midland for a pleasure sml on the Gear- gian Bay. The day being beautiful_ no danger was apprehended, and their destinzu tion being reached the return was commenc- ed. Ae commonly occurs on these waters 3 squall suddenly arose, the boat capsized and the party of tWelve were thrown into the water, fully two miles from lead. After drifting in the icy waters for an hour en a half, the party were seen and those who survived rescued. three lost their lives from the severe coldness of the water. One of the deceased was s commercisl traveller nemed Posse, and well known in this vil-- lege. The others were “'m. Conn, agent of the Great North “'estern Telegraph 00., and one Chlrlie Hastings, of Midland. Cards not exceeding one inch mu Boating Accident . at Midland. to_ Miss Flora McDonnld. of Woodville and by whom he land two children, lnd taken to himwlf still another spouse. in the person of Miss Msggie Mel-eon of Hamilton, with whom he was than living. Mina McLean betting of her husbands, faithlessnesa promptly had him oriented, and he is now lodged in jail. The case came up for hear- ing before the police Magistrate on Monday, but was postponed until the 30th. 0N Saturday last a young man, weli known in Woodville, named Atchison Nixon, was arrested by Detective Reid, on a charge of bigtmy in Toronto Nixon was arrested while st work and the warrant asserts that Nixon _who was married some (our years ago Rood: splendid.â€"Fnll What looking well, but some spots killed.-â€"Fumero busy plowing. several fields of “heat sOWn. Sunday] School reopened in 8. S. No. 9. Sugar making ovenâ€"Vinegar making now. A Woodville Lady Interested. The Misses Nicholsons are home on a. visit, t‘iey are looking Well and we hope are hav- ing a pleasant time.â€"Miss Etfis Tolmlo want to Toronto last week to fill a position there with her cousin Miss M. Smith. of \Vuod- villaâ€"Miss Robinson. of Fenclon Falls, is visiting Miss C. Kennedyâ€"Miss M.Lamlsll. is in Lindsay where she intends to remain for some time.â€"0ur new neighbors. the Down are busy moving to the Murchison estate. Mr. Knight lost a valuable mare and foul. recently also a cow mul calf aml IeVernl lamlns, the loss is a heavy _b!ow to Mr. Knight. know him, his and was peace. Bucklon'o Amlca Sake. A 0/185 0F BIG/11W IRS“ st Dollar \\ ovk h in mu. 4. May 0. July 8. 80m Mar. 5. May 7. July 9. Sept MM' 8. July 10. 80M. 35. May 1. July 11. 1-1. l-‘Al§_l}\\'}tl.l.. tho Oonoml Sessions Clerk fort-hm Ponce 99“ per line Int . 85.00 per Isequcnt in- f nunpnriul. ”NE! 00 .. 2U 00 . 30 (N) v Ont. . Rections l5 and 16, Township 4. Range 2 '23" acres ; ulau \\ est. Half 9, Township 7. lhmgc 1:2. 320 wrvs. Sections 1.") and 16 i1 m-nr the ’I‘uwn of Mun-is, anal mnwnicnt tn :1 Railway. “'1" uxvlmllge for Lands in Ontario. \lsn A number of Improved Fnrlns fur Sale ill tlw Colmtim nf ()mnl‘iu. Victoria. Bruce, (Turk-tun. Dumlns, Hurlumn. Hwy, llnltml. Kent, l.‘\llark.~ N wmlk, Hinwm‘. \\ vllaml nlltl .“llflkflkfl. TIN-«v fulnm “i” Imfiultl chmpnml on may h-rms uf “nun“..o mmnv 1‘0 mm H yuu want a Farm Manitoba Landg )0} Sale Graduate 0! the onlarlo "otrrlnary College, VETERINARY INSPECTOR. omcnzâ€"Mndicnl "all. Woodvilio. Will he in Benvnrton «very Tuoadny. Orders left With John McKinnnn. Drugglst, Boavorton. 0r hv mlncrnph. will receive prompt attention. The undersigned has for sale a quantity of first-class Seed Peas. Apply to J N O. K. CAMPBELL, Lot 1, lst Con. Thorah SEED PEAS misfit“: \IK‘FA “Y! H. P. HALL A (10., Nashua, NH Sold by 111 Donors ln Modlcln nu. MUCH I“ A LITTLE. Many proprletlry medicines, if they euro at all, require such a large quantity to pro- duce efl'ect that it makes them very Inn- certain and ex naive remedies. Not so with Burdock Baud Bitters. It is highly concentrated, and {or all diseases of blood. liver audkidueys, one or twu battles will cure morefithau gallons of the weak mixtures usually sold. Send for facts and figures. The superiority of Mother. Gravea’ Worm Exterminator is shown by Its good etfecta on the children. Will chase the board to n mural brown, or black, :- deslrad. It produces I pomunt color am. will nol wuh away. Con-hung o! n dnglo pnmuon. it In applied with»! trouble. Ayer’s Sarsaparllla. He who pruphcsies falsely of the weather. lemma otf Ins flannel: and overshoen. and catches cold. is indeed unwise. If you follow this {also pro bet your rescue lies in taking Hngyunlu ectoml Balsam. It Is the best coughcun and the safest throat and lung remedy Imam: to medical Boicnce. The no for a abort time of Baum Han lumen wonderfully improves the pore eoual appearance. it. cleanm the ecalp from all impurities, came all human, lever. and dryneee, and time prnenu baldneee. re nimulatee the weakened glands, and enable. them to push forward a new and vigorou- growth. The eflecta of this article are aoe transient, like thoee of alcoholic prepara- tionl,but remain a long time, which make. In use a matter of economy. Jx-cob Locklnan, Buffalo. N. Y.. says he llu'boeu using Dr. Thomas’ E lechic Ull fur rbuuuiauam; hu hanl such a 1:;qu back he could nut. do anything. but one bottle hm, tn use his own expressinu. “curwl him up." He thinks it, is the best thing in the market. um: Me «annulment qr “Jpn-0516.7 7 The proprietors hue often been surprbol u the receipt of onion from remote cou- trleu. when they had never nude In won 101 lb lnh‘oductlon. fully [not all the requirements need“) {or ‘80 pm:- "about. o! the but and mlp. mull Hm Bunwn bu stendlly [rov- h (not, and upreud la lune and non)“. to our: qmr of the gumbo. lu annual- lolod uncoo- m be attributed to b!“ one “wwmeWHIJxmu vu- tho first prevention perfectly alum to are about: 01 the scalp, and the am nui- uurul mm: of ham orgny mm to no nun] colonmwth, Ind youmml bun”. 13 Inc hid my Inn-um, but non. hate u BUGKINGHAM’S DYE HAIR RBNEWBR H A L I... ’ 8 Vegetable Sicilian THE FAL§E PROPHET. .,g mama-on? WHISKERS A. GUNN, v. s, Blood Dhordorn. the but. remedy. because the mod: nomhlng’und thorough blood-purifier, P03 ALL THE FORKS or Sustain". Mercurial. all wm address mmlly on NB Till to farms will he mi terms «If payment. at "l, mu! 7 per cent. wen! Farms for Sale 'in. Victoria, Bruce, mu. Urey. Hallo". , Nitm'm‘, “cllanll I .\ V l'IR'l‘UN or call pur- Highest Price Paid for \Vool. Full Cloths, comsc and fine, Tweeds, Flannols, Stocking Yarn, Cottonades, sum- lnga, WInceys ac. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. ORDERS SOLICITED. PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. SODA, ABERNETHY AND PRU)? BUISCUH'S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3m. 30115 and Putt? a Specialty The W lledlun to} “In no vmkenelu And «lulu-ore of them than Ill one: Cumfin com- bhod. It bu mono Indus of‘Jio magi” ADVER‘I'ISEMENTS of"Fanm to: Sale" and "Fun: Wanted,"'5:och"or "Seed quale"or “Wanted" Inserted in THE WEEKLY MAILfiw renu- pu no!!! end: Inset-(ion, 0: Mat mm pa won! for file Wm. M in THE DAILY HA! I: Manda Wana- puwuduchlmuuon. J. BEBRIE’S FAMILY BREAD WOODVI LLE BAKERY. Pmlnéthe tum a "ram ran {up an “FA-u Mo" CALL AT TH E Benetton Woollen Mill. (“ff-WON mnnmn, SPINNING. WEAVo mu (to. DONE AT SHORT NO'I‘L‘E. “"1379, ac" ”minty. on. One of the above will be at the Hamilton Home. BeoVorton. on the Second Monday of each month. Ho will also visit Woodville on the Second Tues- day of each month, stopping at the Queen's Hotel. ELDON HOUSE, Woonvmx, run. Inn-Ia I'm-mean. First-clan scoommodation and Imtivo servants Bur well supplied with an choicwz Liquors and Gianna. ’Bus to and from 2:11 trains. and «waxy oouvguioucc [or the travolling public. “Boyd." AlaofiMiJixâ€"e‘gi 003%?!ny a}; 11;ng Office of the Gm: Notthl eaten) Telegraph Co. COIIISOIONBI IN I. I” CONVIIANCIB GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Money to Loan atomeapn. Improved Farms toi- sale. fiwinguhlagmugu, y'ilson'a "A" and “B" and '. NEILANDS. L. 0.8. ; JOS. PINTLAND, LBJ. CARTER. dc. Outing done to and from all parts of tha village and Muflaud Runway Bunion. Charge: modm-~ ate. Residence, one door north of moon House Quoen street. Woodville . and Promptfy Exe'cuted. . ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. All kil‘ulg of Rgpai‘ging Negtly Runes: Conn-s, Halters, Whips, Curry Combo. Drunken, franks, yum! put! all kinds Agent for the loud.- Ild Ontario llvcw nun Coupe-u. Harness Maker, Saddler c. ljflypgdvmo v. Q. Boy Wgnted ! WOODVI] .LE HA RN 358 SHOP Man Street. North Em] of Bridal. FOB BARGAINS IN NEELA‘NDS a; PENTLAND G. '53 YOUNG. JNO. MCTAGGART, Kirkfield >0Y WANTED TO LEARN PAINTIEG. I For Iurther particulars apply to A A. ll. LAWSON. Painter. â€" k. ‘IVA -11..)II , I‘ -ESI‘ABI.|!!IIBD I“. ~â€" mmss swans; JOHN BERRIE, DA!LY_AN9 Waglu Man. Addnuâ€" 271: mu. magma-.4 JAMES M. LAWSON, IS UNXLD YO'U' IN Till COUNTY Tux Inn. has thin; o! Horisé le‘iiriijihi‘ié.‘ Cor. King and Stunt St In the 8mm; Count). Pfihmm an'rauml «okay. W. G. Smith 616 «7" Mitchell‘s 01d Stand. “00an (’lmicc Si'm'k of Provision and Groceries. N o 1 Labrador and Fresh- water I-Ierrings which will be sold at low prices to suit the times. J ust Received Salmon Train and White Fish. The subscriber will my The Highest Price in CASH. 0355320 Hocs, WANTED Insurance effected in pod ton-bl. Comping]; at lowest ram». No agent's loos required. Also 'Agonc tenths ' lVo Fines. No Commission Expenses reduced in a Minimum. Loans made in sums of saw and upwards on ‘ Straight Loan or on the Sinking Fund Bysvem. at I low mm of interest. Canada West Timothy and Clover Seed LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT; J. G. Gilchrist G'HJ BEEF and POULTRY 11" Cum plamts icld m the hnpp v mucus: «31111130621131.0013 mums. w ample Bottle. 10c , logthrsixo $1.- Highest market paid in Famou' Prob (lace in gichwgo for Goods. Unlocks .1" the clogged avenues of tbq Bowen, Kidneys and Liver. carrying ofl‘ graduaily without weakening the system. 1|] the impurities and Km) humors of the Eccretinns; atihe same time Cort“ Acidity ‘1 .the Stomach. curing m. opsnesa, pagan. Headaches. Dip moss. out m. Constipation. Dryness 01‘ the Skip. Dro av. Dim- nesa ofVisionJanndxce. t Rheum. Eryni 8mm Fluttenng of the cart, Nervoumus and Genqral: Debility; all these and many 0th 51mi~ Int Complaingjicld to the happv Inflrtxcnsg For sale by an dearth. !. mm a CO» Proprietors. 1m Provisions, Confectionery and Fancy Goods, Choice ' Syrups and 11! m 10 HEALTH. Good TEA for We. per pound 6 lbs $1. Anew supply excellent Light Sugar Sc! ’ per pound. I: annulled in the County. Fresh Biscuits and Cakes 0 all Kinds WA. 51m IAme. General Grocer FAMILY BR EA All parties indebted M W '\ will please call and mule \u We have just received a largo lot 0! Postmaster, Woodville. "Fresh Groceries !-- ALLAN. LINE COAL OIL ! of Sham-him, and for tho GLASSWARE Land Agency ()9. A hue and woll-uworted stock for any quantity of BEA VE ll'l‘O N IN GREAT VARIETY . P as Tho Cheapest! Also I choice stock of . 8. DUNNIGAN . "'ANDâ€"~

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