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Woodville Advocate (1878), 13 May 1887, p. 8

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Aga ADM ‘ WM .vim 1CM} n'c} ha‘ .de 13 ‘ I} rc] teller. Wheezing. gasping suflercm from Asthma. receive quick and permanent . .‘ ‘ what by usmg Southern Asthma. Cum. Sold by druggists or by mail on receipt. of price. Fishing. Excehuut fishing just now. 1 plentiful and in prime condition. Tweed: Iiiul Gen!‘ 9 I-‘ nrnlshlngs‘ I "vuu- â€"-¢â€" _‘__V , Go to Hodgson‘s for your Gent‘s Filt- mslniugs and Twoods as he is selling every line of Tweeds over 950ts. at eb- solute coat, for spot cash, all bought at. less than usual prices. The Inevitable. .. - I W -._.1 n-ln'lv- NU Chil‘lg‘“. (‘I like]: ‘5 ill Vcrlisvnu-hiw \\.E; lwh :lllt'l' l: recciwd iu'w 1m: Tuvalu. morning. Uupy run-ivul lam than that win lm lH'l(l (nor til the following week. Spccia notices and matter for 10021 columns received until Wed nesday eveniwr. Spring movmg time is here, body is busy. Overalls. UVUIu-ua. w Guntlemeu call at Hodgsou‘s cheap Gash Store for Overalls at the price of making. The End of En-dulfanco. L _ _. ._.....nun.1 ‘Tho Ontario Legislature has removed he English sparrow from the list. of in- hectivorous birds that. must not be kill- ml. Harrison Leslie’s “v. I u- v-v-__', buuu mu paralyzing picnic season will descend uguu us \um u. swuup. The suducuVely lat-at we cream wm sap thu young me 0: the uuuc. ’l‘uu uuueuerace mosquxto mu mum: and spare 1105, and swwn summer, \ubh “.5 red hot: the!“ mumetors. Its pains and its pleasures, \‘vul vanaw life‘s monotony for a month an y w ay. hull“. Is the spot. to buy Gent‘s Furnishings. Not Far Away. , :. ..A.‘..nn “le Imlultn. xiodgson’s Millinery, Dress Goods, Print. mugham, bmmug auu Uoctouaue Department, 10!: aswruueub and value, was we prize 1mm every compumur. Help Us Forward. Lvery uusmcas mun in town should be represented in the nuvertxslug columns of the L'xnuassâ€"xu fact tlus IS as neces~ usury as to Keep a. sign in 1mm. 0! any business place. ’l‘hoac who buy in lieu.- Vernon should, and generally do. consult the auvertising columns of this journal. Farmers. e-r bash for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes and any kind of Farm Produce at. R. Duushcath‘s. Beaverton. Clean Un- ‘ | â€"Il‘ A: Hun Uleun U". The btreet Inspector on behalf of the general community now invites all and snnury to clean up their premises in the inteieats of health and Godlincss. Gather up all the prmuiscuous old fruit and oyster eons, all the cast off clothing, dilapidated overshoes and boots, and dump them anywhere from wells, drains or where. and rake up chips and general rubbish, and inaugurate a. grand crema- toiy ceieniony as u. thank-offering to the olfactory nerves, and the fresh breezes of spring. Some yards need it badly. as cholera. is just now peeping around the South American bend. up, Is a larga bar of soap and a. towel at L. J. Umneron‘s for 25 cents. A fine display of Spnng Shoes at L. J. Omn- eton's, Buuvertuu. Queen's Birthday. IUII \ll. uni llluvxu Thu Committee who have in hand the " umngement of the list of sports for the Great Attraction. Queen‘s Buthduy met on Wednesdn“ ' ca" Immense crowds are daily visiting evening last and compared notes. 1 7':m'i.«::~. and Leslie‘s Millinery rooms was found that u generous response had ‘ and making heavy purchases. been made to the subscription hats and - Gentlemen. umtmouey in hand warranted offering‘ 115’ Harrison and Leslie have the guml prizee in the various gaunes. 1 best selection of IInts.Ties,'l‘weeds, rkc" Jumping, throwing the shoulder stone. ‘ m town. and Vuioug kinds ol races willhe in-‘I ~_â€"â€"â€"-‘â€":1'â€""â€"“-~-â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"~â€"-7‘_". “"â€" 1 l ,l in. A lune hull and also a quoit ' - ““â€" " (llll\::o:‘l‘l am helm: :1: mncwl. M a mm‘t- l ADVERTISE M ENT- ing of tho lllllv _.\\‘.{«u-.;.rmn ii was nlm ........ decided tou‘fvi a. ll-l"~l'-Iv. - my“. my , ‘ x We mint ()nv Hundred Good Men at valllml Ill, $13,} [.n' ('JJ'HAH‘LHM‘J .‘._. :‘. lrllfl' once to sell for i u . -~ v -v I Match to mu. Plan-o “1' tlu, minamn-nf , THE FONTHILL NURSERSES. [ARCEST IN u“. 21th. In the morning the liun-l gnu r CAHAQA own 485 ACRES. MM!“ to talus pl.u-(- on um morning 01 the 24th. In the cveuinv the llmnl mm a Promenade Concert-41m first ever given in llcnvcrltlxl. Altogot‘lwr tho programme oll'cred promises flll vivel. lent. day'n sport. A yacht moo. wnq intended but. ibis found impossible tn have all boats in readiness by that time. atczu'crtvu ituml Elem. FRIDAY. MAY 13, 1387. ‘JBLISHER dug mmuz'ud. At a meet. {lo .-\~a.u(".u.mn it ms Mm for“ hdl‘xlrvu'iila‘ Ri'n'cr cup 3 fur I-ntupvtnjuJ a: a. llxt‘m :iug picnic season will \um u. swuup. The G: 3T4. vH run-in (l lzlik lit-M ()H-‘l [ll (.k. Spmial Hm“ for 10mm “‘1‘! has removed and ever)" Bass are H W .I. U H 4111;: M) lliiuly m Because they have tlh goods in town. Townshlpoffhorah. vmugo Council 1: .uCl‘lua Yn- The Township of 'l“lxomh Conuc meet. hero on Sutmdu) afternoon. Selling liegunlhtss ofl‘usl. M“ lioughn the balance of the produc- tion of a largo hose factory at 65 cents on tho (loilar. Immcusu bargains. Ladies cull early and you will purchase. J. lIudgson. Beavertou. Personal. 311-315;. Bates of Toronto, paid a. fly- ing visit to town this week. Ladies. Query 6a" For choice Muslims and Laces, no place in Beaverton can offer you as good value as Mrs. McDowell. Knox Church. Ruv. G. C. Patterson preaches his farewell sermon on Sabbath next previous to his departure for British Columbia. Prizes. Prizes. We are pleased to see M}. J 110. C. Campbell about once more.â€"~- Mr. Arch. McKenzie of Point Mara, who had the misfortune to break his leg during the past winter is also able to be around again. Balls. Harrison and Leslie's Goods. Recovered and Recovering. Base Balls, Foot Balls, Lacrosse Sticks, etc. at J no. Mcliiunon's, Beaver- ton. Mr. (3,130. Bertram and wife are leaving town for Chathanl this week where they propose taking up their residence. We are sorry to lose Mr. Bertram from among us. He has been a. good and in- (lush-ions citizen. We wish him prosper- ity in his new home. New Arrivals. 1:? Another lot of Millinery and Dress Goods just opened. The Band Movlng. Appeared on the square facing the mill on Saturday evening and favoured the public with a. few selections. Paints. ‘ McDongall, Logie . Co's ready-made pgiuts all colors, the best in the market at H. Westcott‘s. Boavertou and Brechin Saturday “Mr; F. Stewart of River Street lost his fine cow last week. The loss will be seriously felt by the family who in 9. large measure were dependent on the animal. , Was anr excellent business day with our merchants. Souls. For field and garden Seeds go to L. Cameron's for the best. A Sad Loss. Very Busy. Harrison Leslie would like to engage an assistant Milliner, one of limited ox- perience. Speckled Trout_. 'One of the sucker fishers on Monday last netted a. fine speckled trout in the river. This is the first specimen which has been captured for a. term of years the last having been taken by Mr. Geo. Furniss formerly of this place. Hats at 60 cents on the S. The Beard of Health met on Wednes- day and dealt with several matters plac- ed before them. The Inspector was instructed to carefully inspect all pro- mises in the village and report to the Board forthwith as to the general condi. tion of the place. Great Attraction. L‘s," Now opening an immense lot of Mens‘ Felt; Huts. bought at 60 cents on the dollar. Call and get half :1 dozen, only 30 cents each. J. Hodgson, Beaver- ton. Board of Health. on; .H'tpm'lv I‘lmplnymont mu] no lost time. lilmml 'mnhniusion or Balm-y. boat, ad. vantages. splvnditl Outfit furnished free : any pushing :2;le can sucrcml Apply any pnsl for turn. O W I \' wage Council meets to it that Harrison Leslix many new customers ‘. ' have the most. reliable SIGN “'13.? INGTON. Toronto. Ont I have a. luruo number of accounts how one to tlnuo \eans m uuluc. Now I need money and if thesu ac- counts are not. settled as once either by cash or note. they will be placed in other hands for collection. A \Vord to the Wise is 811113- cient. WAY-UP? I hereby beg to notify the public of Bouvcrtor. and surrounding country. that I have leased the Blacksmith Shop of General BIaCksmithing, Carriage Iron- ing Horse-shoeing. Sac, M} which the best of cum and attention will be ngen. MODERATE TERMS. FRESH BREAD, BUNS and PASTRY always an hand. B ESTAUBANT. Pleasure Parties supplied at Short Notice with CHOICE PASTRY and CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM kc. Prices Moderate. HUUSEand EABHIAEE PAINTER PAPERHANGER c., â€"â€" Beavorton. Ontario. All Kinds of Work in Almu- liIm-s Executed In I-‘Irul-rluas style. Estimates Furnished 10: House work etc. Par. ties intending to paint new buildings or re- paint old ones would do well to call on me before placing their work elsewhere JAS. SNELLGROV I‘S CARRIAGE WORKS, and am now prepared to do all kinds ofwork in my line: Having made some favourable purchases of BOOTS AND SHOES for S ofl'er the public such bargains that we are bound to please them. 1\ from 50cts. to $1.00 per pair below credit store prices. I BEAVERTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. BLACKSMITHIN G. oodvillc Customels supplied bv D. K. 0111111 111011, and mders for Pastry, c left. 111th 111111 “ill 1eceixe prompt attention Dollars Brought to us Will save You Dollars. l m1nn BEAVERTON 105 CREAM PABLO/P, GENTLEMEN BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER AT $2.50 per‘ Repaxring Promptly Executed. Benetton. April 7th, 1887. C. T. YOUNG. BEM‘ERTON Woounx MILLS. ivflave yoifd Pain anywhere about you ? USE PERRY DAVIS “PAIN KILLER. ” and Get Instant Relief. BEWARE OF IMITATIous. 25 Cts. P9rBottle.___ NOTICE ! . W. Whyte, ‘ (J ASH PEREQES JRNDâ€" w; J. 3mm, 180 Pairs Men’s bolid Leather Plough Boots, $1.00. A 138 Pairs Boy’s Laced School Boots, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5’sâ€"75cts. 120 Pairs Youth’s and Boy’s High-Laced Balmorals 850ts. 120 Pairs Boy’s and Girl’s School Boots, copper toes, 600ts. 120 Pairs VVomen’s Leather-Lined Laced Shoes, $51.00 150 Pairs Misses Fine Balmorals, extra high cut, QOCtS. P. D. MCARTIIUR. Tick. Beavei‘ton 00000O00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 Beaverton. May 1st, 1887. Lines (of NewSpmng Goods}! CHOICE PATTERNS April 15th , 1887. GENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, ORGANS AND PIANOS. All kinds of Farming Implements from the Self-Binder to the Wheel-barrow, Monuments and Head Stones both Granite and Marble. EAGLE STEAM Beaverton, April 8. The Pangaea“ Mme SPRING: Do not leave your order elsewhere until calling on me. CUSTOM WORK ATTENDED TO WITH OUR USUAL CARE. JAS- CAMERON, Which we purpose making;r a. Specialty of for the season. The Latest Patterns FALL §A@££S 11’ _ ' . CAMERON’EB‘, At figures never before offered in this town. . WALLER, We have now on hand and arriving sumo 18631â€"311103. >ME BURUERS 3 PLAIN AND IN GILT! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: IIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AT PRICES AWAY DOWN. WASHER and CLOTHES WRINGERS. Jas. Cameron, AND CIIOICEST LINES. ALSO AGENT FOR THE TO BUY YOUR AGENT FOR THE ND SHOES fm apring Wear, we can to please them. Many lines we '" and . LQGAN, “5 AT SOLID CLOTH. L. J. CAMERON. Sign of the Golden Boot. air and upwards. Beavorton , On t. BEAVE RTON.

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