Visits Boavorton (Hamilton House) the 2nd unsday of each month. Mr. Noolands has had lummllolod success in the use 01 gas. (vitalized r) in this part of Canada having administered continuously (or about 19 years made a study it under Dr. Colmn. of Now York. tho ï¬rst rson who gave n {or extracting tooth has given to 146,000 persons. Boautilui artiï¬cial teeth V . Grudunte of Toronto Univmsity, Member I College Physicians and Surgeons. Ont" Ex~ minor for Sun Life and Confederation Life 00' 8. mice 3nd Residence Victoria. lloud. Ontario. ' M. JOYCE. V.S..Grmluate of Ontario Vatorl- i nary College. 'l‘orouto. Treats all diseases ‘ f domesticated animals by the latest scientiï¬c . nd most approved methods. Orders by telo-\ raph or mail promptly attended to by day or ‘ ‘ight omce:â€"â€McKinuou's Drug Store," Ben. ortol. Ontario. | SKINNEB. B:rrister. Snlicitor;’c. ~0mco. Lé-Cmuerou's New Block, Benvurtnn. Out. LS'Will be at; meh' 8 Hotel. Brat hm on any of each week, commencing on Tuesday of January. AKRON a CAMPBELL. Barristers. c.. c. 1 nomv TO LOAN-371‘ LOWEST RATES 1 AND BEST TERMS. No commission churned. mdsay Ofï¬ce Baker'sBlock Kent Street. Up- \mm. _\W oodvjllo otflce. on the lat and LINDSAY. ONTARIO. fill visit Woodvllle. (Edward's Hotel.) regularly I! the ï¬rst Monday and Tuesday. and Beaver- m. (Hamilton House.) the ï¬rst \Vodnesdn ' and 'hurmluy of each month. PURE VITAL ZED Ill administered. Beautiful and durable ART- l-‘lCHLa TEETH made. His gold lined rubber latex are pronounced “perfection." Ovur 26 car's experience. I ‘ Estate and Inmlm'nco Aqeï¬t. Conve'yaucer. 'aluator. are. MONEY T0 LOAN. ï¬liario fl CAR'I‘HY; Barristerh. Solicitors. Notmieï¬, onvoynncars. etc. omen, Quinn's Block. Otilliu louoy to Lend. Telephone comnmnicatiou. Mums MCCARTHY, Q.C., F. lvnzs, '. E. 1’. human, J. A. MCCARTHY. ARTIN a; HOPKINS. Bsrristers, Solicitor ch. Otï¬ces, Kent Street,.Lindsay. Ontario Conoy to Loan at. 6 per cent. marten. BEAVERTOS. Mm: Northâ€"11:10 a. m. and 8:10 p.111 roing Southâ€"8: 39 a m. alnd5235 p.111. WOODVILLE. wing Northâ€"10:45 a. m. and 4. 45 p.11 Mug South 9: 05 o. m undo: 00 p m. Mun: of 831mm}: "greases, OFFICE Lâ€""Tonox'ro noun: " Iâ€. lat. 1888. Money to Loan. Porpetunl [lav Press for Sale capable baleing 15 tons per day. 0. DENNE, me 1386. GRANT. M. D.. Physician, Surgeon and A0. L. coucheur. Ofllce and Busidcucu,uor. Main Ld Mara. Streets. Beuvorcou. Out. . CINTYRE 6: STEWART, Attorneys. Solic ’ . itors etc. omces overOntario Bank.Limlsay D. J. Mclx'rnus. t T. STEWART. C. GILCH RI T,Ulerk Village of Woodvillo. . Woodvme, Ont. GALLOWAY, M. C. P. 5.0., Physician. Sur- . goon and Accoueheur. Oflico and residence 11000 Street Boavortou. X0. A. JACKON. Clerk and Treasurer Town- Ihlp of Eldon. Loruuvillo. Ono. 100.000 to Loan M6 pm- mnt. on {arm pro. 'Cy. Apply to C; A. PATTERSON. Bcavorlon. _E0. SMITH. Clerk. Township of Thorah olllce Town Hall, Beavermu, Uut. EO SMITH, Hark. Village of Benetton Uoworton. Ont. J.NEELANDS - DENTIST 8m.- ETERINARY SURGEONS. C(‘ARTHY, EVANS PFPLER _ Mc- MCSWEYN, Clerk of the lat Division Court County of Victorin.â€"-Omce.â€"-WoodvuXe. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY- C._ _G[LC_H_IIIST. qury» Iiublic. Real General gamma wards. MUNICIPAL CLERKS I}. J9ENSO}LM. D.. 9. 31.. L. c: P. gs" JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher. ENTIS'I‘ RAILWAY TIME TABLE. W. H. GROSS, 3rd Thursday in evéry month. D MONABR. FOR SALE. MCCARTHY, Pzpmm a: McCAnTmr. Barrie and Alliston PHYSICIANS. LANDSAY . ON‘I‘A RIO. DENTISTRY. il l! LEGAL Beavorton Ontario Nowmnrkct. North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser.â€" Fresh Gracorios of 9.11 kind: always on hand. ) Fresh Bread and l‘nury always In "and or wall-bred Cow. 4 years old giving: mï¬k. also Supplied In order at short Notice. I 1 n Sin-,zlu Hursu Paddling Waggon, fur ualu __. . l clump. Apply to ' . x . . ‘.~‘ â€AT . During the Sumnmr bmmh’ [co Cream alwayn ,0 IOIIJGHEHN m". Beuverton. on "and. ‘ ‘ pmvorlmnA; til 10. "w. 'l ' Uprandnové.- Clerk. F. deill'éaiiio, Upter- grove. Feb. 25, May 12, Sept. 22. Dec 1. Cnnomc DISEASE, including CATARRII 01“ Tim Nosm, THROAT. Cm-zs'r. S'rmmcn, Dmmemm. FILES, VARICOCELE, And troubles of 010 Urinary and (lmmratlvo Organs; also. Surgical cases. such as Club Foot, Stiff-Joint“. Hmnpllmrk. Spinal Disease and Kindred Allectious. ( Bnuuon.ur.â€"Clcrk. M.G)eesou, Greenwood. May 3. July 4. September 4. - chnamue Vm LAon.â€"--Clerk. M. Gleason. Greenwood. Jauuar 4. March 3. Nov. 3. 3 1’0le PunnY.â€"Clerk. . W. Buruham. Port Perry, Feb. 21. My 8._ J lily}; Sent._;8,_}19v._37. 2 5 'CAkNIhTGT'ONrI-Gdorgé Snii'ti]; C‘aâ€"ï¬'niugton ng._2}$. May 10. Sam. 29. Ajov. 29. 6 BE'AvshToitâ€"lclerk'. G66; Finn-ace, Beaver- toy, gel). 24. May 11.~_l-3opt.-_2l1 89y, 30._ DR. POTTS, OOUL/ST ana’ AUR/ST ! l WanY.â€"Clerk. D. C. Macdonell. Whitby. Jan. . , Feb. 2, Mar. 2. April 3, May 2, June 2. Jujy 3g. Sépt. 3. 0c_t_._2._Nov. '2, Dec. 3. 7 I Vanmnoiâ€"Ciork.’ 21' ï¬hfh};l{ili."ï¬iï¬'ia:gb. Fqb. 32. inlay 9. July 'l_0. Sept; l9,A_Nov_. 28. _ Beavetton. Feb. 6. 1888. FRESE BREAD, SUITS and. PASTRY a1 WdVB cn nand. Beavertqn Grocery and Prov1sxon Store. m. “an 60.12.23, Hair-Dresser and Barber, ..‘v a '91- =Beavuvlon, Out. MonthlyCustnmers slmvod twice weekly and hair cut monthly at 75 cents per month. Woodville Customers supplied by D. Mc- Laclnlm), and orders for Pastry, c left with him will receive prompt attention. LIME, LATE 860.! P. D. McA RTH UR. A Mammoth Stock now on hand a! all grades 01 LUMBER, at prices ranging from 335.00 upwards. Gamay of 01153119 150,000 Shingles (ï¬rst cla‘.‘ an enormous quantity of No. l, 2, and 3, all of which will be offered at lowest ï¬gures for CASH. 'ATCIIED AND DRESSED FLOORIXG SHEATHING. c.. shipped to any point. I‘I’ cunts Lmn Coupum'r, Blueâ€"us Dasoaosm, Acuo Stone", Dvsrsnsu, Loss or ‘Apmrrt, 8ch Humans, COMTlPATION on Cos'nvsnzss. Bnmn, Hum. an Oct. lmâ€"l llnd Campbell'l Cull- mto Compound the best nude 1 hue ever used (or contro- luu or Milo-sane“, um my to an. I In, you" may. A. I. HcDomw. Bold by duh" in Mlly medicines “mini. 15:. per botflo. BEAVER'I’ON LUMBER YARD BEAVERTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. [UNUUN AND NEW YORK Medical 8: Surgical Institute. 3"- TOWN BALL, LOT. DIVISION COURT SI'I'I'Ixcsâ€"lBBS. Who in our representative in Canada. will visit llcnvel'ttm nmntllly and will be prepared to attend all cases of w Gampfaeflfs gati’narï¬c ' _ gomvowd CONSULTATION FREE I J'. S. MCMILLAN. By Order. a ways on hand. 020 0:0 J. E'. Farewell. WOODVILLE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1888. Clerk of the Peace. Beaverton. i For Sale. I i ESTATE AGENCY If you have a Lot. House or Farm for sale we will endeavour to sell it for you at :1 reasonable connnissmn. No charge mmlu unless :1. Halo is effected. Apply for terms etc. to “’0 have for sale one of the best business stand! in the village of Beavorton. containing a. fron- tngu on Sinuzne Street of 30 feet 4m. with a depth of 160 feet. The pn'npert‘y now returns Hlllllulunt rental to pay 10 per at. on purchase: price. A Bargain. W 'rm-z 1â€ch AND Tim-2 YARD AND POTTERY owned by Mr. Wm. Taylor, the pro- perty is particularly well adapted for tho buni- ness, a siding of tho (i. 'l‘. R. running directly into tho yards. A largo 40 hormpowor engine and boiler with twu now tilo machines are among the equiluncnts. This property will he sold in connection with the farm on which the yard is situated, or separate if desired. The farm with Brick Yard contains ll Oacres more or loss, with a large “rick Housu and all conveni- uncus attached. This wuuld prnvc an excellent investment for a man with capital suiilciunt to duvulop the business to its full capacity. In:- mediate Occupation can be given. A Double Frame House. situated on Elizabeth St..euch house contniussix rooms.etc., wood- aheda and stable on. the premises. 1 acre of land. An excellent property for speculation both houses being routed at a good rental. r HE Handsome White Brick residence on . Main Street, on Lot 9. south side Contains 1 Main Street, on Lot 9. south side Contains ï¬ve large rooms. large hulls. clothes closets. etc" lip-stairs, with pantrios. washroom. and extra well-bum, kitchen and woodshed. Hard and soft water, two cellars, frost-proof. 3 acre of land. To be sold cheap and on easy terms. HANDSOME BRICK RESIDENCE aituatod on Mum Street. designed by a ï¬rst-class 'loronto Architect. Furnished with all modern convouioncua. Solid brick. Tliolot consists of '2 of an acre with large frontage on this line a rest The house is furnished with a. rat. water and frost proof collar. This property will be sold on the easiest. possible terms to asuitnble pnrchnsor or would exchange for suitable (arm property. Farm Pronortv. ARM FOR SALE. North part of Lot 12 in the 5th concession of Thom): containing 50 acres more or less. a good Frame House and Stable. good well and thriving young orchurd on the premises. The soil is an excellent sandy loam unexcelled {or garden purposes, The pro iorty is situated within four hundred yards oi: t 1_-- Beaver-ton Station _G. 1“. “Land 0. portion of the property is within the Corporu'tidd n! Benvmtou. Terms very easy, a. small deposit down. FOR SALE OR IN EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. North 1;. Lot 8, Con. 6, 'l‘llorah containing 100 acres, 40 acres cleared and bulanco in rough pasture land. Soil, clay and sandy loam. A Frame House, Stable. Shed and Granary on the promises. Terms to suit or will exchange for suitable village propcvty. QOUTH HALF LOT NO. 3, CONCESSION 2 D 'I‘HORAII. containing 120 acres of ï¬rst-class heavy clay loam soil. This flue‘propcrty is a de- cided bargain and well worthy of attention. 100 acres rlcnrcd and 20 in broken pasture land. Furnished with good buildinga, wells ctc., well fenced and in MI excellent state of cultivation. It is admirably situated being ‘3} miles from Lorneville, :I from Wcodvilln and 6 from Denver- ton. Fine gravel roads. VAST mm LOT 1. coxcnsslox 231mm}; V north church str'dét. Hlsp Lot 44. + (He. B53 ' Street. all these lots are in one block and “ill be sold together. We offer for sale on the most favour- able terms the following choice Village and agricultural properties. Terms made to suit. purchasers. containing 1-30 acres all cleared and in a. good state of cultivation. A log House. Burns and stables in is good state of repair urn on the premises. wells etc. This lot. is; very favourabiy situated being handy to the markets of Lorne- ville, Woodvillo and Benverton. Will be sold cheap and on the most favourable terms. ‘01! SALE OR TO P. INT. N. a}. Lot 6, Con. 7. Townbhip of ’l‘homh, containing 100 acres. more or less, 50 acres cleared, A Frame Burn and Frame House, also 8.)|03\'8l"f|ilil)g Well. etc.. on the p: cmises. Will be sold at a bargain or rent- ed for a. term of yon-s at a. moderate rent to a. suitable person. I’ropertv free of inc-mummies. EAST half Lot 13. 4‘11 Concession of Thorah, containing 100 acres, more or iess. 55 acres cloned. bnlnuco timbored with cedar (uxuellent rnil timber.) A thriving youngorchnrd, it good frame house and 101.: barn and other outbuildings on tho'prmuise‘s. The lot» is thqronghjv fenced unrl‘in a good State of cultiVaui'mr-an'd ‘hna nieo four good wells. bituuted within-5 mile of Ben- Vcrton. A good bargain and easy terms. Village Pronortv it." We have also a. number. of choia lots in different parts of the village of‘Bea- vertou as follows : Lots 1:), i4 and 15 Victoria. Street Lots 1 and 2 Elm Street. Corner Lot, Elm and Victoria. Sta. Lots]. 2, 3 4 nud 5 east side of King Street. Four choice lots on k ost side Mam street. all tilo d1ained.Vei y desirable. Lots .3. G; and 7 west side Dundas Street. Lots 12. 13. 14.1.3 and 16 cast side Duudns St. ILL. \(uE LOTS 1-1 Noxth side Simcoe Street. containing about 24 lots. them is a large Frame Home and stable. Hand Water Well on the premises. Easy tonne. ILLAGF. LOTS 1.3 acro and Lot 2. 3‘; acre north church street. H150 Lot 44. + acre. , E have had placed in our hands {or 98.10 ) {NH-Z BRICK AND TlIJi YARD AND ï¬bmmwï¬g JOS. J". C.A.'VE, ‘tlï¬xvlmss" Real Estate Agency, Boavorton. Ontario. BEAVERTON. chlung Houses- Business Sites. SPECIAL. REAL 'I'I-IE .' (hm. Ont... Jan. 27, 1387.â€"â€"For aim . . Pm: years pmviom to two years ngn lu.~ TORONTO. (18 Division Street.) Sept. l7.1887.â€"â€"Three years ago last August my daughter was taken ill with BriOht's disease of the kidneys. The best medi- cal skill in the city was tasked to the utmost. but to no purpose. She was racked 11 1th convulsions for forty eight hours. Our doctor did he best 15nd went away saying the case was hopeless. After she came out of the convulsions. she was very Weak and all her hair fell out. The doctor had left us about a. month when I concluded to try "War- ner‘s Safe Cure," and after having taken six bottles. along with several bottles of “Warner's Safe Piils." I sawadecidod change for the better in her condition. After taking twenty- ï¬ve bottles. My daughter now has a splendid head of hair and weighs more than she ever did before. Cm'rmm. Ont, March 6'. 1838.â€"-In 1884 I was completely run down. I suffered most severe pams in my back and kidneys, so severe that at times I would almost he prostrated. A loss of ambition. a great desire to urinate, with- out the ability of so doing. coming from me as it were in drops, The urine was of a peculiar color and container] con- siderable foreign matter. I became satisï¬ed that my kidneys were in a con- gestcd state and that I was running down rapidly. Finally I concluded to trv "Warner's Safe Cure." and in forty-eight hours after I had taken the remedy I voided urine that was as black as ink. containing quantities of mucus. pus and gravel. I continued. and it was not many hours before nnv urme was of u natural straw color. although it contain ed considerable sediment. The pains in my kidneys subsided as I continued tlw use of the remedy. and itwas but a she" time before I was completely relieve-l My urine was normal and I can truth- fully say that I was cured. The following unsolicited opinions from your friends and neighbors. men and women. whom you know and res- pect, ought to carry conviction to any doubting mind. These words of grati- tude are from those who have been afllicted but are now well. and .the per- sons giving them are untmally-sohcitious that others. troubled as were they. may know the means of cure. There is no reason why you should be longer ill from kidney, liver or stomach troubles. You can be cured as well as others. Do not- longer delay treatment, but to-day obtain that which will restore you to permanent health and strength. 276 McNab St. North, HAMXLTON, Cum, Nov.2,1886.â€"â€"I had been suffering for over twenty vents from a. pain in the back and one side of the head and in- digestion. I could eat scarcely any- thing and everything I ate diagreed with me. I was examined by physicians who examined me and stated that I had enlargement of the liver, and that it was impossible to cure me. They also stated that I was suffering from heart disease. inflammation of the bladder. kidney dis- ease brochitis and catarrh and that it was impossible for me to live. They attended me for three weeks without making any impl oveim nt in my condition 1 commenced taking “Warner's Safe Cure" and Warner‘s Safe Pills," acting strictly up to directions as to diet and took tllirty~six bottles and have had the best of health ever since. My regular weight used to be 180 lbs When I commenced “Warner‘s Safe Cure" I Elly weighed 140 lbs. I now weigh 210 s. hWW/éfrwy\ ST. CATHERINES. Ont.. J an. 24th. 1887. â€"About six years ago I was a great sufferer from kidney disease. and was in misery all Ithe while. I hardly had strength enough to walk straight and was ashamed to go on the street. The pains across my back were. almost- un- bearable and I was unable to ï¬nd relief. even temporarily. I began the use of “Warner’s Safe Cure.†and inside of one week 1 found relief. and after taking eight bottles. I was c0mpletely cured. Megmger for 4311??ch Express Co. A Matter oflVItaI Importance. ONTARIO [0 THE FRONT ! Children cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. (£174; VOL. XIIâ€"NUMBER 13. 3.2: The engines and cars of‘ the G. T. R. running into Barrie attract considerable -jat_tent-ion just now. The Northern care are being repainted and soon there will scarcely be a car left to remind one of the Northern Railway. Bracehridge is wrestling with the billiard question. It seems they granted licenses and now desire to abolish them. but cannot do so. The license fee will. prolmhlv be made large enough to be prohibitive in the near future. Mr. S. St. Clair. Bradford, has given a. silver cup for competition among the memhers of the gun club of that village at their monthly shoots. to be won three times before it becomes the property of the winner. InVeucOt of the Maple Leaf Lance-tooth Cross-cub saw. It is said that 0. Beck 00., ‘of Penetang have contracted to saw ten million feet of lumber this season for an American ï¬rm. Hollewny's Ointment nnIl Pilla.â€"â€"Dia- cases of the most formidable and chronic characterslmve been cuml bv Hollo- way ‘8 remedieq. Ulcomtiens which have prIvexl themselves incnmhle by any other kIImvn Inemm have healei kimlly under the VIIIriFviII'I an] regener- :0in influence of thiq excellent Oint- ment. SIIrIIinH. stiél‘ joints. eontmetel III-melee and glnzIIiIILIr swellinga can be wut safely IIIIl ell‘eetnallv healer] bv ll-Illnwav‘a OiIItIIIeIIt and Pills. which an do no harm under any circumstances. Neither of these we lie IIIIeIItq him any- ' n‘IIIJ, deleterien-I in ita eII'nIIenItimI. ' both are essentiallv pnrifIiIII: Ind -'l(‘ll"â€l0'lln z in their nature. The ~ I II 'IiIIeIl [Inner (If them IIII‘IIlI) mnuvliu “him them sneeee Mllv tII (‘Ilpe “ith II t Ileneriptienq «If llllnlll‘iti'fll. and to :m or at least n-liove most varietlea u! *U'I'L‘lfltl. October. I was troubled with kidney and liver trouble. and ï¬nally I was conï¬ned to my bed and suï¬ered the most excru~ ciating pain, and for two weeka’ time I did not know whether I was dead or alive. My physicians said I had en. largement of the liver, though they gave me only temporary relief. Hearing of the wonderful cures of “Warner‘s Safe Cure," I began its use. and after I had taken two bottles I noticed a change for the better. The pain disappeared. and my whole system seemed to feel the beneï¬t of the remedy. I have continued taking â€Warner's Safe Cure" and no other medicine since. I consider the remedy a great been, and if I ever feel out of sorts “Warner's Safe Cure" ï¬xes me all right. I weigh twenty pounds heavier now than eves before. “Chance." an entire horse went under the hammer at Bradford lately for 8905. The two railway stations have been amalgamated at Orillia with Mr. W. A. Evans as the station agent. Sturgeon Bay and Severn Bridge mills have commenced the season’s cutting. According to the 'Post. " about 80. 000 cords of hardwood new used 111 Lindsav last winter. in addition to a large quantity of coal. Ripe strawberries were sold M; Hamil- ton on March Blst. The Couchiching Canoe Club is laying out courses for the canoe meet in Orillia. in July. Gold mining at Sudbnry 13 boominy. Mr. Tough has sold part; of his interes' in what is called the Tough Stobiv claim. to an American canitalist for S32.- Coldï¬atet river is ï¬lled with logs for the distance of a mile. A book and ladder company is to be, organized at Thornbury. They have organized a band at Cold~ water. Rev. Mr. Rogers. who “as in the book business in 0mm Sound. has made an assignment. He has now been appoint- ed to the charge of a. country congrega- tion in ‘thut vicinity. 500. New crushing maclunery. valued at 870.000 has been taken them and it iii expected that lots of the yellow metal will soon be crushed out of these Sud- bury stones. Rev. Thomas McKee. of South Simcoe. has assigned for the beneï¬t of his creditdrs}; Liabilities 88,000, assetts $6.000. The Fire Brigade of Millbrook are making extensive preparations for their demonstration on the 24th of May. fl». ////a.w District Gleanings.