Who have tried l’oleon’e N erviline, the great polo remedy in that it it never~failing in pain of every description. Neurolgie, tootheche. cramps, pain in the ntomeoh, and kindred complaints are banished as if by magic. Rspid and certain In operation, pleasant to toke. Nerviline stands at the very front rank of remedies of this class. A trial bottle may be purchased for 10 ccntr. a very small amount in any ease ; but the beat expendi- ture you can make, if a aufi‘erer from any kind of pain, is a 10 VI' 25 cent bottle of Nerviline ht drugginte and country dealers. Bnow NSVILLI, Tex†April 14 â€"0no of the men bitten at the Muerto ranch by the mad wolf that bit Mr. Chamberlain, who Is now in Paris under Pantaur a treatment, has become wild, and has fled to the woods. It. Saver-l cues of emollpox were discovered unon Ihlione in the Iteemge of the steam- er Ita y, which arrived at New York on Saturday. Eleven cues were also discovered on Friday on the steamer Newport, from Aspinwall. An interesting legal queltion ie likelv to arise over the ï¬nding of a jar containing $12,000 at Holman station, 1nd., by Smit Stewart, on a farm which he had rented. The landlord claims the money on the ground that it had been buried by his sister, now deceased. The collection includes some coins over two handred years old. is reported 'that he entered the Aégdog ranch and making a aix-yoar-old child of Manuel Canter bit and tore it to pieces. ronmox. Prince Bismarck, who is suffering frcm A Chicago paper estimates that the “rib on the Chicugo, Burlin ton and Quincy rail- way In: colt the amp oyees $601,580 and the con puny 82,000,000 up to dnte. An lows genius holds the ofï¬ces of United Ststee signs! observer, city clerk, township clerk, United States ohsin agent, township treasurer end sdj ntsnt of s. G. A. R. post. The rumoured marriage engagement be- tween Mr: Bayard and Mrs. Folsom in de~ nonnced as a malicious invention. The estimates for the Province of British Columbia for the year ending June 20th, 1389. were submitted to the Legislature last week. The total receipts are estimated at $610,381, and the expenditures at $789,839, a deï¬cit of $179,455. This amount will robably be made up from the million ollar loan fund. A settlement has just been effected of the long-standing dispute between the Canadian Government and the Niagara White Grape Company of Lockport, New York, which arose through the seizure of a large number of grape vines the company had distributed throughout Ontario. From 1882 to 1886 the Company sold the farmers and others in this province vines so the value of $10,000. They were planted and were to be paid for in ten annual installments. Two years ago 1 the Canadian Government notiï¬ed the com- ‘ pany that they had been fraudulently pass- ing their grave vines at an undervaluation. The vines sold at $l.50, and were entered for duty at the rate of 15 cents each. The Government on making the discovery im- mediately seized all the vines the company had distributed throughout Ontario and notiï¬ed the purchasers that they must pay no more installments until the claim for customs duties had been settled. The One- toms Department claimed $18,000 and re- fused to release the vines until that amount was paid. The Government now accept 81.500 in full settlement of their claim and other expenses incurred. The memorandum of agreement states that this is done in con- sideration of the. proclamation whereby Senator Abott has been nominated by the Bank of Montreal directors to succeed the lute Hon. John Hamilton on the board, and will be appointed at the expiration of thirty dnye. Mr. Abbott’s appointment necessi- tates hie withdrawal from the Merchnnte’ Bank, of which he has been a dircctor for lame years. At the Kent Auizes, at Chatham, James “may, hailing from Detroit, was found guilty of having committed the dynamite ontroge 31: the house of License Inspector Evans, of Chatham, on the night of January 23rd, and aentonced to fourteen years in Kingston Penitentiary. Gabriel Dumont arrived in Montreal on Sundoy night, and is expected to stay about three weeks in that city. He says his object in coming to Condo is to give lectures on the late rebellion, and also to travel throughout the Dominion, afterwards taking e trip to France. A very large and influential deputition from Quebec interviewed Sir John Mac- doneld recently for the purpcse of obtain- ing Government aid for the construction of e bridge over the St. Lawrence from Quebec to Point Levi. Extensive improvements are being carried out by the Government at Kingston peni- tentiary. The work, which will be done by the convicts. will cost between $30,000 and 3:0.000 our! will take three yen-e to com- p ete. Meyer Clarke, of Toronto, was notiï¬ed that the Toronto University suthorizioe had decided to cancel the lease of the Queen’s Park entered into between the late Bursar end the Corporation on Int J unnerv, 1859. The balance sheet of the City Treasurer of Toronto for 1887 shows total receipts from all source: amounting to $3,726,477, against en expenditure of $3,712,832 ; cash on hand in the banks at 31» December, $299,745. Th9 six wooh’ ntriko of the Cumin Cot- ton Company’s employen at Cornwall wu uttlod by ubitntion ou snurduy, 0nd work wu resumed. Bit-Premier Norquny in being put forwnrd in Winnipeg u dmrving of a. tent in the Dominion Senate in the event of Senator Schultz being appointed Lieutenantï¬over- nor of Munimba. Prom-tuna in Mantra! are indig nnnt at tghe posed] erection of a statue of 8the Vil- inglrzry in Alount Royal park, and a move. ment has been started to get up a counter petition against the projaot. CANADIAN. About four thouund “tmignnu hue u- flvod In Winnipeg are. this Iowa. It in any“! thut 3 bid mine bu been dhoovotod on the modal-la ab‘ *c eight miles math of Hamilton. 3 vine: have béen placed on the fin-ego THE WEEK’S NEWS. The opinion of All UNITED STATES. My lady reader. don’t pass me by with the unkind remark, "Only an advertise- ment." I may do you good. I may do you good. I may unfold to your View the " pearl 01 great price.†I may be the means of restoring to you health and happiness. I surely will if you are suffering from any form of nervousness or female weakness, and will act upon my suggestion. I bring (0 your notice. with every conï¬dence in its merits, a remedy especially compounded to meet just. the requirements of your caseâ€" ])r. l’ierco‘s Favorite Prescription, bidding you look and live! Indies everywhere, who have need it, speak volumes in its praise! . rnoorssn REMEDY. No Englishmen are engaged this trafï¬c, which is conï¬ned mainly to German jobbers and Russian Jew sweaters, and the Lords’ re rt is expected to recommend a law for- bigding the further entrance of these paupers into the Kingdom. There may also be a clause sharply criticizing Russia’s policy of oppressing and crowding out these miserable wretches to become a burden on other nations. cept Saturde . For those four weeks he was not pai anything. He subsequently obtained employment in another workshop. He had laboured for the t ten years at sweating work from six the morning until midnight each day in the week but Saturday, and now earned ï¬fteen shillings weekly. He had a wife and six children and paid four shillings a week rent. He was re- quired to work so hard that he could not drink his cofl'ee or tea until it was cool, as he could not spare the time to drink it warm. The workroom was about four enda half ards square and two or three yards high. it had two windows, two geslights and one heating light, and four workmen, besides master, were employed in it. No inspector had ever visited it. The witness spoke in broken English, but was at last questioned by Lord Rothschild in German, and in reply answered as above. From what friends in Hungary told him he came to England, went to the East End and was there told by a man that he could learn the boot ï¬nishing business in four weeks. He worked for the man for four weeks for nothing, beginning at five o'clock in the morning and leaving off st midnight. He worked- every day ex- cept Saturdny. For thossgfour weeks he A SAMPLE CASE. A great deal of evidence in being taken. One case will serve as a sample. Samuel Wildman, a boot ï¬nisher, said that he came from Hungary ten years ago, as he could not ge§_q_llving there. ‘ i “ What Were you engaged at there 1" ask- ed Lord Dunnven. “ I was a teacher." “ Then what made you think you could do better here 2†hers, charged with an investigation of the condition of the slaves of the sweating sys- tem. It was a strange sight to see in one of the palatial committee rooms gathered some 1score of ragged, half-starved foolish Jews, summoned from the pnrliens of the East End to give testimony. This wretched swarm of paupers, colonized in Whiteohapel and Spitaltields, toil under the most brutal and grinding tyranny of jobbers, getting nothing but bread to eat and working from six in the morning to midnight for wages ranging from S2 to $7 per week, on which they must keep whole families and pay ex- orbitant rents. The trade is chiefly in slop boots, but there are some clothes and hats. All are sent to distant and halivcivilized colonies. One feature of the boot business is what is technically known as “Houndsdith sides,†the same being made by a compress of paper pulp and ground-up leather scraps. Boots of these are sold to the Kafï¬rs and other barbarous peoples, who, however, lgnow enough never to buy twice of the same rm. “Brutal and Grinding: Tyranny of Jobbors." Loxnox, April 23.â€"The Esrl of Dunrsv- on is doing good work. He is chairman of the Committee of the House of Lords, of yhich Lords Derby and Bothsohild are mem~ The gentlemen in charge of the Glasgow International Exhibition, which is to be opened next month by the Prince and Prin~ our: of Wales, have been notiï¬ed that the Queen will cheerfully lend a selection of her Scottish historical treasures, including a portrait of Queen Mary, with the execution scene in the background. Gen. Boulanger, in addressing the electors of N ord, who returned him to the Chamber by a majority of over ninety thousand votes, says the 15th of April will henceforth be marked in the annals of the country as the date of her true deliverance. Prof. John Tyndall. in an article in the Union ona Mr. Gladstone, agrees with Car- lyle that “ s Minister who is wicked enough to propose to sever Ireland from England deserves to hnve his head brought to the block." M. do Gian. the Russian Minister, in of opinion thot the fall of Prince Bismarck would lead to 3 close AngloAurtriau alli- ance, which would prove an immediate source of dwger to Russia. A oablegram says it is proposed to eetab link a Fruit Growen Society among the East Kent agriculturiets on the Canadian plan, to develop the fruit industries, now that hope have become so much lees valuable. Mayor O‘Keafe, of Limerick (Parnellite), has been electud to ï¬ll the vacancy in the Home of Commons for Limerick caused by thc resignation of Mr. Henry J. Gill (Pan'- ne!l_ite)_.‘ A Spaniu'h putor ha been sentenced to 28 month:' imprisonment at Mnlnga for pub [tubing 3 pamphlet condemning Romnn Catholic dogma. The London Mullen houao fund for the relief of the aufl'orou by the Gel-mun flood- hu alrudy reached the sum of £2,200 and in npidly worming. Mr. W. O'Brien, who was on his way to addreu a proclaimed meeting at New Rose, we: "rested in Dublin on Sunday morning and lodged in Bellenuloe gaol. The Hungarian Minister of Agrculture has notiï¬ed all agricultural societies that Herr Maudle has discovered an efliclent preventive of pleuro pneumonia in cattle. iplgndm gold tny .- . unm- mama"; ovor'otk Ind â€noun... has boon odvlud by his modioul stundun to luv. Berlin. "the very eudden deeth from heart disease of Mr. Metthew Arnold took place on Sun- dey at Liverpool. He was sixty-II: yum of The Empomr 3nd Em] Logk and Live. not um um ton of Gummy tr. 3nd Mn. tokenxio with u SUFFERING lram the efleote of enrly evil habits, the result of lgncranco and lolly. who ï¬nd themselves weak. nervom and exhausted : also MIDDLI-AOID and Ono MIN who are broken down lrom the eflects of abuse 0! ova-work. and In advmctd Illa leel (he comequenccs of yomhlul cxcesa, send In and road II. V. lmbon's Treatise on the Diseases 0! Men The book will be sent sealed to any Iddress on receipt at two 30. stumps. Address . II. V. A; non. Wellington 8:. F... Toronto, Ont. one. Illustrated Calnlogue (-133: - \VEBSTBR Baos., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. THE WRONG SILVER" PLATEâ€"00 SILVER - PLATED WARES ROSES New and Second End,“ make room for new «won't “rink. send {or gentlyfoduoed sucun linen Glflill'n Bunlnus College, Guelph, Out. The Faculty hue been strengthened, the prem- ises enlarged. end new appliances added. The Bus!- ness Department affords one of the beat courses ob- tainable while the Shorthend Department has occompllehed results unequalled in the history 0! shorthend. leiee admitted to all advantages oflered by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Oil'- culora mailed tree. II. MAcCORMlCK. Principal. MERGHANTS CAI-I'SKINS BHARLES ROBINSON 00., n cannon 813, TORONTO. Are lining. dating Much. I Spec-m Cleuing 8d. 0 MADA SHIPPING CO. â€" Beaver Line of Steamshlps, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liver 001, 840, $50, and $60. Return tickets. $80, $90. and 10, according to stumer and accommodation. Inter- mediate. 830; Round trip tickets. $60. Steerage, $20, Round trip tickets, “0. For further particulars and to secure births, aglply to H. E. MURRAY,{Geneml Manager, I Custom once Square, Montreal, or to,tho Lem! Azentn in the different Twonn and Cities. SAFES ! The Spanish Chamb’xr of Deputies by a. vote of 154 to ‘28 has rejected a proposal to grant amnesty to political exiles: PATENTS}: p.rocured Patent Attorneys, and experts Est'd 1867. Donald 0. Bldout Co..'l‘oronto. Gunman Hun Run-w“ restores Fa? ud ladod lair to its natural color And prevents all In; out. PATENTS T01.“ YNodel: __ A“, , IL“. Prince V on Hohenioho has been ques- tioned as to how he would receive an offer to succeed Prince Bismarck. All Drum 60 cent. Mr. John Dillon was arrested on Tuesday afternoon in Dublin. 11011000911 0m euros in one minute. Arrangements have been made for the eviction of 200 tenants of the Vandeleur estate in County Clare. 41):. Oanon'é Sloz'nAch Bitten v. Ask your Brunt-l Poopla who no nbjeoo .0 bad breath. loul ooned 9008119- ".911! “was: 01919 8W. My aim“ A faith cure healer at Salina, Kansas, tried to cure a case of smallpox by the laying on of hands, and now the doctor and his patient are quarantined in a suburban black- smith shop. thnevu Q" Shanon or Bowelo go! out of or demeaning Humane-3i Dmepfls. or Indigestion. And mu Attends!“ o In, a at once a done of Dr. «non-I 990mg?!) 83mm. BM! lunfly madlalno. nun, A pleasing pattern in garter buckles is a scroll of Roman gold. havin a border of flat enameled flowers sunk into I 8 metal. A Cure for nnnkenness. The opium habit. depeomeule. the morphine bebie, nervous proetretion ooueed b the use at tobacco. wokeiuineee, menu] dc on. softening oi the brain. etc" premature oi m. lose oi vltsli y caused by ovor~exertion oi the b . end loss of netural strength irom my cause whatever. Henâ€"young. old or mlddle-egedâ€"wbo ere broken down irom my oi the shore «uses, or any «use notmomiomd above. send ‘our sddreee end 10 cents in sharps ior Lubon'e Tree . in book form, oi Duran! of Man. Books sent sealed and secure irom observation. Address M. V Lneon 47 Wellinrton street East. Toronto Ont. ll there Anything in this world so vale Al the peeiilent presence of otent bile? We hue it. we hate it, we I l revile The noxious neusee. so did Carlyle. But why hen-nil whet soon is mended? Teke P. P. P. end have it ended. Ail preiee the power of “ l'ierce's Priiet." Wise pecpie buy and druggiets sell it. Work done out of season is iii done. Consumption Surely Cured. To run Enrol. zâ€"Pieue inform your renders that l hu‘eepoeitive remedy for the above nam ‘ dis- use. By in timely me thou-ends oi hopeiet-yeeee have been permenently cured. I eheit be (led to lend two bottles 0! my remedy run to Any of our rendere who hue consumption it they will eon me their Express end P. 0. eldrees. Reepeouuiiy, D1. '1‘. A. Brown, 87 Yonxe 83.. Toronto. Ont. A limonulre in a Ilnute. lutencee Are on record where tellers in gold mine end diuncnd ï¬eld: who, b one turn of 3 undo, e ein le movement 0 the hend. hove been tune ormed from pennileu laborer- to mlllionniree. But the were not eo lucky u in the consumptive w 0 ï¬nd. a meun oi restoration to health, who learn- thet the dnud dieeue from which he eufl‘ere in not incurable. Dr. i’ierce’e Golden Medl- oel Discovery will cure consumption (which in lung ecrolule). end nothing else will. For all the diocese. of the Hood, such an blotchee, pim lee, erupticne, wrofulcue acres and ewel go, it ie unequaled. “ The good die young." and weeds ehould. Au_ Eplzrnnnma‘iicmsyitement. [or us. On!) furnished on safldmhory gmnnt . Addreu 0. 8. PAGE. Hyde Park. Vermont, U. Established 1836. AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want I soon In! in your loodlty to pick up â€"lllnulaotutera of the highest gndeo ofâ€" BlOYOLES 81. TRIOYOLES, TRADE J. a. a. TAYiLioï¬, YOUNG MEN For flue-ulunmuu ueuonpnm wt. Magus tree. R. Chmberlln, Torcn’su T0 LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited; ‘: W. D. 15913.53, ï¬nagcial 530.. Toronto Safe works. Bicycles 1 Second - lland Bicycles and 'l'rlcvcles. Sand for List. New Cahlogue randy in April. A. '33. LAKE, 'Pnoi Lm. FIRE AND BURG LAR- PRUOF, and Vault Doors. k: pt constantly in stock. A number of Secondhand Sales at low prices. 72 King sf. E. Toronté'. aid all othei bedding K1171 W‘ n 0W Our 31.00 P lants. pollecuona will suit every 120 MARK. BUTCHERS MONTREAL. A. P. 395 Policies in Force over 10.000. mun ounce, iecxu, us u'uurs unu posuu am to say that it is superior to an yeast. ever used by them. makes the lightest, whitest. sweetest and most wholesom- brcad, buns, rolls and back- DR. GRAY’S Speciï¬c hasboen used for the ï¬fteen years, with great success, in the tmtman oi Nervous Debillty, snd all diseases srislng tram u- ossses, over-worked bnln. loss of vitality liugln In the em, psi itstion,sto. For me by J: d Price 81 per x, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by wheatcakes. Dirccdoulnmi mull on receipt 0! price. Punphlei on sppllostion. package with MM‘ mm: GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Tom}, use N9 Q‘l‘l-IER. sales 5 mm‘ Will Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the Mnchine. No farmer should send his machine into the ï¬eld without one. Sample by until. 300. CLEMENT 00., Toronto. 31, 32 and 33, in con. 7. Township of Himswouh. aboutflOacres cleared. ha'ance in hardwood bush; about 4 miles irom Trout Creek Station on the N.P.J. Rnllwny, close to achoal. church, pail: olflce. saw and shingle mill; there is a log house. barn, stable. etc . on it; all tree from rock or swamp. For lurther in- formation apply to Tnos. Conant. Barrett P.0. om. KNITTING A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others unvo falledis no reason Iornot now receivln a cure. Send at oncetora. treatise andaFREl: 0mm: 0! Imrnnm REMEDY. Givo Ex teas and 051: mm. It costs you nothing or a. trial, and It will cure you. _Add5ess FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING- SICKNESS, When I say Cum: I do not mean merely to stop them for a time. and then have them to- turn again. I mum A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease or 101511. G. 3001'. 37 Eggnisgjï¬m, Ont. Hundreds of testimonhls have been reached (mm persons who hue used this tuned: with mun-nu. Went. Send {or circular. WELLs.RICHARDSON a. co.. Proprietors Montreal. Que. Guano: Anson. Story: 0111'. Ion an: "I have been using Pumps Cam: Comps!) end it has done me more good {or kidneys end lune back than my other medicine I have ever taken. Alonzo Anson. Wmnson. Vt. use: “I believe PMNB‘S Crun- (‘onmmm am! my life. My trouble seemed to be m internal humor. Beforel used it I was colored with m eruption from “ head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing. and I am ï¬ve hundred per cent. better every my." A LAXAT IVE. A. 0. Butt. Warn: an. Jam-non. Vt. guys: For two years t I ham been I mat sullen: from kidney and iver tmublm. attended with pepsin md constipation. Before I n to 0 03m: Comma) it seamcdu tho «whiny tiled me» Now I an uy nothing a]: mo. Ozone: W. Dom-ox. Sumnn. Gonna“: ‘ “ For two 'cus l vma u sun‘erw from nervous do bllity And thank God tnd the disuwcmr 01 an "amino remedy um Pusx's (Baum Coupouxn cumd me. It a p valuablo remedy. .l‘oux nay u live. Int my one write to me for alum" A DIURETIC. A NERVE TONIC. AN ALTERATIVE. To this date, October 31, 1887, than bu been returned : Totheheirs oi Policy-holdenmeath chin") To the holdn oi mum-ed End. wmant Policies. . . . ................. .. .. ..... 'l'o Policy-holders on surrender oi Policiea .................................... To Policy-holders ior Cacti Proms (including those allocakd .nd being paid). . To holders (-1 Annuity Bonds ...................... . .......................... Lonned to Pozicy-holden on Security 0! their Policies ........................ a Policies Nontomluble may 2 year: und â€"lnde!eulblo am 8 "All. ROB flAll“. CHEAPâ€"A 300 Acre l‘arnrâ€"Lots URBS Nervous Proï¬t-“ion, Nervous Head- For The Nervous The Debilitatcd ~ The Aged. Nervous Debih'ty. PRESIDENTâ€"Hon. Sm W. P. Howmun, 0.13., K.(;.M.G. VICE-PRESII)ENTS.â€".Wu.nun Enron. Esq ; Emmm Hoorn, Ben. J. I. llACBONAlJ). Managing Director. n-ll-1_- ‘!-_n-_‘-lA-LI_ -11-- n ‘4-.. _-_I I-..-l-_.lï¬l- -‘A_~ - , , , '1 l'ame’s elery VA _ . lche.Neunlgin. NervouaWenkneu. Stomtch and Liver Diseases, and nil “factions of the Kidneys. Cuelmln Bros“ Georgetown.0nt. v I EURE % HTS! (‘AI'I'I‘AL Ah!) I-‘l! SIDS NOW OVER 83. 000.000. 1. I5 'NIBGN'I‘O STREET. TOIofl‘I'G, O". A "0)"; COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 0010388, l8". @piund MACHINES J ohnston’sFluid Beef [a not: morely aZntimulunt, but it contains all the lib-giving elements of meat tint nonrinh BRAIN, BONE MUSCLE â€"-I‘l‘ls-â€" GREAT STRENGTH RIVER. but none equll it in lubricaï¬ng propenien. PARI- ns, "mum, em, ï¬nd none equal to the alumn- Peerless nude by - SAMUEL nanmsra 00., 10mm. BREADMAKER’S YEAST] “Peerless †MAGHINE OIL foggnighty: For “flint, passage, or other infomtion p h A. Sohumscher a 00.. Baltimore; 8. Cunnrdï¬ â€˜50.. Halifax; Shea Co.. St. John's N. F,; Wm. Thomp- son; (30.. St. John, N. 3.; A'llm a 00.. on Lave Alden. New Yuk, H- Boudior, Twang Alluns. Rae 00.. Quebec: Wm. Brookle, Pb phia; H. A. Allen. Portlmd. Boston, Monu'eQL snliug during winkr from Portland eve Thun- dty and Halifax every Saturday to Livorpoo , And In summer from Quebec every Sntmdny to Liverpool. calling at Londonder to land nulls and axon for Scotlsncl and Ire and; use from Bu more, VIA Halifax and st. John's, N. F , toLiverpool Iorhighfly during sumngpr mqntbs. . the ghamqrq of me Oh.- mar between Glugow and Montreal week] ; 01 9nd 13:19:91: weekly, and Glasgow Ind P l w lines sail during winter to and [mm Influx. ortlmd, Boston and Philadelphia; And durln ‘ may getwoeu Glpggow aqdyontreal wgelfly; Q My emu..." " a flux." Cold In the End. ihy Fever. on. on) r0107“! be euro-I. A new method. A mod cine um “It-«I to cure. No cum no my. "you Mn tried othet runodiu um “fled to cure. you will no. be disappointed In thin. For full Mania-Add!“ I. V. EUROS. u Wellluflon 8!. IL. Tomlin. (again. Send 190. in “any. for book. “m ‘eaknm md Lung Troub o . John Wood 3 OBI.- mri St. cured 0! Liver 00m mat and Bfluom usodo 311ny-centbomel; NJ. Boo! GA“ 8%.. tron led toyr years with Nervous Pmutntlonm small booties gore ylmr gran rend. Sold M 600 IL F. F. DALLEY 00.. Pmpflohn I how. Also look Drillsâ€"Hull. Kong. for». and two‘s-Iona. ‘ mun: Ina-lacuna. 00.. Human. OI! Desiring to chain n Business Emulation, or become pronoun in Shonhmd Md Typewming. should It- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS GONE! Watéi Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship: I wool no up... . ‘33†bl. outï¬t-ad Mu won Kg .0. \‘I‘IIII. Ann»... lab. Sold by dulors everywhere. Arcade, Yong. stun Toronto. P0! Circuhn. «0.. Address . O'DEA. Boom Qatarrh, VALWAYS AHEAD N 01.3mm a Amount over $15,000,000. new no many run-Anon of BR E A 1) made with this Yeast took ï¬-st prlm at l Tow nshi p and County Falrs in Ontario in l , at such W asFlesherton, Inrkham, it- by, etc. Ovu’ 10,000 ladies lave sent us letters and postal axis to say that it is superior to an yeast ever used by them. makes the lightest, whim sweetest and most whom broad, buns, rolls and Buck- wheat cakes. Directions In each MyithfuflM‘ Whaley, Royce 8660. $83 Yongo Stu“, Toronto. The Cheapest Place In Cmadn lot was LIVING 813m new. hon so u... REPAIR‘NG or BAND INSTKUMENTS 3 Alt] 90nd smAhIm “Baéson- and “HIGHAM†Band Orchestra BAND INSTRUMENTS. New and Second hand. Send for Cationic. MUSIC. Agents for