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Woodville Advocate (1878), 11 May 1888, p. 3

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When Thomas Jefferson was ohoeen Presi- dent of the United States Elder John Le- land, a Ba tistclerayman of Cheshire, Mom, proposed t at his flock should celebrate the victory bv making for the new chief magis- trate the biggest cheese the world had ever seen. Every man and woman who owned a cow wee to give for this cheese all the milk yielded on a certain da onlyâ€"no federal cow mnst contribute a rop. A hn 0 older press was fitted up to make It in, an on the appointed day the whole countrfi turned out with pails and tube of curd, t e girls and women in their best gowns and ribbons, and the men in their Sunday coats and clean shirt collars. The cheese was put to press Most of the pupils of a youn ladies boarding school at Buffalo weer iirds in their hats, and the other day some one leo- ed a crumb of bread in each of their ills. They were a funny-looking lot of hate and most of the owners wore them out in the street before the trick was discovered. Mr. Gilbert Fraser, British ViceConsul at New York, is accused of sharp practice against discharged sailors by compelling them to pay for a passage to Liverpool to receive ayment of sums due them. The matter s to be laid before the British Gov. ernment. carof'u'lly picks uprihéâ€"lâ€"fi'i'l'lg'tugi; "JESSE muster drops. Mr. Phelps, the United States Minister to England, wears a suit of West of England tweed, With hat and over aiters of the same material. He is follows by a footmnn in livery, who, the Pittsbur Chronicle alleges, onrnfnllv ninlr- nn H... 1. - um; L2- “no“; ,_,_‘__w, . ,,,, ------- I ve this advice to a wife-beater who was incherged u on the appeal of the abused women :â€"" hen you find yourself getting angry again fill your mouth with water and keep it shut till you cool off.” A farmer near Flint, Mich., is mourning the death of two geese that he had kept for 50 years. They quit raising goslings 25 Keen ago and after thet he kept them to elp take care of the broods of other geese. The loss to the manufacturing interests of the city of ‘Vinone, Minn., by the floods in estimated at $1,000,000. The lumbering in- terest alone loses $250,000. The river is four miles wide at Winona. (a. THE WEEK’S NEWS. A Kansas woman worth a million dollars has married an hotel waiter. This is a good op- portunity to ring in that axiom, “Every- thing comes to him who waits." Norfolk, Va., claims the distinction of being the world’s greatest peanut market. It disposes every year of 2,000,000 bushels oi Reanuts, most of which are grown in Vir- Experiments in connection with antidotes for snake bites are In progress at the Smith- sonian Institution, New York. N. P. B. Wells, treasurer of the Seneca Falls Savings Bmk, was arrested for embez zlement. ref '3'“ "W nzelts ahead. He thought that no Canadian Government, which had been so liberal to the Canadian Pacific, should ex- tend some of their smiles to the Grand Trunk. The dividends, as previously an- nounced, were adopted. UNITED STATES. Sam Small is anxious to become Governor of Georgia. causes, such as bad harvests, bank failures, the unfair rivalry of American companies, and the adverse working of the Inter-State le_w_ had operated unfavpurehly. he saw signs A special cablegram to The Mail gives a synopsis of the half yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company held ,recent~ ly in London. :Sir Henry Tyler, reierring to the newly constituted company, said that while it was not in every respect what he could have wished, there was no occasion for despondency in_ the future. While local Senator Abbott yesterday petitioned Par- liament for, and was granted. authority to introduce a bill to incorporate a colle e at Montreal_ for the highm: edgcation o wo- men, with branches Tn the Nb§£fi.iv§s£'6r British Columbia, which Sir Donald Smith and Sir George Stephen propose to endow. At yesterday's meeting of the committee on the Division of the Diocese of Ontario, 9. goposition was presented from Rev. Dr. ountain offering to give $5,000 towards an episcopal residence, and to go to England and endeavor to raise $10,000 towards the ehdowment fund, on certain conditions. The election of Separate School trustee for St. Andrew’s Ward, Toronto, in which the principle of the introduction of the ballot flee the chief issue, resulted in the return of Mr. T. w.Ang1in.'the anti-b55116}; éifididate; by a majority 02 95. The fifty-fifth annual meetinggof the Upper Canada Religious Tract and 00k Society was held in Toronto resently, when encour. aging reports were presented showing that during last year 593,350 books and public. ations of all kinds were issued. About twenty thousand men of the DJ- minion militia will perform the auuusl drill this year. 11,000 30103 into camp under can- vas and 9,! 00 in various cities. The first camps will be held about the middle of June. Jud a flare, of Philadelphia, regently W6 t i8 advice to a wifmbaatar whn wa- There are said to be three applicants for the vacant brigadomajorship of the sixth military district, the most popular candi- date being Major Provost, of the 65th Regi- ment, Mount Royal Rifles, Montreal. The Toronto City Council passed a resolu- tion entering its emphatic protest against the immigration to this country of destitute pfsmiiis from pauper inatitutiona of Great 1' tin n. Chicago capitalists have purchased from Mr. R. Tough, of Sudbury, an interest in the Tough and Stobie gold mine for $32,000. and have invested 870‘000 in machinery to operate the mine. A bill to repeal the old law of evidence, which prevents persons testifying in their own behalf, will be introduced b Mr. Gil- man, of Montreal, at theupproac ing session of the Quebec Legialative Council. Touching tribute: to the memory of the lube Mr. Thomas White were paid in the Senate and the House of Commons. A settlement has been effected between the Hamilton master builders and the em- ployees, which, it is believed, will terminate the lebor troubles in that city for this see- CANADIAN. Navightlon on the Red River wan openad on Monday. The Bmk of Momma hu‘ficlared a divi. dead of five per cent" without. bonus. \\ by Is a deed nigger like a candidate in the background? Because he is a dark corse. mm! Oouen 0mm cum In one mlnnk. It me be that a men can love but one Women 11 a lifetime, but how If he going to know unless he tries 2 Omen-n nm 3mm mum m m fodod him he mm color And prevent: n; on. d Whenaru gig: 8.0mm): or 335m go: gmga a. or canon ounces 5. or n o and, their stand“! "[133: u once A dose of I)? ma swmwh Bitten. Bu. {Anny modlclne, __I_A_ In “_A_ _.._ -_7~ -__ v--- v., v... WI To Till Elmo: :â€"leo inlorm your tendon tho: [haven positive remedy for the Above named dis- ease. By in. timely not thousands of hopeless om: have been monontly cured. I shall be glad to send two 1,055” of my remedy ran to my 0! readers who hove consumption if they will to their Express Ind P. 0. address. Respectfully, D3. 1'. A. Shown, 31 Yonge St, Toronto. Out. The man who stoop: to pick npocent often ruins half a dollar’ 3 worth of aulpen- A--- den. Why are Cashmere shawls like "deaf peo- ple? Because you can't make them here. ”Congllmptgpn 1591-er Cured. People who no subject to bod bunch. tool not!“ hnguo, or Any dlsordel of the 800w, can u one In nllovod by using D1. Gonon'o staunch Elnora. was old and tried lemodv. m your A bass drum may be a snare and a noisy instrument, but it is not as loud as a airl'e hair when it is banged. ,__..- J -â€" .- -.- “come all right.” Wake up, or the train will be upon you ! Coneti ation is too often the forerunner of a genera “ breaking up.” Dr. Pierce’e Pleasant. Purgative Pellets will regulate your liver, stomach and bowelejand restore your system to its normal condition. A little child, tired of play, had pillowod his head on a rail and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward and saved him from a. horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on the track, too. You are, if you are ne- glecting the biliousnese and constipation which trouble you, in the hope that you will "nnmn n" rink!- " and... u... .. LL‘ LA, 9 Asleep on the Railroad Track. ed series of waxwork figures, deeply veildld with black, representing the chief members of the new Court, and before these all the high dignitaries solemnly passed, bowing themselves out backwards. The wisdom of dropping such grotesque mummery is scarce- ly open to question. The ancient Prussian custom of holding a “ Black Drawing-room” after the monarch's death was honoured in the breach in the case of the late emperor, Formerly in Prus- sia, so soon as the king was dead, all the Ministers of the Crown, Foreign Ministers, and the Jourt generally, repaired in full dress to the alace. The first rooms they entered were rilliantly lit up, but gradual- ly as they went through the different ap- partments leadin to the throne room, the lighting became immer, and dimmer, till this last being reached it was found in semi- darkness. Around the throne‘were group- -A .......-.. -t _-_____,I n Mr. Chamberlain, in a speech before the Birmingham Radical Union, said he found very few persons in America who approved of Mr. Gladstone’e Irish policy, and he believed if the American democracy had to deal with the subject they would make short work of the monstrous preten- sions of the National League. The Emperor William was not without humour and loved a quiet joke. It is told that once ata hunt the huntemen laid 28 head of game before him, which they said he had killed. He smiled and quoted :â€" â€"“There are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosog phy.” Adding :â€"“ For is It not a miracle that I should have killed 28 head while I had only 25 cartridges?” ' The Czar of Russia is said to do much more work than any of his Ministers, and can be found at his desk at almost any hour of the day. He rises before any of his house- hold, attends mass every morning and is scrupulously exact in the performance of all his religious duties. In replying to an address presented to him by the Nationalist students of Dublin, Mr. O'Brien said it was curious that an address that had been prepared to celebrate his re lease from prison marked his return to Drill?“- The sentence of Rev. Father McFadden, who was sentenced to three months’ impris- onment for holding anti-landlord and anti- police meetings, on his appeal to the Dublin courts, was increased to six months. Mr. John Morlev, in : speech at Black- burn, appesled to the nation to assist the Liberals in their efforts to compel the Gov- ernment; to grant Home Rule to Ireland. Empress ‘Vlctorie has requested the Min. inter of Justice to interfere to prevent the press smiling the physicians in attendance on the Emperor. The Russian war ilotilh at Azos will be reinforced by twelve torpedo boats which have been ordered in France. The freedom of the gcity of London was sresented to Lord IHnrtington on Wednes- ey and a banquet was given at the Mansion house. It is said the Pope has instructed Arch- bishop \Vnieh to compile a report on the National League for comparison with Mgr. Peisioo‘s report. Forty thousand foreign Jews residing in the Russian province of Khorson have been ordered to cross the frontier. The late Emperor \Villiam left a fortune of ‘24 million marks, one half of which he be- questhed to the Crown Treasury. A bill is to be introduced in the British Commons on Wednesday to give county government to Ireland. The chief clerk of the Greek treasury has been arrested for embezzling five million francs of the public funds. American plan. Nine thousand emigrants left the Morae'y last week, half of whom were bound for Canada. General Boulanfier thinks the French Qonatjtution shoul be remodelled on the Mr. D. J. Condon, M. P. for Esst Tip - rary, has been arrested for offences un er the Crimea A06. Dr. J unker, the German explorer, firmly believes that Stanley is now with Emin Bey. lemnlty.’ When ll: was welfdrled it aeighed 1,600 ouuds. It was placed one sleigh and E der John Lelsnd drove with it all the way to Washin ton. It was a jouruev of three weeks. Al the country had heard of the hi?l cheese and came out to look at it as the 01 or drove along. FOREIGN. Four hundred ejeotmont decrees have been awed by the Galway Quin-tar Sessions. with prayer and hymn ulngln and greet eo hampjty. “fhen fit was well dr ed it weighed ». so noun; I" BAILWIY. n These trips will take you into the Great Grain and stock Regions of Mlnneeotz end anote,where are to be ind the most desirable Railway and Government Lands in the United flutesâ€"2,000,000 ACRES of the richest and belt watered tarmlnw, grain: and tim- bered lands for sale at low prices, where they raise both Grain and Stock that Beats the World. J. M. nucms. 'I‘rm'. l’au. Agt. 4 Palmer House Block. J. Booxwwrn, [and Commlealonor. St. Paul, Minn. G. ILWAmum, Gm. Peas. Agt, St. Paul. Minn. v , .7 7-- ..- ----.v;n nnu MIL‘HDE April 25, May 9 and 23, June 6 and ‘20â€"; days, stop over going and return I I Via as. Paul. HInncnnoll- er cent. upon the paid~up capital of the bank has his day been declared, and that the same will be Ea able at thebenk and its bunches on and alter r day, the First day of June next. - The transfer books will be closed from the Seven- teenth to the Thirty-first day of May, both days in- cluded. The Annual General Heeling of the stockholder-a will be held at the Banking house 01 the Inseitution, on Wednesday, the Twentieth day of June next. The chair to be tsken at noon. By order 0! the Board. (Signed) D. COULSON, Ceehler. The Bank of Toronto. April 95th, 1888. PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Forms, from 80 acres upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to G. I. alAlilBON,Me- Arthur's Block, Main 8%., Winnipeg. Information furnished tree of charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. “our to LOAN at current rates of interest. GHUIGE FARMS FOR SALE i" All. PARTS OF V . uuuv nan-cu, uuuuuu . .unuuw. Brunei“! Iron British Columbia, CALiforn I, Kansas, Illinois, 3nd quite a number of other States and Provinces. now in attendance. Write for Descri hive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, CH . H. BROOKS, Prosident. Sec'y do Hunger. SAFES. Gou h’s “Sunlight and lllflnt IIIUIIEI Sh ow," "Mother, Home and Henven." aw. Popu lax- Books l Liberal Terms 1 Write for circulars. terms etc., to WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher. Toronto. oconvo. Susanna from S UNIV RSITY $3512 11.13%???ng AGENTS ! AGENTS ! OUR AGENTS Magnificent Parallel Bibles. Withrow’sPopular" History 0! Canada," Gong h's ”Platform Echoes" Dorchester'e “ ‘Liq uor Problem, ” Sam P. Jones’ ‘ Living Words, ' 53%;.“ $222333; MAKE mutual Ill; BOILER INSPECTION and Insur- ance Compan of Canada. Consulting Engineers an Solicitors 0! Pstente. T 0 B 0 N '1‘ 0 . ‘ G. 0. Ron, Chief Engineer. A. Fauna. Seo'y-Treua "7V--- .__â€"...u..--uu SONBProprietors, Philadelphia. Swam’s OlN'I'MlI‘I' 6 obtained of druggists. Sent by mm (or 60 cents. l l‘ClllNG Pills. Sunnisâ€"Moisture : intense itchingand stinqring; most at night : worse by scratching. I! allowed to continue tumors form, which oiten bleed and ulcer- ate. becoming var sore. Swan's Outrum ato the itching and b eeding, heals ulceration and 11 many cases removes the tumors. It in equniiy eflioa- cioua in curing all_§_k_i_n _1}is_ea_zses._ DR. SWAYNE nn\v nflh B have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper cfiices. Terms, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. 393‘We have now (our good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Com any, 33 and 35 Adelai_e St. _W..A _ Saloon Tickets $40 $50. #60. Return, 880, $110,1uber‘mcdiate, 830; Steerage.$‘20. fipplyto 11.3 MURRAY Gen'l. Manager. 1 Custom House Square, HONRTEAL T0 Town AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PuBli§iEn§ U Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liver 001, $40, 350, and 360. Return tlokots. 830, $90, and 110, according to etemer and accommodation. Inter- mediate. 830; Round trip tickets, $60. Steer-go, 5%. Round trip tickets, “0. For further articular-i Ind to secure In rum, 1%)” to H. E. MU RAY,g(]enerol Manager. 1 Custom ouse Square, Montreal. or to.tho Local Agents in tho diflerent Twono and Citlea. BEAVER LINE 0: srmusuil’s, _. w-- --.v- -u-m Inn"! 1‘ ‘31, 32 and 33, in con. 7, Township 0! Hlmsworth. aoout 00 mm; cleared, balance in hardwood hush; about 4 miles tron) Trout Creek Station on the N.P.J. Ballwny, close to echo 3!, church, post olllce. saw and shingle mill ; them i) a log house, barn, stable. etc . on it; all free lrom rock or swamp. For iurther in- tormution apply to Tnoa. Canxuu‘. Ban-eta P.0. Ont. on sin: CHEAPâ€".1300 Acre Farm ‘31, 32 and 33, in con. 7. Township 0! [Hum Lawsuit an warned against buying: or canto an infringingr bugholder manufactured in ‘Iliddlesex, Out. The genuine article is stun};- ed 'he Dandy," and “ l’atsnted 197.” an required by law. C.W.Au.nx a 00.. World Building, Toronto. MONEY§ l-‘ouAuu RK aid. Value res P.0d MANITOBA. nests proou'red'.’ 95M: Atkinsfl. .nd experts Est'd1367. Donald C. Bldout a Co..'l‘orouto. A (run for Dunno-noon. The opium Mb". dopnomtult. the morphine lab". nervous manual: canned b “I. me o! taboooo. wdtotulngu. men“! do use on. winning at the brain. on. premnuro 01 I . Ion of vlmlty «and by ovot-exomon of the b a, mud loan or ununl menu“: from my cum whnevet. Honâ€"young. old 0: mlddle-wodâ€"who no broken down how my 0! the Above «um. or uny 0mm nonmnuonad above. «and our Address And 10 00an in “amps for Lubon‘l Tm in book tom. 0! Duncan of Man. Books cont “Jed And secure (tom observation. Addrou I. V Luuou 41 Welllnvton “no. But. Toronm 0m. PATENTS KNITTING NB nun Iron Tl": ntimm nun points in DAKOTA AN_D MlflNESOTAâ€" l0: llnu n-...a nn L, MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. b'slabliahad 1336. THE BANK or 703W ANI'I' nun aniign'u 09.73“": Lin-.- 0! nLAA m _l,!, cwuoiiib‘flméfi‘iâ€"iéuing to avoid a DIVIDEND NO. â€"SAlmxe W335“ anxaxâ€" mush. no: wukim. um uld. Valuable outfit. and hurt nnlnn (treelmun Bram. Geometownmut. VAULT DOORS. .14]- A Y L o R, 1â€". - __ Pot nusâ€"mm amnpuvo at. aloguo tree. R. Ohlmborlln. Toma") T0 [MAN an Farms. Lowe» “than. No delay. Correspondence Baronet]. E. W. 0. Bl! rum, Funnel“ Agt., 960. 72 King 3% 8., Toronto. Toronto Safé Works. nu; lull!!!) TRIP.-â€"All l'A AND MINNESOTAâ€" June 6 and EOâ€"good let 3) going and returning. ?. HInncapolls and I Vililafile 6min and MERE-1;; .0. "ICE RR Y. Ana-wt; DIM FIRE 8c BURGLAR PROOF Patent N on- Conducting Doors _ _ _ _ A srxcuuv. r and Kidney Om lalnh. A pen". lood Purifier. A n 11 Hamilton whom" been gamma by It ‘55 Krenm n a oovery oflho 2. mt age for Reg .1 Igfihe 392"", mu I we bowels llu flux 5!! wood m. MACHINES Toronto,r'0nt. A. P. Q96 DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used ior the put Imeen your, with grout mecca. In the treatment oi Nervous Debiliiy, and All disuse: Hiring tram ex- cemo, over-worked brain. loco oi viulity, ringing in the can, paipitatlon,eto. For sale by all dragging. Price .1 per box, or 0 boxes for $5. or will be sent by mull on receipt of price. Pamphlet on sppiioation. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Toronbo. SUFFERING from the eflects of early evll habits, the result of Ignorance and loll . who find themselves weak. nervous end exhausted”; also moons-Ann and OLD am who are broken down from the ellecte of abuse or over-work. and in sdmoczd lite leel the come nences ol youlhlul excess, send {or and read M. V. ubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 30. sttmps. Address M. V. Lb HON, Wellington St. 1-2., Toronto, Ont. Wh do you use those Expensive American and Cannon”: Baking Powder: when on con get no good And wholesome at one hell the p co? Prove it by try- ing the Cook’s Gem. Hnnulnctured by ELLIS o KEIGHLEY. - Toronto. 209 Yonge Street, City Oflloea: 393 Queen St. West, TORONTO. 225 Queen St. Elat. 759 TO 763 YONG’E ST. Cooks’ Gem BAKING POWDER J as. Park (Sc-Sim. OF THE BIBLEâ€"By CHARLIE Four“. Profussly lfluatrated -â€"Salea marvellous â€" Nearly ‘ 400,000. Send $1 50 for a copy and go to work. Agents Wanted. Address. Will Shurpen the Knife without removing it from the Machine. No farmer should send his machine into the field without one. Snmfiple'blv mail. 300. 1.. n~n-â€"-.-.â€" - 100 Oolbome screen.............Brlnnord. Out. 4 John StreetNorth .......... .Hnmilum. om. BEST IMPORTED ENGLISH sntaéfifhg Small American Hogs Casin Quality guaranteed. in lots to suit purchasers. $31M: for prices. one. Illustrated Catalogue tree. ' “'EBSTEB Bnos., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. TIFRIORS. ULC‘ERS. ETC" CURE”. without tha knife. No cure. no p'a). Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L SMITH, M D..124 QueenE" Toronto. ROSES _. _-- _ "â€"‘Q‘ tic. It Is a laxative, giéing’easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol- lows Muse. Recommendéd byprot‘mional and bushes men. Send for book. Price $1.00. Sold by Drusgistn. WELLS. RICHARDSON co.. Prop’s Montreal, Que CONSTIPATION DYSPEPSIA A. G. WATSON, Manager, Toaox‘m WILLARD Tum Dmmn. Tonom . PARKER CO. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS yggyogsr Debility. RHEUMATISM WEAK NERVES SAUSAGE GASINGSZ PAnu’q Grimm: Comfooxn is no: a. Oaths» A]- u. Putin’s Cum? Comm stnengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. PAma'a CBLERY COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve touics. makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. ' PAmx's Canny Conromm purines the blood. It drives out the lactic acid. which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood. making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. Pan's Gunny Com-own is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, 1t speed. 11y cures all nervous disordem. DYEING AND CLEANING. URES Nervous Profit-lion, Nervous cadache, Neuralgia, Nervous \Velknua, smmnch and Liver Diucases.Rheumntlsm.Dyspepsia. and all affections of mo Kidneys. Works and Bud omces : ........... u-ul ,uc uv luau, DU! CLEMENT d (30., Toronto. nuuucn 0 I HI'II'O) Sten oils, and Burning Brands, am. Send (or Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00.. 87 Scott 8t.. Toronto. BUB BER film 120 Second - llnnd Bicycles and Trlcvcles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. .A. '1'- LANE, BicyEleT! 3333683 Planis; gqllections will suit every an}! a_ll othe_rl1edding and EIHC’S “d ""«V . Y thell'flsilu'xhqw the; -l - --L.-- -M nu everybody should study how the can but secure the blocs! oi a robust and VIGOROUS CONS ITUTION. The load we 0 but everything to do with our rhyaical devolo ent, And too lit. attention is g ven to the select on of nourish n iood. 801ml. Anolym hu roved that “annoys l' IIID Ill! 00n- tolm oil the o omento at a rfoct iood that will build I! a strong oomtitution 30d nourioh Bpfum, BONI ad “080 . Inmpnvpr A MAN IS ms STRENGTH ‘NTRE'AL. BREAQMAKER’S YEAST; A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others haw talledls no reason tornot now recelvln a cure. Send at once fora. treatise andaFRnE or m Ixmnmm REMEDY. Give Ex rm and 031: omce. It costs on not!“ or ; trial, and It will owe you.y_Ad(13-essn8 n_ u n nan-n nâ€" â€" ForYrei‘ht, passage. or other lnlormation l to A.Schum§cher Co.. Baltimore; 8. Cunardagnp 50., Halifax; Shea 6: Co., St. John’s, N. 1“,; Wm. Thomp- son 8: 00., St. John, N. 13.; Allan a 00.. Chi ; Love 6: Alden, New York, H~ Bourlier, Toron ; Allnus, Rae Co., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Phlhdeb phia; H. A. Allen. Portland, Boston, Montreal. Dru Sailing during winter from Portland ovary Thaw day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and In summer lrom Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and assangen for Scotland and Ireland; also from Belt more. Vi. Halifax and St. John's. N. F , to Liverpool lortnlghtly during enmmer months. The steamers oi the Glu- gow lines sail during winter to and from mum. Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durln sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G n w and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladel ._ . - I,AI, GENâ€"BOYS CARRIAGE ’l‘ul’s Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship: ‘ When I say CURE I do not mean meme to stop them for atlmo, and then have them re- turn aln. I MEAN A RADICAL CUBE. I Inge made the disease of fut; ALB‘A‘N TsjuAM‘TWObE for durability, shle and onmeuienoe. VThVe‘ieâ€"a] Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THE)! Have all‘thg lgtfgt_i}upyqvgments.ani aregneguafled BUY NO OTHER. AWAY-5.41.8131“) I “uni c5 11. a. 3001'; $7 i355 an, Taro-nu, Ont. fl v I (HIRE é FITS! BREAD male with (Ml Yeast took {inst prizes at 182 Township and County Fairs in ‘Onturin in 18%;, at such glam: ms lt‘lcshrrtnn, A Inrkhnm, Vhit. ;hy,ctc. ()vcr 10,oooladlcs have sent us h-ttr:rs and postal cards to say that it is superior to an yeast ever used by them. makes the lightest, thM' swuotcst nnd most who! bread, buns, rolls and E whcntcakcs. Dlrcctionn In pacing: yin: lull lanthanum." Whaley, Royce 8500. 288 Yonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Plum in Cannds for 9 lie-starting Injector. muorrlson s Automnm Slght Feed Lubrlcnbr. ”Engineer-3' Plumb- em’ Surplus of every descrip lon. Send 10! g circulars. -' JAMES MORRISOI. l 754m Adelaide sum. TORONTO. unwed Sal“. at zices within the rear: of all. I can and you a safe,nunde in the best manner. withCotn- hiuntiou Lock and well finished in every re- spect. {or [40, on do- liverv at your station. Smd for circular. S. 8. KIMBALL, 677 ONE 8L. P. 0. Box 945. Montreal. P. Q‘ ”The Celehntod Bun. cock Inaplmht. qamhgm’s 39me REPAIRING or BAND INSTRUEENTS . Agents for “Bassoun and “HIGHAM" Band Orchestra BAND IRSTHUMEHTS. New and Second-hand. specialty: ‘ â€" Sand for Catalogue. MUSIC.

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