An effort was made to float a. large cigarshnpcd raft of Nova. Scotia. timber across the ocean and the raft was lost. although had the trial been made at a. more favorable time it might have succeeded. It is urged that the Cana- dian and American governments should oend tugs in search of the raft now adrift on the Atlantic. If a steamer or sailing vessel under much headway strikes this enormous derelict it will he lost. It is the most dangerous thing to commerce now afloat in any waters and unlesa itis found and taken into some harbor or destroyed, we may expect to hear of it doing harm and that too. in a. very short time. There are various wrecks admit on the Atlantic that \\ nnt looking after. LIE}! (Jammy. :‘lzlhzl‘m, i: Wf‘n 1mm“; nulsidn tvlm NIH-H‘lzih'u; dimrfd 1m) )|-. deed is its chitf liftfu tuwn. ()gwmil‘n. Yet It once had 3 yo: niatiun lmmt. un. enviable. 'l'hon it is mic] to have spout “00.000 in its many (hinting mloonh AN Ontario mining commission has been organized, consisting of the mem- bers of the Ontario Cabinetâ€"Mr. John Charlton. M. P., clminnan' , A; Blue, secy.; Prof. Bell. Wm. Coe and Wm. Hamilton Meritt. The commiékion “ill vistt Sudbury and other places north. and take what steps may be considered advilable to develops the mineral re- sources of the province. mesn war ships am already arriving at Halifax to assist in tho ï¬shnrv pro- tective servw-e. and, we. presume. um C'mmdiuu cruisers wifl he on the (309-. ear‘y. As the Uvitm! “Ha-{vs Surat: have scan ï¬t to reject the holy thcv have taken the rcspunsihinty of debun- ing their ï¬shmnmn from all tho [triu- lodgcs of that treaty. mu! ifwizur-os w."- Immsmnents continua the blame w .t~ m: themselves. Alm‘rit-an rich-grim": v3"; b0 rigidly excluded from Um 11m “.333}:( limit, and shut. out. 0! a! 1.1m ('e‘» «Mum and Newfoundland haw. Tm: Duke of Rutland. during his at- tendance upon the Queen in her visit to Berlin had repeated interviews with Prince Binlnarck and returned to Eng- land thoroughly impregnated with Prince Bieularck's views on the European situ- ation-.. According to these, the Czar. advised by the hostile party at St. Petereburg. is determined on 'war and on a war which shall involve all the nations of Europe in more or less active hostili~ ties. The time at winch the ï¬rst gun ii to he ï¬red depends partly on the death of the Emperor Frederick. which is. of course, expected from day to day, and which may be the signal for battle. Independent In all Thing! and Influenced In None. Tn: supplementary estimates wero brought down in the House of Commons last week; We notice the following items in the vote for Ontario harbors and rivers :â€" 85,000. the town furnishing 03.000; Thorubury. dredg- ing, 83,000 ; improvement of Narrows. between Lake Simcoe and Couchiching, 8500;0011ingwood, 85,000 ; Penetang, 810.000. Tm: prospects are that there will be about 11.000 volunteers under canvas in the various militia camps HHS sunnncr. About 9,000 others Will perform the annual drill in various cities. bringing the grand total up to 20,000 men. It I’arlinment granted sufï¬cient for the purpose. the force which Would be drilled would reach 37,000. The ï¬rst camps will be hold about the 15th 0: June. l’ï¬vï¬ii‘“ 1 II sup-Ital H"- uunu-oo-u "w Cad: not ex: oodlug 1 inch. 05 per “mun. Tun-ion! yum t}: emonta Oc's per lino m inï¬ Hon acts. : . ' M-xbaquuut -.‘â€urml ‘ ~ nl-nr'o' â€VIITISING “I. 3 MlOolnmn. lyw" ...... ............. "Ml lost-III' I'IUOlthOCOCl Eire Woodbine gamma, ’mDâ€"c M: ginwcrtau hymn. my mo Editor or gathered from Exchange.†JOSEPH J. CAVE, Psorunon. FRIDAY. MAY 25-. 1888. voonvxnu up nun-mu. aauurm 310m. cutout-"0' and to have reaped drunkenuo‘q, do ’ luluchery. idleness and vice to the full. l But a few sober. higlnninded men went ‘ to work with a purpose. They traced the evil to its source and only last your ï¬nished their last work lnyelosing up the doors of the last saloon. New, thirty thousand people live and thrive without a Bangle drink shop in all the country. and with what result ? The retail trade is reported to have increased thirty per ! cent.. and the real estate has advanced twenty-live per cent. The higher court has no criminal business to deal with- ; there are no idlers and loafers ; and altogether the people regard the proln- ‘ hition of liquor as worth half a million dollars a year to the country. not to speak of the increased piety. the high moral tone. the hospitality and general l happiness that give a visitor a restful sense of having arrived at a kind of “God's acre" among the living. There is no whiskey there and now it cannot be had. no one wants it. l l l I IKE next meeting 0! the Council of the Car- porntion of the County of Ontario to: the yes: [(-38 will be held pursuant to adjournment at the Court House in the Town of Whitby on next In the hour of two o'clock in the aft‘moon. Ml accounts tu be laid before the liuuncil must be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certiï¬ed. M logst three days before the meeting of the Camp ci!. 011 T0 RENT. DESIRABLE House and Lot and outbuild- ,_ lugs adjoining St. Andrew's church. Siluuoe skeet. Beaverton. Also for sale uohoico Lot on south side Victoria struet.Boavermu. For further particulars. up 1y ‘0 DON. L. CAMERON or to JAb‘. CAMERON. ’ostmuster. Benvorton. 30m Everywhere at 25 cents a. Bottlo. chommemled By Everybody. I am acqlmilned with the composition of Per- rin'a Pine Tar Con-din] and can recommend it us being the most. elï¬cieut Cough Remedy I know of. “'il] heinBaavm-tml on “'odnmdny and Satur day of each wwk tar Rppairin" l‘ umps and tnk ing order for no“ ones. Due-J at “'llitl)! this‘ JNO. E. FARE‘VELL, 10m day of May. 1863. i Count: (ilcrk. Co. of Ontario. Pumps and Cisterns of all kinds to order at short notice. ).\RT on: half Lot No. 7. (7011.6. Township 01' I 'l‘ho‘mh.(‘ontuiuingtm acres. more 01' less, ahnnt 40 act-Is clown»! and in n. fnir smte of cultivation. A :zcmd Frmm- I! w" Mx’x“. nn stunt.- nimtnu-nts. a (loud Lug Hume. also a 2mm] \wll. 'l‘l.c plumisos um wull fenced. For pnriicuim's p. D II" to †’ n. numm. gm. Monday, the. 4th day of June Farm For Sale ! A number of Western Ontario cheese- men have decided to petition the Domi- nion Government against the practice of American dealers shipping products through Canada. and by branding the boxes with a distinctive Canadian mark palm of? their manufactures on the Eng. lish market as Canadian. Penin’s Pine Tar Cordial En. Zhnvortou..\lny 11th 18%. COUNTY COUNCIL JACOB B718 RNES in" order for new ones. â€"-ALL W‘onz evanamssn._ Momher of the American Public Health As- snciation. and President of the Executive Association of Health Olï¬cers of Outnrio. County of Ontario.“ Pampslï¬fag er, “'OODVILLE AND BEAYERTON. For Sale P. PALMER BURRO\VS, M. D.. C. H. LINDSAY, ONT- complaints. Pleulm to tlke ; child- ren are fond of 1:. Instant relief from nm dose; heal» and euro- like magic. Prepared sclennflully - from the Pun Pine '1‘:- Conan, Comm. 110 uln- Fass, Bzoxcll'nl Wnoorma Comm Cnour, Ixrmrlm Drmcrm‘ BnlArnum and All Thro_|t_u_nd Lung I DONT HEBLEBT m sauna Buniverton. Ont. "mko onto that you no not a'. prosmnt wanting a. H wimm Winch is nut exnutly mijluto‘d to your I at mu! uunm-quemly mrli g as A sovuro strain 0 ILO (write-.1 .\ur\‘cs mul renwmbu‘r than. such -O:-\J'|t'-U uranium as that of tho liyo ruqnina and accommodation. mother (“streaking sensations so common in (humauygrndes at unruwut In the Man-keg but {may BflMFORT, STRENEIHEN PEE- StHVE THE SIGHT. -No Charge Made 1‘0 r‘ ~15xammation.~ Dr. Chase's Third. Lust and Complete Receipt Book and Household Physicinn. or the look for the Million, contnius 110:1)‘13‘900 pages and sells for $2.25 in cloth binding Ind _ ’.50in imported oil cloth, inarbie edge, and isjustly by him called “TIIIICIDVVNISG “'03“ 0F 31' lll‘l†I: is tho result of over a. halfaceutm‘y‘sohwrvn- tion. study and oqwriouco. 11-: this embudias no cuiupiiation of his former hooksV It is wholly a new book. I! 3" you: "go he could produce a hook that had a] a. sale of nwr ï¬fieeu hundred thoumuu coï¬emnnd has made his Dune familiar in ncuriv cvcrv F;uglisquymki‘v: home in the United States. (“mm In. and tbmminds of homes in Eurnpe Austrniin and Knuth Ainurica, what XIX» ofti imnk ruulni or would he product as his Crowning Ln‘i- “ark, wn'zl Mum-z THAN THIRTY YEAHH or ADDITIONAL PRACTICE Axm-tu’xmilm'n? The iron}: itsvif answers the qucsdon. and is the most vnhmblc production in the history 01 book publishing. Fill! \Vlumt.. Spring \Hm. Aum ~ctv. “hem. Hurley†Outs ......... l‘cas.lllucku)o.. Peas. lmtter..........u..... .. qusu-‘rcsm.......‘...... l'otatoes................. llav...... ........ . .. Pork. .................-- Bcnf 'l‘urkms 1\(rtb.. (nuuac.1crlh ..... l)ucks.1un‘lb . . .. . . . . .. Chickuns, por 1b.... . . . . . Clover Sued. Alsiko mar 'limothy ............. me ............... . . . .‘ GAUTiï¬ï¬‚ ' l'mcrupulousnndpiratingpub- . Ushers are nttemptiug to copy this book by taking portions of it out and palm- ivig it 011' on the public :13 the complete work. We own tho manuscript, {nu-chewed from Dr. (.‘hnce's hairs. See that yuu get thr- genuine book. See that it has our name on the title page and is copyrighted by us Agents: \Vanted 2 Biz Temns l IlItI'lds sending a. practical Outiciun to limit nuunz III )lllll' town at II-vlllm‘ intervals who VH“ ho cmnpctum to Inousme Imd aucmnodato oh-Iv (IL-[cm I-f tho oymight llI-Il Is prMnlont l. 0 \\ill III G‘ICI) Insmncu II 0 ï¬lm I' Inn 5 Culv- l:Iutcd S) (Helm II-s mull u- 3.1335505 so “I'll known tu-Iim huumflu- UL I‘m: ll\lillcl wmld fur the no}: "UNI“ uIN- IUII‘ u-Inkut. tho-I confer 0n the \\L'.l.l\)l'. I'uLIuIs no OLD DR. CHASE’S Published in both English and German. 18 J 3W1}? 3?, LONDON, ENGLAND, Blimmering. Waveting. Dizziness Main Ofï¬ce. Detroit, Mich. This powder never varias. A umrvol of pur- ty. strength and wholesoumnuss. More euonulxr ical than tho ordinary kinds mu] cannot be sold in counnetition with the multitudo of low test. short “night alum or plmsphate powders. Sold Ulll)‘ in cans. Born. BAleu l’owmtn (20.. 106 Wall bu. S. Y. Fall \Vhont ....................... . Understanding um dmh-ulty of parties living in small towns luring accurately ï¬tted with b‘puuach-s sudmi exactly to the dlfiuwnt sights. ’eus . . . His Last 4:. Crowning Lufe Work. Farm‘ers’ Markets. AND 79 my 5'12. Tmmx'rn, CANADA. NOTICE OF VISIT. Absolutely Pure. F- B DICKERSON a. CO- m“. gummy, Ii’. WESTCOTT, Beau-H.011. Ont. BEA VERTON MARKETS . \VOODVILLE NEW REBEIPI 888K, Fnr S \In by ............ 6 75 6 75 ..... 4 50 5 00 MARKETS. . . . S 0 74 80 ....... .. '10 77 “'lndsor. 0â€. 3-~We Can Secure You Euieaflthgwwlthâ€" and Prosperity, Butter and Eggs taken as ’ Cash. HighestPrice giv en. In the ï¬rst place try our ALABASTIM) it. is in no way lï¬â€˜u‘v tlm lialmmine Pm- pamtions sold under various umuns. Alubastinu [onus u-l‘vruuuwnt (eating for Walls. is hardened on the wall by age and moisture and flu: surface 15 strengthened by every coat added from time to time. It is not. ul :1 gluiuucss ur guunuiug nature. consequently the best. thing known. We keep the leading colors. especudly white. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS; GINGHAMS, COTTONS. TWEEDS, TOWhLINGS, CRETONNES, Blfll’i'l‘IXGS', COTTONADES, T IOKIXG 5:, TABLE ()IL CLOTHS FLOOR OIL CLUTHS, CARPE'l‘. ROSIERY, GLOVES. CORSETS, LACE CURTA EN, CURTAIN NETS, In our Ll‘ AND HEAVY H ARD“ ARI“ ever) thing is complete 111 may line, we are receiving Heavy Consignments Colored Shirts with Colored Collars, Ties, Hosiery,Umbrellas. vvgogr‘vuv uu uvv[‘y 11110, nu cuu lobclvulg llcilvy UUUSIBHUIUUW every day. We have one Our Load Cut Nails coming to hand, Now is the time to buy your Garden Tools, see our dollar Spade. Builders and Contractors, we would call your attention to various articles not mentioim. in our list, but would like you to cull and inspect our Gootls and got prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wishing to dispose of all our Stock Within the next NINETI DAYS, we will offer the above Goods at We also have an oxide of Iron Paint. all colors. the best. and only Mixed Paint that. “'11! stand the sun and weather being 95 per cont. Jrou guaranteed. If you want any Painted Woyo Wire for windows ordoors we can sell at half the price previoum ly sold. Now is the time to paint and we have just re- ceived a large consignment cf the Elephant Brand Mixed Paints and Elephant Wmte Lead. Our Brushes are complete m every line. Paint. Alabastiho. Shoe. Stove and Horse Brushes of every description always in Stock at. the Lowest Prices. To every person buying 810.00 worth at one time. we will give. a present of 50 callus worth of anything they like. (nails cxccptedl fur the cash. We also can-v a line 0! Fancy Goods such as COMBS. BRUSHES. NEEDLES. liNl'l"‘l.\'G PINS. PIPES. FISHIN'} TACKLE and other articles too nunun-ons to nn-ntion. in [not everything you can think of can he found at tho UllliAl‘l’lH'l‘ HARDWARE. STORE. BEAVERTON AND BREUHIN. Bo sure and keep your sheep in :1 clean place and free from chaff this season. We want 10.000 lbs. WOOL for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE will be paid in CASH, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SPRING 3 SUMMER 6630135 also large stock of TW‘EEDS, SUITINGS, PANTINGS, very cheap, READY-MADE CLOTHING, MEN’S, BOYS’ and CFHLDRN’S, HATS, (Hard and Soft Felt.) HOBO {TO HO USE" UNI/VG and TAR/2’50 PAPf/fS, a Speciality GRAND CHANCE WWvamwwwwwvy vwv W Manufactured only at Tnom HOmeu‘a Esmnuanunm, 78. NEW OXFORD STREE'I. LONDON. WWW: Juv‘v a~~v~ 'Mwmx'xx‘ to close out same. All Goods marked down. it lurch-non uhnld look to tho IAN! on the Bonn and M I! the “on“ u not us, Oxfcrl lmot, London. thoy no "In; EUNi O . 2'. ‘v 1 ‘ ‘, -Q‘. l. H. L) I. ' \‘J offers a large stock of D. MCNAIB, H. WESTGOTT. TO BUY AT “Toronto House,†Beavertbu