EVERY TMRSDAY MORNING- Svnscnwnox-()nly One Dollar ayear, Strictly in Admuce. ADVERTISINGâ€"~Yeurly Advertisements; clmrgcd quauterly; Transient Ad- vertisements, when ordered. First~class accommodation and attentive servants. . Bar wcll supplied with the choic- est liquors and cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and every convenience {or the travel- ling public. “WA WA. VVNAW \AMMAAK- ELDON HOUSE, Woodville, '1‘. EDWARDS. - Prc NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village, and has re- cently been refitted and refurnished, and is therefore most suitable for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Good Stables and attentive Hustler. lnspectnr of Weights and MeasuresCmmty of Victoria. Auctinncer, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rants collected. 1 Clerk 15% and 7th Division Courts County thgna. (‘Icrk Township of Eldon. Sec- retary EldonB. A. Societv. Agenï¬ P. B. S. Company. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen’ s Bench. W\-v ..HWV\\.â€"\_\. WM. A.S1LV13R\VOOD, J P. J. saunas, L.I .. 3 ms. szruxn,r..n.s. GEORGE \VI LL13 MILLA R, l’mmc‘m Ancurracr, Bowman AND Cos- TRAL'HHL Plans and Speciï¬cations made on the shortest notice. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, on reasonable terms. Hut- ing and Ventilation of Churches and School Houses a succinlty. King Street, \Vooil: DAY 'of each m'outh. He will. also visit “'oodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’herson’s Hotel. HUDSPETH . BARRON, ' Barristers, c., c. Ofï¬ceâ€"Kent Sh, Lindsay. ARA“ HUDSPETH. ' JOHN A. BARRON. . A. GUNN, ’ VETERINARY SURGEON! Estimates furnished, and cuntracls taken fur any at all nf the almvc wm-k. Materials lur- niï¬hccl if required. NEELANDS PENTLAND, Dentists, lemv, - ' onumo. One d the above ‘will be at Hamilton’s Hotel. Beaverton. on theï¬EGQND MQN- ville. OFFICE, MEDH'M. HALL, \VOODVILLB. Diseases of all domesticated animals successfully treated. Shaving and, Hair~Cutting. Henderson 85 Cave, 0F Canniugtm, will be at the “Eldon . Housu." \meh'mc, EVERY “WID- XESHAY aftcrnmm mnl SKTUIKUA Y foru- umn, and will he pv-q-parecl tn alu m-m'ything in Na lino. Nuw is the time to get :\ gum‘ job done. Sash and Door Factory 'l'he nulmcrihms have now got thtil‘ Factory littul up in limbclms style mu‘ are prepared tn furnish anything that. may bu entrusted tn than: in the shape of SASH.DOORS, AN D BLINDS We will my Agents n Salary of $100 per anh mu! CY‘K‘IIM‘R, m‘ nllmv n large omn- mianinn to so“ our new and .wumlcrfnl in. vmlï¬nns. "‘0 mm» "'1qu mo my_ Sample fnw. [\Ildrcxu. SHERMAN (30., Mar- shall. Michigan. AGENTS READ THIS King lStreat, Woodvmo. 3131:5711 mm (13111115. HALWARD BROS l‘l. .-.\ "I ‘\'(-. \l .-'\ I‘(' â€[30. 3101']. DING, ht‘lml Lh \"\\\ I\H c. «mshmt notice and 'It imttum [Ilia-.8 Alau Mll1ll"c.fll|(l .llluhurful sult- cheap. ,_ H mm gamma," BRIOELAYERS, PLAS Tm: Jim AM) JIASUAUS .ec. CONTRM'JING AND BUILDING (Graduate of Ontario Vet. College. BICK, PLANl’i‘iG MILL Sgrnmsiomxl 03mm. H". A NJIS TRONâ€, (‘llAan' [28 310931! ATR- $90191 mums. \VUU I) V [IJIJI‘I A "4 PUBLIMIID SPEC I u 'l‘\'. Mc’ 'imsie Bra. .\.\' It Proprietor 37 \VATCHMAKER 8:, PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE noon WEST or NORTHERN HOTEL woom‘u.x.a, ONTARIO. l N. ILâ€"T'r. McKay's varied and extensive ‘ experience in the Hospitals of England and , Scutlnndmthc four Diplnmna which he holds I from the best (Jullcgcs uf the Mather (Jaun- I try in nulditinn tn his Canadian Degrees f almuhl I»: u sure guarantee of his clï¬cicmey. Music Lsssans on the Organ At her residence on King St, next door to Mr. McSweyn'a. Pu H: can he attended at there own residence i required. Oflice on King Street, or orders can be left. at THE Anvocnn Ofï¬ce. 0/" WWWW .n Wmâ€. W. A. SILVERWOOD, / ONEY T0 LOAN on FARM PHO- h PERTY, for a term of years, at a rear suuuble rate of interest. W Mortgages and Municipal Debuntures bought. Apply to “‘-‘- --_._-__‘ DUN. CAMPBELL, A gent London and Canadian Loan 81 Agency Company, 67-1y Woonvmm, 0x1 LIVERY! EN RY ED‘VARDS is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY RIGS at any time cm! on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta.- blcs in connection with the Eldon House. Duo for End Times. If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a. mortgage or other debts, We would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada Permanent loan and Savings Com- pany. which has made more loans to farmers or the last twenty-three years than any other You can get any time ' on want to repay. up to 20 years, The in] amount of the [mm is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, payments in sdvsnco or expences. For wither particulars apply to J N O. C. GILCHRIST. OFFICE-One door east of Post Ofï¬ce, woom'Ima-z, ox'r. First (100? east uf Northern Hotel, “'ood- ville, Ontario. J. MUKAY, M. 1).. L. R. C. P. and L. If. C. 9.. EIISIH'IUHI. (LICENTM'I'H «mu. CULMZGIZ or rm‘sn'rns, .nn LII'HSTIATH up umzu. cm.l.r:un 0F srluutuss.) MIRRORS, PIC'rIrREs', FRAMES. Small 110mm Mann's/Anya, (:YN :EUULOGYâ€" (Diseases peculiar ‘to Wmm-n) practiced in llnspitnls exclusively llcvutul fa Diseases uf Wumcn in Lumlun and ! din'nurglnnmlc A SPECIALTY. l’llUE. LISTEN’S Appliuncwt mul appur- atus fur the Antixcptic System (If 'l'rcunncnt. 1 ow adapted lw all ï¬ne leading Surgeons 0f Europe on hand. V. S. SHE -= MAN, Stationery, School Supplies. If PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCUITL‘HEUR. Appraiser fur the Canada Permanent Loan Savings Umnpany. MUNI'LY 'I‘U LOAN at. a low rate of interest and on may terms uf payment to suit lmrrnwers. cntlfnr the mxmstE mm I we INSURANC E 00. Capital, 310,. 000, (NW. - The STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authorized capital, $3,000,000. The won'nnn“ RISK hummus FIRE INSURANCE 00. Capital. $600,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN. SL'RANCE 00.. of London, Ont. Agent fur the sale of the celebrated WILSON A., and LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINES. pr TERMS MODERATE. MISS H. G. STOTT VOL. III. IUIIN Mv'l‘AGGAI‘JI‘, Kirklield, Commissioner in B. R.. Conveyancer. J. s. LEEDHAM, Ofï¬ceâ€"â€"King.st., “'mulvillo. LAND and General Agent. RCH. CAMPBELL, I BOUNTY AUGTIDHEEB THE ADVOCATE. Money to Loan. COUNTY AUCTIONEER. is now prepared to give HENRY EDWARD JR. \VODVILLE WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1879. i I would rlso call your attention to the n.- â€"â€"... i sponsihility which is now plnccdon assessors d l with regard to the census. an Tho nuit between this county and the ’ Whitby. Port Perry and Lindsay Railway “.8 Company is atill pending. The County M". ’ Soiicitnr will appear before the Finance Committee nod furnish any information that mnyhcdcsircd. _ 1m; â€WWW/WWW M"W~MM«NWVWWANA'WWI~’ -u\ \. The June session of Victoria County Council was opened on Tuesday afternoon last, the Warden in the chair, and the fol- lowing members present: Messrs. Adams, Aehman, Bailey (Bexley), Bailey (Emily), Bick, Brown. Bryans, Broad, Carmichael, Connolly, Cooper, Cook, Daniels, Dimnent, Dickson, Downer, Fell, Henslip, Junkin, Mark, McMurmy, McClelland, Stephenson, Smith, Taylor, Tookey. Absent, Mr. Leary. The minutes of last tiny of J nnum'y session were read and adopted. wumsx’s Animus. To the Municipal Council of the County of Victoria: GENTLEMBX,â€"â€"The usual business requir- ed by the statute to be transacted at the June session. namely, the equalization of the assessment of the respective municipalities and the levymg of rates for county and other purposes will demand your caretul attention. Aportion of the township of Harvuy in the county Peter-borough having been an- next to the township of Verulnm, the equal. nation of the latter municipality will require re-arrmlgementa. The necessary informa- tion as to the acreage and assessed value of the anuexegl portion will he laid. before you. The Auditors' report and detail statem'ents of receipts and expenditures for the year 1878, the estimates for the current year,and statements showing the position of the re. spectch sinking funds and of unpaid county rate: will be laid before yon. _ The Treasurer. acting with my concur- rence, visited Toronto last month and ur- chased debentures of the township of ‘10: amounting to $4,500, on the account of the railway sinking fund. The price paid was 98 per cent. The recommendation of the Finance com- mittee relating to the general sinking funds adopted at the January session, has been carried out, an arrangement heving been moxie “fitli the Bank of Montreal for the de- sit of all money a at the credit of 'these Fonds, to bear at least 4} per cent. in the meantiu e. I communicated with the \Vnrden of the county of Peterborough in the month of April with reference to the north bridge in the village of Bobctygeon. He informs me that he has been advised that the relation of the two counties with reenect to the Bob- caygeon bridge has been efl'ecte‘d by the act detaching the portion of Harvey lying West of Pigeon lake from the oountymf Peterbor- ough. The question of joint. liability may have to be decided anew, and l weiild coni- mend the subject to your earnest consider- ation. A: decided by you at the January smion I wrote the inspector of Prisons respecting the proposed alterations in the gwl. ukin r him to appoint a time for a conference wit your committee. Under «late of the 28th of February he informed me he would name a day a fortnight before this meeting, but I re- gret the arrangement has not been carried out on his part. and the matter is still in nbeyauce.‘ Acirculnrhas been received from the Minister of Education giviugn snmmar 10f the recent amendments to the school aw. Severai at these amendments affect the ed. ucntional interests which cmno more im- medinmly nmler the supervision of the county cnuncil. {have rcceiml a number of comlmmcao ticmn hesiulus those referred to, all of which will be laid Imfurn ynn_. _ I cannot cnnclude withnnt cxprcns’ng the hope that this year. by the hlessin of Providence, an abundant. harvest wil b'e reaped. a hn m “hich is strengthened by the present l‘Xl'e lent nppnnrancc uf the growing Cl'()lN.-â€"I n'n, gentlemen, ynnr obedient servant. On motion of Mr. l‘ivksnn. seconded by Mr. Daniel, Messrs. Fell. Connolly 'l'unkey. Carmichael, Daniel and the mnver were ap- pointed a cmmnittee to 'cnnsiqler and report on the Wardcn's address. I'mlTInNs. On motion of Mr. Connolly, accmulctl by Mr. Fell, the petition of Mr. Joseph Greer: and others relating to n certai . roml was re- cechd read, and referred to the committee, on Roads and Bridges. (ll.\S.PA1Rl‘.\IH.\', Warden (‘nuucil ( 'hmvber. Lindsny 19th June, I879. 2 On motion of Mr. Hmlip. seconded by' Mr. Brynns, the petition of W. A. Silver- wood and seventy-eight others asking n grant for expenditure on the boundary line betWeen Bexlu‘y and Eldon from the bound- ary of Fem-[onto the Victoria road. was re- Calvin] and road and referred to tho com. mittee on roads and bridges. EQUALIZATION commrrxn. On motion of Mr. Full, aocmulmlhy Mr. Connolly, the following members wero‘ con. ntitnted a special committee to cqnolizo the assessment of tho renpective nnnnioipaliticn for the your l878. for the purpose of levying county rates for thy present your, viz, COUNTY COUNCIL. “ Pro Bono Publlco." JUNE SESSION. Messrs. Carmichael, Adam, 'l‘mkey, Daniel Heulip, Dickson, Cooper, Stt‘phenson and the mover. The Council then adjourned till “"0de . day at 2 o’clock, p. m. WEDNESDAY. The Council met at 3 p. In. All the mem- bers present except Messrs. Bryant: and Junkin. The minutes of yesterday Were read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS. The “'arden read the following commun- ications :â€"â€"- From the Reeve of Bexley asking the county to purchase school debentures. Telegram from Mr. H. Hayes. Toronto. informing the Council that the inspector of Prisons had been called out of town an would not return to the city before Friday. From Mr. H. Hughes, crier of the court, asking the Council to furnish him with a suitable 3 Mn, similar to that worn by other criers in the provincc~â€"on the ground that it was necessary in maintaining the dignity of the court. From Capt. Thirkell, Capt. Cottinghnm and Capt. Kennedy. asking in lieu of the Government not having made any provision for the men's rations at the batalliou camp to he held at headquarters in the fall that the Council grant 250. pet diem to each man during his absence on duty. The petition state-.1 that the men would not be absent more than seven days. A VOLUNTEER GRANT. Mr. Dickson moved, seconded by Mr. Downer,that the captain of the Fenelou Falls Volunteer Company be paid the sum of $20 per annum for taking care of the arms of said company since organization in [874. The moVer pointed out that Lindsay and Omemee had not only been supplied with drill sheds but that they had each been re. ceiving a grant of 820 since 1872 for a. care- taker. Capt. Kennedy was on motion heard re- specting the matter. He showed that the Fenelon Falls Company had no .drill shed and that the Government made no allowance for an armory so that he had to pay the rent of the armory out of the grant of the Gov- ernment for taking care of the arms. Ho merely asked that the same grant be given Fenolon Falls Company that other companies had been receiving. The motion was carried. oovmxon-ossenmh vunr. Mayor Deacon was on motion heard re- specting a proposed reception to the Goverâ€" nor-General and Princess Louise in the lull. He stated that His Excellency and the Princess would be in Toronto in September to open the new permanent Agricultural and Art- Exhibition building and that they would make that city their headquartem for four or five Weeks. from which they pnrpon ed making short visits to the towns and cities in the vicinity. He had written some time ago to Mr. Hector Cameron, M. P., and asking his eo-opemtion in inducing the (:oVornor and Princess to pay Lindsay 9 visit and he submitted a reply received from Mr. Cameron which stated that he (.\lr. C.) had called upon the GoVornot-Heneral’s sec- rotary and tendered the invitation to visit Mr. Bick considered that Fcnclon Falls Company should be placed on the same footing as the other companies in the county and Mr. Tookey spoke to the same efl'ect. Victoria countyâ€"at the some time giving him the various routes by which Lindsey might be reached from Toronto Major De Winton, the secretory. ï¬tnted that the time of the linvcrncblieueml and Princess would Would he Very much occupied hut thnt he would submit Mayor Deacon's letter to His Etc-elleucy for consideration. lle(Mayor Deccan) had corresponded with the Mayor of l’eterhoro' and an application WM to be made there for the compaction of the County i Council of Peterboro’ and a similar applicap tion Would be made by Col. Willinmn. M. P. Port Hope. There was nothing certain about the visit but he won convinced that if the County Councils Would unite in extend- ing an invitation it Would he accepted. He considered if a reception were given it should he Well done, hut. the expense Would be Inninly'horne hy the tmvn of Lindsay by subscription and the County L‘onncil would be mere-y asked to place their chamber at the disposal of the committee to he need as a reception room. and to appoints committee and make a grant not to exce :618500. Be trusted the council Would give the matter consideration before they edjoumed. REPLY 'ro rnr. wmncx’s Ammm. ‘ On motion of Mr. Tookey, seconded by 1‘ Mr. Brown, the report 0! the special com. | luittee appointed to consider the ‘ Wurden’e ; uddreas was auhnn‘tcd and adopted n! fol-- ' lows :-- No. 132 l’idoria i - ’ (lunuus.â€"-Your committee have con- ï¬dence “at the oqualiution a! the mou- uwnt and other business ï¬lled by the statute will be disposed o with due eon-id._ oration. To "gnawâ€! ()de qf the County of You} committee tnut the enditore" report end other statement: relating to the ï¬nance of the county will be fully dealt with by the Finance committee. Your committee commend the wtion of the \Vnrden and Treasurer in the purchase‘ of debentures on account of the railwa sink- ing fund and in opening an account With the Bank of Muntteal {or the deposit of money: It the credit of the gelwfal sinking; foods: Your committee Kre impressed with the importulceof the question raised bv thc Warden of the county of Peturbomugh with reference to the Bobcuygoon bridges, and trust. the committee on roads and bridge! will recommend decided action in the mat.- ter. Tour committee negrcl; that no progress has been mule iu the matter of the propooetl alterations in the goo! building. but that the Inspector of Prisons will meet with the committee of tho council appointed for that puLpose baton; the end of the session. - _ Your committee woalil commend the con- sideration of the recent amendments to the scum) law to the standing committee on edv “cation Your cmnmittee trust the suit between the county and the Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Rnilwq Company will be brought- to _n.n early and satisfactory cpnclusion. Your committee trust the hope expressed by the “'arden with regard to the coming harvest will be fully realized. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES TOOKEY, Chairman, Committee Rooms. Lindsay, llth June, l879. EQUALIZATION or Assnwunsr. On motion of Mr. Fell. seconded by MK, Hemlip, the report of the special committee appointed to equalize the assessment of the various townships in the county and for the purpose of levying the late for the present year Wu submitted. at Fenolon Falls b.: reduced from 8150.000“) $125,000â€"L05t. Bracebridge be reduced from 875,000 to .60,- 000. He objected to raising the omount from 850,000 to 75.000 and said that the committee must have thought Brnoebridge was a city. Most of the buildings in Brooc- bridge were of wood and the country, unlike that mrrounding other villages in the oounty was mainly rock. Notwithstanding his strong upped for reduction the motion was Mat. The report was then reported with amend: ment and adopted. A nlnuumm cammstoxan. Mr. Dickson celled the attention of the council to e bv-lew passed some time ago with'referenoe to action that should be tel- en by commireionen who held balance of their grants when their terms of ofï¬ce had expired, and also to another by-lew pee-ed at last session whereby the treasurer wee empowered to take action egoimt eny com mielioner who retained my balance in bi. possession after he had been given notice to return the name. He underttood thet one: commissioner had not yet returned the hi? once from [at year. The Wnnlen aid that the only con nioner who lull not yet returned the MI in his lunds was Mr. Robt. Itwin, “~12 of Matipou. Mr. Mstchctt, County Treasurer. being called upon said that he had written to Mr. Irwin on this matter before January but “:4 ceived no written mply. Some time “to! Mr. Irwin called nt the ofï¬ce und Mid tbn't he had been ill and that some of the com tracts Ion had not been completed. '- Mr. Bick "had the Warden if he give any information on the matter. Mr. Avlnml thought it would be better diecums this matter before the Street a Bridge Committee. The council then mljoumed to meet That day, v mvnsmv. . The cmmcil was engaged on commiw work all day and resumed seaflion at 4.3 The equalization report was discnued, II the (assessment of Bracebriclge wan [)1de 860,000 inns-Hi of 875,000. Sumo mm matters were dealt with and the council in until Friday mnrning. ’ A sex of Mr. Peter ( alvin, of Londol township. who Is a eomnnmbuliet, jumpm out of 3 second storey window of his father‘ home while asleep,’ and ran some: the flehll His father heiug awakened by the mile a the fell, arose. and pursued the young man When oVertaken both arms were found to ‘1 broken. The somnnmhnliet we. afterward! awakened with difï¬culty. Tm: dirtinew of the A fghana is proverb}: It is said thatduring the last Afghan gm Gen. Roberts captured a Mango! who W4 Bu pretemnlly dirty that it WM than“! neceunry, for the safety of the whole m! that he should be washed. Two gexmil Tommy Atkinsen Were told of for this in] pme. They stripped him and scrubbed in with formidable brushes and a large qnunth ofhhwk map for twahmlra, at the on! which they threw down their brushes in (Ii gust and went to their colonel. " What it, men 2†“ Well, air, we’ve wushal th Afghan fur two hours, but it wasn't .nq m After acrnluhing him, air. till mu- mm 370 like to break, Most if we didn't come up mother amt of clothes." The council Went into committee on the Mr. Smith moved that the anaeswmeut of Mr. Dickson moved that the assessment