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Woodville Advocate (1878), 3 Jun 1880, p. 3

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'- You save 25 per cent. by getting your has It Gunn Bron. There are prospects of an abundance of fruit this season. The Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A., will conduct the Communion serviceu in tlze Presbyterian church, next Sabbath. "trip“! Township Court. of Reviw Iion will be held on 'l‘uusduyflmh inst“, Oh the Town Hall, Oakwood. Organ for “lavâ€"Any party wanting a first-class Parlor Organ, very cheap can hear ofa good offer by applying at. this oflioo. N010 ILâ€"An advertisement in a newspaper is worth much more than the utters of a handbill on a rickety fenoeboard. Balmy.â€"1‘his weather is making the heart of the llusbnndman glad. All kinds of vegetation is dancing. It is ideal spring weather. Shulaâ€"To prevent flies iniuring picture frames, boil three or four onions in one pint. of water, brush the frames over with the liquid ; no fly will touch them, and it will not injure the fI-alues_ Communion Servicesâ€"The, Sacrw ment of the Lord’s Supper will be disâ€" pensed in the Presbyterian Cluucln, on Sunday. Prepalatory services will he. held commencing on Tlmwday, (today) at 11, a. In. Strawberry Festival.â€"-The choir of the Presbyterian Church intend to give a grand strawberry festival about. the middle of June for the purpose of rais~. ing funds to purchase books. Particu- lars to follow. An exchange says, “ We are in re- ceipt of a little song, entitled, ‘ “'ill my Darling Come Again ’3' ” \Vitlwut knowing the exact. circunmtances of the cane, we should say than he probably A Free Show Was given in flont of one of our town residences on Saturday. It cousistcd of dancing, singing c. The performers were two in number, but the admiring audience was large. Gurney was clown, manger and or- chestra. Medical.â€" J. D. Stewart, M. D., Oculisc and Ann-int, will visit this vil- lugo and will remain at. the Eldon House from ThumlayJOth until Monday, 14”: June. All nflliclei with infirmitiea of the eyes or cats should visit. him as he comes highly recommended. See supn plement. will We noticed some young men one evening last week trying to break some of the shade trees planted by the road- side towards the station. by bending them until their branches would near touch the ground. A spell in the lock- up accompanied by a. heavy line would do those dcsbructively inclined young men good. Change of Mail Time-M r. Gilchrist our obliging matumstur, has arranged to keep the Toronto nmil open until two o'clock in the afternoon instend of closing at half-p -et twelve as formerly. and also does not make up the morning mnil until seven oclock of the manning of departure, instead of nine o’clock the night before. This is a. much needed change and one that all feel thankful lor. Court or Imuox.â€"John F. Cunningl. Tum!” WAN'I‘ID.-John F. Cunningl. 8mm To RINT.â€" Wm. Henry. To Boy..â€"Un Wednesday evening a small boy was yelling some almut 9.30 p. m. Causeâ€"his mother applying a shingle to his hack '0 hasten his steps homewurd. It. served him rigl.t,und it in s pity parents would not. see that. their boys keep better hours. Boys that stay out hue at. nights often turn out. row- dies when they get older.â€"â€"Gazetle. If the shingle were vigorously applied to some of our boys it. might. prove bene- ficial. What is everybody’s business seldom gets done, and as usual everylxxly has been Waiting for somebody else to make u move or interest tbemselw-s in the sidewalks of the village. Some time ago a meeting was called and committees appointed to see what could be done tomu-ds that end by applying to the Councils of the respective townships, but since that nothing lms been heard either of the committees or their labors. We suppose the (-Xe-i-tions attending that meeting have proved too much for their constitutions nnd they have qlllt‘l,- ly sunk into oblivion. The Currant wm m is again at work. and now. therefom. is the time wlwn fruit growers should pay the closew attention to their curt-ant hmlnes. A solution of lu-lelroro has been found to be the safe-st and hart rummly, a few aliplicatinns of which will he sure tn destroy the mat, um! mmhlu the gum dumr to secure a good mul [N'Olwl' yiplul of this nmut Iuwful uml vulnmhlu fruit, As the worm clues not attack tlw Muck cnrrant of comm Im pwceuity exist! lor Potato. bugs are in full force already NEW ADVER’IISEMENTS. gum yawn. ’ yrzus. As many as can should attend, as we are sure. the managing committee under the Rev. Fathel Brair, will do all in their power to make things elvâ€" juynnle. The Woodville Brass Band and a good Qnmlrille Band have been engaged. and prizes will be oflelcd for games 5w. Pichic.â€"Tho annual picnic unrlet the auspices of Braverton Roman Catho- lu- Church, will be held on Wednesday, June 16L“, in MI. Fulqultar McRae’s glove, one and a half miles west. of Umu'crtun, and promises to heaven more successful than those of former Accidentâ€"Our township clerk, Mn. Andrew Morison met with lather a severe accident Inst monday evening. While lemming home from the IIN‘PL‘ ingnf the council he came from the Junction by the track and it being dnrk he fell into the cattleguard immediately north of the station. For a time he thought his leg was broken as it was impossible for him to move, however, after sitting there fun the space of half an hour, he contrived to get out and hobbled home. No bones were broken but a. most. painful bruise which has laid him up since is the result. Vennor the Canadian meteorologist’s last prediction days :â€"-I believe, he says that June will be an intensely hot month on the whole, and will commence full like and with frost. July will be u terrihle month for storms, with terms at intense heat, hut another full likere- lapse, with frost, Will in all likelihood occura tew days before the 20th. I fear the storms of thunder and hail will be of unusual severity during July. I must claim the verificntiOu of my prea diction relative to a cold wave with frosts over a large portion of the United States between the 10th and 15Lh of May. The relapse towards the close of the present month will be more severe than that just past. Fatal Accidentâ€"On Mundny after- noon Inst. «a the ballast train on the Midland wan unloading in the neigh~ hem-hood of the town line between Mnriposn and Eldon, one of the lnborem named \lchtcheon, of Lindsay, Went between the engine, which was stand-c ing some feet amw lrom the cans, to level some gravel ; while thus occupied the engine suddenly hacked up crushing the unfortunn‘e man between the tender and the flut car. Medicnl ansistance was immediately ptocured but the inv- terunl injuries he hml receiVetl were. too sewre and he died early next morning. Deceased was a single man aged 22 yeuls. w‘CASH PUD for butter at Gunn Bros. lOUO'I‘UBS WANTED. Tm: Queen's Birtmlny was celebrated in Mnnilln by s Public School Picnic, and e Gsme of Base Ball. between the married and single men of this place. The game was closely contested throughout,bnt the \ictory remsined with the married men. (This does not spesk well for our single young men). The score stsnding 20 to 18 st the end of ninth innings. The northern Bully could not be ruled luy one Umprie. consequently s second hml to be nppuninted ; with this exception the game passed off sstisfsctory to both sides. After finishing the gszne, which wee for the dinner. the psrty repaired to the Q men's Hotel, and psrtook of a sumptuous repnst. About 2 p. m. the band made their appen- nnce at the School House. Ind marched to ll. '1‘. Edward's grove. lollowml by the chil dren of the Public School. After carry- ing out. the pmgrammo, which consisted of rendmgs. recitation: and dia 0mm, the assembly was mldrenml by the lluv. Mr. McKimmn. The good thing! of the husk»!!! were then partake“ of and the company I». tired to tlwir‘homq wall planed wnh the HIGHEST MARKET PRMGE ”1“ " UUUUW . New Prices ! FOR YOUR wooL MCINWRIOR IT MUST BE WELL WASHED ON THE SHEEP AND SOLD TO MANI LLA. . MAYBEE, TO GET THE WOODVI LLE.’ Tm: Colorado Indims are preparing to go on the war-path. Wom.â€"Several varieties of intestiuel worms infest the human body, and these disgusting parasites are the special plagues of young children. The most commnn species is the round worm (technically called ascaris lumbricoides), which in shape resem- bles the large earth worm, and varies in length from {our to ten inches. It has been proved, however, that all worms which exist III the human bowels or stomach can be safely expelled, and a, complete cure of every vermicular disease effected by usin,’ Free- man's \Vorm Powders according todirecb ions. PriCe 25 cents per package. PEOPLE tormented Ly the many disagree- able sensations produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, nervous and Weak, should use the standard tonicâ€"Northrop a; Lyman’s Quin- iue Wine. They will find it agreeable and benehcial. 1t eniichcs the blood by aiding digestion and assimilation ; soothes and in- vigorates the nervous system, and imparts a healthful appetite. When used as a remedy for bilious and intermittent fever, it pro- duces the happiest results, if taken between the attacks. Convalescence is hastened. and untimely decay of the 'physique and constitution is arrested by it. The spirit- uous constituent. sherry Wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it. renders its flavor additionally pleasant. They who use it, gain flesh as well as strength, and it exerts a cheering influence upon the mind. It promotes a healthy so- cretion and H -w of bile, sound repose and regularity in the action of the bmvels. If judiciously used it may be taken without apprehension of any ill result by persons of the most delicate constitulion. A fair trial is all that is needed to prove the genuineness of its claims to public-confidence. and to the truth of the general verdict in its behalf. No article of its class commends itself so strongly to nerVous inv lids who squire building upâ€"none is so well adapted to fortify the system against the dangers which threaten the debilitated. It should not be mistaken for a mere stimulant for appetite, which many so called tonics simply are. It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to perform its various functions a ith regular- ity and vigor, and its action is not only thorough but prompt. Ask for the " Quin- ine ‘Wineof Northrop Lyman.” Sold by GROCEB once: We in TERMS McMILLAF Woodvillo, May 5th, ” "Vii LU'N Me! BUIL] Having purchased the _i all druggists. THE REGULATOR, Township of Mariposa Town Hall, Oakwood. n 10 u'cwcx. A. M. All pnrties interested will govern them- IelVes acconlingl y. Clerk) Offi‘e, Onkwaod, TENDERS DRAINAGE WORKS 14th ad 16:]: Canon-tons of mum; no. the 5th Caucasian of Eldon. HEREAS certain alterntinnshave been made in the specification. of said work. All pnrtin interested Will please call at the residence of R. Adam. E<q.. Reeve of Mariposa, or at the office of the undersigned and exmnino mid specifications as amended and tender nccurdingly. 'I‘cn em as amendod will hu rm-civml at the Clerk's uffice up till Saturday the I‘lth « "y m' June. I880. JHIIN F. ()UN’NINGS, Township Clerk. Clerk’s 093cc, Opkwood, WOODVILLE. TO RENT. For further particulars apply to WM. HENRY, Uxbridgo. STORE T0 RENT ! TUESDA Y. JUNE 15%, IHE Cnurt of Revision to revise the assess- ment roll of the Towuslnip ol Mnripou, for the you 1880, will he held at the COURT OF REVISION. 31» May, 1880. 1'! â€"â€"-Ix Thllâ€"- JOHN F. ()AL'NNINGS. Township Clerk. New Store ! NEW GOODS. New Prices! - Canadian, English BOOTS AN]: SHOES- LUMBER YARD, Lumbeflath, Shingles, 2 fining purchased the above Lumber Yfl'd, are now running it in connection with their Factory and would onnounce to all in want of BUILDING AND CONTRACTING A SPECIALTY. PLANS AND SPECIFICA- TIONS FURNISHED IF REQUIRED. Planed Lumber, Flooring, Siding, c., on hand and cut to order. Sash, Door,Blinds,Planing, Matching. Moulding, Scroll Sawing c., Furnished on the Shortest Notice. Woodvillo, Apnl 28th, 1880. Plain and Pancv Dress Goods. Colored and Black Lustres, Colored and Black Cash- meres, Plam, t‘alasnpyt and Pompadour rm s, Suitable for the Season, and mother large lot coming in a few days which I will loll CHEAP FOR CASH. A fine assortment of Trunks. Valises Satchels Always on lmnd. ORDERED WORK attended to on short notice, in Pegged und Sum]. Any «Infant. in work sold by me repaimd free of charge nnd if I can't wit. you thorn is no harm done. BOOTS SHOES IN ALL LINES All kind: of Prmlnca taken for Boots and Shoel, or an account. w N0 CREDIT GIVEN ON .‘CCOUN'I‘ OF BAD PAY. Call and no my Stock GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,- GROGKERY AND GLASSWARE Thst they csn supply them on the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rstes. GREY AND WHITE COTI‘ONS. DUCKS, DENIMS, SHIRTINGS AN D FANCY GOODS. TERMS, CASH OR PRODUCE. M°GIMSIE BROS, WOODVILLE, Our Pmnelle Boots we splendid value. We have just received I. choice stock of McMILLAN do McLEOD’S OLD STAND, \VOODVILLE. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. 35.319973” not yet uulod their account: hnd boner do no We invite Inspection. No trouble to show Goods. W0 OD'V'ILLE 3Gimsie Bros., Hu fixi- woek opencd a mngnificont stock of I have received a fresh Stock of Splendid ulna in A full stock of A {all stock of all kinds of Building Kendall ROD' CAMPBELL’S BOOT AND SIIOE flTORE, KING STREET; Woodville, Ont, East. of the “ Northern Hotel." Scotch Tweeds ROD. CAMPBELL.

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