The following ere e few of the meny who ere indebted to no. We will odd to thie liet week hy week. end nemee will he removed no the emonnte ere pnid. We would he Verv eon" to publieh the nemee of my who, by mMortnne ere uneble to pey their juet debts. yet we think the public ehould he warned epinet thoee who run up eccounte which they never intend to pey. Alex. Weehe, Beeverton, joh work. ".81 50 A. Cemphe'tl. formerly hotelkee or at Glenerm. eiuco removed. su .. to. 3 60 W. H. Wnller. formerly of Hertley,... l 50 Wm. Kerr. Woodville. jeh ............... l 25 Joe. R. Bugge. menufecturer of Brogg'e Linimeut. circulere. .................. 2 50 Wm. Jehneon. M. A.. Lindsey. edv.... 4 00 R. Pitt. former, nenr Argyle, min. c. 3 90 Geo. Beuldrey, (ormorlyof Woodville, 'I’hare will be no Service in the Methodist Church next Sabbath, June 13th, owing to the absence of the Rev. Mr. J evell 1t the Belleville Cont'emuce. fl" McIntyre Prior ere giving extn . velue in Sugarsâ€"ll, In, and 12 lbs for SI. 'I'he Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A., oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church morning and evening last Sal»- bath. The morning services were very solemn sud impressive. No service will be held in the Pres- byterian Church urxt Sabbath morn- ing, Rev. Mr. Ross being away to the genenl usemhly. ' I You an 25 per cent. by getting your bu st Gm Bron. The Band are practising steadily for the R. C. Pic-nio at. Heaven-ton, next. Wodnuduy. We hope to see a good turn out from here. 'CoclOil! CoalOilH 00.10“!!!“ HohtynhPI-ior’u. MStW.-â€"One of the ï¬rm of Nee- londs J; Emmonl, of Lindsay, will he at. the “ Quoon'a " next Tuesday and Wed- nesday, to attend to troublesome teeth. .- CASH PAID for butter It Gunn 8m. lOOOTUBS \VANTED. .- Another now flock of Boots Shoes to open in n few dnyl :t McIntyre a Prion-'- Extn Vulno. Dressmaking.â€"Miss Campbell, late of Lindsay and Cannington, has started Dnll-okilg business in the him.» next door north of the Town Hall and solicits the potronage of the ladies. One of our young men went of? yes- terday for a. trip south. Dame rumor hath thet he intends to come luck double. We hope they won’t forget the printer when they ere cutting the As usual nothing has yet. been done towards getting up e. celebration fur Dominion Day. Always leave it to the last. minute and then wonder why more people didn’t come to witness the sports. Pelly_ thievesâ€"There are one or Petty "Rutâ€"Thorn are one or more of those gentry carrying on a thriving busineu it. our village at. pres- Cnt, oa'mcially amongst the stables, the main object. of their cribbing being hay and oats. Ann! FOIIPAHOB.â€"-Circul. Jlo. Srnulxuox.â€"Waruing. HIM G‘DBMrâ€"TO the Lidia. Mela-rm: t Puxox ~Everyzhing Naw. If you go to the circus next Thurs- day, be on the lookout. for pickapockets. While Forepmgh ms showing at. St. Catherine: Mr. Henry Skull, of Gumtr ham, was relieved ol his pocket» book, containing between 830 and $40, on the circus grounds. Ar. the Pulioo Commissioners going to do anything this year! If so_ it. ih ï¬mo they were at it. Our sidewalks no getting woven and worse every day, and it's almost inqmible to walk up low Butcher Sho .â€"Two of our young men, Meesrs. . ohn Stephenson :nd Chules G. Cnmpbvll, have started in tho meat. line in the shop lately oc- cupied by Mr. Rod. Campbell, two doors west 0! the “ Northern Hotel." We no ulwnys glad to seeonr young men striking out for themselves, and we hope they will be well patronized. “not without falling into a hole 6r trimmg over n loose board. They might. at least 6: the sidewalk on the main street. He wasn‘t Lostâ€"On Saturday last, Conductor Lethhriclge, took his little boy, John jun, to the city for a trip. and while his father entered the ofï¬ce at the station to report, master J uhn join- ed the crowd and wemieil his way into the city. On missing him his; father wee greatly elm-med, thinking he was lost, and immediately telephoned the police to be on the look out for him. After some time spent in fruitless semch Johnnie Wes found at the llotel, where the train men stay when in the city. and on heing remonstrated “Hill for going off alone, said he knew where he was going end “ wasn't it h Host.†How ever. he succeeded in 3' ling his father A lad scare. now in Siinderllml; job............. . OUR DELIIIQUEIIT LIST. NEW A DVER’I lSEMENTS. gm: @mtm. onto and Mimi-min}; Riilmiy wiil issue leturn tickets flom all stations north from Uxbriilge to Unhocunk on Thu-ah day Inonning. June 17th, good to return the name or next day. A special twin will leave leu'idgo at 6:35 a. "1., June 17th, connecting with Midland Railway for Lindsay, returning will leave Lind- say about 7.30 p, In. for Uxbridge and Coboconk. Are you going to the Circus? This question has been on the tip of almost ewiyhotly' e tongue since For’epanghs hill poster wus mound last week and covere-l the fences with bills of“ the greatest show on Earth " As will be seen by mlvertiSement in another col- nmn, it will exhibit in Lindsay, on Thursday next, 17th inst., and comprises some of the most marvellous wonders ever heard of. Our exchanges say it is all the. advertisements claim for it, so there is no fear of being “sold " if you go. .. Accidentâ€"0n Monday evening. while playing in a yard on Queen Street at the rear of Mr. A. C. Umnlw hell’s residence, little Edgar Edwards fell from the fence and broke his right arm just above the wrist joint. He was taken home, and Di. Clarke being called in plononnced the accident a bed one, both bones of his arm being broken clean 06'. The little fellow stood the pain of setting “ like a brick," and will soon be able to play “cat†with the other boys. We hope his playmates will take warning by this accident and not be climbing over fences and along sheds in the reckless manner in which they rue wont to do. ngar is tlmuec~ and boy who has broken his arm from falling at? sheds and fences in that neighborhood and the othei lads will do well to give them a wide berth. We wonder if parents are aware of the bad habits their boys are learning by being allowed to roam the streets at night, the most pernicious and ï¬lthy of which is chewing tobacco. One can Introdly oo anywhere on our streets but he meets with some Ind or lads, even the very littlest, squirting tobacco juice through their teeth. Not only is this noticeable on the street, but we are sorry to say the boys are even guilty of chewing and spitting in our churches. Patients should make :1 determined «(fort to put a stop to this ï¬lthy habit. There are some lads in town who, to our own personal knowledge, chew more tobacco than a man could in a day, and as a couscqueuca before many rents go over their hmdn, they will be prematurely old and decrepit, the best years of their lives “gated, and all by the ï¬lthy, abominable practice of tobacv .- No l Syrup at McIntyre a Prior’l. Great? Fp‘rgpqugh’g _S_howâ€"â€"'l‘_l}p Tor- co chewing. \Vould announce to the ladies of \V'oodville and vicinity that she has started dress mak- ing next door to the' own Hall, where she will be glad to receive and promptly execute all orders entrusted to her, m the latest style. LL parties are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating a promissory note made by me in favor of A. J. McCor. quanlale. or bearer, for the sum of one hunâ€" dred and 'l‘wenty dollars, (8l20) dated May 29th, IBM, and payable in one year from date, payment having been stopped as I have received no value for the same. Township of Mariposa Woodville, June 7th, 1880. Town Hall, Oakwood. AT lo o'cnocx. A. M. All parties interested will govern them- selves accotdingly. JOHN F. cgnxmast Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce, Oakwood, THE REGULATOR, MESS CAMPBELL. A Mother’s Duty.- Upon the mother revolves the responsibility «if guarding her little «men agiimt the fatal effects of those on lden mnl fatal diseases which often seem more like accidents than anything else. such as crunp. aunt: sore throat, qninhcy. etc. 'l‘Iio-n there are scald: and I) urns to he watch- ecl Against. and promptly treated. if their effects are not to remain life long lilemiahis. If you 0 me come to lnww the value of Yel- low Oil you will never leel safe without! bottle in the hon». Price 85 Nate. TO THE LADIES ! WOODVILLE. T0 RENT. For further particulars apply to WM. HENRY. Uxhridge. STORE TO RENT ! TUESDA 1’. JUNE 15th, M E Cnurt of Revision to revise the assess- ment roll of the Township 0! Mariposa, for the year 1880, will he held at the COURT OF REVISION. WAR NING ! 31“ May, 1880. DRESSMAKER. JOHN STEPHENSON. Township Clerk. The Great Forepaugh Show, The only one which will visit Can-do thin season and acknowledged to be Thousands dnily flocking to tea th: mnvoL and fauciunting perform-nee: of my 2726 Wonder of the World FIFTEEN TRAINED THOUSAND Just imported from the distant ladies It. cost of $200,.(NW To be seen only In th: Universally mhnjttgd, largest Tented Exhi- ELEPHANTS I bition in {be world; strEENI'H AN- NUAL TOUR of TH E GELEAT 4-PAW SHOW! LINDSAY JUNE 17th! A Mastodonic Consolidation of 20 distinct exhibitions owned by me during the put sixteen years, and now massed inw one Unl- ossnl Unnfcderation. representing a. Cash In- vestment of TWO Million Dollars. all for n ain4le hnlidayr. (HGAN'I‘IC MENAGIERIE Will revisit and exhibit afternoon and oven- iu" at. BInJIe llnlluzly. ltllrdn I u; m on nunlun with L500 UNTAMED MONSTERS. Great CIRCUS IN 'IWO RINGS with 100 Fam- ous Performers and stupendous TRAIN ED WILD BEAST SHOW ; the only exhibition in the world that ever owned I5 PERFORMIHI} ELEPHANTS! In addition to Performing Tigers. Hyena. Bovmes. Bisons, Carrier Pigeons, Disciplined Moose. Great Troupe of trained Stallions, Horses Leaping Thr mgh Fire. Living Won- der. from everywhere. Inditnl, Knflin and Hottentots, Birdo, Reptiles, and Mnrino Wonders. Leviathan Hippopotamus, Monster Rhinoceros, Trained Girafles, Arctic Ocenn Sea Lions, the wonderful Nursing Infant Elephnnt, Bshy Lions. and in the Greet 'I'wo Ring Circus and Hippodrome the ‘Miracle of the Century, A Human Being Shot MONSTER CAN NON l Loaded with powder and sent whirling thru' space and clnght by ; luly hnn :ing head downward on the lofty trnp 20. Thin Wall- (liar-m0l in feat performed at much exmnnion by Mons. yd, the “ uumau cannon blll." Appearance of the only female Blondin. M'lle Ella Zuila. who crmses the high wire 60 FEET ABOVE l‘HE HEADSJOF THE AUDIENCE, BLINUF-JLDED Au] with HER. FEET ENCAHED IN SACKS, and RIDES A VELUUIPEDE OVER THE HIGH WIRE! ALL RIDING UPON BAREBACK HORSES! Gnml P'NTOo MIME TROUPE! 6 GREAT CLOWNS and 100 famous foreign actors. Only exhi- bition using the new and wonderful --'1..-. --.° ._ ........ roduce the some. Gr:nd Free GAS"8AL- DON ASCENSIONS daily. from the show ground. Memmoth Pavilions holding ten thousand specutors. The entire show tran- sported on mr own Three Great Rnilwey d ’lrnins. Balm the onster FREE FOR ALL STREET PRO ESilON. bit this we prove that the Great Forepmgh S ow is the Greatest of all Great Show". It starts from the show around every exhibition doy, be- tween the hours of 9 And 1‘) o'clock o. m. Admission 50 cents ; ()hildremunder 9 years 25 cts. 'l‘wo exhihitions every day. ï¬rst It 230. second at 8 p. m., pavilions open one hour previous. w Excursion Trains end reduced rates on all railroads on the dsy of exhibition. See hills for details. Rquliriing a 50-honeJuigl|_ln£esaure engine to All: 11' an ton 22mm, 8.1. Prop. Also at Whitby. June l9. Pokrboro'. J an. 18. PEOPLE Will sit LINDSAY to: EL I“ CT RIC LIG HT. SEVERAL ON THURSDAY, FROM A A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIE New Prints, N cw Cottons, New Dress Goods GOOD FRESH TURNIP SEX WANTED : Pork, Potatoes, and all Kinds of Produw MaINTYRE PRIOR. LUMBER YAR Woodvillo, June 5th, Mahatma. Shinglu, 2 all kind: of Building ï¬ning purchased tho nbovo Lumbar and. are now running it 'in connection Fwwry and would nnnonnce to nll in want of Planed Lumber, Flooring, Slding, c., on 11: and cut to order. Sash, Door,Blinds,Planin: . Matchmg. Moulding, Scroll Sawing c-, Furnished on the Shortest Notice. BUILDING AND CONTRACTING A SPECIALTY. PLANS TIONS FURNISHED IF REQUIRED. HIGHEM MARKET mom FOR ww'uIO. AP“! â€MI. 18â€. EVERYTHING NEW! IT MUST BE WELL WASHED ON THE SHEEP AND SOLD Thu they on supply them on ‘ho Extra Good Value in Teas and General Groceries, IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS! McGi-sie Bros. YOUR W'00L McMILLAN 4b MOLEOD'S OLD STAND, WOODVILLE. CGrIMSIE BROS, WOODVILL' ARE RECEIVING NEW GOODS THIS WEEK. L. MAY BEE, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. FOR WHICH WE ‘VILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. WOOD'V'ILLE TO GET THE and have opened upâ€" WOODVILLE.’ 'Ihormt notice sad It the most reasonable AND SPI