MP: P. MGSWQYD has been‘uppninlml puthmaster on the Murimsu .sirle 0f the village f0! this year. Mr. McSwevn in conjunction with Mr. Grunt. fur Ehlnn. inteml to uppmpriute ull Htutule lulm' collzctod on the sidewalk. \Vnulso hope to see all ruhhish quickly «lisappem from the street, which will make 3 won- !Mmsï¬n its 1001". : \V.\l. HENRY, leiritlgb. The Blood 1: the Mfo.â€"â€"l:i:frmn the hlnml that our tissues are built up, mul it is frmn the same source that all the wastes of the body we re-supplied. It is necessary, therefure. to keep the blond pure. lfthe stomach or hmvela- hccume clogged of course the hloml at once becomes impure. Nation. nl l’ills no the moat searching and puri! ing' 1me medicine Iohl. To be had everywhere MA“, prim OI nah. vuln uncuéuuuul'uuuu never IOORQM SO promising us at present and if nothing happens wn may reasonably expect u must. bountiful harvest. The lmy Cmp will lie unpl'ecealen‘ecl. the very ï¬ne weather has induced an immenmagmwth of grass, and the grains are equally us forward. lne Uf0p3.â€"~'l‘he various crops this lmighlmul'lmml never looked -..... J gun. for which purpose arrangements have been made with the railway lines to car- ry Urangemcn at one fare. The qupS.â€"~»Tlm Van-inns crops in District Meeting.â€"Ac in meeting of the Omn emen of this district, hold on Monday fast, at the Orange Hull, 6th COIL, Mnri'man, it Was decided to Cele- brate the 12th as Port. Perry this year, EXOUI‘SIORâ€"The excursion from 90‘ boonnlr and Victoria Road to Toronto, on Tuesday, was not. very well unend‘ ed, only about one hundred having availed themselves of it. A number from this place were disappointed, no tickets being issued south of Argyle. The Choir of the Presbyterian Church are making big preparations for their strawberry fqgtival to be held the latter and of this month. It is expected that, the Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A., will deliver an address on the occasion. The Rev. Mr. Jewell has been ap- pointed hy the Conference to renmin in \Voodville for another harm. \Ve are pleased at this as Mr. vacll has made himself a great. fnvm-ite to all who know him, and is much respected. Thunder.â€"â€"Very heavy thundnr was experienced here on Sunday morning accompnuiud by a perfect. flood of rain. It did not last long, however, and We: have not heard of any damage lmving been done. The Bag/3' Oum Paper. Leisure â€our and Sunday at llama, for J nne, are, as mmnl, splendid numbers. All who are in want. of ï¬rstâ€"class purimlimls should unbscribc. “'m. \Vurwick, publisher, 'l‘oronm. Mr. Donald Grant, of Mariposn, was thqiay delegato appointed to represent \Vuudville congregation at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at. Montreal. W I hue received a fresh lot of Ladieu' Prune"; Laced. Gunter and Buttuned boots, the chealwat ever sold in Woudvillo. Rod. Cunpbull. Battenâ€"Mr. Andrew Morison is around again. Although his leg is still «ore and painful he manages to hop around quite cheerfully. [i- If you find any pancake counters in boots purchased at le. Campbell's he will replace them with sound leather one: free of charge. The Rev. Juov Manlm, of Beaverton, occupied the pulpit. of the Presbyterian: chm-ch inst. Sabbath evening, in the ub. nence of Mr. Russ. ‘3' All rips in an) boots bought at Rod. Campbell’s repaired tree of charge. Personal.â€"Mr. Malcolm Morison is in town. We understand he intends removing his family to Ottuvm, where he is now residing. wCASH PHI) for butter at Gunn Bros. 1000 'l‘UBb WANTED. Distinguished VisitorIâ€"w Gringo," the noted, passed through town on Monday. She wure one of those "fwhimml-le" hats. Lacrosse, Cricket, Baseball, etc" are all no a discount in \Voodv: Ila this season. Moihing has as yet been lions in re-- ferenm to a Dominion Day Celebration. ‘ .- You save 25 per cent. by getting your to†at Gunn Bron. ci- Another fresh lot of Valises, Satchels} Trunks, c., at Rod. Campbell’s. "I! Band went to the pic~nic at H u- verton, yesterday. “- Farm Produce taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes, at Rod. Campbell’s. a... _ , ~â€"~-'- -- ""55" Llulmcut, circulars. .. \Vm. Johnson. M. A., Lindsay, min... 1!. Pin, farmer, near Argyle, mlv.. c. Goo. Bauldrey, formerly of Woodville, now in Suuderlaud, job ............... GleBarm, since removed. sub" 0. 3 60 W. H. Waller. formerly of Hartley,... 1 50 Wm. Kerr, Woodville,job ............... l ‘25 Jon. 'H. Breggl, manufacturer of Brogg’s The following are a few of the many who no indebted to us. We will add to this list week by week, and names will be removed uatbo amounts are paid. We would be very lorry to publish the names of any who, by misfortune are unable to pay their just debts, yet We think the public should be warned Walt those who run up account: Which thoy never intend to pay. Alox, Wool", Beaverton, job work, ...81 50 A. Cnmpboil, formerly hotelkeeper int r:- BUR DELINQUENT LIST. ‘- Paris Greeu.~Extm quality at Gunu “gamut gummy. DRESSMAK ER. 0'“ 00‘ \Voulcl announcL: to the lmlxcs of “'oodvillo 'M'onto, {1nd vicinity that. s_lw has started dress mnk- 'gg's 250 TH EHWBFGVULATOR, LL parties are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating a promissory note made by mo in favor of A. J. McCor. (inodale, or bearer. for the sum of one hun « red and Twenty dollars, (Slam) dated May 30th, 1880, and payable in one year from date, payment having been stopped as I have received no value for the same. JOHN STEPHENSON \Voodville, J uno 7th. 1880. V-._. 'v-I unvou "lun- ing next Ilo'nr to thé V'llllwn llall. where she will be glad to receive and promptly execute all orders entrusted to her, in the latest style. craps are in. THE Lord Mayor of Dublin has cuhlm' to the Mayor of evvrv city in the Unitml States and Canada asking for ussismncn to relieve the distress which is again felt in Ireland, and which is likely to continue unlil thu THE French Government. has issued orders fur the entire expulsion of Hm Jesuits from France by the 30th inst. Angus McLeod, student, on trial for a license on the conclusion cf his second year of stu ly in theology. Rev. Prim cipal CaVen explained that Mr. McLeod had for many years been a catechist in connection with the Presbyterian Church, and hati been doing very ac-. ceptable missionary Work. The last Assembly had remitted his case to the Presbytery for enquiry in reference to certain reflections upon his moral char~ acler, which had arisen from business tlilliculties. He believed Mr. McLeod was a sincerely pious man, and hatl suliicieut mental qualifications to be licensed to preach. he moved that the prayer of the Presbytely be gianted. This was agreed to. WOODVILLE. 'I‘O RENT‘ For further particulars apply to M the evening Sedurant of Saturday’s svssmu of the General Assunbly an II|J~ plicutiuu from the Prcshyth of Linvlsuv was read, requesting leave to take Mr. Angus McLeod, sundcnt, on trial for u STORE TO RENT? Are you going to the Circus? This question has been on the tip ofnllnost everyhody's tongue since Forepaugh's hill poster was around last week and Covered the fences with bills of “ the greatest show on Earth †As will he seen by aulvertiselnent in another colâ€" umn, it will exhibit in Lindsay, on Thursday next, 17th inst., and comprises some of the must marvellous wonders ever heard of. Our exchanges say it is all the advertisements claim for it, so there is no fear of being “sold †if you ('0. MESS CAMPBELL, leachers' Medianâ€"Tho 6th semi»- unmml meeting of the \Vest Victoria 'J‘eachers’ Aswciation. will he heltl in the School House, W'oorlville, on Frie (lay and Saturday, 18th and 19th inst. The evening sessions will he hehl in the basement of the Presbyteiian 'lnn'rh. A large uttentlnnCe of teachers ls «ex-- pected and us the subjects to ha- Jim. m ed are deeply interesting to all inter- ested in the education of youth. at large attendance of the general public should also be present. TO THE LADIES ! onto unil N‘ipissing Railway will issue nelurn tickets {win all suitiuns north t'rmn len'iilge to Cnhncunk on Thu!» day morning, June 17th, good to return the snnw or next day. A special tmin will lwu'c len-iilgc at. 6:35 a. 11)., June l7llo, ennui-cling with Midland Railway fur Limlsnt', returning will leavu Limi- (my :alouuc 7.30 p. m. for len‘idgu nml Culmcunli. A movement is on fool, for the closing of all places ut‘ business in the villuge ut the hour uf 8 o'clock, p. m. A petition is heiug humled wound in that behalf. “’0 do not see any reason why it. should not be made 7 o’clock instead of eight. People intending to purchase can just us well do so an hour earlier as not, and if all pluceu of huaiuexs were clusad they would have 1.0. Upsel.â€"â€"As Mr. Duncan Campbell Wus driving home from the village when he reached MOIisou's hill he‘ met the lIcIIIIIe, III. which his house took iIiglIl, and hung to uni away upset the how and Bevewly smashed it. Mr. Camp- lmll and his sister quo consideuihly shaken but. sufloIeIl no seIiouI-I iIIjIIIies. WAR NINGY Forepaugh’s Great Sh0W~â€"The Tor- WM. HENRY. Uxhridgb. ADAM FOREWAVGE, Solo Prop Aim at Whitby, June 16. _( . -uv uI-VIV ground. Mammoth Pavilions holding ten thousand spectators. The entire show tran- sported on my own 'l‘hrce Great Railway 'l‘rni is. â€who“ the monster FREE FOR ALL S'l‘ltl'lld‘l‘ l’ltUClï¬SSlUN. by this We pl‘nVu that the Grant Forepangh Show is the Greatest of all “rent Nhon. It starts from the show around every exhibition day, be- twei-n the hours of 9 and H o’clock a. m. Admission 50 cents ; Children under 9 years ‘24") rts. Two 1 xliil-itions every day, ï¬rst at 2.30. .uecond at 8 p. m., pavilions open ono hour previous. cor Excursion Trains and reduced rates on all railroads on the day of exhibition. See bills for details. flr‘ Loaded with powder and sent whirling thro’ space and caught by n. lady lianuinghend downward on the lofty trapeze. This won- der-movmg feat performed at. each exhihizion by Mons. Loyal, the " humnn cannon ball." Appearance of the only female Iilondin. M’llc Ella’ Zuila. who crosses the high wire 60 FEET ABOVE I'IIE HEADS OI“ THE AUDIENCE, BLINUI‘HLIIEI) aul with IIER FE "'1‘ ENGAGED IN SACKS, and RIDES A VI‘ILUUII’EDE OVER THE HIGH \VIIIE! Alll. RIDING UPON BAREBACK nonsm! (:rmul P\N’I‘O- MIME 'I‘ROUI‘E! 6 GREAT CLUWNS and 100 famous foreign actors; Only exhi- |.:L:...- .._: . A ,,_ _‘, -7--. . .._....., Requiring ;\ 50-ilm'st- high pressure engine to rmluce the same. Grnml l’rcu GAS BAL- Hl')N ASL‘J‘INSI()N§daily, frtimrtha show -.. --v .w .u-v-ï¬u nvuuln. ‘1 ll bition usiuva ' the new and Wumla-rful In nilditiun to l’ei'furunng 'l'igurs. Hycuas, “uVlllcS, b'isous. Carrier Pigeons, Diriciplined .‘Juosc. Grunt ’J‘roupc 0i traineulsmllionu, Horses Leaping 'l'llr nigh Fire, Living Won- IICI'R from everywhere. Indians, Katï¬rs and Huttontots, Birds, h-ptiles, anti Marine \\'mulcrs. Leviathan Hippopotamus, Monster Rhinoceros, Trained Uil'aiiefl, Arctic Ocean Sea. Lions, the wonderful Nursing Infant l‘llcphunt, Baby Lions. and in the Great Two Hing Circus and Hippodrome the _Miracle of the Century, A Human Being Shot A Mastodonie Consolidation of 20 distinct exhibitions owned by me during the past sixteen years, and now massed into one Unl- ossal Confederation. representing a Cash In- vcstlnent of Two Million Dollars, all for a. single holiday. GIGAN'I‘IC M ENAGEHIE with Limo UNTAM El) .\lU.\'.3"l‘ERS, Great CIRCUS IN TWO RINGS with [00 li‘mn- ons Performers and stupendous TRAINED WILD BEAST SHO“' ; the only exhibition in the would that ever owned _l5_ momma ELEPHANTS! JUNE 1 '7 t h! LINDSAY Just imported from the. distant Indies at I. cost of $200,000. To In: seen oulyin the Universully admitted, Lam-est Tented Exhi- bition in the \Vurld. DIXI‘EENI‘H AN- NUAL TOUR of Will rev isit and exhibit afternoon and even ing, at 34:1, mgr l e10 LIG HT. H“! “‘5 EHFKWL‘ Thousands daily flocking and fascinating Dcrfu The only one which will season and ucknow FIFTEEN’ TRAINED The Great Forepaugh Show, . - gm: Wonder 0/1226 World THGUSAND TH E GRE AT PEOPLE Will viait LINDSAY to l ON THURSDAY, SEVERAL 1y flocking to see “)3 qmrvel- «ting performances of my F ROM A Incl: will visit Canada this 1 acknowledged to be 880 " l MfgIMSIE BROS, WOODVILLE BUILDING AND CONTRACTING, A SPECIALTY. PLANS AND 'l‘IUNS FURNISHED ll" REQUIRED. Lumbar.Lath, Shingles, Planed Lumber, Flooring, Siding, c., on hand and cut to order. Sash, Door,Blinds,Planing, _ Matchmg. Moulding, Scroll Sawing c-, Furnished on the Shortest Notice. Having purchased the above Lumber Yard, are now running it 'in connection with their Factory and Would announce to all in want of WOOD'V'ILLE LUMBER YARD That they can supply them on the :ahortest notice and WANTED : Pork, Potatoes, Fand all Kinds of Produce GOOD FRESH TURN TP A FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCERIES IT° IGHESZL‘ MAKET PEEK FOR MCMILLAN J; MCLEOD'S OLD STAND, \VOODVILLE. Woodvillo, June 5th, 1880. McG lm'SIe Bros., MUST BE WELL VVASHED ON THE SHEEP AND SOLD T0 IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS! Extra. Good Value in Tees and General ~ Groceries, EVERYTHING NEW! .L. MAYBEE, BUILDERS AND CO NTRACTOR S. FOR WHICH \VE \VILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES ARE RECEIVING NEW GOODS THIS WEEK. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES TO GET THE WOODVI LLE.‘ and have opened up 2 all kinds of Building Material: at the most reasonable l'flal. SEED: SPECIFICAo