IIulIo-my'a Ointment and Pills.â€" Aul umnul Remedies.â€"Towurds the full at the your countless causes are at work to lower the tone of thouervous system, which will he followed hy ill-health unless proper means he cmpioyed to men. thut t-vil. Hollowuys fur- hum-d prt-pnrntions supply a {with-83 remedy for both cxtcruul and internal complaints connected with changes of season. All ull‘cotions of the skin, roughness. Hutches, pimples, pimples, suprnliciul and deeporwoated influmnnu tions, orysipelus, rheumatic pains, and gouty pungo “like succumb to tho ex- ulu-d \irturs of llollmvuy's Ointmrnt nnd l’ills ; which will cll‘eot u happy in. \oiution in the patient's condition, though the symptom of his disorder mo logion, und hnve olmtinntely withstood tho l‘cst tfl‘otts of science to subdue lhtm. ' \VE huve frequently had the occasion to cull attention to the oongregntiug of lmys on the SlQIOWleS. Lust Saturday owning owing to the upprouching eclipse und the fulness of the moon, en- thusinsm run so high that it bordered closely on the riotous. A large crowd of boys, end some who were old enough to know better, gathered in front cf the store of Maggie. Rodgers, and kept up such an incessant noi‘e as to become a decided nuisance. \Ve would recom- mend our village constable to interview the meeting at its next session. “'3 notice by the conï¬n'encu repmtz of tlne Inetlnodist body, that our esteem clergyman, Rev. Jno. A. Jencll, B. A. lms been removed to Cnmecon, Picton district and the Rm]. \Vln. Riclnu-dsnn will be installed here. “’0 are sorry to lose the Rev. gentleman as by his lciml Rhâ€"JTI'iendly manner he has won tlne esteem and good will of the entire cunnnnnity. H. D. LL'MSDEN, the Chief Engineer of the Ontario and Quebec Railway is now making explorations to locate the line and will have this portion of his \\0l'l{ completed this week, when nctnul Huvey will counnenco. From present indications Mmklmm village will lmm n btution. This will lm n competing line will: the Grand Tinnk. â€"Economist. Mr. Jas. F. Clark, met. with an acciâ€" dmt on 'l‘huruduv lust. which came near hcing fatnL While turning the body of u pumpnt the factory here it: suddenly flcw from‘the lathe. striking him on the fureheud with tI-elnendous fume and inflicting a deep wound which rendered 1 im insensible for a long time. MESSRS. Arch Graham and D. Gmnt nre puthmuslem for Eldon side of the village this year. Mr. Graham's heat (xtends {mm the 3rd to the 5th Cuns., and Mr, Grant’s funu the 3rd to the loan line. THE eclipse of the moon last. Saturday night, was watched with much interest by u number of our vilhlagem. The mght was very ï¬ne and a splendid view «f the phenomenon was obtained. THE Rev. A. McLeod occupied the pulpit. of the Preslryturiun church on Sabbath lust. hotl; morning and evening, in tlmnhswce of Rev. Mr. Ross. who is. attending the General Assembiy. \VOODVILLE, Saskatchewan district N. \V. '1‘. wants a Methodist Minister; “’3 im'derstzmd our village pump factory will soon iuuoduce steam as its motive power. '1 he loss IS astimnted at $1, 500, 000, and the inaunmce will mobubly CUVel about $650 000. . There Wen-neight hundred buildings dextroyed in nll, representing some 1,500 faunilius, or nine thousand home- lvhs people. The see-16 ofdesolntion us these wandered about the city or stood guurd over their scanty remnant of household fuuniuu-e on the ï¬elds, was disuessing in the extreme Many wens hull' cladâ€"tho children «specie ullV‘ One of the most disastrous tire; with which the city of Qenheo has heon Milieu-d occnri ed on Wednesday night, of host week. The origin of the tire wns in a house of bad repute, eitnnted nt the corner of Ste. Marie and Oliver .‘Streots. A numher of young rakes had been indulging in at night of revelry, and in their deviltry one of them 'npset a coal oil imnp, and then when the oil took tire they tried to sure the house by throwing the furnitnm out of the window. As thew wus a good deal of loose etluw lying around lhe ynrd this took lire, and like u trulr. of gunpow- der, led the way to other hnildinga, which were of wood and ensilv ignited ; when the ï¬re rnginee arrived suvm'nl houses were in flames. It was 6 n.m. before the ï¬re was got under control. 'l‘mibie Fire in Quebec! KIRK THOUSAND PEOPLE HOMELESS. @nml gamma. l was only faint from loss of Mood ; the 1,311th ’ little «Immge. and 1 preferred gamma , and then “Me an Iccol‘mt of the ’Mn'ng" ndwnmro. not nnticing at the time tint a tall inspector of police was in the room. '\\'ill {on kindly show me those pieces of piper 2' c said advancing. 'l have the men When I recovered. 1 found myself ln‘d ‘ on the mattress on the oflice table, and my wife temfnlly bending over me.â€"-'l‘bere was a calm-faced surgeon, too, who showed me the hall he had extracted and told me to cheer up. for 1 should he better in A few days. for no damage was done. Mr. Moss was there too, and came to m bed-4 mean my table- eido. and whisperec how he had been called up by the police. who, hearing a pistolahnt had come up stein and arrested Orloff and the Baron. and, ï¬nding me on the ground ' bleeding. had sent for a surgeon and my l wife. having found my Address from a letter in my pocket. . l“?! enly [nut from loss of blood ; the l Ungynrtl's l‘cctuml Bals m1 ; A few (loses relieves the most distressing cough. and a twenty-ï¬ve csnt bottle has cured many a snfl'erer from Asth nu, Bronchitis, Cron , In- fluenza, Hoarseuess and Soreness o the Chest. ltisn gum] speciï¬c for all throat and lung complaints lending to Consumption' < 0.9 -~â€"â€"â€"â€" A Union School Picnic is on the tnpis between Kirkï¬vid and Palestine. to take plaeo on Sntuvdiy. June 25th, at M cCor. mack‘s clearing. Lat 20, Con. 7. Eldon. Everything is being done to give both young- sters and parents a nlmsnnt time. The Sowrign Fire Insurance Company of Tomnto, whose losses in the Quebec lire amount to near!y 820.000. have with com- mendable promptituile telegraphed their agents that claims for losses will be paid im- mediately upon presentation. Mr. John Nlc'l‘aggart of this village is agent for the Soverign. THE ROMANCE OF A COUNT ING HOUSE. The Rexley and Garden Branch A ricul~ tural Society have nmal,mmnted fmu s for the present year. with the North Victoria. E. 1). Agricultural Society for the purpose of holding a joint. show on the 28th and 29th days of September next. at Vic- toria Raul. l‘he prim: list. will also be con- siderahly enlarged in number and prizes in- creased in value. Dominion Day will {\e celebrated here in the usual patriotic manner. From Our Own Correspoml mt Tm: census enumerators have many queer experiences, and make odd discoveries. Una tells us of .1 real genius he discovered in the northern division of his district. \Vhen the ennmeratnr called at a certain house, he saw a man emploved at the wash-tub, and on his making the‘enquiries naturally suggested by this circumstance the head of tlie house replied that in the young man referred to they possessed a help superior to any ser- vant girl. He could make. wash. and iron a ï¬ne shirt as well as any woman, and the family know of none who could equal him In baking. He makes all the butter, and can perform any kind of housework or cook- ing. He can clip a sheep, pick and card the wool‘ weave the cloth, and make it into clothes which no tailor can excel in either cut or sewing. He does the knitting and sewingâ€"including the making of all the gar- ments for the male and female members of the family ; can make lace curtains. do Berlin wnnl and other kinds of ladies' fancy work. We do not feel at liberty to mention where this "Admirahle Crichton" of the household may he found, but we may say for the heneï¬t of our young lady readers, that he is _\'--ung, goodâ€"looking and unmar- ried.â€"â€"-I’arl:v-I. MANY of our re-ulers will regret to learn of the sudden death of M r. C. F. Ming, which took place in Paisley. on Friday Well- in; last. He had been unwell for some time, and on that evening while walking along the street he was taken with bleeding at the lungs, and turning into a drug store. in a flaw minutes expired. He was Principal of the Cannington Public School for nearly two yeam, and was very successful as a teacher. Last year. and up to the time of his death. he was Principal of the Paisley Public School. â€"Glrancr. THE skeleton of Daniel Martin who was kilicd by a falling true about thirty years ago, WM ‘onml on the Furtlarm Farm, 4th 0m. of Uxbridgc, on the 9th ult. Joux Ram of Omemee has a number of small boys engaged catching frogs in the mill pond for him to ship t0 New York. where he ï¬nds rewly sale for them at. 35 to 40 cents per pound. Mn, WM. LEABY of Sunderlaud. lost a very valuable span of young horses last week. It lppears that they were pasturin in a ï¬eld near the Nipissing railway. an! the foncq Ming defective they broke out and were standing on the track when the train ran against them. They wew instantly killed. MR8. \luVABB, residing in Cannington. died on the 25th "It“, at. the gnod old a .{e of NH years She leaves a daughter, who is very active and am at for her a 'e. which is 81 years. Tm: conductors on the Gram] Trunk rail- way have had an increase of salary. mul will receive two suits of unifoun each year free. Tun Odtlfullnws of \[arkham are making great prcpmatiuns tu celebrate the lat (lay of Juiy. OsHAWA wants a minimum to con- v1): some hnntheux who paid election beta in church. last Sunday. ’l‘ux clerks of Oshawa have organized a hue-ball club. M R. G. H. Fauna, of Oshawa, is about I to ureot an electric lump. ' Tunas were no less than fourteen cows observed grazing on an Ushawu street last week. ’l‘us Orange-men of Emily will celebrate the 12th at Ounemeu Conn houses ire to ho ereotod in To- ronto. THE 45th Battalion band is to be resus. oitntetl UBIIAWA has a corporaunn cow. mm and mm. KIRKFIELD. Sigurd THOMAS HOLLO‘VAY. 533, Oxford Street. London. Sept. 1, 1880. therefore look to the Label on the 2ets and Boxes. 1: the address as not 633, Oxford Street London, the? m spu- nous. «r (MUTIORâ€"I have no Agent in tho United. States, nor are my Medi- cinoa sold. them Purchasors should thqrgforo 100133 the Label on the 20" The Trade Marks of my said \ledicines are registered in Ottawa. and also at Wth inglon. mulaohlat Is. 1511.," -u. 9d.. 49. 60., Us, 223.. nml33s. each Box and Pot. and In Canada at 36 cenh. 90 131-1113.th 8|. 50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, Colds, Sore 'l',lnoats Bronchitis, and all (lisoxdcrs of the '1 luo'at. mul Chest, as also (rout, Rheumatism, bcrofula, and awry kind of Skin Disease. \Innufuctured only at Professor HOLLO- WAY's Ethlishment, “‘illbe [uululinwluulnc m cwry House- hold in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, 94.0 Lies.._otanunns. caucus Thousands or persons have testiï¬ed that In their use alone they have been restored to health and. strength. after every other new: hea. proved. 1m- euccessful. . increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. purify, regulate and improve the quality of tho â€land. They assist the digestive ur- guns, cleanse the STOMAOE and. BDWELS, mnAr-xa « - ~ a Mx~ ‘ . â€"V\I\An«’â€"4 TRIS INOOMPARABLE Medicine has secured for itself an imperishe'ble fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. That marvelous purifyer. Burdock Blood Bitters. will speedily change the allow face to one of fresenesa health and bemty. It regulates the Bowels, acts promptly on the Liver and Kidneys and strengthens the system when broken down by Nervous or General Debility. Ask your druggist for a Trial Bottle. the coal is only 10 Cents, Large Bottles $1.00 W Use “Cnstorine†Machine Oil for all kinds of Machinery. 112 is also excellent for Harness and Leather, making it water and Weather proof. For sale by dealers. 66' For extra value in Green and Japan Teas, go to lSchntyn-tl l’rior‘s. 65' Genuine Gold‘\Ve(1ding Rings at Gunn Bros. Assisted into a carriage which was waits ing. I had the satisfaction of seeing the Baron and 01-106 brought down in lmudcuï¬s, the Baron regarding me with a. sweet smile. and ()rloï¬' scowling on me like a ï¬end. 1 did not prosecute, for they were so well known to the police as forgers. that there was evi- dence enough for the conviction and sentence of ten years' penal servitude; and in due time I recovered and dismissed the matter from my mind. Worth their Weight in Gold ! Close to where I sat were unearthed sev- eral copper plates for the forging of Russian rouhle notes of various amounts ; and in the heck room under the flooring were found several hundreds of well-executed forgerios careful soldered up in a tin case, together with correspondence implicating Orloï¬' and Damn. It appeared that Brunton was en- gaged hy a New York gang to engrave the plates. and that he had never seen his em- ployers, the agent In tween them being the Louise before mentioned. whose fair hand I had been compelled to decline. Brunton had evidently become frightened and fled. Perhaps the dread of having to espouse Louise may have had to do with his flight. She was a very handsome woman if I may judge from a hotngzraph of her found in the tin case, but ooked like one accustomed to rule. and who would not hesitate to admin- ter wholesome correction to her spouse. Cruwbnr and a policeman to wiuld it were soon produced, and the mysery was unâ€" ravellell. .‘Ycr. It is certainly a plan of your ofï¬ce. See, here is the doorway, and there cameo the other room. then there is a cross against the ï¬re place in this room. on what I judge from the lines to mean the fourth board from the hearth-atone. and another cross against the sixth from the hearth-atone in the other room. Get a crow-bar, Mr. Moss.’ ,There's one downstairo.’ '1 «lo believe that if you'd naked for a crocodile he Would have got one down- Blaeru, l )rodmecl them. and the inspector fut- eum on the one which seemed tu. be n plâ€. then looking armmd, and : "l'his is a plan of your utlice.’ ‘Cull mo a Jew if it ain't 2’ exclaimed Mr. Mala. taking it. in M r. Mop-'- o'ï¬oe ; hut l)eyo|ul_ the gunk nll yuu l lave no cQ‘d-uceingdmt them; but I know them wall.I AND OINTMEN T. THE PILLS mucus mamas PLATIHG on. EVERY ARTICLE \VARRA'NTED. “ _-. . 7«â€"â€"â€"â€"~-v â€" ‘ “â€" -Aâ€"AA -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ CA LL AND SEE T111931]. )1A R VELS of ('HEA FIVE HANDSOM CRUETS, TOAST RACKS. AKE-BASKETS. having them in use. To intended pinch Mum we And in proof of this strong stalement. we of. fm-uisl yourselves, and, we feel conï¬dent you ' \ill be en It is a perfect cleaner, and chum-r. It will take on out all ( uckle, Chess and other lunl seeds. making :1 is a most, perfect. separator, and will sr-puratc all { shrunken grains. It is very rapid in its: action_. h‘ 1 -‘J- _,I:r1\ . 7 Wild ()ats perflctly. It will take out all ( uckle, Chess and other funl seeds. making . perfect sample 01‘ Market Wheat. It, is a most perfect 3e arntor, and will svpurate all 4, he large kernels {mm Lhc small and shrunken grains. t is very rapid in its action. ' 1; aepa-ates all kinds uf grain us well as seals. and if Oats and Peas, or Timothy and _ Clm‘cr scul are mixul machlicraud put. throu 'II this Mill, they will come out lwlfectly 'scparated. It will sep: mto small and s lit Peas mm large Pens, taking them f'm" the tlmll' in the must Perfect. numner. 0 Honey Improved Fanning Mill and 501' nmtur. is :wkuuwlctlgml by all to be u is a perm-cu cleaner, and cnnflcr. It Will take mg? A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT oua MILL IS ALgï¬HAâ€"f Lo, cwmeo For: IT. We desire to call‘the :tteution of the farming cumnpmity Fanning “in, now being manufactured at our \vm ks. \\ c 3‘ The Best Mill Manufactlured In The'Dominion HONEY’S _Il\_/IPROVBD PANNI.’ G MILL For a well. ma 1e set of SINGLE 0R DOUBLE H APSE SS gim Smith a call. Hnrsc‘flw . niahings of all kinds. CUPI‘IE UUUBS, BRUSHES. EWIHPS from 150 to $4.00 .A. 3'. SMITH, HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER C. \Voodville, May 1881. SPRING AND HAIR MATTRASSBS A 137mm STOCK A'l‘ SPâ€"ECIAL BARGAINS l have just received what I claim to be the best and cheapest stuck of Furniture ever brought into \Voodville. HANDSOME LOUNGES, SOPAS AND yod that 1 would not be wltbout it in my house for any cons‘deration. I mu now sull'er- ing with a pain like Rheumatism in my right limb and nothing relieves me like Thomas Eclectric Oil. .- â€"-u.-- .v- vulvulu‘l'v uu-xllllubu your UI \4u 5-1. and if any one will take a small u-nspnuu and half fill it with the Oil and tilt" plan-e the end of the spoon in one nostril and :3: M the Oil out of the spoon by snilling as Izanl as they can ni.til the Oil falls our into the throat and practice that tmcc a week. 1 don't care how offensive their head may be, it will clean it out and cure the Uatlarrh. For Deafness and Earaclie it has done wonders to my certain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I ever felt like recommending and l mu very anxious to see it in every placré. for I tell you that 1 would not be without it in my I am A Baptist Minister and Winn: I (-Veu thought of being a clergyman: I grmluutml in medicine but left a lucrative practice for my present profession, 40 years ago I was for many years a sull'urer from Quincy, â€Thomas Eclectriu ()il cured Inc." I nus ulsu tumbled with lunarscueaa 'Iliunms Euler-trio Oil always relieved me. My will: an I clnihl lad Diptherin, anal “ Thomas Eulectric ()il ciired them," and if taken in time. it will cure seven times out of ten. I am cunliclcut in is acure for tlieinost obstinate Col-l or L‘o “In, AN honest medicine in the noblest. work of man. and there is uonenmdv that. is more justly meritorioue iu “curing the ills that flesh is heir to" than Burdock Blood Bilteas. The Great Blood l’urilier and system lio. novator. It cures Liver Complaint. Dye pepsin, Sclofula, Kidney Complaints, and all troubles arising from impure blood. con- stipated bu“ ele or disordered Secretiuna, and the best Nerviue nud Tonic in the wonld. A GENTS WAN'I‘ED.â€"liig Pay. Light , Work. Steady Employment. Sam- 1188 Free. Address, M. L. bY tN, 49 Nassau Street. New York. ‘9' Manufacturers of Reapers blown: and Threaflhiua Machines prefer “ L‘aatonine" Machine il tu any other. It will uutnean Lard, S'ealor Elephant. and is wanxaulcd not eh gum. WHIT 13110., NIPISSING RON W0 KS w Forks. Hoot. (Burden Rakes, Salli. Glut, “0.. st. Molntyrv Prior’ 3. A. Baptist mummy: Experience Special Induceiï¬eï¬té for Ca sh (13.83 ï¬ï¬ifl 5’63 3121383 AK!) 53538. HANDSOME LOUNGES, Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, U NDERTAKING STOCK COM PLETE. FURNITURE CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK AT THE “'AREROOMS. AND 0TH ER PI. KING STREET, H’OOD VILLIL‘. Dr. E. F. CRANE, WOODYIILLE mm 310. gags cm; “is: c. ‘p J'NING TON, lent )‘uu ' \ill be eutiwly satisï¬ed that they are all led pluch asuns we Would my, come and Sue it for they-11" represented. Cork-y, Pa. )ATED Is showing I{ If L1) Yourselves hy making mm J ney xi hen a golden chance is oll'ered. thereby always keeping povert lrom your door. Those who always take an . vantage of the golden chances for making money that are offered, generally become m-altlny,~while those who do not improVe such chances remain in poVertv. “’e want many men. women, hoys and girls to work for us in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outï¬t and all that you need, free. No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You can do- \'ote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address St... \Vill‘iaulsluurg I’m-Lies wishing the prescription .will plcaw addrx-ss, furnish al-nAnflant testimonials from those The a-IVertiSi-r, having been [ml-innuently cured of that, die-ml disease. Consumption, by a ailnplc remedy. is anxious m make known tn his l'ellnw snlierers the menus of cure. 'l'n all who desire it he WI" send u (up? uf the pusc-riptiuu used, (free‘ of than-gi- ) with the din-(:linlls im- preparing and using the same. which they will ï¬nd a. sum: Cris}: Fm: \‘nXSi'm-rlux, ASTHMA, linuwnrnx, M2. T( } CON SUa- PTIVES: W. G. STODDART. WA R ES BY THE \ (H‘IN'I‘LICMAN wlm sulfa-ml fur years .’ . lrmu Nan-nus liability. l'runmluru Do- my, nml all the vtl’c-cts of youthful imliacro- lion, u ill fur the sake 0! sum» iug humanity. 3cm] lru: tn all who ucml it. the rcci )0 and direction fur luukii‘g the simple Icmu y by wh:- II he wm. cuiml. Sulfaâ€: “iiliug to prulit by the aM-utiner‘s experience can do so by addressing in perfect conï¬dence. I will mail (Free) the racipe {or a limplo meruma Bun that will remove 'I‘Ax. l-‘lil'lt‘KIJC-s‘. UNPLES and BLIlT’JllES. leaving the skin sun, clear and beautiful ; nlsu imtrnctiuns fur producing a luxuriant growth of hair on n bald huml or suwutll fave Allalress. iuclnuixm . '. stmup, lieu. \‘mulcll 3". 00., 5 llm-kmun St. N.. Y. ER R" "RS OF YOUTH. Jun): Ii. OGDEN. 42(Jmlur3t.. N. Y STINSON CO, Portland, Maine; Hey. H. A. WILSON, 19% Penn Tables 8w. PIMPLES. to the alnmc “unknown 0 pxcparml tog“ c C'HEA PNESS