Surrounded as we are hy destructive agents, artiï¬cial as well as natural, the chapter of accidents necessarily occupies a large. space in the record of physical sulferiug. But for the kind Providence that in a mealtime shields mankind from the consequences of their own neglect, recklessness, and brutality, that chapter would be much longer than it is. Still, the numher of human beings bruised, distorted, mutilated, and destrm ed every year, l-y fortuitous causes is im- mense. Unfortunately the hat is great ly augmented by unskilful treatment. Limlxs are looped cfl, lameness and dis- tortion superinduced and perpetuated, and unutterahle pain and sorrow inflict. ed, in thousands of cases where the application of the propel remedy Would have pierented such lamentable conse- quences. “But," exclaims the inexperi enced reader, “ what is the proper re medyl Every surgeon liaahis pettheory, , his peculiar style ot practice. "he faculty disameeâ€"wlio, then is to he ttuatedl" We answer , let the prepon. deianee of testimony to decide the ques- tion. That prepondemnce is in favour of Batman's OINTNINT u the beat LADY Focuses Dixie. a daring literary Amazonian. is among the Boers, getting materinl for a book about them. The city of Winnipeg has invested 8H - 500 in I site for the new Syndicate pmenge. depot tor the Canada Paciï¬c Railway. Sl’NDn’s a‘orm in Iowa was a terrible one The loss of property and life from wind, rain, and lighming WM frightful. Mr. Gladstone is laid to be preparing a scheme for the reduction of the interest on the national debt. Tm: International ’Telegruph Company, with a capital 01' ten millions, has been organ- ized in New York. NIAGARA county. N. Y., has shipped 1.500- 000 barrels of apples to Europe during the past year. Tm. Orillia Pad-cl tells of a number of persons who were duped by awiudlem at the circus which visited that place one day hut week. One unfortunate man who gave a 85 note to one of the ticket-agents for an“en- tertainment" on Monday afternoon, not eighty cents and two ten cent tickets. The note had changed intolsl “ by asimple twist of the wrist." Another individual invested forty-ï¬ve dollars in seven valuelesi cakes of soap, on Monday. because he believed the vendor had wrapped up a much larger sum with them A l-‘Ltmocs wind storm. attended with heavy thunder and lightening. set in on Mon - day night about eight o’clock, and rage-l with great violence for about an hour. A good deal of damage was done to signs shed and fencing. and in some places crops were prostrateil. The only serious accident in town was the blowing out of the south gable of the South “'xml School. a fact which ‘1‘ es not speak very well for the solidity 01 its constrncnon.â€"Peterboro Times. THE Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway Company, in order to connect directly with the Snnlt line. intend to lose no time in extending their line northward from Manilla. to connect at or near Beaver- ton. They also propose to build simultane- ously the branch to Uxhridge. About 22 miles of roadâ€"l4 from Manilla north. and 8 miles from the Summit to Uxbringâ€"are all that would be required to be built. K ’I‘HB Barrie nnnnnl regatta. intended to take place on lat August, is likely to atcrnc: more than usual interest. Among the prizes. the winning of the cup. worth $200 is of course the chief feature. It has been won once by the Peterboro' club. and once by the Argonantsof Toronto. It must be won twice to entitle the winners to ownership. A BARBIE nmn insisted on paying one of the circus hangers on $20 for n 85 Int of soap, in which he thought there was 850. He re- fused the 820 back for his chance. and wen; at? to gloat over his bargain alone. In a short time he returned and announced his readiness to sell the soap for nothing and give himself with it. mssed through his butfy and strlrmkmthv; mll’a eye. The accident, it is hoped, will not prove fatal. A REMARKABLEJICCident occurred at Hamil- tuu on the 8th inst. The marker at the rifle range happening to step from behind the butt, Was struck by a bullet tired from a (l'atnnce at a thqusand yards. The bullet MR. 0. H. Buulen of Cartwright. has purchased from Mr. D. Ross of Cmmingtun. the grist mill sitrnted on the lmh con. 'l‘his mill has been idle for a number of years. and the (him and machinery have got, coir bidernble out of repair. A grist mill in that section will be a great. convenience to a largo number of funnels. THE legislative School grant for Brock for this year 18 $589; for Thornh $322. It is necessary to levy n corresponding amount on each lnunoipality. Tux annual picnic in connection with Zion Sunday schunl, “rock. will be held in 'I‘ur. ner’s grove, one of the must beautiful puints on lnku Simcoe. on Friday. the l7th inst. A Burma!) Whitby farmer is about to start a sugar veï¬nery on a small scale. He intends purchasing n sugar c‘rnslwr for ex- tracting the juice from the sorghum. 8l00 has ‘been granted by the Ontario County Council for improving the boundary line between Brock and Maximum. MEMIKH Flank Henry and “"111. Mchxkil', twa promising young men .of Brock. lmw gone to New Orleans. NEW potatoes Wore Jug on the evening of the llth in Oshawa. Kuuu'mw offers 8150 in prizes for the vm-wus games on July lat. Omuwa butchers are talking of loweriuu the price of meat. ’1‘": l'imlicalor wants a rifle team organ- zed In Oshawa. 0““st bu no band. (‘IIAPTEI 0" Ai‘fIIIlJK'I'S. was and mm. lIollou‘ay'e PHILâ€"The chief Wonder of n (nlvrn tunel -'l‘hie incomparable medicine increues the appetite, etrengthene the elo- mach'cleenree the liver, comet- biliounncee. prevents flatulency. purities the system. in- vigoretee the nerves, and re-Inetatee eountl health. The eunnnous denuml for these Pillln throughout the globe netouinhee "my- body. and a single trial convince. the moat we tical that no medicine equele Hollowey'a Pil e in it. ahility to remove ell complain“ inciilcnul to the humen nee. They are e bleuimr to the afllicted, and e boon to all that lehnnr under internal or enamel die- eue. The puriï¬cation of the blood, removal of ell restraint from the secretive m and gentle nperetiVe eetion era the pr ‘llc cour- eoeof the extensive «retire maggot flollo. wey’e Pills. path»: 5! the Bowels. purify'ther Bldml; re- noValc HH' Liver and tone up the Nervous SVst and distressing headache will be un- kimwn! Sample I'uttlcs l0 can“, lame bottles 8|.00. “lg become a suffering martyr to Heml- acile. when mace): 31006. Bitten will i surely cure the cal: se of all varieties u! either Sick or Serums Headache. cleanse the 8y II tem_. leg-"late the Secretions relieve Costi- i I Neither «lid John linrlinz long survive. The accumulated miseries of twenty year: had left no stamina for reaction, eren under the touch of joy and prosperity. llnt he lived to dandle his son's and Alice's ï¬rst child upon hll knees. and to imagine it the counterpart of the little unlunn being for whose Welfare he haul Iayetl on that dread- ful morning when he :d parted from his wife. New, and begun the telm of his sen- tence of hi for Life. But the real murderer of Gabriel Marks was never brought to justice. Soon after her arrest. she committed suicide at the sta- tion Imuse. Whither she had been conducted, by thrusting her tongue back into the 0380. phngus. aruiuutfngatiug. _, \Ve will not lift the veil we have dram: over the convulsive features of that union of father and son. at relate in detail those con- sequences which the reader foresees.â€"The innocence of John Barliug established, the identity. [the le;itimacy, and respectable family of Lemuel Burling, as we must now call him. proved. .\lr.Gilmore’s objections to the umrriuge of his daughter Alice would have vanished at once. eVeu had he owed a less debt of reparation than he did to the man who had sutfered the twenty years’ punishment of a crime he had never com- milled. I found but little niore than that. All that they had left the country. and lived for ye II‘S abroad. In every city which I have visited for the past month I have con- sulted the directories and made enquiries ; for you will notice the name is a peculiar ouer But all my efforts have been without avail. Oh. if I could only ï¬nd him. Oh, if after all these years of waitin1, I could only have the satisfaction of seeing and touching my child, I think that would repay me for all. I forgot to tell you that the people who adopted my 5!: game him their name, and that he is consequently known asâ€" M r. Lemuel Frankswood. , The name was not pronounced by John Barling. but by the servant, wlm, with this announo unent. ushered in a Very handsome und genu -. l looking young man of not more than nine? -cn or twrnty years of age. At s'ght of h. 1:, John Barling arose, staggered forward a step or two, and then fell back in the arms of the lawyer, in a lung, deep swoon. Go on: go on ! said Mr. Gilmore, urging on the speaker with a gesture of his hands. moments more. The establishment of my innocence before the world is less in my eyes than the chance of ï¬nding some clue to the whereabouts of my childâ€"if indeed he yet “we. l was very sanguine at ï¬rst. I am almost despairing now. I enquired at the foundhng hospital where he had been re- ceived, and learned that he had been adopt- ed by a Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Frankswood. What is the matter. sir ! Do you know anything of them, sir ? \Vo know that it iupidly relieves the agony of contusio IN, cuts, dislocations, fructnres, nnd othe' injuries of the fleshy ï¬lire, Ivoues, munch-s, und integuments. ulluys the lllllllt‘illallfl infliununition. and prevents the fewer which, under ordinv my treatment, so fieqnently superveues. It has also ln-cu :ippiied. ill:tllis region. with striking Ineuelit. in cases of stili‘ joints and siuiilinr ailiections. Our purpose in this article is to touch especiaillv upon its unparalleled.useful- ness in all cases of injury arising from ncciileutnl cnuses, uud to recommd that it he kept on hand wherever casualties of this kind are to lie apprehended. N0 western settler, no traveller by land or water, no railroad station, no steam- boat’s medicine chest, no family house- hold should be without it.â€"â€"-Bufl'ulo Commercial Advertiser. - But. in addition to the proof of its eflicncy derived from ulnoad we have the thalilnmiy of our own senses and safest dreaming for wounds, bruises, buruu. waldo, and every species of ex- ternal iniury to which lnunnnntv m liable. We haveexmnined this uuhject in two lightsâ€"tho light of unquestion- uhle evidence from foreign sources, and the light of personal experience. \\ 0 ï¬nd that during the compuign of tho Climen. both in the atutionery hospitals ut Gallipoii nud Scuhu'l and in tl e ulnhulances at the seat of war, the Oisn- ment was mad with the hnppivst ell'vct use dressing for RIIIH'U cuts, hnyonet punctures, and gunshot wounds. This is history, The French and Englieh surguonu ndulit the fuct. nnd the govern uwnm ol' holh nations lmve we under- stnnd. authorized the purchase of lnrge quantities of the plennrntion for army [ml-ImSCH. CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. IN F0 R LIFE. HEADACHE. O.Q signal THOMAS Ii 533, Oxlord Strut. London. .9ch I, lean, wAv's E’s-(abliahmem, 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and aulnl at In. â€â€˜41., 2:. 9d†43. 6d,, Ila . 22s., and 3311. each Box and Pot. and In (,‘mm-ln at 36 cento, 9|) can“, and 8L5!) cents, and the larger sizes in proport'on. The Trade Mark. of my «id Medicine: are yogi-tend in (Mun, and .130 at Wuh. ington. Colds, Sore "l'hmnu, Bronchitis; And all disorders 0! the Throat. and Ghost, In nlm (znut, Rheumatism, herofula, and every kind Of Skin Disease. Manufactured Only at Professor lluLLo- will be fuundim’nllnhle in (“Very House- hold in the cure of Open Sores, Hmd 'lumours, .349 PEGSaPLDWQUNDS. mums Thousands of persona heve teetifled. that W their use alone they have been restated to health and. etremh. after every other name had proved un- eucceeetnl. increase the secretory puwcrs of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and thrnw into the circulation: the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. They nssmt the digestive ur- guns, cleanse the sromcn and. nownns, THIS INOOMPARABLE Medicine has secured for itself an imperishcble fame throughout the World 101: the alleviation and. cure of most disease: to which humanth is heir. (2" Manufacturers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer " Castorine †Machine Oil to any other. It will outwear Lard, Seal or Elephant and is warranted not to gum. Worth their Weight in Gold ! _â€"- _. -mâ€"ug ,. National 1}!!an siï¬erior to all 9thcr pur alu-ns n unngth and Virtue. m safety and mildness o acu-m. A MEETING of the municipal clerks of the county of Wentworth took place at the Court House, Hamilton. lately. Matters re- latin v to some of their dutim were discussed in alriendlv 8 MR. The increasing wnrk devolving on clerks hy legislative enactment and otherwise, seems to render such meetings necessary in order tn arrive at a. mutual nno derstnndmg as to the best and most efï¬cient mm’os to he followed by them in the dis- charge 01' their multifarious duties, and in fulï¬lling the trusts reprised in them for the public interests. “llnil bcautuous. lmnntcuna, glmlsomo Spring" â€"tllia win Mark 'l'wnin’u prmu poem â€"-lmt the (lire (linuxiaus iuciuluut tn Spring, spoil the romance. llurduuk llluod Illttvm is tlm prize runway. tho rummly )l'lZwl by all who haw tried it as the limit llloml I’m- ifying Tonic aml Syutum llcgulzitnr in the nmrket. lt cums all llloml lluumra from the Want Sclofuln to u cummnu Pimple. Sample lmttles l0 (Junta. for sale by all deal- ers in medicine. “as no equal for the [m nuur 1.! um: ‘I Coughs. folds. Sun 1 "mm. Asumnz. fro"... Whooping I'ouull. Brnnrhiun. uml _ nu Lung him-lugs. “- . ANU OINTMENT. W liwry bullle THE PILLS Ever bullle guaranteed to giyc sutidqclit h. '.’. M LHURN L" l. I’ropllcwrs 'l ammo. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. ‘0.- a 0.. And in proof of thin strong statement, we con furnish abundant testimonials front than, having them in me. To intended patch-sen we Would say. come 1nd see It“: your-elves. and, we feel conï¬dent you will be entirely satisï¬ed am they the all they on "presented. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. It is a perfect cleaner, and chnfl'er. It will take out Wild Oats perfectly. It will take put all (.nclrle, Chess and other fuul seeds. making a perfect sample of Market Wheat. It. is a most perfect se nrator, and will separate all the large kernels from the small and shrunken grains. t is very rapid in its action. It separates all kinds of grain so well M Md“. and if Unto and Pens, or Timothy and Clover need are mixed together and Wt “"0" II this Mill. they will come out perfectly separated. It will sepr rue small and s ht Pens ram large Peas. taking them from the chaff in the most perfect manner. ‘he Honey lmprnVed Funning Mill and Separator. is acknowledged by All to be The Best Mill Manufactured In The 'Dominion. All kind- of DOUBLE and SI NGIE HARNES§ made to order. from the beat material and at the shortest notice. Repairing promptly attended to. HONEY’S IMPROVED FANNING MILL FARMï¬BS {READ 135350 .A. J'- SMITH, HARNESS MAK En, SADDLER M). We (legire to call the attention of the farming community to the almve well known Famung Ml", now llcmg manufactured at our wmks. We are prepared togive \Vrod ville, May 188] SPRING AND HAIR MATTHASSBS A LARGE STOCK A'l‘ SPECIAL BARGAINS l have just received what I claim to be the HANDSOME CRUETS, TOAST- RACKS, CAKE-BASKETS, and the HONEY FANNING MILL. All kinds of Reaper hepairs on hand, Castorinc and Seaanchiue Oils A CALL SULlCl'l‘l'Jl). WHITE BRO. MPISSING IRON WORKS. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, TORONTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPIL N’ REAPERS MOWERS. hm now on ma 3 new stock of wmps, 11mm: euvunmcvnmn COMBS, BRUSHES. WHIP LASHES, TRUNK'S am. GEN'I‘LI'IMAN who suffered for yours from Nervous Dchility. l’renmturc De- cay, and all the effects of youthful imliscro- tion. will for fhc sake of suffering hunlnniry. send free to all who need it. the recipe and direction for making the simple renu-dy by which he was cured. Sufferers \viiling to profit. by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. FARMERS†MEWS MEBEMM ELATIHG c0. .EVIQR.Y JXRYI‘ICLE VV ATx’CRANTED- â€" ’A LL AND SEE TH EM. IIIARI’ELS 0)" ('IIEAPNESS ERRORS OF YOUTH Q'- Uno “("utorine†Machine Oil for all kinds of Mnoliinery. It in also excellent. {or ".1110" sud leather. making it waste: and weather proof. For sale by dealt-rs. All \Iachines walrantetl to give satish- -bi Special InduceinentS?or Cash lyurdork llcullnu ointment should be unegi In connection with Hmduck Blood Bitters for curing Ulcen. Absceï¬ses. Fevem. Soles. c. Prim '5 cents per box. '1‘ MILHURN (30.. Sun Aam'rs. Toxorfl‘o. HANDSOME LOUNGES, SOPAS AND Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, Tables 8w. JOHN ll. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. N 300 Pairs 1L4 RVEST GLOVES Cheap for Cash. U N DERTAKI NG STOCK. COM PLETE. FURNITURE CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK AT THE WAREROOMS. N. B. CAMPBELL. ’. S.â€"â€"The Wnnzer and Raymond Sewing Machinm supplied cheap. B. CAMPBELL. O‘I‘Y authorized ngnut in this section for - F- KII AND OTHER PLATED 'WARES BY THE IIING SIRE 9T, â€â€™001)VILLE. WOODVXLLE ONTXRXO. 0.0 § [l to give autism biun ur no SllG an] s )l I C Ala‘Al’ for CASH, or ON TIME. Also Agent for tho Celebrated n to be the heat and cheapest stock of Furniture ever brought into “'oodville. CA N N1 ’NIN G ' Is showing W. G. STODDART. The advertiser. having been permanently cnrwl of that «lreml disease. (hansnmptinn. - by a simple remedy. in mxiuuu to make 1 known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. 'l‘u all who (lcsiru it he \rill send it cupy of the prescription "Bod, (free nf clmrgu ) with the (lii-cctiuns fur preparing and using the snnm, which tlu-y will liml it sum: 0mm run L‘uxavauvrws, ASTHMA, ‘ Bmmmu'rm, 8w. I will muil (Free) the racipe for a simple anz'mnu'. BALM that will rulnovo 'I‘Ax. FIREPKLES. l’lMl’lJ'lh' and llLfl'l‘CllES, leaving the skin soft, cleur and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant. growth ol hair on a bald heml or aluootll fuce. Address. iuvlosing 3c. stump, Ben. Vundclf . co., 5 Beekmun St. N.. Y. sn. \Vinimmhm-gli. UI'IN'I'S \V.~\N'l'El).â€"|Hg Pay. Light ‘ Wonk. Steady l'lmploymcnt. Sam- )105 Free. Address. M. L. bYRN, 49 'nssnu Stu-ct. New York. Parties wishing the prescription will please mldrusa, Hey. 19.5.}YIIHON, 191 Penn (n I nnnnnn T( ’ CONSUMPTIVES. PIMPLES. ENHDLN