’l'a‘xr- I410 “Edwin h) I»): tlu run M :l is :; rad Tun celebration of the ouncemmry of the Lin]: of George Smphenson, a short time Billet}. rennin-ls one of the great progress made in the. building of loco. Inmive engines, sincu (his piece at mechanism was ï¬ns: invented by this gomlrmm about half a century ago. 'Ilw tirsx ongim-s, such as were made by FH-phcnsnu Minimal ;\ speed of l S miles 1-) zcpl-esoumtives.from 6,000 bunks in {'w Linked States, swam! Canadian .Hh‘l Hu'olx-au bunkers :mzi ca} {Mists am: rxppcted ut the convcn'ion. Among 12m subjects: sclowcd for discuSsiun am- ti.» mu'rvucy of EM future; c‘mscs and I :m cation of panics ; industriui pm- Ln 9 of the mugh uml west; prriis and “infuunls of the ï¬nancial situation, .1» m use in llxe ram; of interest, and n-gfl-cgs of through tmlï¬c between the um: and Europe. Tnps is; an age of conventions ; every tunic, profeSsion aml c.tlling has its annual meeting, to discus-s particular imprests; and by combination hold their pincvs in the general struggle. Anni nnw it is the luinlun's turn 3 their con- \‘i-ntion will be held at Niagara Falls m. iln- lOJinL-hignstnext. 1n mlrlilion '1‘1:2:cufl'c9-housw establishml in the gw‘lt I‘Inglish cities, m :1 mmns of kwpiug men away from taverns, have l-vfcu us gear. a success in n lmcuniury an- they have been in a mural paint of \‘Luu'. Mos-t of the companies pay an .nunml dividend of 10 per cent on their mpiml. The coffee houses supply cof~ !~.:c,h:1:uul cocoa. sunps, cold meals um} Luau] uml butterâ€"all the articles .r-lug ufguud quaiity my! the prices luv. Newspapars are kept in album!- uuco, and the custoncrs am free to re- umin and read as lung :L they please. \Vlay sin-11H not the same means for L mumizing men be equally successful! In this country? ':I'IIlIcIIsnII ImIIiIII'I! II speed of l Smiles II hour and \I-IIIIII l IIIm'o- .Ilvom. 204mm I." West which i»: now lIIIiiIXiIIg III III“ ;. II“ III wod‘x. Phil IIh-IIIlIiII Is IlesigIInII I) l»: tIII- fastest .in lhc “th} :Il I3 will IIII III :I ï¬lmed IIC 8" miles an lIIvIII. ll :. rather Hmukt‘d‘lt‘ he: that (lum- I .- nt prosmil in the chi wmhl and â€H' ow mum than II IIIIIIIiII-Il :lIoIIsaIIIi I». quIIvos. 'I‘III-ir Iuml I‘Imn- is equal I :10 H00 000 huh-1' Ivy-In. rum~ ï¬fths luv .‘lII'JlH (‘J Jim I II III M \IIIIk hil\t‘ Now that the “IL’LEz†is drawing n~~;U', not-Hug is heard but the! ï¬fe, and «2mm ofthe angcmen. It is to be Supt-i], however, that the Orange hqdy Liil foHow the sensible example set hymn by their Catholic bréthren in ‘E'urch laid: and aquin from any pro~ lqunuDA, lmving established a large and growing market for her oranges, is LOW beginning to ship patches to the New Yoxk market. A consignment ..:-rived last. Saturday which were ship~ I!“ on 2.116 last. «lay of May packed in \; nnp-u tment boxvs like the patent egg hum-s, :uni mull peach vmpped in cm- ‘ an. They were apparently as fresh as n.1..-nlnickn(l from the tree, and sold mulilv at. .552 n ‘lozvn. Tm: estimates of county expenditure (In- 186'. are befurq us but we fail to see the grant which our reeve expected lo rulmir the bridgu massing the Grass iiivor. \Vlmt have our representatives in'd‘H doing? It is lurdly fair to Eldon that we should be forced to rubuild this Midge ourselves while othr munici- :umios rece‘ve county assistance in \xurks of far less importance. mrch lam; :lll‘l almtzun Mom any pro~ .-,.<i«)n. They \viH Ilele'ny Show their ,JU‘i sense, and help to set at, rest .msu religious nuimmities which on vmy rows-ring “17th" and “12th,†um! so much :mxietv. \Vhah have Tm; lulu ut cmuny tent: for llm pre~ Hum, yn-ar is at. the -ate of 3: mills in (h.- ¢l1|â€â€˜|l' c-x‘emlell over an assessment m' $3,896,155, of which .‘ iglon’s slmre am-nrding to the equuli ud assessment will hc 812,-!- 1-.‘.US.-‘.’Lmlls. luuuliuna to do with Orange and Hx't’ll ?â€"â€"Tr1'll'2. Em itthmdvillc gtlvorutc, .(ld \\'UUUVH.LI‘J. JUNE .H, lSRl. “‘IU‘H] l‘ I '1'!) Ila/w I ’ublico." M3 Ist ‘\ Work. \toany I'mplo; monk. . fam- ! flies hm. Adflï¬â€™sfl." M L. BS EN, 49 ! mom 5m: New Yuk†' l “m mail (I’m-o) the recipe for n simpie \‘mmnmr I‘M.“ that will remove TAN, FREL‘KLHS. I'IMI‘LES nml BLOTCHES, having the skin soft, clear mnl lx-antifnl ; alsn instructions for pminoing a luxuriant gumâ€! of hair on n ma head or smooth face. Addmss, indmimz 3c. stamp, Ben. Vanda“ 00.. 5 lkekmnn 3:. 5.. Y. SL. “'iiliamslmruh l‘artics wishing the prescription‘will please address, . _ "‘1“ E. .\_. “H.303. ISM Penn The mh‘crtiter, lln\'il)g,bccxx permanently cured of that dread discasw ('nnsumxdiuu. by a simple remedy. is anxious to make known to his foilow-snflorors the means of cnrc. To all who desim it he ml] send a cupy of the prescription chal, (inc of charge ) with ï¬ne directiuns fur preparing and usmg the same, which they “illflind 3 arm: l‘l'm: For. Coxarm'rlux, Amuu, lhzuxrnlrls. .Ec. known in tLis mighlerm-‘d, lmvmg edited a newspaprr in Canningtnn some years [330. 'l'haee who write for fame, for honor, or cmulunwut, cannot do better than use pens Ina‘ic ‘vy the Esterbrm‘k Neel l’cn Compmy. Samplu-s fumnshc l on nppfimtt’on in†nidrcss- I ug their oiiicc, “.‘53 John Stun-t, Now i ork TU CONSUiVEPTIVES. Tm: Directors of the East I’ctelbom' -\ .uicnltnral Sucictv Ml! 11034 their annual . 'ull Shh“ at Keenc. on the 13:11 and Nth of October. Bawmanville has had a case 05 eviction, a man named (Jon, and his family were turned out on the street. Bmvnmnville has taken the lead in this section of the fair free land. T m: residents of M..rkham are erectinu'i . town hall. court house. and tire In.“ all com- hinml. In the building “ill also be kep: the Mechanics liblaz). bl Tm: Otiilia 77mm :asdonne'l a new hen 1- mg, gn'mg the sheet. a much ncatcr appeal - aucc than formerly. '1 ur. \icfm-ia. count»! council have mted $000 tow: mis t.‘ m guamiitcc fund of the Lind- my cuu uzrul exhibition. .521, m 0. TIM-I scribes of the Fenclnn Falls Guulh; euntcmplates startmg m the bee line. He wants a pair of bees. ()sz cntcm. of the Fcuclnn Falls Gaxm has been xcgalcd on strawberries, three of \- hzch Wciahcd a shade over an ounce _and a half. 'I'M‘. Lindsay I’m-z says : There is not an empty harm in Hamlin at praseut. Lindsay‘s county rate has been reduced abuut 3:01). Tan: Liudmy mochanics’ Institute received a. L‘mmty grant uf 5'30, PEI :tnmm-unl papers on" for mail service on th: Grand Juncuun, bctwecn that phee and Eclluvmc. Tm: Pcterlmx'ongh government school grant for the present year amounts to ...n Tun sen serpent has turned up in the Bay of Quinte. Tm: city 0‘? 0‘ aw: is Ellumiuated by the clcctxic light. ALL Saints’ ("hm-ch, Caunington, picnic at liczu'crton tu-murcow. 9:30visit‘ox-s visited Jackson’s Point on Tuesday at East Week. THIS is the latest. and in ceiminly is the grimmesb joke of the season. it professes 10 be napeech, or part. o-"a speech by the Cm: to a Column miliâ€" tzu'y dcpuialion :â€"â€"One morning while ‘ being dreaxed; he said, he found in each pocket of his pants a piece of piper notifying him that he would share the fine of his father if he did non iconvedo to the. wishes of :“tho Revolutionists. Next, he (liScovered, by an oï¬icer rush" inginto his mom and blowing out, the Wax Candles, that each of them were loaded with dynamite. No wonder he has "lost all conï¬dence in those around him." In spite of all, however, he clings to tho autocratic f0! 11) of governu merit, though iis power has evidently piisscd from his hands. It, is Well, pon- huns, that ilt‘ should do so, because the. longer he resisrs the popular WAVe the nl'L’lL‘ complete will be the destruction of Imperialism when the flood comes. , IF it be true that the English Par- lmuent will sheltly be asked to give the Prince of \Vales another donation of $130,000, to pay his debt», osten- ‘ ribly incuned in perfouniug social ‘ dulics that would otherwise- hnve dew valved upon the Queen, it will be na- tuud it‘a veiy strong objection is raised. Aside from the fact that Her Majesty receives an allowance for pelfop‘ming tln se duties heme", and hence might be expected to supply the Prince with funds it‘ she cannot attend to them, that gentleman in already in rewipt of an annuity of $300,000, and four years ago the hum of $350000 was paid over tuhim, including $150,000 from the revenues of the dnchy- of Cmnwall. His wife is in receipt of $50,000 a year from Parliament, besides which in four vents he has spent $1,400,000. GENTS \\'_.'\.\"!'El).â€"â€"Big Pay. Tight Paxmox' FALLS has a pugnacious cow. {97:13.5 :1an Mat. PIMPLES. We will sell at these prices until August lst. l-‘LUL’IR. OATMEAL, (,‘ILH'KED WHEAT, CORK MEAL, SALT «kc. The highest pric paid for all marketable produce. Butter tuba given to our customers to ï¬ll. CRADLE AND GRASS SCYTHE?, FORKS HOES, NAILS, GLASS com. OIL, GEX‘CERiHE macmm QR. @C... m Ready-made and Ordered 01061129; 3. Speciality, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Glass- ware. Earthen and Chma-ware 'ï¬â€˜he‘ largesï¬ 53m Assortc iaml most “(meme SM (:53: Plow Boots Worth 31.75 for $1.55 “ “ whole stock, worth $2.15 for $|.90 Fine Laced Boots Worth $2.85 fur $2.50 †“ “ worth 82.4†for 82.00 Ladiea’ Prunelltv. Bums from 50cts. upwards Men’s Cobourgs worth SL2? for $1.00 †“ wnrth SI 50 for $1.35 5 pounds Japan Tea for $1.00 5 pounds Tea Dust- for $1.00 20 pounds Dried Apples for $1.00 20 pounds of Rice for $1.00 20 yards Print for $1.00 3 pairs \Vomen’s Hose for 25 cents 3 pairs Men‘s .5 {use for 25 aunts Dress Goods worth’ 45 cents for 35 “ “ worth 30 cents for ‘25 “ “ “ orth'l’ 3 cents {m 20 “ " wonth ‘22 cc Its for 18 “ “ worth 18 cents for 15 “ “ worth 12; cents for 10 “ " worth 1†cents for S Gmnadine worth 20 cmts for I?) Bunting worth 25ccnts for 20 10 yards Brown Duck for $1.00 20 yards Cotton for $1.00 Fashionable Bordered Prints 1 3heoked Mcurmng Prints and Pompadom‘s SUN HATS 115150139 ng THE smmmca may Gemeï¬gz Summer Dress Goods, Tweeds, Men’s and Boys Straw Hats. SACRIFICE {IF I 3I Tb make room for our full stock we have determined to sell at cost om- WOOD VILLB CHEAP CASH STORE ! Mciflf‘g‘ï¬ï¬ 933.03. READ THIS Y. 18 pounds Currants for $1.005 â€VG ï¬ï¬‚éï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ 5 Beemg am? We feel fully justiï¬ed in stating that we have @a‘weemsï¬ï¬g 2 â€"â€"\\B Kl: RP IN \STOCK 50cts. upwards GREAT Ladies see our new stock of LA DIES’ A ND M ISSES‘ â€"â€"â€"A'l‘ TH E â€"â€"â€"OF Gaiters worth $3.00 for S! 75 Larpet Slippers \v-Irtn 60 cams for 45 \Vomen's Carpct Slippers for 40 001193 Ladies' Hut. Bouts Worth SL2} for £51.00 Ladies’ Laced Boots worth $1.25 for SLCO Yankee Ties worth 3!." m forQ -, 1.50 “ †ï¬ne, wort. u .7‘..15 for: ‘ 1.55 25 Bars Laundry Soap far $1.00 Smoking Tobacco 25 cwtx xer pvmnl Chewing Tnbacm 40 cents per pound Brown; 22$ rents 0:;le 12 pounds Raisins for $1.00 Men’s Felt EM 5 50 mm m. Corsets 50 cents per pair Brown Holland 5 vents per yard 6 Towels for 25 cults Towdling 5 cent“ 1, Twucds worth “ Worth ‘ ‘ wort h ‘ ‘ worth †worth 3351312138. 2 Button Ki-‘t (Huvos 50cts. pr 1.1.) [orb IOO :IJW fur S1) oer SJ cents fur 70 70 cents for 60 50 cents for 40 $1.00 80 cents. rat-d.