As the special trnin which left Colm- conk on Saturday evening for Midland Jlllwlinn, wnsnppronching tho .\or‘.h Bay Bridge, a dank o‘niect was seen by the driver lying rcrosq the truck, when on non! nppronpll he discovered it. to he an lmv about, olpven yours of 'ngu, a son of Mr. (100. Mathiesnns, living near Comon’s Siding. It. appears lln' boy was sic-ht to (‘nhoconk for n jug of \ihiskvy by smnn Ipon who were iisllo ing, llm little il-lluw not. thinking of any dnngm lmd luntnken of (he mn- tonm. â€1- was taken luu‘l: tn (Folio- (‘nnlc lint did not Immune umsrinnq nn - lil Snndny nun-hing. 'l‘lmmly liruisis tho My rm‘c-iw-d worn n slight. cut 0“ his mumh and n lu-nivo nn Hm forelnml mm. mvd in inn-v lwml inflictm ivy izill~ ing nu tlw mild. An engine and nine ran-u paw-d nvor llm‘ hny. \VI; understund the idea of Voting on II sidewalk levy hue heI-n abandoned and the next Inetllod lropnsml is to hike up II when: sulmcrnption among the villagers for sidewalk lmildfng pm» poses. This, certainly, is the must just method. llr thosrslem of :Issesmnent the mentor polliono of the levy \mnid tall upon three or four ll)(l__|\.'l(lllll8 whoa-v pmpmt) comes Ivithin the hounds oi the police \i Inge and. who indivi. dually we the sidewalks but little. 'l‘lII-so [m2 ties are quite willing to con- trihnte liberally towards the improvoa IIII-ms hut IIIIIIImlly ohjeet to heing cdlwl on to defray more than one half the cost. Ifu subscription list is hand- ed round we do not doubt hot that :1 verv handsome sum ,can he ohteined. For. some time past the Weather has hren so unfavorable to wgetation that the farmers are brginning to complain. some of thom nllrging that. the crops will not exceed, even if they are up to the average. No doubt the night. frosts huvmlonu considerable harm and [the cold days lmvo checked the growth of almost, rvorylhing; hut , it. will take a grant. dual to cnnnmruct the nllucts of the splendid min“ in the early purl. of tho Human, and it. in too noon yr! Logirc up lmlwa of an nlmmlnnt harvest. “TAKE notice that you are required to cut. down all Canada thisnlos growing on lands owned or occupied by you in this road division within (in; dnys from the service of this noticv, †is what is living In \ndcd to the honest \eonmn by the loud Inn.“ to: nowadn) s. The no Lim dot-s not. appear to do any good from yezir‘Io your, for the thistles are us bud as over, and many farms in this connJ-y are much depreciated in value by “.1'3 and other noxious woodenâ€"fin. In another column will he found :1 notice requesting all pm ties desir' 1111! to become members of Eldon Branch Af' - liculuunl Society to hand In their names at once. The membemhip roll of the society has not been so large for the lust. two yems 11s formei Iy. \Ve hope our far mer‘l‘riemls are not losing interest in the ins-itution. \VoodvillanllShowis Innk- ed upon us being one of the best in the (lieu-lot and we should be sorry to «we its prestige lost. H and in your names gentlenwn, and bring along the big pumpkins. Tm»: polzuio buy, crop is sun-v. \tht ever eliect the cold winter allul spring drought may have had on cmeles mul OHM-products, Lhuy haven’t. zilft-ctml this lively pvst wonth n eunl. 'l'hvy have taken up their quarters on the young potato vines with the evident intention of becoming permanent. set.» tiers, and have forthwith invited their relations to (lo likewise. Pan-ix green will be in demand in a few Weeks. 121-3 tVOpOfblle measu-o and line little 0 :03 below 9" “Same lenmm, suh, (Int nmkcs (16 front of your house marble and (10 back gave chiefly slop ban’l, Bull." A FLW miuuum «lewuiuu :Ir. nivzlnt will noo clmr tlm cumuicncn of :l l'wul trick done during- lin- «Luv llHI' Will gain" (0 ul. u-c‘; nu Sum! w atone for llw willul sins of u m wk. A NEWSPAPER man in putting nu his last yuur's white vest, found n In] uf hills in one) of the packets, ummmling to $120, which lm Inul o-mimly fox-gm†ten. 1’. S.â€"-Noue of them were re- cuiptml. “SAM. you are not honest. \Vhy (10 you put ull the good strawberries m: W'Ordercd Suits, $0.50 ; gum! all \Voul Tweed Suits llllldl' Lu mu‘ur unly 811.00. A ï¬rst-«Slims 'l‘uilur nu Llu: premises. Mclntyuuk l'riur. w A fuw places ul' llmw Clmnp Drums Clumls on lulml, ml! mud sum-un- lllyds. fur 7503.3. at; K. t‘? A. ()aunpn bull’s. Yr: man of lmainpsn, std-p this \vu‘vrâ€"r- Plums-m nn'icu what, 1 Inn's:- In my ; 'lei Hlnlllnlv this, I \\'nlll(l mlvisu, 1):) notfurI/el, In A «Iv/3111M. PRETTY “(mu fans will lm so la-qu that. u lauly win wislu-s to Im in s‘._\'lu will be nhligml l0 hire a min: to go along and cm ry her.» {Or her. ï¬gural flaunt-5. Thousands of our little ones are lost annually from cholera infmntum. (liarrlum and tho anmmor cunmlnints. whose lives might. he pa‘eavrvccl hy the timely mo of Dr. l“..wltr’s Hum-t. of Wild Strawberry. the ymatcst nlhl most rollnlslo «nocitlc known for all snmmo‘r ailments. Fo.‘ «ale at all hug Ht-ww. Sgt; mlvortisomcntl in another column. 'l‘m: engineer of tho nn‘Vell train \vhivh lemma (hnemee at 6.45, ohsoerd, one night last week. the hudy of a man lying on the track near llcnhurn. The rngine was re- verscil hut nut in time to prevent the cm‘ . catcher striking thu- hmly nn-l throwing it, 0‘1" the track. When he got, ull‘ in pink n i the supposed romnim of n mangled than he onml an ohl suit of clothes stuffed with straw. Thousands of children are lmt annna‘lv from cholera infnntnm, dinrrhnw, and the snlnme. complaints, whose lives might‘ nw rescued by vsing Dr. Fmrln-is â€had of Vild Strawberry. Physicians .cmmmoml and use it mnstantly It i* n wincdv well known. It. H for sale at All drug swim. and is within reach of ever) one. boo advertixc- Incnts in another column. l‘lko.\IIA\‘E.\": cili‘fcns of HTML}! are flying to get :1. boot Mot sugar mannfnctmy estab- lished in that place. If successful, not Ivm than half a million of mom-y will he ‘nwatcd and employment. given tn a‘mnt all" hands. Onu stipulation will be {hat u‘ne farmers agree i4) raFm P.000 acres of the lvecls. for which a remunerative sum per new is puo miscd. The remedy that has had the most roâ€" ma’rknhle snecc-SS in the cure of dinrrhwn, (huntery, cholera Inm‘lms, and Indeed, every kind of summer cmnplaint. brought on by eating impruper fund, such as raw vegeâ€" tables, unripe 01‘ sour fruits, bad milk, im- pure water. etc.,â€"the remedy that is the most; pleasant, rnpi-l, reliable, and ell‘cctnnl, is Dr. Fowler's Extract. of “'ild Stmwherr)’. It is the ï¬nest remedy fm‘sun‘mer complaints known. For sale by all dealers. lly the timely use of the Extract of \Vilnl Struwlmrry, you may avert all disagreeable summer cmnplaints. diarrhwa, dysentery, cholera morhus, i-tc., nothing is so pleasant in its cure, so rapiil rcliahlu. and cll'ectual, as Dr. h‘uwlcr‘s l‘lxtmctnf \Vild St'au'berry. Aml the value «if this luciliciuc as an antidote in sour stomach, culic, cramps, seasickucss, vmmting. and other irritatinns of the st‘wmach aml lmwcls is iucalculahlc. It is safe and sure. aml should he carried in the havcrsack of every traveller and tourist. SEVERAL new buildings are boing put up in l’cnctmuguisheno which is (luing its best. not. to be eclipsed by its rival, Midland. Tm: most pleasant. rapid, reliable pnl effwbual remedy yet (llSClIVcl'Ull for diarrhwa, (l_\'hul't0| y, cholera moruus, choleraiufantum, and all xuuimer complaints, is Dr. Fowler's Extructof Wild Struvbcrry. It is unsur- passed as a rcliahlu speciï¬c in the almve dim. s s. as well as a yr.“ remedial agent. mul is mnro highly valued the longer it is known. '.“r;\veller.~i and tourists should carry :1 supply in their hnvcrsack. For sale by all Dealers in Medicine. The Dominion ()rg‘nn and Piano Co., of Bonmm‘ille, mks for a bonus of $5,000 to 02‘. tuml its factory. ‘1 If'rwn 041' (Mm ( 'orrrspondl'nt Tlmt Brechin correspondent mush ham fallen in love, as he has not shown us any of his intellectual prcmcities lately. Conw, brace up ! gent. and hmd- wmking servant. Althou-h sumo think that he was a little forward and ere III what he said, still it mrw be mi 1 th. "1; he was not, 'or he had a «litlicult station. Strawberries are plcnthul this your in Cmdcu. One of Olll pickers gab‘qued a patent pail full the othe: (lav. Statute Labor was in full blaze last Week, the work done in some parts was much needed and is a credit to this part of the township. Cuboconk is to have a. celebration on the lat UVcr $35 is to be given in prizes in boating, running, jumping, c., 520. Mr. \Vilkinsou, Methodist. pastor at Vic- tocin Rozul, is going to leave this Week {01' Stayuer. He will carry with him the bent wishes of the community. for he was a. dili- A .basc-lmll match is to he played at Hand Luke nu tho lst of July, between Hand Lake and Victoria Road clubs. The Sacrament of tin: Lurd’s Supper will In: «lispcuswl m, the l’rrslnyturuul church, (Hemlrm, on Sunday, :‘(ich inst. 'J‘ha Rev. .‘.er Fillmrn is assisting Mr. McDouuhL The friends of Mr. J. Murchison are glnd to hear that; he is recovering under the care- ful treatmentuf Dr. “'nml. Victoria Station and Dr. .xchay. \Voozlnllc. Fever and \grue are laging in the “Uigh- bmlmml of Maple Hill. Aycr's Ague cure is in great 11cm.- -.m«l From our own Correspom/ent J than can no go» elrszhm‘v. With Lhasa. them In vimv wu «In not. mm why farm: '5 Hum this Inc-ighimnrhund Hunulul tlliVe [u lmdlmv, Port. I’m-W, \Vhilhy, uml o-vvu ()riHiu, or any distant. Luwn h) transact their husinusx us at prawn! is frvqut-ntly the ease. It m-rruinly is mum to tlu-ir inlvrmts Lu pron-mm the gnowth nf' husinms in Ilmir own midst. than to Can 1')! it to distant plum-3. mmws.siun. We have lwquenth‘ point.- n-ul nub elm {not “.111 by 5:) thin; bhny um rmtllv injuring dummelws Our uml'chamls am able Lu buy, and do buy, :13 Cheaply as thaw ut' any ucimr plucc, whilu fwights uml utlwr uxpmxsm um unite us luw hum m4 o-lsowhvn'. A re" revenue!) to the prim-s quutml in our columns will cmnvimm x-msmnzblu people: that \Vuu.l\'illv nmrclmufs (4'0 m-ll us ciwup and in unny linns cvm. c/qupa. than can 3w go» elm-Wham. With these them in View wu do nausea why farm. as from Lhir; Invighimurlmml smmld drive MA.\\' people IIIIIIII' under the dam» uiVII idem time only by going to II iuwign town can gunIlrI' IIII ulImiIIII III, ImIsIIIIIILIiu “limb. and III my iIIIuI tuiu neighbouI-I lIII-III aw in IlIII IIIIIIiL (If "Uill" iung |“H' I I-IcII-II with (III-iI iliUiI‘ wiIiiII lllllztf'l (his iIIIIIII-s..~iIIII. \VII have iII'IIIIeIILII‘ point.- I-Il IIIIL Elm fact ii.iU |I_I' SI) IlIIiIIg Linn); iH'I! I'IIIIHV injuring IiIIIIIIsulvvs OIII' uhfll’ciliulls um IIiIiIe I.) buy, and (it) buy, B FX LEY. ,. LA Y. 533, Oxford Street. London. .5“pr '1, 18.90. on CAUTION. ~I hsvo no Anon: in tho United States, nor are my Mo 6.:- cinos sold thoro Earshosors should. thoroforo look to tho Label on tho Pots and Boxes. 1: tho address is not 533, gï¬srd Street London, thoy sro spu- 'l"lwl 'rmlo Marks of my said Medicines nro rvgismrcd in Ottawa, and also at Wash. inglnn. 8.3; at zrnoms IléLLOWAY. 2qu mu1339. cat‘h 'an and Put. hml ni Canada at. 36 coins. 90 cents, and 81.50 cums, «ml the larger sizes in proportion. qqd soltl_n‘t_ls. 1.551.,h‘lu. 9d.: 4:. 661., Us , Colds, Sum I'l‘lnnnis, )ronchit'is, and all annulus of the 'l‘hrnnt mul Chest, as also (unit, llhmunntism, bcrofuln, and chry kind of Skin Disease. Mmmfnctuml only at Professor HOLLO- WAY'S l'lstnblishment, 533. OXFORD STRE 11‘, LONDON, Thpusmds of persons hsvo testiï¬ed that w L101: use alone thoy have been restored ".0 nealth and. strength; after ovezv. opger means had proved. un- will be found invaluable in every House- hold in the cure of Open Sores, [lard Tumours, 34p mama wouuns, onupug :aBCJc purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. They assist the digestlvo ur- guns, cleanse the STOMAGH and. BOWELS, increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and thrnw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frmno. THIS INGOMPARAIBLE Medicine has seemed. for itself an imperishablo fame throughout the World for the alleviation grand. euro of most diseases to which humanity is heir. -â€"â€"â€"‘ a.r.â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€" 3172' Manufacturers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer “ (historine " Machine Oil to any other. It will ontwem‘ Lard, Seal or Elephant and is warranted not to gum. l ‘0‘ ['59 “(‘usturiuo†Machine Oil for a)! ' lands oi Machinely. It is nl-‘u cxullcnt for Ho Hess and Lcalhcr, uniting it water and \rcnlh r ln‘uul. For sale l-y dralcrs. 'l'ub‘. gunï¬re of the Xurthrrn Railway hav- ing l. mu t'ï¬iuqull tn the shun 'ard gnaw, the l’euct‘ungukln Le l/em «I (‘Ullgl‘zlllll ties the Conilvmn’ in the follnuing terms :-<'l'hc pungc o" o H‘ llailway is at last or tinged, we a u in w “mm cl. sely unitrd with the llail‘ way sysu-Iu of tho Unntinrnt null the old VOY-‘I’iu'm‘ delays and exp ‘llSrn inv'dvnt to our Railway on account at its Isolated guage, are forever l'ulllnvurl. To the directors and uwne‘ s of the Northern and .‘inrtli-\\'e~4‘crn Railway \u- under our enilziatulntiius. 'l'h-- Hlk‘lbi t‘wy have taken drscrvrs the ap- lm-b ition and thanks of the husinewn public. In a ipiug out the la~t har to free nnd uninâ€" te ranted trailiu hrt\'~'ccn their line and the contim-ntal linilumy systum they hare showu tlicmsulvm men of the age, and we wish flu-m such increased business and ease of lmndlin r the some, as Wlll repay them for l heir eLtePprisc. 'l‘ln-rv never was, and never will he a un- irm s;:l panaeca, in one remedy. for all ills .‘o whirh ii sh is heirâ€"the very nature of many curatiws h in; such that were the germs of other and dill‘ervntly seated diseases rooted in the system of the patientâ€" what would l'(‘ll|'\'e ono ill, in turn would aggravate the ‘ other. We have, however, in Quinino \Vino, \vlnn ()lltulu'llllu ir a sound nnadulte ated state. a remedy for many grievous ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into coavalescenco and strength, hy the influence which Qrinine exerts on Nature’s own restorativcs. It re. lievcs the drooping spirits of those with whom a. chronic state of morbid despoudcucy and lack of interest in ii e- is disease. and, by tranquilizing the nerves. disposes to sound and rcfredning sleep- imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which being stimulated, courses throughout the veins, strengthening. the healthy unima‘l functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally de- mand increased substanceâ€"result improved rppetite. Northrop Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the umal rate, and, is. ;ed by the opinions of SLlClltlStS. this wine app-nachos nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it. A, ‘ __~_____..A4__â€"â€"â€".____-__ â€"~ Won/a (Imir â€7 wit/,5: in Gold! Tun Midland elevator now in course-of construction will, it is estiummtli cost slum. 000 by tho time it is com )luted. lts unpa- citv will be 230,000 buslw s. The coughing and wheezing of persons troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harassing tn tllclliï¬elVA‘B and annoying to mhura. Dr. 7740mm" L'cl rm}.- 0E! nbviutcu all this. entirely, safely and spccvlily, and is a ucuini rmnudy fur Ill-JO‘ nuss, bnl'unv‘s, injuries, piles. kidnoy and spinal t:‘«,i1liics AN L? OIN TMEN T. THE PILLS A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS ALL THAI IS CLAIMED FOR IT. It is a perfect cleaner. and chaffer. It will take out \l'ild Oats perfectly. It. will tnko out all Cockle, (.‘Iu-ss and other ionl seeds. making it perfect. sample of Market \Vlwnt. It; is a most perfect sa-ptll‘fltor, and will separate all the largo kernels from the small and shrunken grains. It is very rapid in its action. It acpnlatcs allkimls of grain as well as needs, and if “MS and Pens, or Timothy and (flow-r soul are mixed together and put through this Mill. they will come out, perfectly separated. It will sop: mtc small and split. Peas from large Pens. taking them from the chair in the most perfect: nmnncr. The- Honey lmprm’cd Fanning Mill nnd Separator. is acknowledged by all to be And in proof of this strong staicmcnt. We can furnish nlnmdnnt testimonials from those having thcmin use. '1‘" intended purchasers \m Would my, oumo and see it for yourselves, and, we feel coniulent you will be entirely satisï¬ed that. they are all Ahoy are rcprusentod. All kinds of DOUBLE and SI NGLI‘} HARNESS manlc tn mwlo". {mm the best nmtcrial and at, the shortest notice. Repairing promptly attended to. HONEY’S IMPROVED FANNING MILL. We desire tn call the attention of the fnnmmv cummu: IN)! to the above well known Fanning Mill, mm being manufactured at. our “'01 ks. W e an: prepared to gha The Best Min Manufactured In The r'Dominion. I have now SPRING AND HAIR MATTRASSES A LA [HHS STOUK .A. 3'. SMITH, HARIHCSS VALE? SAUDI: ER C. KING S'TRI '1} 1'. "’OODVILLE. “'r‘odville. May I $3 I . l have just received what I claim to he the hush and cheapest stuck of Furniture ever ln‘nught into \‘.'00(l\'ilh. HANDSOME LOUNGES. sous AND FARMERS READ “TE-£339 CA LL A ND SEE TH EN .= 31A R VELS 0]" (XIII'IA PNESS HAN-DSOME ORUETS, TOAST- RACKS, CAKE-BASKETS, and the HONEY FANNING NHL. All kinds of Reaper Repairs on hand, Castor-inc and Seal Machine Oils, A CALL SOLICITED. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, TORONTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPION’ REAPERS MOWERS. Peter G. Cmupbull hax‘ stn. 'L‘cd business umma-Lu (iméor (kingpin-H’s oldstuml, hug] is prepared to do all khuls of \Vngguu . Uurriuw-Um'dmg. .ltupw- mg and Carnage-Paint- ing, Promptly Executed. v d , PK) =. ._ L ' 2 '. WHITE BROâ€, MP’ISSING IRSLN RES All Machines warranted to give satisfastiuu or no sale. and sol=i CAEA P for CASH, or ON TIME. Also Agent for tho Celebrated :E’ G- CAMPEELI... =~ CAEEEAGE 8e. WAGGONMAKER w Special Inducements HANDSOME LOUNGES, Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, In. Freeman's, Worm Powder is a safe u: d a ' ‘ . adults. Price 35 cents or 5 {0' $1. , s c an e equal deauoyer of “arm “ Mrs. Freeman's New Domenic Dyes are perfect ‘ ov color. F b' dunï¬h'ny they have no equal. Price 1; cents Dex Dackazc. m Sanâ€"«fr "shun“ "AMOUS MERIDAM PLAYING? CID. 300 Pairs IIAIH'IJS'I‘ GLOVE-8' ('lmup for Cash. The only Medicine that successfully puriï¬es th Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and Kidneys while at the same time it alleys Nervous Irriiation and strengthens the Debiliteted System, perfectly am speedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Consti potion, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,N ervous and Gen eral Debilitv. Female Complaints. Snrnï¬ï¬‚n mrvqimigu e u R D 0 0K: B L eon , BITT The only Medicine that successfully puriï¬es thr Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and Kidneys. while at the same time it alleys Nervous Irziiution. ‘ and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and * speedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Consti- < pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,N ervous and Gen- . eral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum. and every species of Chronic Disease arising irom Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or Blood. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYINO TONIO IN THE WORLD. rsaimgle notue. Ice. T. MILBORN co.. sou AGENTS, 10mm. Regular sue. «moo .E’V Ellï¬r AL HTIIJLE ‘V71X1'?.R4A_.NT‘ED- F U R N I T U R E UNDERTAKING STOCK. COMPLETE. ‘ W. G. STOiDDART. R- F- KII N. B. CAMPBELL. O'Hy authoï¬zed agent in this semian for CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK ' '1‘ THE N. B. CAMPBELL. P. S.-â€"'l'he \Vanzer and Raymond Sewing Machine-I supplied cheap. on hand :1 new stuck nf \V‘Hl’s‘, HUILNI". (‘U\"l'll}.\.', [CL'RRIE COMES, BRUSHES, “'IHI’ LASHES, TRUNK-5‘ kc. 'J‘EIHH. MOl'HCRAJI‘E. G? VB H'XI A CACL. AND OTHER PLATED \VARES BY THE WOODVXLLE ONTKRXO. C A 1V .\'1 N G TON ,‘ ls aluming Tables 8:0, For Ca Sh WA 1} EROUMS. A'l I‘ SPECIAL BA RGAINS in children or