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Woodville Advocate (1878), 1 Jun 1882, p. 1

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1M6. ”WAR-S Proprietor. Finhclass ammuludatkm and attentive . «tuna. Bar wdlugmdiodm‘ifllwechoic- est liquors Ind elvars. 'Busfio "Ml from all amine tad only culmelwetiur (the ta aval- llng public. Clerk lat Division Court County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Society. Agent P. B' 8. Company. ConVeytncer, Commis- oioner in Queen’s Bench AR'l‘I N a: HOPKINS. IAIIISI‘BIS. 80‘“?qu dc. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. OFFICES-«Kent Street. Lindsw, Ontario. P. S. Mums. I G. H. Horxms. (”Hemâ€"Rooms lately occu ied by \V. M. filtgchrnue, Biglow'n Block, ort Perry. .PROFESSI ONA L 0A R US. M'oodvflle on the Seéfifild 'Flâ€"I ISfiAY‘éf (tall; “Inuuth, stopping at Mcl’lmrson‘s Hotel. J. saunas, I... .s. 3 J08. pamuxu, L.D. Clerk 7th Division Court County Victoria. Conveyancer. unmissioner in Queen's Bench, Notary Public, c., u. Ofiice, Vic- tori: Road Station. ALFRED McDoumu. | Anon. J. SINCLAIR J08. J. GAVE l'ubllnllcr. Onetfthe above will be ut Hamilton's Hotel. .ISeavcrtou, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each month. He will also visit Livery Rigs at Any time 3nd at a" hour- on the shertest notice. Special uteution gluten h.) (Jmnwcia! ”Travellers. Ubargcs always fiw‘deram. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles In connection with the Eldon House. W Money to ban on 5:224:13“ security at. 0 to 6:.» garment. - Agent. Mr A. HARRlS, SON (30., Nautical, Mummcturem of Reapers, Mow. an, fieU-lsiudeu, 8:0. Union Loan Co’s Building 28 30 Toronto Street. Toronto. BENJAMIN SCAN“. fnprlmr. Th“: limbclasa house his just been «re- vfittcd. furnished and mhem'isc rclmvutocl and Improved. Being in the centre ofdtlw dlmsinesa partof the wdlage. and lurnialwi with splendid-sample “anus. it is therekmc most. convenient for travellers and commer- migl mun. and the public generally. “be .Burlis 9“..le with the heat of Liquomuul 'Cignrs. “and Stable: and Hustler in at- ‘(emlanom VOL VI. Wilson “L " Wilson “B" and “R m5 a1" Sewing Machines and Needles kept ocnutant t" y on hand. {\fl‘uco ru‘i Mammal 'l‘ologupk Covpmy, w. c. STODDART. Bibinet Maker 8- Undertaker mineral-law. Sollcltor ll Chancery. t‘onveyalccr, eta. ac. A good Hum furnished at Short Ratio. and p: Rum-uh]. Term. (.‘OJIIIK‘HOIEI IN 8. I“ ('OSVBI'IM'I‘ â€" GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT.- --Mox m‘ TO 1.61} am percent. ~ mpmvnn 1%.:le FOR SALE .EORG E WI LLIS MILLAR, ‘7' M. CAMERON. Agent for [Lun- I“. 8 Invlng‘o ('0. I‘LDON HUUSE, Woodvide. {TOIR‘HAKRN .‘HQH‘ABL. Vfloodvilie. \RED. 6. MILLAR, C°YSTY AUCTIONE'i‘Q OFFICEâ€"Up}; dqotlgaayuf Post Office. fans and other Send Gmiul on Hand. (MIN MC'I‘AGGAR'I‘, Kirkfiml. ’UG H D. SINCLAIR, 'EELA N DS PEN'I‘LAND. RC“. (7:\ MPflELL cDOUGAvL'L . SINCLAIR, OODVI LLB Ll VERY STA BLES. ’6‘ E 51:71:31 L CA RDS. HENRY EDWARDS, Proprietor. DESTIS‘I‘S,‘ den Undny, Ont. 110 TEL (,A RDS. KLVG flTRBRT. WOODV l L”;â€" @hm mummim mmmm ten, Gout-lung Notaries. dc. NONE? (O MAN. \\'oodville. Out. Having bought the shop and fixture: of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher, customeu can rely on getting the heat of Beef at all timed, and other meats in season. Parties having {at cattle to dis one of will please call or leave word at my a op. Farmers wanting meat will please leave their order the night. betore at the flags The highest cash prim paid for HID ‘ . Cistern and Well Pumps, JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER m unnusss GOLLAESrâ€"HAIJ’ERS, wmrs cunnv comas, unusuas. m’uuxs VALISES AND All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING A large assortmentof whips from )5cts. up. N. E. QAMPEEEL. The Leading Machines: TORONTO CORD SELF BINDER TORONTO REAPER, New Gear. TORONTO MOWER. ALL KINDS OF REPAIIHNR- KEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. It sells itself. MASSEY HARVESTER. And all kinds of Implenmnts and Lh- chines supplied u cheap as the cheapest. N. B. Campbell. \Vondvillo, sole agent for North Victoria and Ontario. MASSEY PAT. ‘SHARP’S’ RAKE. More used in Cans-ls than all other put together. A written warrantby the Company given with each machine. MASSEY MANUFACTURING Co. , TORQNTQ» ONT- ABELL’S CLIMAX, STEAM AND W ILKINSON, \V H YTE, HAMIL- Suits made to order from the latest and most fashionable styles. All wouk gmnuteed to fit. 'l‘ER MS, CASH. shop over McIntyru Prior's Store, en- trance. Side Door. D. Henderson ALL NE“? “'ORK WARRANTED. (’I‘ovl'drfor the "frat under Your Charge . HEAD OFFILYBL 63 King Street East, Im'orporutml A Hg. 24, 1880 "Fl-‘II'I’J‘S3 “'31. “ENNHI. Esq” 'l‘nrnnto, President. A. Ull‘Tl-lili. Esp, Monfurd, (int, Vice- l‘n shlvnt. W. l'l:.\ll\r.r.n.\' Rum. l-lsq.. Toronto. Sec‘y. 15.”. lln.nul:.\'. Esq, Uxhridgv, 'l‘rcnsurcr. 1:. ll. lh-muuxux M. l).,'l‘urunto, Medical Diru‘hu‘. (hm. 1|. \\'.\'I‘.~'n.\:. L I..R.. Toronto. Solicitor. S. W. ”ILL. Esq” ludgnvillc. Membership Supurintomlcm. Incentive (‘ommlmet Wu. nnxxm, W. 1’. has, J. 1’ Ben. 111A ARCHIE, Agent, “'Qodvillo. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Light. easily handled. Driver lifts eichar or both wheels lrom seat. Best sheaf maker in the market. WOODV I LLE, ONT. HON EY’S FANNING MILL, MUTUAL AID UGH MCCORQUODALE. WOOD‘WLLE :IECIIBI snor. Repairing Prompay “(traded to. B USI N ESS CARDS. ‘OODVILLE PUMP FACTORY. 'OODVIuLE HARNESS SHOP. ESTABLISHED. 1856 FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE; ONT. JACOB BARNES TERMS CASH., Strung, simple and durable. ORDERS SOLICITED. ton. nnd‘Copp Bros’ Plows. Power Threshing M whines. ASSOCIATION. N. B. CAMPBELL â€"â€"CANADIANâ€" MANUFACTURER 0P Toronto. AG ENT, WOUDVILLE. WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1882. “PRO BONO PUBLICO." CAMERON WESTCOTT! Beaverton, Ont. BEMBVEB I \Ve take pleasure in announcing to the public and our customers that we havo removed our Hardware and Stove Emporium to the buildings on Simcoe Street, Benverton, at one time occupied by N. Date . (30.. having made extensive alterations and improVemonts on the premises in Older to accommodate our already HARDWARE STOVE EMPORIUM North Ontario and North Victoria. \Ve would also take the opportunity of thanking our many friends and customer! who have favoured us with their patronage in the past. and to seek for a continuance of the same. And to others with whom we have had no dealings we would invite them to an inspection and a comparison of Goods and Prices with any other Retail Hardware and Stove Shop in this section of the country. To all we would say “4 ‘ome and see us in our new Place of Business," and be convinced that mic can show you a large and well ulected stock 0 At prices that must give great satisfaction. We are now receiving, and hue in splendid value in STEEL BARLEY Fonxs, Woon BARLEY FORKS, Mlmumc Forum, BAR IRON, STEEL, House NAIM,‘ House SHOES, Hons]: RASPS, Shelf and Evan Hariware! OILS, PAINTS, STOVES, 6L0. “'0 have also received a large lot of First-class Cooking Stoves for the Summer trade. In this line we can give the best of satisfaction in SELECTION and PRICES, having hid long experience in the stove trade, and also commanding the attention of the beat Stove Manufacturers in the Dominion who are desirous of our trade. ' We show a splendid lot of these goods in Rodgers, Lockwood and other celebrated makers. Housekeepero are invited to call and inspect these goods as we give special value in Cutlery. Our stock ol Cutlery. Knives and Forks, Tao. and Table Spoon. For Roof Pninting and Fine Liquid Paints, ready fur use. The above paints have been fully tested and have proven to he the best. and cheapest paints _knuwn. We are sole agents in this sfction for these [“1 RE and WATERPRUUF PAINTS, and are prepared to furnish the paint. in quantity or will take contracu for painting large buildings. 160 BARRELS LAND PLAS’I‘ER (Fresh Ground) 50 BBLS. WATER 1.13m. mums LAND mm: 240 BBLS. Gonmmcu SALT. ALL OFFERED AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. “'0 are prepared t0 pay (Sash for any quantity of Good. Clean Flex-cc ur unwashed “'001, “'001 l’ickings, Calfskin", Hich and Sheepskins. Remember the place. May 10m, 1882. In Clothes Wringers we are doing a large and increasing trade. We handle the belt Wringer known. Self Adjustable. Self Fastening. Self Releasing from pressure. TRY ONE. It wil save time and save clothes. In \\ 0 also deal extensiwly m Salt. and Land Plaster. Water Lime, and in this connection “a have just. received Extensive and Continued Increasing Business. CLOTHES WB INGERS. Pocket Cutlery, Scis sms, Revolvels, 8:0. Sums, CAMERON WESTCOTT'S NEW X12318 ‘HKRE AND STOVE BNPORIUIJ. NAILS, ' ' Hlxcas, PAINT BRUSHES, CABLE AND TRACE Cmuxs, WHITE \VASII Bnusuns, Burma, AND EVERYTHING KEPT IN GENERAL HARDWARE W001.- W ANTED. Cooking Stoves. Dmunma TOOLS, GARDEN Hons, TURNIP Hons, Forms, or Will now be fru- nheml of anything shown by us in that line. ‘3 “The Imperial,” Salt, Plaster, ciao. The Leading 621x701 210 L19 0']? fail/V2. Burrs, Smnus, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, SEAT SPRINGS, Hons, Spoxns, Rma, NECK“YOKES, PAINTS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Locxs, KNOBS, --OFâ€" CRADLES, SIMCOE ST REE’I‘, BEAVERTON HARVEST TOOLS, Serums, BOLTS, GARDEN Rum, FIELD Hons, Lmsaan PAINT 01L, WHITE LEAD, TURI'ENTINB, COLORS, GLAss, PUT'H', ROPE, LINES, Snow-n.8, Tu: late ruins have done an immensg- amount of good to the growing crops. From the bin-press. FALL WHEAT lacks well in this locality. 'l‘nl: Barrio papers say that the- “Lady 01 the Lakou" has boon omoially condemned. MILO. F. BRUCE attended the funont of John Shier, Esq” County Clark, who died on Sunday morning of last. week. Mn. anumn McRu, as we an. nounced in a pievioue issue, has leased the Haluilwu House. Mr. Melba has renowned and refitted the houee" end it will now assume its old poeition again. Mr. McRae is a. genial hoot- und we have no doubt will become Very popular. Bantams now has a Cricket Club. and one that. is going to give a good account. of itself in the field, at lent. so says its members. Officers :â€"â€"Preai- dent, D. Manbb; Vice-President, Dr. Gilpin; Secâ€"an., D. McKenzie; Field Captain, T. A. Clouaton. Com- mittee :-â€"C. A. Patterson, A. Mc- Kinnon, R. Turner, H. Musgmvo, J. White, J. McKinnon, R. Adams, I". Madill. WE are glad to learn that; Dr. Gilpin of Bucchin, formcllv a atudens of Barrio High School, has been very successful at. the late examinations carried on in Toronto. Ho paaaed the mquiaite examinations of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, 0n- turio; also graduated in the Toronto University, and took the degree of M. B. He graduated in Victoria Uni- versity, Cubourg, last year, and took the dogmas of M.D. and 0.1“. The Doctor has met with more than ordin- ary success in his practice. As usual the citizens of Beavertor. wore not behind in the matter of their annual celebration. The Queen’s Birthday has for yams been celebrated in this village. and always in an enthu- siastic and loyal manner. The day. was very fine and eVerything passed off very pleasantly. The usual number of skirmishes occurred but nothing aerioua took place to mar the pleasure of the day. The Lacrosse match, between Woodville and our village club, was won by the latter in three straight games, not however, without a very brilliant fight being made for it by their opponents. The concert in be~ half of the club held in the evening, was a. complete success in every uh spect; financially it turned out far better than was anticipated. Below we give the list of successful oompeti~ tors in the various games indulged m :â€" Men's Double Scull Race.â€"â€"lat, H. Barber und J no. \Vhite ; 2nd, L. Bar- ber and J. Hails. Boys' Skifl' Ramaâ€"lat. H. Barber; 2nd, \Vm. Barber. Throwing Cannon Ball. â€"lot, Dngald Gillespie; g2nd, Jno. \Vhito. Thrbwing Lacrosse Bumâ€"13b, Chu. Campbell 3 2nd, Alex. Birclmrd. Running I ong J ampâ€"lat, Alex. Bit-chard ; 2nd, Jan. Bites. Running Hop step-and- Jumpâ€"lot, Jan. Bates , 2nd, Alex. Birchard. Running High Jump.â€"â€"lst., Peter McMillan; 2nd, Jas. Bates and Jan. dun. Running McMillan ; Brown, tie. Men’s 400-yd Ranaâ€"lat, J. Bate! ; 20d, Alex. Buchard. Monks 100 yds Baaâ€"lat, Jno. \Vlnite; 2nd, PeQer McMillan. f “If ”'“J 9*" And Inspect. our very large and well ulected New Stock of scotch and Canadian Tweeda, just arrived In Her Imp-o A: Prior’a. Standing High Jump â€"llt, J n. Bates; 2nd, Alex. Birchard. Standing Long Jumpâ€"lat, Jae. Bates ; 2nd, Peter McMillan. Boys’ Race, under 16 yn.-â€"lst, Duncan \chinmou; 2nd, Jno. Gor-w Boy 3' Race, undel 12. â€"llt, Alex. R638, 2nd, Jno. Adams. mm 200 yds Rnce.-â€"lst, Jno. \Vlnim; 2nd, Alex. Birchard. n'I‘in-ee â€" Léggml Ruce.-â€"lst-, Jas. Bil-chard and Alex. Bilclmrd; 2nd, D. McKimmn and Juo. \Vhile. ”Av--." Sack.'l~;\;;c;;;ist,, Alex. Birchard ; 2nd, Jus. Birclmrd ; 3rd, Jno. \Vhi'e. I‘ll!!! 0!I§_ [301153 PEI ANNE]! Bull-fly In Advance Every gentlonum should call ' I 7A,,II BEAVERTON . N UM BER 23

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