who Wuaflvillc gdvnmtc . A \Vx... J08. J. UAW, Editor. AVJV"> ..\.\..\/\\\- WOODVILLE. JUNE, 1882 IN his address to the electors of South Victoria. Mr. \Vm. Needler explains to the Free and Independent that he Is adverse to the Paciï¬c Rsilway contract, also with the interference of the Dominion Government in Provincial legislelimn He also condemns the refnsnltn ratify the boundary award , us also the Gerrymsndering BilL Now that. he has told the Voters what he condemns, it should be In order to inform them what he approves of, and what position he is pre- pared to take 11) the matter, it is very \\ ell Io condemn, but we should sulvgest th at his .1 VIII 1in of procedure should be placed be- fore the electors. Now that the election campaign has fairly begun would it not be well to place before the coming members. the following nation- ll requirements : lst, Abolition of tin- useless and expensive institution, the Senate. 2nd, Reduction of representation. 3t], Commercial independence for Canada, and last but not least, a strong resistance in eyerything tending to cnrtnil our provincial rights. TH'I Great North-West l‘erritory can no longer be designated the “Lone Land." it is now the scene of hastet bustle‘ enterprise and speculation. Now the territory is di. vided into four large districts. namely: Assiniboine. which contains 95.000; Sas- katchewan, 114,000; Alberta, l00,000: and Arthabasea, 122,000 unre miles. Exclu- sive of Manitoba, of eewatiu and British ;(?olumbin. these four provinces have a total of 43!.000 square miles. Certainly room enough to satisfy the ambition of the must «authuaiastic Canadian. OCR worthy cotem. the Toronto Globe, is working. we believe, in the true interests of this prov me in its endeavour to place the “boundary question before the people. Ontario is the smallest Province in the Do- Iuinion, but is at the same time the most _ wealthy and populous, and for this reason has it right to a. proper consideration as to her future. By the refusal to ratify the "boundary award†the Federal Parliament deprives this province of a 1mg 9 and valu able portion of heI territory, and “hat uill acme day he a source of great revenue to her giIing it to Manitoba The question as to ownership cannot be doubted and the quibbles thrown in by the lhun‘miou Gov (-rnuIent serve but to strengthen the posi. tion of the local administration. It 0' r pmvnncial authorities have the interests of the province at heart they will resolutely “go up and possess the loud," and in 3) doing we are conï¬dent they will how. the «Import of every true patriot, be he Grit or Tory. RACK!!!) BY 1N5 UMKRABLI P.\.\'ee,.restlase by day, sleepless at night. riniegouneirenhed in the morning, without appetite, and pes- tered by varying and perplexing symptoms, the dyspeptic takes indeed a gloomy view of human exintence. For him the zest of life eeems gone. Heartburn, oppression: at the pit of thestomach, and the attendant an- noyances of coatipation and bilieusness, combine to remler him utterly wretched, but there is. if he will= but take advantage of it, a reliable amuse of relief from all this misery. Nei:rni:er Luna's Veeemmn Discover-Y Dvsrxr'ne Cum: AND ann l’t'mrum is. as its name imports, a botanic preparation, free from Ininexnl poison, and nnall-enllieient remedy for. indigestion in Its most obstinate. form. ht not only en- riches the blood by enabling the digestiv» orunus to convert the food received ‘ into nutriment, but depnmtes it by increasing the action of the bow-rein and kidneys, the naturnlrentlets for its impm Itiea. ens while it relaxes the bnwols, it never dues so violently and with pain, like a drastie enth- artic. it aids, but never forces. Nature, in- vigorating as well" as purifying and regulat- ing the system. It thoroughly removes these diseased hnmenrs which teml‘ to viti- nto the blood, purities the urimqv eeere- tinn,vnnd promoteaa it w of healthy bile Into the natural channel, besides expelling; it from the circulation. Experience bat: proved that this standard melieine ie a thorough remed for dyspepsia, biliousuess, coativenees, kl! ney mmplnints, eerufnla, eryeipelns, salt rhenni. lnlnbago and all im- puritles of the blood. Price “.00. Sample Bottle 10 cents. Ask for Ron'rulmp a; |,\'. MAN'S Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptie Cure. The wrapper bears a the-shni'r of their signature. Sold, by all. lllcilit'itln dealers. ‘ Sntiafucllion gIIIII'mIImnI in Ruzum and Pocket. Knives at. Gllnll’fl.‘ W Mans IIIIII B0)“. Unis III Imqu Ing at.) I01 IIIIII gloat. VIII' icty, \Im v CIH‘HIL A. L‘. CIIIIIIIIIcII H. 1.44: "In! latest Nowls bv standard authors MI, (hum 13qu Q," A huge :IHSUI'IIIH'III: 09' (,h-nuine Unld \VI‘IIIIIIIg Ringsm. GIIIIII‘Q. 53†I .2\hllIlâ€"-( all and insIn-vt our Imge CIIUICI' IIIHI CIII'IIIISIHC k OI I‘I'aLIII-m, Fl lam-.15, lIimn. IIILN, Ike. 5m mu ‘I'IimIIII'II II.I|II;II $I .U‘J. Sm IIIuSI‘ IIMII ().’III(.‘II I"('.III.I".\, (Illly v‘fIJIIU, _- Mp“ IIIIIH‘LIQW, bliIIIllL‘l', III, AVICIHl‘VH‘ r, PI‘IUl'A. )‘H'l' RI 3.. 33%Xl?{W003D. Nor the slightest afï¬nity emote mtweeu the numberless cough mixtures with which the msrket is flooded and that successful pre srstioanorthro Lvmuu's Emulsion of bod Liver Oil and) Iiypoihosphites of Lime sud Soda. It stands alone. distinct, is like itself, sud nothing else. It embodies the best results of advanced pharmaceutical science. It accomplishes positive, decisive results. effectually relieving coughs (when the lungs are not tuberculous or hopelessly sfl'ected). colds, lsryngitis. and diseases of n scrofulous origin. While it does nut cure Consumption, it is the most reliable means nl Johanna nosinsi that dreaded scourge. Vv-DU-u-u v..." of defeiice against that. dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties of the hyph hos- phitel reimburse the system «lehilitntol by the constant tear and wear of a congh.while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence. in consequence of the aoothing emollionc ac. tion of the cod liver oil upon the inflamed lung membrane The phosphorun, lime and soda in combination with it, are all natural ;‘ 1 EIMIS. 1mm SONA BL («.1 wa nu vvmu-uw..-â€" .. components in the construction of the hm ily ediï¬ce, which. in a state of decay, lacks I sufï¬ciency of those elements. These the hypophosphites supply. increasina the nutri- tive properties of the blood. and building n p and rehabilitating the tottering human smug. ture with a degree of promptitude as aston- ishing as it is grotif ing to the invalid. A perceptible gain in tlyesh as well as in stren th is one of the consequences of using t is standsrd preparation. which both tine m (1 experience have demonstrated to be in 1y worthy_nf the conï¬dence reposed in it. Pn- MEETIN } of tho Directnrs of El Ion Branch Agricultural Society will be held at the Eldon House. anlville, on Saturday evening next, 3rd June, at 6 o’clock, for the transaction of important business. G. \\'. MILLAR.. Tuesday, May 30th, 1832‘. Secretary. HEREBY caution and forbid any and all persons against harbouring or giving credit to my wife, Margaret Jane Brignall. who is, I believe. at the Widow John Mor- rison's, in “'oodville, as I Will not pay any debt she may mntract or any debt. that may be. contracted in her behalf after this date. she having refused to live with me without any snlï¬cicut cause or provocation. \Vitncss, THUS. BRIGNA LL, E. W. SECORDS. Graveuhurn. 53;;be Nonm‘llruor 8L Iinuu, Tm-omo and sold by all druggisxs. Tux SADDES’I‘ or SAD Swimsâ€"the grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to toe grave in now we are glad to think be- coming rarer every year as the use of Uiugn- lese Hair'liestorer become more general. By its use the scanty looks of age once more resume their former cohir and the hair be- :omes thick and luxuriant as ever ; with its lid we can now defy the change of years. 'estiug assured that no Grey Hair at any we will come to sudden. Sold by all iruggists at 50 cents Der bottle. April 17th, 1882‘ Befofé Taking T“ Aï¬g‘faï¬ â€"GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYâ€"- An unfailing cure for Seminal \Veakness. Spermatorehea, luipntency. and all diseases that follow as a consequence of Seif-Abusn : as loss of memory. Universal Lassitndc, Pain in the Rack, l)imne.~s of Vision. Premature Old Age, :mrl many other cli~eases that, lead to Insanity or U01mnjughion and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which We desire to send free by mail to every one. air The Si'ucxru: MEDICINE is sold by all «lruggists at SI )er package, or six packages for $5, or wil be sent free by mail on receipt. of the money. by addressing AL? KANflER MITCHELL. @RAWXEE WQRE. Monuments, Tombstones, MAAR B-LE BUILDING PURPOSES, NOT the {lightest gï¬injty exist.- ‘botxqeg CARï¬IAGB WORKS, womDVILLE. FIRSTJJLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER i’vcrythim in Hue lino. kept. on lmml or made to order ull short notice. llnviugjn my unplny nnne hut. First-Clams Wurklncu mul the only In raw". l‘nnios having Set-mul- â€and Ilizs tn lclmil‘. paint. or trim. .«lmuld lctull tbs-m «\lnnu. Sumo u!" tlm heat rig: ever [mule in Womlvillu nearly tiniflwd. All H'nrk Wu rm! u had. HORS ')>;!I(H".l.\'(} A .‘U‘l'lt‘lA LI'I‘Y INSXWCTIOIT INVS‘I’ED. Meet1ng. CAMBRIDGE S'l‘., LlNDSAY. Caution DEALER IN A51) MANUFACTURE“. OF 0N SHUR'BES'I‘ NOTICE. THE GRAY MEDICINE Co. Toronto, Ont AND ALL nrscawrmxs or HAEWQ‘QD’S ALI: KINDS OF STONE I-‘Ol‘. C'YT To. 6mm". GRAY'S SPGGIHG MEDICINE TRADE MARK. WIUL W001. WOOL! THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FIRST CLASS WOOL. flwâ€" â€"â€".â€"â€" -â€"_â€"-â€" ._â€"_â€"___ __-.__.. _.-.__ Gardinq Spinninq Weavinq FIRST CLASS STYLE ALEX DOBSON. NORTH ONTARIO WOOLLEN MILL A. LARGE STOCIC OF FLOUR on hand at less than Aunu J SEVERAL BARRELS OF GOOD APPLES ON HAND. FULLING AND FINISHING. flaw wt 5mm: flame TERMS: BEAVERTON, ONTARIO. GENERAL GEQGERIES, mavmmm. M). WCEN'E‘YRE 8L PREflR. zmfl ma mm {mung «6mm. “omhillu April 27th 1882. Moire ail/rs IV oir Satins, Passemen terie Trimmings, Mill/"nary, Hats and Bonnets, Black and Coloured \ silks and satins, Formerly known as Ellis’ Mill. Black and Coloured' ] Cashmeres Lace buntings- Zephyr Ghee/(8,. Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Satin and Lace Parasols, Dress 82: Mantle Making, Millinery and Tailoring: Highest p: icn paid for Butter; irood Fresh Stock of Groceries Of all kinds. Just received a supply of GOOD CLEAR LARD. \\'e are prepared to sell any quantity of LSTANTON. CASH OE MAIEKETABLE PRODUCE, for which the highest price will be paid. . PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF OF FLOUR on hand at less than Mill Prices. â€"-AND INâ€" Complete in all the popular Styles. Rich Goods . Very ï¬ne Stock» In 0“ tho Fuhionablo Shades“ E“ II. Stock I. Largest. and Cheapest Stock in- town.. Beautiful Goods .. Superior and elegant stock. ()n the premises. ‘osk and all kinds of Produce.- Tm: Port Perry ()bsmor anys ; ‘ ' v are informed that our Fixlwry Inspec- tor in taking proceedings against {our of our mntlny tun/name» for a breach of tho Fishery Kamila-lions. The worst feature of the affair is thac one of the ofl'uudma is a J. P. A VERY enthusiastic political meet- ing was huld here on Suturduy, the 13th inst... in the BHOI‘III inteteat. Mr. A. P.Cuckhuru, M. 1’., of this place, was unanimously nominated the candidate to contvnt the Riding in the party interests. The meeting was representative one, many influential person- from all pmtu of the Riding being prnuent. Mr. Cockburn is a very popular genthmun in tnia township and wa Pxpm't to on him pull a large mwjority both in this municipality and Ridingâ€"Benetton Expreu. A cunmUs history is that of the lace worn by tho Princess llruti'ice at the Duke of Albany's marriage. The Princess heraull‘ found it, yrms ago, when in girlish curiosity she was lumng- ing among u quantity of cuetuwav odds and ends in one of the Queen’s apart-- ments. On lming cleaned uml repaired it wua fuuml to he very old and very valuable, juclues ruling its worth as high as $150,000. It was recently presented to the Princess by the Queen. ‘5' The greatest var ietv of Parasols in town at Rodgers Bios. MARYâ€"\Vno had that little lamb Had 'l‘eeth as white as snow ; She always brushed them twice a day With "TBABKKNY" you know. LARDINR Macmsz 0m is manufactured solely by McColl Bros. dz, Co., Toronto, uml is the only popul» nr Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Lardine. ASK your dealer for Castorine Ma- Machine Oil and see that the barrel is branded " Castoriue,†as none other is genuine. A REAL Nwzssrrv.â€"No house should be without a bottle of Hngyard’s Yellow oil, in case of accident. There is no pmpnration ofl'ered to sutfering humanity that has mad: so many permanent cures. or relieved so much pain and misery. It is called by some the (mod Samaritan, by others the Cure-all, and by the atHicted an Angel of Mercy. “WHAT EVERY 0x3 SAYS nusr 1m Tnvn," and every one who has tested its merit. speaks warmly in praise of ngynrd’s Peoâ€" toral Balsam as a. positive cure f. r all throat and lung complaints, coughs and colds, sow thruat, bronchitis. and. incipient consump- tion. other, and avoid ail similar as th'ey are worthless. NORTHROP d LYMAN, Toronto, I’mprielars (or Canada. (FROM BRAZIL. ‘ Me New Compound, its won~ deriul affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the dissolvingjuices, relic» ing almost instantly the dreadful results oiDyspepsia, In digestion. and’ the TORPID LI VER, 11:81:83 Zopesa an evezy day necessity it; 9vezy house. It acts gent] and speedily in Biliousuess, ostiveness. Head- ache, Sick Headache. Distress 01-: ter Eating: Wind on the Stomach, Heartbum, Pains in the Side and Back, Want “Appetite. Want of Energy. Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It in vigorates the Liver, car- ries offal] surplus bile, regulates the Bowels. and gives tone to. the whalelsxstem- Cut this out and'bako it to‘ your Dmgfist and tot a IO-cent Sample ora area bottle for 75 cents,†can your neighbor about it. ZOPE 5A.. 0 U R E 8 RHEUMATISM, Lumbago,Lame~ Back, Neuralgia,‘ Diphtheria. Croup,, Coughs 8: Colds,, Sore Throat. Piles,, Frost-bites, Bums. Asthma, Cntarth, Chilblnins, Corns, Tooth, Ear and: Headache, Bruises,, Wounds Sprains. of every descripm tiou on man or beast. Actually the best External and Internal Reme- dy known. 'cnuncm- This Cut rpprcscnls our New Wrapper,- take nu ’ar named articles