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Woodville Advocate (1878), 22 Jun 1882, p. 1

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'l'orunto...........710mm. Ube idgu ....... 9.10 “ Cunningtou. . 9.50 “ \Voodwlle.. ”10.00 “ 1.0IIwVIllo Ju' II.. ) 0. 15 “ Lindsay ........ 10,55 “ Beavertou ...... 10.40 “ Brechin ........ l 1.02 " Uptergrove. . . . “.22 “ ()rillia .......... ”.40 ‘ ‘ Kil'klicl-l ....... I 1.05 5.0.3 7.10 7.50 8 00 a. In 8.55 3.37 9.00 9.21 9 40 S 50 Victoria liuzul... l 1.20 008. J. GAVE Sn noxs. M .1 1 L Err Victoria Rand. . . .5.:'15u.1n.5.00p Kirkiicld ........ 6.15 “ 5.10 ()riilia .-....... 5.40 “ 4.35 Upbel‘gr uvu ...... (100 “ 4.55 Bnecliin” . 11"0 " 5J2 Peavmton ....... b«'.15 ‘ {1.35 Lomcwllc ...... 7.20 “ 6.05 “'(1odville. 7‘25 “ 6.10 Lindsay ........ (1.10 " 5.15 Cmniugton .. .7. 35 “ ('1. ‘20 lberidg 'u ...... S"0 " 7 .10 Toronto ........ 10. 30 “ 9.15 “‘oom‘ltu‘. February gum. April 25th, July ch. Sap tembar [2th. Nuvemlmr 14th. 1883, Jaum ary 18th, and March lull. mxwoou. February 27th. April 20th, July 5th; Oct- 01’?! 4th. 1883, January 10th, Mulch l9th. wn'romA noAn. Februmy 21.5%, April 26th, July 12th. Sep- ‘tembcr .13 h. Nuvumher link. 1883, Juuu- nry 19th Mnrclulfitkznu Ir \ 11-“. \I-.. simm orlmn mum- (‘nm nu- use. VOL VI. _-nw whm-vmfaxâ€"w), mu, Mm}. lfith, May '27.t.h, June 29th,. Self; $3.. “06- ‘3‘ “- Aumrzuu.-â€"-\\lnruh 17m, tum»: 30th, Sept. :9th,-|)uc. 7th. - (lAstu't'nxnâ€"i'ch. 9th. Man-«4h 151;“, April ISth, May '26ch June 28th, Sept. 7th, Oct. 25th, Dec. 5th. ‘S'r. Axnmm‘f's Cucm-mâ€"Rcv. “mid \X’nuou. Pastur. Salohmit Scn'ice, “sz n.“m., GER!) p. m. Nn‘dmth Schuul. 12:30 19.1“. l’rqyer Meeting, 'l‘hmsduy evening STA'I‘MN'S. 3t 8 o'cluck. Kxox ClllHH‘ll.-â€"l{n‘.'. Jun. McNahh Pus~ Itor. Sahlmth‘fiorvicu. IUM n. “1.. 6:30 p. m. Sabbath Scluml, 31:00. English Prayer \‘an’illy. 'l‘luu'sdny oevvuiug at 7 u'clock. Gael‘c Meeting, cvorymlwruntc Thursday at. 3:00 p.111. -. ,,AM n__ e I.‘ “an“... ST. PAI'L‘S. limsmru..â€"L‘. W. in". Pastor. h‘uhhdh Servivc. ”:00 a.m., 6:30 lun. Salolmthb‘cluml. I():U0 mm. wvonnm Ll. r. ansmn‘mum Cumwu.â€"â€"Service is held tin the above church at ll o‘cluck a. m.. and rli:30p. III. Rev. Alex. Rosa, M. A.. pastor. ‘Suhlmth SChm-l at 3 o'clock. IC.\x.\Im Mmumusr (mummâ€"Service woven-y Snlikwth cvming at. 6:30 o'clock. Itev. “Y. Richardson, pastor. Sabbath Scluml at 1102003L1u. IL uvv [In .... Luann annmmx 4hr. S. F. Depew, Pastor. Sabbath Scl'\'i0€."0:3“, 1. 11).. 6:30, ). In. Sabbath 38m“, 2m, 1‘. m. Prayer '- Itching. 'l'lmrmlay evenings M. 7.30. Sin-4. ing Sch'ml, (fl-cu) Tnesflmycvm'mgs at 7:30. Choir Practice. Sntnrflxy awnings at 7:30. 81‘. Mum’s, 1!. C. â€"â€"RL-r.. 'i’.. .I". Himmler, l’riuut. Mass evcty second Sdklnth at “0:30 :hlll. .-o w. n Luann“ .mn l)l~;ll.\‘l‘l.\'1Lâ€".\[MC every , Mumlny evening In ()rnugc Hall Bamartun. , llAu'tmw l..U.,l.. .\‘u. 1.15:5, moat last 1 ‘\\'eulncsdny uf each nwntvh at Hartley. l L. 0. L. Nu. 798.--.\Luct iu Umuge Alla“. ? flatworm“, around 'l‘umlay in maymlonth. ‘ râ€"l-‘irvnvfiriuriil. Dam-1. I.U.6.l"., 1111.;th cvury. 'l'hurgclay evening. at Utld Fullum’ Hall, . (,‘nnr.ingt.uu. CANNIXGTON ‘Excuwurzu'r. I.".U.l~‘..mcct I first. and third Friday in each month.“ Odd Follnwa' Hall, Conningtm. ‘ Cn‘mmxn Lanna. 1.“.0. 1“. meet. every 3 Tuesday evening at. S dialed: at NcSweyn's ilnll, “'mulvillu. l \ r J .- .. ‘A A , ,AUI Vu'rmzm {mum .V'ao. .‘G, l". (X. meet in Masonic Hull, Mar Messrs. (‘nvmm l'nwzm’a store. mum Road, on the second M'adncmlay of cock mouth. \Vlmmnnl: 0. L. 5‘0. ‘82. mod second “'edIu-sulny one): month, :It Mafiu'eyn’s Ila". Woodville. w. c. STODDART. Cabinet Maker . Undettaker A good Hearse tarnished at Short Xuiice rmq ’ nu Reasonable Terms. ‘ " l‘ulnllnlu‘r. Climun muwrouv. ....... on ......'i.3a ' 6.30 8.20 “ 7115;}: “ 4.55 " 5J2 ‘ 5.35 “ 6.05 “ 6.10 " 5J5 “ 6.20 " 7.10 germ interim. GOING )HNG STREET. WOODV l MAI-.1- GOING SOUTH. MAIL Err. x1. . . .5.55u.m.5.00p.m. ..... 6.15 “ 5.10 " .“AH. Ex 1‘. 7. H) aun. 5.9.? p.111 ILL‘quJ-I In'u)’. SUL‘ | 19'“ l‘IS. Emu, gym-I. mm, May NORTH. 9 00 H 4‘ ‘5 10 “Dawn. “.30 “ I I..')5 “ 19.05p.m. 2.25p.m. l.30p.m. L45 “ M [X an. M xxnn. \\'. fin". um. 6:30 GEORGE SMITH, Townshlp (‘lc-rk, )luulrlpullly 'of Thou-«ll. P. S. MARTIN. OH'ICH.â€"-Romus Intel ' occupied by \V. M. (.‘uchrnno, liiglow’n lock, Putt Perry. Union [nan Cu's Building 28 . 30 Toronto Street. Toronto. - Aunm McDocmLL 1 ARC". J. SINCLAIR 7 GEO. F. BRUCE, flea-k “I: Division than (only of Ontario Conveyancer, Commissioner in 8. IL, Issuer of Marriage Licenses kc. Agent for flu.- Freehold Loan and Sawing: Co Ollicc. Mm St. Nm-th of the bridge. Beuverton. xiEiéLANDs s; PENTLAND DBYI‘IS’I‘S, «a. Links.“ om. One (l the above will be at Ilmnilbon‘s Hotel. Heaven-gun, on the SEUOND MUN- DA Y of each muuth. He will also visit \Voodvxlle on the Second TUESDAY 0! each month, stopping at Mcl’herson's Hotel. I. KEELAS US. l.. l:..\'. WOODVILLE LIV ERY STA BL 3, Hunt EDWARDS. I-roprmor. Livery Rigs at any time and at all hours on the slmrtcst. nutioc. Special “mention given to Commercial Travcllcrs. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- blesin connection with the Eldon House. Altornubnl-Imw. Sulicllor In Chancery, (:onvt-ynnccr. we" the. 6 m6' percent. Auctiomwr for the (“calmly ofomarlo. Money to Loan at 6 percent. Urrwm~Kunt Street. landsay, Ontario. vw 'AQERH‘BS'X mums, 80x (2).. Hmntfonl, Matmtncturers of Reapers, Mow- ers, Self-Binders, «kc. Eeavertag rangerâ€"y ! The highest cash mica paid for all kinds of RIDES. SKI\S 'l‘ \i 1.0“ c. 1113/ qumntitv of '1‘A\' BARK \\'2\\'TED {m which Lash “ill be paid. $0: ADDRE-‘H «BHAVI'ZH'I‘ON. l‘. 0., ONTARIO ARCH. CAMPBELL, \‘Il'l’flRlA COUNTY AIN‘Tlok'EBR. Urncu~0ue dnor out of l’ost Olfice. \\'oodville. Out. New \vnrk made to order at Bholtest notice. :cut material uml \Vurknwn used. Repairing at all kinds neatly and bmmptly uxccutml. All kinds of lilnckauithing. -â€"--‘\~.< .V ALEX, mmsox, glam: (ammo aâ€"vnnum Jimmy lwonld lveg to infm-m the public that! have rcâ€"fittml the yrmnises in Benvortun for- merly known «a BMW mill, and luwe put in bath (‘unlingz mul Spinning nulchinery and am mm pmpave-l ‘or all orders in my line. -â€"".ASH PAID FOR \\'()0Lâ€"-â€" BEAVERTUN CARRIAGE WORKS, fl \\_ilsm\ “.-_\." Wilson "B" and “Royal" .scmug Machines and Needles kept constant.- ly un hand. Money to I‘ MUDO UGALL o", SINCLAIR, Burrlntoru, Sollvllorfi. Souths, Ac. W M. CA M ERON, \Vood vil 19. Agent for l'nion mun .t Suvlug‘n ('o. UFHL‘E in 'I‘mvn Hall, Benvertou. Cistcrn and Well Pumps, J N0. Mv‘t‘AGGAR'l‘, thfield romnssmssu If n. u.. ms \‘Bl’ASI'IZII __â€"â€" (‘ |".\ 'CIHAL INSI 1' ;\\Cl§ L.AGEA"I‘ -â€"â€".\IO.\'II\ T0 ll);\\ at 6 per cent. â€" IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE ”MARTIN a» HOPKINS, BAIIIRIH’I‘ERS. SOLICINIKH «e. Pens and other Seed Grains on Hand. ificc of A LL HUG H D. SINCLAIR, amazon; a. Spouflg: PARSONS .1: DUNCAN, Rrpnlrh'm I'rommly Attended to. it‘mmnm mums. DONALD ROSS, JACOB BARNES FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE- ONT. N KW WOR K \\'A RR A NTEI). J. SN ELLG RUVE, OBD ERS SOLICITED. MOS E" To LOA N. )onn on first-class security at Montreal Telegraph Company, MANUFACTURE“ OF i Jos. Minus“, LD.S. G. H. Hurmxs. WOODVILLI'}, 'l‘liUHSl)AY, J UNI“) 22', 138:). “PRO BONO PUBLICO." (mice at Mr. Reid’s More. Lorncvillc, Ont. JAMES LAWSON, ('ABTNB' é’t‘. Cartiug done to and from all parts of the village, Nipissing and Midland Railway stations. Ullargesmmlcmw. llesitlencemue door north uf Eldon House. Quwu Street. \Voodville. Tums, PJHVARDS Proprlflor. First-class accommmlntion and attentive servants. Bur \vell supplied with the clinic- est liquors and cigars. 'Bus to and frnm all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voonmen, BENJAMIN smmlox. Proprlolor. This first-class house has just been re- fitted, furnished and otherwise renovated and Improved. Bein in theceutre of the business part of the Village, and furnished with splendid smuple moms. it is therefore most convenient for travellers and commer- cial men, and tho pulilic generally. 'l'hc Bariis supplied with the boat. of Liquors and Cigars. Guml Stables nml llostler in at- teudnuce. o. T. YOUNG, -Bea.vertan Woollen Mill !- Cash paid for Wool, Woolâ€"Pickings 8m. New mill, Mara St, North of the budge A Good stock of Full~cloths. T\VEEDS, Flaunels. and Stocking Yarn, cheap for cash, or in exchange for Wool. lilclon 'I‘ownslup t‘lvrk and Treasurer. Having bought the shop and fixtures of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher, customels can rely on getting the best of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. Parties having fat cattle to dispose of will please call or name “0rd at my shop. b‘anncrs “muting meat “ill please leave their m-dcl the night. hemre at, the shop. The highest cash prim paid for HIDI‘LS‘. BLAGK 92° gag, B a. nke r s BEAVERrom GN'I'. MQMEY T0 LQADI i Dominion Bank of Canada. audits branches. and all points in Caumda and the United States. American Currency bought and sold. SA‘VINGS‘ DEPA IITMENT. Interest allmvcd on ”cpusits at the rate of 5 per unit. Votes collected at. [mu-st rates. Oluu‘ llonn, lo (I. In. to «I p. m. Saturdays- lo a m In 2 p In. on good security. Drafts issued upon the JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER .ch HARNESS GOLLARS, HALTERS, wmrs cunnv comes, anusues, tnunxs VALISES AND nu. «mo or HORSE runmsmuc i Savmg s D epantmex;t A large assortment of whips from lficls. up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATIA' AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. ’ELDON HOUSE, \Voouvn.l.1-:, WUUDVILLE HARNESS SHOP. Prootor’s Brick ltlnnk, first dunr out of Town tin". ' W. :8. mxsmALE, BANKER, BERYERTON, oxmmo MON BY TO LOAN 0N GOOD SECURITY Sale and Farmers‘ Notes cashed at lowest mum. Cheques Issued "pun the Standard Bank nf l‘mmdn. payablv at. par at all in: Branches in Untariu and Quebec. NOTES (‘OLLHITED AT LOWEST HATES. 0mm Horns, Hum 10 AM. TO 4 1‘.“ ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. . MADILL, Manager. L‘HIS PAPER W“,‘£Ji‘2‘1‘3 9",?“ M "M AdvonI-inpnun-axxtl!‘spiuc«SI- “'h'rzgmfv'oum" oomucu may be undo [or n 1* NEW ton HUG H MCCORQUODA LE, woomuu: nlrrculm snow. Deposits ‘lefl'iVCIl m‘fil interwar. at the rate of 5 per cent. per amnuu allowed. JNO. A. JACKSON. TERMS CASH" gaminmfi Q‘urdfi. ESTABLISH ED. [858 MONEY T0 LOIJLMI INSURANCE IL‘lv'lv’ECI'ED I Do you want to borrow money on real es- tate M 0 per cent. and at. moderate charges '3 Do you want your property insured ilin lil‘stwluss company 3 Do you want an accident insurance 2 Do you want to join the Mutual Marriage Aid Association of Canada? 1! you require any of these give me a call. Now is the time to pay otf ohl mortgages hehl at high rates of interest. All com- munications strictly private and promptly attended to. I am also a ent for the most approved patents of “’e 1 Pumps. Cisteru Pumps and Force pumps, at moderate charges andn superior article. All orders filled on short notice. EAEWQQB‘fi I CARRIAGE WORKS, Everything in the line kept on hand or made to order on short notice. Having in my employ none but, First-Class Workmen and the only FIRST-CLASS CRRRIAGE PAINTER In town. Parties having SeoOmL Hand Rigs to repair, paint or trim, should fetch them along. Some of the best rigs ever made in Woodville nearly finished. All Wm'l. Wart-mated HORSE SHOEING A SPECIA LITY INSI’EGTION INVITED. ll 30, it may ho hum the LBPnosY of the 19th century, (Annual. Tm; Coxsrn‘u- 'l‘ln.\‘(\l.CX'l‘ARR|[ Rummy will restore you tn cnjuynblo health. It not. unl cures (‘uturrln but all utln-r diseases at the same time. Price $|.00 ,cr bottle. For sale by all Drnggists and Jmlicine dealers. Send stamp fur 48 page pamphlets contain‘ng trentiscuu Catnrrh. and certificates of the cured tn :15 J. B. Harding. Dominion: Agent. Have you lost the Sense of Taste of Smell ? Hmckvillo. Ont. N; B. GAMI’EELL. 7 he Leading Machines .- TORON'CO CORD SELF BINDER Strung, simple and durable. TORONTO [‘1 I‘} :\ PER, New Gear. TORONTO 310“" EN. ANDERW McPHERSDN, M ASSEY HARVES’ ‘Ell. MASSEY PAT. ‘SH A R P'S' R A K E. More used in Canada than all other put together. A written wnrrnnt hy the Company given with each machine. MASSEY MANUFACTURING Co. TORONTO, O_NT._ .\'.13. C.nmpbell “'nodville, sole agent for North \ ictnrin and Ontario. A BELL‘S CLI MA X, S'l‘EA M AND Power Threshing Machines. WILKINSON, \V' H YTE. HA3 (on, and Com» Brus’ Hows. HONEY’S FLXNNIXG MILL, Alul all kinds of Implements and Ma- chines supplied as cheap as the chealwst. Light. email) handled. Dniver lifts either ur but]: “heels tmm seat. Bust sheaf maker m the malkvt. All \‘Wn‘k \Varrauted. mandamus: (30., Eran-ism AMI"! IXYERIALlY "I RHEUJIATISM’, 3 NEHRALGL-l. CHILRLAINS, CALLOL'S mum’s UW'E'LIJNGS, BTII-‘F J OI \' S, GALLS, FROST mm LAMENL'SS, con. '5, coxnu mom nnnsm, eruao, mar, mm Eva's, 11.4 m m 12.4 (7:, ”taunts, p.41): in smr, an. Parry bn'de manned (3 give mlisfac- horn or money re :nded. D'RUTIO" «an EA“ BOTTlE. 933C: 95 \ Inl‘tg: 120:. Bought! TO_DIQIASI.$. Com-um“ and Accnnm which HAuvuzu's YELLOW On. “Amaran- teed to cure o: telieve either in AM or Bust. (mow, mums, AHTILIA, â€"PARMERS !-- 39.11 5'1 11:55 . L" ml 5 I‘VOODVIIJLE- WOODVILLE, ONT. . 3. CAN! PEEL}, INDEX. um mummy POI wrong, 3, mm: 1:11:01 1", 4, comm, cc. roaoxra, éar. A7: EXT; WOUDVILLE. It sells itself. MIL. Tux Colonial Secretary has intiumtml that the Royal assent. “ill bu -iveu to tho Deceased \\ ifo' a Sistci Bill, passed by tho Dominion Parliament. There is no more wholesonw or delicious fruit on emth than the Wild S trmrberry, and there is no more cllcctnal remedy for Cholera, Dyscntery, l‘rmnps and other summer complaints of infants or adults. than Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry. AT the Methodist Conference in session at. Woodstock. the Rcv Dr. Burns. of Hamilton. was acquitted by a large nmjur- ity on each of the three paints on which his orthodoxy was quutioued, viz., the inspira- tinn of the Scripturat, the atonement, and future punishment. The well known drug firm of N. (.9. Poison (20., of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fow- ler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for summer complaints in the market. and odds that their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits. l\ ild Strawberry is the best; known remedy for Cholera Morbns, Dysen- tery and all Bowel Complaints. As the Saturday evening N ingara. train on the Canada Southern Railway urns coming towards the Falls at the rate of 40 miles an hour one of the springs broke on the engine. ‘he engineer whistled down brakes three rues, and conductor Miles sprang to the rear end of the train to find the trouble. He was followed by a. lady passenger, Mrs. Anderson. of Fort Erie. who, Jeaning it was a. collision]. jumped 011" the train. Conductor Miles attempted to catch her. but failed, and she fell down an embankment 16 feet in height, striking on her head and shoul~ dera. When picked up she was found to be insenaible, but no external injury was ap- parent. It is leaned she is badly hurt internally. Bu) Bl.oon.â€"Tlie.blood is the true ess- ence of vitality, without pure blood there cat. beno healthy action in the system. Bails, blotches. pimples and the various humors and blemishes of the s'kiu Are only symptoumtic of bad bloodâ€"that needs puri- fying at its fountain bend. to render its tributaries pure. Burdock Blood Bitters effectually cleanse the blood from all humors, obtains a healthy action of the lirer, bowels, kidneys, skin. etc., and strengthening while it regulates and purifies. Tm: following is a list of C. M. ministers for Lindsay district; by the Conference now in session z-Lindsny, Joe. S. Clarke; Jaw Greener, supersaturated. Dnnsford and Lindsay East, Robert Johnston. Omemee, Edvard Barrels, M. A., D. Scott Houck ; Jumes Norris, superannuated. Oakwood, Archelaus Doxsee, John “2 Reid. Can- nin'ton, Samuel C. l’hilp, Jr., Henry S. Jen 'inson. Fenelou Falls, 'l‘hos. J. Edlui- son, 8. B , Thos. Glover. Minden, William H. Madden. Haliburton. Edward Eyes. Cobuconk, John Pon'er. Bobcnygcon, “'m. H. Elnsley. Nellington, J. Dowler. B. A. “'oodville, Francis Johnson. Beavertnn, Sidney F. De cw; Samuel Donn. imper- annnnted. At erley, Tires. 1’. Steel, (one, wanted ) Victoria Road, \Valter \V. Lloyd. Dalrymple, Richard G. James. Rscxsn BY lxxcmamnu Psxus, restless by day, sleepless at night, rising unreireshed in the morning, without appetite, and pes- ~tcred by varying and perplexing symptoms. the dyspeptic takes indeed s gloomy view of human existence. For him the zest of life seems gone. Heartburn, oppression at the pit of the stomach, end the nttendnnt an~ noyunces of costipatien nnd biliousness, combine to render him utterly wretched, but there is. if he will but take advantage of it, a. reliable sourse of relief from all this misery. Nonrnuor 8L Lynn's mesnrx luscovenv. Drsrenw Cum; A.\‘ll Bmou Pumnrzn is. Is its name imports, n botanic ! preparation, free from mineral poison, and ‘ an all-sufficient remedy for indigestion in its most obstinate form. It not only on. riches the blood by enabling the digestive organs to convert the food receiVed into nutrimcnt, but depurates it by increasing the action of the bowels and kidneys, the natural outlets for its impurities. But while it relaxes the bowels, it never does so Violently and with pain, like u drastic cath- artic. it aids, but never forces, Nature, in- vigornting‘ as well as purifying and regulat- ing the system. It thoroughly removw those discmed humours which tend to with Me the blood, purities the urinary secre- tion. and promotes: H w of healthy bile l Into the natural chnunel, besides expellingr 'it from the circulation. l‘lxperience hm proved that this standard medicine is a i thorough remedy for dyspepsia, hiliousness, 1 costivcncss, hidney complaints, scrofuln, i. i i l_ l l l i i i i l Atmnmo reports come from ;he : surrounding country and tho north Hownahilu with mferencii to tho pen I crop. The (leati'iinbivo nuimnl does not. ‘ seem to he the pm bug. The stalk is ‘ eaten ofl'. seemingly under the ground, and an inspection with n microscope biingn to view n small I’Cll uni Hill silnilur to the clover post. It, lulu n MVnge looking hmul and month mnl is (‘zulnihlu ul'iloinu tho, thunugu reported. \Vholo fields along the front are Loin: ' devastated. Thom does not sm-m m 1.» any cure for the post so f:u.â€"â€" l'izulis ~ Cl.lm'.~â€"Iln\'e any of our H'mlt‘l‘s 0|»- 1 MH‘VQ‘Il the insect or its rnvugvs in this I loCulity. eryaipelns, salt rhenm. lumbago and all im- furit‘les of the blood. Price 61.00. Sample lottle In cunts. Ask fox .Volu'uuor LY- .\I.\.V’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptiu Cure. The wrapper bears a (Eur-wind": of their signature. Sold by all medicines dealers. 11mm 051: ”out“: I'Ell ANN 9| Slrlrily In Advance NU M Bl“ '

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