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Woodville Advocate (1878), 22 Jun 1882, p. 4

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(If exII-niiiting criminals than at. present exists, and that. such method should cover every wrong I'IIIIIiII; under II criminal cate- gory. Some villain escapes from the United Mates to this eoInitry. and when arrested here, a li vIII. is made in his behalf, it.) if the “hale honour and welfare of the eIqutI-y “an ilu'ulI'eIl III securing A safe asylum {III- aneheliaractera . and every possible Ililli- cnity is placed in the way of the oilicers 3i justice, M if it was really a desirable thing that either eunntryslmuhl he made II safe refuge for the criminals of the other it is hiwh time Itliut this nhsnIIi'Ity should be dull" an'ay lamb, and that if we cnIIIIIIt have Ieeiiaroci: 3 in cnIIIIIIeIcial IIIIItIeIII. We should lmce it in tin: matter of criminals. After MHpicjon MI an DI. Inn". of liri 'hton. fun (he "whim of his \Iii‘e, he escaped to the l IIiIeIl Stuck and II brother of his murder «.1 w. in {niluwul him, and quietly pinein r the II \l/Jix' (If .I leaded pistol In his lleml ask”! “iIiCll lII- II‘IIII!“ prefer, tn return In. I .IIIIIIlp. :I‘I'i iI- llil II {In the mime, III: hme I II [II-,IIinx HIM II IIIII. Ho I: hnse Ihe fur:IInI, Mm- lmvl: tn ( :IIIIIia, WIN tIII-Il at ( 'IIimIIIu ‘ ”.1 I maul, III hI- Iiehly (1(“4 'r\\'Il III Lie “(INN-I'M iiiw‘ snnhnc' IIIIIl I-\IIIIIiIIII, his mmm-l mIIi iIiI-IIIII IIInIlII IopIeI-IIIIII'ItiIIu-I 1.,«1, n \IIIII'II :III “(HI‘III'IP‘IIl at \\ :Hhing :i" I” It be‘ II. iii in ‘II I IIIIIII by “HP“ out III I “iuul M III .1, \\ III‘XI'. he h: IIi Rull 'ht IIII .. ”MN“, ,IIIIi hm II taken In ('IIIIIIIlzi :III [I (I‘: (I II I I] [II he lwll _;I!Il. 'i‘lu‘ i lIllC. l St: ‘IlI' ( .LJ IIII' Inq-aiJm I! “Ollll “illiI‘. III g" In \\.U l \I I‘. I.I-;.-II lill :IiII fol the \‘Ikt' Ii sIIIlI .‘I ,H‘UWHI' mm Imk no name of the IIIIII'i- l r seems a strange thing that. between Canada and the United States, there should nut, be some more simple and eertaiu method A com; harvest will do mnre than any- thing (:lic to M‘ert the crisis which financial men lmk upon as inevitable. ll; will stave it of? fur a year at any rate, and that will give the country breathing time, and thus enable it to take in sail. The words of warnin; that have been uttered should he laid to heart by connncrcinl men in all parts of tho uunntry, so when the storm hrcnlis ilwy will nut he altogether unpreptred for it. Matters have been tending in the same dircntinn in the United States. These cum- murciul crises come in cycles. and We me gradually nearing the time when the next one is due.â€"«Trlrgram. 'J‘m:('nnadian Pacific Railway will be ibz'l'llcd furtrnflic between Prince Arthur's landing and \Vinnipog on the [it 01" July. o‘l h': lust rail on this section of the road was laid on Saturday last. 'l‘uL' British House of Lords have refused the second reading of the- Bill to legalize Marriage with a Deceased \Vifc's Sister, by 123 to 132. The Prince of \Vules and scv. oral other very prominent and influential pcrsonnges lent their influence for its pass- age, but it was lesistetl. ACCOHI‘IXG to his expressed wish the body of Garibaldi is to be cremated. The Chum- lmr of Dalmties of Italy are providing funds fur the necessary apparatus. '1 mi: mop reports 3! Europe "enemlly give :1 promise of an abundant, crop this year. ‘1uu weather lately has been very fine. NoR'l‘n VICTORIA. Mr. Hector Cameron has a majority of 265, with Dalton Settlement and Snowdon yet to hear from, which will probably bring his majority to 300. Total Emily and Omemee Maj 229 \' , I A“ .‘s‘. (“anningtom . . liraoebridge . Mam ........ Rama. ....... Macaulay . . . . b‘cngug ....... Draper and 1): Mchmn ..... 590th . ._ ...... 'l'utal 'l‘ho result of the Dominion Elections held on ’l‘nestlay, resulted as expected, in the (loverument heing sustained by a large majority. The returnsfias published are not yet reliable, many counties not having been ullieiully heard from. The result as now ascertained gives a Conservative majority in the House of 66. British Columbia and Manitoba elections are yet to take place, but it is expected will not materially alter the result. The following are the returns for North and South Victoria and North Ontario :â€" THE DOMINION ELEC- TIONS. Majority SOUTH Vtwro mm Dnndas. for Cockburn, xoRTu ox“ n10. Cock lm m Need Per. Gibbs 29S Inn-“ding purchasers would t" ('.v\ LI. A N h NP.“ and (‘mmml M Einse Ptices fm Cash mhade = The undersigned in returning thanks tn his many friends and custmucrx for their pntmnngc during the past twenty: five years. Wuuhl respectfully inform tin-m ancl the public gc-ncrnllr‘ that. lu- ham uln'lwll fur u short. mm: the store lastly ucullpiul by P, 'l'. 'l‘lll‘unp. A FINE ASSURTMENT ()l“ AVIBSBN’S BLOCK, BEAVER Alex. Cameron. REE § HIM ED BUSINESS. P. MCSWEYN’S, Weerwmw, 0m». SELL 60008 CHEAPER 7/29 Temple of Fashions 61,. l than any othér man in Ontario. Call at June lst, 1832. Inn-1mm: purchasers \vnuld do well A LL A ND Mali and run-1mm gumN and prim-s lwflu’v lmruhming rhmvlmw. I STAND HERE And be Convinced that. this is the best value over olfcred in Teas. WITH ASY QUANLITY own nva POUNDS Call early and A Good Tea Can Will be Gina Ema 75 CENT TEA 1°01: 60 CENTS 50 n u 40 u (50 CE\'T TEA FOR 50 CENTS. 40 u 30 u REDUCTION IN TEAS .’ Fresh Groceries cation ; but it might have been made a subject of grave cnmplicatiuu ; mnl no such clmncu Should be ntl'urdcd between two countries such as the ’Mllll Wu aw, with laws almost alike, and lin 'eil together by nllinity mnl language, nml being, geographically. one country. Our criminal cude nuods revising mnl alncn-ling in many particulars, and in so revising: and amending. the extra- (liticn law: should have special attention.â€" A11 0111.501V’S OLD STA ND. 3. M'LAUCHLAN, Mmmger. WQQBV‘Eflfifl, {233133. [lawnmm'illr .Vc u's. TEAS, TEAS! I: ll.“ |€ \1 BM} 1‘” H l‘l..\( SEG‘U‘RE A CAN ll of which ho “'1" null UGH WILSOK’S. â€"-A LS!)â€" ANOTHER BIG A’l‘ 30 BTW}, §MOINTYRE PRIOR’S, Dress - Making", Mantle - Making. Millinery and Tailoring done on the premises. llolluwuy's l’ills.~â€"'l'ho changes 0! temper- tture and weather frequently upset persons who ure moat cautious of their health. and most particular in their diets. 'l‘hese cor- rective, purifying. and gentle aperient l’ills are the best remedy for all defective actions uf the digestive organs ; they augment the appetite, strengthen the stomach, coriect hiliousness, nnu carry all all that is noxiJus {mm the system. llullowny's Pills are composed of rare halsmns, unmixed with basernmtter, and on that account are pe~ euliarly u'ell adapted for the young, delicate, and aged. As this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past. so lwill it pl‘t~~:t‘l‘\'8 it in the future by its renovating and in- vigorating qualities, and its incapacity of doing harm. flaming and Simes $6., fig ,mfta "r Ev HQEIEHBE Woodhulle, Ont. aim Produce laken in Exchange Fm Goods. MILLINE RY, OH) H! ~REAPE/PS, MOM/£38, -- ‘ PLOUGHS, iLand Rollers. 85.0.1 “Harvest King,” Reaper. “Sprague” Mower, “ Combination” N as. 2 and 4 Ploughs. -â€"M'/. SMITH c2 00. '0 I“ SPEI W. SMITH 00., pram Tile a Specialty Brick; email Rummy Beauerton Lumber Yard. BRICK YARD AND) POTEERY. LUMHE I, SIIINGLI‘IS, and LATH ‘ch r BUIAL INDUCEMENT.‘ TO CASH UUSil‘OME IS. are preparing the largest stuck of a. c r offered by them to the public. of all kinds and qualitics on hand. . TAY Lon", Proprietor. BRAVE £53931? For the coming season LU M BER and Fl R I‘IWUOI) lulu-u in trade. of every description . §Ejfl3 I'ill'nflnlt'H-tali‘y purlmm-é, they belong to the county of Ontario. furjudicinl pu)'p(;m-s, they belong to the county of Silncov; um} _t,h_ut for Mn. Junnnmu Lona, the Returning Officer for North Ontario, had a most nrduons tnsk in performing his duties. under tho new Bill, to find out who were the proper custodians of the voters’ lists, and for other purposes connoctcd with tho election, he hud to Innkc enquiries of the clerks of the pcncc at Barrio, Lindsay and Whitby. Ho Kinds tho newly added townships in tho north are situated. lcrritorinlly in the 'l'orritorizll District of Muskolm ; tout, for Inunicipnl purposes, they hc- long to UI!‘ county ol Victoria; that, THE Union Picnic held last \Ved- nesdny in McRno'a Grow, Lake Shore, tinned out rather unpleasant. A large number of persons gathered and every- thing prepared for a. Very plensnnt afternoon's enjoyment, when it com- menced to rain in torrents, und‘ con~ tinned until late in the evening. Tho provisions brought to the ground' were’ nearly all spoiled. Nearly tire lmn- dred pooplo were present, we learn. THE traffic returns of the Midland Railway for the week ending June 3rd, 1882, Was as follows zâ€"I’nssengers and mails, 334.933.92; freight, $153-$132 ;4 total, $20,337) 65, us compuned with $16,419,81 for the cm-iespnmling week of 1831, being an incrense ol':£<3,f115.83;. and the nggmgnte (willie to (late is $374,160.79, Iwing an increase of $108,- 675.87 over 1881. MANYof our maidens are possibly not. aware that Mr. C. '1‘. Young has removed his woolien mill. Such, how- evel,is tlmcase. He may now be found at the new mill on the north. side of the buidgp. “’9 state this as 1» number of his customers have been misled by the supposition that he is still carrying on business at the old: stand. A PURSE has been handed to 113, which was found 011 the streets of Lindsay last Submdm, 11nd from the- documents Contniiwd in it, e1ideutly belonua to Miss Annie Hogan, Beavew ion, 01 its \icinin. Thu 0.111e1- can. lune the 3.111111 bv c- illing at Lunvm ton Post. Olliev and waxing property N1» change fun this advertisement. M11.J11s.Luiuhm'ofGeorgiun,met with 11 disaster to his rig 0116\Ved11es- day .'11sL. \Vhen in the \iciuity of the station the horses took flight. at 11 t1 11111 and became unmanageable. Mr. Lambert. was thrown out 11nd received at fuw slight bruises, and the horses run. until stopped on Silncne Street. The waggen was badly broken, SUBSCRIPTION for THE BEAVER'ION EXPRESS received at the Post. Oifice, Beavertou. or at. our office, J no. Me- Kinnon's Medimil Hull. Parties (1m sirons of paying their subscriptions, Mr. Jno. Mcliinnou has been author- ized to rem-ive and give receipts fun the same in our absence. ON Monday lust the remains of Mrs. McKay, wife of Mr. Jno. McKay, harness maker 09' this \illngo, were laid to rest in the Gaunt-bridge burying gram: '1. Mrs. McKay had been sick for sometime. A large number were preacnt at the funeral. OUR Lacrosse Boys played against. Mlllbl'Onk nn Munduy last, anti came of? second best. A plucky game was played and (he “Checkers (our own club) succeeded in gaming the firss game, Millbruok taking the next. three. MR. GEO-R. Paoc‘l‘ok mat with a rather serious mishap on Tuesday. Getting on the train at. “’uodville Junction lm slipped and sprained his ankle. Heflis now uuubld :0 be out. NEWSPAPER mlvvrtis'ng is now rm. cognized by business men having faith- in 5their own wants, us the most effect-- in: mean s 01 seeming for their goods a. wide iccmmitiou of ti rir meliis. Tm: Voters' List for the Township of Thor-ah fur 1882 is in the hands of the plinter and will shortly be pub- fished. AN Arkansas editor says : Our women are au-mscd uf being lnnd of whistling. “"0“, Sn he it. What is more lovely than tulips well blown ’l \VI'I do not ohjvc', to our contempor- nry the th/cr, cuuliscuting out news items, but. we (In object to not being credited fur the same. EVANUELISTH‘ services are now being held in St. Paul's church every evening. BEAVl-IIH'ON now claims one M. P., one M. I’. P, u County \Vur‘len and the largest, Muck hear in Canada. in. OUR county juilm- has had his salary increased by $50.00 per ummm. PORT Pmun' intends having a grand celebration on Dominion Day. Coxamnuwm: wool is now coming HEAVY ruins on Sn’lurduy fuse. §eaver10n figural 31m. ,u

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