Reported by J. Brown ........ . Prom Bron ...... '1‘. Beck†.. \\. P. “ninth. B. l‘nngman... Mr. Brown thrashed 100 bushels of flax seed and 12 bushels of timothy. The latter, he says. was a great aucoesa. Reported by J. Brown ......... Prom Bros ...... '12..lÂ¥ock W. l‘. \IM‘IBIL. 1!.Vl’angmnn... J. Brown. lupid City ...... Proutliros. " .............. Thou. Hock. Birtlo ................... W. l‘. mango“. Ilunar. ... B. l’augmnn. .... The Rapid City Standard says : At the beginning of the year we sent circulars to all the threshers in the Little Saskatchewan district asking for information as tothe amount of grain they had threshed. etc. The following tables, compiled from the returns we have received. will doubtless prove interesting. The average amount thrashed for each larmer. according to these ï¬gures. a little over 525 bushelsâ€"is small. but it must be remembered that a large number of the farms were worked {or the first time last year, and in many cases only aiew acres were cropped. Among the older settlers the average was about 1,200 bushels. Should this season prove a favor- able one these ï¬gures will be doubled when the thresher pays his next visit. Tn buttermilk for tho remov Mo! freckles, an and butternut stains. A man named Henry \Villiaeroft was accidentally shoton the Weetbourne trail on Wednesday afternoon. He and three or four other men were riding along in a waggon when they saw a gopher run across the trail. and they decided to shoot it, and for this purpose one of the men drew hie revolver. but in swinging it out of his pocket it went off. and the ball carried away part of one of his ï¬ngers and entered Willisoroit‘s shoulder from the back. The party at once drove into the Portage. and the wounded man was placed in charge of Dr. Vineberg. who. on examination. found the bullet had penetrated deeply into the flesh. and had imbedded itself out of reach of the probes. Willisortt is doing well. Three weeks ago Wm. Butler Buttamore left the house of J. Doherty at Rat Creek ostensibly for the purpose of going to .the woods where he had a shanty near the As- siniboine. and has not since been heard of or seen. The distance Buttamore had to travel was nine miles. and his health at the time was in no condition to uMEï¬he journey. but contrary to the advice of his friends he started. and it is thou 'ht he. not being familiar with woodoredtia lost the trail and wandered around until hunger and fatigue overcame his worn out consti- tution. and he laid down in some out of the way place and perished. Several par. ties have been out searching for the miss- ing man. but no trace of him oould be found. ‘ He was about 45 years of age. and had been an inveterate drinker, but very little is known of his previous life. A young man named Rogers, ofStruiford, Ont, camping out near Rapid City. died last week of inflammation of the lungs. The Rev. Mr. Sargent conducted the funeral service. The deceased was an Odd- fellow. and members of the Order noted as all-bearers. He leaves a wife and young amily in Stretford to mourn his untimely The dwelling house on G. M. Butohsrt’s farm at Oak River was mysteriously burned to the ground last week. It had been ploughed around. and no one can account for its catching ï¬re. The atmosphere around the woods in now scented with the delicious fragrance of the wild plum blossoms, which are in such numbers as would indicate a heavy crop. J. E. Woodworth expects to manufacture 5.000.000 bricks this season at Brandon. He has ï¬fty men employed. The services of a policeman are now found necessary to preserve order at the Brandon Post Ofï¬ce. Dr. Laflerty and W. J. Sutton have opclaned a private banking house in Nelson- vil e. Rev. Mr. Livingstone now conducts the Presbyterian service in Nelsonville. The work of laying sidewalks rs progress- ing rapidly in Brandon. G. F. Baldwin has sent in his resignation on Town Clerk of Emerson. Greet indignation prevails here at aoom- binetion among ï¬re insurance men to keep up rates now mm. the city has gone to enormous expense in perleoting the tire system. and waterworks are on the eve of completion. Mr. Hamilton. Chief of the Survey of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Land Bureau. has returned from putting land examining parties in the ï¬eld. He reports that about 300,000 acres 0! Syndicate land have been examined. and is ready to put on the market. Luau-l the C. P. B. Lineâ€"Insurance ale-'- Connectionâ€"Slam Lost In the ‘Woodeâ€"Acddc-lully Shotâ€"Bl. Yields from Farms. A despatch from Winnipeg. dated last Wednesday) night. says : The Canadian ’acitic Railway is now graded for 150 miles west of Brandon, and ironed tor 80 miles. Word has been received from the Barclay and Brereton survey parties that the former has completed correction of the survey of last year. and the line has now been deï¬nitely located further south. The new line will save ten miles of construction, besides being straighter and easier 0! opera- tion. It will be more expensive to buildï¬ but there Will be a savmg in the end. The route as now located follows the line between townships 17 and 18. almost straight from the centre of range 11. west of the second principal meridian to the east line of range 21, crossing Pile of Bones Creek. where the north line of township 17 intersects that line. The route is now fully ï¬xed to Moose Jaw Ureek with this correction. Brereton is now about locating the line tram Moose Jaw to Strong Current Creek and ferry. and Shaw from there to the Rockies. Throshod by LATEST F30! THE NORTHWEST. HIGHEST YIELD “PER ACRE.) AVERAGE YIELD (mm Acme.) AMOUXT 0P GRAIN. Cats. 49 bus. 40 ll 45 “ 40 No. of Farms. Bush. unut -.. 75 5‘3 23 30 23 41.900 $11.00! 11.300 15.000 13.909 Wheat. 99 bus. an 46 :11 Barley Barley. 33 ~ 49 35 bus. 50 bus. 5.) II 10751)? The royal party at Epsom on Derby Day consisted of the Prince and Princess of Wales. the Duke and Duchess of Edin- burgh. the Duke and Duchess of Con- naught. Prince and Princess Christian. the Duke of Cambridge. the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. the Duke of Westminster, the Duke of Portland, the Duke of St. Albans. Sir Massey Lopes. Sir T. and Lady llrassey. Lord Colvill of Culross; the Earl of Hardwicke and Lord Alfred l’aget. The Princess of Wales looked exceedingly well and was in high spirits. She wore a tight-fitting dark brown jacket and a bonnet of claret-colored silk. enlivened with a narrow {ringing of light blue. The Duchess of Edinburgh. who were black, leukod slightly pale and ill. IIon. A. S. Hardy is again sufferingfrom congestion of the throat, and has been compelled thereby to cancel a series of [while meetings arranged for him for this wee . â€"The Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada will meet in London on July 12th. A pro~ position to make Toronto the permanent place of meeting will probably elicit a warm outside feeling. The next move might be to spend the ï¬ne Grand Lodge surplus in a Masonic temple for Toronto‘s honor and gloryâ€"Kingston ll’hig. â€"In western districts egg festivals are the latest. Each lady brings an egg with her name written upon it. They are deposited ina basket. and before supper they are passed around and each gentle- man takes one. and the lady whose name he draws is his partner for supper, which is probably composed 0! eggs. The other day a proclamation, with the usual ceremonial, was made at the Cross of Edinburgh with reference to the coinage currency in Cyprus; and legalizing the tender of British money in the island. Dr. Thomas Grainger Stewart. Professor of Practice of Physio in Edinburgh Uni- varsity. is now one of the Queen‘s Physicians in Ordinary in Scotland. in room of the lube Sir Robert Christiaou, Bart. â€"A man thinks he knows everything when he really knows nothing. and he thinks he knows nothing when he really knows pretty nearly everything. â€"Last year strawberries were ripe on the 10th of J une. now the plants are onlyin blossom. The Governor-General is said to have abandoned his oonmmplated visit to British Columbia this year. At the meeting of the Montreal Con- ference of the Methodist Church of Canada on the memorial from the Brockville district. relating to the question in the discipline on the use of tobacco and drama. it was moved by Rev. B. Whitney. seconded by Rev. B. Wilson, That the report of the committee on this memorial be rescinded; ‘ that there is no need of change in the dis- cipline on this subject, as it is now sum- ciently explicit. It was moved in amend- ment that the question in the discipline be so amended as to make the answer in the; negative binding throughout the candidate's whole ministry. An amendment to the amendment was presented, asking that the ensuing General Conference be requested to give its view of the true meaning of the question as it now stands in the disci- pline. The amendment was carried. \ A most distressing death is reported to ihave occurred during the recent cyclone at .Monticelle, Miss. Mrs. Carroll, hearing ‘ the storm approaching. rushed with her babe in her arms to her husband. who threw his arm around her neck. At the same instant the wind blew the house down upon them and crushed them to the floor. the mother with the infant in her arms, the husband with his arm around his wife's neck. and there he choked her to death. The falling timbers did not seem to hurt her, but locked the doctor's arm so closely about her neck that he could not move it. He was conscious that he was killing her, but all his efforts to throw off the timbers were futile. Assistance came in two hours‘ â€"too late! The husband felt that in a. measure he was the cause of her death.‘ and the idea made him nearly frantic for 3 several days. The babe was also killed. ; The el'eotéral district of N anuimo has 655 voters. . During the delwery of this impromptu speech Mrs. Langtry. who had been pre- sented with three bouquets. was again and again up lauded. On leaving the theatre for the oyel Hotel she was followed by a. large crowd, who cheered lustily. Earlier in the day about 1.500 persons had as- sembled in front of the hotel to see her go out for a. drive. and on Sunday afternoon several hundred persons congregated for a similar purpose. " I should like so much to tell you before I leave Edinburgh how grateful I am for the kind way in which you have received meâ€"really so much more than I deserved or expected; because, of course, I am quitea novice. and all the grand talent comes here from all parts of the world. I have only been on the stage a very short timeâ€"since the 19th of that this makes my nineteenth week. Now. it is impossible to learn to act in that short time, any more than to paint a picture. I am as much surprised to ï¬nd myself standing here before you as you must be to see me. I have a great deal to learn ; but I shall work very, very hard. in the hope that next time I oome here I may really merit your approval. I shall remem- ber my ï¬rst visit to Edinburgh with the: greatest pleasure ; and. indeed. I ought to feel quite at home here, for I am half Sootoh. My mother is a Seotohwoman, and was born in this town. I am very proud of it. I can only repeat my thanks. and hope that it may not be long before I oome back to this beautiful Edinburgh and “ bonnie Scotland.’ " When the curtcin tell {or th‘elest time the enthusiasm of the audience reached a climax. and in response to the plaudits showered on her Mrs. Lengtry made the (alloying speech : packed {tom floor to ceiling g. the audio: numbering little sport. 9! El. 000 pemomiz “IL -,, Maï¬a). the Thane Roy: pm 90199901: to ‘oeiï¬qggj kiln. Luna!" I. In Edinburgh Audience. From the Booumun.) When Mrs. Langtry- closed her sngsgo- mont At Edinburgh on Saturday night. M‘{?9‘.h1,9h2 Th9“!°..8°¥9.1 W -98“ The Church and Tobacco. A neon-Bend“; Tragedy. Young or middle aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss of memory, Premature old the results of bad mbits. should send three stainpa for Part VII. of Dime Series nmphlets. Address Womm‘s DIRI‘ENPARY lgzmcn. ASSOCIATION. Buffalo. N. Y. The Princess Beatrice is now allowed by Queen Victoria to manage the royal estab- lishment at all the palaces. The public are now satisï¬ed from extended trial that Dr. Wilson‘s Anti. bilioua and Preserving Pills are what they are said by the inventor to lieâ€"composed of vegetable extracts. safe to use, for any sex or age. benign in their action. and powerful to search out the cause of disease and remove it. â€"-'1‘he Rural New Yorker calls for some genius toinvent a. machine to cull out the poor cranberries from the good ones. Cran- berry growers would like to see some one come along with such a machine as that. The trouble has heretofore been that they have had to mix a few good berries in to make the bad ones sell. â€"To paint a sunflower and stand ten paces from it, throwing the head to one side, half closing the eyes, and imagining it a symphony in yellow. may please some people, and is perfectly harmless, provided they do not get vexed and call you a Philis- tine, and tell you there is no appreciation of beauty in your soul. The performance is that of an methete, provided he wears hrs hair long and his pants are short. Dr. Pierce’a “ Favorite Prescription " is the debilitated woman’s beat restorative tonic. â€"“ Lily. my dear." says the child's good. kind grandmother, “you should not make feces soâ€"it’ll make you awfully ugly when you grow up.†Lily is impressed, and pre- sently creeping to the deer kind, old lady’s side. she says, timidly: " What did you use to make faces for when you were little, grandma?" Have long plied their vocation on the suffering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victims of come until the conviction shaped itself â€"there’s no cure. Pursm‘s Pusmss Com; Exrmcron proves on what a slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from corns get the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. * â€"â€"A lawyer said aneering 1y toaolergy- man, "It I had a stupid 3011 I'd make a. minieter out of him.†The clergy man thought a moment and then quietly replied, “ Sir. your father was not of your opinion, was he ?†-_â€" -â€"â€"â€"-u «v uuuluu, uuu “48 508011156 [reeaom from any injurious properties. It is said by physicians and chemists to be the ï¬nest preparation in the world, since its agreeable aromatic flavor makes it acceptable to the most capricious child or fastidious adult, and no one takes it without beneï¬t on account of its exciting the functions of nutrition. DB Wnnuzn'e Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calieaya as a. popular remedy has given great satisfaction on account of its perfect reliability in restoring Elle feeble to health, and its absolute freedom ___ . .. .v- vu u you-411111100 on Consumption and Kindred Affections. Address Wgnng’q 1113932;sz MEDICAL .A_,,, -â€"“ When I have a. cold in my head,†said a gentleman apologetically, "I am always stupid." “ And I have never seen him when he didn't have just such a cold,†whispered a. third party in an aside. ASSOCIATION, Buï¬alo, N. Y Reader, can you believe that the Creator afliicbs one-third of mankind with a. disease for which there is no remedy? Dr. R. V. Pierce's “ Golden Medical Discovery " has cured hundreds of cases of consumption. and men are living todayâ€"healthy, robust menâ€"whom physicians pronouned incur- able because one lung was almost gone. Bend two stamps for Dr. Pierce's pamphlet nn “nun..m_n:-_ -, We can recommend _to Mr. Bergh. the great friend of dumb animals in New York. 1! he does not know its virtues already. as most probably he does, a remedy for the many ills of horses and cattle that, in the hands of men the most ignorant would pro- duce a marked change for the better in our four looted servants. This is Dr. Dow’s Sturgeon Oil Linimeut an inexpensive and certain cure for sprung sinews, sore shoulder, wind galls, rough or broken knees, ‘oontraeted. fevered or cracked hoofs, cords and similar ailments. There are few poor men who can afford to let their horses stay idle for any length of time from these causes and thus attempt to evade the laws of humanity and the country. But if they were once aware of the virtues of Dr. Dow’s Wonderful Liniment they would see that it is easier to keep their horses in good condition than not. â€"London ‘Spcctator : “ We could hardly deï¬ne better what we conceive to be the difference between a. man of genius and a man of no genius than by saying that with men of genius the thoughts behave more like passions than thoughts, and yet are, to all intents and purposes. thoughts still ; while with ordinary men thoughts mould and modify passions, but never live the life of passion." ,‘ ,ï¬-.---- 77 -â€" ...... .u...v.. vuv asks him to bury them decently and tells him where she leave: some money to buy flowers. One to a school-mate says: " Mother was always sick and thought 01 dying often and how we would be treated. and so thought it best for all of us to die at oncemnd boughtsomething to kill usâ€"the baby ï¬rst, Annie second. Tony third. I afterwards, then mother. We did not suffer much, and now we are all out of trouble." A Mother-'- Terrible Deed. The following are particulars of the murder of (our children by their mother. and suicide of the murderous, raterâ€"red to in our Chicago despatches of Saturday: Beyholdt and his wife did not live harmoniously since the birth of the last child. The latter has not been in Ecod health. and it is believed despondeuc caused the deed. From a number of notes wr tteu b3! the oldest daughter it appears that Mrs. Seybol t talked the matter over with her and got her to consent to the tragedy. Several are addressed to school-mates ou_ chi-dish matters any! two t_o her tether. One TIIE QUADBUI’LI â€UBDBR. Chan-lemma and Quack: The Introduction of consump'nvns. Henry Berg... At the last meeting of the OttawalCity Council the followmg resolution was passed: " That the members of this Council beg respectfully to congratulate Her Royal Highness Princess Louise upon her eafe arrival in Canada. and they beg to assure Her Royal Highness that it affords them sincere gratiï¬cation to learn that her health has been fully restored, and that they may indulge in the anticipation of giving her once more a welcome to the capital of Canada.“ It is settled beyond doubt that Judge Mackenzie. of Toronto, WI" ohortIy resign his seat on the Bench. An army of blackbirda recently devas- tated twenty acres of corn in one afternoon in Georgia. Try planting sunflowers in your garden if compelled to live in a malarial neighbor~ hood. Try e wet towel to the heck of the neck when sleepless. The Boston Herald gives two cases of arsenical poisoning in Cambridgeport from sleeping in a room newly papered. The room was occupied two successive nights by two different persons, each of whom became ill with vomiting and purging. A portion of the wall paper was analyzed and arsenic was detected. A citizen of Kingston took down a shutter to clean it the other day, when he {oupga small robin's neab, in which was a 31 bill. Mr. Holden. the successor of Lord Fred- erick Cavendish in the House of Commons, began business as bookkeeper in a York- shire worsted spinning mill. He afterwards became a local preacher among the Wes- leyans. but. though prominent, was never popular, being “ strongly Puritanio. often bitter and always stern." He is now arich and prosperous woollen manufacturer. Oscar Wilde, regarding his visit to this country, said to a Rochester reporter : †The rivers of Canada are the ï¬nest of your country, and I consider the situation of Quebec ï¬ner than any city of America." He said he intended visiting Japan. return- ing to England by way of America. â€"Mr. Ronald, the -ateam ï¬re engine manufacturer. predicts. in a letter to a contemporary. that Canada will he a great country when " she " reaches “ manhood.†Thousands upon thousands of bottles of Carboline, a. deodorized extract of petro- leum, have been sold, and from all over the land comes one universal cry, “ Csrboline. as now improved and perfected, is the best hair restorer ever used. " Sold by all druggists. â€"Mesera. Richmond and Roy den, of Kingston, have purchased the twoy ton safe formerly in use in the Bank of Montreal here, in which they intend to store their silks for better protection. Special inducements are oï¬ered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else- where in this issue. She has 3300.000 in Government bonds, the result of the subscription. Then her husband’s life was insured for 850,000, which she promptly received. She also was paid the salary of the President for the unoccupied ï¬rst year, amounting to about 820,000, then add to it about 830.000, the total value of Garï¬eld’s estate. That was the total amount. after all the abuse that was received. that he was able to accumulate in a life of ï¬fty years. That makes 8400.000 does it not? I suppose that the income from this total of more than $400,000 will be perhaps 816,000 a year. She is also put on the pension list at 35,000 a year. So she is comfortable, and oanraise her children well.â€"Chicago Times. " I have suffered from a severe oough for several years and it had grown so danger- ous that I feared that it would result fatally. Tlus winter it was more severe than usual. I began taking Dr. Wilson’s Pulmonary Cherry Balsam and soon found that it had cured me, assisting the inflamed lungs to heal." Thus writes G. P. Ayer, Greenï¬eld, N. S. The probability is that it this case had not been taken just when it was there would have been no hope of recovery. Had the remedy been used when the cold was ï¬rst taken there can be no doubt the disease would have been cured at once. and what years of pain. anxiety and weakness would have been spared. There are many others today who would receive as much beneï¬t from this remedy as Mr. Ayer did. A workman the other morning. repairing the roof of the Bazaar in Glasgow. fell through the glass roof and alighted on a quantity of butter. in which he was thoroughly immersed. The fall being thus broken. he scrambled out of his soft bed safe and sound. to the satisfaction of the bystanders. The butter-woman sitting near by had fainted from sheer fright ; but when she came to herself her ï¬rst words were instinctively expressive of her sense of self-interest. “ Come here. me. man. dinna rin aï¬ till I scrape you. There's a pun' or twa o' my best butter stickiu’ till yer breeks." Mr. Francis Murphy has received from the Dowager Countess of Aberdeen an invitation to visit her at Alice. Her lady- ehip has ex ressed her willingness to accept the “Blue ibbon," and her readiness to aid in the work. Greenook is in a. state of excitement just now over the elopement of the young bride of Mr. Piele, factor for Sir Michael Shaw Stewart. They were only spending their honeymoon when she eloped with a. married man with a. wife and family. The appointment of Dr. J smes Geikie to the Chau‘ of Geology in the University. in succession to his brother. Dr. Archibald Geikie, has now been formally completed. Mr. Alex. Moohrie, who was poatmaater at Denny for twenty-one years. died recently in his 69th you. The consignment of 10,000 ovs of Loch Leven trout to New Zealand has all perished from want of a. renewal of ice. [tum Iron All Over Ito “ [and 9' (Jake-- LATEST SCOTTISH NEWS. I'lrl. Garï¬eld in Very \Vell Oil. Important lojl‘ravellen. Jun In Time. Mark’s Mnmollc Modlclnn in mm dmmiintn at 50 on per box. or In boxes or wi Ibo mailed free of postage on receipt, the money. by addressing Mack’s Magnetic Medicine 00., Windsor )nt.,Canada ._- vuvw.'vu. boat. Full particnian In our mm hlet. w deglrorgq mal_l free to_ {my _a_( More. hlch B'EI‘r'ond URN" GENERVE POODJ Arrea- It leeaure, prom t nnd effectual remedy Nerveueneeelu AL its ate es. Weak Memo Loss 0! Bmln Power. Sexun Prostmtlon, Nig t Sweets, 8germetorrhme, Seminal Weakness and General was of Power. It re airs Nervous Waste. Bejuvenntes the Jaded lute lect Strength one the Enfoehled Brain and Restores éurprlelng Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative organs. The experience of thousands prove: an Invaluable Remedf. Themedlcluelepleeeant to the taste, and each )ottlecontelnseumcientlor two weeks' medication and is the cheapest and I.A-L Purchases Municipal Debentures and Mortgage on Real Estate. For further particulars apply to J. HERBERT MASON, Manager. Lends mono? upon Real Estate in the Prov incos of Qatar 0 and Manitoba at current rate- otinterostand on the most favorable terms 0 repayment. Pnld up Capital Reserve Fund .. Toml Ansel-"um cANAnA PERMANENT [MN AND SAVINGS CW. terleit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A. Sayre saidtoa lady of the hut tan (a pa- tient): “As (you ladies gill use them. I recom- mend ‘Gouru ’9 Cream '41.: the least hannful of all the Skin pro rations." One bottle will last six months us ng it every day. Also Poudrs Bubtile removes superfluous heir without injury to the skin. Murat th. {L T. GOUBAUD. Solo Prop, 48 Bond For sale by all Drugglsts and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the U. 8., Canada and Eu- rope. [a Beware of base imitations. 81,000 Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the some. DR. '1‘. FELIX GWMUD’S 0R|ENIAL CHEAI flfl MAGIBAL BEAUIIFIER Mï¬gNETISMPBmIgE; Gold by all druggml overywhoro. This composition In line chenpeu and beat, and is llm only composlllon lined by the Times Priming Company, Hamilton, Ont" {or news and job work. It Is also extensively used in other large (‘nnndlan omces. Samples and clrcnlan FBI!!! by addressing ISAAC W. CHRISTIAN, No. 6 Ferguson Avenue, flamllton, Ont. Roller Composition. â€'u"‘l’â€" I "Ill“! lfll‘lll in 'a few months. and be certs! 01a situation, ‘Mldrosa Valentine Bros. Jane ville. Wis. 700m; MEN granazmzaxamrï¬' Through '17 Tickets \‘la thla Celebrated Line 101 sale at. all omcesln llm U. S. y Canada. -A\ T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. 3‘! Vice Pres'hf: Gen‘l Manager. Gen. 1113;. An. Chicago. Ill. Chicago. 111 J. SIMPSON. Agent. aejFront street East. Toronto Ont. KANSAS CITY Unh'crsal- ‘ 8;E\"w l)’ concedN no the best equipped Railroad in the World for all classes of tru'el. PRINCIPAMLINE‘ mm and Texas. CHICAGO THE PRESSMAN’S FAVORITE A Skin of Beauty is 3 Joy Forever. INCORPORATED A. D. 1855. IIEA D OFFICE , TORONTO. l’nrilles I: well as Beantlfm the “in. [BRAIN NERVE FOOD?l All connections made In Union De ta. . \% Wï¬ V‘ All "(I u p lnformatlon [a about Rates of 4 Faro. Sleeping Cara. etc..icheerfully given by: 'l‘hln Route has no superior for Albert k Lea. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed n K being the Grant gen-4d In- 'e Ihtoughc‘r ....v‘a.uuu.vw $999.91"? ALSO .\‘ mm and you wil: and traveling 3 luxury. Instead 83.999999 Removes '1‘ en. Pi m- Fles, Freck- 93, M o t h- ‘l’atchea and revel-y blem- ish on beau- ty, and deï¬es detection. It has stood the test of thirty years, and is so harmless we taste it to be sure the )repareti 0111 s proper y made. A c- copg qo qogn- 6Q850L065