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Woodville Advocate (1878), 22 Jun 1882, p. 8

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The admission of civuians to all military barracks in Ireland is nuhiliitcd. Sentries lanc lmcn doubled null night patrols quail- rnpled. The greatest precautions are taken against explosives being carried into military quartets. Tin-z Sioots'r or Sui Slamsâ€"the grey heirs of age being brought. with sorrow to the grave Is now we are glad to think be- coming rarer every year as the use of (‘ingu- lese llnir llestorer become more generul. By its use the scanty locks of age once more resmne their former Color and the hair be- comes thick and luxuriant us ever ; with its aid we can now defy the chunue of years. wsting assured that no Grey Hair at any uto will come to sudden. Sold by all triiggists at 50 cents per bottle. The Prince of “'oles and Duke of Albany Were preSent at the Hamilton Palace sales last Tuesday, and inspected the collection of porcelain. A pair of line mandarin vases fotehrd 1,180 guineas ; on oblong box. with foliage flowers in landscape and ornaments of silver and gilt, brought l,3l7 gninens; and .1 black lacquer box which formerly be- longed to Napolean I . 700 guineaa. V O Câ€"â€"â€".-â€"â€" No? the slightest affinity exists between the iiumherless cough mixtures With which the market is flooded and that successful preparationâ€"Northrnp 8:. [.vman's Emulsion at Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. It stands alone, distinct, is like itself, and nothing else. It embodies the best results of advanced pharmaceutical science. It accomplishes positive, decisive results. effectually relieving coughs (when the lungs are not tuberculous or hopelessly affected), colds, laryneitis, and diseases of a serofulous origin. While it does not, cure Consumption, it is the most reliable fileans of defence against that dreaded scourge. ’l‘he invigorating properties of the liyph ilios- pliites reimburse the system debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a eongh,while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence, in consequence of the soothing emollient ac- tion of the cod liver oil upon the inflamed lung membrane. The phosphorus, lime and soda in combination with it, are all natural components in the construction of the bodily edifice, which, in a state of decay, lacks a i ulticieiicy of those elements. These the liypopliosphites supply, increasing the untri- iive properties of the blood, and building up and rehabilitating the tottering human struc- lure with a degree of pi‘oiiiptitude as aston- ishing as it is gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as Well as in strength is one of the consequences of using this standard preparation. which both time and expei ieiice have demonstrated to be fully \roithy of the confidence reposcd in it. Pre- pared by NOR'I'IIROI' Lruim, Toronto, and sold by all druggisls. 'l'hirtv-tuu [hum-and persons have nlrea-ly left Pit-)1". mul it via cuiumtml an equal number no waiting an opportunity to get away. . If you Want to know the "nine of money. try ta bul'l'nw same. mnl' if you want to know the value of l‘lslerhruok’s steel pens ya: can ascertain it by testing them. .\l.\n\'-â€"\\'nn luul that little Imnh llu‘l ’l‘eeth as white as snow ; She always hrushed Shem (mice a day With "'l‘t:.\uunu\"' you knuw. 'l‘hmnns Myers. Brace-bridge. writes; “Dr. 'l'hemas’ i‘kleetlie Uil is the best medicine I sell. ltnlways gives satisfaction, mnl in cases «If coughs, colds, sure throat. 810., immediate relief has been reCeived by those “he use it." (3333? (mm HARNESS STORE ! Our firm nml work are now too Well known to the farmers of the surrounding tnwuships tn require any extensive mlvcr- rising. We wuuld lmwevor. bring before ”lull! the facts that. we ken]; on hand c-vu- stnntly all kinds of necessaries in the HAR- NESS LINE. Mich as Brushes. Combs, Whips c. Harness at: 31.111 Kinds, Ink ITUCS‘ S;\TC II EIJS The finest show of lnillincry thin season will be found at. RI'l'UllH'I'S Millinury Room All the NEW STYIES IN FRENCH .1 AMERICAN MAKE .l Several uruIIpos of very ('lmico Howem lllmmut W rcutlws Q. :IIIIl MIIIIIIh for "mun-ta, Hstricll llIIIIIcs mul lI-ntlIuIs in all calms, ~~- “v at Ritchie’s Millincry Room. Imulios wanting a nicely trimmed hat or Bonnet almnlcl call at Ritchie's Millinorv nounlwhcm theywill lwanro tobo suited. Trunks. at Ritchie‘s Millinery Rum". BUYS’ AND GIRLH‘ SAILOR HATS. nt Ritchie‘s Millincry lhmm. “'0 have just received a nice stock 01' Guaranteed as represented or mum-y refunded. J ‘ 'S'l‘ 1“ EC I'll \‘T'113 um Gm. winner. Also some new lines in A9 murnero LLmE RY 17311555. (kc. EFnll “'hcut ....... ‘ Spring “'hcat ...... ‘ Amnectu When. .. ' Barley. .. ........ (Hts .............. The only certmn, safe, and effectual cure fur (‘ntm-rh, builds up the system and cures nll nthcr «lisunsusnt the same time. Asthma, llosc (Wild. May have}. Hrnnchltis. lmucor“ rhu‘n, llimmscs nf the Kidneys, Xerwms Dc- l)ilit_\' all leave tugvthcr when the (Innslihl. timml (.‘nlnl‘rh llcnmly is lulu-n ns «l‘roctml. l'ricc SI 1w: lmttlv. For sale Ivy all Drug,- l gists and Medicine «haulers. TORONTO MARKETS: ‘all \Vhent per bushel.......$l '2 Spring Wheat per bushel.... l 3 Barley per bushel ............ 0 6 “at.“ per bushel .............. 0 4 Pens per bushel .............. 0 E Butler per pound ............ 0 1 Eggs per duzen .............. 0 1 W001 per pound .............. 0 l Potatoes per bag ............ l 5 Clover per bushel ............ 4 S Timothy per bushel .......... O I Pork per cwt .............. 9 5“ Beef per cwt ................ 9 (K NOT oniy are the houses of the British Cabinet Ministers watched, but the Minis- ters gu to and {ram Parliament guarded by constables in plain clothes. l'cas .............. Butler pen pound: L'g-vs per dozen. “9 uul per pumul ..... “Ides ............ Slltcpsliins ....... ‘ l’utntucs per bushel ( ‘lm'cr per bush-L. ’limotlxy per bushel Pork per cwt ...... Beef per cwt ...... NEVER BE WITHOUT I1.â€"-'I‘ourints and all who are subjected to a. change of climate, water. diet, c., should never be Without Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, the infallible remedy for all Summer Com- plaiuts. BI‘IAVI'JU'I'UN MARI Fall “'bcut per bushel ..... Spring Wham, per bushel. .. Arnuuctu \thuc per bushel. Barley per bushel ........... Uzus per bushel ............. Peas per bushel ............. butter per_ pound ........... Bugs per dozen“ “55 uol per pound” Hides per cwt. . . Sheepskins ........ Potatoes per bushel Ulm'cr per cwt. .. 'l‘iIIIutIIy per bushel l’ork per cwt ...... Beef per cwt ...... J. A. “'l-IST, a Cinncimmti grain dealer, failed in business. and with 8400, all the money he could raise, Want to Chicago to speculate with it, in the Wihl hope of re- uimug nfnrtuuo Ouo venture wiped out his small capital, and then he committed suicide. Minty“. \V. Carmichael, Chemist mul Druggist, of Bellevnllo. under (late of May 31st. 1882, writes as follows :â€"-“Your Bur- dock BlOOIl Bitters have a steady sale, are patronized by the best families lnero and surrounding country, and all attest to its virtues with unqualified satisfaction." ASK your denier for Custorine Mil- Macliine Oil and see that. the barrel is bmnded " Gaston-inn,” as none other is genuine. Tm; Vieeregnl lodge, in front of which the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish nnd Mr. Burke took place. was pnrclmaed by the Irish Parlimnent from Lord Leitrim for 8l25.000, and presented to Lord Lieu- tenant Carlisle as a summer residence. and it was (’arliale’s anccersor, Inml l‘ortnmn, who vainly offered the lodge and n govem. ment pension to Gmttan. LOCAL M ARKETS. Constitutmnal Catarrh Remedy. 'lhnso who cannot. obtain a botlio of this :xwdiclno from thrir d 115mm mrr send us one dollar. and we will mud n to them. [in undo from Yellow Dock. Hondu- raa :=-\:-:;x;):\rilln. Wnld (‘lu-rr. Stilllnpin luudelinn. Sassafras. “'ir un '11. In other Well-known valuabEc 1.0013 and Herbs. leis szriclly vcgoxn‘ulu. and can- not hurt the mar... delicate constitution. 1w onnotth. lwst mcdlcluu m uutor Rgzulntirgg Elli) bgwrls. lu'guuulua‘ hIJ uv-‘I Is. hm so! by Ml ncspnmmn dmcghm at one donar for a. quart. butuo. or six 5pm to; flvo dollars: _ _ Lad far Purifying tho Blood. I: hm been In use for 90 wars. and has prove! lo be tho boss rmpnrnuon in the market for SK‘K NRA mum. PAIN 1N THE SIDE 0!! BACK. LIVER (OM- !‘l..\l.\'1‘. Puu'ws ON THE FACE. DYSPEPSXA. l'llJiR, and all Diseases mat. arise from a lhsordc-rod Liver or an unpuro blood. Thoummlu of our but people mks it and pin» it to their chil- dn-n l'JyS'Ci'lflflDI'QSCI'HKHI(1'1“, Those whu um iL_0ngo. rcqpmmch Il_to_qlbc_rn. m cumin- 13mm. w. 303.36%)! b C. .ls'nuumrm, Damon. m \\'0()D\'l LLI'I .\I A [(K I‘l’l‘S. Ullaucl... - u u n‘ _wr bushel. . . . :1............ ul............ g............ el............ shel.......... MARKI'Z' S. l ...... SI 20 tn 1 ‘23 Icl.... I25 to] 30 ushL-l. . 0 93 to l 05 ....... 0 70 to 0 70 QV $l 24t0125 l30t0135 062w065 048t0049 080t0085 a n l :30 to l ‘20 I 20 to I 2.3 l h") (H I vs 0 5’ In 0 (ill U 42100 3.") U 70 to U 75 U 14:00 15 0 13100 14 0 IS to n :10 4 ()0 t0 6 00 (I 20 to l 00 U (50 to 0 '75 5 00 tn 5 50 3 7510-1 00 7 0) m 8 (.‘0 7 00 to S 00 0 43 to 0 45 75 r4 r1 pl .0 5t00 014t0000 0 0 ON 85 5.00 0 0 4 75!.04 90 MIDI. 5- 001113311" EEQ.,Agen¢ London Mutual, Limlmy. DEAR Sli:,â€"Hn\'o the goodness to convey to the Directors of the “London Mutual" our thanks for their promptnoss in paying our claims in full, arising from the losses by the recent bllah tires. Alex. Clarke, Ops, $566 James McGahey, Emily, 900 Edward Kerr, ” 600 Joseph McConnell, ” 590 Matthew Wilton, Ops, 9l5 'l‘hos. Mchhc. Ups, 596 Edwin l’ruuse, Mauipoan, 902 Tnos. Kelly. Emily, 450 Martin Harrington, Emily, 7115 Guy Beatby, Vurnlam, 55. U. E. Tiers, " 872 lannc Gostlin, Lnxton, ‘2I5 Hugh Pulley, “ 50 Margaret Kerr, ” 250 John Cheynonth, Fenclon, 530 Eduwrd Malone, Ups. 630 I’. B. Molllmrgoy, Lindsay, 40 James Howard, Verulam, 400 John Wilson. Ops, 360 llobt. Mch‘eelers, \‘crulnm, 70 John Knlnbel, " 350 Lindsay, Oct. 15th. lSSl. 7 '11159151111351}.'t'h'é'engaAi‘Rinizgt to Click i112 Headache, Pains in b‘hm1lders,l‘nck, and Kidneys, and entire [honking Down Catarrh, with Droppings in the throat.‘ causing feelings of Stu-angling, Dizziness, Pains in the side and weakness of Kid-‘ ney’s, immediately relieved. System seemingly made now by one bottle of Con- stitutimml Calm-r}: Remedy. hi the sys'teh cured by Constitutional‘ Cataljfh Rpmgdy. Catnrrh, with all its peculiar symptoms‘ or ten years. fmzt. verging on Consumption cured by less than {our bottles of Con stilntionnl Qatari-ll Remedy. Bones of the nose ente'n out, memory gone. mind impaired. (lured by Constitu tiny}! (‘lltfll‘l‘llA Alernqdyz Cntnrrh of 25 yeans’ standing cured by Constitutional Untarrh Remedy. A Cough of t“ cnty five years standing cured by qustitgtionnl Cntnrrl! Renu‘ulyé.z A man cured of Cntnnh of forty years’ standing by use of Constitutional Catarrh Remedy, So it had impaired his eyesight, Made him (leaf. Troubles with Droppings in the Throat. i Struggling. Buzzing 1n the Head and Fetid Breath cured by Constitutional Cntnuh '.emcily _ Catarrln, with all it; loathsome attend- ants, cured by four bottles of (.‘unstilution- nl yang-{h _hcmg¢ly. Befoi‘é'Thking '1‘" B At??? â€"â€"-GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Au unfailing euro lor Seminal \\'eaknoss, Spermatorehea, lnipotcney. and all diseases that follow as a consequence of Seif-Ahusn ; as loss of memory. Universal Lassitnde, Pain in the Back. lliluness of Vision. Premature Old A go. and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a premature grave. l"nl| particulars in our pamphlet. which We desire to send free l-y mail to cva one. ear The SPI‘J‘IFH' MEDICINE is sold by all druggists at SI per package. or six naekagn-s for $5, or will he sent free by mail on receipt, of the money. by addressing is hereby given that a apeoinl meeting of the Municipal (‘uuncil of the Corporation of the at 2 o‘cluck p. m. for the transaction: of gun- crnl business. By ordcr 'I‘. MA'I‘CHF/l‘T, County {la-115’s 0“”)ch 1 County Clerk. Council Chamber, County (‘lvrk’s Office, Lindsay, 13th J mm, 1882. TOWN OF LI N DSAY, 09 11115)» of Victoria I TUESILI T. .II’NI'} 271/1. "82. ‘hAUc “(bun- composed largely or powdered Mlca or Iain. glass, lslhansTandCHEAPESTlubnca-‘ tor, 1n the worldâ€"«the 8 E81 because It does not gum. but. forms a hlghly pollahed aur- taco over the axle. veduolng frlotlon and llghtenlngtho draft' . tho CHEAPEST b0- causo It coats NO MORE than lnforlor brands, and one hex will do the work of two of any other make. Answers as well [or Harvesters, Mlll Gearlng, Threshing Ma.- chmes, Corn-l’lnnterS. Carriages. Buggletg em, as tor Wagons. GUARANTEED to} contaln NO Potroloum. Sold by alldealers.‘ ur- Our Pocket Cyclopedia q! Thing: Worm Knowing maned free. MIGA MANUFACTURING CO. For Sale by All bruggista. ‘ 228 "Md.“ 8th. New York. Cleveland. 0. and Chicago. Ill. SAMUEL ROGERS co. Toronto.0nt. l Sole Agents ror the Dominion. AR D 01" TH A NKS. URI'OL X l‘ [0\' 0|" 'l‘lll“ ('OL'N ’l‘Y UF \ JCT (H‘ I \ â€"- Notice 'l‘lllfi GRAY MEDH‘INE 00. Toronto. Ont at. tho ('OUR'I‘ HOUSE In the CATARRH. will be held in the GRAY'S TRADE MARK. SPEGIFIG MEDICINE ’8 ~0N... Ups. Lindsay, Veruldln, Ops, Vcrulnm, Ops, Ups, Mm ipoan, Emily, Emily, Vurnlam, 450 711;) 55. 872 ‘2l5 Y‘YA1\“Y1‘I'Y \ fiber, and avoid all similar nixâ€"med articles as they are worthless. NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto. Proprietors for Canada. Suits made to order from the latest and most fashionable styles. All wmk guaranteed tum. TERMS, (BASH. Shop over McIntyre Prim-’3 Store, on- trance, SLdu Uunr. D. Henderson REMOVA L TINSHIIP. The undersigned has removed to the premi- ses one dnor West. of N. B. Campbell’s Agricultural \Vnrermms, where will be found on hmd MES @ALF and Sheepskins, MARBLE ALEXANBER MITGEELL. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN CASH F011 BUILDXN G P'JRPOSES, Monuments, Tombstones, GRANITE WORK. ON SHOR’I‘EST NOTICE. 1 EIMIS. REA SON A BL E. CAMBRIDGE S'l‘., LINDSAY. While lead. Htushes', Fully. Kw. STOVES MINIS- WOODVILLE, ONT. , mam/Laws wonm rownmzs. Ate pleasant to take. Contain their own Pnrgnuvo. In a note. auto. and effectual leflmm of warm. in Chadian 0: Adult; Tinware, I have also introduced a car load of DEALER I.\' A51) MA! Which will be sold cheaper for cash than can be bought elsewhere. A LARGE STOCK 0F FRED LEAS. AND ALL DESCRIPTION!‘ OF OILS, VARNISHES, ALI. KINDS OF SI‘OSE FOR OLD IRON 6w. ~WOODVILLEâ€" ('HT TO ORDER â€"-ANl)-â€" 0U R ES RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Lame 13 ac k, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Croup, Cou gh s 8: Colds, Sore Throat, Piles, Frost-bites, Bums, Asthma, Catarrh, Chilblains, Corns, Tooth, liar and Headache, Bruises, Wounds 8: Sprain. of e very descrip- tion 0 n man or beast. Actually the best External and Internal Reme- dy known. CAUTION.â€"T his Cut represents our New Wrapper; take, n6 sum'crumm or !The Canadian Singer. Buns. 12.0113 and Pastry a Specialty Mr. Came-run has the W huh 31k. Al'cncy for this vicinit) and “ill supply agents at the factory pliccn to: (ash. SODA, ABERNETHY AND FRUIT BUISCl’lTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W. Gameron. VV UODV] LLE HA K Ell Y. FRUIT CAKES. 1V1 IXEDTEA CAKES. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw iutu the cu'cnlntiou the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands ef persons have testified that bv their use alone they have been restored to health and strength.- after every other means hoe. proved un- FAMILY BREAD THIS INOOMPARABLE Medicine has secured for 1tselfan1mperisheble fame throughout the World. for the alleviation and. cure of most. disease: to which humanity is heir. - successful. purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. 'l‘hey asgist the digestive ur- gxms, cleanse the STOMOE and BOWELS, will lu- foundinvaluahlc in cvuy lluusc- hnhl in the cure of Open Surcx‘, llanl 'l‘ulumnrs, BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS, GDUGHS Cnlds, Sore 'l‘llrouts, Bronchitis, and all disorders of the 'l‘ln'nat and ('lwst, as also (mut, Rheumatism, bcrufulu, and every kind of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at Profcssor HOLLOâ€" WAY'H Eshxhlislnnem, en OAUTION.~I have no agent. in the United States, nor are my Meal- oines sold. them. ruchesers should therefore look to the Label on the Pets and. Boxes. If the “dress is not 633, Oxford Street, London, they are spu- rlous. FIII‘A‘I-‘I‘S’l‘ MACHINE IN THE MARK‘ Worth their Wcig ht in Gold. PA RTI ES SU PPIJ ED \V H OLESALE. WQQBV‘IEEE, ONT AND OINTMENT. ‘ 'K (It?! ‘1 ‘ “r .1 \ 7 ‘ FT E B E S T ~‘L..)L J I‘. .- a“ 1.. ,. .‘V‘J ”AND“ THE PILLS JOHN BERRIE’S JOHN BERRIE. ORDERS SOLICITED. IS UNXLD IN THE (EOL'N AG ICN'l‘,â€"-â€"â€"- Cor .Kimg and Stuart St

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