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Woodville Advocate (1878), 7 Jun 1883, p. 4

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]luunmx l),\\' is t0 In: eclclnratcd at (Rh-Wu in grand style and among. other at- t-actions win he an Oratiun luy Sir Jun. A. McDonald. THE Ontario Provinces 'l‘rcnsurcrship made vacant lug! the retirement of the Hun. 3. C'- \'\'oml will Inc tillml by Mr. James Young, Iii: Inter for the Nurth Riding of Brant. M r. Yum: was returned by acclmnatiou at the l st ductiou. and now goes back to his cou- .xtitucucy for rc-gelcctinn. Tm: new Midland Railway workshops are new tlicpoint of cvnfiention of the several tuwns along the line. I'etcrhorougli. Port Hope and Lindsay. and lastly Orillia are lnnlt'ng in their respective claims and dc manila for Consideration. Some time since our noiglilmr, Lorncvillc was wrought to lever heat in anticipation of the coming elmps, Lnt with such \rcighty rivals in the Hell our modest sister will certainly be left. Tunsmnc time past, the health of her Maj sty the Queen. has been the suhjoct «if I u 'h mnicty. She has m-u-r recovered from tm-(SL-cls of the slight. accident which 0c- uru‘. to her at Windsor some time ago. The queen is “mil advanced in years and the slighi shock may lead to \‘cry unwelcome r illlilUCnt‘iL‘s. “'c hope. however. she may i u Inn; spared as the beloved sovereign of the mightiest Empire the world has yd: s-xn. 'i‘u}: mmbsorbul surplus of the Alabama mvan‘l is uuw exciting a little attention in III g’uml and nuticc of motiun has lwen given i._'.' a Mr. Kcuunrd of the House of Conunuus which says; “In How of public utterances . f omEm-ut Amuricn‘n statsmen with refrcuco t» the destination of the undistiilmted Ino- I-o): rcsnltiz‘g from the (EL-nova award, the louse is of opinion that an ekchange of \ich Lctwccn the English and United .‘ {ates (Lm‘urnmonts on the subject “'ulIl-l he . mducivu tutlxe dcwlopmeut of friendly I .‘lulinns between the two countries." A5011”!!! hirc'c accession has just been I 'mh- (u the British Empire in South Africa 33' th-l voluntarysuhmissionby the Beeh- runas, uf their territory to British rule. lmm 'he reports it is gathered that the \almh- of the \‘n »t country 13in; north of the (Mange Free Suite and west of the Trans \ rial hasn'uluntnrily suhniitted. and withnnt 5. flncnce, even without any suggestion. to the (’uioniul GJVerlnnent at the (Tape. 'jho territm-y extends east and West OVer than! one-third the entire width of the cun- tiici:t. and the definite extc-ntion of the (oimy nurthuxn-il contains about 40 large :nd \reYl-hnilt cities. It is the old st wry of Her truuhles with the nutiVes, and at last 1‘u-trihes vae judged~ hest to secure for t'le'ns-lres permanent protection against > awry and aggression by joining themsel- \(*3 \vi.h the 1mwe:f.xl Cap-.- L‘uiuny. The Lillisultics nf rrccnt years in which the country has been invulnul, alhl thu lmt year ¢ f constant hauler “malnu‘c lot the chiefs in lulimc thcir only chance fur peace lay In \uluutary >3l'l-ml<siun to the Cape (lm'crn- “on! m- an involuntary CcSSi m of a part of their lcrritury to the Transvaal. The pro- ]nsilinn was a smprisv tn the Colonial (lov- ( rn'm-nt. It. was thrnugh (‘hicf )lnulmnl‘ «.m- of the must inl'. u-ntial of all the trilml l fillers. and was :wcomp‘uximl by the st: to. hunt that tho.- lnoj 1:11 fsubmim'nn hm] been \\-_-ll cnnsi-lcrnl. and was mml ' at the wish «full the thicfs. Mr. (ilulsluuc suhl. in n.luni:ting the llu:~‘p:ltc'x-.~ {rum the (.‘ulnuial (mwrmmnt, that lln' gain \Wulvl l-u invalu» all: t D the South Ahimxn culumsts, m mis- nut Ionic |.\' -- Im‘ “I!" “'1” (Juan nHim, ('utxr‘las, (‘uhl ~, |':i;i.~, (.. rm) 1.:u'iiull hf N1 km, :1 ~ 1st turn stml t v c-ul “maul“ Dr John .‘Jclx’i um and get 0 Hi .‘. bottle of Dr. l\' All lwrsnns \\ ishiuc: h. has: the mvr'tts vf u u.“ wmo ‘y- u .w that will pnsiliwly t um Kuhn m {i m, ( "“e‘ s. C n‘ 1, Asthma, ‘nx-u- ':i is, L. a n l...u :. :on M Nu- 'l‘l. mat and “H“ s - RXL' lul‘u stul t . l ~n'xl M Hum. l‘.r. s; \\ maull. m Juhll .‘Jclxi mun s l‘nt-M’m‘lun. .ml get A Hi .‘. lmttlc (If “r. king's New In: . ‘ mry fur l‘uummni'm, free of cost, which vii] show you \VhM a regular (‘b‘lalus'zc mu editorial 3110195. du rroc cf Caz: \Mamtoba Lands for Sale Rections 15 and 16. 'l‘uwnship 4. Range 2 19.50 acrm ; also “'t-st Half 9. Township 7. Range 1'2, 3'20 wns Sections 15 and 16 is near the Town of Morris, and Conn-Him! to 1! Railway. “'1“ exchange for Lands in ()ntariu. Also a number of lmprm‘ml Farms for Sale in the Counties of “Mario. Victoria. Bruce. Carleton, Dundus, hurlmm. Grey, llalton. Kent, Lauark. anfulk. Simcoc, \\ cllaml and Muskoka. 'l‘hcse farms will be sold cheap and on easy terms of paymcnt. MON BY TO LOAN at 6.5 and 7 per cent. If you want a Farm fldlll‘CRS or call per- sonally on. H \anADYEN. BEAVER'I‘ON x 2 SODA, ABERSETHY .xxn l-‘Itl'l'l‘ nuscm’rs, I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A . MCFA DY EX. Glazing. (imining.Li;:‘nt nun] Dark Oak. Maple. Walnut and Bur-“'uluuL Also And Paper Hanging strictly “noun. a! furnished :1 requirud. All n1 aucudcd N. All smalL o _ As I have started on the Cash Systc Residence, one Gnor north of Eldu Queen Street. Allen H. Fob. mm. 155:5. Buns. FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. 1V1 XEDTEA CAKES. ORDERS SOLICITED. PARTIES SUPPLIED “'HO}. ‘ISALE. LAKE SURVEYING, Being long familiar with Municipal mnttvrs we an: in u ymsin. u to umh-rmke Muuh ipal Drains mu] (lxslnltml \‘(ntm- (‘nm‘svs Luvcuing dune. fur 'l'ilo Drains at only SLLU humbly. Couvoynucivg4mm in all jt< brunt-hos. Wills. Dunk, Mm [:.Jl‘l(‘~'. £12.. (.mwn on 9110 .cst non M." nuMzuws and accuracy. \y, ALL l1USZN!~‘.?‘-t: S'I‘ZHC’I‘LY CONFIDENTIAL. \‘(nw ur 3h 3 us n cull. OFFICE IN 10W?! HALL, BEIRVERTON 6110. S)” m. 95m. (El: 'l‘nu xmu' (‘Inrmn ”Morten. Jun. lrt, um. Heaverton Lumber Yard. -'~'-.‘33K YARD AND) POTTERY. LUMBER. SIIINUI.I'I\‘, um] L.\'l‘l| th‘iich: aunt Pottery Drain Tile a Specialty \\'t):bl)\'ll.l,‘li HARNESS SHOP. PMNTING! ”mm 1‘ .â€" fifimm. m4: 934.. FEZ‘VJI 2.1.3:.1.5.1.; Beat/@1593. Qmaja House, Sign PLAN'S AND ELEVATIONS 0F BRXDSES, BU!LBINCSO. PREPAEED AN!) CONSTRUCTION SUPERHITEHDED. LEM FE FOR $ALE. ‘\l.l Disputed Bounnarics a. Spcczalty. lSSUcH 013 MARRMGE LICENSE DRAINAGE. WORKS, SMITH SMITH. fixtrrrynw, Q‘nginrcrfi, MONEY T3 LOAN. A pr i OODVJ LLE Ll‘. AK IJX‘Y . TAY LOR, Proprietor. Strictiy Gash, KINDS “I“ REPAIRING .\'l‘..\'l'l.\° .\.\|| (Ql'IVKIX IEXI‘X‘IW'IID. of all kinds and qlmlitios on hand. WOODVILLE, ONT- ‘3. L‘HW HUI. If. AND CONVEYANCERS, CALSOMINING, IS UNXLP. C. «JAIN, of v\' (Icscriptior . In IZ§ ' Lines (ium‘mxtcud IN THE COUNTY Lawson, Woodvine. .vx DY‘D LL-L‘AAK R YY‘V) 1 AAA if M w ‘11 1-, IRUN‘I n pr Moan: f l “I. 25“ IZID. I35“ and Ornamental Cur. Kim: and Stuart St (EEO. SMITH. Jn.. (‘.l-‘.., 1m. 1‘. S. Huxn-zwux. tly attended to.\1utori- I. All uulmssuicll)‘ All small jobs Ham Li STONE LIME hr ‘3, Eldon. “a eru. (‘l’le a, \'.\m .a-i. l‘rumz quu from 15 Cents up $.13“: 05.4. EEC... 26:8. JSO‘ smzmnav (\‘C in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Sic. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cuslnuoros, Beautiful New Prints, Brown Hollands, (lotions, Shirtings, Ducks, Dcnims, Clothing, Men’s Suits from $6,00 upwards. Bootsumd Shops regardless of cost. All the above we on'or at your own prices. 'l‘hu lending and most {ushiulmblu stylus in 53? Parties indebted to us either by Note 01' Book Account are requested to call and settle before 15th May and save costs. .‘Iuy Isl, 1593. Sellinq Mi”. Selling Off. Yam 3% Ffiflfi‘WEflfi ? In asking the above question v. closely three And when you Quafity of If these are sufifiienz‘ comia’ei-‘atfors please call on [st QUALITY 21ld, STYrLEg 3rd, P \lCL, \Iay lst,1 ‘ F (J? “'0 “in also [my Immemgg Daaafigaams ! All the above we ofl'or at your own prices. MILLENERY .'. 11.1%; 21'; (3153' IN 33"? 331% SQGQK Tho balance of our stock which is mostly new. consisting of RG5? @AMBELL, f the highest price fur any quumi'y of NIARKETABLE PRODUCE. and Great Reduction in Prices. New Goods Gros Silks Muslins Prints Cottons Dress Goods Cretonnes Tweeds Ducks Cottonades Embroideries Passimentries Gloves Parasols Groceries Earthenware Rgcam 3mm, also am“ ‘n \\ Material, Styie of Fit and Work m appreciable saving on your (mlv ”‘0‘ no 1 N. B. â€"â€"I{i;;lu:<t Marl-{ct rice paid 101 Butter and .‘tzfisiim‘: with (‘i)l‘.(tlllf~1i01l9, pay us it Visit- mul we Will guau'untvo (Jun! and will be found 01' the bv: lih‘ 21ml Variety. “‘0 simply (Maire you to examine 413m. .mO HNHW .MHEO; 32¢. Ham ..~<Hmna.fi<2 \I In :lin points : \VOUDYILLE; wooowLEE, ONT. 'l‘lue \"unl M".~¢~H hm mm o-mnumncal. 'I‘Icflnc'huml IIrlu-htunwu' myvliun X" 4. (lh-zu'rrtuu) 3-1“ iwrn pun-h'uul by "I: 'I'umnnhip "I 'I‘hurnh. at par. Mn. H. I“. lh-I'c r. H mulmll again and m. mmiml Lin III-at at UN ('uulltil Bonn) Oil Mn. (3. I“. “MW 0: cupicll loin "M. at Saturday Inst. Wol'Ln it not 2‘ , 9n why mmter to form a cutiwns Ilrc Ihi.:vl- in I'm village filer the manner (Mun-«l Ivy ' he citizens of “'akc. fu-M Man ; nu-l «It-whim} in our last issue. We lulu-m it. \wnld pun-w :\ valuablu acces, sinn to the \'iH:|-.u.- m-cmity. Tur. (‘mnfly I'mumil Hf Ontario mat on 'rllt‘S"i\}' lrmf. 'l'h ; inri‘riiu': vi a poor house in the ('ountv “ill um ire their attention. A Culnlnittu- mu xix-[minted at the last seaâ€" siun of {he Ifmuu-‘I tn investimtc into the workings and . xpvnw of maintaining the York County l'wor-Hunsr. Mu. MVFnJyrn. l'lmkn-z bridge. has tn'mn his slam] of the Halnilil‘n “unw. M lm itcncl'ant {-1‘3‘1'3, but :1 graphvr uf Inn; taxiwriz-nur. went. will lw fnmul in anull .‘llz. .‘lI‘quh’rn. l‘lmtugrnphnr, of L'x. luriqlgu, has Mk: n ‘wi~' stand m .u door. cast of the llamilitn Hump. .\lr. Mr‘l":ulyen is lm itcncmut Law-t, lm‘. a gruu‘ne pllotu. graphvruf lung {0.1413612th ills ml\'crti3u- went. \sill lw f'vmul in nuullu-r column uul as he will In: Law» but :1 frw (lnyn “‘0 would advise all “anti“:- pictures to give him a call. l.\' "u.- “-1,”! «f '1‘}...th (‘mmcil in our last ixsuu two >1i_,.l.t lypnfnpkical (more uc~ cured. "A lmtiziuu “9.3 pnueutul {mm Lauchlzm Juhmuzn and nlhcrs tn aid 8. S. Sn 4." it slmuH have lead, for niul to Jun, Mo lino. .\j‘;.\3n in :unuunts granted fur impn-vuncnm, 1h. "uxnuunt brautc-l bechen lots 5. 6, north halt 5 L‘uu fur turnnikiug shunld have renal 5mm) and between 8th 9!]: Cons. l«.l Utul'n‘lnLiu-av and ditching on one side $4‘J. (M) ing. But. for the kind Providence that in a measure shields n unkind from the conse quenccs ut zlnir nwn neglect, rcclilessucse and brutality, that chapter would be much lungerthan Ibis. Mill, the number of hu- man beings l-rnist-d. disturted. mutilated, and destroyed :-‘.'L'l‘)‘ year, Ly furtuitous causes isinnnense. Unfortunately the last. is greatly auglnrnted l)_\' liliskillful treat inent. Limbs are luppul off, lmneness and disturtien SIlLquuulttLt‘tl and perpetuated, mnluuutterabiu lulu uni Sul‘l‘ow inflicted, in thousands vi CIL‘LK \\ here the application of the l""l“ r lelth‘tl)‘ v. nnld have prevented such lunienuiii: eunxquenecs. “But" ex~ claims the lucxpcniuut’ul reader, “what Is the proper l‘cliiul} Y lint-y surgeon has his pet tlleul‘)‘, his p4‘ttlhtl‘ Style of pl’acllt‘o. l'he faculty Illsuhltc -“'lm, tlcn, is tu be trusted 2" We :umuer, let the preponder- nes of truti mm}: (IL-tile tlle question ‘ 'l‘lnit prepuml m' M is i: {Mar of HOLLO- \\‘.\\“.\ unlit ;_\: rm the llLaL and safest tllcaslllg fur “um -I , l ruin-s. “urns, senlds. and eVery S‘Lrt -_ iv~ uf «\ternul injury to which humanity i:. ll 11:. “e have examined this Slll'jrt‘t in tux) llrllmâ€"‘leu llélzt of unquest~ iunuhle eri-Lx. -e from fun-inn sources, and the light uf 1"" (-11.1 e‘ ;!,'l‘l\‘ltl\'. “'0 find that. during tun; \lll"\*i‘:; tn: emupnigu of (Irlnnul, lmt'i in the slain L;:‘.‘.‘3' lluspltnls at (Lillipuli and Mn: iii and lit the :unhnlnners at the wut uf \\:;r_ the Ointment. was used With the hum-Amt (limb :24 u drain; fu.‘ Sulnl‘u ents. l‘ ._\‘un- ti 1).lik~71lll'\ a. and gunshzit \runmls. This is Army]. “in French and I'InglishMIrp-iins :ulni't the fact. and the gnrernnn-nts Inf lmth n Ilit'lli have, we un- derstand, muhmi ~I té-n l-urulnsoof large qrmntities ui t‘:.e pu-y:n:\‘.iun fur army pur- DUSCS. . . .. n. Chnptcr Of Accidents. Surroumh-d as \n: are by destructive agents. artiiivial as \u-il a4 natural. the chapter-01'accidunts m-u-ssuily occupies a Luge spam: m the run-n1 of physical sulfur- ‘nutin :uldi‘iun (u ilcrivul flum :fluru'l-i “LOW“ SUXHI' i. 11:“ch the agnuy lucatinus. [rm mm the llvshy Iilvlv, 1‘ Inculs,ul1u_\'s tin-.- and [Hum-In“ Ul - 1 my \rummmt, :« it has aisu 'r-wn :1} 3mm"; lu-x.-. .n. i. similar nfll-qxu-m. taunts Uur purl» pcriuily “l" all law! I!" m. Inn-l M [Hum 11 economy Llan' mrnrrrtfn {Earn lenl, Pull/u l (u , Im ALVA luusulm‘. Stnh hull mud in! mu n , Inner, IIII III-L4, mm Imegu- tin: Lulu-alum- inflauumnt‘on, I- {cw-r which, under Indiu- t, 80 {Hunt IU)’ aupurvenos. «n npplml III I In rIgimI, \Iith .n. in (‘ h :‘ n; ~Ii1f juiIIta and (n the proofs «If its omcncy w‘l m: haw h-stilnnny of \“I: INN" that i‘ rapidly ' ufrc-uhhi-nw. cuts, «lis- .-:, 1-.qu nth-r injunen oi um m Im a "Li. and intugn. 1h ill '7'"; r us. , “a ra‘homl Btt an » chm-1:, llu {um IL. M: u -1)uju u :is to tuuch (s- ;‘l usefulness in from accidtutul .Tml‘. it be kept - Hf this him! are ‘ -rn sculnr u-n 1.2. Kidneys and :~ In tho animal .audittiuu :0" ‘hLMJ

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