ï¬ctional mm. FACTS, STRONGER 'rHAN FICTON. \VI: observe a very libeial distribu- tion of AutioScott Act literature is going On in this locality and of course, it. will have its influence with some. We doubt, however. if many men of ordinary intelligence will be duped by it, Farmeis are told their barley will be useless, because breweries will be no more. Municipal Tieasuiics are to lose the largest item of their Ievenue if this tiatiic is discarded, society will be no better, and real Iy more liquor drank. It is truly surprising that such argumen's should be brought. forward as proofs for the trailic. Tine the money derived from licenses will not be forthcoming, but. we would ask where has it. come fioni in the past. Must we suppose that generosity has prompted this annual donation, and that it has come ï¬iom ‘the pockets of hotel keepers '1 Has it not been taken from. the people and no value returned ‘l \Vhy. then should it be consideied a. loss? \Ve cannot comprehend, As for the effects of the tmflic, they are only too evident among us. Not a reader of this article but can reproduce from memory some iii- while l to root up the OIdI- Ir aud their pIiIIci- plIIs. \Vo am inclined to the belief that the church has II much laiIIIIr task on its hands than it lurgained for. \\ hat influence has induced the ptcuâ€" liar condition at which society has IIIIII ed In more than we can determine, but that the Rec Masons and other kindied organizations have a powerful intlucnce m or society cannot be quesâ€" tioued, as to the effects of this llllltl" once we have as yet IIIII II IiothiiiII from it but good, and further, we are led to the opinion} that. Societies whose IneIn beis includes the best and brightest of the onld's potentates, statesmen, scholais and people, cannot be such terrible enuines ol moral destruction as His Holiness would have the world suppose or those we hIIIe mentioned would quicle discard their connection with the same. \[t‘Cit has been said in Ieferen :e to the speech of Sir Richard Cartwiight made at Toronto some time IIIIo. Sir Richard Is certainly IIII. able man and II politician who has plaved; no small paIt (lllllllg the past few vans and who should know “hereof he speaks. He- says the politics of Canada am becoming Incie complicated and that the nation is appioachinII just such a crisis in its history as proceeded the liebcllion in the United States. Public interest in politics has become one of almost come plete indillerence and the “Ship of State†is being run by It few interesting individuals. All this is only too true and evident and the most lamet table feature of the whole is, that politicans me doing their best to propagate the feeling which Sir Richard declares to be so vitiatinII. It cannot bIIII matter for w ondcr allltlt iIiIliffcieIice exists When public speakeis do their boat to l ho Ikwtnk the people, and when news-I stance 0f its terrible work and “'9'." l papeis IIill dI-IibIII ate lv state what is ieport of the public service reproduces 9 known to be untrue to further this un- the same. IS the N; w York Asylum for Insane tut oiI 3.34 patients admitted.‘ I27 were at iutem. p..r .Itc habits and 69 were moderate drinkers. '1‘ III: .\'ew Haven Advent!» says. - â€"-“1I‘ roni all parts of the State the tidinus continue to Ionic to us of the excellent workin Is of the Connecticut liquor law. intenipcraiice. the reduction of crime and pump. Iisni, tiic 5‘;,Il b: Itb, etc. ., are the theme of rejoicingI :ioiii cI cry quarter. \leii who vot- ed against- lla- lz'iu, and u ho have lierctofoic been its 3.....r opponents, are now its tirni friI-u. ls. 'llie Liquor 'l‘raflic helps the brewer and listillcr. tl ic saloon keeper the saloon Ion- lcr, t0 llll lllIlI‘ pockets , and the inlIL-i man in be Iome a drunkard. It injures the man. utactnitr, dIy I-oods man, the bookseller, tin picture eniakcr, the butcher, tho :ni‘k. man. the labuuicr. c., the school, up, Illuitb, the home, the country. Let u, 1‘ II; III II \\.lltl.lll‘l Iic shall keep the l. .iquor â€liniiic {oi the sake of three unproductive llllcltai5, or .5‘ll‘ at up the saloon for the sake I I" all those productive and beneficial inter- (I std l Ifty thousand schools cost, probably, :Ib‘u It one hundred and fifty millions of iollars, oi IIboIitoneâ€"nnith as much as the donor bill of the United States. The sun put of ï¬fty thousand ministers 0t t liiist Inc‘s perhaps, $50. 00.0 000. 'lhcro are four :Iiiies as many agencies to destroy the people III that country as there are of aIIcuI-IoI to save the III. 1' bore me three ti achers of I In iII and paiipeiism to one of morality mid g tor: it. leii times as much money is sp out tor the. destruction of men as for their saw- ii: ,1. A prohibitory law-closing: up the. bars for onc- seventh of the year in all Ireland, \iith the exception of her the large cities, works so Well as to save her people .954.- no. GM cash, to diminish her crime by 12, - IN), and her punishable drunkenness by S - TIL. ‘ cases in a single year. Can. auvthiiii' bc Hoover as to the value and feasibility of pro- hibition fairly applied. Till-2 bile eiicyclical h-ttIIr hvâ€" Pope Leo XIII has brought tlpi Masonic! l fraternity again very prominently be» . fore the public. llis lloiiuess is very homo in his denunciations of the order “ and in fact. of secret flnflieliuq “anonâ€... ; This is nothing; new for a PI)†-, :l‘l "lll'll l ‘lllIl ci'ory occupant of tho l’oiHiti-inl thione has done the same for the past 130 rears. Pope Leo goI-s somewhat further than his prI-IlI-IIIIsII-Iis 'Il\\\‘.-\'.ir and bold',v acouses the lI‘i-I-iIrIwï¬na as ‘t‘lltlt).I\’Ullllll:{ to overthrow all the religious and sooi-d order based on l‘mistmity" and claims it as an I-m-Im with which Religion Ian I‘l‘tl-Il I... IleiI h the Jun-l- ‘iiiid 'agaiiist with all thI \“t‘ItiIIuï¬ at I'S tIIInIs lll‘l5t war These aio Hl‘ltll‘ l‘IoIiI roiiiuiand. show; and coming one \I lum- lllI‘H _I. t‘\ :ltI'Il position should IlIIIiIIIIiIl luv l.'..- IIIiIi.iIIk.II every i'I'RpIII't Call for It IIIII'I-l‘ol llis Holiness fIII'lliI-r that especially is the lllilthllI‘Jit'tl I.I‘ llll' .\lasous directed against the llolv S -I-, and in numerous ways has ho bvmi iiIIdII acquainted with their antipathy to Icligiou 'lheso inmarks IIIII accom- , t lfl..lII' «I..-i iI: III-tion to all P ‘ analysis. 5‘3“llt s l patriotic end. The diminution of ‘ inteiests better olneivaucc of the E personal propa-ty. .lltï¬ N. - ancc with the foregoing decisions of tho I and is hereby IIoiilii'IiII-Il. I and fun others tor an outlet {Ir Howevei. the people me not quite dead to the national weal as I land l’Iinsls to «\rit tlieii iIIllIIeiIIIo 3, for the ten“ of soien I-e.ara rent ‘25 cents per IIiInuIn, IonIlitioiis to keep fInIes and gates in good repair, use for the purpose of l the Aglflit‘llllltl II Society reserved and that these same politicians mayI some dayl find out to their sorrow. also tt‘liS II fact which is already towcll knewn, namely. . that Cauad. I "overned by It combination of sinister by iIIonopoliats iobbeis iInl .subsidv huntcis to the almost entire exclusion of the pmples iiitI-II-ais â€'lhis is a dob- lul pictuio ti present but it must be eIichit to all that it is u correct one. Thorah Township Council. Tin: Court. of Revision met Saturday. May lst, lSSl. .\lcnibcrs allprewnt. Appeals I Itiid, \\ iii. Smith, \VIII. Smith, liIIavcrtoIi Foundry : on llcal Estate, assessment on Foundry rc~ duccd SL500. 'l'. ll. \Valler, X. pt. 1. overcharged personal property (lsâ€" borne. SE, , pt. 8., flesusslllcllh on personal propeity confirmed, assessment ozi real estate reduced to $500.00. Donald )chabb, .\'. Siuicoc St, pt. 1, o\'ci'tI.li:Ir-_;ed on personal reduced to 515)."). James liit- overcharged on -9 ~ 0 SlIIIL‘IIc Si. property, chic, N. Siincoc I5't., pt. 4, aescsmncnt on personal property reduced $750.00. llarrisou d'. l.cs~ pt. 4, overcharged on personal property, reduced to 890000. Richard Edwards to have the N. W. j H, Sinicoe st., 2nd L‘on., transferred from the Xoii-licsi-- dent roll and assessed to Win. Ultc. ordered. liloved‘ oy Francis .\lcllae, secoiidel by Chas. Galloway , that the L‘lcrk the ordered to amend the] Assessment [toll in accordu Court of llcviiiou, and subject to such amendments, the Assessment ltolls for 1854 be now considered revised and atlupictl. Cariicd. John Adam Shier and Alex. against the assessment on their pI-opeiiy in the Byvla‘w .\To. In l-5'Sl. Jae. Donnell, seconded by lI‘. tho assIISIIiIix-nts. of Messrs. :‘lt‘\'. and John .\IlIini SiiiI-r, (in the Iuattrr of the lobinson .\lullzw. that 1 ‘l'IroI2‘II drain as set down [I tho UIII'lliccr be J 3 (buried. Moved by ('lIIiIi. iiollou'ay, aI-IoIIIlI-Il by 1 that the l ‘ourl. of llIEVlslIIII now t‘III I'iId. .las, DIIIIIrll, adjourn .II'III ![f(’, t‘ Illllt‘ll met at l 1I'1‘l‘H‘lI. p. Iii.. IiII-Iiibcra IIll lll'I‘d.‘lli. .\lllllllII'5 ol but. too l.'ouneiis 1' -:Il and approved. ~ l'IztItI-iiis ill't'S‘illli'l .\lI‘llIIIII-Iall \I "or lung) the corner of l' Iy .“III l M. l‘ll Ntrc- l.‘, .\n,1u~' .liIllll .\ .\‘hi rand ~lI otIIIIIs .iI.IIuIl pru «sh-1121.. llI-li“ loriII- .\‘ll.I."Il Inn“! ,,{ n. lllllli"lll l'IIIII-I on and IIS IlI'IiIi III lliwh. otli II for :ii on l‘I- IIII-l l'l'l\\ I" did l Ion-radium tit lmt l.. UVLIlt'lllll’clfl'll : l l I loliiiieoii l I l I I l l Sir lichaid I propriatcd for public improvements. - l l l l l l i l l l l ldill Esq., for legal opinion. 5 f i °l l It l l the llcevii do execute the said lease on beâ€" half of the i‘orporation. l.‘:IrrIel. .\loved by Ilas. Donnell, seconded by Chas. Galloway. that Mr. Donald l‘auieron and Mrs. Stanï¬eld be notiï¬ed that unless they complete thepiirchasc and take. out the conveyance of their share of tho allow“ sum for road between lots 5 and ti, in the 2nd Concession within four weeks from the date of the said notice; their share of the said road allowance will be sold to other l‘urrird. O .(iallowav, seconded by \\'. parties. .\lIII’I‘Al DVC W I-stI ott, that tho By-law to raise the sum of $3l5,59. in aid of the drain in the 12th, l3tli and l-lth Concessions of “rock be now read the 2nd time. \lovcd in amendment by 5‘. .\lcRae, seconded by JIIs. Donnell, that the By law in aid of ii drain in Brock be not new pro- cecded with, but that the said By-law and all papers. documents and other matters, connected therewith be referred to F. Ma- lst, as to whether this t‘ouncil is legally compelled to pass the same 3 ‘2nd, whether the irregular proceedings of Brock (‘ouncil in their man- Iier of passing the said By-law, will not render the liy- law of the Council of Thorah liable to be quashed if passedJ. Carried. Moved by C. balloway, seconded bv Francis .\lcllae, that the sum of 85.â€) be granted to Mr. Arch. “.\lcl’hail. Carried. Moved by Jas. Donnell, seconded by F. .\lcRae, that the Township Commissioner be instructed to meet the Commissioner from the 'l‘owns‘sip of Brock at Lot 5. lat Con. to take action for repairing the Townline at he pl ace indicated. Carried. \love d by Joe. Donnell seconded by Francis Mcllae. that Mr. Jas. White be allowed S2 00. two-thirds value of one sheep killed by dogs. .\loved by C. Galloway, seconded by Jas. Donnell. that the sum of $20.00 be granted for the cutting of II ditch on lot 6, 5th Con. and that the Commissioner be instructed to meet with Mr. Angus Molnnes to locate the said ditch and let a contract for the same. Carried. Moved by (3. Galloway, seconded by \i'. “’cstcott, that the followin;,,I sums be apâ€" load l between 1;") and 16, Con l, grail-Hint: $10.00; I..... .....-.._..-. .. .â€" .5'uiitli Jr. David . i from int l. I I‘;\.5‘l (0: Main lload, Moved by ' 1 Din-- ’ IIIIIIIII‘t :Iilvtnlivui. .\III 13nd and I l‘I-Iii'IIIIIu-IilivIIII l‘I'I l from tho 'I‘IiiIIIiclnl. ' ('lIIk of liiIII-k iII the an l \\I\l‘i{ lt‘Illlll'I'Il on illt‘ l"\\llilllt‘. .\. \Vlllltl III the matter lIIXI- SiIIIIIIIII. .\lIn‘I‘Il by l.‘. DIIIIIII-ll. that. tho :\;.'l‘|I‘ltlllll‘-'Il Show gioiiiid III lilt'l II! III Ibo IIlIIiif on (Lillowav. swam in l by dirt. . be leased to Pet: r blI-MIIllIIII Jr far the INII lï¬g'niiss‘Il ‘ IIf l‘l' contracts ' "llIIIILl‘ I : ll . II‘IO‘ in." ‘- isl Lake Shore lload, 5 line between 5 and ti (.‘oii. urnvelling $50.00; I II'IIIIIIIIIII, Ill iIi llriduc at Angus l.‘:inieron’s to be repaired Slfl (ill; lion-l bII‘IrII "I 4th and 5th (‘oiis at lot ‘2, ngivI-lliii-I 3.!) OJ; road betw ecu 4 and 5 Con. , lot l0. :‘l5 0'); between 5 and t‘, at. lot- “, IIravI-llinu ‘»'.‘.5 0!; between I and ‘2. at his 0 and l0, 3533 Ill; lI.I' IchII S and 0 (on. at lots ti and" ., ditchin-I and tIIriipiltiIII-I. S40 00, lictII'I-IIII 5 and 6, at lotti, IIravI-l- liii- I $25 .00' port- I ;II lloil :It lots l,‘ .. and 3 5“." I). (in; ‘lllt‘ line." i) and 0, Com, culvcit Sill 00. between 9 and It) t‘oiiccssions :It lot ll. - 3 l'oih, Hi i. 5 or II L‘lllll" S "IO - 5‘25 thl ; between ‘2 .In- I! .5'l l. 0'). . ‘I‘IilI‘II lIiIllIl (‘.oii ronI \\ lIIilI-n' s .\‘oitli, ;:I“.ivI-lliII-I.5 from I 'Iinicioiis “1‘ Inner, north. 5100.00: Icpaii lI‘I-ionuu brid II, be- i tween 8 and lltfons. eastlof side line, SL5 00; l townlinc 'l'horab and Pi lon. lst CHIL, 8L") - l 00. townline, 'I‘IlIoIII'I and III llon, 9th C.oII , i turiipiking east side. 3.3")..00 l’ort taIe llo:,i-l i ditching, 54.50. at .\lcb‘adycns SH) 0 I. gradi- on Day and North .\tiI-I-t to school $1000; outlet quIII the corner of Bay and Main Street, 51500 That the L'oinmissioiicis be instr noted to let unitiacts ! lIIItIsI‘, \\ or he making the p l) Iuciits due for the same IIII or before the lst day of llincIIIbcl‘. A number of accounts were ‘ ordered to be paid. , for the Idiovc d J] l lt'lu presented and- Moved by Mr. t-allonay, sec-aided by Mr. \lclIae, that the t'IoIIIcil do now adjourn until Saturday, June l-lth, at l o clock (-Iin SMIIII. Township Cleik. Jacob I.Iirkiiian, liIill'IIlo, N. \'.. say a he has been using Dr. 'lhoI-II Is I. luv -ItIic UII for IboIiIiIItiani; h:- hI-Il suci :I lIIIiI- l):.'\Il{ he could not do .IIiIIlhIII but one bottle has, to us: -. his own I- \pIIIIinI-II. “IIIIIII-Il bIIII iip’ llc tliin' .s it is It. I.- III-st thin- I in the InIIIlIet. 'IlII- ainI-IiorilI of .\lot'm- 'I' (lImI- -s W orm E \II- rIiIiIi.iIoI- Is shown by its good oil It". . on the childieu I u, Dress and .\lanllII Sil‘“ II. .\lIIIIllII (b- l'.I-siniI IIlI- rII- "lIIIuIiIIII- I, also Iiiaik, White and t' II-IIIII 5‘pIInish Lace at .\l clIIIII‘II Iv l'IIor, \\ oodvillc. I.I t 'II ip fans to (III-at llr-it win, 000““ Jun \IIIKiIIIIoII, .\gr nt I.II.‘.|\"t Itoii. l.‘.IlivIla Hlll_I' 517.00. “Allan lIiiIII," do _.\ (:..gm, Y, .5'.. has llt‘I‘ IidI-vl to visit l5 :II‘I-tluii I\ III’ 'l'III-“IlIIIH-‘lllilll ftliflIIIl‘ iIIIiiI-I- \II _I IIIIII l.‘ l-- It. at John .\I\ Il\z "Null 8! Sum IN by h II .p-I. \Illl b: an- IIIiIIl iii nIIIiIbII l 'l lli‘ IIpiiiIIm o: the -- III I. ii pii .IIlil i. , _'.'Iid III .\“II I.I l'ht' '_\‘ i'I I tor. ii i! IIIIIIliI III~lI III I- l‘ \i..-iI. lIIi‘rvvi“ , pibli. i .\il ~I\\‘ it II In.- I.....- ‘0 I‘l'llll‘: lIII‘ .Iil I ‘4'. I \In ‘ :|I.I..II'III~. I-yIIIHIJ lilti' \‘Illl III- \‘ II ll “‘rini, '.i.III:Il, I'lilil lllll:_.". :IIII IIIIIIIIS Iii Son-of iiI- Iii-Id III.IIlIl .\I ll :iII3I that Iii" - I I .ort I'.~- I-I: III~ ll'IIllI “II II II 'Illmi. 1“ “III 'lll‘ :lI‘lilI‘ -II I' lIII IIII lIIIIII IIIII) li- jt- --l f; III l'lol lIlIIIIIl lt‘ III! I f‘lll\‘ "It! "i IIII- L I," 1 II Ii. l\ “I I stair III IIIIIIIintoi , lliir Ilm'ii III ol I‘IttI-Is. I o is â€do 'll- -\ iIIIIIpl- I and all skin Ilia IIII IN me t] 'i I lII t l‘lth‘Il l v I lIIIIl‘MiI" the )1 o; ii-r'JI \ II.. 5 5 .II In :Liiilli l l A PAIN? ULOCC'JRRENCE. rll . .. “-..â€"...-†. -.-- 3rd Con. $40.00 Side l Ill-grade my people." And this | _ ‘ Wit Ill-Sufl'd II Very tile-Iii!“ little tribute three of their players not beiuInI able to play on Monday, we think they were the badly used tIanI iIi the recelit match with Rich. guardian Etoriii aim. to the t‘lIeIIkI-r Lacrosse t'lub iu the lust Issue of the Urilb'It Nun IIrtter. ln a letter to the editor the Secretary of the Urilliss remarks. “Having played the Benvertou club on tho th-illia grounds on Monday, we ‘ beg to say we found them as gcntloinnnly II lot of players both on and oil the field as any club (trillia has ever played with, and hope to have several matches with them before the season closes. Jugiug from the bruises on the Beavorton boys, and some Inond llill." 'l‘IIiI Checker Lacrosse Club have now on hand challenges from Pctcrborough, Union- ville and Markham. ‘0' Just received one case American Clocks and Walthau Watches. Special bargains in watches, clocks and jewellry at “Medical Hall," Beaverton. 00‘ As immense stock of “full paper very cheap at the Medical Hallhlieaverton. Till! lst of July, the hats! day of our fair Dominion is to receive its usual celebration in lieavcrton and a meeting was held on Tuesday evening to discuss the ways and means. The celebration of last year was a genuine success and if an energetic manage. ment take the matter in hand that of 1834 will be even more successful: 'l‘III: Woollen Mills report immense qvinn» tities of wool coming in. ' Mr. Gen. 1". Bruce is in attendance at the County Council with the petition for incorâ€" poratiou from this village. The boy Cunningham sent to \Vhitby as recorded in our last was brought before the Judge and sentenced to six months in the Central prison. \VII. TARBIIX was admitted to bail to ap- pear at the assizes. The full population of the village of Beaverton as reported in the census trans- mitted to the County Council is 950. Me. Join: Mollas has formed a tasty flower garden from the vacant lot to the east of his store. It is It great improve- ment from its former condition. The Queen of Madagascar in :I recent ac- clamation, forbidding her subjects to neither sell or drink ruin, says; "I cannot rake II revenue from anything that will debase and woman is called a p-Igau. .___.. - . .. ...._____-_.-.__.... Shakespeare says "Doubts are traitors ;Irc oft lose the food we might. have by fearingI to attempt." 'l'iicii doubt not "Golden (.‘IIitI"~-it is .the best chewing tobacco in Canada. ___«.°.._â€"_ 21:?Iiuiiriib'. 'EEIII'III melts 135." Save money and leave your ordrr, for anv kind of watch at. (luuiis’, \l'ondvillc. \Yo invite the l. :sIIlie to inspect. our If! _-I.- and null select IIl stock of “Mine Irv . \li~s llIIitley is II lli‘st- câ€"lasa .\lillincr and \l:IIIIl.: .\laker. .\lclnijrc 1’: Prior, Wood- \‘liiII. so). ONIIIIf the ï¬rm of Net-lands and l‘clito l'IIId, Dentists, will be at the QIIII-n's Hotel, on June 10th. I.“ l. III-:.ir'rirri. growing \I'eathcr. .\l::. Hicks-IN has iII ch I.I orcd Ir that any lIIIInk ‘ IIIilwuy whose wages are attached by gIIruishoc sum- Lindsay, W IIoIlvillc, employee of the ("ï¬nd inoiis shall be dismissed, unless some satia- Tlic osder has been issuediiiconseqnciice of the great incoir- venivncc and expense the company has been put. to by igarnisliec summonses. .\ln. RILIZIN, l. l’. 5.. was in town on Monday. factory reason is given. 'l‘III-z remains of the late Dona'd UIIIIIIIro-i formerly an old resident of l'ildon township who died at his daughter's residence. Brock last Friday at. the advanced II ;c of 93 yea s were buried in thc Smith's Uciuetory last bnnday Co‘ I.) l) lands of Sit-'nr for SI. 00, '30 lbs. Ilalsius tor Sl. 00 at a.\lclntIyIa It I‘Iior s \“UtNlVlllL‘. {Ir Our customers and friends will please reiiiI-niber that We have our .\lillinery show [Hunts up stairs. .\lclutyro I'l'. l’I-Ior, Wood- \illu. '3'}. .\'I.-\\' .\lilliIIIIry 3 New llal:I ! New l‘Ioiincls, lI-‘I ‘\lllt' -rs, li'lInvI- -is, 'l‘riInuIiiics kc. .luxt opIIIiI-Il out at hlclntyci Prior's \\ IIIIIlv IllI: . N‘ Spcci iIil value in (veiils' “hilc Dress .‘lllll l-‘. t‘izltllfl Shirts. toil and still In It llata latest s.ylc at ll. \\ list!" a \\ oodville. ‘O.’.Y“'-â€"-.â€" .\lost I XI'ruIIiIItin.I it"! the twin-Ins II l.iI:lI I'm-k lllt‘ llIIl.~I"I's and joints ot’ the I‘lll:l|llII'l liII. l\oithrop It; IIyiiIIIII‘s Vegetable lllR-I III-very nIIIl [lI'I-pIpIIc l‘IIiI-I. by promoting II-I-rI-no-d :IIIiimI If too ki III-Iys, by iII-illy IlI-piirI'IIIl, rI--- \I’lIIclI hp- lIlIIIIIl |~I "III I Ili- lib-I'm tbio i-'i IbI- ll Illll'ztl t'llI'llllll'l" I'I- -rlain III ltll VIU'IIK'IIl.‘ I.I 1 li‘ cIII' IIIIlI.IIII IIIIII II l-nu IIIII'II l'llt‘ll‘llibliilll :II.Il -.;IIII. The lIIIIIlI I Inc i< Ilm :I liIiII lIII ir-I IIIIlib lions iindiciIiII I‘IIiIl crucial III-II‘I I'iII'I . l "l ~ »rcuIâ€"~-â€"â€"-â€"â€"<â€"- SPl‘tIH'T? l \ I'v good hon I-“II\\ II “Ill IIIIlIIc lII-IIII at least I v.- iv Sprin v and l“.. . ' “or 9! sh Ina liflt'll III- -I-I| Ii noIIIlioi: iIls-I , rod llll'l’t‘ is author I bcitrl‘ to III: the pure lilImIl land cleanse. and Icuul Ite all the Bur do it llooIl liitlcrt, pv‘chI DUI!!! diseases. ill- I IIdI'IIf:Il,lII.UIc .~‘.I IIIIIII II I{lull}, 'Is. CLEANING. II IIoI IIlc -W ayaawniame‘or‘erowmntpot' ' _ Tnornb. . 'l‘o appoinl‘ I-I:.Iin 'loIIIIsliip OllicIra tlIIIlIIiII mentioned : The I' «mention at the Township of Thumb I-n-Icts that the hudcr- mentioned parties be and are hereby up- poiiited to the Icvcral Township Ofï¬cers herein named, that. is to say: l'A1‘ll\l.\sTfllt:¢:â€"- Division No. l, Lachlau Campbell; No. 2, John llilt‘hie X 2; No. 3, John Hardy; No; 4, Andrew St John; No. '5. Robert McDouI gall; No. ti, Alexander Robinson; No. 'I'. “'illinui Duly; No. 3. am; No}. ll. .-\ rrbiballi Currie; No. l’, Rob- crt .\loirison XI’ .; . \o. l3, Angus .\lcliay; No. l-l, Duncan .\lc.-lil!IIII Junior; No. l5, William Stephenson I, \‘o. Butcher ; i‘m. 17. John Cameron \" It; No. lS,Jamcs Edgar, Bay St; No. Jardinc; No. '20, Angus Grant; No. 2i, Malcolm MIIDI-ruiidc ; No. ‘22, John Brown;. No. ‘33, Peter McMillan; .\o. 9.8, Alexander Gordon; No. '25, John Fountain; .\"o. ‘26, [IobcttSIuI \lthIUIl: .\ a. Li, Xo. LS, llobert Bruce; .\o. 29, Duncan .\lc Dougallhxo. 30, Angus .\chougall; No. 31,. Daniel .IlclSriIlIIJunior' No. 3‘2, George Ale-- Kcuzie;I\o. 33, Gcoruc Wallace; No. 34,. William I‘ am; No 35, Wi llianI Muir; No. 36, John Furniss; and John King; No. 38, Angus Cameron; No. 30, Donald .\leTIItI-sirt. Pesos Viva-ans:â€" Jobn Ritchie, Henry Morrison. Alexander Cameron, Angus (liliesipic, George Sitter and Peter JED-Inï¬ll. I‘orxb Kaunas:â€" Aaron .\Iadill, Lachlan Johnston, Robert Morrison, JI'hII Rcunc-ly Munroe. ‘ Kssran or'rns LOCK Utaâ€"Donald Ross. COLLECTOR or 'l‘AAEatâ€"er. Dona. d Ross. Ataxasnhu .\lcRAIi, Reeve. Passed on Saturday the March, A. D. 18"}! F-.- A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. Mary A. valley, of 'l‘unklienncck, Pa., was alllicted for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis. during I which time the best physicians could give no rciicf. Her life Was dcspaired of , until in la It October she procurIIdIi 'Il-ottlu of Dr King- â€s New Discov- cry, when Ininiodiitc IIIlieI “as felt, and by continuin; I its use tor II short time she was comph- ~II-Iv curcI d. g: Iiiiin: iii tic -sh 50 lbs. in a. few months. the. Trial Duties of this certaincurc (-5 Iill 'l hroat and Lung Dis-- castes at John .\lI iii-man‘s lung Store, Bea» vertou. L;.r:. o l' ’6 II SLUO. ..-..._.__.-__ Bucklen'e Amica Salve. The “C‘s .‘I'Iive in the \‘It-rld foi Cuts, Bruin-M .\.:IIII, l'irxs, Sal! lilit'lltll. [I‘cvei Sores, ‘l'I-tter, I‘nappul lla nib. t'hilblains, Corns, and and I-ii ISIIIII liiupiions, and pos. tiv- -lv Lures l ill-,4 or III .pai rLIllllrtdI. It Is r;II.IIIIIitI.-.- -.l to :4in l' Ir II-I I. .5 Itisf.IcLiI)u . ."I II uts per box. lit‘it\ erton. or nioneI II- --.fiiiil. l. l ric- . l‘or Silo III John M: liiIIiII-n. A VIIDE RANGE OF USEFULNESS. 'l be great boon-bold I», ioI-Ilv so popular Ivitli.IlII- pl op'...» 7-ila~..-‘):.~Ird‘:: Yellow (tilâ€"Is aliltc \aln: IIl-II: f Ir \‘ .\‘i. . .iI and internal usr, cur-in I rl: l â€,l'l ii' am, colds, szIIic thioat. croup {met I I-zt s, burns, 'lIiIIiscs, and all lain. “955K I'IIIIl .MIIII II S? III llic llt‘x‘ll. Areas Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those all'ecting the throat and lungs: Iiono so "ï¬led with by the Inajorlty of Stiller- crs. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex. posure, is often but the beginning of II fatal sickness. AYER‘S Ciiuunv PECTOIIAI. has well proven its efï¬cacy in a forty yearI‘ ï¬ght with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough (land “ In "‘67 1 took Ii scvcro cold, which affected my lunvs llIaIla terrible coiigh and mod night after night \Ilthoiit sloop. tl‘lIeI ocwrs gave me up. I tried A?! :‘II II CIIIIRIIY Pitc- 'rou.u., which relieve-i my lungs, Induced sleep, and IitlorIlI-Il Inc the rest necessary for the recoveiy of III strength. By tho continued use of Ibo IUIOHAL II permuâ€" IIIIIit cure “as II lchI tcd. I am now 62 your! old, halo and hIIIIIt), and mu sntisllod your Cllliltlu’ l'ItroIIIii. saved me. lion .\(‘III II‘ Iinniio'ruzlt." ltocltlngliain, \‘I., only 15, 12. Group. â€"A Mother's Tribute. “W bile III the country last winter my little boy. tbret- \“III- :isold, “as taken it! with croup; it seemed as if he \Ioiild I.io from Illmiigu~ lution. Uncut the iniiiily suggested the use of .\vzrii's (.uI. rnv l'l‘tTlI“.I.\l II bottle of which was a‘IIIaIs iopt in the house. This was tried in small and friII iient doses, and to our IlcliIIlIt in less than half an . Wui' the little patient was breathing â€wily. The doc. tor said that the ('Z'Ill-Illh I'IHITORIII had saved lll\ Ilariinu 5‘ IIr-.- Can you wonder at our gratitude? SiIIrI- II- ‘I_\ more. .\lus. III .\Ina (ltnxm‘. " 159 West 128th St., New York, May in, use. “I have qutl .\v r‘n s (‘ Iirunv Pi-tr‘ronAi. lii Inv IIIIIIIII fui sI- -vcriIl wars, and do not hesitate to pronoino II it ibII most effectual remedy for coughs and odds no have rvrr IriIIII. .\. .I. must." Lake Crystal, .\linn., March is, "$2. “ l gulf: rc‘. hr right years from Pronehltls, and alter iiiin I III: on n I It IliI- II with no Mio- cI-u lIIas IIIIr- -yllI the II . of .\\ PI: ‘90 III II.- iIv 'Ft 'IIIIKAI. .IIIli-I. I II W'atbrz. ." llyliulin. .\i‘i:-~‘. .. -‘l ril ' l-~L. ' .ziIII KI. II praise of Avrn' s ('IIIIIIIII H. .I... -~ .in as l I‘o that lot for lt~‘ III . l ".t'lli l lIIiI-v I IICII llfHI‘ IliI-Il iI-om long I.» :-3 .I-; It. IIIIIIonos." l'I'liOSliiiI', 'l II.I.'i.-‘, April 22’, 1’52. .\‘o casr- of an am. Iioii of the throat "r lungs exisi< IIhLI-h Ininiiot bII grratlyreliovcd by lllt‘ ago of .»\\lr'tl‘$ (“urnnv l‘nrouat. And It will always rt're “hen the disease I! not already beyond Ibo control of nicdicirc. I‘RRI'AltED BY Oral. C. AyerCo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugglu. "I cannot cu .' «I John Veslc; No. 9,. Robert Chamber I XII. IO, Thomas McEach-« 16, Charles l9, J obit lichard Buckler;. .\o. 37. Gamulicl Hicks» and “'illiaiu‘ 223th day oi"