uwwma. l'assimmaluriu r’l‘rilvnI'n‘i-lrï¬zw n‘I’s‘o “lack, White and Cream SpnqulLanO 3g McIntyre .1, Prior,‘ Wuudville.“ Tho Best. Salvo in tho world fm Puts, Bruises. Sores. meets. Salt. Rheum. I’m-er sures, 'l‘ottor, Clmp ml Han-ls. l‘llilltlnins, ('nrnw. and and Al Skin Eruptions, and Imuitivoly cures Piles. or no pay required. It is glvaranh‘vd to give pvrfm-t satisfaction, nr mnluy mfmulnl. l‘ricv. ‘25 cunts per box, For Sale By .lnlm MvKimmn. lhmvorton. $0 become. «I snperutc nutiou or not. this incnmln'ance should certainly lm doult. with when -wu believe much of the denim far a poiilical. change in this bannoction Would be wipod away. \V‘e would b0 son'y to see the tin which binds “S to the greatost empire of tlm world severed, hut. the connection, if to he maintained must. he of a nature of almost, perfect freedom. and more than we at pmspnt enjoy. _ THE; Ottawa Free Press has not much faith in the matter of Canadian Independence, in fact it declares the same to be impossible. “Cnnndare. quires more freedom. and British con- nection, or annexation to the United States." The independence question is fest becoming a. live one and if not at present, a. few years will bring it to the , surface; As the present ge‘nerntion.‘ passes away and with it many of those feelings and sentiments which bind the colonist to his native land, those are arising whose sympathies nudgenergies are with the land of ir birth,_und in them is being geneta ed the feeling of nationality- of which we even new see slight ebullitions. True, our politIcnl connection is .not an iIksoiI:o one and were it not for the enormous expense attendant on Vice~lloynlty in Cans» II», it is posssible the desire for sever»- ence would not he raised, hut when it I is seen to cost Fur male in proportion to our population than does thnt of our neighhonis, the Americans, it is not surprising that such feelings should arise. The people of ’.‘ IIIIIIdII. pay. €2,310 000 per nnuum, for their Governor (ienernl and huvene voice in his selcc~ Lion. The United States pay the same fur their president. CIIIIIIIlII has II population of only 4,000,000, while the United States contains-I 55,00()I000_ Besides the enormous snlnry, the Dem" inien sustains the estnhlishlnent of its (:m'onorâ€"Genernl, which results usunl - Iv in the annual I xprnditurt- of another $50,000 tanking in all. $100,00IIOO. New we III‘O of the opinion IIIIIl we believe only citizen of intelligence will he nlse, thntthis eneinIeus amount. is too much for this young country to sngtnin and cI-Ituinly {In above the value of env advIInt: I-I-e "coming from ‘ theotlioe. \Vlmther (Hanndn Isdes: ineIl ‘0 l np. l)rosian(11\lnntle Silks. Mantle 0r- If accomplishments are desired let. those who are to enjoy chem and who usually are well able to pay do so. We would also observe that a great portion of. our Common School educa- tion is of mvery useless and supmllu» ous nature, many of the branches of study pursued' are of no practical use to thestudent, other than to occupy hisor-hel time during school, certainly, ‘ hearing but little value in the great betzle ol'lil‘e which the majority have to engage in, give scholars at good sound common education, the curri- culum embracing such suhjccts only, as will. be of real use instead ol'the present system of cramming a smatter~ mg of an inï¬nity of subjects into an overburdened hrain. cease. Those who desire a further advance than this should be asked to pay for it. Cumparatively few are those {vho may take adval tnge of the higher institutions of education and for this reason great objections might be urged to furnishing them State aid. ONTARIO County Council has struck the right Iote 111 its resolution and report of the Education Committee, asking that more of the people's money he given-to public \schools in propor- tion to that given to higher- education. We have always contended that the State has no business with the higher branches of Education, that when it has :onferred a sound common school training its duty in this respect should Buoklen'o Arnlca Salvo. editorial motes. 9r [5 pmnds of Sugar fnr SIM), 2!! I"... Naisina fun SLIM, at McIntyre Q; l'rim's Wuodxillqh At the late usaiun‘nf the Dominion Par- liament an Act WM pasmul prohilnitins railway trains frmn standing on crossings {on-more than iiyo minutes cunsqcutiwly. Mr. llicksnn has 'nst issuml a cirvnlar tn all the employees at liq“, 'l'. ll. warning them that the law must be strictly earliml nut in this n-garul. The penalty is $5!) ancl‘ a [lor- tiun of the line. goes to the nulurmcr. Eldon Township Nominations. 'l‘m: nominations fur Unujmlllul‘ to supply the placeof Mr. Munro, «we-eased, occurred at the School "misc, [.ornoville. on Satur- day last, the 17th inst. A gnmlly number or the rutepnyecs were present and consider- able talk wits indulse-l In, Mr. llugh Ray of 2nd 0011. and Mr. Adam Stalilmelg were ï¬nally nominated. Mr. Ray declining. Mr. Stablmek was declared electe-l by neclmnn- tion. The rosu't will give decided satisfac- tipn. Not. only is it. fmr to the portion of‘ the Township represented by Mr. Stalilmck, but that gentlcnnm will make a very â€Uici- enl. Councillor. Una night. recently, Mr. Neil McDonald residing a short distance from here, lost. flucelino sheep by «loss. There are too many starving ours in Eldon and it would pay the township to pass a py‘law. similar to the one adopted by \Vomlvillo. AN cxwllent entertnivmr-‘lt was given by Mr. Wm, \Vcstlakc, of 4th (Jun, on the nu. cnsion of the‘raising of the new barn last Friday. A very pleasant: evening was spent and dancing wqxcoutiuucd until Ilng‘O'ch sum" hours. Tm: following are the new] y clectel elders in the St. Andrews church, and who wuro ordained last week : Messrs. John Umnpbell, Dun. Mcl'lzwhern, l). A. McIntyre. Tm: Saummont of the Lord's Supper was clispensul in St. Andrew's church] last Sunday, over 800 pmplu being present. lev, Mr. \VatSun. of Heuvcrton conducted tho English portion of the sauce, and liev. M r. Gillies the Gaelic. Service next Sabbath at the usual hour. , Mr. l‘ulin Ray of Eycnmnt township has been visiting his brother Mr. Angus Ray of lst Con. Mrs. (hum of Shyner who has been the guest. of Mr‘. ilectur‘ Logan. Bmvertoxhis visiting friends in this vicinity at present. Mr. Nmnmn Ferguso". mntractor, also raised a lar'vo shod auol stable for \II. Wm. Calder 6 Con. last Friday. Mr. Alums raise] his large barnJast week nml with smbling underneath. leaves it one of the best. buildings in this part. From OurCorrcspovdent. Mrs. ‘McMurchy of Lindsay is visiting friends here at prseent. Convention reassembled at 1:30, business minutes of lastvnecting were readtnd adopt- ed. ~ flicers elected for the ensuing year : President, Mr. Reazin : Viceal’resident, Mr. l‘omeroy ; lSec‘v and Trees. Mr. Gil- Christ. Managing Committee. Messrs. Ren- nie, McKinnon, llerrou, Broad and Graham. Moved and seconded that the next meeting be held at Lorngville Junction. Qarried. Moved and seconded that the roll be called at each convention by the Inspector. . Car- ried. Moved and seconded that the Manag- ing Committee arrange a varied progrannre ‘consisting of practical teaching subjects. essays, readings. limitations c.. practical ‘ subjects to be restricted to 45 minutes of ‘ which they may take 15 minutes, essays to. 5 minutes.. Carried. Mr. McFarlane Head Master of the Kirkï¬eld‘ Public School then read an interesting paper on History in which lie gme some useful hints for the teaching of this subject to-a class. A very lively discussion followad in respect to teaching Canadian History. 311-. Broad, Head Master of the Little Britain now c: me forward and read a neatly arrrneed cssry on “Corporal Punishment," he pointed out that corporal punishment cannot be abolish. ed‘but it should be tempered by Bnori‘l Suâ€" asion. Mr. Knight, Inspector of E. V‘ctoria by request took the Subject â€Mental Arithâ€" meticâ€, he gave smne valuable hints :s to the proper method of conducting a class in mental Arithmetic. The programme {was interspersed with music rendered by the teachers and others present. The conven- tion was adjourned to allow the teachers the privilege of attending the lectures to he delivered in Lindsay by the Hon. Mr. Ross. Minister of Education, on the following day. i West Vlctorla Teacher’s Asaoolatlon. Tm: 14th Semi-Annual meeting of the West Victoria Teacher’s Association was held at Unkwood, on the 15th of May. ISSL The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. J. Pomeroy, B. A. The president, Mr. lteuin, in the chair. Mr. Rennie, lleuil Master of the Oakwood Public School in tretluced the subject "Natural Phenomena". he gave a brief but interesting lecture on the properties and qualities of light. Rev. J. Pomeroy, B. A.. Head Master of the Oakwood High School next read an instruc- tive and wollnrrangcd paper on "English Literatureâ€, be highly recommended that a number of extracts be sometimes taken for examinations in preference to one or two poems as at present. After uninteresting discussion the meeting was adjourned. Lorneville. ï¬r (‘lwnp fares to Un-nt Britain. Ocean. tivkounnly 8|7.UO. Jno. McKimmn, Ageing â€Allan Line," mummy, {cm I). I}. Uclhnabl. frmn 'lurontn Pres- by tery. Arrangements were nnule for the induction of the Rev. A. Stevenson. of Owen Smhnl Presbytery, to Snnderlnnd; and Vrnmnnntnn. on Tuesday, 24th June. A call from St. Andrew‘s Church, Lindsay'tn Rev. D. Mc'l‘iu'isb. was sustained by the Presbytery and accepted by Mr. Mc'l‘m'ush and bin ordination npgointe-l :for Tuesday, 17th of June. Mr. Peter Thomson: Upterâ€" grove was elected Commissioner to the floncrnl Assembly in room of W. H. Hie". donning. Rev. D. McDonald. Glenarm, was appointed moderator of Kirkï¬nld mnl \‘ictnria Session. Next regular meoting‘ 05 l‘u-sbytery tube bclnl It \Vnndvillo on, the last Tuesday of August at 1-1 a. m. J .mm It. Scorn Presbytery of Lindsay. l.l.\'nst\\' Presbytery met at. Bunverton on Tuesd-Iy, 27th May. In ‘nccnrulnnce with the nctimn cf,synml. Mnunh A‘lmrt Congrega- tinn wns Imituslwith St. Andrew’s Church Scott and Uxhridgo under the pastorate of Township of Brnck ...... u u u u (t IK u u u “. Mam ....... Rama ...... Pickering. . Reach. . . .. Scott. ...... Scnmm . . .' T lmInlI. [' xnridgou .. \VlIitlIy. . . . E. Whitby. Village «If Part Perry. (I l xlwiIl ge. . van of 0qu ma Tho fulluwillg are the majorities pollezl for the Dunkiu Act in the, Cauuty of Onta- rio : \V. A. I‘min. I-f TlIIIrnlI, shipped un Friâ€" day last unc car lnml «If sheep and Imrscs to Calgary, for some party out there to start a ranch. (‘I'Imnnx £4.“ .\. (1mm. V. 3.. ha: llOCl'lQ'l tn visit ‘mavm-ton mcry 'l‘IIISIlavâ€"IIIItil further nntice-â€". -\IIv IIrIlvrs lnftul, John “I. -l\IIIIInII' s l)II:vv StIIIe or by telegr..ph, will have prompt nttcntinn. See card in another Fine growing weather. The crops in this seotiun are at present very promising. The recent rains have done much good. lav. Mn. errmsny is absent from home attending the General Assembly at 'l'oront ). Mr. Jag. Hunter our new livery stable proprietor has complete-l the p-lrclnio of Mr. Jno. Kennedy’s interests in that business. Mr. Hunter, we have no doubt will \vnrk up a gnml business hem and his estalnlislnncnt will be a. decitlecl cmr- vcuicncc tn the. villa-Jo. The By- Jaw Incrrpnra ting the villpge of Beavertnn, pas~e l the County Camucil sucâ€" cessfully last. “cek. Beavertnn starts on its new career on January lst 1885, when we hope for a future of Irrogrcss and pros- parity. Mr. Wm. Turner, Lake Shore, 5051 his 51.8 two 3mm rv‘ul thou-ughln‘ed lw‘l “Ride of the Numb" Fast week to Mr. .335. Marriâ€" snn, of \Vooflv‘lle. f(r t|.e l:-. «381 me sum of $ISI7.0(‘ Mr. Turner .3 fast ncquir’ug fame in his success as a thuugLored stock raiser. The committee who .have tlie arravgeu ments for he ï¬st of July celebration m hand are en 'ang C(Huctin fm the {an e. A g )()d tf me ll‘ 13; be expected as the attractions “Ll Sommmxo should be done towards bn'ld- ing a wharf or having the (Id 0! es lepiircd. The village loses largely everv SLuzuwr from this source. Beave‘ton woul-l be a favour- ite location for excvra‘on [‘1‘ lies from points around the him but for the wretched accommodation extended in the way of land- mg. THORAH Township Council‘meet on SatLro day next. Mr. J. J. Glover is engaged in alterations to his premises. A new front is being put in which will mld much to the appearance of the building. The south side of Sincoe St. presents a most respectable appearance now and will coznpnre successfully with any vilâ€" lage in the County. f A Very successful Sabbath School Conven- tion was held in the Presbyterian (Knox) Church here last Wednesday. in addition to the members of Presbytery the Rev. b. M. Mulligan of Toronto and ll. N. Grant of Orillia, were present and added largely to the success of the meeting. i’l‘he following otlieehearers were appointed for the ensuing year zâ€"President. Rev. A. Rose. M. A.. “'oodville ; Vice-President, Rev. A. (l. MeLacblan; Treasurer. Mr. James Leash ; Secrectary, Mr. J. (4'. Gilchrist. Executive Committee, Rev. 1). Me'l‘avlsh. H. Sinclair, D B. McDonald. Messrs. Daniel Campbell, Robert Irving and Charles Rennie. Comâ€" mittee on Resolutions. G. C. Patterson, l), McDonald and J . ll. Scott. The choir are deserving of special attention for the choice music which all seemed to enjoy so much, we only wish we could give all their names. â€"[L‘om], The above was crowded out of our last. meat. igmvrrtou Egon“ 21mm. rm“ -.I .. Whitby Presbytery Clerk. 19% 47 n I ‘2‘) 142 7|3 For tio. Aga‘nst l3! 14‘ l2 I‘ona Butter. per lh ........... Elm pvr clown trndo.. “'m‘ ,llel'nv . . .. .. u... Potatoes. par lmahol. . Apples, pot bump). . .. Fa" W110!“ .......... Spring “heat... Aranocm \Vlumt. Harley... pats ..... ..... .. PM] Whmt ................. Spring When: ..... \ .. Anumom Wheat. Hal-lo) OM9.... l‘uns........._. ................ lluttor. pm- It» cash... .; up. per dozen ..... . \\ no]. per‘lh ............... I‘otntoe9,_por lmalwl The following market ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©s are Cash Quotatloqg WOODVILLE MARKETS. 'l“lc gnu-it lumwhuhl rummly an pupulnr with the pvnplcâ€"-lhuyar<l’s Yellow Ullâ€"ls alike valnuldu fur external and internal-use, curing rl-mu’nntism. col-ls, snro tlmmt. croup. frnsc bites. lmrm, bruises, and al! lmnnncss nml snmncss of the flush. 0b“ Spocml value in Conls' “'hité Dress nml Regatta Shirts. Soft and stiff Felt Hats latest style at H. \\'il5un's ‘\\’o'ulville. ML Nuw XIilliucry ! New Halts! New lhuucts. I’m-«chars, Fluwurs. Trimmings c. Just opened out at )lcluty‘ro 8:. Prior’s \Vucnl\'i"u. A WIDE RANGE OF USEFULNESS. he snpm-iority of Mather vacs‘ \Vorm Extvrmiuatnr is shown by its good olfacts ml the children. U ptergrove. CHAS!) Sou“. l’.u:‘r\' no B.\Z\ \R. The Presbyterians of North Mara have for along timebeeu making great preparations for a grand entertainment to he given some time uluriu; the summer to help funds of the church. Much curiosity has been excited as to when the affair should take place “Q: are glad now to be able to .say that it will lie thI at Uptm‘grove on Dominion Day 131: of July. There will ho a large n‘uaulity of useful and ornamental articles t3 dispose of as Well as the famous auto‘graph quilt. Dinner will be served from 11 to 9. and tea, from 5 to 7 o‘clock. l-Iverythiug “2" be June for the comfort of the guests. the late Jesse lIi-vgins came to his death thrungh the \iulence at the hands ofone Steele. A \\ nrrant w-u. issued for the arrest of Steele, \\'lmis now lml gell m \\' Inithy jail where he will await his trial at the next Assizes. The Rama Tragedy. Dn. A. GRANT in answer to a summons proceeded to the scene of the tragedy recent- ly (-nzu'teal in Emt Rama, when an inquest was held. After much ‘lifliculty ajnry was empmmcllcd and several witnesses were examined. A \‘unlnct was brought in axial REV. Mu. Rms is in attendance at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian: Church now in scssinn at Toronto. A Ll. them: desiring 'to take advantage of the commuted rate. of Statute Labor at 75w 3 per day shuuld remember that: the cash must be paid to the Treasurer, Mr. Gilchrist before the 15th or $1.00 will be charged. Tut-t Post Ofï¬ce Illwpector. Mr, D. Spry was In town on Friday but overlmuiinz the V'lllilfï¬ Post Uflice. Everything W13 found innsatisfactury comlitiuu and faiund 62'- christ complimented on the methodical sys- tem he employs in the Imsinesx M I. FRAXK Srevaxsos so long and favour- .ath known at Lorueville junction died at the residence of his parents at Newark, New Jersey, on May 18th. Mr. Stevenson mfâ€" fered When here from consumption and thinking the climatic influence of Cal.for"ia would producer; change for the better in his health removed there; not ï¬nding the relief expected he returned to his hon'c. where he died. Frank was much respected when here and deep sorrow is felt at his early death. . Gardeners should remember that news~ papers spread over young pints of nixl't will'protect tl; em from frost, and being light they do not 11- jun: the plmts by flushing ‘ them. A meeting of the sub-Committee of the Canadian Press Association was he‘d at St. Lawarence "all last Friday. It was decid- ed to have the excursion this year to the Yellowstuno Park on the Noahem Paciï¬c Railway yin Duluth. Guidr’. TunCourt of Revision of the Vil‘nge of Woodville. was held on Monday last but little business being done. An fljonrnnwnt was ordered until the ISJPIbo allow the As- aeuor to enter aovurnl appealt. Towxsnw Statute Labor has commenced. Toma-m plants for sale at Tm: Amour“: Onxcs. Our merchants Sllllllld see that prupur attention he paid to market prices for proâ€" duco if they desire t3 rehin the trmle. \Ve have been inf-Irined by sewral durin" the last few days that “'00 lvillu prices are the lowest of any around, and that funnel-s dolettur elsewhere. This should nothe. Unr merchants are to blame If the prestige of the village he aIIOWed to sufurjiu this respect. Mu. JAS. Moumsox of lot 1. lat Con. of Eldon has purchased a thoroughbred Sharl- horn buli (rum Mr. Wm. Turner new new. ertuu. The animal is but two years old um! a magniï¬cent specimen of his race. Local Markets. HEAVERTON MARKETS. Wnudvmz 350ml 351mm. .............:-1 MG? 1 m mmmn.wm.. 000000 ‘wommme mnmmwm 0008' \Vnrk Um Your Round. flood; Agonts nro nan-In fmm no to #75] month mu] oxponms. arms and 0mm fro! 'I'O BEGIN \VORK [\T ONCE 0)? FALL 8.“: Stanly emplm'mont nt nxod nnlnrioc to MI W lng to work. Men and woman cm have pleas: The largest in the fl‘eeï¬nje; S. pushge'ntamii. . . 1 Everv emu] lmusemfe mll renovate ': entire house at least everv Spring and 3 Our systems often need renovating ni g} nml‘thero isuuthiug hotter tn make 1m? Mom] and cleanse and regulate than llu} «look Blond Bitters, prcVenting diseases i 1 c'dentnl to the season’s charges. '1 Remarkable sRmtoratlon, Mn, A. O’Brien, 382 Exclmnm Strata Bull'nlo. WM supposed to he dying with 0.. sulnptiou and nlmnclonml by her physicist; She aull‘ereul terribly and was reducml «‘1 flesh to ninety. mumls. In “Iii cnmliti she Idsattetl to Inn-dock Blond llittera, mi now enjoys perfect. health «ml Weighs .3 hundred and forty-mix. She Will glad: a‘uswer enquiring aufl'erers on receipt of Same of the must. miuful sufl‘m-inus "~ afflict mortals occur frmn TIIQHIIHJHSDE Either the acute .or chronic farm may 3; eradicate-l from the blond by an early me E the grand purifying system rnnovator, Bu? duck Blood Bitters. 3 SPRING CLEANING. i A u. The‘ .033 ufthu sense of lu-minv is annoying nnl dangerous. 'l‘inm- sufl‘ frum deafness shoul I try [Iauvawl‘s " ' ( 31 according to directinnsi. 'I‘lxia inva‘ m hmlselmltl remedy cnrml Ju‘m (IL-m3- \lilln-idge, Ontario, rcstm-iug his 1:0an 3 one week. Emmi}! Nurseries The inIliIiIlnal whu plues trust in m1! 0. the clniim (If advertise! remedies IS oft sadly Iiisamhniuted but. the army of fne romidiiw the honest viitues of Bur-1M lBlIml Bitters are indisputable. It lhsitiv lyeures diseases 0f the, blond. liver in kidneys. . Investigate the proofs and has Inuninls. “\Vlmt kinul of sauce will you have “N your steak ? " asked the waiter of a dim in a restaurant where the con-limmts we sPrvcd with the orders. “If the steak is 2 tough as yesterday’s, send in .1 couple" ‘ circular saws. †Most (-Xcruciating are the twingeg #i rack the muscles and joints of the rheuim tic. )orthrnp Lynmn's Vegetable Di cm'ery and Dyspcptic Cure, by promotil increased action of the kidneys, by “‘lll1 the blood is more. effectually (lclmrnted, r1 Innves tllmn'vh the natural channels Certv aerial clemvnts in tho circulatiun which. 3: Jute rlwunmtiï¬m and gout. The Inmliail i»; also a line laxative antibiliuus medial: and general currcctivc. T125: Aurora Bowel?) snys:â€"-A ym man 0" {his nsiyhhnrfwul named Red-‘1 w""ie ro‘l'ng a f'iid rear Richmond I" for a rc'aiivc on the Chi], met with :\ tï¬r blo death. \Vhen founl he was 13' beliezth the pondoroas imii‘ement. dc: appan-nb‘yhaving been n'umst instant-Ir ous. ltï¬'s supposed the â€lies bail gab I neat!) the rhl‘er. and he had guns to the re ton-lease t'wm, when the horses [nuke catching his arm and bead. LABI‘ Salnuiay a party of the cond' 'II on the Midl‘ul Rail“ IIy went to (loud! loradny’ a fishing. When on the vol t‘ip one of the party known as “l“ Steveus Was taking n ahort cut over ‘ Bay on a raft, when he fe'l into the II and wonhl hsvc been IlIonnml unly ‘0' heroiceï¬'orts of cruductor Charles Mi :1} A Remarkable Escape. 4 Mrs; Mary A. Dailey, of TUI'lenIII Pm, was afflicted for six years with Astl and Bronchitis, during which time the 1 physicians could give no relief. â€or was (leslmirecl of, until in last; Octnlmr p‘ocmcd n lIuttlanf l):. King’ 8 No“ l) SI cry, \IlII-n innnmliato Ielicf II as fe' t, and cont-IIIIiII ' its use for a sh" t IiIIIe she ‘ completely l‘lllcil ':IiI I)" in Hush .IO He a few IIII-nths. li‘Ix-e 'JIile thtlvs of cut-in cure u‘ all 'l‘lI;u:It and Lung: l nan-s at John .\lcl\3nnu.'s DIng Store, B \‘crton. Largo Bottles $1.00. A VICTIM OFMISPLACED COM FIDENCE. A Mr STONE “'1‘ LI IVOTOV ( 038. ‘ ‘ 'l‘orouto,0 C. A Livingstone, Plnttsville. say have much pleasure in recommending 'l'buums‘ Balearic oil, from having us inySulf, and having sold it. for sun“) 1 In my own case 1 will say for it that the best plopamtiuu l have ever tnm‘ rheumatism Very Remarkable Recover: Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Mane! Mich, writes. “My wife has been a helpless for ï¬ve years, so helpless tlu could not turn over in bed aluue. Slu two Bottles of Electric Bitten, and much improved. that she is able now ‘ lien own work." Electric Bitters \\ all that is claimed for them. l{lllhll‘6 testimonials attest their curative pu Duly titty cents a bottle at John McKiI Beavertou. Salesman Wanted / ZGIN \VORK AT ONI‘H ON FALL .‘HL 0'l)u.\‘o\'.\.\' llusu lmruts that. the dynamite oxplosiun in Landon was 0:: by his orders. Ho threatens tlmt' the cull of July Windsor castle uml a ravlwavs will be blown up and Nut single vessel will be lcfc in the l navy. A PAINFULOCCURRENCE. 825 ACRES. ; A BAD INFIRMITY. Thls and That-