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Woodville Advocate (1878), 12 Jun 1884, p. 8

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Ontario County Council. The l‘ounty t'ouueil asSemlili-d, pursuant to notin- on 'I‘uesday, Julie :ird. . ' The Warden took the chair at :2 pm. All the ioenibers present except Cunningu liitlll, oi lleaeh, and 'l‘liiiiiipson, of Scott. Minutes of last day of January Session irad and contirined. 'l'hc t'lcrk read communications from It. I \1'. l’hipps, on the preserVation of forests. From the Cleik of the County of Peel i'e Public School Act. Mr. Smith, of Oshawa, moved that the communications be reftrred to the respec- tive committees. ' M r. Smith, of East “'liitby, seconded by Mr. loss, moved that a special committee ciaisisting of Messrs. Larke, l’arker.:Mcllae, ot' Mara, Dobson, Monkhouse. Gordon, and the mover, be appointed to equalize the asâ€" sessment rolls for the County for the year 1883, so far as they relate to personal and taxable income. Carried. Mr. Mcllac, of Thumb, presented the peti- tion of Alexander Hamilton and 109 other ratepayers of the township of 'l‘horah pray- ing the passing of a by-law for the incorpor- ation of the village of Beaverton. Mr. Mcllae. of 'l‘horali, presented a petiu tion praying for the appouitment of James Gordon as census comiinssioner to take the census of the village of Beaverton with a view to its incorporation. Mr. Mcllae, of 'l‘horali, gives notice that he will on to-morrow introduce a byolaw to appoint James Gordon, of Beaverton, census commissioner, with view to incorporate the ‘village of Beavertou. Mr. J. S. Larks moved, seconded bp Mr. Blcllae, of Thumb, that the petition of Alex. Hamilton alid others to appoint James Gordon census commissions to take the cen- sus of the Police Village of Beaverton, be referred to the standing committee on roads and bridges to report torinorrow. Carried. On motion the Council adjourned at 3 p. in, ‘15:... SECOND DAY. 'l‘lie \Varden took the chair at 11 11.111. Members all present but Mr. Cunningham, Links, Ross, Smith, of Oshawa, Thompson. Minutes of yesterday read and approved inid signed by the \Vardeu. The Olin-ii. r'e ad Communications from See. misty of the Edllcfltl"ll llepilrtiilellt. l’i'oiii Secretary of tho Utliarili Farmers College The report of the Inspecim of Prisons. From A. A. Post, County Architect, ,in re- Mr. Mc l’iicrson introduced the tirst report of the committee on roads and bridges. lleport adopted. i\lr. O'l cary presented the report of the Narrows Bidlge Coliiiiiissioners. .\lr. Mollne, seconded by Mr. Galloway, I lll'JVctl for leave to llill‘llll‘lt‘dt a by-law to appoint .l:is. (lorilon census lakcr of the vil~ l.i_je of lieau'crton. ily-law introduced, nod and passed. A Mr. 1.011;, steonded by Mr. Jeffrey, mov- eltiuit eoni. of Inspector of Prisons and county Architect be referred to the county l i-zopeity i-oiiiiiiiitce. Carried. I I No in di-oi the Warden left the chair at l, 11 4.7. 'llic \Vardcu took the chair at 3.31) p. 1.1. Mr. Ixnkebroilghtin the report of the than we iroiniiiittec. Council went into coin- lirlli't' of the whole thereon, Mr. Mai-Inc lie-port adopted without l.l the chair. amendment. Mr. l.:iike brought: in the Second ireport t'ouncil went HT. lllt.‘ Illlllllcc Ciillllllltttrc, min committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Mathewson in the chair. {sport adopt- ed. Mr. Parker brought in the report of the sin-oi ll committee on House of llcfiige. I'olini-il went into committee of the whole, Mr. Mitchell in the chair. llcport adopted. Mr. (l‘l.c:iry gave notice that on toâ€"nior- row he will introduce a by law to incorpor- ..:i- Illtf \illage of Ileavcrtou. l'be t‘leik read the report of the County 'l'veusnrer ; a coniinuniimtion from the Mayor of the Town of \Vhitby ; a communi- cation from the County Ullicials ri' heating of court. house. Council adjourned. Tllllil) DAY. There was no morning session the time of the members being taken up with com- iinttee Work. \an‘ili'll took llli'clmlr {it 3 pm. Meni- ni'l’i all present but Messrs. Cunningham, The minutes of yesterday real and con- Y.i-nied. The report of the commissioner of Tai- lmlli ltl‘fl‘ was read. Mr. Smith of East “'hitby brought in tho io‘lml‘t of the Equalization t'onnnittec.â€"-llc- pun mlopti'il. On motion of Mr Larkc, seconded by Mr. Snntliot‘tls'iiwa, the “'ardeii w.” votid glint to con-r his illsblllsi-lncllls ililrin; llii' .\v‘.tl‘. l‘ariiel. \lr. .\lniton brought in t'ic report of the "muting l‘oiuiniitec. t‘oiineil wi-nt into I uiiiinittei- of the whole. Mr. .Wonkliolls- i I1 11. - i-li.nr. llrport adopted without amend- luv“! and the 'l're.-miri~r agrci d to pay tl e I _ arm-nuts mentioned tin-iii". )Ir. Mellue introdii-el a 1%)" law to in. t .l i " - . ' ’ .. ,, . t up wait the \illagi. oi 1.: .ili.lon. l.y.|n“- I and Midland “th“. “Mm". ('lmruw mud”. . road a first limo. ' “i" i ‘ Q1100"Sirl'tll,\h'00t1\‘1”0 ~ t‘mumittec to whom is referred the l'iy~l:iw l lieal'crton.~Carriod. l l teience to alterations in the. gaol. l l _ WWW- .._... . 'l‘lionipson, liolild, llnrlllml. ' l l l I - ’l'lie ('lerk read the report of the Census i Courlty 0t Ontarlo (“unnuissiouer oi Iii-arerton. .\lr. l.fll'ln', seconded by Mr. Mellae, lion" - cd that .b’nsrs. Mnrton, Mcllae. Mcl'lur- soii,'l‘lioir.;“min and St. John be a spend Sittings oi niinâ€"Ji Courts tor 1884. Published by orderot tho General Sessions. and report of the (.‘cnsus Commissioner of . “.m.,.m._ Jun. 9' Feb. I. Mar. 1. APP-1» “”1 ' June I. July :3. Sept. I. iii-t. 1. Nov. 1. Dec. 1, ‘ lln i'oii.\\i.~ l, Mar 2, .Iiin :6. Sept-‘3. Mr. llnrnett brought III the report of the , "(firm-5 yum“.-- i Jon. 3, Mar. J. Nov. .1. Education Committee. Council went into will“tl’lgini'y'fli'im 93.1“”. 12' May 5, July 7' - ' . , 'ep .L-.. or. . ‘ t omnnttce of the whole and report adopted I ummlmm'mmll. 23' Mar. 4' May 0. July 8, Sept without amendment. 23. Nov. 18. The special committee appointed to ex~ afiNkNGTtISHâ€"‘Jull. 24. Mar. 5. May 7. July 9. Sept , or. . ' amino the Byâ€"law and Census taker’s report BHAVKRTUNuâ€"Man 6. M“ 8. July 10, Sept. 95' Nov. so. Urri:iionovn.â€"â€"hii\r.7. May 9, July ll. Serum N . 21 W ' J. E. FAREWELL. Whitby, Jan. 1. 1884 Clerk of the Peace. Campbell’s ‘Baiiiage Works I â€"-\VOODVILLE. ONT. â€" village of lleaverton reported and the report wIis adopted. _ On motion the Council adjourned. FOURTH DAY. The \Varden took the chair at 10.50. The Clerk called the roll and read the minutes of yesterday which were then apâ€" prayed. 'l‘lie Reportfof thhtl‘reasurer was received. Mr. Long brought in the report of the on mi so on ‘oun ro er . ‘ouncil . gen‘t iiito cornii’iitte:y elf) tihetywhdl’e Mr. Single or Double Buggy or Waggon Percy in the chair. Should call at the above works. Committee rose at 12 o'clock, reported FIFTY lIlIlS Ill lll'lllllSF. FROM Any one wanting a first-class progress had asked lame to sit again. 'lhe Warden left the chair until 1.80 p.m. A Whisker dye must be convenient to use. easy to apply, impossible to rub oil, elegant in appearance, and cheap in price. liuek- inghum’s Dye for the Whiskers unites in it- self all these merits. Try it. The sure elfects of A yer’s Sarsaparilla are thorough and permanent. If there is a lurk- ing taint of Scrofiila about you, Ayer’s Sarv saparilla will dislodge it and expel it from your system. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".~e.o~.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- BEST MATERIALS AND \VORKMANâ€" SHIP EMPLOYED. A First- class Painter On hand. Repainting and Repairing at Lowest Living . Prices. P. G. CAMPBELL, Woodville. May 20, 1884. During the third week of May now. past the following numbers of beef cattle were shipped from Montreal to Europe ; there were in all seven steam ships employed in taking them across. Johns Johnson ship- ped 28$ ; \\’. Gould I26 ; Morgan Co. 2‘33, Akins 52 Co. 280 ; N. Kennedy S47 ; Dunn 6.: Co. 390; '1‘. Crawford it Co. 63" ; Mathew; son 153 ; J. Roberts 107. Making in all 3041 head. Valuing these at $95 which is certainly within the mark, gives a total value of $288,895, a pretty handsome 8i"- mount for one week’s shipping; { ‘J‘Hâ€"J unâ€" i’ii’ll‘Jil-iiI/’a I’llls'siCiifiniges‘ M: teiiig‘l‘é‘a- ture and Weather fretgnciitly illir'let persons who are most careful of their health, and particular in their diet. These corrective, purifying. and gentle apericut l‘ills are the best remedy for all defectiie action of the digestirc organs. 'I‘liey augment the ap petite. strengthen the stomach, correct bili~ (Mindless, and carry oll' all that is noxi-ns trovu the system. l'lolloway’s l’ills are com penal of rare balsains. unmixed with busier mater. and on that account are p-‘culiarly Well adapted for the yoniu, delicate, and aged. As this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past, so will it preserve it in the. future by its renovating and lll\'l_'()l‘"- tin: qualities, and the impossibility of its doing balllll. ‘ Health Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness. Jaundice. Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species-of disease arising from i npure Blood, c. c. PREPARED BY THE Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. I area’s PILLS. i l cause human suti‘ering result from derange- ment 0!, the stomach, bowels, and liver. Area's Cnnam‘xc Plans act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to care the diseases caused by their derange- ment, including Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsla, Headache. Dysentery. . and a host of other ailments, (or all of which they are a safe, snro, prompt, and pleasantrenicdy. The extensive use of these PILLS by ”eminent physicians in regular prac- tice, shows unmistakably the estimation in 321:): they are held by the medical protes- -These PILLS are compounded or vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free iron mlcuiel or any other injurious ingredient. A Suflbrer from Headache writes: "Avaa’s PILLs are invaluable too 0 are my constant companion. l have i322 a severe sutherer from Headache, and our Plau are the only thing 1 could 100 to for relief. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most etfectivc and the easiest physio I have ever found. It is a donor to to T. - speak in their praise, an i always 3i: so E: vv GOOD S when oc‘caspm o l‘crs. :. .. l'amz. of W. 1.. Pa '0 Bro." Franklin St, lticliiiiOIiil,\‘a., .Iiine 3,180. "I lime used Area‘s PILLS In number- lcu instances as recommended by you. and have never known them to tail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them op hand :trour hgnieha'nd prize them as a man a c an re ii iii: faniil ' modlsiso. a m’srm‘sm they are inmiu’abio. J. '1‘. liar " Hula, Texas, June )7, 1882. u. The luv. Fauna ll. Ilsamwr. {mm Atlanta 00., says: " For aoriuiniiganr: pint I have been subject to constipatio- roni which, in a lie of the use or modi: cines of various k into, i sudered inereuln lnconvcnlence, not" some months 0 be?“ taking Allan's Pnaa. The v. on iroly corrected the oostlvs ha i, and have vastly improved my general health." Arln‘s CATEAITIC Pim‘ correct irregu- larities of the bowels, stimulate the appo- tlte and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vicar b the whole physical economy. IMPAIID DY chmaaari Cabins Maker 8. Undertaker WOODVILLE, ONT. A Good Hearse furnished at $110 notice an Reasonable ’l'erni OPENED MONTHLY AT Mrs. A. Morison’s New SpringPrints and â€"-Cretonnes.- BLACK AND COLORED (YASIIMERES, MUSLINS. and 1"A\CY DRESS GOODS. A choice lot of Mourning Prints, Cottons, Quilts, Towels, etc. - \Voodvlllo. May lat. 1834. M“ __ ..-_ Dr..l.0. AyorCo., Lowell, Mm. mow ' Sold by all Druwm. “I t (‘0‘ gl‘lfipfl‘ ‘lh i 0‘ h“ .‘ ()L‘ mint“ 1 “ ,. (mews-g to 3“}: YOUNG All experience the won “gluon“ 30$. in ’ Imeflcial effects 0! I “c4 “'“n OLD, AND , - in) “are" in MIDDLE- Ayer s Sarsaparllla. ' “" ' v. “Xi“: Children with Sore Eyes. flora Eric" matifg.‘ ‘ Pars,‘ or an sarogpgoua or syph- ' a ii , ran by Its use. y m u as y and urea. Mbyallm; Malamh‘ l l .l A M 1'18 M. LA WSON, ('tRTIZI. ctr. (‘nrtinc done to and from all parts of the village ‘Hl‘llUl’ill Ul lililull ”0|th . I (31". .I‘)l,lnllg JCStubliSIIUIellt ,81 Complete. li- C'tl'UUl-lt'llild‘i iLbAllNlliiS'hiqfiillidl’ .‘ - r 7â€" i i ‘â€" -- - Iis'i‘siulisiiian isac ~- 3. fig Q a; ” 'H ) JAMES} S'flU‘AfiT. PAID FOR Harness Malier, Saddler (\"0. Eggs. Eggs Harness t'olliirs. Iliiltei‘~:. Whips. ('nrryt‘ninbe, Brushes, ‘l'rnuim. Vuliseh. and all kinds of. Horse l"urui.~liini;s. All kinds of Repairing Neatly and Promptly Executed. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Agent for tlic’london and Ontario Invest- ment. fun-puny. The subscribers will pay rush for an t uantity of EGGS. We have we usual a c o co stock (A Choice Stock of Provisions and Groceries. P. D. McARTHUR, BEAVERTON. In stock, also a large lot of Turnip Seed"! Has removed to the Corner Store. All of which we offer at the lowest roman erative prices tor _ Cash or Produce. W. G. SMITH 00., Mitchell’s Old Stand. WOOD V ILL‘E . BEAVERTON -BAKER- formerly occupied by John Melisa, where will be found lhelaigeslii Best Sluckln lawn OF PURE Wines and Liquors and a full stock of fifififlflfiiflfi. FANCY Goons, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE , FARMERS’ PRODUBETAKEN Ill General Grocer l EXGHA'lllE FUR llllllllS. FAMlLâ€"Yâ€"ER EAD -â€"Axnâ€" ELDON HOUSE, WOODVILLE, 'nlos. nnwsans Proprietor. ls nnexcelled in the County. . - - t. . . - . First-classaccommodationaiidatteiitipia‘iliggimlg FI'eSh BlSCllltS 3.11 d Cakeh 0f. Bar well supplied with the choicest L Cigars. 'Bus to and from all trains. and every convenience for the travelling public. all Kinds Also a choice stock of H.- Logan, cams. scour: a maneuvers: ._BEAVEBT0A\'â€"â€"' c L A SS w A R E -lailnrin Establishment l- E "Fresh Groceries [- i.‘\* GREAT \‘Aiiis'i‘t. CHEAP as The Cheapest! Good TEA for 200. per pound 6 lbs 31. . ,fl The sprin trade is new opening alld tndho r'c'qtiirinu s. v‘E-“llittiiig suit should 'eave their orders at olltei'l to mold the Usualrpsh iiliits made and trimmed to order at lowest prices NEELANDS PENTLAND DENTISTS, s"(‘., “nanny. 0m. One of the above will be at the Hamilton House. . _ -‘ . ‘ Booverton. on the Second Monday of each month. A new supply exc‘ llent 1‘5"“ 593‘“ 8"“ He will also visit \Voodvillo on the Second ’l‘ue5~ per pound. e! ”nth month. stubmhg at the Queen." Provisions Confectionery and . . , , l l l Hotel. J. usinaxos. I..n..~‘. I 108. raxrmxn, no.3. ' Fancy GOOdS, CllOlOB ' Syrups and COAL OIL I Highest market price paid for Farmers’ Pra- ducc in Exchange for Goods. F. S. DUNNIGAN. 3.1.3465 1e cos B a. nk er s l’roctor's Brick lllock, first door east of, Town Hall Beamsnmon, our. MORLEY TC) LQAM on good security. Drafts issued upon the . Dominion Bank of Canada. and itsbranelics. and all points in Canada and the United States. American currency bought and sold. SAVINGS’ ])]4}.1.’A1€TTENT. Interest allowed on deposits at the rate of 5 per cent. Notes collected at lowest rates. otllccllonrs. lo a. m. to 4 p. in. Saturdays In mm to '3 p In. B. MADILL. Manager. CALL AT THE Besveztoa Woollen Mill, l wonm POWDERS. be pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a. safe, sure. and effectual destroyer of worms in Children at Adults. ‘\ T ANTED Agents to sell Tunlson’s New Mara Street. North ilnd of Bridge. ' and Superior Canadian Maps a. F01: llillG-UVQ 1“. ' Charts. As paying an an) agency in tho 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ wo‘rl‘d.‘ r‘or full particulars. {'l't‘e. address }I.'('. 1,1111 ClOl’llS, coarse {111d illlc, ll(Llfilmloxdlysppiiol'ublishcr. Jon Richmond hr, ii . v , ' ‘ I la ceds, 1* lanuels, . I stocking Yam. comm Sm" J. C. Gilchrist Inge, Winceys ac. Highest Price Paid for \Vool. Postmaster Woodville Cl'lfi'l'OM CARDIN“: SPINNING. “WEAVâ€" lMi A'c. DUNE AT SHORT NOTILE. c. (a. secure. J. BERRIE’S -Woodville Bakery l- ESTA BLISII ED 1376. AGENT. Loansmado in sums of son amt upwards on a Straight Lomi or on tho Sinking 'l‘und System. at a low rate of interest. IVo Fines. N0 Commission Expenses reduced in a Minimum. Best Bread in the County. ReaUertOI? L (”77be yard Insurance affected in good reliable Companion at lowest nice. No agent‘s lees required. Alin- Agent for the ALLAN LINE oi Stoanuihips, and for the Canada West Land Agency 00. BRICK YARD A1839 BQTTERY. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. ‘ LUMBER, SHINGLES, and LATII of all kinds and qualities on hand. Brick; and Pottery of every description Drain Tile a Specialty llaving entered into an arrangement with the M. II. IL. to nhortlv‘ place a siding to our hiln yards. the public are notitiml that all tile purchased from us will, alter siding is erected, be loaded free on cars 4' LOAN A/VD ‘ INSURANCE

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