A. GUNN, V. S . Grad"!!! of the “Marlo Veterinary College. VETERINARY INSPECTOR. Ufllc-â€"Medical Hull. “'umlvillu. “'ill be in Bunvertou awry 'l‘m-mlny. Orders left With John Iclï¬iuuon, l)l'll';';i§t, Heaven-Lon. Or by telegraph. will rccvivu prompt uttuuliou.‘ 0. SMITH, «Provincial Land Surveyor Civil Engineer Practical Architect. Agent for Union loan a snvlng's (‘0. Money to Loan uu ï¬rsbcluss security at 6 to“ p.o. Agent for A. HARRIS. SUN 00.. Brandon-d. Manufacturers of “culwrs, Mamet ‘ f Binders ~~BRANDUW3 FRESH BREAD-â€" J03. J. CAVE, .l’ublisher General Cc )‘nverivs :unl Provifsions Cheap for Cash. O. H.. L. C. P. k 5.. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sitv. Member at (‘ulh‘gc Physicians and $urgoous. 01m, Examiner for Sun Lilo and Confederation Life Co‘s. ("lice audlh-sidcucc, Manilla Ontario. Woodvillo. March mu. P. S. MARTIN. (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College ' ' I Dimes of all dqnu-sticmed m3inmls treated by liteéfind best nmu‘uv; ‘1 ~_\ m ms. 06% um Inmmm v in u \mxt cxi M with Hamil ° \n H mm. Beavem 11 Ontario. “'1“ be in Benvortnn last two weeks of every. month balance of tinm in 011nm: having opened a studio in that phat-v Orders left with Mr. R. Mmlill or Jno. Mc- Kmuou will receive prompt nth-mien. JACOB BARN ES, Bump Malwr. “'OODVILLE AND BEAVERTON. Pumps and L‘istvms of all kinds to order at short notice. I will be in Roavertou on Tuesday and Friday of each week. onlcrs by mail u‘ny 1w nd‘h‘vssed to Bcawrtonmr Woodwinc and will receive prompt and carolnl attention. â€"â€"Addross. Box 73‘ nom'crtou. Outmjo,â€"-â€"â€" Rooms Over ,Wilson's Store, .â€"\\'onm'1u.r.. own- All orders I‘rmnptly Executed in (119 Latest Fashions and a: Reasonable Prices. eyarkllam N 11:5er ._'= Millinet. Dress Mantle Make! Markham. March LN. PG LIFFORD. Miss M. McKinnon, D. pLACK, 09mm! gï¬naumncc ggcnt Eldon Township Clerk and Treasurer. Ofllco at Mr. Reid's Store. Lnruovillo, Out Repmsenï¬n: ï¬rsh‘lasa rock Companies. Imnr- anco eï¬oflw‘ on all classes of Property. mains: FIRE. LIGHTNING. CYCLONES and HluH WISDS, also mm {or the SEN LIFE AND AC- noun. Prime \‘axioiixw. TRl‘F. T0 sum and “""~1::‘\.\pt€d to NORTHERN LOCATION. Trees may he rcmovM up to w‘u‘xdlv of May wit! safety. PRICES MODERATE, L. CROSBY Orders solicited for Musical Instrument.- and Sewing Machines. GEORGE SMITH. tow-ship Clerk. .Vlnulrlpallly of “mull. Utllm n Tm“) Hall. Run-non. Ontario. It!!! SDWAIIDS. Proprietor. Livery Rim: at .m' time and M an hours 0 than?“ notice S w n‘. «Mom m “w“ to “terms! Trm‘cHefl (‘3 139.: News“ mail TERMS. CASH. Suhhs in Conan :u n vu: \VOODVILLE â€VERY STABLE, M. \V. PLANK, â€"-VETERINARY SURGEON,â€" llldnu Ho The highest cash price mid for all kind.- of “IDES. 33133 TALLOW. 8c. Am \ mum; at '1'“ But “out. (or 1mm: cub mu {)0 mid. Bavarian Tannery I A RC“. CAMPBELL‘ VICNIIA (‘OINTY AI‘CTIOSEIZR. Ofï¬ceâ€"One door v»: of l‘oc: Oï¬lcc. “'mflvillc \VM. CAM ERON, \Vobdville. OYSTERS I N SEASON. MARTIN . HOPKINS, BAIRIS‘I‘EBS souumxs kc. 3101103 to Loan at (3 per cent. Dulceâ€"Kent snout Liudm} Ontario. \V. FRUIT TREES! \Latu of R. Walker k Son FROM LIFE UR PHOTOGRAPH. JNO. A. JACKSON. PORTRAIT PAINTER. PARSONS .u DUNCAN, ML‘C WOODVILLE, ONT. AL\\':\YS ON “AND. .. Sherwood, Sow in stock at the gaming u. H. Hurmxs. s. 'I‘oromo.) â€"-North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. mm on the mu to Comâ€" modt‘mw. on with the [“13 2 Don‘t miss seeing our new stock of Millinery just received. A large assortment of Ostrich ' ’ Feathers, tips, Flowers, Ornaments c. All orders executed in the latest style, with 3h: _ Neatness and Despatch at prices that surprise all. ;’?We Still take the Lead in GOOD GOODS at LOWER 3 PRICES THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE in TO WN. To close out balance of Spring‘ took. No“, isâ€" the. time to buy )om DRY GOODS, and “ Tomnto House,†is the place. GREAT CLEARING SALE THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT ! Tr) his Get Facton Cotton Cotton, \__\01t11 1:. ’3 ct: Glass Towellinv, Roller Towelliug, Bleached Linen Table Cloths AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Duel-‘5. Denims. “'incies and u Cottonades at mill prices. Try his Set prints, unequalled. Try his Set. Dress (Jowh, all Shades. Don’t miss aeeing his 1 Dress (mods in endless variety at mam-nous prices. ’ 1 Large Stockâ€"Tweeds, Clothing, Hats Gaps We still continue to pay the highest price of any House for Produce. , Gentlemen, special attention has been given to this department and you will find my stock well assorted at Bottom Prices. A large stock of Ready-nude Clothing. Hats and Caps, 1 to be sold at half price. A Genuine Twecd Suit for $6 worth $12. Felt Hats, all Styles, from 12-113. up. MILL INERY l MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! Follow the crowd to “ Toronto House" Clearing Sale for J 11119. Beaverton, June lst, 1884. In Groceries our stock is Complete and Prices Correct. A special cheap Sale every Friday and Sunnis" till further nolice, when special cheap lines Will be offered lot sale and must be sold teganllm of prices. Don't miss it every Fridsy and Satunlay. At THE PEOPLE‘S STORE. . Highest {rides for fahn produce. Fe are selling Prints. Cottons, Dress Goods, Cash- meres, Lustres, Cretonnes, Damasks, Gloves, Ties, Laces. Parasols etc. at cost. for May. At “Toronto Hbuse,†for June. That D. W. Ross keeps the Cheapest Goods in Beaverton. His stock is now complete in all branches. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. Having decided to make an import-ant change in my business I have de’gerlnined to clear out my large stock of amw’ifs AME sgwsa A GENUINE BARGAIN GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. \VOODVILLE, ONA'RIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1884 Beaverton, J 11119 1834. My goods are not shop worn and old, but absolutely new and fashionable in style. tember lst. 011, the best mlue evel ofleled 111 the t1ade.Try his Set. White cts. T1) hi 5 Towels, 111 0'6: size, 3 f01 ‘25 cts. Table Linens, NOTICE! Laces, Lace Collars, Ladies' Gloves, and ties, equally 10W. _- â€"ATA in every purchase until Sep- H. WALLER. . ROSS, Proprietor. Too busy to quote Prices. D. McN BB. ï¬hmmï¬m Mn. (Ioux CAMPBELL west-of here had intioluced a Massey Self Binder Harvester to his farm. Mr. John “'estlaketpurchased a Brantford Harvester, of Rama h. SJ“. These machines will evidentl supersede the the reaper and certainly t ey an: a vast: improvement and labor saver. From Our Corrosmndem. At the last meetin of Eldon Council. Mr_. Stuart. was appointet overseer of this din» sion instead of Wm. Campbell, who resign- ed. Our Patlnnasters should get. the Shtuto Labor performed before the busy txme of haying and harvest. set in. Mu. Joux McEacqux, 4th Con., lost a young horse for which he mu: offered $200. on Sunday of last week. from iuflamntiuu. Mn. Doxmm MURRAY, Merchant, Tur- onto, was here last week paying a brick visit to his friends in this locality. “'8 are pleased to learn that Mr. Neil Melina-hem, pm: (£011., was successful at the re :eut ewmiuatious at University College, ’L’ownto, in obtaining the degree of B. A. Notwithstanding the frost and dry weath- er, the crops are growing fast and show man}; promises of an abundant harvest. Clover is in full bloom ani will be ready for the waiver in a few days. The Smiths and J. \Vestlakc, 4th (3011., have large fields oi barley heading out. This is unusually early. These gentlemen usually have large crops of this cereal. 2!. Dress and Mantle Silks, Mantle Or- naments, Passimeuterie Trimming, also Black, White and Cream Spanish Lace at McIntyre Prior, “'oodville. The axe and the plough areannually mah~ ing vast inroads into the .wilderness of the western world. Forests, as if by magic aae changed into cornï¬elds, and prairie.“ swamps and canebrakes into arable land- But these conquests of industry are not iachieved without 1058. Hundreds, aye 1, l thousands of the energetic pioneers Whoa: abours have caused the wilderness to “blurs om as the rose,†fall a sacriï¬ce to the Serrible 'ssases engendered by the miasnm t{the ll. Violent intermittent and re- ; omittent fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia and 'aii'ections of the stomach and bmvels, are the almost inevitable penalties incurred by families who settle on new lands. Hence it is that the demand for liolloway‘s l’ills and Ointment in the far \\'est in so large in proportion to the population. The cultiva’ - tors of the soil on the on‘tshirts of civiliza - i Iion look upon them, andâ€" with reason, . < ‘ among the prime necessaries of life. In the more densely populated regions of the “lest. they are universally considered spec-mes in: the diseases we have named; and every pro- “7' A. (J‘rnnu, V. S.. has decided to visit Beavertou every Tuesdayâ€"until flirtller noticeâ€"Any orders left at John McKIunon’s Drug Store or by telegraph, will have prompt attention. See card in another Bucklen's Arnlca Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uhilblains, Corns, and and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 253cents per box. For 53!! By John McKinnon, Beaverton. VOL. VIII.â€"~NUMBER 21 Health is a duty, Disez-se a crime. Use. Dr. Henry Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters and be cured of all billiousuess or liver trouble. 25 cents will buy a large bottle. Boils, blotches, pimples, and all akin dis eases, are quickest cured by cleansing the blood with A yer’s Sarsaparifla. ‘digestive organs. They nugment the up , petite. strengthen the stumach. correct biliâ€" ousnees, and carry off all that is noxiou.a ‘ from the system. Holloway} Pills ere com- ' posed of rare halnme, unmixed with buser ; mntter. and on tint mount are peculiuly 5 welladnpted for the young, delicate. an] t aged. As this peetleu medicine has gained ‘ famein the put. so will it preserve it in the future by its tenovsting and invigoraâ€" ,ting qnnlitiee, and the impouibility of m doing hem. vident farmer takes care to fore-arm his family against the prostrating influence or an insalnbrious atmosphere and climate. by keeping a supply of the remedies constantly on hand. This will he no news to such 4-: «var readers as have travelled in the “'est. There, as in the North, the East, and t1», South, “1817713!in of the medicines is con~ stantly increasing. and Holloway's success in the glorious work of mitigating human suffering, and saving and prolonging human life, is spoken of among all classes with wonder and gratitude. “’e believe that there is scarcely a family in Europe that (he: nut keep these medicines lty 't'nemi the Soirlier carries them in his knapsick, and the smlor has them always ready to hand in his chest for every case of emergency, either from internal or external complaints, know- ing that by the aid of these wmadcrfnl medi- cine: he may brave the disease of any climate with impunity.â€"-Gretnvrich Jourun’. Hollowayâ€: Pills.â€"Clnnges of tempera- ture and Weather frequently npeet persons who are most careful of their health, and particular in their diet. These corrective. purifying, and gentle npetient Pills nre the Int remedy for all detective action of the Idigestive organs. They nug‘ment the up , 7, _A Lil! HEALTH IN THE WILDERNESS. Tm; GREAT Amman: T0 Mm)“. Lornevllle.