HIMHH In} $1.10 {\L‘Illclntpc \V.;~d~.‘:llv. 'l‘ ‘1' great household remedy so popular wdh lln: peopleâ€"Hagynrd’s Yellow Oilâ€"{s .: .kc valuable for cxterndl and internal nae, .wm: llwumatiszv. m'da. snro thrunt, . “mp, {rust lvitci, lmrns, lrrllim‘s, and all 'mvvucm an «I mn‘l‘lloss nf the flush. with. In the case of Eldon we would suggest that our portion' of the debt be determined and that the Village do endeavour to have the-Township sis- sume the whole, we paying an annual installment equal to our just portion. This will relieve us from engaging in the reissue of- new debentures to occur shortly and which is quite inevitable in the Township, and will save a large sum to us in unnecessary interest. Thh is the plan, we believe, adopted luv Cunnington in their connection with â€rock zuul so far as we have heard the .v ‘lmme works sucoossfuly. In the case of .‘Jm-iposa it is prolmhle the County ('Hzncil will deal with the matter and M the method of paying and tho haircut, l ‘ 0.95-...“ A WIDE RANGE OF USEFULNESS WOODVILLE RAILWAY: DEBT, Tm; new‘ municipality of Woodville and. its Council will have but few questions of more importance to deal with than the Railway Debt. It is a complicated mess and the quicker it is grappledwith the better. To leave the matter in abeyance is but making the matter worse, and prompt action will relieve the village mind immenseâ€" 13;. We have no less than two bonuses to provide for : on the Eldon side of. the village-we have-a township bonus to the Toronto . d: Nippissing Railway, ‘ while on- the Mariposa side a. County honus is~being paid to the \Vhitby 6.: Pert Perry RaiIWay. This .will involve shrewd management that justice may he done us and the townships we deal we shall endeavour to support the interests of both communities to the best- of our ability. “’9 feel quite safe in.asserting,,that the views ex-- pressed by the indvidua! wh‘ose remark we have quoted extend to but feyy of the people of the towuship ‘aml that the cordial relations which have always existed will be continued in spite of a few who would endeavour to provoke a ensue belli. BEAVERTON AND THORAH. ALnosr every mail brings us an cnilence of'the resentment of some farmers of the toWnehip of Thoreh, in the matter of our course in connection with the incorporation of Beaverton. Ono efl‘usion reads thus: “If the vil~ Inge of Beaverton does not want to assist Thai-ah we do not want to help you." This is certainly plain and quite frank. However, we do not think many such men as the writer of the above exist in the Township and ‘ certainly but few who would so honest- lytell us that we have battled for the village interests and justice. It is recognized thateBeave: ton has been an assistance to Thorah and for yeals rendered this assistance without grumbling. but the time has come when the interests of. the village must. also be oonsid‘erecl, and-.it is but reason- able to suppose that the people of the Village lmou‘best wherein its interests lay, We ‘toolakthis View of the case and «lone our best tmassist the mOVement of Iltcorpouuion: _ In .thiswve believe we lieve dene our" dnty'vand shouhl we ‘ full to receive any further support from 1‘ tlio‘fflewnship in consequence of this action we would still hold the same ¢ conviction. “’9 do not fean this result ‘ lmwevcuonr ciiculation we are pleasedIf i to know is among intelligent and’ reasonable. men and: as in the-- past 5." much u: Sugar fur $.00, guru, editorial 31mg. I 'I iv: '5 pmsccl. . Moved by \lr. Dunno". unconclml by Mr. Mulhua. that the l'nnw:il uln Imw adjourn until Sa'nrclny trhc 2(‘vth-day of July , to "wet Ml o'clock. L'urnul. Moved byMr. Francis McRne. seconded by Mr. Galloway, that By-law No. 7, of 1884. be now read the 2nd and 3rd time and passed and that the Room dn sign the 9mm- mnl cause the soul of the (‘nrpurntiun to In- allixéd» thereto. (,‘nrriml. I \loved by \lr. Donnell. seconded by \lr. Galloway. that Byâ€" â€"law No 6 of1884 en'» titled a By- law to raise the sum of $315.56, in aid of constructing a drain in certain parts [of the Townsnip of Brock; be now read the 2nd and 3rd time and passed, that the Reeve do sign the same and cause the seal of the corporation to be afï¬xed thereon. Carried. Bylaw read and passed. Moved by Mr. Francis Mcllac. seconded by Mr. Donnell. that a by-law be now brought in to reâ€"arrange the polling sub» division of the township, to appoint a place tor holding the meetings of ('onneil and transacting the business of the Corporation. Carried. Bylaw lst time. Moved by Mr. Francis Mche, seconded by Mr. \Vestcott, that the following sums be grant for the imprOVements herein named: cleariug on the allowance for road between the Con. 3 and4 from the Lake,Shore Road to the Lake. $10.00 ; improving the mad be- tween the Uon..2 and 3, at lots 17 and 18, $10.00; between the Can. 2 and 3, at lot 10, grmelliug $25.00 ; Centre Road. N. hf 10. at McRoe’s gate. gravelling $15.00 ; Side Line between lot 5 and 6, 4th Con., cul vert $10.00 ; Portage Road at lot 8, graVel~ lihg. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Francis flicRne, that the village CommiSn sioner be instructed to repair the sidewalk on the south-west side of Victoria St. at Robinson’s lot, and also to repair the culâ€" vert and breach in the road on [Main St., leading to the lake.- Carried. Movedvby ML. Donnell, seconded by Mr. Francis McRae, that‘the grant. of: $40.00 for gradeing Bay and York Streets to-the School House be reciuded and that a four feet side walk be constructed along the said streets, the cost of the said ,‘sidewnlk not to exceed the estimated amount of $105.00. Carried. Thorah Township Councii. Council met 011 Saturday J une 14th, 1884. Members all present. Minutes of last Council and Court of lievisionhreml and approved. Legul opinionof Frank Mmlill, Esq., in the matter of Brock Drainage By- law, i'econnuending the passing of thelsmue put in an read. Petition presented1llenry \Vestcott and 31 others, for u massing and culvert on Simcoe St. a? Save mbney and leave your nrfler, for any kind of watch at Guuus', \Vomlnlle. 3:5- \\'e invite the Ladies to impact on? large and well selected stock of Millinery. Miss Hartley is a ï¬rst-class Milliner and Rhintle Maker. McIntyre 6: Prior, Wood- vil e. 'l‘IIP. Midland time table change which ocâ€" curred on Monday last is as follows : “'ood- ville, going north : 10;l5, u 111., 7:30,.1). 11].; going south : 8:35 a. In., 5:50 1); m. nnn'lwr of accounts were presented and WE are to have our annual celebratinn this year as usual A committee has been appointed to manage the affair, and we have no duubt the usual entertalnment will be furnished. \Voodville has the reputation of presentinu an excellent'day’s spmt on the 13!; and the present we expect will fully sustain 1 t9, New Millinery ' New Huts. ' bew Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Trimmings «kc. Just opened out at Mclutyne 6:. Piioi’ s Woodville. “'3 are requested to state that the dog tags are now in.the hands of the Treasurer and those having dogs whose lives their owners consider worth $l_00 should call and secure one at once. The constable will lodge complaint at the next session of Council against all who have not taken out the required tag at that time. 0i- Sp ocml value in Genta’ \\ bite Dress and Reg Elna Shirts. Soft. and atilf Pelt Hats latest style at H. \Vilson’ s W oo-lville. “Write carefully." says De Quincy, "You can never tell how much good your work may accomplish " No truer words were ever spoken. A man brought around a perfectly lovely poem about the sun kissed leaves of September yesterday, just as the ofï¬ce boy built a ï¬re in the grate and was looking for something to liébt it with. Tm: crops in this \icinity give excellent promise at present. News scarce. A RACE course has been leased from Mr. Wm. Smith on his farm, 4th Concession, by the \Voodville Driving Aaaociatiou. THE Cmmcil should have tlmluxurinnt crop of Burdocka, growing on the village streets attended to are they 3b to seed. L‘Asxlxu'mx uow cnjuys the honor of liming tho liattalliun Band in the village. The 34th will do its tluty by the band tuul excellent one will be the result. Several of our “'oodville boys have joined the baud. Tm: Blooming Rose Lodge, 1. t). G. T.. gave a pic-uiu at Beavertou on Tuesday. Eti‘uodvillz Um. 9mm £50:an Elm. (.‘nrriod. .\t l‘u-nwutun. on Sunday the 11th inst, l'umlflu. “m- ul‘ .\lr. AchI. Campbell, 'ngud 35 yculs. terious disappearance of Andrew Rolston, who left his home in March last Without giving his wife or family any information with respect to why or where he was going, his departure has not, as is usual in such cases, been without its accompaniment of comment and gossip, some of which is by no means praiseworthy. It has also furnished an occasion for the advancing of many wild rumours and opinions by persons at a dis~ tance who have no other foundations for such opinions than their own vivid imagina- tions and who are totally void of.’ any regard or sympathy for the sore feelings and dis~ comtiture which must be experienced by a. wife and family so deprived. Out of justice however, to the bereaved family, who have the sympathy of the entire neighbourhood, let it be said that these opinions are held by the neighbours of the family in just eon- tempt. One of these rumours was proved ‘ unfounded by a party consisting of sixteen of the neighbours, who made a thorough search of a small piece of swamp in the vic- inity. on Saturday of last week; but with the result which they expected of ï¬nding no trace of the missing man. The men who took part in this search were not actuated by the feeling that their labor would Le re~ worded by any discoVery, (for the opinion generally entertained by them is, that Mr. llolstou has gone abroad for the pur mso of accumulating a fortune and may )e yet heard from.) but that others who say much and do little might be satisfied. And now Mr. Editor, I ask as a favor the publication of this item in your paper. ED. 013' ADVOCATE, We do not hold ourselves responsible for tho opinions of our correspondents. Onr columns are open for the free discussion of all public and social topics. But. we reserve the right to ex- clude any article considered objectionable. ‘3‘ Cheap fares to Great Britain, Ocean tickets only $17.00. Jno. McKiunou, Agent "Allan Line," Beavextou. The superiority of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good efl‘ects on the children. Ax ordination of Elders and Deacons oc- curred on Sabbath last. Elders: G. I“. Bruce, John Ross, Robt. Morrison. Deacons: Dun. McMillan, D. Grant, Hector Logan, Neil Westcott. M a. stm’ Musokovn returned from the lakes last week. 'l‘HI-2 Uuml 'l‘clluplar§of \Vnmlville held a picnic at the grow on Tuesday last. 011 the way home a somewhat sci-mm accident. llflp- pencd tn one of the party. A high crossing on Simcoe Street resulted in th: throwing out of a young lady and her receiving sever-- al severe bruises which rcn-lcred the Doctor’s attendance necessary. This cross- ing has caused several nechlents l-ttely and it; would be Well for the Council to see to it at nnce before a bill for charges be present ‘. ed. W Ax immense stock of “'all paper very cheap at the Mcdicnlï¬all, Beaver-ton. \V In. 'l‘nrhox whose case came before the Judge last week was disin'ssed. Mr. Tar-o hox feels himself aggrieved at the promin- ence given his case by the local papers and by being placed in connection with the re- cent burglaries which have occurred here which was not the indictment. His acquit~ tal certainly relieves him from these charges and as we were given to understand that the indictment was as stated Wu make the correction. pr Just received one case American Clocks and \Valthun “'atches. Special bargains in watches. clocks and jewellry at “Medical Hall,†Beavcrtou. Mr. Arch. Campbell, has suffered another severe trial in the loss of his wife who died on Sunday morning lust. Mrs. Campbell has not been well since the drowning of her little son a year ago. She was not thought dangerously ill hOWever, and it was with deep regret the announcement was rece’iwd of her death. Mr. Campbell has the sym. pathy of the community in his trouble. The â€Checkers" play a. match with the “Independents" of Toronto, on let of July. are in tha habit of plucking the flowers which adorn the graves. This is shabby and mean and shows but little consideration fur those feelings which have prompted the mlormnent of the spot. Our attention: has been called to the fact that‘visitors to St. Andrew’s churchyard Tun Lacrosse Club have effected quite A trunsfornmtlon in the Agricultural Society's grounds. Several hundreds loads of soil have been hauled and many tons of stone remov- ed, it is now approaching something like a level condition. Thu Fireman's Concert announced for the evening of July 13: promisus to be an un- usually brillisnt one. Negollstions are in progress with several famous artists who will likely be with us. Miss Barr, of Hamil- ton, and Miss Shaunhan. of Orillia are among the names presented. A chaugu OCClll‘l‘ellrllll Mumluy last in the timetable of the G. ’I‘. ll. Trains now leave Beau-Non (iniug South at. 8:08 tun. au(15:‘23 p. m. Going North at 10.43 tun. and 7:58 p. In. A gospeltcnt “ill be erected (l). V.) on Mara Street. on Sunday next. 0110 22ml. Meetings wlll be held at 3 o’clock and 7:45 p. 111., and etery owning during the Week. W. 1'. Douglas aml W. J. McClure, will conduct services. All are invited. gï¬tal Wit 0 “ 11 "£0.31! 3 ‘T ' 3W3 (Enrrzspnuflsm. DEAR Sm. ARGYLE, June 16th, 1884. Yours Sincerely, Ever since the mys- JUSTICE. Tlmwpm‘t recommends paqunt of tho fol. lowing nomuntmâ€"W. Nodnmn. repairs Scugog hriduc. afli.lll:'l‘hon. Duncan enrpmkur Talbot lirulgv. snlnr ' 1885. $551!); D. Graham. removing [loud \\'N.)(l. 'l allmt bridge, $12.0); 1’. Mclhu‘, 2 (lys. sm'viccs as emu. Talbot bridge. $1.00; (mum Hazard. salary 14! n3 caretaker Uoi'urn bridge, Mr. Jns. Mcl’lleraon, chairman. brought up the second report of the standing cumâ€" mitten on Honda and Bridges. On motion of Mr. Philip McRae, twenty dollars was ordered to , be paid to James Gordon, census Commissioner of Benvcrton. Mr. A. )Icline brought in a hy-va to in- corporate the village of Benveaton, together with a report from the census taker, and on the motion of Mr. Lnrke seconded by Mr. A. M cRne, they were referrod to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Mllrlull, A. McRne, McPherson, Thompson and St. John, who reported in favor of the adoption of the hy-lmv and the report from tho cen- sus commissioner. On motion the name of ieorgo Smith, Jr. was inserted in the hy- lnw as Returning Uilicer. Report adopt- ed. The usual byâ€"lnw to raise money, not ex- ceeding $12,000, etc., to meet the current year’s expenses, was passed. Mr. long, chairman, presented the ï¬rst report of the standing cmmnittee on County Property and Gaol Management, which with a few slight amendments was adopted. The \Varden tool. the chair at 10:50 am. The Clerk laid before the Council the bonds of the County Treasurer. The l0§3uf the sense of hearing is both annoying an! dangerous. Those suffering from deafness should try Hagyard's Yellow Oil according to directions. This invaluable household renu-ily cured John Clark, nl .‘lilbridge, Ontario, reaming! his hearing in one Week. The individual who places trust in many of the claims of advertised remedies is Often sadly disappointed. but. the array of facts regarding! the honest virtues of Burdock Blmnl Bitters are indis II.It.ahle It pnsitive- ly cnIes di<eases of the. lIluud, liver and kidneys. Investigate the proofs and testiâ€" monials. A whiskel “)0 must be convcnlent to use. easy to ap )lv, impossible to rub oi}, elegant In appearance, anal cheap in price. Buck- ing -'hmn s Dye fur the \\ lnskers unites in it. self all these merits. Try it. Mm‘ed by Mr. McArlhnr, seconded by Ml. Grant, that the Council adjourn till the 20th inst. to meet. fur the transaction of general business aftei the Court of Revision. Carried. Movul by nlr. Campbell, seconded 1’1 Mr. Grant. that the Clerk be instructed to have Mr. Geo. Smith of BeaVertou, to make .1 map of the Village at an cheap a rate as possible. Carried. :Thereaftm the Council went into con- sideration of gelWlnl business. The Court adjourned till the 20th inst to mect in the Town Hall at l p. m. 'l‘hc Assessm- complained against thezfol- lowing persons as not hzwiln,r proparty as~ sessed, namely : John Scott, George Smith, McInï¬yle Prior, {odrick Campbell, Leas McDonald, Andrew Gunu and J . C. Gil- christ. A VIOTIM 0F MISPLACED CON- FIDENCE. Hugh Wilson of Cannington appealed against his assessment. and stated that his personal propert was assessed too high and made a. declaration thaqhis stock was $4,200 and that he was indebted for the same 33,- 770 and he'was only liable to be assessed for $400, the Council amended accordingly. Appeals were received against the assess- ment from the following persons :«John A. Jackson, that he did not own the property for which he was assessed. This was amend- ed by placing the property on the Non Resident list. Woodvllle Village Council. Tm; Council of the Village of Woodville met in the' l‘own Hall at 10 11,111., asa Court of Revision and took the necessary oath. Members present Dr. Clark, llceve ; Gregor Campbell, John MoArthur and Don. Grant Councillors. PAn'Ij 2ND Jr.-â€"John McKenzie, Herbert Armstrong and Hugh Sandemu equal, A. Munro; l’carl Perry. 151‘ Cl.A$§‘.-â€"Elllol \Vood, Annie Campbell, Alison Campbell. 2squss Junâ€"Fred. Armstrong, Rod. Mc'l‘aggnrt, James Gordon. ’l‘hos. Munro. PART 25'». Sn.--Nellie Renr, Flurilln Hartiu, Jennie Mcb‘udycn. Victoria Fraser. 2x]: CLASS Sn.â€"Jounié McDonald and Maud Frazer equal, Annie Mcleycn. Min» uie McKenzie. 3m: CLASS JR.â€"-Juhu Campbell, Duncan Campbell. Ira Sherman, Stephen Smith. 4TH l'msx. â€".\lary McFmeen, Mary Ann Campbell, Ruse Vassar, Mary J. McKenziu. 31m: Cum Simâ€"Jennie Sherman, Wm. Perry, Mary E. Garden, Davin] Bruce. tom Our Corrospondunt. 'l‘llt: fulluwiug in the standing of the pupils in 8'. S. No. S, Eldon fur the month UK May. 'l'lnuir standing is Imaml on punc. tuality, gun-conduct mul marks obtained at written oxmuiuntiuus clurirg the mouth. Ontario lCounty Council. FOURTH DAY. A BAD INFIRMITY. J. C. Gm'luusr, Klrkfleld. I). Mclflxnuxrz, M. A. MURA'B, Emmy JUM: 6TH. Clerk. Teachers. T0 BEGIN WORK AT O.\'(‘I~: 0N FALL SALI’S Steady mnplnymont at ï¬xed salaries to all will Ing to Work. Mon and wonwn can have Meagan t ' \V’nrk Uu- Yemr ltound. 00ml Agents are warning from 940 to £377. 3“ mvmh and exponent Terms and 0mm free. Fontlzill' Nag-genes, The lamest in the Dominion. Salesman Wanted! An Active gill w.anted W01 Ix light. Send three 20. stamps {0} Sample Cop} 112m; ~ ish or German) of tht: (“dc-st and but Agri- cultural Journal In "no, Won-d. ORANGE Jl'DD ('(L DAVID W. JUDD. Pres. 1M III-mum ny. M-w York. American Agriculturist. SPRING CLEANING. Every good housewife will ‘renomte the entire house at least every Spring and Fn' Our -systems often need renovating ah. and there is nothing better to make n; blood and cleanse and regulate than gur- dock Blood Bitters, preVeuting diseases in- cidental to the season‘s charges. Remarkable Nestoratlonk Mrs. A. O’Brien, 382 Exchange Street, Buffalo, was an )pused to be dying with com. sulnption and n 'Indonecl by her physician. She suffered terribly and was reduced in flesh to ninety pounds. In this condition she reSthed to Burdock Blood Bitters, and now enjoys perfect health and weighs one hundred and forty-six. She Will gladly ansn'er enquiring snfl'ereis on receipt of U. S. postage stamp. 100 Columns and 100 Engavlnga in each issu A PAINFULOCCURRENCH. Some of the most nainful sufferings tlmb afliict. mortals occur from rheumatism Either the acute or chronic form may be eradicated from the blood by an early use of‘ the grand purifying system reuovator, Burn dock Blood Bitters. The sum effects of Ayér’s iSarsaparilla a; ;- thornugh and permanent. If there is a Imi- ing taint ni‘ Scrofula about you, Ayer’s Smut saw-um will dislodge it. and expel .it, from your system. Mr. \lurton, seconded by Mr. Smith, Oshawa moved that .1 \ote of thanks be and ‘he s1me is hereby tendered to the Warden, J. L. Smith. Esq. Mr. Luke intrvduced and calâ€""tied tbmngh a by-law to assess for County purposes and educational expenses. Mr. Morton moved, seconded by 351‘. Burnett, that the Dominion Government be‘ memorialiletl by thin Council to increase the grant for equipment of the volunteer militia so as to raï¬eve the municipalities from‘ the necessity which now exists of making aubv sialinry grants to maintain the Rica! Volum- teer coma in a state of elï¬ciency. ,, w... V. V "u (ll-lulu unluu lur {Ills [nu-pose. The committee had be ore it the estimated re" ceipta and expenditures of this County for the current year and ï¬nds upon consideration that? the sum of 8910 will be necessary to meet the expenditure of the year and would recommend that n by-lnw he passed levying,r the said sun! on the rateable property of this (ounty. Report adopted with amendments. warm, sum-1 , nw.-... .- umuuu U! L ., "'~: I‘ . for a grant In and arlmrclmsmg e1 theiï¬tll Battalinfl, t 10 committa the fllllll of Sf“: lug nmgropiated {a I... ..~-.»- , ,Wï¬ .__.‘- [nun-n “mung Ill "18 L'Ollllv ty is lessening. and recnnmn-nds that the mem- lmrs of thist onucil assist in enforcing the pro- visions of the try-law iu ther several muni- ci nlities. {Pgurdiug the l 7.. pplicatjon of Cal. O'Dononn' I“. .. .._A._‘ ._ , “W“... .. ..., I...†u, uwuuwrmuenl under' the present syn em of steam heating. who natal that the Inspector of Prisons has recently ox~ unlined into the hunter which is now under the consideration of the Gorernment with I fair prospect of our claim Luing soon sathï¬ed. The committee recommends that the County Tres- sumr and Auditors be instrwted to arrange 1» system 0! subhearls under which the receipts and expenditures of the l‘onnty shall he placed in the emimatea of the former and reports of tho hitter as submitted. This will facilitate the pro- perciieckiug d tln-nccountsnnd ï¬xingtheamionnt of levy for ouch year. The committee ï¬nds that; the revenue from l‘cdlnr‘s licenses in decreasing although there is no mason to believe the num- ber of hmvkers and p - liars trnzdi‘rig in the Counv t“ i! Inca: nfnu null .. The Council then mljonrhed sine (l'-. 43rd YEAR. SI 50 A Year. . uu cuulullucu mm â€own: it tha- bond afJ. B. Laing as Treasurer and the .eugagement of the London Gumautmec‘oq an hm Mroty. and found them in muno state as at Jan‘. scallion. and tound that the bonds and onungenmnt‘ as above expire on Junoelthinst.,1nd l'OCOlfllllO'lld that they be renown] Imam: Hm. A“... .‘...-.u “‘H, . . _ Girl Wanted. .~. 325' ACRES. Mr.l.1rke. chairman. brought up I reâ€" port from "'19 Finappn Committee. cwwmu cuunuusurmurs nppmuwd to rumovo obstructions (mm the uutlem 0! “has Silucw undï¬mchichingww loot. ltopm‘t adopted as amended. ‘ On motion of Mr. Batemea. 5300 Val» put to the crcdi! of Scugog bridge com. mission. A mutiou 0117113717,. i (. {Kt-x III-.3 a chute be added to tho rupnrt. uuflwriznug the payment 01‘ 845(02110 commisslmwrs nppmqtqd to rumovo ..| : 7-. , I» -' “ H ...A.....,. Tho rq‘u'v'lfiiffltlm ru-vo of Man ouco tn Ilmt hrnluu was adopted. l k , , n‘ .. A ...A n‘u, .. .. MRS. JOB. J. CAVE, Woodville. .uwr «xumiuinu tlw ayqvlicutiun. of Mr. Todd. (lcp‘rocl' - ut leu'iclgn, nr 1; Ram! 01 $1 to tub down the Gram] Hi†lmlu'u-n Uxhridgo and Whitchuch tho counm’ttco cook! no! menu mend the smut. The n tort of tho new (:1 5‘15}: with refer- nnpn 0.. “IL... I....nl..., _ 'l‘hucluuu» I; Jixiinifl-Hil}{Iii-Ella“: of 85A) to- llw tuu‘n u! Whitby In aid. In hufldilu: an "out ln‘iduu oh-r lgylylv'ï¬h-cak: Awnx‘utruck out. AAA,†_ Hum. Thu! havinnkurncd that neurh‘ I“ that no; . (ion of Humugln-idgo haunt; knownzus thelro and mumm lm‘ this- un'inu as wull a: his! beer] mun-r water in i'unswflu'm'u 01‘ (hr winking,I u!- thmuuuu, rm-unum‘n»! Um! that iortinn 0! said hru‘ m In: min-d [=1 u livid)! mum with and I'v- l’ul‘ml in u. umnm-r nnulu ' In that already «IonH n)‘ Um contractor Mr. 'I annmu and that \\ I'Mumunrn-w nt Smwrg: I'. Velma. move or Mum: and Jmuw l’crr) . «lup~i'n~vu of l'ickorln" In: ummhuul t-olnnuisnmlurs to umiuinu Btiu brldqe and in mku Mich nn-nnurm as may In nocumsy mnut thu sunm in thuwugh reps" 'l‘hut tln- con-minim lm i-nnniwurwl to uumloy u cum mum! cnginwr m uxunninu lhu said Drii «- and {a pruluuu plume an“ um-ilicntions for (m sumo. and Him with I uwur lu ask tho Warden 100 call tho ('ounty Council In Int-ct at rm Parry to cousidc-r the matter it nu-hxar)‘. n“ . Apply to me a “cation of Cal. O'Donovan' mid purchasing eguipme'uta for alinfl, t )C‘ committe recommends“ ‘ he nmvro n'ated {or this purpose. tteo had he ore it the estimated re‘-- penditurc-sof this County for the and ï¬nds upon consideration that? an , ‘ .“HI I , J: WELLINGTON. '1 owmo. 0m