Mexicanâ€"And you smoked it to the and withoutâ€" , Marianâ€"Without what? Tell me quickly. Mexicanâ€"Without offering her one.â€" Philadelphia Call. hunted with n woman's happmeaa. Americanâ€"0 1 it cannot be ;' it cannot be. Whnt hue I done? Maximâ€"You lit a cigar in her pre- noncoâ€" Amerioanâ€" But she named me that she digpog ohjeo; toï¬. A forcible entry wee mede into the otï¬ee of Messrs. Teylor dz Betee' brewery, 8t. Cetberinee, between Thmdey end Fridey night by expert b . They were not rewerded with mu money. en the oeeh bed been banked only in the efternoon. end it was thought there wee not much more then ebont 850. The thieves eleo took e number of notes of bend ende ehgqne for ebout_ 8183. The etore end poetoï¬oe of M. '1‘. Wood et Erin. 0nt.. wee broken ineo on Thundey night end the we blown o n. Abone $550 wee token, of which 365 belonged to the t~oflioe. The bones: shop of George alter wee vieind. end 9.33 token from the till. There ie no clue w the hnrglere. A Mn. Ogufll, of Omgavflle. tookln overdose of neunlgm medicine lust wall, from “no effects of which nhe died. Netive Mexican Gentlemanâ€"I deeply regret to be obliged to inform you. my dear friend, tint your actions lest nighi in the presence of that charming senorita were very rude. American Visitorâ€"Yon shook me! What did I do '2 I essure you the: I tried my best to meke e fsvorsbls impression on thst lovely girl. In feet. I m in love with her. sn_d_would not offend her for ihe world. Mexicanâ€"I fear you hsve dashed your hopes. then. She now considers you an ignorant hoor, too bessel selï¬sh to be minted ï¬sh ‘2? yomsn's sppnnesa. Mutin Ola-kc, oged 10 years, was drown ed yhilo bnthing in the Dan in Toronto yester- Quux chronu hen jnet etteined her 65th yeer. en ego which hen been exceeded by nine only of the eovereigne ol Englend. deting from the Normen conqneet. viz: Henry I. end Edwerd I., who both etteined 67 yeere; Queen Elieeheth. who lived 69 yeere;JemeeII.. 68 yeere; Georg e 1.. 67 yeere; George 11.. 77 68;yeere George 111.. 82 { Georgequ y;eere end Williem V.. 72 yeere. On J one 20th. ehe will heve over the United Kingdom for 47 yeere, e length of time which hes been exceeded by three of the Kings of E nglend only, via: yryHen 111., who reigned 56 yeere; Edwerd III. whose reign]8 reeehed 50yeere; end George III.,whoeere1gnleeted neerly 60 yeere. Victoria is else the oldest Europeen moneroh. with three exceptions â€"the Emperor of Germeny ,who i387 yeere olege; the King olthe Netherlende. 67; end the King of Denmerk. 66. Jno. Flasher, 0! Orangevillo, bu remind 3 land ugenoy in the Nonhwen from the Government Ssmuol Pm“, who wan injured nt the railway some ï¬ne Igo. died in the hospi. m 1» Kingston yuï¬ordny Ithrnoon. A lugs qmtity o! milibry stores is bejpg ghippgd from Kingstoq to Brook viue'. inofiding 40,000 Sound. of rifle ammunition. The deeth ie ennonneed at his residence, Toronto. on Sunday. of Meander Card. in his 83rd you. Deoeeeed wee a York Pioneer. J. R. Media. Co I, bmieter-r"“*._ bu been eppoint e'oomminio' - ' dedxmne ponemln for ï¬ne oonn‘ dimmd. Mn. Leech. widow of the mnrd‘ ernor o! Sendwieh jul. he been ellm e not peneion by the county. The 0; Government gne her 3750. ‘ Moran Cebill. e teemeter, belonging to Georgetown. bed hie lett leg broken in two pleoee et York etetion. on the Grend Trunk Rulmy. yeaterdej afternoon. while loed. in; on burele of o' . one dipping end tell- in: on him. Tan denoendenie or the Penn: now living whoere to ehm the £67,000 deï¬ant“ 5! the Brian: Netionnl Debt Communion In oornmnteflon at One £4,000 ennui? p!“ the! funny elnne 1790. u indemn ty tor the property it Ion in Penneylvenie by the Bewlntionnry Wu. hen the nemee 0! Fall 30'1“â€. Newcombe. 8%.. Down. GI!- uu. Baker. Gonna. an], Reed. Alexender. Weller. Got}, Olyton end Rnynter. Nonmnuxnme the millortnnee o! Anette explorere, end the ma. pmdnel soodpined in return Enron Nordenek. J'old uh (or £800,000, to epend on en 3M“ 90 ï¬re ogher end of the globe. Judge Ferguson has mule An order Ip- proving rho scheme for we distribncion of the nmountn “waded the anthrax: by the Humbor disaster. Mn. Livingston. wife of Mr. John Liv. ingeton, editor-in-ehiet of the Herald. died on Sand-y night ot her nei- denoe in Montresl after on illness of shout a month. Much eympothy is expressed for Mr. Livingston end the bereaved family of eight ohil_dren. ' Mnny people hove boon noon-tamed to 3:36 the oomh on sunny. had thus notion do on tn down a the oquotor md u long my beyond. but when It becomes a question at tho poloo, in: the north thnt in sunny And the loath 3h“ in dork. The nmh polo h onjoyiog now about on much Inmmor no it our ml]. and ‘ho south pole in by In the more Iinu'y of the “to. It then buy chunoo to loan thou! polu the north pole in mu m moot “erth for Ptpdy. nlthough it onn't be ad George King, t painter, died suddenly n Kingnon yestotdly of epilepsy. A burglny was committed in the were- honee of Mean. RH. Bollend J: 00., lane oode importerlmn 8:.Peul street. Mont†. getween Seturdey night end Sunday morn- ing. the thieves gaming may with 82.000 worth of good- withont my clue to the perpetnton. Tex-onto ie extending the electric lighting CURRENT TOPICS. A Brace at Burgh-ion. Bug-cue In Mexico. end mleee to love. honor end obey e girl for thetie one. end the girl turne end oelle the old gentlemen “ pe," then the emerty of twenty yeere ego begin- to think thet he in getting old enough to turn out to green. end he looheet himeellin the mirror end eeye: "Tho-e ere grey heir-e. sure enough. end the oleering on thet heed Indioetee beldneee thet in not pro- metnre." I enppoee e men who hee eighteen or nineteen eone getting men ried elong et interveln, gete need to it. end doee not notice it so much. but my experience in thet the ï¬rst time It men he e eon merried it mehee him feel ebont 90 yeere old. with his teeth gone. Well. the his kid ie merried. end mey God bleee him end the little girl he hee ohoeen, end mey they live happily to see little onee grow n eronnd them to None them end fool eronn grendâ€"O. goeh. I can't write it. I on stem] it to be celled “ pe " by ell the children†in the _wide world, but thet “ greed †word. it eeeme to me. would melee me feel like 3 veteran of 1812. The little 7-year-old kid of the family wanted to get moi-tied. too, but he wee tnlked out o! it. utter 5 while. He thought he ought to hove on good a ehow in the neoeeeuiee 0! life ee hie big brother. but fluelly eom~ premised on heving the mumps. Mum ere bed enough et home. when one on o hie howling at his temily. but to have mum e in 3 great New York hotel, where every y wonders why you didn't mit till you ot home to have them, is shed eeheme. utthelittle boee bee promised that it shall not occur whimâ€"Peck? Sun. Wisdom prepares for the worst, but folly leaves the worst (or the day when n omen. It is a fact that Nnnvnaxn cannot be surpassed by my combination for the relief of pain. The reason is 3 good one. Nor-vi- !i_ne conï¬ning the best, most _power_!nl‘nnd Seven men were executed on Beturdey et Jerez. in Spain, by the gnrrote, (or Bleok Heud Socieliet ontregee. The eentence of ï¬ve othere hoe been commuted to imprin- onment for life. One he become ineeue, end one. who turned iniormer. hoe com- mitted euieide. The genote ie at mode of execution practised in Bpein end the Spen- ieh coloniee. The crimmel is rented. end leene hie heed meinet e eupport prepared (or it. An iron coller cioeelv encirciee the throat, end the executioner turne e screw, the point 0! which penetretee the epinel merrow where it unites with the bum, and comes metenteneoue deeth. Come back laden with the joys end pleasures 0! that dream-time of his when sweet anticipation garnished with brightest hues the future as it stretched out before us. Only the pleasures hoped for us entered the hecrt then. But us we grow older, to one and other comes the Awaken- ing. It you should be troubled. not in heart, but in feet, with come. and they melts life miserable. go to the nearest drug store and buy a bottle of Putnam’s Corn Extractor. the “sure. safe and painless corn cure." and you will he quickly re- lieved. end happiness will ever ï¬lter brighten your path. N. C. Poleondz 00.. Kingston. prop’s. “10 Int“. distant-03' "11:03:99. It in a magic min cure. Rheumatism, stiff nook, cramps. neuralgia, o‘ (not all painâ€" internal. enema! and localâ€"are subdued in slow minutes. Go us once lo my drug store at! gas: trill home. I; willy only cost you 10 cents, and yoga can st 3 gmull An Indian prince hes had a. throne mode of solid glen. It will now be possible to see the power behind the throne without any trouble It all. Steve Anderson, e colored ï¬remen in the mills at Fort Scott, Ken" who wee recently merried. quenched with his wife lest night over the plans of 3 proposed ï¬shing pert . The women shut him out of the house. e requested her to open the door. end when she complied shot her three times in the breest with e pistol. He then shot himself in the heed and died intently. The women died: few minutes Inter. Mr. John A. Grouse, Montreel, epeolel Coetome Agent of the Dominion Govern- ment. hee juet mode e clever seizure. {waning thet two Amerioen lore hed Need the lines with e quent ty of smog- 'qwellery. Groee followed the pertiee 'e city to Three Rivers. where he 4d oontleoeted between 81,700 end ,..A) worth of wetohee end oheine. The emngglere decemped. end their where- ehonte are unknown. Smuggling of jewel- lery nod wetohee into Cenede from the United Btetee it now common. end it to teted thet hendeome proflte ere often realized by those in the bnejneee; cost We“ the great ' ain cure. Pobon's Nerviline. Luge hot: on only 95 cents. The chance concoctions of ignorant men have sometimes brought disrepute not only on their own worthless medicines that deserve no credit. but sometimes. with much injustice, on really reliable prepara- tions. Ladies should not hesitate about Mrs. Pinkham’s Vega tshle Compound. for this remedy has been tried, proven and praised for years. â€"The new mode in Paris of disposing of babies not needed is to ate them to ohmoh and leevs them under e so“. 'l‘he Ie-eette- et 'tmm'e Olden Iey’e mandate. When e men in ï¬ret celled “pe.†by e little one thet he hee e he]! Intereet in, he fntehie thnmhe in hie veet.end emilee e two. or-mqnerter emue, endthinh he le emert. He wondere it ever e men ea young. end men-loom) ee he ie. wee celled “pe†ore, end e pnte on etyle. end thinhe thet he In e thoroughbred. But twenty yeere leter. when the etoreeeld intent. grown to be e greet etrepping fellow, his enough toteke hre “ pe †oown et e wreetle “ eqnere-hold." ‘etengla holore_ e_miniet_er_ All netnre is full of the love of ornament, all the hehitntions of creatures. even in the lowest souls of being. are rich in coloring end in carving of the moat exquisite end eleborete deoontion. It is only an ignonnt md nncnlzivoted spirit which denounces the name love or omemsnt in man, end it is nstupid docttine which sees in it nothing more then e weate of meantâ€"Duke of Argyu. Childhood‘s Memories I). Not Forge! 1!. 'lllulflu OLD. The Court of Alebemn Chime nt Wuh- ington will beer no more oeeee before ed. journment for the summer. Eighteen hundred end eeventy eneee beve been ugued nnd submitted Ind judgmente rendered in 1.754, for the Omega“ amount of 84,960,000. egninet 97,230,000 chimed. A dupatoh from Bellevfllo. dmd Sutur- duy. ny- whnle misting a bee (or the pur- Ie o! nininn the fume for . driving one. near Mountain VIOW. in Pnnoe Edward ooumy. the ugsporu aliï¬ped and the atmomre hllin kill Jnmeo onion and family injured Iniel Ecken. An old brick building on Grend etreet. New York. tell on Betnrdei etiernoon. Three women were' buried. at one wen reeeued not eerioualy hurt. Mre. Lizene Miller was che only pereon injured. None of she tenente ot the building are injured or missing. Ilo Invelghe Dumb Agni-u the Donn Ito Butt-valence u the Age. Hr. Telmece preeoned eeoethins eermon In the Brooklyn teherneole yeeterdey mom- in on the oeneee thet led to the ï¬nenolel eerthqnehee 1n Well etreet. “ There ere men who gether ï¬tteen tor- tnnee under their wince." Ieid Ir. Tel. mege. “ but their dieme when theee tor- tnnee Return to theit 3 do! own ehell he like thet ot the hen on oueovering thet ehe hee hetohed out eqnetto fowl. Well etteet hee eeen the oozonetion end the hnriel o! tene ot thoneende o! tortnnee. end it £1.31ng with tip-top eoopndreliem.†_ “The death of men who are thus ex- trsvsgsnt at somebon else’e expense." thundered Mr. Talmege, “ is grand lsroeny. They no robbing the undertaker end the doctor as they go into the cofï¬n ; the one of his elippere end the other of his pills. Suoh men deserve to hove their bones go to the medical museum to pay the sxpensee of their burial. And when you think you are gomg to die, you send for the minister to post him on what he shall say at, your funeral in lying about your exoellenoes." (ApplauseJâ€"New York Journal. Bridget Unnninghem died at Greecent Oiey.Ool.. than. 3 year ego. leeving en ensue weaned at $100,000. end notwith- ennding ehe bed eeven bro‘hen and eie- ten, none of them or oeher hem heve been head from, dihongh extensively edver- tiaed for. BI. TALflAu-t IN WA. PAINT. 7‘ There are people in our cities.“ resumed Mr. Tulmsge. “ who can hardly puy their rent. end they owe everybody in their neighborhood. moving swey WI“) the waist- ence o! u cermun whom they will never pey. There sre 5.000 such thieves in Brooklyn.†" The liner your horse sud the ï¬ner your currisge the better I lnke you. but it you’re hopelessly in debt for them get down and well: like the rest ct us.†(Laughton) “ It is eetimeted thet there ere 5.000 women nu New York whoee wesriug uppers! costs on an average ct over 82,000 a year. Why. it's leehiousble now to Wipe ewe the tears that ure ehed in church with s 150 pocket handkerchief." Apart even from the manifold milk of the tree that bears the coooanut, the milk itself has many and great claims to our respect and esteem. as everybody who has ever drunk it in its native surroundings will enthusiastically admit. To be sure. the white milk in the dry nuts ie a very poor etufl. sickly and strong-flavored and rather indigestihle. But in the tropics oocoanut milk. or. as we oftener call it there, coeoannt water. is a very different and vastly superior sort of beserage. At 11 o’clock every morning, when you are hot and tired with the day‘s work, your black servant. clad from head to foot in hie cool. clean white linen suit, brings you in a tall soda-glass full of a clear. light crystal liquid. temptineg displayed against the yellow background of a chased Benares crass work tray. The lump of ice bobs antininuly no and down in t e centre of tl:e tumbler. or clinke musical y against the edge of the glass as he carries it along. You take the cool cup thankfully and swallow it down at one long. draught; fresh as a May moraine: Pure as an Eug- lish hillside spring. delicate asâ€"well. as eccoanut water. None but itself can be its parallel. It iscertsinly the most deli- cious, dainty, transparent. crystal drink ever inventedâ€"The Cornhiu Magazine. “ I'd like to m the plowuhm at the curb in front 0! nni‘y Church. sud (hive it though will mourned. ugrrow. unnoti- uootnnl wny. sud um atop all all the ooh- blo-Iwnu o! pordiï¬on were hurled into me rive: n ‘he tony." _ “ Do you went to know whet eeneed the panic ‘1†screamed Mr. Tolmege. " It is the exuevegenoe in modem eooiety that compels men to epend more money than they can mete. [Applenu] Sometimes the men 1e 00 blame, eomeumee hie wile. sometimes both ore to hlnme." {Roma 0! Mayor.) He repeats on thorns who sleep: on beds of roses. In judging of others 3 mu: often erreth ; but in examining himself. alwnyu lnboreth trnmully. Meyor Obese end Oity Marshal Guthrie. of Omehe. Neb.. have been indioeed for elleged bribery end perjury. It is oherged the: :hey beve been levying lribnte upon gamblers end pro-titans end received money lrom eonï¬reetore. rodent ol prede'eo Instincts, who greedily devoured the fery deeed tritioeen byne deo :1“: in the dommeeilie ediï¬ce erected y o n. Advertising is to business whet steam is to machineryâ€"me stead propelling power This is the ubiquitous chantieleer whose antieomniferoue matutinal carol disturbed the reverend and tonsured functionary who formalli united in the bonds of holy matri- mony t e impecunicus individual in the lacereted habilimente, who considerably escalated the juvenile and accomplished female whoae prevailing idiosyncrasy wee depression. who daily despoiled of the laoteal fluid the cavicornie ruminant with the corrugated frontal appendage of oeeeoue excretion. who forcibly transferred to the further exde of the foemcularian granary the remoreeleee hound of harassing pro. peneitlee, who ruthleeely disturbed the muririnin digitigrate and feline animal, who enoceeefully oblitereted the soricinian lt Conn Axumâ€"And III Baton Dru- A Drink 01 Coco-null Milk. numb! l 0 SPRNOIB [AN 8 smsa common Coho mob Olmnlm (no PLACE to 8001". I Balm" Madman») or 8 noothu Pan At Toronto Aldus on Batuuhy M0 sums band In the salad vordio! o! the 'nry in the out at who: u. the mam mine Wu}. Ighloh Hurd- .0 In. All kind! of II Prod-flu handled IIIO Bun", Choc-e. "a. Poultry. Tailow etc. Pat. Rn MOIâ€! supplied. Con-In- Icnlu mlldtw. 93 Calhoun street Toronto mu» wa’ her o'o'n Oh. sum 0! 345,587.07. U 8. 3.. Lecturer on the Bye. Eu .nd Tin-o“ Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Ooulin 3nd Anti-t to the Toronto Gonml Botpihl, I“. Clinical Alumni Boy-l London hilalmio [Io-pita. Mooreflold’n and 00am London Ibrotg mug in: ï¬guplnl. _317 Church Street For all of those I‘d-(u! Ctr-plant:- and ' ' “'ukneuu so common to our be“ '" ‘ . ' . “FEMALE POPULATION.‘ . ' g" It wxu. cum xxx-mu '1'“! won“- roax or FF mus Cunpumrs. ALI. 0â€}qu “mums, I»: manna-10x A\D Uu‘muflox. FALuxo Axn Dm- x-ucsxnxrs, Ax» run coxszqttxr Snxn. Wan, use. Ann 18 mnncvunm’ ADAPTED to TB! Cums: or Lin. " . " . ' . ‘3. ‘ IT mu. mssou'n Ax» xxx-m. Tuxons mx '1'!!! Uranus IN AN EARLY sum: or DEVELOPXENT. Tun summer moan-c1: ROL'S lluxons rum :3 cucnn vmu' EPEEDILY BY us we. . | . i . 0‘ ' If Rxxovzs Rum-sass. Fuuuxcr. 3351-30" mcmwxa run snxmx'rs. ;xn Rnuavns Wm:- ans or flu: Sromxcu. Ir cvus BLou-Ixo, nun- ACHB. Nnuvovs Pxos'nu'rlox. Gsxsku. Duxmr. Dnrnxssxox nu) lsmoxsrlox. . 'r . i . * Tun‘ name or Bmmxo Dowx. uusxxo PAIN. Wncur AND BACKAL‘IIE. ls Aqu's rummnxru cummm'rrs L'sx. , * . * , l . O ' Ir wn.1. AT ALL TIMES AND l'xnnn ALL mm- a‘uxczs ACT 1x "Alwoxr wnu THE LAWS flu! oovm 'ru: FEMALE srs'rzx. . " , ‘ g ' a-I-rs mvnmsx Is SOLELY mu 'm}: umrrnu'u ammo or msmss ax» rm: luzunr or um, um nut 11‘ DOES ALL 11' cums 10 no. rnorsmns or LADIES CAN ounu‘ rn‘snm: “a . i . I , _-_'.-_.. Téiéiiofjruflolnl Bum-n E?“ LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND " ' 'IS A POSJTIyE__ CURE * .' GIBB GALLOW * * FOR THE cum or Kmxm' Com-nuns nt xu'mm 53x 'rlus REMEDY ls l‘st‘x‘J-Assau. ' ‘ ' LYDIA E. PIKKRAM’S VEGETABLE COIPOL'ND II Invented. at Lynn, My; Price 81. Six bottles {or .5. Sold bynll druggma. Sent by mail, posmge pnld, in form of Pills or Imus?- on receipt of pricouabove. In. Pinkhun’s “Guide to Health" Will be lnaihd Inc to In, Indy sending stump. Letter: conï¬dentially answered. ' 3 331.1391 ghogld b0 “’1";th puma :22“me ‘ No “mil should be without LYDIA E. anm LIVER PI They euro Constiruli " .B: nousumaul Tomidity o! the Liver. 25Cents per hw. * . 0 . Ill IIUIII A‘flll‘lll 3 ur-flll‘ll I. “‘El 1 Il-ul I. “’As'nso mesrmu. and all those diseases of a Ptnsoxn. Nun resulting lrom Au‘su nnd Oman Cwsu. needy gene! and Complete renown-m to Run". Moon and .‘hxnooo Gunman. Sam! at once {or Illusxmted Emphlet rm. _Address _ EYE, Ell? IND TIIRUIT. DB. G. s. Bm-ITéON, L. B. o. P. 8. 3.. Lecturer on the Eve. I!“ Ind Thro Di Ari-Linens nrn sent on :i] {1.113 Txill T0 \IEN ONLY YOUXG 0R 0!..D who am sunn- L113 from knnvnrs Drawn-v. L051- \‘rnu‘n. Voiididï¬Ã©lf 00.. MarshalLMich. 30 DAYS? TRIAL 11)“er I BFFIIIII. ~A2 II R. I RO-VOLTAIC BELT and c In. % EIJ-tr‘rrm Has stood the test for FIFTY-Tuna: YEARS, and has proved itself the best remedy known for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds,Whooplng Cough and allALupg Djseasesin young or old. 80'“) Evsm'wnakx. ELIXIR u||‘ VI â€I U‘ 'uu “Innl unnl 2m 25». ammo porIBottk. NZ HZ DOWNS" ESTABLISHED 1869. I). U N. .1- 96- Ԥ. mm: W E‘UgIâ€"R, A deepeeeh horn London eeye George Devideon. who heepe en hotel In Berrme. ville. Doreheeeer. wee eeurde commuted eonend hietrieleHeFell eone chemo! robbing Ramona-arson. The evidence vent to ehow thee Cline hed eold e drove o! nettle eo e Toronto ï¬rm end drew the mono tron e London henh. Be erogped e! De 9909's ho§el_._ drenk e 300g On Setmdey evening the chic! turnkey ct the St. Thoma jail ionnd three eteel fllee end anew mede out 0! e eteel Inile secreted in c broom In the wud in which Wrightmen wee conï¬ned. Wrightmen we: ct once removed to enother cell end ewetoh put over him. There in no doubt thee the prisoner intended to make an ettempt to buck jeil. ï¬nd the he had outside unint- â€"The Ionth‘golnr region in coVered wi‘h ice neuly to e Anwceic circle. Cept. Roe: 1n 1841 succeeded in reaching 77 degrees 32 minutes a n poine due comb from New Zeunnd. bu! ie was under excepï¬onel circumstances. The Thesi- recsntly made 83 degrees 20 minutee north, or wiehin 460 miles of the pole. The scien- tiï¬c problem: tobe eolvedb poll! reeenrch on only be determined a e north. dad. nude 5 dis lsy of hi: money. and while nu 1d win: rink Davidson t we most of in funds. D “.000 bondl. IVNOOII was eld 1n Judge Oerou. o! the Quebec Superior Cour; yenerdey decided egeiuee the appli- cation to treuefer Eno m Mouue e1 tor em), end ordered root of his elleged crime to In preeenied be ore him next Thu redey. An up lioetiou by the privete prosecution to 10% ï¬ne prisoner in jail was also relueed by in Lordship. iTem no sometimes the hnppien smiles 0! love. _ Elm at’nndviuc gamma JOS. J. CAVE, PROPRIETOR. M‘FICE â€" xxxa 3min, WOODVILLk on cured for ifsoif in) 'â€" perishaiwle fame throughth the world for the a neviation nut} own 02‘ most diseases to which humanity is hem Increase the secretory powers of the Liver. ï¬ance the nervous system‘ and throw into the Circuit» tion the purest Elements for sustaining and m- pairiug the frame. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that '0 their use alone they have been restored to heal 5;"er stljgpgg}. after Marv other mews had proved Colds. Sore Threats. Bronchitis, and all disorders of the Throat and Chest. as also Gun‘. Rheum» ism. Scroiula. and every kind of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment. . '18 New Oxford St. (late 5in Oxford S:.)London. and sold'at ls. 13d“ 25.9d.. 4s. 6‘... 1-_‘<.. 91‘s.. am? 335. each Box and Pet. and In C: - m t 35 cents. mcents. and 51.50 cents, and the urgu aims in proportion. 1501-05 their Weight in Gom‘. I? C.\UTIO.\’.â€"â€"-I have no Agent in the United States.uor are my Medicines sold there. Pur- chasers should thcrczore lock to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. It the addrrss is no; 553 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. will be found invaluable in every household in the mm of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. BAD LEGS,0LD WHUNDS, OOUGHS 111$“ch rurifv. regulate and improve the quality of tin flood. They assist the digestive organs. cl ‘ 'rms IXCOMPARABLE yapxcm}: nag se- An pzeuun so uh. Cancun their own Purgntive. In 3 «to. cure. ond omen.) destroyer of war-- in Children or Adult; WORM POWDERS. AND OINTMENT. STORAGE and. BOWELS,