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Woodville Advocate (1878), 10 Jun 1887, p. 1

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BEAVERTON Brick and 7 ile Company. $6.00 to $25.00 par thounnd. SCANTLING. SILLS. JOISTS, LATH, SHINGLES. (frdm 81.05 to 32.45 per thousand.) LIME. k0. Woudville Cheap TEA State! I hue now on hand tho largust stbck of Lumber ever in town. of all grades and at a." prices from Bdlvnv com'uuiunm known as Tayhr's Siding ruuu directly into our vurds and kilns, nav- ing to pun'lmsun; cost of loading. Freight paid on 'l‘ilein our 10‘s to any station within thirty miloa of yards. Good. Durant: 25m $1. School Book: mm» ao- an kinds 23mm landmines. m for Allan Line of Steamship: Mao tor filo . his“. ma “I loading now-moon. LI 000R TEAS \VM. TAYLOR. nouns, 3 Patterns, Gang Plough: (2 and. 5 Furrows') Land. Rollers “DH“ avuvx: boot Drills, 131340”, 1’ capers _ .4 A 'IEA-uAcu woollours. re a. m. tn I p. III. Saturday- “) n In In '3 [0 In. Mmh N. 86-ly Mitubranchusmml all points in Canal: and the United States. American currency bought. and sou. Most nllowvd on deposits at tho rsto of 5 pet cont. Notes collected atlowcst rates. .\.V n â€" -- Collecting Association -- â€"-DOL\'G BUSINESS lN-â€" CANADA AND UNITED STATES. ESTABLISHED IN l884. Elfin? for"! object. to collect from all that it ll poulb o lo collect from. then publish the mun" of All um o-nnnt or will not my. which list is supplied to 0V0?" member 0 tho Association lhrouuhou‘ Cnnm, a and Uultod States. Address J. BIDWELL MILLS C0. J O. GILCHRIST. Woodvillo. nouoy to Loan . st u low rate of interest. from 9 to 5!) years. 0. GILOHRIST, Clerk Village of Woodville, . Woodviuo. Ont. J C. (MLCHBIST. agent. (or first-class Ins-m- .mooCompnuies, does insun-oo at what it 8 worth and. no mum's fees required, making: nving of $1.50 to the inuror evaxy time. ~$%BANKERS>B~ BI IBRC 1‘ I A N TS“ ‘l ’RCTECTIYE J. S. MQMELLAEL BRICK AND TILE ! Benetton Lumbar Yard. JOS‘ J. CAVE, Publisher. SAVINGS' DE PARTMENT. Bills furnished to order n. Shortest. Notice. Address BEAVER")! BRICK A!!! TILE The undersigned beg to a’ «nu-mac ‘ the public that they ham 1m med 3 pannnrsmp under thu Ahoy. name And are now prepared to [ill all orders for Farmers! *BEAVTERTON, ONT.â€" MO‘N EY TO LOAN ' on good socurily. Drafts issued upon I!!! ‘ “‘a’nd'noworefia Beaverton Foundry w. SMITH Pmcbr‘ a Brick Block. first door east 01" Town flail With which you get a valuable book with every three pounds of ton. Dominion tank of Canada. 53.3 6.5; Q Ci?» 05' TI!!! SHORTS-KT NOTICE. ‘I’I‘IE BEST QUALITIES 0F TEAS J- 0- GILBHRIST Beavortou. Out. Managers. Hamilton Ont. a. MADILL. Manager. From 200ts. up. \\’OODVILLE. HENRY MOYLE. Eorao Rakes, ' â€"-North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. PROPRIETOR POSITIVE BORE OATABRH. GIVES Immediate Balm cold mead. m mm. -- - - ~ EASY TO C88. Not 38mm Pom!" or Imnung Liquid. Price low. and 81. no. It not obmlmblo n your dtng (his. ten! prepaid on receipt of price. Address ruuono a 00.. Brookvillo, om. EST hdtJ-ot 6. Con. B, Thanh. containing 100 men with good Run. House nnd Well on the realises. For further particulura snply to H. . HALTORF. Proprietor. Onngeville, or to JNO. BROWN. Esq“ on the promises. 7 L ptorgrow: Clerk E J. (-illospio. l‘ptor- grow. pm 12. ~\pri|‘.‘d Jnnu W Supt 10.1%)» 11. B) Order. J. .I-‘ tth _l"l.l_.. __ «I. l'xln'id e : Clerk. Z. Hemphlll. Uxhridgo. Feb.9. Apri 90. June H. Sept. 7. Oct. 19. Dec. 14. 5. (‘anuinglon : Clerk. Geo. Smith. Cunnington Feb. 10, April 2|. Juno 2:9. Sept. 8. Oct. ‘21). Dvc. 15. 6. Bonverton: G. F. Bruce. Bonvenon. Feb. 11. Almjfi‘l. June ‘34. 83‘": 9. pee: It}1 _ n . ";A__ J. Port, Perry: Clerk. J. “y. nurnham. Port Parr). bolus. April 19. June 21. Sept. 6. Oct. 13. Dec. 173. l. \Vhitby : Clerk. D. C. Macdonnoll, \Vhitby Jan. 3. Feb. 9. Mar. 8. April ‘3. May 3. June 2.Ju|y 4. Sept. 9. pct. 3. §ov= flapegzfl. 9. Bron ham: Clot-hf“. Gleason. Greenwood mun mm- ... . -- n. if l;i'ciklur'iniv‘l\'iilnge: Clerk. M. Glocson. Green- wood. Jam}. . at. :}._qu. 3. County of Ontario ! Division Court Sittine‘sâ€" 1837. Beaverton. Feb. 11th. (mmâ€"5 noun. WWI“) a 00.. Buocnvuu.om ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON REOIIPT 0? PRICE Saunas. 250.; Rmuun SIZE. 81.00 SOUTHERN 0:33;” 1' nnnnnnnn ASTHMA CURE BELL 81 00., Guelph, om. NO MORE PILLS! Faun fm Sale or to Rent. "ICE. 880. I'll! Ion-u. - Umpproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. IMYW HRH" POI “ BELL” ”TREES LIKE IT! SICK HEADACHE, Wmucocmcu CHILDREN LIKE IT H Multan-blob“ 31‘ 00333 Uvgn Cougwm‘, Buous Dlsoabans, AccoSm-Am, Dam Loss or APPETITE, UHGANS-‘l Cili-Vritiâ€"ofvtho l’caco. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1887. 2m .0â€" ZH 'md maul atmlxtinm FRESH BREAD, 3‘0 3 3nd. PASTRY alwavs on d I will be In Beaverton on l‘ueadsy and Friday I or owhweek. candor; 9x $911,919.! headdwmdfl I ofonoh week. orders bv mall ma be addressed to Beavortqn .‘or_\Y0951\'lile and vii! moody. prompt JACOB BARNES, Pam lakor. WOODVILLE AND BEAVEBTON. Pumps and Ciaternn of :11 kind- to order , L ~I. __L _-L:-- I hereby beg to notify the public of Beaverton and surrounding coun ha pun: I haw leased the Blacksmi Shop of General Blacksmtmc, aux-19.29 Iron- ina‘ Horseâ€"shoeing. 85c, :9 which the boat of cm md attention will be given. . MODERATE TERIS. JAS. SNELLGROVE'S CARRIAGE WORKS. BEAVERTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. 3nd am now prepared to do .11 kinds olwork in my line: oodville Customers dupp lied by D. K. Camp bell, and orders for Pastry, 810 left with him will receive prompt attention. 16 Home Power Petublo En no for 8.10. , cheap. Apyl‘w WI. BMIT . Bouenon ‘oundty. or O0 A .GOIDON. human. BLACKSMITHIN G. Engine for Sale. mmmm “PAIN KILLER.” andGetIutmtBemf. Btwnl or maximum. 25 cu. Per Bottle. Have you a Fall: ’7 anywhere about you ? USE PERRY DAVIS it; short notice. W. J. BATTEN, Benetton BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. It is hard to find the happy medium. This at least is my experience so far as the weather is concerned. I am writing this beside a good fire. while we came north from Kansas city to find cooler weather and here it is just a little too cool for comfort. This is caused by our proximity to Lake Superior. the temper- ture has been cold enough every day since I came here for a fire. It is espe- cially cool in the evenings, an overcoat being not at all uncomfortable. This is quite a difference from Ontario, where in all probability you are swoltering under from 80 to 90 degrees of heat. This place (Ashland, Wis.,) possesses all the elements of a far-western town, viz.. saloons and toughs and I might also say real estate oflices. as by some peculiarity where there is one there also is the other. I suppose you have never been in a town in which you could not drive or walk out of it if you so desired. Well this is one. it is literally impossible to leave the place except by railway or boat. It is bush for 40 miles around and there is not a farm within that distance. This is no horse thief's paradise, as even if he would steal the animal he could not leave town with it. But if it is not a paradise for horse thieves, still to com- pensate for this disadvantage, it seems to be a burglar's haven of rest, not a night passes but what some residence is l burglarized. There were two individuals out on the street yesterday morning about 8 o’clock, trying to run a Jesse James circus of their own, they each had two most murderous looking revolvers out, and were making the pedestrians stand around in great style when very opportuuely some policemen came along and gathered them in. I met a Scotch- vnan or rather a Scotch Canadian from Collingwood n ‘ here and his moral sensibilities received a tremendous shock. "Weel, weel, he said, this is an awfu‘ place, the worst I ever saw." He intended to leave it as soon as possible, like myself he was not overwhelmingly impressed with the advantages of this country over Canada. This place is the centre of the greatest iron-mining dis- trict in America and the facilities for shipping ore are also the greatest in America. There are at present three immense ore docks each of which will accomodate ten or twelve vessels at one time and a train of 15 cars can he un- loaded in 10 minutes. of course the cars are made especially for the carriage of iron ore. It is estimated that the amount of ore that will be mined this season will exceed 9,000,000 tons, an in- crease of 2,000,000 tons over last year's outfit, about 4000 men finding employ- ment at this work. A stranger coming up here cannot fail to notice the manner in which the Scandinavians and Germans are filling up this country. Milwaukee is largely composed of them, Minneapolis has the largest share of the working class made up of them. they are spreading all over the count much like the Chinese in California on y of course they are a much more desirable class of citizens than John Chinaman. In every city they have their own papers, their own hotels. their own drug stores in which Scandinavian remedies are sold. In most busim sees it is almost a requi- site the speaking of German. and especi- ‘ ally the drug business in which 4 out of every 5 advertisements for clerks, a requisite is that they must he Scandi-‘ navians. Living is expensive here and ‘ l carpenters and laborers can do better in Ontario cities than on this side. Car- penters are paid here 82 per day. labor- . ers 81.40 to 81.75, and it is poor board and lodging that can be got for 86 per i. week. Your correspondent went into a {barber shop the other evening for the ; purpose of having his intellectual cran- ' ium relieved of some of its surplus wool. ' After the operator the customary 15 ' cents was reached for. He looked at it i and said “What's this for?" “The hair -f cut?" says I. Where have you been in l the habit of getting your hair cut for 15 ' cents?“ he inquired. This kind of riled me so I told him “to remember that he . had‘nt travelled every country under the sun. and thtt it was none of his business where I got my hair cutting for . that price?" What's your charge any- [ how?" I asked. “Thirty-five cents?" I paid him and left. "It makes a fellow ; feel as if he would like to do a little in l the Oscar Wilde line and “let her go for ' a while." Last Monday was decoration t day here. there was a re-nnion of , the soldiers of the Grand Army, about ' 50 of them being in procession here. i Most of them are getting gray and show . the ravages of time, there was also the uusual oration. etc.. etc. However the I American Eagle don't flap his wings and 5 scream in real good style until the 4th of )Jul . Sincerely yours. 1 y M. Cl C. A Beaverton Boy Abroad. Ashlsnd, “13.. June ‘2. 1887. ASHLAND. Saturday June 4th 1887. Council met at 4 p. m., all present. Minutes of last nu‘OtlDfl read and approved. Communi- cations ‘read in the matter of a claim made by Farquhar MacBain for balance due on contract. Moved by Mr. Donnell, seconded by Mr. F. McRae. that the claim of Mr. F. MacBain for 81.75 ba‘. stated to be due on a contract for a en‘- vert on the townline between Brook and Thorah. lay over until the next meeting of the CmmciLâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Francis McRac. seconded by Mr. Fraser, that the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve be in~ structed to call the attention of the County Council to the dangerous state of the bridge over the Talbot at lot 6, concession 11, and endeavor to induce the said County Council to rebuild the said bridge as soon as possible, and further to call their attention to the liability for damages for an accident that may happen at any time.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Galloway. seconded by Donnell, that the following grants bq,made for public improvements and that the commissioners be instructed to let contracts for the same as soon as possible :â€"Roed between cons. and lots 4 and 5 gravelling. 925.00 ; road between lots 6 and 6. con. 7.forming.road, 820.00; road between cone. 6 and 7 at lot 3, re- pairs, $15.00 ; side line lots 5 and 6. cor . 8, culvert and approaches, 810.00 : between cons. 8 and 9, lots 1 and ‘2, cleaning and stumping. $30.00 ; between cons. (land 7, at l( t 6, repairing. 015.00: 2nd, that the following grants be mad I conditional on the adjacent municipa i- ties glanting an equal amount zâ€"Town- line. Thorsh and Brock at lot 12 in Thomh for gravelling, 820.00 Townlino I‘horah and Eldon at the 6th con. of Thoreh, repairing road, 815.00. 8rd, that the following grant be let when the road is properly formed and graded by the parties volunteering to construct the same, vimâ€"Road between 9th and 10th con. at‘ lot 7, grevelling, 840.00. 4th. that the Commissioner for the north of the Township be instructed to get up a plan with .specifications of cost for re newinc the bridge at Buckler‘s. and sub- mit the some to the next meeting of Council. 6th. that the Commissioner for the south of the Township be in- structed to examine and repair if model the bridges over the Beaver river. on the Centre road 4th con. and at McCuaig’s. -â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. F. McRae, seconded by Mr. Fraser, that Mr. Wm. Grant be authorized to perform his Statute Labor on the town line. between Tliomh and Eldon at the North § lot 1, 8th con. of Thanhâ€"Carried. A num- ber of accounts were presented and ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Donnell, seconded by Mr. Fraser, that the Council do now adjourn until Satur- day the lBth day of June to meet at 4 o‘clock, p. m.:â€"-Carried. 610. Burnt, A special meeting of the council met June 8rd. Members all present. Move-l by Mr. Westcott, seconded by Mr. Camp- bell. that Mr. Geo. Smith, Sr. act as clerk pro tern. Carried. Townshif) Clerk. Moved by Mr. Westcott. seconded by Mr. Young, that the following contract i of public improvements be let by the Commissioner as soon as possible viz :â€" north Simcoe street, from York St. east to the crossing at Gilbertson's. a side- walk 6 feet wide. estimated at 6100: For lumber for bridge, 850; Repairs of sidewalks etc. etc. 350; South Bay street, from King's west. remove the present sidewalk and replace with a four foot sidewalk estimated at .100: south Simcoe street from Mill street west. replace old sidewalk with a six feet. walk, estimated 675 ; Elizabeth street a. two plank walk to be constructed from the old material from Bay and Simcoe streets. it suitable; gravelling Mam street 830; gravelling Simcoe street 850 Carried. ' Several accounts were presented and or lered to be paid. 77 03.1606ng the council adjourned until June 18th, then to meet as afljourned Court of Revision. Tegi’l'ea 219. I -v-u . I‘u- uw- Just received another large consign- ment of Tea. (via. British Columbia) bought at 60 cents on the 0. Q3" mul try it. Selling atiot usualpnce. J. Hodgson. Benetton. We" Papers. - - wrv.- “'VIâ€"‘ihe Latest 'in English and American Wall Papers. Choice patterns and at. all prices. Jno. McKmnon, Beavorton. For field and garden Seeds go to L. J. Cameron‘s for the best. 0" All kinds of Plain and Ornlmentnl Job Printing neatly and quickly executed Address Jon. J. CA", " Express," Ben- vorton. Thulah Township Council. VOL. XLâ€" NUMBER 18 flm Village Fathem. Gm. 8mm. J 21.. Clerk.

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