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Woodville Advocate (1878), 8 Jun 1888, p. 1

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.1‘ Inn-trod £55116? (If 3311”??an at“ 0PFICE:â€"â€""Tonos1~oHot-9P, " LANDSAX. ONTARIO. Visits Beaverton (Hamilton Home) the 2nd nasdny of etch month. Mr. .‘waqmla has had Ipamlleled SU‘W‘O‘!‘ in tho II:-,-nf'_'=1<. (vitalized lit) in this part 0! Cam in h u‘n" :h‘lninistered Icontinuons‘y fnr Mmu’ ‘w ~ ~ nun!» :1 Rudy of“ under Dr. Coltnn. ...' ," > ‘- ' 'M- first person who gave it Mr W r . e given .to ”5-0” perm“: “. ‘ ’ ‘ow-th LINDSAY ONT “(10. 'ill visit \\ oodville. (Edward' 3 Hotel I regularly n the thst Monday and Tueqla}. and Homer- mu. (Hamxltou House. )the fin: \‘mlnesdny and Thursday of each month. PL RI‘ \ Il‘ ALIZED AIR aduiiuistured Beautiful and durable-ART- FICI AL I‘l-‘E’l‘fl made. “is gold lined rubber plates are pronounced "poflcctiou" Over 26 year‘ 3 experience. ‘ICPARTHT. EV \NS. PEPLI-‘Jl if: Mr- C\1c'l‘HY. Btu-vixen: S vilcirnu'c. .‘Totaritsfi. Conveynucors. etc, (mica “u' :vn- cnlock. OriX‘xia. Honeyto Lend. Telephone communication. D'ALT'IN .‘h-CARTHY, Q.C.. I F. ILVAM. F. E. I'. l’avuzn. J. ;\.A\1L'CARTHY. MCCARTHY. Pnpxntn 5' .‘ICCAI‘JE m‘, Barrie and .\lhstcn Juno 1°96 DENTIS 'I' Valnator. 6:0. MONEY T0 LOAN. .‘mflm to Loan MB per oon‘. on (am! pro. ,0"): Applv to C. A. PATTERSON‘ Benetton. “I“. JOYCEIA V. ‘ Mind Iateof Ox: :ario Veteri- nary I olh-gu. Eurmru). Txuts n}! din-uses of domestic-z (0.1 unimnis by tlm lutm' scienuflc md most nbpruva} -.-ax-')..)«.s (‘Irdch h) to)"- crlph or um] pmg. .~ ~- utteudmi to b} (lav or nigm Office . â€"â€"“.‘..'c1~;i:;u01's Dxug Stoxe,‘ Btu venou. Omen-m. Pumps and Cisterns of all kinds to order ' at short notice. wm be in'Bonverton nn Worlno'rhv and SM!!! any of ouch week tor Rnpairinu Pumps and tak- ing order for new (man. Hofiey to Loan 53. 6 percent. Ina-Jun Wau.‘ J1. 1)., L-. .‘l., 1.1. L. 1'.“ B. .. w. Gm la. n u of Panama L‘ uiwrsitv. Member at College l‘ln siciaus ans! ngeous Um. LX- uminer torS-lu Life and (,onfcdcratic-u I ire Co‘s. once and Residence \‘iczorm Road. Ontario. RIARTXX HOPKINS Barir stun: , Solicitor (to price: liextktree;Li:1\ls.t_\.Untaxio J' GALLOWAY. 31.0. ’3‘. S. 0.. Physician. Sur- . goon and Accoueheur. 0:2.ce and residence Simcoe Street Benetton. Gl’.A.\"I‘.M. D..1’hysiciun. Surgeon and AC' . couchaur. Office MM RusiJchc. L‘or. slain bud Mara Streets. Busvurton. Out. Going Northâ€"11:10 a. m. and 8:10 p. 11!. Going Soullzâ€"{izb‘J :3. ul. and 5:95 p.111. \YOODVILLE. Going Northâ€"10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. 11]. Going Southâ€"91:45 a. m audfizw p. m. JACOB BARNES AND bEST TERMS. .\'0 commission churned. tlflsny 015m. Baker's Block. Kent Stroc”. Up- lmirs. At \Vnodville mfice, on the ls: and 3rd Thursday in every month. VETERINARY SURGEONS. Pumpâ€"Maker, WOODVILLE AND BEAVHRTON. :8RRON CAZdPBr 1,LL Barristers. kc. . (1c. MONEY T0 LOANâ€" \T LOWEST RATES Money to Loan. cIXTYRI-I d: STEWART. Attorneys. Solic itors etc. Otficesoverumario .izwkj‘indsay D. J. Mcls'n‘na. Q '1‘. h‘ruvun'r. J.NEELANDS - DENTIST c.- NO A. J M‘JxOX. Clerk 'md Treasurer Town- ship of Luzon. Lornevillc. Um. ‘ALL WORK OVA IIAN'IEED. - BO. SMITH. (“lax-k. Village of Boaverton Bonvunouflut. BO. SMITH. C‘erk. Tquship o! Thom!) ocice i‘tmu mm, Benetton, Ont. C. GILPPl‘K‘J‘. Notnry I'M‘io. Rnal Estate: and} re \uu1f_(‘omcyunccr. C. (vILCKKIT (lork \' illa go of Woodville. \Voo\\'.lllv Uut. 5,21,31,12 HibwAHaam "amp“: 5 wudfic 62mm“! gusinms 6 MUNICIPAL. CLERK'S gaonxsox. 11.0.. C. .‘L. L.C.P. s W‘ H. GROSS, JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher. DN '1' ISTRY. PHYSICIANS. MPN Benverton Ontario 'él'irtnsts. :11'1‘13. Martin Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. Fresh Groceries of all kinds always on hand. Fresh Broad and l‘n-try nhfll’! In “and or flnppllnl to 0rd"- at Short Sollrc. Dunn. Ibo Bummer Senson In Cream nlwsyl on nnud. Who is ourreprescntative in Canada will visit Busm’erton nmnthl)’ and will be prepare-l to attend all cases of Cnnoxxc Dismsn. including CATARRH or Tm: NOSE. THROAT. szsr. S'romcn, Drsvsrsu. l'qus. VARIL'OCl-ZLE, And troubles of the Urinary and Generative Organs; also. Surgical cases. such as Club Foot. Stifi-Joints. llmnp‘nack. Spinal Disease and Kindred Atlvctions. l ernv.â€"â€"(‘Xerk. D. C. Macdnncll. Whitby. Jan. 3. I'm-h. ‘3. Mar. 2. April 3. May 2, June 2, JulyrR. Schil, O\:ti‘l._.\'9\' 2. Dec. .‘L UK PUIIB OWL/87 and AUR/ST/ gSpring Work. FRESH 3? E.AD DUNE and PASTE: an arms cn and Beaverton Grocery and Provisxon Store. Woodville Customers supplied by D. Mc- Laclfiau. and orders for Pastry. Eco left with him will receive mmnpt attention. 31'). A. 901,35, Hair-Dresser and Barber, TOWN EALL, 101‘, HonthlyCustomers shaved twice \"oekly and hair cut monthly at 75 cents per month. P. D. McARTH UR. Beavcrton. Feb. 6, 1688. LIME, LATE 80o. A Mummmh Stock nowon hamlet all grades of LUMBER. at prices mngiug from $3.00 upwards. MATCHED AND DRESSED FLOORING SHEATHING. .i'c.. shipped to any point. 150,000 Shingles (first clam) an enounous quantity of No.1,“), and 3, ail of which \\ 111 be offered at lowest figures for CASH. It cunts LIVER Courumr, BILIO-US Disonoens, Acno Sromcn. Dyspepsm. Loss or APPETITE, SICK Hummus, Consrmnou on Cos‘nvmzss. Rmvmt. Mam. flat 0c!.,1$96.â€"I find Clmpben‘q Cid!- arm- Compouuvl the be". article I have ever uzed {or cn‘livo- new or bitiousncu, gm! us] to an. I am. yours truly, A. N. Mont-sun. sun by claim In family modiclm enryvhon. 35:. per bottle. BEAVEBTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. BEAVERTON LUMBER YARD [UNDUN AND NEW YORK Medical 8: Surgical Institute. vaxsxox COURT SxTTxNusâ€"ISSS. s (501111166! l’ s gatfiarfic *' A @ompound DR. POTTS, CONSULTATION FREE I Eea vertou, Ont . By Order. 3". S. MGMILLAN, a. ways on hand. J. E. Farewell, Clerk of the Peace. WOODVILLE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 8 1888. Beuverton. We are maklug every preparation to sccmmno date the large uwese‘itius ol llns section alum»; the pvt-sum summer and us Building. «to. promises to be active. we are more than en. couraged to actively compete {or the trade. â€"-â€"l)20-â€"- Do nnt contrm't for 1-.nvctrouuhing or other Tin-work until sen-i113: us. We will quota you figure-4 worm mur attention. Uur more N equipped with cVury‘zmug in the Tm-mu- as well as e. um»: assoru-wnt of 1'0’1".1211Y nwnwi by Mr. “'1“. 'l‘ay'zor, the [mu [11111; 15 [unfit-Ivar}; we” adapted for 1110 busi- ness, 11 siding; u! the (i. ’l'. 1:. running directly 111m tin: 1111-13. A lmzue 40 horn-power 0111111111 and boil-J 1.1111 1m; uuw tile 11mcinnes {U‘H 11:11:11"; 1.111- umipnuents. This property will he 801.1111 cannon-tum with the mrm on which the 311111 is 4111111111,! or suparutc 1'! 110111-11 The {:11111 “1111 “rick 13.111101111111111 l 011ch mom or 1053. ' in a 11113, 0 Mick Hmlsc- and-1H cmweui- :1tmch":l.'l‘his wnn‘. I move an exculiou: went f". a '11: 111 “1111 capital sn“lc1'12m to up Uh: 1111-1111155 to its full capacity. I151- Ulciiiulc oucz'pau‘ou can he 1.1111111. If you have a Lot. House or Farm for sale we will endeavour to sell it for you at a reasonable coxmnissmu. No charge made unless; a. sale is; cfl’cctcd. Apply for terms etc. to If you an buildlnu :\ Home don't lull to intro- ducca Furnace for heating. We can furnlsh you n Cioso Bump. ANDREW MURRAY, Several Second-Ham] Stoves on Hand-â€" Bargains. Beanrtou Much Is: 18” We have for suh- um“ nf the best business stands in the village of Bum'erton. containing: 11 [mn- tngu on Simona Street of sun-m tin, thh a depth of 1- U feet. The property nuw returns suxiicient mum] to pay 10 per ct. on pnrchuw price. A bargain. A on Mann Sn‘éet. «LL-signed by a. tint-class '1u1'unto Architect. '1"ul‘nl.~.lmll\\‘ith all modern («mu-niche cs. Snlid lvrick.’l‘l1elut cnnsists of 3 of 11:1 ucl‘uMltll lnr; 'e lmutagu on this nm-s lcut 1‘11.- 1-. uuw 1‘ nnnzclxml “iii: 9. lat mater and front proof cellar. 'lhis [noperty will he sold Ull (no (fitEltth't possible teri11>luusllitrzhle pnrclmicr or Would exchange for suitable farm properly. ‘llli Haudmme \leite Brick residuum on Main hu‘rut, on Lot 9, smzfin side. Contains hm inn-.10 YOU-us. large hulls. clnxhus close-15. 012.. lzp-su‘irs, W111; punzrie;. wnslzrnom, and extra. well-hull: kin-hen and womlshed, Hard and 1:01: water. two cullnrs, {rust-proof. g acre of land. '10 be sold cheap and on ens; terms. 1 Double Frame mum, situate (1 on Eliz theth 1 b‘t..ouchlmuwcouminssixr001115.eu.,w'~0d- sued: unn swims on the premises. g 1108 of land. An excellent property for spec-1111111011 bum house.» being rented at a. good rental. W‘i Luu L, _. .1. - mm .1 run huh: (I! Am: Street. Fum- ch: ) cei: :!s on w est side Mum street, all tile drmmn” \ u) dwirnhie. Lots 5. '6; and 7 west >idt' Dumlas Street, Lots .‘L', 13. H. 15. and 13 ens: side Dundas St. ”LL \( F LOTS H \‘orth side Simcnu Sn cot cmltuin‘. h" uhout' 3.: lots. than: is 11 large 1 IRHIO home t5nd Stabiu. flux-l \\ are) \\ (:11 on the premises Hus; tenus'. \g‘ ILLAGE LOTS Lancre and Lot 2. 5 acre nunll church street. Al~u Lot 44. ‘ acre. Raj: run-ct. all these mm are in one block and mil be told twat-(her. 4 OF SALE ORIN EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. North 5, Lot 8, Con. G. 'I‘homh containing 100 acre<. -20 acres chanted and balance in rough pasture land. Soil. clay and sandy loam. A Frame House. Stable. Shed and Granary on the premises. Terms to suit or will exchange for suitable village property. Village Pronertv We have also a number of choice lots in different parts of the village of Bea.- verton as follows : L: N ‘:r ‘tnn-Y if- "‘r‘tnria Street I MS] and ‘3 Elm Sty-mt. Corner Lot, Elm and Victoria. Sta. Farm Pronertv. OT W311, also W. § lot 12 in the lst con. of l-lldon. containing tWo hundred ucros. 1.50 t-lcnrcd, well fenced. with good burn and other out-buildings, also six good wells on the tin» misrs. ’l'hcso lots will he sold separately it‘ F0 desired and the most fau'oumblo tul‘ufi are otter- ed. No money requiroddowu it suitable security bogivcn. WARM POR SALE. North part of Lot 12 in the 5th concession of Thorah containing bu acres mom or less. u. qoml Frmnc liouso hlld Stable. good well and thriving young- orchnrd on tho premises. The soil is an excollunt sandy loam unexcellcd for gnrjon purposes. The property is situated within four hundred yards of th.- Benvvrton Station (5. '1‘. 1!. and a portion of the property is within the Corporation of lioavoitou. Terms; very easy. a. small deposit down. We offer for sale on the most favour- able terms the following choice vrlluge and agricultural properties. Terms made to suit. purchasers. Beaverton Tin-8110p. ESTATE AGEN CY Stoves of various kinds. ‘HASDSOME lefiX-E lllIfiLDPZXCE situated 2 have had piucml in our hands {or sale THE BRICK AND TIL}. \. kl.” A)" ‘515xvm;ss" Real Estate Agency. Beavcrton, Ontario. PREPARING 308. J'. C.AVE, BEAVERTON. Dwelling Houses. Business Sites, SPEG EAL â€"l-Ol.-â€"-â€"- BEA YEP-TON. l l “sucking their paw.” (or perhaps some- thing stronger) when lo! thev pounce upon us. strongly reinforced like a nest of hornets. To the farmer. we extend the hand of friendship. give him the old nrui chmr and the most comfortable nook. while we rummage around and score up all the eggs. sheemkins. etc.. we can scrape together. If we are on? of tobacco and the mosquitoes had when the latter culls. we whistle up an im aginary hull dog and talk threateninglv about getting down the lvlnnllcrhussz. when he quietly lei/ante. if we are in good humor we sot up thchrcad and milk. We have usually a. trump or n peddle? nlonq every (law. Keeps things: lively anvl prevent»; life from getting monotonous. The spring (-rop. although ‘ rather later than usual look: well. Fall wheat, throughout the towmhip generallv. has hem: a. failure ; a. favored few have a. fair crop. hut three-fourths of the entire input has been ploughed under. Farmers are now busy putting in their potatoes, turnips. etc., and as the ground is in excellent condition, the proapeetu for a. good yield are favoral)le........The fishing craze hm: struck us strong as the tail end of a cyclone. Any farmer who don't get up at '2 o'clock at least three morningq in the week and with fishing rod and bait hie himself awm’ to the mouth of the “ allmt" iq away behind the times. Itqheantiiul to see the patience with which we hold out a 13 pound green lmlumn pole for hours. feeding the perch. while our teeth clatter like a planing mill and hunger gnmm fiercely at our Vitals. If we get acouple of six inch hlnck base we go home resigned and Console ourselves with the thought, that we'll get 'em next trip.........The peddler and the tramp are letloose upon us once more and it keeps us hustling to prevent our larder from going into liquidation as them fellows have appetites like ditchorq. We had almost forgotten their existence during the long winter months. when they were probably P. {itchic’s grove. Lake Shore. where dinner was served, after which addresses were dohvered by a. number of Rev. gentlemen who were present. Altogether a. very pleasant, and for the church, pro. fitahle time was spent, Tho Invmq of the corner stone of the new Methodist church here last Friday brought out quite n. crowd. The inter- esting ceremony was rerfor'm’ed by Mr. A. Tait. of (51-min. Beneath the stone was piaced the usual newspapers. coins and records, after which the interesting service of the church was rendered. closing by the hand playing “Nearer My God Tn Thee.” At the close of the ceremonv the audience adjourned to Mr. Down iiiy father's “beam-slide" Laughingly do run. Golden wavy tresses. Eyes of deepest blue ; With my father's kisses, Earth I come to you. Usher gentle showers, Come hack singing birds, Spring up fragrant flowers, Skip forth bloating herds. Steal out. happy lovers, Pipe out shepherd boy, Splash out streams and rivers, Dance out ships for joy. Wave ye graceful branches, Sigh ye quiv'ring leaves, I'Iold ye rugged beauties, Rural revelries. Mellow lighted howers. Cheerful sunny slopes, \\ ith y our manic powers, Brighten faded hopes. Blinhted hearts! may sunshine Penetrate vour "loom, Setting forth the sprint! time, Shining ’yond the tomb. I, the balmy springtide, Daughter of the sun, Down my father’s “beam slide" Laughiugly do run. Golden wavy tresses, Eyes of deepest hluo, With my father‘s kisses, Earth-I come to you. Three moons are 111v portion, Apiil, .. av and June, Then I have vacation, Spring-time passes soon. Lsxen S'rcuenox. I ! the balmy spring tide, _ Daughtcy o_f the s_un ; A Gentle Visitor. UUB NEIGHBORS. COTJ’IRIN A TTCT.‘F‘. 13' RT'JAT) TIIE NEXTL‘E’ BREC'HIN. THORAH. fihmmfim VOL. XIIâ€"NUMBER 18, Ilolloway's Pillq are strongly recom- mended to all persons who are mucu re ‘nced in power and COlltllelOLI. whom: stomachs are weak mul whine nerve-s are shattered. 'I‘lio lmllcllnul effect: of the-3: i'iils will he perceptible after a few days' trial. thou-4h u. more extended course may he required to reestablish perfect health. llollmmy's medicine acts on the organs of digestion and in- «lucoscompletc regularity in the stomach. liver. pancreas and kidneys. This treatment is both safe and certain in re- mit. mu] is thoroughly consistent with observation. experienw and common sense. The purification. of the blood. the removal of all noxieufl matter from the sccretions and the excitement of gentle action in the bmvels, are the ~mlrcei4 of the curative power". of Hello- way's l’illsv. ‘ Mr. C. Wilmntof Newcastle, deposited 250.000 salmun trout in the Bay 01' Quinta. rm Monday last. and took 80") fine black bass to the breeding beds at Newcastle. Their fry will be used tu stock at! c' waters. A Hunt v.1lc hiloring house received an order me other day from a. portly in- dwidua‘. m. amrement for a vest. brew: 57 inc-Les wast. 60 inches. langth 3 fuel, size of armhole 30 inches. The vest will button around 1; nrcc culinary sized men. which not only cures kidney diseases, but, the “mnjority of ailments," which really come from unsuspected kidney disease. TISM, MALARIA, HEADACHES, AGUh. CHILLS AND FEVER, IMPOTENCY, BLADVER DISEASES, LAME BACK. NEURALGIA, NERVOUSNESS, BAD EYES, SFOMACH TROUBLES, BOILESy CARBUNCIEs, Abscesses, Apoplexy. Paralysis, and in women, Female Troubles. The secuet. of good health then lies in “keeping the kidneys well.” If you don’t, you can't cure any of the above diseases. They may not suspect it, but eight persons out. of every ten have some form of kidney derangement. The only scien- tific l-lon‘l purifier is the famous WARN ERi'S SAFE CUI‘E, SURGEON GEN’L W. A. HAMMOND says we can each prolong our lite. if we learn the secret thereof, WHAT IS THIS SECREI .7 It yousoak a. sponge in oil. the sponge will have in it all the peculiarities of the oil. So every organ in the body contains all the peculiarities of the blood. If the kid- neys, the “only” blood purifiers, do not clean the blood of the waste of the system, then the various Olgnne will give out and you will have RHEUMA- Bracc‘m'idgc Village Council has pass‘ ed an early closing by-lmv ; shops must be closed at (i p. 111., except Wednesday and Saturday evenings, when they may rcnmiu open. Mr. Samuel Gilgore of Bobcaygeon was drowned in Eel‘s Creek on Wednes~ day of last week. He was crossing logs in the creek when he fell in and met. a watery grave. Capt. Mac. has got into bad rcpntsy with the Parry Sound people. The. “Star" warns him that if caught them he will get a. free ride and a. change of wardrobe. It is said the young man who took the situatlon of young Elsie. who was killed at Allaudale. met with an accident last week and had to give place to another. Mrs. Wilson, widow of the late George Wilson, killed by the snow plow nccxdeut near Severn Bridge. (lied on the 13th of last month after a. short illness, resulting from inflmnmation of the lungs. The- deccased leaves a family of four children three boys and one girl who are now left. fatllerless and luothcrless 111 so short a time. The Orilliu Sons of England \\ 111 have. an oxcmsiou to Barrie and Big Ba) Point per steamer Orillia. ou the 18th 01 June. An attempt was made to burn tho Forest House, Bobcaygcou, on the 19th of May. It is understood that the Postmaster- Geucml is consxdering the advisability of making the three cent postal rate cover letters of an ounce in weight, in- stead of half an ounce as at present. Woodstock has four or five law suits on its hands. The town is in a. fair way to learn that while there is a. great deal of uncertainty about the law. there iq none about the costs. The name of Rev. Dr. Mc'l‘avish, of Li11dsuv.1s spoken of 111 connectron with the pastorate of tho Central Presbyterian Church 111 Toronto. District Gleanings.

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