The Catholic Weekly Herald says the Salisbury Government. will found and endow an Irish Catholic university. Krupp’a business has outgrown his works at Essen and a new factory is to be erected at Annen. The Paris Gaulois revives the rumour that the Government contemplates the expulsion of General Bonlnnger. A Tipperary bailiï¬â€˜ shot two men as the instance of a drunken son of Landlord Lloyd, whom he was escorting home. A volcanic eruption and water‘apout have occurred in New Pomerania, New Guinea, killing many natives and doing great dam- age. The London papers are disposed to agree with Canada a protest against pauper immi- gration. It is expected Princess Alexandra, daugh- ter of the King of Greece, will shortly marry A will leaving an estate for the advance- ment of Henry Geor e’s land theories has been declared invali in New Jersey, the vice-chancellor declaring that the court could not samtion the spread of such prin- ciples in plain opposition to existing laws. In every respeot and attested by the teati- mony of thousands that l’utman’a Painless Corn Extractor in a sure and pamlesn cure for coma. The claim that it is just as good made by those endeavorlna to palm off im- itations for the genuine only proves the supe- riority of “ l’utman’n. Use only Putman’a j‘alnleu Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, pain- We violate no conï¬dence when we state that the rumor that Jay Gould has returned to settle up his affairs and retire permanent- ly from Wall Street is not entirely authen- tic. Mr. Gould has frequently settled up his affairs and retired permanently from \Vall Street before; and when he resumed it was generally considered a hint for other speculators to retire permanently from Wall Street without settlin up their affairs, leaving that little forma ity to the assignees. FOREIGN. The village of Oberammergau, celebrated for its miracle plays, has been partially burned. Terrible suffering exists among the in- habitants of the flooded district along the Mississip i River, hundreds of men, women and ohil ren being camped on the blufl's without food or shelter. The whole of the Sny bottoms are inundated, the flood cover- ing an area forty miles long and ï¬ve miles wide. The loss in crops is already estimat- ed et three million dollars. The centennial meeting of the Presbyter- ian General Assembly of the United States was opened in Philadelphia, over ï¬ve hun- dred delegates being in attendance. The Republican Senators at Washington held a mucus, at which it was practically determined to vote down both the Fishery Treaty and the Mills Tariff Bill. Strawberries almost went begging for buy- ers in New York on Monday, at ï¬ve and six cents per box. The Mississippi flood' Is the highest on re- cord, except that of 1851, and is within a few inches of being as high as that one. All the newspapers of Montreal have been oflicielly served, by direction of Premier Mercier, with copies of the Federal and Provincial statutes prohibiting the adver- tising or publication of lotteries, with the intimation that severe measures will be taken to enforce the law if the ofï¬cial notice fails in preventing its present general viola- tion. A war of rates is likely to break out over Chicago and Boston passenger business. St. James street Methodist church, Mont- real, one of the oldest historical structures in that city, is doomed, workmen having al- ready commenced itsldemolition, and ahand- some new church is to be erected on the site. The last services will be preached by Revs. Dr. Douglass and Dr. Potts, of Toronto, on Sunday, J mm 3. A Hamilton woman has been sent to the reformatory for a. year because she stole an umbrella. She said she had simply borrow- ed it and forgotten to bring it back. That in exactly the case with all purloiners of umbrellas, and yet how few get sent to the reformatory. Eight thoroughbred stallions imported from Glasgow were seized on their arrival at Montreal on Saturday. it being alleged that their owner, who was adjudicated a bankrupt shortly after sailing from Glasgow, had taken that means of defrauding his creditors. It is estimated that two hundred and ï¬lty vessels will be required to convey east the surplus of last year‘s grain crop still held in Manitoba and the North-West. Over two Sillion bushels are stored at Fort William one. Montreal bucket chop keepers claim to have received legal advice that the Bucket Shop hill just used contains defects that render it harm «as, and alao that there are several ways of evadin its provisions, and therefore have decideï¬ to continue their business. The committee that has been investigat- ing frauds on farmers recommends the Gov- ernmenu to pass special legislation to pre- vent the agriculturist from being made the victim of various kinds of awindlea. Mr. Justice Robertson gave judgment at Osgoode hall refusing to dissolve the iujunc- tion to the Toronto City Council from rati~ tying the agreement with the railway oom- paniea respecting the Esplanade. Attorney General Mownt leis Toronto on Snturday nig ht for Ea land to nrgnu a con- Ititutionnl question be are the Privy Conn f“ seam-ding the title to certain Indian an a. An Ingersoll womm mixed gasoline with the water in the clothes boiler to help take out tho dirt. The water bailed over and it was weeks before she recovered from her Henry Taylor, (ï¬x-manager of the Ontario Inveatment Ame ation, was acquitted at London on two charges of misappropriating I}. ~|uaociuzion5 money. Grain ls rQorwd to be growing well In Manitoba, thbugh a little rain is needed to help it along. THE WEEK'S NEWS. Strictly True U N [TED STATES. CANADIAN. Little. “But Enough." an Mercutlo said of his wound. We refer to Dr. Pierce‘a little Pellets, which are small, swift, and sure. in cases of sick head- aiohe, billonanou. constipation, and indigen- t on. Lady of the House (ehivering)â€"“ Has the furnace gone out, Bridget ?" Bridgetâ€"“ I think not, mum. I’ve been at the gate all evenin with a gentleman friend of mine, 311’“: d dn't go by me, mum, I’m sure." Women who go into business from either choice or necessity, should acquire business habits, adopt business methods and possess themselves of all knowledge of details and general information. There should be no sentiment about ,it: they should expect no immunity from disagreeables on the score of being “ ladies ;" their prospect of marriage should have no more effect on their work than it has with that of men. Their dr oss should suit the requirements of the occu- pation. In no dress does a girl look ncater. rettier or more graceful than that adopted or gymnastics or lawn-tennis, both of which give fullest play for all movements. How much better Would many working girls look and feel and work in such dresses than in the. gaudy, tawdry ï¬nery so many of them wear 2 These should have their business suits just as men do. If she is made miserable by day and slu ep- less at night, by nervous headache, pains in the back, easily grieved, vexed or made tired, or is suffering from any of those wast- ing functional disorders peculiar to women, such as prolapsus. ulceration, leucorrhea. morning sickness, or weakness of the stomach. 8w†a brief self-treatment with Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will con- vince her of the folly of enduring misery that can be so easily, pleasantly and radi- cally cured. Druggists. The French Government is so careful of the secret of the new rifle which is being served out to the army at the rate of ï¬ve hun- dred a day that soldiers are not allowed to touch the weapon except in the presence of a commissioned ofï¬cer, and it is said the regulations are enforced so strictly that not a primte in the French army knows even the color of the powder he uses. It is rumoured that the Chinese Minister at Washington has notiï¬ed the State De- partment that China will retaliate by pro- ibitiug the importation of American petro- leum if the proposed amendment to the Chinese treaty is insisted upon. It is stated the London police have re- ceived information that the Clan-nu. Gael contemplates the commission of a crime sim- ilar to the Phwnix park tragedy, and that fever-a] of the members are under aurveil~ once. The London Times says the only point of interest in the Parnellite manifesto is that while Mr. Parnell declares the party to be entire strangers to the Plan of Campaign, forty members of the party meet and justify it. A very marked improvement has taken place in Emperor Frederick's condition. He is able to take carriage drives, has a gaud appetite and hit strength is increasing, while the flow of pus has been greatly diminished. The Chinese ambassador in Lmdon has handed to the English Government a note protesting against the action of the Austra- lian colonies in preventing the landing of Chinese immigrants. Mr. Chamberlain says that both the Eng- lish political parties have ahirked their duties in their South African policy, and have done everything to get rid of their re- sponsibilities. Archbishop Corrigen has failed to obtain from the Popes condemnation of Henry George's works, which have now been for- mally delivered to the Vecioen for judg. ment. Dr. Morell Mackenzie «ya that nothing yet absolutely demonatutea that Emperor Frederick’s disease in cancer, and that hi- recovery is still within the limits of possi- bility. The Duke of Cambridge, in a speech at Liverpool, dwelt upon the necessity of Eng- land keeping pace with Continental conn- triee in the matter of armaments. A remarkable operation has beén per- formed iu Vienna, a nerve having been trans plsco from a rubbit to a man with com- pleted success. Mr. Blaine, in an interview in Paris, conï¬rms the statements made in his Florence letter that he did not desire the nomination for the Presidency. It is stated in London thst “tor the Whit auntide recess the Op position will demand an enquiry into the padminiMu-ation of the Crimea Act. The Rome oorreapondent of the London Standard lonrnn that no doubt exists an to the absolute and unconditional obedience of the Irish bishops to the Papal resoript. The P0 justiï¬es the recent telcript on the groun ulna the l’arnollltol chemwlvea have condemned boycotting and the Plan of Campaign. Grand Duke Pcml. flu brother. Joined by grace 4 â€"By-and-bve-â€"weâ€"tace to faceâ€"- Shall, with joy. His Name adore, Evermore. So we rest : Ono, upon her Master's breast.â€" Four, afarâ€"hut near Him stillâ€" Wail: His will. ’Neath the sun, Time's brief day will soon be done ; Each sore laundered heart will then Meet again. Christâ€"who diedâ€" Through the grave hath opened wide Entrance to a. world of bliss Out of this. All are true Each bright day. in all they do . Longingâ€"pleadingâ€"to be right, In His sight. Lite is sweet; One, above. hath life complete ; Four, below. have hope above, In His love. BY 14. A. MORRISON. We are flv,e â€" Who by God' a good grace survim All are ’living :-â€"oue in lightâ€"â€" Four in night. Woman in Business. llcr Fault. We Are Five. youngest PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Bianitobe Penna, from 80 Acres upwerde, with immediate possession. rail or write to (I. l. HAITIAON. MO- Arthur’s Block, Mein eh, Winnipeg. Information iutnlehed iree of charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. Mont to Lon M curreni niee oi mien». GHOIOE FARMS FOR SAlE IN All PARTS OF atom] in curing'ilfsriï¬ ii‘l'ééibla‘s. DR. sWA'YNé: a SON Proprietors, Phlladel phln. Swnnn’a Olrmmn cankim obtained of druggiats. Sent by mail [or 60 can a WESTERN II‘CIIINII I’llms. ammoniaâ€"Moisture : intense itchingand stlmzlnx ; mowt at night :worse by acratchlng. I! allowed to continue tumors form. which one“ bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. {Nun's 0mm“! ate a the itching and bleeding. heals ulcention, and 1) many cases gemoyesï¬lxc tumors. It Is equally omen; -2__.., n_ ,. ...- A... . ___A._ Inwauit are warned against buying or usmo a) Inlringlng hagholder manufactured in _ Middleaex, Ont. The genuinonrticle in stamp- ed “ [he Dnndy.’ and " Patented 1887," as requited by nw. C.W.Am.lm a 00., Wopld Building. Toronto. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS E have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper oflioea. Terms. one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3"“; have now [our good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 33 and 35 Adelaid_e St. W"; _ J. J. TAYLOR, AND VAULT DOORS, 0. Toronto Sate Works. AnAuA SHIPPING ()0. -â€" Beaver Line 0! Steamehlpa. railing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 850, and 860. Return t.:kets, 880. $90, and $110, according to steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate. 830; Round trip tickets. $60. Stecrage, 820 Round trip tickets, (40. For further articulnra and to secure births, â€any to H. E. MU RAY, General Manager, 1 Custom ouse Square, Montreal, or tothe Local Agents in the aiï¬erent Twone and Cities. W, e ._.... \....-.-.v w 1 acquire a thorough knowledge of garment cutting in all it; branches. Now’s the time to enter. Good cutteru in great demand. biz wages. Terms on ap- plication. S. CORRIGAN, 12-3 Yonge-st.. Toronto. TUMORS, [1111838. 311)., CUREâ€, without the knife. No cure, no pay. Send stamp to: pamphlet. W. L. ’SMATH, M. D. 124 Queen E.,Toronbo GANDES KNIUING PATENTS T0 l0A" on Farms. Lowest Rates. MONEY No delany. Correspondence solicited. I}. W.†.BUTLEB, FinancialAgL, Established 1860. 72 King- at E.. Toronto. The French always eat asparagus cold, with an abundance of oil, vine gar and pep- per, and a mighty nice salad this makes. PAI‘E‘I l‘s procure-'1. Patent Attorneys, and experts Est’d 1567. inunnld 0. Bldout Co..'l‘oronto. Cumulus HA1: RINIWII restores grey and faded hilt to Its natumloolor and prevents falllmz out A. 1’. 400 “ Yestilliadl, {satisfactory girl.†7 Whenever your $0th or Bowen; gel on! o! o - der, causing Biliousnoee Dye p513, or Indigestion and melt attendant evils, u e :3 once u do†of Du. uu-aon'a Stomach Bitters Baal (nmuy modiolnv, AI! "neckâ€. 60 conic. C ematories are to be opened in Turin, San Remo, Bologna. and other Italian cities. HUB ! Ooneu Gun cures In one mlnuu “ Siy y. John, is your girl a. faetgry girl. "' n ‘7 III- II- Penpla who no sumac! no on omnn, tout count) hngne, or any disorder of the staunch. on d once be Idlovod by using Dr. Outsou‘o Btnmmh Bluen. Q“ «'d and tried ten-adv. Ask not “meal“ The working day in Paris has been re- duced from eleven hours to ten. A Cure fer llrunkenness. The oplum hebls. depsomenie, the morphine helm. netvous prostretlon caused b the use of tobacco. woketulness, mental do I on. sottenln o! the brain. em, premetuto o] e. loss 0! vital! y ceused by over-exertion of the hr n. and loss of netursl stungth, tram any ceuse whetever. Menâ€"young, old or mlddle-egedâ€"who ere btoken down from my ohheebose causes. or any cause uolmentiomd above. send our eddress and 10 cents In stamps (or Lubon‘s Tree so in book form, of Disamc of Hon. Books sent seeied and secure {tom observation. Address II. V buses 47 Wemnrton street East. Tomaso Ont. T-xe rumor that the Prince of Wales i; coming to Canada this year is denied. Torn: Emma :~Pimeintorm your readers tint llnvee positive remedy for the above named die- eaeo. By it, timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to eond two bottles oi my remedy Pin to any at our readers who have consumption ii they will nan me their Express and P. 0. eldreae. Respectiuliy, DH. '1‘. A. SLOCUI, 37 Yonxe St.I Toronto. Ont. Consumption Gamble. Since the int thst consumption is both preventable, end in its earliest stsge curable. it has lost much of its terror. if the ï¬rst symptoms are at once recognized, end the proper remedy applied, very few, if any one. need die of consumption, which is reslly lung-scroiuls. Like msny other diseases this formidsble one grows out of impure blood, and this, in turn, from s diseased liver. Hence. we have the hacking cough. the pains in ohe t, the ilfluned lungs and all the sympwuu of hastening consumption, all the result of depraved blood and a dis eased liver. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will arrest all such symptoms. restore the liver to healthy action, and send streams of pure blood into every organ. 0! druggists. A young lady, visiting tor the ï¬rst. time in the country, was alarmed at the approach of aoow. She was too fnghtened to run. and shaking her parasol at the animal, she said, in a very stern tone: “ Lie down. sir ! lie down I" _Con§umptipn sin-ply Cured. , MANITOBA. ll.W. PE’l‘Rll-I, Brantl‘ord, 0m. MMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from. Send fur Lists. IOROfVTO‘pUI‘I‘lNéfSCEOpItâ€"A grand Chane; ERKSHIRE P_l_(_£S_,__wi§_h_pe_d_igI:@- CAUTION Zâ€"Farmtrs wishing to avoid . Send for Ill. Catalogue. . W3! ENGLISH. Patel-burn. out. MAGHINERY Yreelman Ill-09.. georgelown.0nt. For Saleâ€"Illuminati descriptive unt- alogqe (res. R. Chamberlln, Toronm‘ IIUIJIJEII OIH IIII'O; Stan olls,and Burning Brands ac. Send lot Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00., 37 Scott St. Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS. w. 'w. SCOTT:MO( r'chéid, Ont. IIAMI'ION Im- proved Safcn. M. pnces within the reach 0! all. I can send vou a salennnde in the Best manner, withCom. hlnatlon Lock and weli ï¬nispcd. in‘ every ye- aged. for $40. on do verv at your station. Send {or clrculnr. 8 S. KIMBALL, 677 Only St... P. 0. Box 946. Montreal, P. Q. SAFES â€"PATENTEDâ€" MAGHINES Toronto, 'Ont. DEPOT! SEALS DR. GRAY’S Speciï¬c has been used for the put imeen years. with great success, in the treatment oi Nervous Deblllty. md all diseases "lying from ex- ceases, over-worked brnln. loss oi vitality, ringing in the em. pnlplhtionmto. For sale by All dngim Price 01 per box, or 0 boxes for 86. or will be sent by mnil on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application. SUFFERING from the enacts of early evil habits. tl 0 result of ignrrancc and lollv. who find themselves weak. nervous and exhausted; alvo Mmmm-Aonn and OLD MIN who are broken down [mm the (fleece ol abuse or over-work. and in advanced life feel the consequences of youihlul excess, send {or and read M. V. Luhou's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt. of two 30. stsm _. Address M. V. L BON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. DIKUEU UUIC‘I Ul Weakness and Lung Troub a: John Wood, 9: ) Cath- cart Sh, cured 0! Liver Oomï¬lalnt sud Biliousnccs véned MW) 3flny~cent bottles- rs. J Boa). 6 Allgllat) trou led {or years with Nervous Prostra‘ion. two mun bottles gave her grout relief. Sold at we. as. F. F. DALLEY 00., Proprieto. For freight, passage, or other Information apply to A. Schumacher 00.. Baltimore; 8. Cunard a: 00.. Halifax; Shea Co., St. John's. N. F,; Wm. Thomp- son a; 00., St. John, N. 3.; Allan G; 00.. Chicago; Love Alden. New York, 11- Bourllor, Toronto; Allans, Rae a 00., Quebec: Wm. Brookle, Philadel- phln: H. A. Allen. Portland, Boston. Montreal. Sailing during winter irom Portlauu every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonder ' to land mails and assengers ior Scotland and ire and; also from Bait more, vie Halifax and St John's. N. R, to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, ortiand, Boston and Philadelphia; and durln sum mcr between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G ssgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphis tortnightly: _ Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamships THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP curs. Whv do you use those Expensive American and Cagadjaq Baking_PowQer_s_ when yoq cgn getflgs good 209 Yongo Street, City Oï¬icea: 393 Queen St. West. }TORONTO. 225 Queen St. East. 100 Colborne Street ............... Bnntford, Out. 4 John StreetNorth ............... Hamilton. Ont. ' " ' FORAI-lu man week w. “w..." ald. Valuable outï¬t and pulloultm I tee. P.0. VICE VERY. Auwustn. Nalnt 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. Cooks’ Gem BAKING POWDER R. PARKER 00.? .. _-â€"â€"_. rum GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronto. TAKE «0 OTHER m a mum l’usn's (1;me COMPOUND is not a Coma:- tic. It is a luxmiv ._ giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely bl- lows Its use. Recommended by professional and busineal men. Send {or book. Price $1.00. Sold by Dmggms. WELLS. RICHARDSON CO.. Prop's Montreal, Que CONSTIPATION DYSPEPSIA KIDNEY COMPLAINTS RHEUMATISM WEAK NERVES Hunt’s Gunny Conrovxn strengthens the stomach, and qulcts the nerves of the digest- tivo organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. I’AINE'S CELERY ('OMNUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics. makes it. the best remedy for all kidney complaints. l’AlNl-i's CELERY (‘oumvxn puriï¬es the blood. It drlves out Ihe luctlc ncld. which causes Rheumatism. and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy coudlllon. The true remedy for Rheumatism. Pusn’s Czucmr (‘onmvsn Is a Nerve Tonlc which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca. those wonderful stimulants, it speed- ily cures all nen'ous disordens. Nervous Debility. URESiNerI-voru: Ptostruuon, Nervous DYEING AND CLEANING. Young Men Works and Bead omces : l'ames elery. 'Dilenses. Rheumatism. Dyspepsia. Ind all affections of the Kidneys. Headache, Neuralgia,' Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver @pï¬und â€II-v -.. mu. .w-‘..- .-.. .v..........w m... . w-u uuvqw D lie-starting 11110015013 for durability, style and canvenience. The lee â€Morrison’s Automatic- ‘ Carriaze Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM Sight Feed Lubricator. BUY NO OTHER. WEI) neers'a Plumb- szioï¬gasï¬r gum Whaley; Roycé‘m circulars. 983 to Sir JAMES nonulson, - _ n" 75 h 77 Adelaide SLW.. Toronto. TORONTO. . » mm m. ______ m, â€The Celebnted Ban- mck Inspiratot. â€Graham's Automntk Have all tpe IanAsï¬-irmprqvementspni aregneguayod Dn,nh. “huâ€" In Inn6‘_ GKET N TRAP. "H B" I'â€" nan T SPEGI " HE greatest dis- roovory of the pni sent .30 for Regulat- lng the bowels and Carla all mood Liv- or an Kidney Com- lalntn. A perlect 100d Puriï¬er. A few In Humllton whohave been benlmor' In its use : Mrs. M Keer an nding; Robt. Cor- al], 24 south street, aughtel' cured of Epileptic flu mm- 1% years mflerinr- .Icn- nle Blue], 65 Walnut Street, cured of The l’crlecllon 0r Known i‘nod. Johnston’u Hnld Beef has n Wlde l’lelcl ol l'ul‘nlnnn. To (kitchen It 00‘ euros; strong. muscular dovelopmcnt. ‘l'o Inn-Inn Mourns it is a most nimble food. I†nprpllm receive great hem “than: N. because It can he cllzosted by the weakest stomuh. In one. o! rhyalul lxlmnnuon or Mental over-Mull: u will hr (ounda Powerml Restorer. Alllevu uu It with great ber- when training. and toall n In The are“ sue-uh Giver n “I Buntpen um nuue “1!"qu ruuouug Hull'Dm “I. MachiI-e. No tanner should send his machine in!) I the ï¬eld without one. Sample by mail, 300. g CLEMENT (k (0.. Toronto. BREADMAKER’S YEAST} Public lemry Buildingjovwï¬w. Students tron Br tish Columbia. Calilcrma, 3mm. Illinois. und quite a number 01 othet States und Provinces, now in attendance. White for Descriptive Ciroulus. THOS. BENGQUGIL ‘ CHAS. H‘BBQQKS, BE A“: It Ilia [-137 S l‘EAiiSlifPs, 7 ‘ul._ Boll.“ INSPECT")! and lull. an“ Column: of Canada. Consulting Enginnerï¬ In Solicitors 0! PINâ€. 'I‘ 0 R 0 N ’l‘ 0 . G. 0. Ron, Chief huxmeer. A. Mn. Body-Tron. AGENTS ! AGENTS! 0U" AGENT Magnlflmnt Pulilei Bibi". Withrow’s Popular “ History 0! Canada," Gough's "Platiorm Echoes " Domhostor‘n 12%;â€? Probl:l:,"i8:lu P. Jones' “Living Word-v' e ottage ‘ yacm." Oou h'a â€Sunhght And MAKE MONE Sha ow," ‘ Mother. Home and Heaven." etc. Popu mt Books! Liberal Terms 2 Write ior circulars. tom. etc., to Wauuu anooa Publirher. Tomato. Saloon Tickets. 840. 850. 360. Return, 880. 890. 8110, Intermediate. wo; Steeuge.$‘20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY. Gen'l. Manager, 1 Custom House Square. HORRIEAL GONBOY'S CARRIAGE Tfll’s ï¬'illï¬harpep-thp Knife Evithppt ruppyiog “jg-om)!“ A life )ong study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others Dav. {am-dis no reason {or not now recelvln acme. Send at once {oratreatlso andame ml or mÂ¥ INFALLIBLE REMEDY. le0 Ex rm and 05: (mice. It costs you nothing or 3 ma], and It will curo_you. Address When I 33y Cum: I do not mean merely to atop them for a. timo. and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease or FITS, EPILEPSY or Dr. E GI BOOT. 37 Yong. 8t" To;onfo, Oni- MONTREAL AN D LIVERPOOL AN IANBUSINE§S UNIVERSITY Pulï¬lc benuy Building. Ionw. Stu deuce! tom ALWAYS AHEAD! PALLIN G SICKNESS. â€"8AILINO Wu“! annxâ€" Proud'em. Sec'y a; thunk". lellRE 2 ms: Bicycles ! Second - Ilnnd Bicycle: and 'I‘rlcvclcs. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. DRE A 1) made with (Ill. Yeast tnnk ï¬st prizes at I†'I‘u\\'l:<!:ip .u'd Cmmty Fairs In Ontario in 1%“, at such flute. as H. >1. rtnn,3hrkh:|m, \‘hit- byu IO. U" r 10,000 Indies have sent us lcnrrs and postal cards to say that it is superior to In yeast ever uu‘d by thrm. t makes the lightest. whited. swu ‘cst and most wholesome broad. buns, rolls and butt- wln-ulcakcs. Directional†quhtwm A- 'I‘- LANE, MONTREAL “1 IX yens‘ trialmnd over 5,000 in use has proved this machine the best; 6 sizes. Send for Circular. S. S. KIMBALL. Inventor and Manufacturer. 577 Craig at. PO. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q STUMP STONE nammmao orN BAND msrnmu: N-rs. Azenta for “BESSON '- and “HIGHAM :- Band Orchestra New md Second-bud. BAND IRSTRUMEHTS. â€" EXTRACIORâ€" 12° â€"CUAHP[ONâ€" spechlty. Send (or Catalonia. MUSIC.