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Woodville Advocate (1878), 15 Jun 1888, p. 1

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LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Will visit Woodville, (Edward's llotcl.) regularly on the first Monday and Tuoudn)‘. and Beaver- :nn. (Hmmlton House.) the first Wednesday and 'l‘hursduy of each momh. PURE \"l'l‘ALlZl-lD Alli. adminisu-rod. Beautiful und duruple 415T- "fic‘lfifllfl'liifif midé. ”His gold lined rubber ”lanes are pronounced “perfection." Over 20 year's experience. LINDSAY. 0N I‘AIUO. Visits Bnnverton (Hmnilton Home) the 2nd Tnnsday of ouch month. Mr. Ncnlands hm: had unparalleled suvm-ss in the use of gas, (vitalized air) in this part of Crmndn hnvim: administered it continuonsiy for about I!) you rn made a study “it undor Dr. (folton. nf Now York. (110 first person who gave it [or uxtmmim: tooth has given \IcflARTHY. EVANS. PEPLPJE Mo- 1 CARTHY. Barristers,Salicitur-x. Notnrins. Conveyance”. etc. Ollie-n Quinn's iH-‘ck. Oriilin Money to Lend. Telephone cumlmmication. D‘AL'l‘ox .\l«-(t.me’,Q.C.. | F. I'ZVASS, h‘. h}. P. Prmmm, J. .\.ML‘CARTHY. "to llflfllfporaonn. VBomVnifu'l artificial ice“: I senor]. 31.5mm at mlurrumc ’ffiirrums. DENTIST C 611.0 .Woodvil N0. AJM ship of RI ‘1 EO. SM!” office '1‘0‘ GEO; Sm‘ Beavertu l‘ O. GILCH‘uHR“. Notary PHI-lie. Real 0 ‘ Estntn and '|)~'I“;‘.lll‘(‘, Agent. meuynucer, Valuntor .tc. .\£\)\‘21Y T0 LOAN. .___- --__.' \RTIN a: nos-les wnistcrs. Solicitor (to. onlces. Komb‘trut. Liudsm‘, Ontario Money to Loan 5.1. 6 percent. Jmm IRS“. Gozm: Northâ€"11:10 a. m. and R101). m. Going Southâ€"tum u. m. and 5:35 9.11]. \VOUDYXLLE. Gain: Northâ€"10:45 a. m. and 71;?» p. In. (icing South - 9:05 5.111 undézuu p. m. H. JOHNSON. M. D.. C. 51.. L.C. P. 3.. . Graduate of Toronto Universit). Meluhcr nl' Collum l’hwiciaus and Surgeons 0m.. II x- muiner for Sun Life and (‘nxflcdcuztion Life (20‘ s. Ollico and Residence Victoria Road. Outnrin M. JOYCE. '.S..Gr:uinmta of Ontario Veteri- nary now-4.). Tun-um. Treats all diseases of domossicutei animals hy the latest scientific and most Approved mm'hods. Orders by tele- m‘aph or mail pl‘lnantly attended to by day or night (mica :-â€"“.\1ci\'iuuou‘s Drug Storo,"13ea \‘crlou. Ontario. GALLOWAY, M. C. P. 8.0., Physician. Sur- Q . goon and Aucouuhcur. (Mum: and Incidence fiimcoa Street Beavcrtou. 9100.!!!) to Low: Mt; ) potty. Apply to (T. ‘\.1‘.-\ Pumps and (%‘ ms of all kinds to order a s nortnotico. Will he In nanvorton m1 \lenmdlu' and Sntnr any of each week Mr Repairing Pumps and MR- ing order [or new ones. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS. .\'o cmumissiou charged. iudsny Office. Baker's Mock. Kent Street. Up- stairs. A! Womlville otflcc. on tho Is: and 3rd Thursday in every won 111. VETERINARY SURGEONS. JACOB BARNES * Pump~Maker, ~ALL WORK GUARANTEED~ CIVTYRE STR\\'\PT. thneye. Solic , itormtc. Olficcsoveroutuiu Punk. LimlSuy D. J. Jcls'rnuz. i 'l'. STI-J'JART. \VOODVILLE AND BEA VERTON . Money to Loan. AKRON «i; CAMPBELL, Barristers. c., Jcc. J.NEELANDS - DENTIST c.- n .zo._.:z./ 4m: .Mdkdadfi Mfibda 92433 OSeucrnI musiursfi Gianni. MUNICIPAL CLERKS @mmmm magnum JUS. J. CAVE, Publisher. RAILWAY TIM E TA BLE. W. H. GROSS, OFFICE :-""'UROSTU N0! HF " D MCNABR. MCC All my, Pr rm: n nIc(‘ un H\ 15m 1 iv and Aniston DENTISTRY. LEGAL u )uwrnnt. on farm pro- I‘.-\ 1"1'1'IRSUN. llcan‘rrlml. llonvm-lml Ontario North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. ‘ D THURAH. containing 1201“:le of first-class l heavy clay loam soil. This fine property is a do- cided bargain and Well worthy of attention. 100 news cleared and :21) in broken pasture land. Furnished with good buildings, wells otc..well fenced and in all (-xcellcnt state of cultivation. It. is admirably situated being 25 miles from llornoville. :l mun \Vuudville and (3 Iron: Beaver- tun. Fiuu gravel roads. EAST HALF LOT 1. CONCESSION ELTHQBAH ...____-._-.o .~_. containing 1:!" acres all cleared and in a good state of culuvuion. A log House. Burns and stables in is good state of repair are on the premises. wells etc. This lot is very tavournbiy situated being handy to the markets of Lorne- vil.e. \Voodville and Boaverton. Will be sold cheap and on the most {ais'oumhlo terms. 190R SALE OR TO RENT. N. ,3. Lot 6. Con. 7. Township of Thorah. containing 100 acres. more or loss. 50 acres cleared. a Frame Barn and Frame House, also a never-failing Well. etc.. on the p. i-mires. \Vill he sold at u bamuiu or rent- ed for a. term Of yea-s at a moderate rent. to a. suitable person. Property true of incumbrance. ‘.‘.S’l‘lmlf Lot 13. -ltli Concussion of Thorah, J containing 100 acres. more ;or less, 55 acres cleared, balance timliered with COdPJ' (excellent mil timlmr.) A thriving young orchard. a good h'mue housu and log barn and other outbuildings on the premises. The lot is thoroughly fencud and in 1; good state of cultivation and has also four good wells. hitimted within: mile of Bon- vUrtou. A good bargain and eusv terms. HANDSOME BRICK RESIDENCY} situated on Mum Street. designed by u first-cinss ’loronto Architect. Furnished With all modern conveniences. Solid hrick. The lot consists of Set an acre with In to frontage on this line s root The house is furlusned with a rat. waiter and frost proof collar. This property will he sold on the easiest possible termsto asuitnhlo purchaser or would exchange for suitable farm property. Ill-l Handsome White llriok residence on . Main Street. on Lot 9. Smith side. Contains five large roams. huge halls. clotlicsclomts. etc.I lip-stairs, with puntries. wnsliromu. and extra well-built kitchen and \voodshe‘l. Hard and suit water. two eellnrs. frost-proof. :} acre of land. To be sold cheap and on easy terms‘. Double Frmuo once. situm don I'lliz ihcth BL. ouchflorist-contaiu~‘ six rimmimtc.v wood- sheds and stuhlu on the premiqes. § new of lllllll. An excellent property for speculation both houses helm: rented at a. good rentul. V iiiorth church titre-0:. :Mso [mt 4-I.V an'e. Bay Street. all the-sea lots are in one block and will be sold tuuut‘nor. Village Property We have also a. number of choice lots in different parts of the village of Bea.- verton as follows : Lots 13, l4 and 15 Victoria. Street Lats 1 uml '3. Elm Strent. For uer Lot. 1-: In: and V ictorin Sts. Lou 12L 4 mu] a vast side of King Street. Four chuicu hits on \\ est side Mum s:rcet. all tile drained. \ m- y desirable. Lots .5. 6: and 7 west side Duudus Street, 1401512.” H 15. and 16 east, side Dnmlns St. TILL \(ul‘ LOTS H North side Simcoc Sheet, containing about '25 lots. there in n Lugt; Frame Home and Stable Hurd “ate: “011011 the promises. Easy tennu. TILLAGE LOTS 1.3acrc um] Lot ‘2. «‘, ncro north church strut-t. :Mm [mt H. ‘ nure. Woofi'er formula on the most favour- able terms the following choice Village and agricultural pzopcrties. Terms made to suit purchasers. We have for snlv mm of the host business stands in the village of llunwrton. containing a from tngc- on Sinums Street of 34! {Put «lin, with u depth 0! loan tent. The property now returns suflicient rental m [my 10 per cl. on purchase price. .\ Bargain. F101! S ALE OR IN EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. North 5. Lot 8, Con. 6. ‘l‘hornh containing 1H) acres, 40 acres cleared and balance in rough pasture land. Soil. clay and sandy lonm. A Frame House, Stable. Shed and Granary on the premises. Terms to suit or will exchange for snitnblc village. property. ‘\7E lmvu had placed in our lmndu for sale 'l‘llE “1:ch AND TILE YARD AND POTTERY owned by Mr. Wm. Tnylnr. lhu pm- perty i< particularly well mlupto-d for llw Inhi- noas, nsiding o! the (LT. R. running directly mm the yards. A largo -l0 norm-pow.” u-ngine and boiler with two new tilq- machines are lunnm: the equipments. 'l‘hiu prmmrly will lm mid In connection with the farm on which the 23rd is nimnmd. or wlmmto il dn'xirml. The arm win: llrick Yard vuntmns l' Guerra: man or lrsn. with a lame "rick Hons-y and all runwnl- u-m-qw attached. This wnnld prove an exu-llont mvmhncnt for A nmn with capital smllcinnt tn dew-lop tlu- l-usim'ss m in full cnpnciiy. lin- meciintu (u-vm‘nlion can be gnu-n. ESTATE AGEN CY If you have a Lot. Ilvmsc or I-‘nrm for sale “0 will endeavour to sell it for you at. a rvnsmmhlv cnmmissmn. No charge made unless: a sale is effected. Apply for terms: etc. to “‘Qgg‘xpvggfi Ol'TH HALF LOT N0. ‘tl‘lxrnms" Real Estate Agency. Ecnvcrton, Ontario JOS. J. C.A.VE, BEAVERTON. Dwelling Houses. Business Sites, SPECIAL. REAL THE WOODVJLLE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNB.15 .1888. 3, coxcnssmx 2 Wednesday, May 80th, 1888. Council met at 6 o‘clock, p. In. All present. Telegram read from Geo. A Somerville, Guelph, stating that his offer for tho Thorah debentures is $21,535.00 in the matter of Mr. Louis M. Ilaves' amended tender for the Thorah debentures. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Mr. Morrison that whereas the offer of Messrs. Hall and Hayes of 82,000 nre- mium for the 'l‘horah debentures was made apparently subject to correction, and whereas it further appears that the offer is in excess of 5% interest on the investment which it was intended to give, be it therefore resolved that this Council will hold Messrs. Hall and Hayes liable for their offer less a rebate of 1% =8200.00. That the Reeve and Treas- urer be and are hereby instructed to deliver the Thorah debentures to Messrs. Hall and Hayes at Peterborough and obtain an accepted cheque on any chartered bank in Toronto in payment for the same. That the said debentures be delivered on Saturday, June 2nd if possible and if not then delivered as soon after that date as arrangements can he made, not later than Tuesday, June 5th. That the Treasurer be instructed to deposit the proceeds of the sale of the debentures in the Bank of Toronto to the credit of the sinking fund account of the Township of Thumb and obtain a statement of the said sinking fund account. and that he instruct the Bank of Toronto that all monies deposited to the Thorah sinking fund account are to be held subject to the payment of 825,- 750 due for debentures and interest pay- able on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1888, and for no other purpose until the said debentures and intewst are fully paid and satisfied, and that the Treasurer do pay to Mr. Louis M. Hayes, the sum of $50 commission on the sale of the deben- tures when this transactionis compbted. â€"Carried. By-law No. 4 of 1888 again brought before the Connerl to consider the expediency of inserting the name of the Standard Bank instead of the Bank of Toronto. By-law read. Moved by Mr. Galloway. seconded by Mr. Morrison that whereas Bv-law No. 4 of 1888 has again been read before the Council, be it therefore resolved that the said By~law No. 4 of 1888 be re-aflirmed as it stands with the name of the Bank of Toronto inserted therein and that the Reeve do sign the same and cause the seal of the Corporation to be affixed thereto.â€" Carried. By-law signed by the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Mr. Morrison that the following public improvements be made and the sums heroin stated be expended on the same : Between 3rd and 4th con. at the corner of lot 16, a culvert ; townline Eldon, 4th com. a culvert ; side line 5 and 6, at the crossing 7th and 8th (:on., a culvert : side line 5 and 6, 6th con.. repairing road. $8.00 ; side line ‘20 and 21, lst 0011.. emistructing road. 840.00; Mara road, 7th con., gravellingz, 560.00.â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Galloway, seconded by Mr. Brown that the Council do new ad- journ to meet on Saturday, June 16th, at 1 o‘clock, p. m.â€"â€"Carried. May 25th, 1888. The council met as adjourned. Present, the Reeve and councillors Young. Campbell and West- cott. Minute; of last meeting read and adopted. Tender read lor village dehen- tures from Hall and Hayes. Moved by Mr. Young. seconded by Mr. Wcstcott that the tender of Messrs. Hall and Hayes of 471% premium heing 52.91930 for 52800.00 of debentures of thiq corpor- ation be accepted. provided they lurnish security within six days satisfactory to this Council. that thev accept the dehen- turos upon such terms when prepared and presented to them.â€"‘Uarried. Moved by Mr. Westcott. seconded by M r. Campbell that Bylaw No. 5. of 1888 be now read the third time and passed and that the Reeve do sign the same and muse the corporate seal to be attached theretoâ€"The. lly-law read. dim'nssod and paused} Moved by Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mr. Westcott that the Reeve be authorized to have the nec 'S~ HRI‘V (lvl).‘ntures printed and properly prepared to carry out the provisions of lly-law No. t').â€"-Uurried. Moved by Mr. \Vesteott. seconded lrv Mr. Young that this council do new adjourn to meet M a ('!"\l‘t of Revision on June 15th at '7 o'eh-ck. p. in.» (ferried. Tlm proceeds of the corner stone lay ing at Brochin was 8310. Mrs. Scott Siddons gave an cntcrtu? went in Orillia. Thnrah Township Council. Bur Village Fathers. 5.. l.|-- GEORGE .9an. Township Clerk. 050nm: 8mm. Village Clerk ih GONE To NIAGARA.â€"A few of our young men left on Tuesday last, as volunteers. for Niagara. A neuter and smarter lot of men could not be found in the prgviuce. At the Court of Revision, May 28th. Mr. Bruce in the chair. the appeals of Colin McDonald. Joseph Clutchy. P. Maloney. John Flynn and Martin Quin- lin, assessed too high. were dismissed. Edward Johnson‘s appeal. assessed too high. was sustained and assessment re~ ducement reduced 8230. Andrew Caro- line liad west part north half 13. con- cession 12, added to his assessment at $100. John Eagin was assessed for north half 19. concession 8. instead of Enims McInnis. Edward Kelly was assessed for west half 14.conces810n 6. instead of M. Flood. W. (\b .Fenton were assessed for no1th half 10, con- cession 13. Court of Revision then arcse and the council took up other busi- ness. After hearing petition of trustees section No. 5. their application was re- ceived and laid over until next meeting of council to allow them to return loan Their request was granted. Cheques were granted as follows zâ€"Lorcnzo Jones, refund arrears of tax. 823 ; Thos. Warren, two-thirds value of lambs killed by dogs. 35 ; P. Boyle. rent of road. lot 19. concession 6. S4 : E. Lannigan, for postage as collector. 35 ; '1‘. Summers, refund dog tax improperly charged. 81 ; \V. Broomfield. as assessor for 1888. 885 ; T. Morgan. balance on right of way. lot 6. concession B. $5 ; J. Barker, refund error in roll. 47c. ; H. Fyke. breaking stone conCesslon 7. lot 15. 35 ; Mrs. Bateman. 333', D. McLean. S3. indigents, 6 : M. Uleary. breaking stone. S22 ; C. Tyrell. repairing culvert. concession 11, lot 12, 32.50 : James Barbour. compen- sation for injured horse 011 concession 10, $25 : M. Crosbv. breaking stone. Centre road. $1.50 ; W. R. McPhee. ex~ pense to Barrie. 35. Council adjourned until Monday June 11th.â€"â€"\\'. R. Mc- Pnna. Clerk. meos WE WOULD LIKE To KNOW.â€" Who the young man is who carries a. shanty on Ins forellemLâ€"How many binders McBain has sold this season.â€" Who is cook across the bridge. Promoâ€"The annual pic-nic held in Mr. James MoGregor‘s grove on Friday last was Well attended, everybody enjoy- ing themselves innnensely. A base ball match was played during the day between the big swamp “Wehoos” and the Ge me- bridae “Kex stones" “hich resulted in favor of the “\Vnhoos.” i which was organineetl to irrespect for it. Another well is to he commenced at once when Collingwood expects to offer great inducements in cheap fuel, c., to manufacturers. The “Chronicle“ reports the behaviour of the county councillors to have been nnnJ ”fin Orin nnJ (:0.an Gl‘nfi “nun \vtu-n One of the greatest public nuisances and one that we can. and might to keep within the prmnisos is the rooting hog. There is a. particular kind in which the hump of "rootiveness" seems more largnly developed than the rest. I refer to the “razor hack" or "racer" which can climb a. fence. run (lawn n. cow. or chew oyster cans with ease. The roads along: their haunts look M if the Govern ment had hnen testinu 3mm 34 t o Huh-rs H!(‘lf‘.:lll(1if\\0 want our roads: to lnok decent those fuihms have tu be either shut up or ringed. Quite a. number of our young: people “took in" the pin-hie in McGrcgor's grove. Mam. on Friday 1381;. Statue labor is now in progress and some of our cnnvcssiuns present; quite an animated appearance. There is nothing strikes 9. prrcon no forcibly while driving through the coun- trv. no the nmtnmorphosc which the sheep undergo bv shearing. To-day we see :1. flock of sheep. Hicok. fat-looking mu] graceful : to-morrnw tho Home flock look lonn, hungry and altogether tho most. "slwepish-1001mm" crowd you ever saw. Such is life. Mr. Gonrgo Shipmnn. of thia‘ plan“. died on Momlny last at. the age of M. Mr. Shipnmn has been a prominent. nmn and a Worthy member of the Methodist church. He lemon n. wife and thrpe children who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereave- ment. ‘ Mr. J. G. Mnehlin. C. FL. of the Gmnd Trunk. Iraq taken up his residence in Orillin for the summer. SOMETIhNG WE Waterâ€"Rain. UUH NEIGHBUHS. CO‘LTVTBIN ARTICIIE IS” GAMEBRIDGE. READ THE NEXTl-iz' Cr? HIS/INC? TO N 7' 'ORA H MAR/I. o 0.. ’~ VOL. XIIâ€"NUMBER 19, 1 The llev. Rural-Dean Stewart, with Ttheupprnlumuu of the Bishop. has up- !pniuted the lbw. W. S. Wcstney, mi 1 Pickering, cumw of St. James church. I ()rillia. The population of Owen Sound is now 6,359. and increase of 568 over last year. The people of Schomberg expect that. a. commencement will be made on the new C. P. R. to Ban-10 about the middle of the mouth. Mr. W, Thompson. of the Longfonl Lumber 00.. has subscribed 81000 to the building fund of the new Presbyter- ian church to be built in Orlilin. An enormous freight business is being done at present bv the Grand Trunk and freight train after freight train pass through every day. Newton Robinson fishermen caught 200 fish on the Holland River lately. At the meeting of the Toronto Paw b) tery, Tuesday, a call from the congre- gation of the Central Presbyterian church, Toronto, to Rev. Dr. Mc'l‘mish. of Lindsay. was sustained. The “Chronicle“ reports the behaviour of the county councillors to have been good this trip and states that none wm'u reported by the police. Eradford failed to get a. flow from m: artesiau well after sinking pipe 150 feet. Medonte township council'has voted 825 towards the Goldwater brass band. Female orange lodges are in existence in England and a. movement is on foot. contemplating the establishment of the same in Canada. With this object in view, a. committee met in Toronto last “eel: to report on the advisability of establishing such lodges. The result 01 the committee meeting will be made known next week. A great flow of natural gas has beau styuqk at (Follingwogd by the cqnypmu' There was another case of arrest on Monday evening last at Acton for being drunk and disorderly on the streets. The authorities are finding ample results from the repeal of the Scott Act. It is evident to all that plenty of whiskey is being sold now. Dmyton council put 11. cow by-Iaw in force. In one week a. man had a, black eye, another man sold his cow in disgust and another man was fined for assault. PEOPLE GE.'ERALLY BELIEVE THAT if the Blnod is pure, the health will ln‘ good: The purity of the blood is guaranteed only when the kidneys aw naturally active. The fluids may flow freely and yet, the kidneys fail to keep the blood clmm. This will heindiczlted The .‘s'tnnflvilln mu] Mount Alber; Methodist, Sabbath Schools have an ex- cursion per steamer “Enterprise" on f)“.- lmh from Jackson Point to Orillin. The Bootnn “World" has had a cuv | tempting oficr to move lrom Beet-3n. ‘ $ I n '. if .yon have MALARM. SfOMACH TROUBLES, RHEUMATISM. SALT RHEUm, SCROFULA. SKIN DISEASES. IMPOIENCY, HEADACHES, LAME BACK, NEURALGIA, CARBUNCLES. BUILS, WtAK EYES. NEBVOUSNESS. POOR APPEIII’E,Abscc-sses, and in women, Female Troubles. Them: disorders show that- your blood is full of uric. kidm-y, fluid poison, and you can never go! We:: until you clean om the blood mith the only recognizml ncienlifio blue-l tunic, Orillia is expecting the government Lu erect a new post olficc and custom»; house in 1889. The Ancient Order of United W orkmcn lodue of Qut- «msullo is to have its second annual excurmou to ()rillin. on the 121}: of June. Warner’s Safe Cure. Onllin has passed a cow by-law. 9-; a result, of twn n. number of bovine» “up sold by auétxon last. Saturday. The Bradford riflcmen will try couch:- «ions with the ()rillia Association. on Um latter range on Dominion Day. The (‘. P. It. is: surveying 3 lim: {mm Kininhurq. in Um 'I'uwnnhnp of King. tu Darrin. It mii run through Schumtf-r-g and lioml Hear]. At. St. Thomas the police have have” instructml tn pnwocuw all parties throw- ing! lmru' paper on the street. which frighten hunu's and (“Minute the street-x. I’mkdalc is also agitating for early aiming. District Gleanings.

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