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Woodville Advocate (1878), 3 Jul 1879, p. 3

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Concerf.-~'I‘im Conn-rt. hold in Span. oer "nil, ml Hm evening; nf' llm Isl, Ivy tlm Uxiuinlgt- chair, in lu-lmlf'of the Motliorliwt congrvgntinn of this place was wn may (-nniitlcnily sun" the bust musical c-ntm-tninnn‘nt, owr given in \Vnmh‘iih. i'in- :tutimlnsx vsI-ndnlly hiring: lmrfvctlv nwi-iwl. 'I'lm singing: of Miss anfin Hw‘ivml “'0” mmitml hp- planso. Misa- Rustin is gif'ml with n very sm-vi \‘nicn, which Sim has unalm' perfect mun-u}, i'mnlm‘ing‘iml' singing very soft and plo‘nsing. 'l‘hh mulinncv. owing tn Um lm‘ciilight pv'nomainn was small but appreciative, but. sjmnlii Hm choir JionI‘umm' village with annular visit we are mn-n they would be greeted $4.“- , . ‘ NUiSflflOlw'i'hn slunghtm‘ 301130 in cnnuectinn with the- lmtchm- 33“.}. in the neighborhood of the Qumtâ€"irs is In!» coming an almuinnhle nuisnnav t0 thin vicinity, Hm sum-ll emanating frnm it? precints are anything; hut. plunsinqmul are such as to van-rant; the mnclncinn of fever. Ppiclomio, m- :wmmliing:simiim- unless moans; are taken by suppress Hm nuisanceimlmulin'yu Hm pnlicn com- missionm-sx slmuhl look into tlu- matter, and take strive to put a stop in it... The Cropsâ€"The crnps in this vicin- iby, are loukil-g sph'mlivl ; in fact they could not Innk hem-r. Grain in low lnmls has sum-rm] slightly fi-mn Hm wwtinu . ml rains in Iim mrly part, of Liw ammo” but nltogvthnr ”w ln-mpv'cm fur the lmrvest, :Hr‘f pw'smm Ila-fim-al are: very fawmlmhh-y mu] slmnhl “my turn mu good as anticipated “'0 may mfuly look forward ton rm'imlof trade :2an 4h;- lmginning-of the: lung expnctml good times. The most, cthctivn way yut discuverml to kiili‘potnm hugs is to tukn tlm lele‘ paring» 0f the kitclwn, sprinkle them with Paris grr-nn and plum tlmm Im~ tween-the rows in the garden. The hugs-lulu“: the: vim-H to go for tho pm'ings, and are killw‘. in great, nmu- I ors Last 3-:‘tllv'dtv ‘Il'. ('limyml of Un- iomille. took [msmsinn of [ha “Queen :4 Hotel, m (Ms vi” Ign which he has leased fmnl Mr. Andrew McPlu-rsun Mr. Clifford is spokm «Was :1 nushing and enemy-tir- vmm'r man anal islikrllx to leccive a lznfm «hm-u cl Infl- u- Ln'm: On “'ednesdav, the mixed train on the Toronto) Nipissing "( ing smIth came to II stop in Clan-Ices cnb owing ton. break in II pipe in the locumotim. The passen'vm‘s were comm-He] lo “aim the Imiml In another engine 1mm Lx bridge be fore continuing their Imu ney. Warning.»â€"Sume mischevious porsmi or persons are in the habit of touring :lown posters, pasted around the village .rlmost as smm :is put up. Any ywrsun who will give us infm‘lnniion that will lPad to the conviction of’ the parties will be mwardml. {emu-o, boys I Strangeâ€"A postal card passed through the oliice here the other day addressed to man in Eldon, but with nothing but. the address written on it. Service will be held inthe Methodist Church, here, next and every alternate Sabbath uttwo o’clock in the afternoon; The intervening Sabbath service will be held as usual at 6.30 p. m. ReiLl‘nEEd.~â€".\Ii-. David Sialey, who some time ago went to Manitoba rnu turned lust \Vi-«liiesdziy evening. leuk- inghnle and hearty. He sauna Well pleased with Manitoba and intends re- turning at an early date. The Midland {:iilwuy have mud» some alterations in tlu-ir time table. Th'rfollowing ure the'timvs of arrival and (lé'lnu’tm'e-of trains: for the sonsrm 59.1879, :it- “'omlvillu Jnnclinnz-â€" Trains going imrth, 2:45, 1:50 5 Truins going south, 33:50, 3:35. week. Thermometer 85° in the shade yes- tt‘l‘duj. Haying has commenced, ”bowing a large crop. New stack of Dry Goods, just anived at Jan. A. Mitchcfl 3: ('n. The ()rangenmn uf Mariuosu district liave decided to Celebrate the 12th of July in \Vood ville. Bee.â€"â€"'l‘h_e young people of the Pres~ byterian congregation had a “Scmw‘ berry picking Isms," in connection with the festival, yesterday. Wild Strawberrys mu plvntiful in the ucighbux'hoo-l of Cuhocouk. Communion.â€".-\ large number of peolyle were in town last week attentla ing the Communion set-vizes, held in the Presbyterian Church. A large number of Orangmnen me expected In \Voodullu on the coming 12th, and n “ lvir day' is expected. The township of Eldon Court of R03 vision will beheld in the Town Hall, \Voodvillc, on Tuesday, July 22nd, at 10 o’clock a. u). Beautiful moonliglit nights. Ice cream is all the Inge in town fend our new advertisements this gum mum For further infnhnntivm an I terms apply to MRS. H. SMITH, 6th (90".. Mdm. or to (The property nf the int! John Bell.) ' )eingflw smith1|a|frxffut.\'nl'.‘.194.1100". I) EMU): and south half Lu". NH. '2. in the 7th ('un.. I'lltlnn Hn- nbm'p fnrnm are in a gnml stat.» 'nf vultix‘u-ttinn and . ,mvcniont to Railways and Mmkuls. Two Farms to Rent! \Vll 3'7 THEY SAY OR 11‘! A FE\\' l’.\("l‘.\' PHI: 'l‘iII‘Z l’li(,!l’l.l€.~- There are but few prcpnrntinns of iii-:cliunms which haw: \ri'listmud.shu impartial jinifivcmcnt of this pmplv: fur any grunt length «if time. (hie ”i more is Dr. Timums' Eviantric Oil. Itczul tlm inliuwiug qul he cmivinccul :â€" 'l‘hmnnmHuliiizsun, inriihavn Centre, 1’. (3., write-i, “ l have h-nm Milietml with rheum- atism for the hwt ten years. and io:l\'c tried many imiieclics without any n-licb, .imti-f I trial Dr. 'l‘hunms’ l‘lclcctiiu Uil um! wince then have hazl nu 'zttauk uf it. I would rec- mmnciul it tn :ill."â€"~â€"J. ll. Earl. llntcl Keep- er \Vc-st Slicii'nrcl. i’. (3., wrilcs, “ l have been troubled with liver vmnplaint for sev- eral years. null have trim] (hll'crcnt. medicines with little: v-r nu i‘l'llclit, until i tin-.1 ‘Dr. 'l'hmuna~ Eclecti'ic ()il, whicu guru: me im- mmliutu rulict, and l \vmild say that I have usuvl it xiiu-e with the bust nth-ct. No one should he \s'ithmztih I have tried it on my hum-s in case uf i-nts, wuumis. etc., and think it is equally as gnarl fur lmrsc as for innu."~-.\. Mayhue. Min-chant, \\':irkw0rth, writes, “ l have sold sumo llllllill""|s uf Imtâ€" Hes uf i'Ir-iectric 033‘ and if in prmmunccil by the puhhc. 'mic of the hcvtanmliuincs they have own im-vl ; it has; ulmic “winders in healing :inv‘. rulinving pain, sure (hr-wits. etc. and is worthy of the vrozitcat cunti-lcncc.”-â€" Juscph lliisrm, 'l'uwnship l’crcy. writes, “I wu- pc-rsumlml to try Dr. Thunmu' I‘Iclectric ()il fur :1 hum: knuv whivh h'llllinin'l me for thin-c or four years. and I m‘rrr i umIi any- thnu likt- it far curing li\‘l|(.'llU*“ It is a gl‘cn}, pilhliu i'fllluiil‘." Inmlix-iuw dealers. I'm v- "I "1- -III.-: NIH-31'"- RHI' LI MA .\', lmmm (Int. I‘rnprietnrs for 1h" huntininn. Pullers lewnu. l-‘mnvertnn. suh. 3.50 Alnx. .\lcihmgull. l.:;lll)cl)|‘l(lée, sub. .2.‘ “'m. Glnver, (hunt-bridge, suh. 3.50 John ll. Campbell, (lamchriclge, sub. 3.50 l’. l'mnplwll, Unzuchrirlge, sub. 2.00 U. \V. Kennedy. (lurmurly nf ”tn-went" trm.) mlvcrtiwing and suhscripl‘inn‘20.50 I’. ll. l'nruithwnitc. (formerly uf But- Wn‘tun.) runmvml to l'urt I'll-Try, advertising (:12. . 5.00 l“. llcmlcrm n, (formerly nf ch'crtonJ Insurance Aucut, advertlsmn _ 10.00 '3 m .\. MUFmeL-n. (fm'nwrly uf Urilliu and lh'flvol'tflll,’ Photographer, :ulv‘cr- thin: c. 10.50 T. S. J. ('r:mr.~r. Urillin, s10. kc. 3.75 ll. “Wallace, painter, (f'lrmurly of \anlvillu. :l-lvurtiiiu'; and £1“. 5.25 “‘ A. .\lc-Futclu-ml. of Argyle, Inn-vet] tn (“mupcr's l-‘alls, llama, Nul‘. . 2.50 l. J. Staples. Kirkhcltl. jnlpwmk. 3.00 .\‘amua m' delinquents will he rumovetl as tlu- :nmmnts are paid. Others will be added {mm lizw- in tune. Atflu- \lbthfl‘hst 11113011110. by the. Rev. 1. \\ .IslIiIIgtmI .\I A. ., 0| Tues' ray. lst of July, Mr. -\I.1II Irmson, of \‘(mrhille to Mws .\I:I:i1 Mchzur, of Canningtnu. ' Quite a number of visitbra from distance were in tpwu bu Tuesday. The festival held here on the occasion TO' L0 A N AT 1“ I V E P of the induction of the Rev. Mr. Rose, pIoI'I-d II decided SIIccess.1{ov. Mr. .\lc.\nhb, ot' Beaunton, who has been ModeIIItoI of \ession, during 0111‘ Iccont vnc IIIcI', acted IIsC huiIInzIn, and III eIJIII ed by the I III Inonions settlement Ieflected condnced hugely to the even: ings (:IIteItIIiIIIncIIt by the happy III Inner in which he iIItIoducod the III-rem! speakers. SIIOI t, pithy addresses were deliIeIed by Sevelnl Incmbem of the 1)H’Sll_\'i.(3|\' as well as by the Rev: “1. Jewell, of the C. \I. clinIch, who heIIItily joincz'l III “CiCOIIIing \II. Ross, asai co ~workcr in the service of the Common master. The speeches were in- terspersed lII' IIppIopIizIte IIIIIsic inIII the choiI. Aâ€"ltovc-thm It most pleasant and I-nonIIble CIenIIIU “as spent, and .\[-.I loss epressed himself :18 room than plenqed with the reception his new Congregation accorded him. AI 1 to 1p y WM. JOI haw OIII‘eo, ov'eI Wats May“ I, [879. [127- ~3uI] HAIR-DRESSI] D. POWE Is prepared to'do HAIR-DRESSING, SHAVJXG, SIIAMPOOII D‘ III the Intest styles, at the “1‘ site the Northern Hotel, “ gram-ml ufl'uir all193‘()ung men of whom hum-r things are cxppctecl nun] who shaml‘l curminly have known hettm‘, and worn we to publish their names it would he much less than t‘hvv «lesen’e. Charivari.-«Onu of those disgraceful nfl'uirs tool: place last Tuesday night in our village. ()n' that day, Mr. Allan Lawson, had taken unto himself a bet- ter-hulf, and some one thinkingr it a good time for some fun; ongzmized a cluuimri. But they went; too fur with their fun. and now it is probable our hmgistmtes will be called on to settle the matter. A u onlooker describes the carrying on of the drunken crowd (for we would be sorry to think that any young man in \Voodville, in his sober senses would be capable of such an act,) as something akin to the infernal re- gions. They booted and howled and finally burst open the door and entered, when the actions and language used to the inmates are described as something fearful. The ringlondeis in this dis" X c r? E. OUR DELINQUENT LIST. - i M rh-iv-«Sdmhd and Vila-uterized MRS. G. (.‘AMPBELI MA RIHEI). ff 1; -. D. POWELL, TO'LOAN AT FIVE PER CENT hereby forbid all persons {rennpurclmsiug a note fnr thirty (lullnrs. dated April 9th; 1879, payable in 7 months, at Ncwnmrkct, to the Reaper 6:. Mower Knife Grinding (30., as I lmvewccivcd no value for the same. E have recently put in new mill stones, V new cleaning machinery. and other valuable improvements, alul have in our cm- ploy ONE OF THE BEST MILLERS IN THE COUNTRY. To our customers MUD _l_ promissory- notu signed by Neil Gilchrist, in favor of D. McLeod, for the sum of $16. 1 hercby'wam any party having found said note trom negotiating the same as I have cancelled it: ROBT. liI‘NGLA‘ND. Loti’. 2Com 410, Eldon, May 30th, 1879. HAIR-DRESSING, 8w And respectfully request acontifiuance-of their patronage. Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the village free of charge. LOST 3:30.;3‘; In the IAtest styles, at the “Parlor" oppo- site the Northern Hotel, “'oodville. We Guarantyg Quantity and Quality! c!«r Law Oiiféo,‘ ov'er Wafiéggg'tgre. May 7, [879. [127-3u1] Lxxusn'. ELDDN MILLS. PUBLIC ' NOTICE. WARNING. $10,000 SIIAMPOOING, Dymxa, Saturday. 714th. inst.,. a WM. I OHNSON’ T HOS. MORRISON. \VH ITE Lt: . BRO. M»; c. ()Iflibl’RIFl'ZS"ARE '30 FIUII‘ THE TIMES, AND. 01 l’ GOODS .___.......\',l 1,1‘ y«\lj,..__.... ‘ X m ,SEWLD . WUlu'rJ\’_ A. VSPI‘YCIAIJDL 4W 1. Fit, Material, or Workmanship , GUSTQM WQBK !,f Material Furnished if Require G‘raining walnut, Oak. (light and darl Maple and Burr Walnut. . Cheapeé‘ THE‘TREMENDOUS BARGAI N: LATEST. STYLES IN L ADIES’ ANA MISSES HATS C. A MUST PROFOUN D SENSATIO KING STREEI 555%“ PMWIE AMONG THE PUBLIC. IT IS A \V r“HOS. U LOUSTON VVOO DV’ [,1 .1 .E )3 Boot and Shoe Store ! CHEAP FOR CASH}. call solicited at “THE REGULATOL DRY GOOD, GROCERIES, 8w» Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. . 3U! WMES BONDING ._ C. GILCHMST Pufltfl a visit. You H“ know that for \\'IIICH HE IS NO\\' 0!- mat and Choicesrt Stock of Dry Good; 'I‘OGBI‘IBS, Boots and Shoes. 8:0. ever . offered in WoodVille.: am not to be oxm-Hccl :;itlmr in H119 received a-new and well assorted stocl; of SPECIALTY : " R PRODUCE SUITABLB‘. FOR THE SEASON \VOODVILLE,. {"FERLVG HAS ALREADY CR] 3."st KNOWN FACT TII'AT HE HAS'THE 13 (9 15121330011: St.» LEATED Uth:

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