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Woodville Advocate (1878), 17 Jul 1879, p. 8

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minim NWOH “'ri’ in *4!!! ('ar Com nailinnâ€"L. Silvon\-nml,“'. “ll ‘1 -~i.-.‘, Lizzie lilchrint. N. Carmichael, J. h‘tm am, Sarah Cnvr-phcll. Dictation anal \Vritimzâ€"‘V. Gilnhrisf. l). lemml, Lizzie Gilchrist, 'l‘llos. Smith, .\'. Carmichael, Sarah Campbell. mini) mvxslox SENIOR. \ritlnnoiir:-~Julm (‘armiclmcL Christina Reid, A. ('nmplmll. Eliza \Vcsxllalié‘h'nmh A. Carmichael, Jessie Stephenson. k Geography~~Jnlm Carmichael J. Stoplkn- son, Arvh. 'Tfmnphcll. Annii- ('amuruzv. Sarah A. _C.wmiwhmrl. Christina Ilcitl mnl Algn Grammav and Etymnlngyâ€"szzie Gilchrist Wm. Gilvhrist. Neil Carmichael. Lillian Silver‘s-nod, Sarah Campbell. Alta Harm-s. HiaturymN. Carmichael. L. Silvmw-mwl. Lizzie Hilclwriat, Sarnll Campbell and ihm. I-cheml « Il'I-‘ll, “'m. Gilchrist, vasie Slmlr- dart. G«:nurm»hyâ€"Neil Carmichael, \\ m Hil- christ, Lillian Sihemoorl, I). \chaod Alta Burma; 'lhns. Smith. Roa(lihg«-D.'C.'Smitl), “’Ih Campbell, Christina and Annie "'ampbell equal, It. Fail-man, ll. Neshitt, M. Campbell. FOURTH nn'lswx. Aritlmwticâ€"Lillian Silver-wood. Thomas Smith, Lizzie Gilchrist, Neil Carmichael, I). Mchml, Jessie Stmlclart. Din-tmimi mid “ritinaâ€"“fin. (jamnhell A. Cam} ibell. I). C. Mnith, ll. Fairxmiu, L Campbell, l‘. \esbitt. Cn-mpositinn~â€"\V. Campbell, D. C. S'mith, R. Fairman. R. Nesbitt, C. Campbell and 1“.“Cnnjphcll$1119], “1“er Campbell. Gcowmph\--“ 1r Campbell, R. Fairmnn, Christma Campbeli. Annie Campbell mul l). 1‘. Smith equal, Mary Campbtll, Ru'mrt Nesbitt. Historyâ€"Wm. Campbell, ll. Fair-man, M. Campbell. 1". Campbell and A. Campbell nnvl D._(_‘. Smith equal. Rplgt. Nqslfitt. Grammar and Etymnlcgy~\\‘m. (Vamp- bell, Annie (.‘amphell. l). U. Smith, Chris- tina Campbell, hichard Fairman, M. ('ump- bell and R. Neshitt equal. F1 F‘l‘H DI VISION Arithmetic â€"â€"\\ m Cam bell, C. Campbell and A. (lamplmll equal, l. Fairman. l). C. Sm lh,| _ .\f:_s_l\itt, )1. C_nn_1>phc_ll. Algebrauan. 'L'ampbell: A. Campholl, R. Fairman, l). C. Smith, C. (hmpbcll, I‘J. (’331‘9‘3931- _ Exfclimluâ€"“hl. Campbell, Christina Camp- bell, Annie Campbell, Richard Fairmun, Mary Cmnpbcll,_ Q: U Smith. _ The examination of the \Vomlville Selma! was held on Fliday, June (Ch. Xotwith- standing the small attendance of parents the exmninutiou passed off quite satisfactorily to those p'rescnt. The following is the standing of the first six pupils in each [livx- siou of the senior department for the quar- ter ending 30th June. gratuitously treated to a very interesting; school entertainment,got up by J ohu Mcllae, Esq., head-muster of the Kirkfiehl School. The schoolmmn was Very tastefully decomt- ed with hoquets, evergreens and mottocs suitable to tlzeoecasion. The entertainment consisted of vocal and inetrumentnl mimic, dialogues and recitatious, in which the child- ren performed their several parts creditahly alike to their teacher and to themselws.» The progrmume was 11 long and intercsuu: one, and the large audience disperse l." late hour, hi hly pleased “ith the evuninga s perfonuance. EXAMIXA’I‘IOX AND SCHOOL REPORT FALL SnnW.â€"â€"At n special meeting of members of two years standing of the North Victoria E. D. Agricultural Society, held at Victoria Road Station, on the Stu inst, of which meeting public notice was duly g'n'cn as bylaw required, it was unanimously (le- cided to hold the next Fall Show of the above Society in that village, instead of at Gleuarm as formerly. Sermon Enmmxxnaxnâ€"On Tuesday night last the people of this village Were ACCII)E.\'Lâ€"â€".\Ir. Ewan McKenzie. of the firm of McKenzie Bram, of thh village, had some of his lingers nearly cut ml‘ with a cir- cular saw in their mill, on Tueslay last. BROWNING ACCIDHNT.â€"J0hu Teelc, Jr., the wound son of John chle, Sn. nf thu toWnahip of (.‘nrden, was accidentally drown- ed on Sunday, the 6th inst, while bathing in company with several other l)038,i11 a pond on a neighboring farm. The pond, wc° are informed, was only about three or four rods across, and strange to say, although l there were several good swimmcls present, 1 there was no attempt made at rescuing him. 1 13800215041 was 19 years of age. I '0" ltl‘ufl‘ ’l'lw Anuircmary of the \[otllmlistfl ':\l)b 1th school, in (Nonnumw was lwld on Numlav :mul Mowlay. ‘J‘ltlu and 30th June, anol \\ m a. grand succcm llex. Mr. mell prom: lml n 7:bemming sumon to a great gatlnerilw on Sabbath, and on Mundny- the children of 'tho sclmul did wmmknhly Well In :ccitatinns c., u., am r which an excellent tea was served by the ladies in gum] style. llcv. Messrs Jam.” and Sherin (lclis'ered short ml- -dresses ; and. music was rendered by the Glcnarm choir. Mr. Seth Ilickalny presiding, and Miss I). A. Moyncs organist. MI'. Wm. llickuby fruml-‘ruolph aided the choir with hand and voice and Viol. Proceeds $30.00 -â€"'.Com \l Weatlah mn «l IIIistimI Paid 101111 U M- A. ( :IIIIIiIiIrIcL JmsicF't"; l'mson. Arc-II, Smith. stiIIa III-i4. Arch. Canvphcii. “h. 3-H: ‘armichncl, Big-nth: Kl RKFI ELI). 33th. U LENA RM. j Falling Sickness “a will pr. \' \mnh. month mul \ xpensc ., m minim to sell our mu ventinns. ll‘r, mum ‘- flee. Addrvss, rill-'11: shall Michigan. A G E N T-Skfi 1-3333- Rolls and Pastry a Specialty nu we c mm In} tn: m. v c “'I \‘ail, post pawl. n mv M. 1! (.nulm'ul m the «mlv uh} ‘iw rm made this dimume .1 .- m-r' in! ct «mr kmmk-dm- mar... -v: IL; 1m ucntly cured 'xy the 1 .4 we will guarantee :1 yu. » m: mu case, or refund you all um) All snfl'nrs sluml: 1 Lin- Hn-c: early trial. and 1m ouru'incml tivg powers. â€"â€"|zv «me mnnth' .4 us. ( Richl'fltf‘il ‘lhzl! Riv“ :mucc Butlerurs that 1‘ ml we clmm ful‘ thuu. \' nil, past, pawl, n in Orders, 310 Lu; :3 . ZED), FRUIT CAKES- MIXE‘DTEA CAKES. ('nmlmsitiuu :iml “‘ritingâ€"thzie " erric, Hugh Carmichael, Fannie Arnhtrunt. Mm- nie Iamiesnn, J. Gilchrist, .\. Hiqlcy. FAMILY BREAD {c slingâ€"Minnie Jamjumn. .‘Iu-m'o Ber. 33" I‘ie, an. flattery. Axum: Sinluy. Fannie Armstrong, Hum l.«:tlnn-x-1;x2. Hcog’wfihyâ€"â€"Slag;iu Bui'.i'\.‘_ D. Slatfery. John Gifchrist, Fannie Armstrong, Annie Sidn’, Hum Lothbridgc. Miumc eruusnn. lvrannnar- Mag ric [5511173111 Fannie Armstrong, Annie 55511;" . ,b I lma Lethh'. iclrvu. PARTIES SUPPLIED \K'HU..II"AI I' Alitlnncticâ€"Mau :ie Bezric. IohuGichnist, Dun. Slnttmy, Kirch. (‘ :mnichacl, {Junie \rmstrong. Hnflh ( ‘mmwluwl. '~ PERM \NIIX I‘LY Material Furnished if fiequired G-raining Walnut, Oak. (light and dark) Maple and Burr Walnut. SODA, ABERNE'I‘HT, AND FRUIT BISLT ITS, \V KIHLIC>4A Ll'} AX!) IU‘I'I'AIL. OUR PRICES ARE TO SUIT THE TIMES, AND OUR GOODS TO SUIT YOU. @ SE\VED \VORK A SPE CI IALTY. 5’23 Fit, Material, or Workmanship. GUSTOM WORK ! 1"]. TI)’ I'll " i 111415"; Y, THUS. OLOUSTON, BERRZE’S WOO DVILLE Boot and Shoe Store! THIRD DIVISIOX JI'XIHR. Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. IS UNXLD IN THE ('M'NTY JOHN BEBRIE, ’uy us a visit. You all know that for 1 zun not to be cum-Hod Hither in Cur. kin I, and Stu" .rt 3!: phyntmau Um sxmvin! study at‘! uh In“: 5) 1120 m‘ them pnvmnncnt cu all mum-v UK .Ht {CAD THIS SPECIATY :. no. n I. (NV H.l)â€"«!m humlmg 11‘ Hr. Hmu'mwl’s ‘m'tk'fi. ’1'" Con- pmwl :m “in «lo “H: semi them In) - in! hm. As Dr. an Um: 1133 over tu-ly and as to ‘x m- in. en perma- f wa powders. nut. mm in every mncy expended. z-cc powders an :d of their cura- 15., Um. Slflttery f.» 1." ”'7 ' , “1L3 ,bcn. Smith, Ty Hf SH”) per r .1 large mm- “nmdm'flli in- ..a 3:7” ASRPTAPIC 4; (10., Mira» mice 4 lmxos fnr of United ice, or by ’zlyn. N. Y ROD, CAMPBELL. Subsmibe fo1 ‘ The Advocate,” The best $1 paper in Victou'a E’urchasers shculc‘. look tn the Labal on tho Pots and. Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford. Street, London, thev are spurious. And Rnlcl. by all \I-mlors nf Medicines tln‘m’tguut tllc (jivilzmtl \an'hl; with (ll- rq-vtian for use in :alnmat awry language. The Trade Marks of these Medicines am registm'ul ii: Httmm. llcnce, any «mu. tlnrrmghnu’: the British Pogscssions, who may lump the American L‘nunturfcits fur sale, will be pmseculcll. And every kind of SKIS never been klmwn to fail. The Pills and Ointment only at A S'I‘IIMA; F. ECU-$5059, Piles, OLD W8UNDS,>SBRES M48 ULGERS Itis an illftlliblc remedy. If efi'ectuzz Ih whbccl on the neck and chest, as s: tlt inLu meat, it cures 50R!) '1“ "OAT, Dipohcria, lirnlu'hitit‘, Coughs, L'ulds. and own ASTHMA. For leunlnhr Swvllmgs. sm- trereggching 9nd manna: Properties are Knowi's‘hfdfiéhfiiifil-LE“Eféffi'" For the cure of BA 1) LEN 48', Bad Breasts. and llOWlil \, uivin ' tone, cuexm, aml \ iguur to tlII-sc gum; \l.‘ l\ Sl’ l‘lNUh‘ 01' l “'11. 'llu- ' :Iro confidently rccomnwnxlcd .Ls a nevv r failing remedy In all cases “ here thcc cuIIstitutic-II, from whatever caustflms become impaiml or We akened. 'llIcv me \wIIIiquully cllIcacions in all ailments lllcl' dental to Females of all ages; and as a (,H'ZXERAL 1".\ MILY MEDICINE, fll‘c Thss Great 39113921016. Medicine ranks among- tho leading: necessaries of Life. Those famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act must puwcl'fully,yct soot-hing on the LIVER, srcmwn, KIDNBYS, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, Gout, Rheumatism u‘ Gland Fistulns nnsurpnswzl. y. If efl'cctnzzliy host, as salt inm “HAT, Dipthul‘ia, Mid". and (WM! '11- Swolhngs, .‘x‘u- matism. , DISI-IASE, it 2m are Mmmfactur::d 6412 ”1) Buy your Garden Seeds at D. McLeod’s, 0pj posite the Post Office. Woodvflie. 10m HAVING TAKEN \IOIII "‘ .‘I‘IIZS'I‘ I‘. IIZ ES TII -\.\' ‘.‘?Y ()"IIII‘JI, AN INVAIIIAIILY lII‘ L‘Ii I\ IN THE IIII‘ III \'I II I ('IHI‘III \'I). WX'IIONS \I'IIIZNI'I‘IVI I‘ An“ \\ III') II E I \ H R I'I‘, IS I I’HI (th I' I\T() C'(L\IPIC""IIIIHN \V'UII O'I" II‘) I’. \III. I..>'. Best and most Complete Mill Man- ufactured in the Dominion. THE ‘HONEY’ IMPROVED FANNING MILL “c \mulcl rcspev‘fnlh call tho nth-“tin“ of the fa. ming,r community to the PARKING MI] L mm Inan at. um \\ nrks. This null 18 L110“ 11 as W HH‘ E A Large Variety {cf Eadies’ Pmnellas, Cheag. . GREAT REDUCTHGN LATE 5331' 8?? LEE? 3. ,â€" 'NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes 500 Feet to Supply with Boots and Shoes. FULL LINES ! VVOODVILLE HARDEVARE EMPORIUM WANTED i . McmmmAN’stfi on cost, and can consequently sell veny cho x1) which I have just purchased CALL AND SEE Aqriwfimmi Worm, CALL AND SEE MY QBEHQ @flMPBELL in all the We 'usk nur friends and the farmers generafly to O N 1-? 3-; If I BITION AT. It is undoubtedly the -'I_‘ I I E PAINTS, COAL OIL A. SPECIALTY. 200:3. PER GALLON. All kinds of Hardware Grain Cradles, Hay Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, MACHINE OILS ! EARLEY FORKS! HAR DWARE. VA? X ISIIES, 01m, AND ALL KINDS OF m TSHES,

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