of Mr. Wm. J of Wm. Ashm of Eldon. F0 bud boon snB‘é» of the "V69, Um- workmntil Mun .‘t'wasiormdnt' for the comfm Obituary»- to record the ‘ friend and bru of Mr. Wm. J of “ï¬n. Ashm of Eldon. F0 bad boon sum?» ‘ V of the “Y0â€, Um work-amt“ «box .2 ; 3t.'was.ȣorrmd..t- c-xcufsionism. :iu any we called upon nflu much-lnmmued through the demise \Hlmmn. oldest son "..q.. )6puhy~l!e(:vo v. _ -- time thodmï¬amml " an n derangement. my: steadily at his <2 weeks ngu, when r ’ 1 "a in. his bed, from to return nut. at 8:11. Arrangeniimts am being mm , u Ningsu'n for cheap lodgings, and --vthing will be - done for the comfm c-xcursionism. Civic Holiday.~â€"ly'¢6itor qf ’l‘m: Alb VOL'A'I‘E: Sinâ€"\Vonltl it not he «lasin- nblo for our corporation "parents" to call a nwetingof the villagers at an early data to tnke into consideration the propriety of? ImVing n Civic } loliduyl An attempt was made last your, but failed, owing (:hivlly, I lwliowr, to the! fact that it wsm not taken into cous'uL oration early c-nmgh in tho Ramon.»â€" Trusting the quad-ion will‘ ho duly ven- tilated in tinm this your, [ remain; - yours, «bu, TAM 'l‘imsor. ‘ Cheap Excursionâ€"11‘1"; Presbyterian “ mngl'egntion of Kirkï¬chl has~ lmulo ma ‘ rnugementx for n clump excursion from Joboconk to 'l‘oron'o and Ningarn Fnlls; l on the 5th of August. Tho-train willï¬: leave Cohomnk at 6 a. m., .uml “food-4' Villa at 7.30. '|"u- fin-e from all stations 1 north of the Junction, to Toronto, is 80 | cents ; south of :hu Jhnction, 60 Cents. l Fare to Njngw 3 $150 ‘aml $12.3,Lgoul ' Change of Time.-'1‘he '1‘. . N. 1:. has issued .1 new time tnble,.the only changes luring that. the trains-{mm the North puss half-am honrezu-ly than here- tofurc. Thu Midhmd has also changed time, trains goingï¬a‘uuth frnm tho June-a tion, at 7.4:") u. m. and 3.35 p. m.; and North at. 11.50 h. m. and 1.1;") p. m. Parcel Postâ€"Persons having small 2 articles to send by nmil will’bu glad to ' know tlmt. the parcel post rates have ‘ been reducedto six cents fur four ounces and under, and six cents for each :ul- ‘ «licionul fum- omuzcs. Purculsmuxt not weigh mom than live pounds and must be marked “ 13y Parcel Post." i The Port Hope Tiuws suvs:â€"â€" “ Tm: ADVOCATE lms decided to give \Vood ville another chance,- and will not be rmnov- «(I to Midland as intinmtcd sometime ago. If the people of the village do nub “come down- lmidsomely†’ now, they don't dosorvo n good “spur such as our lively contompomty. .I visit. to YIIIIkm-laIId, and IA“. W3; A. Silvmwoocl, J. P., Is IIIsticIIciIIIt .II the neighbonhuod of Balsam Luke, fur a few days. Personals.~.\tr. H. D. Lumsden left, town, yesterday, far :L- visit, to the Old Country. \‘Ha wish him- u plenum. \oynge ...... MI E. R. Irish, J. P], m-uu Lacrosse.â€"J£he match- behwcn the Ban enton and Uxbl-id-,ge Clubs, lust Sutur'du) let-ultcd in u “draw," after plaï¬wr for three hams. 130::vertun scmccl one (hunch; twohoms and ï¬fteen minutes, and time was eni.ed [mute the match could he concluded. Pic~Nic.â€"â€"â€"'l'he Good Templars of cllis village held their ammml pic uic in 'l'urucr’s grove, man-- Beaver-Lou, yester- day. Altlwuglt thu‘ weather looked anything but, favorable; chm-u was a hr 30 turn! out. and .uxaenioyzs ablatime. Wondville had no police court this week. There is not “J. P. in town. Thaw was a man hunting for a nmgisp t1 ate on Tuesday but; he could not. find one, mul so the ulfuir w- 2.5; settled umi~ ouhly botwec-n the parties. The Rev. J no. McNabb, of Beaver» ton, preachedin the Presbyterian Chm-oh last. Sabbath morning. Then Wus no aerviowiu the. evening. The Rev. D. D; McLexman, of- Kirkï¬eld, is expected to ofï¬ciatwnoxt Sabbath. “ Doctor Basswood†Was intown on~ Tuesday, vainly attempting; to find his: way “ mm; to Bax-icy.†He turned up next, morning, in at: more befuddled» state, and minus his coat; and hat. Ifltlno party who took the Bridle from the ‘ Queen's Howl’ stubhs; on the Fat. of July, by mistake, will mturn it. and take his own away, he wiit oblige. Nearly Drowned.~â€"A munbeu of lictle lads wem. bathing in the pond, on Mon- day, audlono ofl them getting in a hole beyond hit} depth came near being Al‘rowned: ' Betting on how mzmy pounda of‘watcr a jug will hold‘muv be good munsemnub but is apt. to. be fOllowed by broken, lmauls, unless great. care be taken: Tne crops are ripening fast. in this Innigllbmhoud“ Sbwnnl panics hum stauted cuttmg: theiI Bid-l \WIe'It. TO~ mm x AT 11 VE‘I’ERMENT. Apply to w M. gomsoxy Law Ollice, over W ntsou' a Store,- , May." a, l8794. [127.301] Lmnsm ' Teacher Wanted. 1“; ARTE l), fcntho Junior l)_ep:\rtmsnb of the “'t’nnlï¬lle l’llbhc Sohoul, Infe- mnlo teacher ‘huhliug n so mud or third-class certilica‘n. Duties to cnnuncnoc after the sumvwr vacation. Applicabimm ystnting sal- ary, c., v. ill be received up 9.0.1:“. ‘Auguat. DUN. CAMBBI'ILL, Secretaryll‘remu1:0}: In 1 In u-.. - . _A_- - l a H 7 (l' .'â€" Lyman. 'l‘nrontn," and we are sure you Will be satisï¬ed that you have full value far your munuy. 403-30111 byznll Medicine Dealers. i' l.\'\'.\l.ll):<. do you wish to gather flesh, to am uire an up etite, to enjoy a regular habit of. mdy, to o tnin refreshing sleep, to feel and know tlmt every ï¬bre and “.issue 0f.ynlll' systemic being braced and renovnted'f: if so. cmnmence at once and use the Quiniue '\\'ine prepared by Northrop . L'ï¬nnu, of Toronto. and in a short time you will feel the whole eyewm invigoratedmml utrength- cued. lt heaven-known not that Quinine has been arbor/lodged by the medical fac- ulty for many years as the best nppetiZer and tonic known. And for general: :lebility this combination will be found superior to nllwlher preparations. And eombinod'ns it is withdine sherry wine and clloieem‘mmctics, it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigor- etor to the whole system. The pmperties oi Quiniue nre aaiabrifuge tonic and ‘amtiper- iodic. Small doses, frequently repented, strengthenthe pnlsanerone muscular force, and invigorate the tone of the nervous «y. stem. The peculiar operation of this medi- cine in general debility mui'Ins-anmppetizer, hm; undergone long and close observation, and it is believed it will never fail. ii'pro- perly and ‘judieimlsly administered. nni’esx other diseases, predominate of a difl‘e'n-ut character. Persons of weak constitution may take itanitbout the least dillioultï¬ as it strengthen»(be-ntonmeh and digestive or. gans, and seldom require more then one, or two bottles to effect a decided benefit as it contains nothing injurious to the most deli- cute eongtib'uiziim. Remember to seek for the " Quinine Wine prepared-{by Northrop I."lll'lln 'l‘n-nn‘n H â€"“.1 Chin n-.. . .._-, -h. Aut|l Bar RIIIIDEO-{fl'with tlwnb'cst wines, liqunrs aml cigars.. 31mph: [Moms for commercial tram-11cm. (360d Bublwaml sheds: Atten- tch hustler; At the Mmme,= Ovillia, on the 12th July, by the Rev. John “my, M. A., “"111. Robert Irwin, of (Jan-den, tn Mutbw Wunuumakcr of the sauna township.- DIED. , At Int 2, 9th 0011.. Eldon, onih-idnymom- 'iug, July 18, Mr. William John Akhumu, agcdz34 years, 6 months. Base Ball.-â€"\Ve have received it. com- nnmicntion from Peter Ritchie. captain of the Brechin Base BalirG‘lub. ilrwhich he states that our report 0! the match at Iorneville on the let, was erroneous; that the Lorneville club did not win the game although-they used every foul means in their power to do so; even re~ fusing tn-nbide by the ninpire’s deci- sions mud/that they used- their visitors in anything. but a gentlemanly manner. .,From- what' we can learn the Brechin-c -ites were not' used nS‘WGll us a visiting club shonld'lm,_and we hope- the Lorne- ville boys will mtrieve their good name, and prove to the “ Simcoe Nine†that they can beat thelnet a. good gentle" manly game of Base-Ball, by accepting their challenge :'â€"-“‘We the ‘ Simcoe -‘Nine’ hereby challenge the‘Eorneville Club to play a match, (American Base 'Ba’tll,)‘on suit-able ground midway be- tween~Brechin and Lorneville; for from ten to one hundred dollars, subject to the followingconditions,viz.: each side to have their own nmpirem respectable gentleman to act as referee ; the losing side to pay all expenses connected with the game 3 match to be played before the expiration of' therpresent month. This challenge to remain open eight days. Signed on behalf of the Simcoe Nine Baselinll Club, of Brechin, PETER Imam; Captain." The challenge is dated July IGth, and was intended for last week’saimperrlmt was received too late. At ()rillia on .1 Nil July, Capt. Kirkland, aged £3 \ycm's. wmlvsue, ,mh July; ’i 5:51 ' hm MOICAY.‘ \\'nmlville, Jilly 16th. 1879.- asture fcnnmure and colt whom there are no wanking lmwusnpmmving. Apply t0r _ ‘L'EEN ’S HOTEL. \\'u(w\'n.l.H, $10,000 WANTEDE. J. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. MARRIED. 135 Charge ftwrdn" to be paid Ithh lat your out 0‘" the Fe n e ra-l‘ L fun: 3 of the - p I I l‘ownship 30.00 Eldon Mari.‘ pom for romls' tmbc paid the ï¬ns: year out ' nfï¬tlm general \ funds of tho 1 T8vmahips.. .. ,. 15.00 Th 0? Bums. { and. -Th:|t the Reeve of the 'snidr'flown- ' ship may borrow on the credit off the (Jor- poration of the Bltl(l\ 'I‘owuoh'up of Manipmm the ennui $0998.53, .heing thee funds neces- sary for-the work, and'imny issue debentures i of the Contention to that Mnount in sums ! of not less than one hundred dollars-each, and payable within litteen yeasts fr'mmthe ‘ (lute hereoï¬, with interest at the- mteut‘flive per ceutmuupormnuum,that is to any inma- nnal payinelzwneueh - Debentures to be pay: able at tho Hauleof "l‘hronto, at the City of Toronto and to have a" achod to- thunl Cou- pons for the payment of interest. 3rd.â€"â€"'l'lmt‘for the purpose off nyin the sum of one thonsamtlninu hundrm and nine ty-eight dollars and' ï¬fty-eight ccntsy other than roudd belonging to« the Municipality, and to cover interest thereon for ï¬fteen-years at the rate of ï¬ve per Cent. per mmum, the following special rates over and f above all other rates shall be assessed mui'f'levied (in the same nmnner and at the mule time as taxes one levied) upon the u’ndermentioned lots and hurts of lots, and the amonnt‘ot the said hpeeial 'rates and interent assessed-lilo aforesaid hgninqt each lot or pm-t'of lob re- upectï¬ely ah‘aï¬'lic divided into hit’een equal ram (6r th'ere-nbout)nnd one such'pnrt shall )0 assessed hnd levied as aforesaid'iin each year for fifteen year; after the iinnl’pnnsing fol this By-an ddring which the «mid De- bentures-have to run: U It letâ€"That the said Depart, l’l’nns-and EEstinmtes be adopted, mul- the ‘30er con- ncctcd therewitlrbe Imulc and constructzcl In accordance therewith. 'vv. UU AND» Wimums the mid Uoumil are .of opinionatlmt the drainage of the local- ity‘imlexirrblc, Be it therefore enacted by the Mhniciful Council of the said Tï¬vmahip ofMnriposa,~1)|lrsunut to the prtwiï¬ions of Chapter one hundred and soventy-fémmt’ the pRewscd Statutgs of Ontario, 4! 180' 2!: 5 401' ll: {Survcga‘and eath1atos,.. . ... .Lettmg and 61"!)gn'ilntexldi'ng, .. :l’rintiuggu 'l‘ownsllificlerk’s fuc3,........... r V HEREAS, amsjority in numhcrof the V owners, as shown by the last Revised Assessment Rolls, of the- property hereinaf- ter setferth to bcbcneï¬tted by the-drainage of said lands, ha\'e petitioned the Council of the said Township of Mnriposa praying that said Council Would take the necessary steps to drain. certain lands.. embracing part of lfltB'NOOl 10, ll. l2, l3-aud l4, in the l5th Concession of Meriposa. and Lot No. l in the ,5th Concession, and Lot No. l in the 6th Concession of Eldon, and for procuring the necessary funds therefor in accordance with the provisions of die-Municipal Act, Cap; 174, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, in- order that certain lands situate in the Town-- shi )8 of Mariposn andil'lldon may be improv‘ ed y said work. Axn wncnmsflthereupon' the said Counv cil procured an cxmnination to be made by: James Dickson, l‘):quire, Provincial Landt Surveyor, being a person competent for such- pnrpose, of the said locality proposed to be drained, and has also procuredl Plans and Estimates of the work to be- made by the said'James Dickson and an! assessment to ‘ be made “by him'of the real woperty' to be '1 beneï¬ttedlby such drainage, stating as~uear~~ ly as he can the proportion: of" beneï¬t which inhis opinion Willibe derived liimonseqnence of such drainage by every renal and lot or portion of lot ; the said assessment so made and the report of the said James Dickson-in» res ect thereofaiznd of said drainage being as~ fol ems :4â€"~ . “I cortif‘ 'thm I‘have made ssurvey-of 'nnd‘: lceatci the proposed} drains and also made a survey of the lands-tr» be benefittcd thereby, and have also made an estimate 0' the cost of construction and incidental ex- penses connected therewith, asfolloivs. viz.: SECTION. RODS. LKS. l'l‘ll: R01). A Bun-LAW TO PROVIDE rounmnuux- xsazov ummm LAND» m‘ 1118'Y'1‘0\\'x~ sum or Munro“ AND' Ennox-, um you uonnowm: on. Tux-2. cunmr or Tm: ermulmurmon BIAHH’OBA THE sun or $1998.58 FOR uoupbm'mu Tm: awn. l'roviuimmlly mluptctbthe Sevantht (by July, A. l). 1879: 0‘ 9n 10 5 m ulli .: n; NSNS V l 5;â€" BY-‘LAW Net 2401 TOWER H I “'0 P M A RI 1’0?! 3.; A2310" 40:3 mm 2:), “32.6.3 mm. 410.63 60' 131.37; 1m 6|".63 '2“ 77. If! 30 58 306) (’i- 180 ' 82043. 55 †3'20‘28. 56 1683. 561 H [408.9] ,3 67.50 y 99.49 307.911 1 93.“! 457.9? 57.34 [73.37 1262 .(‘ a vcn_L-- «ma 10335; m , ......!.. H25 1|30 13230.0 3‘ w l!‘l.59‘ F911] 1 189.75 982.1") a â€1.40 130 w 320.00} 333. 9Uj 94 998. 58 $501.25 S 8.67 ‘ 1‘2. 78 39.54 12.65 162.“! 8.66 2|.70 7.4: 22. 26 820. 08 167. 75 162.50 5'2. 00 17."). 00 50. 00 50. 00 20. 00 LA‘ 'LEST'I: STYLES? IN LADIESMEN M {SEES} HATS, 8L0 . â€13013814ij ZCHEAP Oï¬e-‘Néw Double Buggy, 1mm :nwlemlnruhlemm! of the very given» - on: tho 'ulmvv. - -- VIA-llllhi uuLVJ.‘ 1U musâ€"r; 15pm! '2 inchesâ€"«for inside finishing. SCANTLING'offhll 8i gmd lengths. COMMON LUMBER. of all lengbhs.~ Stock and Dressi Lumber in great quantities. 5000 Bunches excellent LA'l‘H. 30,000 FEN‘ PICKE’I‘Sâ€"twomnl three inches wide-and inch-un(ht-quarter square. Battings, Plank and Sqnme Timber of all'lengehs and sizes.. SHING-L] pfl'lil‘sb‘und second qualities. All of’the-nbove will be sohlmt shalom ilivingnmices. Pun-lieu rquiringLumber in any form will consult thali- 0‘ einterms by calling and inspecoing th? stock. Chaim G..Czimpbelldwuutlwri: ito‘ sellr'in my almence. ' 'l‘l'm-nndersignul in returning thanks to his-numerous patrons; desireml an)“ that. he in stocking his yard with about A« MILLION FEET of excellem ganltm-g which he out last. winter from choice'green lugs, and is prepared-t ï¬ll all (mlem-fox" houses, burns,- shetls, c., at. pviees'which defy competitiot He has on hand 100,000.feoo Clint-UP}.FLOORINGâ€"l: Ifund 1% inchel by 4:, 53am] 6 inches wide. 50,000'feet AMERICAN Ulll‘lAlfiallcl'.PIOK 1NG>5_1:-; lgguul '2 inches-«for inside finishing. SCAN'I‘IJINGTOFall size gmd lengths. COMMON LUMBER. of all lengbhs.~ Stock and Dressin; :Lumher in great quantities. 51000 Bunches excellent LA'I‘H 3m nnn Inmm Ql‘faving :rcntcd Mn. 11'.“- McLEOD‘S- balm slurp am}.- ovcn, begs bl that he is prepared-to supply “them with Aul further take notice that-any person who-intends to apply to have this Byclmw ‘(rr‘zuly part themnf quashed," must within tcnulays after the ï¬lm! passing thereof serve a notice in writing upon the Item. or other Hcmli Ofï¬cer, and: upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make appli- cation for that purpose to mm of Her Majes- ty’sns‘npelior Courts of Law, at Tumnto, dnringthe term next ensuing the ï¬nal pass- ina nf Hth!" l ......- ..._ I. ,, u. . . . _ ing ofï¬this -liy-I@\vy.or h; in this behajf. F IRST-CLZâ€"‘ESS; Any person wishing to appeal against any part of the above assessment is hereby noti- lied that the Council will hold a Court of Reviemn and appeal for that uurpose, at the ’l‘nwu 'Jull. in tlu: Village of ()zlkwond, on MONUAY, the ELEVEATH (lay of A UH~ U. "1‘, A. D. [879,-at the how of 10 o’clock, I CERT"? that the furcguing 19 u’t'rltu co fy of the ISy-lmw [mused provisionally by t‘w Council nf the (30morati-m of the ’l‘uwnship } of Maripnsu, on the 7th day‘ of July, A. I); 1879, and to he published fuur cuusccutiro !‘ weeks in 'J‘uv: Aln'thU‘t. newspaper, printed I at “'omlvi!lc, prcx‘ibus tn the linal passing l thereof. JOHN F. CUNNINGS, I Township Clerk. -V...‘ .vvvuu ' IItaiueIIuttlIu l {of wutrihu- shall be k0 tin‘ cost of law and H IIIIueIn' tiou, IIIIiIl lmulu- rum! pa} Eng tu- the same a relative [It (ion 3 the fun.- guing asunumuntpflmtl â€0‘ $45. 00 usxumsed against the made III ylmhl out «If the general fIIIIdu of 01 m hip-l the that ye: II after the Uebeutu ï¬n issued 0 I the onlar of the Rcuvu- i. Oakwood, 96!: day of July, 1879‘ up}? 01'. "PERS; m3. I'N SEASON 4thLâ€"Jl‘lmb CHE§P . FOB; C‘A3fl. i NOTICE}. 2 I] [if B E R ." EYG‘OOD; GROCEREEï¬ 80; WOODWLLE AND BOLSOVER." ,- _‘_,. -.‘u .vvl IDduMe Buggy, pubeub snsvnnt wheel. and JOHN F. CUN NINGS‘ Him received avnew‘aud Weliiassm'bed stockot" CH’E'AP’ and the BEST of Am! mything in'flis line, at Reasonable D» McNAB; WOOd‘ville‘ - Bblsoxzer SUITNBL‘E ' NOR * TH â€4 SEASONSâ€"w u M n- completed clan umiuml at the dunes l for contribu- ruml paying to» the *tion 3 the furcgniug y o $45.00 assassin! 3‘13] Imhl nut uf the ggy, putt-uh snvunt wheel. and déï¬ble'" spring- behit; the very besalmaterial: 'l‘d goodqmvï¬estime-wiu I win m)t-be«rhleVzV1-r;l .-â€"â€"Oho New 1' Clerk. 135 BREAD CAKES A '1‘- I f c.7- Sold in “'oodville by 9.11 Dri and by all wholesa'le. and remil‘. (ltugy iCénalla and tho-United†Statics: «manual and uzc'quted†States: "114; V. B.â€"'l‘ln‘e'démauds ofour busineuha‘ necessitatemour removing to Toronto.-‘ which place phrase address all future 00: munications.-- “J‘Full particulars in our pamphlet,whic1 we desire to send free by. mail to ovary one The Speciï¬c ~Medicine is sold by all dru ' t at $1 per packnge,.or six packagetfor , 0 will he sent free by) mail. our receipt of $111 maney by addressing ms can; Minlcmr- cm, . Toronto, Ont, Candi 1uence of SelLAbusu; as loss of Mentor. Universal lmitmlc, Pain-in the Back. Dill uuss of Vialun, Premature OldxAgemud mu othemliauases tlut‘lead .to- Insanity 0300‘ 1 sumpflon amd’q [fl-elln'atlu-u Grave.- Haas, B‘jiuruuv \ ttn'l‘hea, llnpo. 1'9]. gtency, and all‘ Diseases that ,. Before" ,,,'7. And‘ r ctfhlly ‘ request; a cuntiï¬uwoa oi tlieir pmlmgm- Flour mu! Feed delivomd mull parth‘ of! the \‘illngé' free of clings W11 ITE, Jr. BRO ‘/ E have recently put in now will atone now cleaning umchiuory. and our valuable llllpr'tlp‘glll‘lellffhr undï¬huve m our-on We Guarantpe Quantity and Quality GIiA. Y’S Hpuuiliu- 31E!) LCINn. EIZ ONLY- rnADE MARK. The Great TRAIN! 31191151136111- 91y, an unfail- mg cure few Seminal Weak-v alu; ELDON MILLS. UML‘UR mu: Biï¬iVKiEï¬ï¬ï¬E ‘} , UUU N‘l‘lt)‘; ’I‘b our customers- ~number )Va}ggon, . thilnble- begs to announce to 1511's pul ...'.4l . folAluw us a. se- Prices, -â€"H lfï¬md 1L incllt N ULEARmucLPIO] ’ANTLING' off'all sin .- Stock and Dressiw >A'l‘H. 30,000 FEN( tlmtAï¬Ã©;