mum wards. \~\\‘~'\I\A’\4\I\v A \ \ANmAMJ,\~WwAlV ELDON HOUSE, \Voodville, T. ED‘VARDS, - Proprietor First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic- est liquors and cigars. 'Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. SUBSCRI I'TION~«()nly One Dollar 3 your, Strictly in Admnce. ADVERTISINGâ€"Yearly Advertisements charged quulterly; Transient; Ad- vertimmenm, when ordered, This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village, and has re- cently been reï¬tted and refuruished, and is therefore most suitable for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors sud ( 'igars. Good Stables and attentive Hostler. Inspector of Weights and Measures County of Victoria. Auctioned, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. ~15“â€" Hendet‘son Cave. Clerk lat and 7th Division Courts County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec- retary Eldon B. A. Society. Agent_ P. B. 8 Company. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen’ 5 Bench. NORTHERN HOTEL, woodvine, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. J. SERIANDS,". : J03. PINTI.A.\'D, LIL-‘2 m’M\ 7m \n: \vxr\x\\ ~ WM. A. SILVEIMVOOD, J P. H UDSPE’I‘H ck BA RRON, Barristers, c., c. Ofï¬ceâ€"Kent Sh, Lindsay. ADA.“ HUDRPE'I‘II. ' -JOK.\' A. BARRON. I'I:.u'nc.u. Ancm'rscr, BUILDER Axo Cos- 'rxu'rou. Plans and Speciï¬cations made on the alum-test notice. Estimates given for all kinds of work, on reasonable terms. Heat- ing and Ventilation of Churches and School Huases a specialty. King Street, Wood- ville. 37 GEORGE \VILLIS MILLAR, EELAN D5 PEN‘I‘LAN D, Dentists, N 1 Is DSAY, - oxn mo. One (ftnc above will be at Hami' tou’a Hotel. 3'emcrton on the SE¢'()ND MON- DAY 0f each month. He will 3‘30 visit \Von-lville on the Second TUESDAY of each nmnth, stopping at Mcl’herson’s Hotel. Iistimntcs furnished, and contracts taken for nary on: {all of tlgc a_lvove work. Materials lur- J. HALWARD BROS. nis'hccl if required. HAIR-DRESS] NG. SHAVIRG, In the latest at) last, at the “Parlor" oppo- sito tho Northern Hotel. \Vomlville. HA IR-DRBSSING, 8w Sash and Door Factory 'I he subscribers have now got tlnir r‘ach-vy ï¬tted up in lint-class style an:I are lnrparecl to furnish anything that may be . v muted to them in the shape of SA AS H, DOORS, AND BLINDS l’l .\\ [\(., MATCHING, MOULDING, L"! I)â€. S AWIXG 8:0 an shnrt notice and at 'Lmttum Pun-ices. Also shingles and umber for sale cheap. l'USl'l‘lVELY UUllEl) All sulforcrs from this disease that are anxious to he cured shonhl try l)ll. KISS. NE {'3 CELEBRATE!) ()UNSULIP'I‘IVE l’UWlll'IRh‘. 'l‘hosv powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consump~ tion and all diseases of the throat and Lungs â€indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no hum- lnm. We will forward to every sufferer, by mail. post paid, a free trial hox. \Ve‘don'i want. your money until you are perfectly satisï¬ed of their curative worn. If your life is worth saving. don‘t clay in giving these Powders a trial. as they will surely our? you. n AA AA ASH a; ROBBINS, , 96 lyr 360 Fulton Sheet, Brooklyn,N. L Pn'ce, {oxz lérge box, 83.00,:entfosny put oftho United States or (Eanmla, by mail, on receipt‘qurice. Address, A»..- - .-‘__ King {.S‘trect, IVoodlelo. nnzczmmns, PLAS TE .’El.’S AND )IA-S'OXS «(-c. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING RICK, D. POWELL, CONSUMPTION PLANING MILL “ who gamma," ifmiemtuual mum, Egusiucsa (Earns. \VOOD VI LI; E Is propnrcd to do A SPECIALTY. M (:(r‘ I um i e Bros. l8 PUBLISHED b‘ H AM POOING. DY RING. c., (cc. Music Lassen: on tho Organ “'ATCHMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE noon VI!" 0! "out“!!! â€I’ll WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. At her residence on King St., next door to Mr. McSweyn’s. Pupils can be “tended at there own residence if required. Oflice on King Street, or order: an be left at Tun Abvocux Oflioe. ONEY TO LOAN on FARM PRO. PERTY, for a. term of yes", at 8 rea- aunable rats of interest. w Mortgn es and Munici )al Debt: nturea bought. ppfto DU_N. CAMPBELL, i N. Bram. McKay’s vnriednnd eï¬cnaivo l experience in the Hospitals of Englm «1 and ‘ Scotlandâ€"the four Diplomas which he holds from the beat Colleges of the Mother Conu- try in addition to his Cnanisn Degrees should he a sure guarantee of his efï¬ciency. LIVERYI W. A. SILVBRWOOD, V‘I‘W’VWWV‘AAI‘ WW v- MAW.“ I_IENRY ED'WARDS is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY RIGS at any time gnd on the shortest notice. Special atiention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles In connection with the Eldon Home. If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts. we would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada. Permanent loan and Savings Com- any. which has made more loans to farmers or the last twenty-three years than any other You can get any 'me ' on want to rgpay, unto 20 years. Th _fq Qmonpt. of repay, up to 20 yeErs. TheY full smonnt of the loan is advanced, no deduction being mada for commission, payments in ndvmce or expenccs. For further particulars apply to OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Ofï¬ce, First door crust of Northern Hotel, “V ville, Ontario. MIRRORS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Small IIouse Furnishings, ‘1. S. SHERMAN, Statianery, School Supplies J. MCKAY, M. D., L. R. C. P. and L. It. C. 8., BIINBUKGH. (LICBN‘I'IATE noun. comma or mn'sn'uxs, Asn ucux'ru'n: or non], comma: or sunuxom.) GYNJECOLOGYâ€"(Diseases peculiar to Women) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted tn Diseases of Women in London and hlin‘nurgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER’S Appliances and «ppm-o «tun for the Antiseptic S stem of Treatment 10V] adopted by all the ending Snrgeuns of R'Irnpe nu hand. JOHN McTAGGART, Kirkï¬eld, . Commissioner in B. 8., Conveyancer. Du: Maximâ€"62,2. wcwcmoz. >2: .rï¬CCCCIECâ€"a. Appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan Savings Company. MONEY T0 LOAN at. a low rate of interest and on easy terms of psyment to suit borrowsâ€. The STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authorized capital, 83,000,000. A cut [for the LANCASHIRE FIRE . LIF ‘ INSURANCE Co. Cnpital, $l0,- The ISOLATED RISK FARMER'S FIRE INSURANCE 00. Capital, $600,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN. SUIIANCE 00., of London, Ont. ‘ Agent. for the min of the celebrated WILSON A., an! LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINES. MISS H. G. STOTT VOL. III. J. s. LEEDHAM, Ofï¬ceâ€"King-st., \Voodville. LAND 1nd Genet-:1 Agent. RCH. CAMPBELL, ‘ GBUNTY AUBTIONEEB TERMS MODERATE. THE ADVOCATE. Money to Loan; COUNTY AUCTIONEEB. ia‘now prepared to give Cumin-3mm; HENRY EDWARD JR. woonvmmz, om. \VOD VI IJIJE JNO. C. GILCHRIS’I‘. Com] WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1879. 106 Below we publish, by request, a Gaelic long and the Englinh tranllntion which will be read with pleuure by n greet number of our readers :â€" Why it looked up.â€" Old Phineas Rice was one of the quaint types of itinerant Method- ist preachers. He had a hard patch to col- tivate once, and when he made his report to the Conference following he reported the church ‘ looking np.’ The Bishop presiding expressed his pleasure, but asked for an ex- planation, because no one expected success in that parish. Dr. Rice was equal to the occasion, and added : ‘ Well, Bishop, the church is on its back, and can’t look any other way.’ There was a roar of laughter all over the Conference. About this time doth the scion of the ag- ricultuml household stumble upon the an- cient nest of the industrious fowl. And lo. he discovered therein foursvore and six goodly eggs, of which many are worn smooth as the pebble of the brook by the fee‘ -.-' the industrious hen. And the scion of the Agriâ€" cultural household I ollspsed one of the good- ly eggs, and behold u mighty perfume aris- eth, and he said within his bremt: Verily these eggs lue passing elderly. and I will gather them up and hie me unto the city. and shall make exchange with the dealers and shopkeepem, and will return laden with spices and the ten of the ungodly. and the sweetness of the csne. And forthwith he hieth. And it comes to pass that the un- sofistimted devourer of the fruit of the Cochin China, the berry of the Bromine, and the ovum of the mongrel fowl, betaketh him- self unto the shopkeeper snd uketh and saith ‘ be these fresh 2‘ And the shopkeeper replieth sud saith, ‘ Verily , they Were brought in this day.’ And the doxourer in- vesteth. end betsketh himself home. And he mnketh ready to sup, and he cleaveth the boiled hen fruit with s sharpened blade. And 10 there ariseth perfume, and incense, and evil words. and hasty ejseulations which filleth the house in with s cloud. Many eggs are bought but few are eaten. MOLADH NA LANDAIDH. Ho r0 Eileiaich ho gu, Hoi rithil ho i thu, Ho ro Eilenich ho gu, Gu bheil mo run ’3 an Landaidh. Chi mi than ad 311 Airddnhor, Aim ’choilich dhuidh ’3 a’ ghooidh ; Aite mo chridhe '1 mo ghloil. Far ’11 robh nn' aotrom, aimeil. ’3 ged tha 'n Ianduidh c ' h, ciar, 'S mach a dh’ circa: oirre ’3 tin; Innis nam b: laoi h ’a nun ï¬ulh, ’S gu ’m b’e mo ium bhi than arm. ’8 ’1: unit a dh’ oirinn mach ’a an ail-d Bheirinn agriob do chum: an knivâ€" Bhiodh nu. lachuin air an tâ€"snamh, ’S chu b’ {had can has 0 m’ himh-sa. ’S trio 3 lug mi air a’ bhruaich Earl» ghlu n’ mhuineil maidh, Bbiodh an liath-chenrc leam a nulls, A’s coileach ruadh an dranndninn. ’S tric a leag mi air a tbaobh An ron ballnuh anus Chad.â€" Eala bhau 3’ mlmineil chaoil, A’s coiledch fmuich 1mm beanntan. ’S ’n unir a ahuidheamaid mu‘n bhord Cha b' e ’m buitleal beag at leoir, Ach tosgaid do ’n fhion tlhearg ar coir A’ tighiun a star na Frniuge. 0! mo ghaol air Ile 3n fheoir, Far an d’ flmir mi m’ nmb o ; Far am bhcil na h-uaiulean coir, Bu toil leo ceol 3’s dannudh. Oh my Island 1 Oh my Isle I Oh my dear, my native soil ! A vain the rising sun can smile \ ith golden beams on lslay I see afar yon hill. Ardmore, The heating billows wash its shore ; Buttah .' its beauties bloom no more For me no more in Islay. But birchen branches there are gay. And hawthorns wave the silvered spray; And every bough the h sway Awakens joy in Islay. " There eagles rise on soaring wing, And herons watch the shing sprin ; And heath-cocks with t err whirring ring Their own delight to lslay. Its mavis sing on hazy bough, Its linnet haunts the glen below, And 0, may long their wild notes flow With melodies in lslay. The black-cock too so glossy braveâ€" The ducks that cleave the moory wave-â€" The line of grey geese long and grave, I’ve seen them all in lslay. I’ve heard the calf the den cow greet, The sportive lambkin loudly bleatâ€" 'l'he gentle doe trip fast and fleet From shade to shade in lslny. Though Islay's shore is rocky, drear, Early doth the sun appear 0n leafy brake and fallow deer, And flocks and herds in Islay. THE PRAISE OF ISLAY. “ Pro Bono Publico.†gooï¬ng. Just as the last rays of the setting sun were gilding the church epiree and white- washing the back kitchens of Detroit the other afternoon. a men and a barrel were discovered at a stairway on Munroe avenue. He was a. small man and it was a big barrel, and pedestrians who saw 'him looking up at the stairs and back at the barrel inferred that it was his intentions to elevate it to the third story. But how 2 ‘ I ’d rig 'a tackle and pulley in that third story window,’ said the ï¬rst man who halt- ed. ‘ That’s your easiest way, and there’s no danger of mzcident.’ He leaned against the lamp-post and cal- culated on the length of rope and the lift- ing power required, and along came a second man who took the situation in at a glance, and said : ‘ Go and get some scantling fourteen feet long and lay’em on the stairs. Then two men can roll that brrrel up there as flick as The little man looked around in a helpless sort of way. and a third man came bluster- ing up and calle 1 out : Want to get that barrel up :tairs, eh 2 ' Well. now, fasten your pulley at the head of the stairs and ten men down here can make the barrel up in no time. Where’s your tackle 2’ By this time the crowd had increased to twenty, and was pretty evenly divided he- tween 3 dead lift through one of the win- dows and a pulley at the head of the stairs. but the man who suggested the skids had a. very loud Voice and was determined to carry his point. Taking off his coat, he said : ‘ I know what I’m talking about, and I say that I can skid that barrel up therealone- You just wait a'miuute.’ He crossed the street to an unï¬niohed building and returned with a couple of 2x4 scaixiling and 1 .id them 'on the stairs and tho crowd now numbered ï¬fty. ‘ You want this barrel on the third floor do you 2' he naked of the little man. . ‘ Yesâ€"l-ut-obut- ' ‘ But what 2' ‘ Why, I was waiting for my wife to get the clothes-horse out of the upper hall. She's all ready now, and I'll take it up.’ And the little man shouldered the barrel and trotted hriekly up stairs betwaen the uLids. It was empty 1 The Bangor Commercial gives an interest- ing account of the wonderful precosity of a son of Col. Fuller, ex-Postmaster oijangor. His intellect is perfectly wonderful, and almost goes beyond belief. l‘he ï¬rst that his friends noticed of his pro: ocity was about a year ago, when they aceidently discovered that he was almost infallablc on any date he had ever seen or heard. Whiie out “feet with his parents, they were walking in a cemetery one day, and he would look at a tombstone, read the date of death and age of the person buried there, and in an instant look up and tell the day of the Week on which the (lead person was born. Almanacs ‘ of that date were looked up and it was dis- covered that the boy was correct. Sims that time he has been severely tested, and has never failed to tell the day of the week on which any date within the last seventy- five years fell. It must be remembered that while he answered, there was no book or any article near him from which he could get any aid. He never forgets a date once ï¬xed in his memory. He remembers when every President of the United States was born, how long he sched, and when he (lied. A more remarkable thing is, he recollect! everything he does, the day he did it,where he was, and the circumstances that led him to do it. In mathematics he is equal to any boy tn ice his age, can add, subtract, mul- ‘ tiply, and divide the most difï¬cult fractions 1 in his head, and he has never been taught ’ anything except to read. lle learned the whole of the multiplication table in one night. He is equally well posted on the Bible, can repeat the name of every book in both the Old and the New Testaments, tell ’ how many chapters raeh contains, how many verses in each chapter, and without hesita. tion name the page on which any hymn in Watt’s or Moody and Shelley’s hymn hooks can he found. Not long ago he greatly am. used some of his friends by correcting an al- manac. A lady wished to try him on the davs of the week on which certain dates many years ago, fell. She gave a date and asked him on what day it fell. He prompt- ly informed her. She looked at the almanac for that year, month. and day. Alas for Charlie lthought she, as his answer did not agree with. the almanac. Charlie wouldn't A \VONDERFUL BOY. THAT BARREL. No. 137 give up. liOWeVer. but declared that he hue! the almanac Was wrong. “ Haven’t you an other alumnae of that year i†inqulred om of Charlie's conï¬dent friends. " l have,‘ replied the lady. and produced it. On 00‘ paring the two almanace it was diecove that the ï¬rst one was wrong and that Char was right, a mistake having been made I) the compiler ol the almanac. Hie habite pcculiar. He never plays with other hqu but is always reading. He studies the die tionary hour after hour, and seems to want it as a pleasure. One Would naturally Inp' pose that a child with such unusual power would gradually fail and fade away. but singularly enough. he is constantly gro stronger and more healthy. Hie oalculatioq on dates are done by a mathematical prooeu which he cannot explain. Tho lad In one o‘ the moat Wonderful' In the world, and hit future career “ill be watched with intent! The following is said to be the prayer o} dissappointed Scotsman on his errivnl Canada from Scotland : O Lord. we tl disobedient children approach thee this nio i’ the attitude 0’ prayer (sn’ likewise o’ co: plnmt). When we oem’ tae Cnnedy we e_ peckit tnelln’ a lsn’ flowin' wi’ milk N honey. Instead 0' that we f’nnd n pl: peopled wi’ ungodly Irish. Scoot them 01 drag them ower the mooth o‘ the bottomll pit: but ye net-dun let them drop in , dd them tea the ootermoat pairts 0’ Guild} rnither mak’ them beware 0‘ wnd an’ dre‘ era 0’ water; butO Lord, ne'er melt? tlu magistrates, members 0’ Pairlinment. I: any kind 0’ rulers ower the people. A3,: Lord, gine ye hue got any len’ toe ale 1' gie it tee thine ‘ ‘ ain peculinr mople the Scotch. An’ the glory will be 3’ thi ninâ€"Amen.â€"Scolliah American Journal» Old Skinner is a great lover of wer rel incences, and is not slow to tell of his I exploits in that way. As with most I who pride themselves on a war record, 8] net always gives the best side of his tdl his own a-my. He was telling one of grandchildren recently of a famous In in which he was engaged. His deserip of the flying halls, booming of cannon, the charge of the troops Were very I and the little boy listened with increu interest. At last. when Skinner steppe: ldl his pipe the little boy said : " Aud.did the enemy run 1" “ Did the enemy run 2" said Shin “ Great Scott, how they did run. My 1 boy they run so like thunder thet we three miles to keep out 0! their way, II we had not thrown our guns any, "ti have run over no sure. -â€"Oil City Der-rid So limited and unusual is the impou of wheat into France that, in View c present abort crop, elevators we build handle gfain from abroad. Dovnur. SUICIDE.» Two sisters, Eli: and Anne Tlowbridge, of Chieego, 00! ed suicide on the evening of ‘he 2llt by hanging. Cease, supposed to be in Sommnmo Namâ€"The schooner '1 Foster" is loading 150 tons of gun Lion’s Head for Chicago. This in now new in the annals of enterprise on tho insula.â€"- W iarlon Edna. Szvnnu. boys weeding onions in port were prostrated by a stroke of 11' Boy- whoae (when own onion-bod: cut this out and paste it in their hats.-â€"-Danbury News. Pncunun Pomonmo. -â€" The Ahl Gazelle relates the following .' One of must peculiar cases of accidental poi-d that hes come to our notice occurred in . enham recently. The immediate call the poisoning is unknown, as it took '1 under circumstances so unexpected the wisest are unable to divine or nnderli One of the teachers of this place, whil monstrating to his clues was in the Ml removing marks from the board by we his fingers with his tongue, which, a. ll forms us. resulted in the remm al of II portion of Paris green from the paper terial of the board, thus producing inul time a very serious effect on his system being necessary to call in medical Aid 1 movie the evil effects of the poison. A Comosm' or Nansenâ€"The m plication of 98765432! by 45 5qu Reversing the order of the digits end It plying 123456789 by 45 we get 3 reunite 1y curious, 5555555505. if we tnke I†789 as the mnltiplicand, and interehu the ï¬gures oi 45, take 54 an the multi] we obtain another remarkable product“ 666606. Returning to the multipliund nscd, 98765432], and taking 54 u the tiplier again, we get 5333333334411 ti except the ï¬rst figures. which read tog: 64, the multiplier. Taking the “In. II plicand and using 27, the half of M, a multiplier, we get a product 0126660001 all sixes except the ï¬rst and int II: which read together 27. the multi] Next interchanging the figures in the I her 27. and using 72 u n multiplier, 987654321 as e mnltiplioand, we ob“ product of 7llllllll2~all ems ’exeepi ï¬rst and last figures, which reed ton given 72 the multiplier. A SCOTCHMAN’S PRAYER. HOW' THEY RAN.