Sxmon 131' CLASS, (let Division.)-â€"â€"lst, Rachelf M. Hodgson ; 2nd, Peter McCuaig ; 3rd, Charlotte Perrin. _. Simon 131' Cuss, (2nd Division.)â€"â€"lat, Align: McCuaig ; 2nd, Charles Booth ; 3rd, John McDougull. ‘ JUNIOR In CLAss.â€"lst Jessie Campbell; 2116, Sarah Booth ; 3rd Wm H. Hodgson. Londonâ€"To comprise the City of London, end Counties of Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford, Norfolk and Brent. . Hamiltonâ€"To comprise the city of Hem- ilton, and Counties of Heldimnnd, \Vellnnd, Lincoln, Nisgera, Wentworth, “'aterloo, Wellington, Bolton and Monk. Toronto.â€"â€"To comprise the City of Toron- to, end Counties of Grey, Simcoe. Muekokn, Peel, Cordwoll, York, Ontario anal Algomn. Beleville.â€"To comprise the City of Belle- ville, and Counties of Victoria, Durham, Northnmberlsnd, Peterborough, Hastings, (1 Prince Edward. Kingston.-To comprise the city of Kings. Counties of Lennox, ' Addinmon, Prou- teoeo, Leeds and Grenville, Town of Brock- Ville, Counties of Dundee, Gleugurry and Town of Cornwall. Ottonâ€"To comprise the city of Ottawa bud Counties of Prescott, Russel, Carleton. busrk, Renfrew end the Counties of Ottawa uid Pontiac, including City of Hull, in the Province o1 Quebec. Eachern. J umon 2ND Cumâ€"lat, Sarah Kingston; 2nd. Arch. Currie ; 3rd, Peter Graham. oxwuno. Windsor.â€"To comprise the Counties of Enact. Kent, hunbton, Bruce, Huron ond New York, July 26.â€"The British steam- p Alnwy Cutle arrived yesterday from suns with the second mate sufl‘ering from Nllow fever. The ofï¬cer wns plnccd in the loopitsl. Two families from Memphis nr- ived here on Tuesday, comprising eleven venous. Mrs. Bremen, of the party, was ukon sick and died of yellow fever yester- isy morning. Fitzgibbons sud wife of the sine party were taken such when the physi- ians removed them and all the rest of the unity, to quarantine in the harbor. The nullity where the sickness occurred is s [sagsrous one. being in tenement houses on But 109th street. Thorough disinfection hd fumigation have been applied by the leslth authorities. ‘ 'Jumon 3RD Cumâ€"lat, Richard Wm. Oran-berry ;2nd, Mury A. Campbell : 3rd, Kutv Currie. Sxmon 2ND Cumâ€"lat, Alexander Cam. eron ; 2nd, Mary McCallum ; 3rd Mary Mc- hmp and disagreeable. The weather is un- worahle to the sick, and the increase in the umber of deaths can be attributed to the hange in the atmosphere. To this date there we been 120 cases [of fever. Of these 36 svediod, which shows a mortality of 30 sr cent. The old infected districts of X873 ad 1878 were exempt from fever until yew- Irdsy. As a striking instance of immunity em a second attack of the disease is cited Ie illness in the family of P. G. Month. sst year seven members of the family were zricken. Three of his children Were scut broad and of these three Patrick Mth a. was prostrated with the iiiseaee 10 days go and soon died. Mrs. Neath. another of loss Sent away last year. is in n critical ron~ ition, while none of the seven who ware ck last year have been effected in the nirvana 3m waxno. Nashville. July 26.-â€"Refugees from Mem- lls are having a rough time of it in interior Mm. They are looked upon as carrying lo needs of pestilence, and the moment one mplains of any sort of illness he is put an a yellow fever subject ; the home l.“ by the unfortunate is shunned and r suddenly ï¬nds himself isolated. The at of yellow fever is so intense in char-act Memphians are often peremptorily and rm: msmsn smmmxn. Memphis, Tenn. , July 26.â€" Yesterday was Sulfa .. Cumâ€"lat, George Calder, Ind, L' f‘t McEachern; 3rd, Margaret The half vmrly oxeminatioa of U. S. 8. lo. ‘ Eldon and Mnripou Wu held on Mon- Iy, July 7th. A goodly number of the mute und friends interested Were present. ll of whom expressed themselves well satin- ad with the condition of the school. The Mowing is a list of the pupil: whose names 3 entitled to be placed on the Honor Roll: lira Guamâ€"let, Peter McCuaig; 2nd. noblen anemn; 8rd. Peter McArthur ; upkly invited out {of Muse. {mm 5y old fl; 4'"! Guns. ~â€"lst, John Benton, 1d Campbell; 3rd, Joseph Taylor. {limo 31m (Inna. -lst. Emma Taylor , Hugh MoCuaig , 3rd, Sarah E. Cr'onn- e following inspection districts have ï¬xed under the new \Veights and Mea- ‘Act :â€" WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 18 N" YORKâ€"XORTALITY INCREAS- ING IN Mlll’flls. THE YELLOW FEVER. SCHOOL EXAM! NATION. Names of delinquents Will be removed as the amounts are paid. Others will be added from time to time. QUEEN’S HOTEL. Woonvnu, J. CLIFFORD, Propriefor. â€"â€" Bar supplied with the best wines, liquor: and cigars. Samptd Rooms for commercial tynvgl erg. Goad stables and sheds. Atten- The following is it list of delinquents which we purpose publishing from week to Week, us they come to the surface. We would be very sorry to publish the names of any who, by misfortune, are tumble to pay their just debts, yet we think the public should be warned against those who run upaccouuts which they never intend to pay 2â€"- Ilnbert McLean. BeM'ertou, sub. 3.50 Alex. McDougnll. (hmclwi-lge, sub. 3.50 Wm. Glover, Gamebridge, sub. 3.50 John R. Umnphell, (Samobridge, sub. 3.50 P. Campbell, Gumcbridge. sub. 2.00 O. \V. Kennedy, (tormerly of Beaver- ton,) advertising and subscription 20.50 F. H. Brsithwsite, (formerly of Ben- verton.) removed to Port Perry. advertising c. 5.00 F. Henderson, (formerly of BeaverlonJ Insurance Agent, stertising, l0.00 A. Mchclyeu. (formerly of ()rillis and Besverton.) Photographer, adver- tising c. l T. S. J. Ummer, Orillin, sub. to. H. Wallace, painter. (formerly of “'oodville. advertising and sub. 6.25 W. A. McCutcheou. of Argyle, moved to ('uoper's Falls, Rams. sub. 2.50 R. J. Staples, Kirkfield, job-work. 3.00 9’? ‘1"! cub tivo hostler. Subscribe for " The Advocate,†FuscmAs. after being exhausted with blooming, should have the terminnl shoots of all their branches cllxped ofl‘ ; then set aside for tWO or three Jocks, giving very little water. then repot in A soil composed o; well decomposed leaf mould, mixed with n sprinkle of good garden soil, as few rusty mils, and a layer of charcoal at the bottom of the pot to secure good drainage. In n few weeks new shoots full of flower buds will start all over, growing rapidly. AN exchange says of a man whose cow died: ‘Mr. Jones has the sympathy ot the whole town In this his dark hour of grief. ' friends. Until now the refugee says that he is from anywhere else but Memphis. rune/lurro'ss. New York, July 26.â€"Precnutions were taken at the ge nersl post ofï¬ce of this city yesterday for the ï¬rst time to prevent the dissemination of yellow fever by means of mail matter from Memphis and other doubt. ful localities. Postmaster James ordered a liberal supply of disinfectants. snd sll mail bags and packages from the South will be thoroughly treated. Three mails arrive here via Memphis daily. Material Furnished if Required. ALL WQRK GUARAN â€EEED Graining Walnut, Oak. - (1i ht and dark) Maple and Burr alnut. Fit, Material, or Workmanship, OUR PRICES ARE TO SUIT THE TIMES, AND OUR GOODS TO , SUIT YOU. @- SEWED'WORK A SPECIALTY. m CUSTOM WORK ! PAINTING PAINTING THUS. CLOUSTON, OUR DELINOUENT LISI'. WOO DVILLE Boot and Shoe Store! Glazier, Grainer. and Paper-Hanger. Pay us a visit. You all know that for I am not to be excelled either in SPECIA'I'Y : 3. 50 3.50 3 .50 3.50 ROD. CAMPBELL. free. Adams, SHERMAN a; (30.; dull. Mmhigm. We will pay Agents Salary of 8100 per month and expenses, on sllow a Inge com- mission to sell our new and wonderfnlin- rentiona. _ll‘e mum who: we my_ Sample 2mm»: should. look to the Label on the m. and. Boxes. 11 the “are" mm 633 Oxford Street, London, thov m spartan. It is an infallible remed . If eï¬'ectnnlly nubbeul on the mack and 0 eat, as salt in“) meat, it cures bOll E THROAT, Diptheria, Bronchitin, _Cunglns. Colds, and even ASTHMA. Fur Glandular Swvlhngo, Ab- scesscss, Piles. l-‘istnlns, And (3er ' kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Villa and Ointment are Manufactured only at AGENTS READ THIS The Trade Marks of those Bfodiréiuea are registered in Ottawa. Hence. any one throughout the British Poucssiona. who muv keep the American Counterfeit: for mic, will be prosecuted. '533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And nre sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with di~ rections fmysein a'lmos§ exery lnpguggg. It: Searching and Healing Prayertios m Known: Throughout the OLD WOUNDS, SORES AND ULBERS GENERAL FAMILY Qiev'tcixkfui; are Emmi Throughout flu mm For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts and BOlVEIB, givin tone, energy, and vigour totheae great . AIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are conï¬dently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efï¬cacious in all ailments inci- dental to Fem_nlea of all ages; anal as a This Great Rotunda match» ranks mung tha mm names of we. These famous Pills nrify “no BIDOD, and act most powerfu ly, yet soothing on the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, Gout, Rheumatism, unlnrpassed. 64195 Buy your Garden Seeds at D. MoLeod’s, op- posite the Post Ofï¬ce, Woodville. w Toronto and Massey Raapers, ll. McMILLAN’S. THE ‘HONEY' IMPROVED PANNING MILL Best and most Complete Mill Man- ufactured in the Dominion. WHITE 13120., \Ve would respectfully call the attention of the farming community to the ‘I’ANNINU MILL now made at our works. This mill is known as HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER, AND INVARIABLY RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECOMMENDA'I‘IONS \VHENEVER AND \VHEREEVER IT 13 BR! )UGHT INTO I COMPETITION \VITH OTHER MILLS. SEEDS! SEEDS! A Large Variety [of Ladies' Pmnallaa. Cheap. REDUCTION CA_LL AND SEE MY NEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes; CALI.- AND EXAMINE 500 Feet to Supply with Boots and Shoes. LATEST STYLES ! FULL LINES ! WANTED ! WOODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM on cost, and can consequently sell very cheap. which I have just purchased CAI Agricultural Works, ARGHC BAMPBELL â€"AT Aâ€" GREAT in all the \Vefask our friends and the farmers generally to IL AND SEE 0N EXHIBITION ATA It is undoubtedly the I All kinds of Hardware PAINTS, COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. 20cm. PER GALLON. HARVEST T®©L§ ! Grain Cradles, Hay Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, BARLEY FORKS ! MACHINE OILS ! HARDWARE. AND ALL KINDS OF VARNISHES, OILS, BRUSHES,