TORONTO NU’ISSING RAILWAY. 'l‘raiuu going Southâ€"8:05, 3:10. p. m. - 'l‘uius going Northâ€"11:10, 7:50 pan. @ Get your Machine Oils at Gunu Bros. MESSRS, Armstrong Bros. have re- ,: gained the contract for building a side~ " “all: from S. C. Rodgers’ stand to join the one at tho Presbyterian church. @’ A large quantity of Liverpool (especially for butter use) and Barrel Salt at McIntyre «1', Prior’s. ‘ï¬TflI-I Dominion Telegraph Co. will issue Weather probabilities‘fm the bene- ï¬t of farmers every morning at 7:30 o’clock during July and August. They will be displayed at the Post Oliice. Tnins going Northâ€"11:00 a. 01.. 12:35 p.m.. and lzfllguu. 'l'rsius going outhâ€"7:50¢.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p. m. Hume has commenced. READ Killuly's new advertisement. ELDON Council met, on Monday. or For extra value in Green 3nd Japan Teas, go to McIntyre Prior’s. (8‘ Forks. 1108:), Garden Rakes, Nails, Glass, etc., at McIntyre 8: Prim-’3. 03‘ Genuine Gold Wedding Rings at Gunn Bros. MIDLAND mummy OF CANADA. THE crops in this neighbomhood have new» looked betteI. OPERATIONS have been commenced to widen the guage at the T. , N. R. Slatiun. See those new and fashionable Muslins m. McIntyre Prior’s. A substantial crossing has been laid at, the “ Regulator" by the Mariposa pachmusmr. 68' Stock of Groceries now complete. New Teas. New Sugar. Lowust prices at H. Wilson's. . REV. Mu. CUI:R1E,0f Knox College, Toronto, pwached in the Presbyterian church lust. Sabbath. W Turnip Seed! Turnip Seed Yen-v cheap at. Mclnbvre nml l’riur’s. 'lhe was. then duling the last few duvs has been cxmeumly \vaum, cue Lheunw meter dancing up anmng the nineties. ï¬g“ Glycerine Macl-iue Oil, (Jo-4| Oil, d'c., at. McIntyre (is Prior,s. g†A large assortment of Fans at Gunu Bros. a}? 0:26 of the ï¬lm of Neelumls 6.: 1’eutiund.DeuLisLs will he at the Queens Hotel on Tuesday and \Veduesduy, July 12d: and 13th. The indications are that the apple crop this year will be much smaller than last. season, and prices will nutun rally rule higher. @- Get. your Grass and Cradle Scythes, Suaths, «kc... at McIntyre .V. Prim ’s. MORSE who invented the telegraph, and Bell the inventor of the telephone, both had deaf mute wives. Little coma ment is necessary, but juut see what a man can accomplish when everything is quiet. @' Lay in .a supply of onr35ct. Japan Tea acknowledge-J to be the best. value ever offered in Woodville. K. dz A. Campbell. Tm: fragrance of the slauglatersllonse it again making itself knnwn. Last. Friday and Saturday the stench was uommllin;5 terrible. We would cull on the Il.e|mctor to lnwe the nuisance re-. moved lml‘ore some malignant. disease is vengenu oral. 'l‘uu banks will not be permitted to issue 84 bills «fear the 13!. of July, and the bills of that. denomination will he ~all destroyed as they are returned to the various banks' of Rana. In future the Government only will issue bills of lens denomination than $5. at 'Gâ€"unn Bros. va. Mu. Rncxunusox nnived in ‘own on VVv-«Iuesday evening of last. week. Quite n gcllwring assnmbled at. the: parsonage tn wulconm him but. his now-arrival until u vury lulu hour, 0w- ing 30 ¢ railwny delay, disappninted them. BY immersing elm stem of white tones in led and grmn ink, they may he coiorcd green pink and flesh cnlur. They will luok as if nature lmd dnnn tlm work, and it. only takes ten minutes _to chnnge the color. 80 says an ex-- change. 'I‘ImoXpt-riment is easily tried Tm: “ Northern Hotel has just, boon handed. ovm' by, the contractors after quite extensiw alterations. The hm- lms been ro-npened in the front. part, uf the house, whifn the upper floor hus lumn entirely rc-mmlulcd. 'l‘lm “ North- ern" is now u [inst-class horn-:0 and we wish its-proprietor luck. gaunt gutters. Paris Green, best quality, cheap, KBWSPAPBR subscriptions am alwm‘o paid in udmnce; that in to say. if the subscriber does not do it, the publisher is obliged to. as the paper docile-11, the cmnpositora, the type makers, the ink dealers. the scissors grinder, the pencil sharpener, tlw pmssuuun, the landlord, and others will not. pay until the your explre8. \Ve would warn the boys who uh part. in the Cnlnthumpiun pmssiona to he mom careful how they conduct them- selves in futons. A mask and change of duess does not warmnt such prank- ns thrusting burning torches in the faces of onlookers. It lahighly dan- gerous. We understand Mr J no. Moâ€" Crilumon suffered {mm a rocket. being leveled at. him striking him in the breast and burning a large hole in bi! vest, during she procession on the lat. Tue hob season is upon us, and, thoughthe warning may be unhooded by manv, we would impress Upon all the absululo necessig of frequent. bath. ing, light, daily-digested food, and bu- lire abstinence from all stimulants- ’l‘heso are the plain, simple, in (not. the only safe rules for those to follow who wish to fluid sickness and enjoy the glorious summer weather. We should never ‘forget. that Nature has made neglect. of her laws 3 capital crime, pun- ishable with death. 'l‘he astonishment of the venerable Mr. Pickwick cannot be compared to that of our wolthv cu'ter when on go- inc to his stable on Satuiday morning last he discovered his noble steed had been wondeifully transformed into an eiegnnt zebra. The curiosity was do- cidedly novel, but somehow it was not “ppm cinted, and the irate Ephraim snllied out in quest of the a1tist who had so generously decmated the bxute. He was discovered, and after a vigorous application of Various agents the object- immhlo culoxs “we removed. and our equine friend once male restored to his pristine beauty. “'0 clip the following from the Dmniniuu Oddi‘ellow being an account. or the institution and present standing oi'VVoodville Lodge of I. O. O. F: “Cicerone Lodge No. 195, of this village was instituted on Friday December 23th 1877. by Bro. J. Ham Perry, Gland Muster, assisted by a number 01 brethren from Lindsay, Hamilton and Cannington Lodges, The charter no u hers were: Bros. A. Adams. P. Mc- Sweyn, J. A. Mitchell, F. Lease and and \V. Smith. The ï¬nish elective ofï¬cers were: Bio. P. McSweyn, N. G. BIO. P. McSweyn, N. G. " J. Mitchell, V. G. “ A. Adams, R. S. “ F. Lease, P. S. “ W. Smith, Twas. \Ve have all the outï¬t necessary for the thorough and efï¬cient working of the lodge, and we are working our way unostentutiously but slowly oawmfl and upward. Our furnishings and appurâ€" tenances are all paid for; we are clear of debt and have a tidy nest egg in the treasury. With other lodges of our Order we have seen dark days, but. thanks to the loyalty and enthusiasm of a few members, we have pulled through and prospects for the future are good. A new degree lodge has been institut- ed at Cnnnington, in which the lodges from \Voodville and Manilla take part Bro. C. R. Barber in degree master. Sale, Certain, Prompt, Economic.â€"Theu few adjectives apply with peculiar force to Dr. ’l'lzomaa‘ Eclectn'c Oilâ€"a sandal-d ex- ternal und internal remedy, uhpbed to the relief and cum of cough. sore thmt. hoaraeness and tll afl'ectionn of the breathing organs, kidney troubles excorinions, Ion», lunenuss and physical pain. NTO the premises of the nndanigned. Lot I [3. Can. 3. Eldon, TWO MlLCll COWS. The owner can have the name by pmving property, paying expenses and taking them Away. Eldon, July 6th. 1881. Wilson "A " Wilsnn "'B" and "no; «1†Sewing “whine: and Vuedies kept constant. ly on hand. Ofï¬ce at Montreal Telugu h Cmqmny, KirklieM. Gimp ‘NIOM thn premises of the undersigned. , Int 2. (ton. 6, Mam, on or about 20th ult... 8 SHEEP. unalmrn. 6 m-wkml on right, car. I‘m-tics giving informatinn as will lcml to their memory will he animbly rcwnnlell. R. B. COW] l'l. Strayed or Stolen. Mam, June 13th,1881. [OHN MCTAGGAâ€"EF: Kirkfled. conmsslosnl I! n. 3.. «nausea: GENERAL msmucm AGENT. â€"-MONEY T0 â€:6 “6 percent. ~- IMPROVED FARMSFOR SALE. STRAE ED. JOHN COSTS“. Bolsovor MSTBONG'S SAW MILL Lumber, Sash 85 Doors. Planing, Ripping 8w. 0n security of real estate mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to _ I ' JNOt A BARRON, Lindsay, Ofï¬ce, Kent Sheet, next. to Keith 8 Agxicultuml Store, or to RONALD MCEACHERN West half Lot. 18, Gun. 1, Fenelon The Subscriber is yrepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of TC - LEIUID' At from 6 TO ’1 PER EXT. According to amount, required and terms of payment on a Straight. Loan 0-: Sinking, Fund System.‘ Instalmeuts required to re- pay a Loan of $1,000 in the following periods : 10 years, $143.20. 9.0 years, $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each year pay off the entire debt. Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSION. NO FINES. Expenses reduced. Don’t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ is also agent for several ï¬rst-class In- surance Companies. Farmer's risks taken at lowest rates. : HE undersigned having commenced busi- ness in Woodville would intimate to the inhlbita'nts of the surrounding country that his store is supplied with a 0000 GENERAL ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS cauc'émes Ann PBOVISIBNS! BELL Organs, Kept constantly (in hand and sold at the love-t pouiblo ï¬gures. “'oodvllle, May 188] . iEMPLE - OF FKSHION. CHEAP MONEY ! TWEED S, 0f the latest and Best Styles in the market. P. MéSWEYN. Merchant Tailor Suits made up at short nntice, and CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Please call and examine stock before pur- . chasing elsewhere. $200 to $20,000, A- GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. MONEY MUSIC STOOLS AND BOOKS PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE ! Lowest Price. SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH AND CANADIAN. "as just received 3 fresh stock of TERMS, CASH. IN (BASH on PRODUCE. S. C. RODGERS. Which will be sold at the Apply to I. c. GILC'HRIST, Postmaster, Woodvillo. A number of the famous FO “-â€" Shingles, ARMSTRONG BROS. Eldon I. Agrinultmal Society All parties desirous of becoming membens of this society are requested to hand'in thetr _ names to the Secretary or any of' the D1- rectors at once. _ A . G. W. MILLAR, Secretary. EEEESQ SEEDS " CKED FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, OALMEAL, CORNMEAL, ORA WHEAT, PEA MEAL, BEEF, PORK. HA.\1,SPIOED ROLL -_- _\,\-A. . (I’WVQIIII‘ ngw, mm, Magmhgms, gamma â€"â€"*.AND EH (19.3"- or which we will payt the Highest Mmket Plice in Cash. .â€"â€"- _.__F A few NEW and SECOND HAN DED BUGGI IS and SPR 1.\'G WAG 0\S for Sale. T‘VO CAL“ u COARSE BAR REL SALT at {11:31.10 per 1 mrel. W. G. SMSTH :23 CO. 4: do Steel Barley Forks 3 doz \Vooden Barley Forks, only 45 cents. worth 75 cents TINWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE ' TIMOTHY AND CLOVER, TURNIP, CARROT, MANGOLD GARDEN SEEDS. l0 QUART MILK FANS, 15 cents each. 6 QUART MILK FANS, 1250011}; eagh. ï¬IPPERS, 8 cents each. EAVESEROUGHING AND REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTI') TERMS, CASH 0R BARM PRODUCE. ' mama. sansesxms. ma. WQGn-ggï¬ga ~ mes mm mm m. FRED. LEAS. f A6 L. Maybee Old Stand.’a At Bottom Prices. Come and inspect my Stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. new PRINTS. _ new corrons. new DUCKS AND penms. new READY-MADE CLOTHING. _. mew TeAs' AND sucAR. do Having secured a ï¬rst- class Tinsmith I am now prepared to sell Tinware at the follow~ iug low prices. )QUART MILK FANS, 15 cents each. | 12 QUART PA_II'.S, ?9 each; each, OAT MEAL, \Voodvillo. April 4th, 1881. TO BE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE ~~.,.__‘.__.. .1 Peter H. Campbell has started business oppos‘tc (ltv'clgor (Idmpboll's old staml. and is rcpnrcul to do all kimls of Waggon 81. Unrrinqo-Builcling. Repairing mnl (Innislgn-l.‘uint- mg, l’romplly l'Ichutml. 'rm:..\13, MODEI‘A'I‘E. mm mm .-\ CALL. GOOD VALUE! mam _ mecwmxm STOVES AT COST PRICE! Has just received atlas from 40cts. to SOcts. | 5) Cradles from $2.00 to $2.50 :yt‘nes do 73cts. to $1.20 100 (oz Harvest _Glo€res, 45 to 55 cents, Prong Hay Forks which are the best Glove in the market H “ _ boll); Double \Vaxed Sewed. eel Barley Forks 200 Kegs Cut Nails, which will be sold to ioden Barley Forks, only 45 cents. parties building lower than tho wholesale 1 75 cents price. BOILED AND RAW OIL, CHEAPER THAN EVER. AITNINGTON, . F. IGLLALY ,CORN MEAL, BACON, COAL OIL AND NEW SPRING SEEDS. LOWEST PRICES AT ISA MEAL, 311mm, run n. u (1.4;- BACON, AND BOLOGNA ASAUSAGE. â€\FYANTEID Also a full assortment of choice Just received 5 large lot of n .aa-...~rv_.‘... .,-r. , 7 CESSAMPBELL, 10'3ents each. The highest Cash Price paid for kcents each. 10 i “ “ 18 can sents each. 5 " " 125 001 DISHPANS, 20 cent: each. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF 1‘ at {11:31.10 per ï¬nrrel. Mitchell's old Stand, \Vondviue. ll UGII ‘IV I LSON ’S. 20 cents each, 18 cents each. 125 cents each. Wbodville. 3E