4352...: a 33.1.12: 5:223: {Hi}, I». m. 'l'mins guing Sunkâ€"«1131), (\Jll. l‘rnius groin: Snuth -â€"S:UJ. fl-m- Trains going Numbâ€"11:00 a. "L. 13,111.. and 1:40 p.111. 'l'ruins gning Southâ€"7:50 a.ln., 11:0 and 3:00 p. In. l’lmsnY'rHuuN (‘ulzm-u.»~Sen-iuu is MA in the Mun‘u church M II u'cluck n. “1.. and 0:30 p. In. Rev. Alux. Russ, .\l. .\., pasw‘r. Sabbath Schnnl M. Li o’cluck. CANADA METHODIS'I‘ (Hunmu.-â€"Scrvico every Sabbath evening at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. \V. Richardson, sztor. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. MIDLAX [) [LU l.\\'.â€"\ Y CICRRONE Lanna“. meet amt-y Tuesday evening at S o'clock at. MuSwuyn's Hull, Woodville. Woouvuu: (human. 1’. of H., meet the second chmsdny in each month, at Me. Swayu'a Ha I, \Voodvule. Woonvuu: L. U. L. 1 “'eduesdny each month \Voodville. HARTLEY L.O.L. No.» 1,153, meet \Vetlncsduy of each month at Hartley. PEACH-wit. Dove, I.0.0.F., meet every Thurs-lay evening, at Odd Fellowa’ Hall, Canningmn.. CAstsG'mx Exmumsm, I.0.0.F..meet ï¬rst and third Friday in each month :1: Odd Fellows' Hall, Uauniugtou...’ Gummu STAR ENCAMPMEXT, meet ï¬rst and third Monday of every month, at Odd fellow’s Ha“, Manilla. TIIORAII LODGE, N1». 502, I.0.G.T., meets at School House, Section No. 3. Thou-ah, every \Vednesday evening. A. I). Mclnuis, T.D. Visiting brctlhen cordially Welcomed. Court " Ruse of Victoria," No. 36; U.O.F., meets in the Court Hull, Victoria Rand. the third \Vednesday of every month. F. G. Millar, 0. Rs, J. \V. Shields, ll. S. FARMERS who have cut their clover any is is an excellent; crop. @ leceiine \Iuci me Oil, Can] Oil, c., at. McIntyre ii, PliOl, s. ‘ ‘ .30 p.111. THE pubiic school assumed its midâ€" summer holidays on Friday last. for u period of six Weeks. Gu'uâ€"u Bros. \VOODVILLE L. O. L. celebrated the 12th in Toronto. Quite a crowd usscmu bled at the station to witness their (le- pm'ture. 7- â€"- A.. .ra Brns. THE western portion of the village is being lnutncml by an animal of the pole- Ont species, the perfume from which is anything but agreeable. The nuisance ls travelling e-mt. ‘A‘ large quantity of (capccially for hatter use) :1 Salt, M. McIntyre Prior's. \VE have bef '9 us some cars of the most aulvnncwl barley we have seem this season. The grain \vns-ln'onght. us by Mr. A. S. Culnphell,. of. 'l‘horuh, was flown 0:1 Good Friday and is quin- l'eauly fur the reaper. Till-I npemtion perfnrmm] by Mr. A. Gmm, V. S. on a mare lycluuginq to Mr, R. '\V:\hm'«,uf Muripnm us rvcuwlud in u rum-m. issnu of T1“: ADVOCATE lus wasn't-ml quim satisfactorily, the animal having fully rvuoverwl. If’"“ Paris Green, lusqt quali‘y, Che-«p, at. Gun'n Bros. SATURDAY I: flue seasonâ€"L nt' tu-nxvu runva um I id "mum u Iv .mv‘ci: llll.‘ r31ml. Hm Hit-hr. (h during Llw lust, “m- hm-n usmilml will: m 'hu pmfmn -. ut Jam- m- vunl, mul it i4 4: our inulu-cmr umk umim \‘illnggv. I "4 ~ï¬rm-t. IlllVih‘ilI'tl 3 â€LU, nu \vil M W lminL «If all'm‘t lllIViN‘HI'tl I .\'. Lillfl rmmm m um ymu' {'unl m‘mrs mun gum-mm (“NHHI'N and when mute stm'hul Hwy urn nut. (-5.3in supprmsml. It ix fm- tlm welfare of the vï¬lugu that, LIN-m; remarks slumlll ho considered, nml that unlem'ly us uos:il»_lu._ C‘IIIT Rl‘ll IHREI‘TflkT. w ., ... am g‘ncut gnaw, . I'd A large ussortmenbof Fams at. Twat. v0 our \[uchine Oils at 0: mm 2 \ i«-\\'. l"rnm Hm Your q: nu ruuv‘i nut Ilu- fragrance n'mily .tssflcintmi with v. I. the vilusm ui smvHH. N Llw IMHL “'l'Ok our smm' emih‘d \vilh hnmzm rmlnlm {Hum (21' salmlghn-l' huusu. ... Azu‘u “In“ mm (It) huurluml of 107°. .-\ nnmhm‘ mus. of mumu'nku :u'n rt-cmlml Him. thimz smimm is m fhis mrighhourhuml from Hm \ |('\\‘ vim suc'm'ruas. U. L. No. 3‘2, meet second month, at Mcb‘n’cyn’é “all. q. I“ 7:50 a. m., 11:00 mm. , L 01“ CANS DA. l’. of H., meet _t_he F Liverpoo‘ and Barrel 0. 0.1". last "r l l I Gums HILL Push ()llim hus lwc‘ll Cll).\\‘ll. 'l‘lm l’nstmusu-r huriug lwcuuui ‘ ulh-mlml m, muuvthiug has brought, all lhn-uppurlum-usul'lho: ulliuumul htl'L llwm ut Vv'umlvillu. 4m {-‘nr uxlm value in Green and Japan Tun, go tu Mrlulyw X" Plinth-i. VHNNUR has Hc-Il'ml amutlwr mistuku in his pn-uictiuus for July. “1) am.- in- furluml that tho mouth will t‘lltcl' Ctmi luml shown-y, while lruth in ("ll tlm llIH‘nquwtel' has hardly hull illllï¬ t0 cunl. A mild mum is now preparing l'ur lhu ZIlh mul 253th. sai- Forks. Hues. Garden Rakes, Nails, Glass. etc.. at McIntyre l'rior's. Mu JAMES LAWSON lms' nguin com- mencml business in llm curling line. The villugc- is in much lived of is steady reliahlu man in this pnsitiuu. We take much plo‘asurn in rt-cuuinmmliug Mr. Luvsnu and feel sure he will receive the hoirty support of our villagers. $1? Stock of Groceries now . complete. New 'l‘cas, New Sugar. H. Wilson's. Lowest prices at l A ('UluuslTY is exching the attention and opinion of those who visit the Post Ollice, iwthe shape of am animal vex cmntly fuluul in name min water - and which tlm many assert to hemn evolvâ€" eHmir. However, hair or no hair, it is full of life and is decidedly inter- esting. ï¬g?" Ordered Suits, $39.50*; good all- ‘\V0u1 Tweed Suits made to order only $11.00. A ï¬rst~class Tailor on the premises. 1M clnty re 857 Prior. PEOPLE ~wl|o have curmnt bushes that. are troubled with worms will le' glnd to learn * that, common buckwheat. flOuv'sprinldml over the bushes in the. morning while the dew is yet on, wuh u very fine sieve, and will ha a. sure lemmly against these pests, and will cause them to disappear. in Team . ï¬g?" NOW is the time to buy your Boots «3.; Shoes. All are _invited to inâ€" spect; McIntyre Prior’s ~Lzu‘ge Stock. THE Presbyterian sabbale school pic- nic held last. Friday in Stuart’s grove was almost. enjoyable and pleasant affair A large gathering of children were pre- sent; with a very liberal splinkling of uhlerpeeple. All enjoyed thenmelres immensely. Various games were in- dulged in during the aliernoon and lflh‘l‘ on a good repast was spread beneath the trees to which all done ample justice. During the next ï¬fteen days we will sell the Balance of our Stock at. 10 per-cent. below cost. K. «S; A. Cmupbell. (g? McIntyre £3 Prior are selling off their Boots L‘: Shoes at a. great. reduc~ tion. See wlv. in another column. SAMPLE pages of Lovell’s new Direc- tory of the Province of Ontario for the years 1881-3813 um before us. Flom the advance sheets it promises to he a very handy, and useful volumn. I}, is alpha- betically nrmngml as to plums, munes business and professions. The puhn lishers have been a long time before the Canadian public um] have always given tho best of satisfnetion with their work, and we hope to see this, their latest [H‘O V8 ll Sll CCQ‘SS. Egg“ Now is the time to secure ban-- gains, as the balance of our Stock must, lm cleared out. this month. K. A. Cmnp‘ tell. IQ? McIntyre d: Prior have :1 large stock of Bouts k Shoes which must. he suld to make room for their fall stuck. Come and secure Bargains. IIEm-z’roroxu-z “'9 have never consii‘s med mirSulvrs as particniarly ilrserving individuals. But. "her uxperinncing' (he sonsulinn Fut' :l surcnmln, even on the (ifu xuul drum ut llm unriy hour of 1 u.In., We have arrived at the conclu- sion that, we have yrb smnething to live for. “'1: lug; m tnmlm‘ our thanks to those, win) at the PEPUHSG uf SO much luhur, (Huh-:wou-Ll tn entertain us last \\':wincsulny morning. Had the hon! lwvn n little nmn- :u-zisntnhiu we might. have enjoyed it hem-r. Conic again, how I Tm for £74.00. Bvst \‘z'lm: in 1{. «it. A. Umnphell. Mu. \VBLD, the editor (f the Au’z'mwle, u mus-t, vxm-Hont. agricultural p‘lXHFI', publishwl nmicull.‘lll.!l p-lpm- p-u c‘um. is ginlw mm. :\'I_\' fm Hm lu'sb llehl ul lat. do“. is givinu‘ “mum. 'IV :\ yum: for Hm Imsb lienl «)1 lab out!» porn and “ill lm n‘E-rwl ut, Hm Bin] luxhihitinn, h) lw. lmll in Out... cumlnvm-in;r tiw 31% w 1‘ SI. Mr. \YuM is :\ lu‘m-F the Nat. kiml. mu] it, is :\ pity nut. mom with hi4 gmu-rnn' Ewuy ï¬n-mw shmxlxl anh‘sr‘riire valuable monthh'. [IQ-E" \\'n are shmvinz: l‘un. ('I‘or‘pmr, xlncl inst, Stuck (at. l'mnm(\3 Sll'fl‘fl in tnwn, uml us nur S‘m-k mus! lu- chum-«l out. m mukn mom ï¬n" full impm'lntitm we are ofl‘vring slu‘oiul imlucuuwnm. Read our Iulvm‘tiaemcnt in number column. The prices czmnot b0 beaten} McIntym \‘3 Brion G0 to G mu Bros. for best value Can and gut. 5 Hm of our Japan lhst vvlm: in Canada. the Farmer 23 lent. monthly lwrl in Imu- prim nt' 8100 Ml» for ('xv- b Hm Provin- x in anlrn, b .‘wp‘t'nl‘nn, wuvï¬v-tor (If pitv \u‘. hwu urmm snhit. rwxi'ne fur Ha JAMES, KIAWSG‘NT. AT the Manna Hahn-var. lw Hm Rev. J. 'l‘. l’nul, Mt. Wm Dzu'i-l l’cnluy. to Miss Isabella Melina. uf 'l'huruh. W Uonuiuu'Uuhl Wedding 1: ï¬rm. Cnrting done to and frum all parts of tho village, Nipissing and Midland Railway stutiuus. Chargesmmlcram. Huxidcncemue damn-north of l‘Ihluu llousu. Qm-ca Street, \\'uml\‘i|lc. INTO the premises uf the undersigned, Lot 7. 0011.2, 'I‘humh, You or about the lust of May, A YEALIJNG H'I‘I'Il‘lli. The owner cam haw the sauna by prov‘ngpmpcrty paying expensas and taking him away. Thorab, July 8th, 188i. N' l‘ O the premises of the umleisigned. Lot 13, Con. 3, Eldun,‘l‘WU MILUIIUUWS The owner can luw the same by proviun property, paying expenses and. taking them away. JO‘H=.\T COSTER. Eldon, July 5th, 1881. ARMSTRONG’S'SAW MILL Lumbez", Sash 85 Doors. Planing, Ripping 850. 6) PER GENT. (6 0n security of real estate mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to JNO, . A BARRON, Lindsay, or to-RONALD- MCEACHERN. \Vest half Lot. 1.8, Gun. 1, Funelon The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of According to amount required and terms of payment. on 3 Straight. Loan 0'.- Sinking Fund System. lnstaluicnts required to re- pay a Loan of $1.000 in the following periods : 10 years, $143.20. ‘20 years, $95.30.- These Sums payable at the end of each year pay all" the entire debt. Principal and Interest. N0 (‘IOMMISSIOV NO FINES. Eanscs reduced. E DRY @0013 iGREBERIES A233 PRQ‘IISEDWS! Dnn't forget ynm' Insurance. J. U. Gil- christ. is also agcnt for several ï¬rst-class In- sm‘nu ‘u Companies. Farmer's risks taken at lnwusb rates V nuss in Wumlvillc Would intinntu to the inhabitants of the surrounding country that his stun: is supplied With a I \ll [‘1 undersigned having commenced busi- = 51? “If Kept constantly on hand and sold at. the lmwst Invisible ï¬gures. \Yoodvillc, May ISSI. S'ITRAYED; GHEAP MONEY ! 3903 GE? ERAL ASSBRIMEBIT STRA‘l ED. Ofï¬ce, Kent Street. next, to Keith’s Agricultural Store, $200 to $20,000.. ("\IK'I‘IJI. 'I‘l‘. \ “S'I‘Illl. ï¬r. MONEY PLEASE CALL AND EXAWNE ! Lowest Price. 11m“! STOOLS IN CASH 0R PRODI'L‘K'} Apply to ,Which will he sum at tho .VI \lllHliD. l. U. GILCHRIST, Postmaster, \Voodvillc. T07 PE R CENT. .~\ nu LEND -FOPâ€"-~ At from Shingles, .IU I l N M E DL‘A Ll". ARM‘ETRONG BROS. . I'~£’OD(':‘-ER+G‘Ea the famous {mg AND at (mun BOOKS ll- Eldon B Agricul‘tuml Society All panties desirous of becoming membeljs of this society are requested to hand 1n then‘ names to the Secretary or any of the Dr rectors at once. G. W. MILLAR, Secretary. SE ( .( N ’ A few NEW and SECOND HANDED 13m TWO CABS COARSE mums FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMFAL. CRACKED‘ \VHEA’J‘, PEA MEAL, BEEF, PORK. HAM, SPICED ROLL BACON, AND BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Wflflfl'fl, GASES,- BELEILE‘Z} PEAS, EGB$EEI 10 (102. Snaths from 40cts. to auccs. .20 do Scythes do 730123. to $1.20 6 do 2 From" Hay Folks :6 do 3 “ :4 do tcel Barley Forks 3 (102 Wuodeu Barley Forks, only 45 cents, worth 75 cents TIN-WARE. TI’NWARE. TINWAR‘E TIMOTHY Amokâ€"flown; 'rumup, CARROT, MANGOLD a. GARDEN seeps, DIPPERS, 8 cents each. EAVES-TROUGHING AND REPAIRING DONE ON THE SIIOR‘I‘EST NOTI') TERMS, CASH 013 BAILII PRODUCE. The highest Cash Price paid for mass, smmgsgmwwa, waaaamg= mes em" mama. FRED. LEAS, At L. Mayhee 01d Stmul.’s At Bottom Priées. Come and inspect; my Stock and gate prices before elsewhere. NE‘PJ PRINTS. . G. SMITH CO. TO BE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE Hf \V'ncxh'illn. April -lt.h, 1381. l \;\n - prvmrml. tmlnail kinds of \Vnggon . Carnage-Imam": .ing, l‘rumptly Executed; TERMS;.MODERA'l‘l‘I. (MVP. GOOD \ "1 l‘ctvr H. ("nmlghylll luau-t star 355 f a}- CAMPBELL -- LABRMGE 8n WAGGON MAKER l‘ SPRSNG STGCK NQ'W COMPLETE! STOVES AT COST PRICE! For which we will pay aths from 40cts. to SOcts. l 5 ) Cradles from $300 to 3250 :y “103 do 730“!- tO 51-20 IN duz Harvest Gloves, 45 to 55 cents, which are the best Glow in the market Prong Hay Forks ‘- being Double Waxed Scwed. ll eel Barley Forks 200 Kegs Cut Nails, which will be sold to D0110“ Barley Forks, only 46 cents, I parties building lower than the wholesale I 75 cents price. BOILED AND RAW OIL; Tn} EA 1 I, CORN CHEAPER THAN EVER. .W CDTTONS. NE‘W DUCKS AND DENIM'S. NEW READY-MADE CLOTHING; ENEW TEA?» AND SUGAR, n‘ F. KILLALY, Also a full assortment of clmice Bus just received 40cts. to $0cts. I 5 ) Cradles from 73cts. to $1.20 | m doz Harves 10“ cents each. Just received a. large lot. \ MEAL, mam, mm. on. A. CEDS. _ LOW’ES'I.‘ Plumes .\'1‘ QUII ll.) Vt-vu- . 'l DVISHPANS, 20 cents each. ALSOrALARGE STOCK OF AND 130} G S~â€"* pay the Highest Market Pi-ice‘in-C:\sln.-â€"â€"- ,NDED BUGGIES mul SPRING \V‘AGGOXS for Sale. ESE BARREL SAb'l‘ at at SLIO per Barrci. rtml business qmumtu ginuqs nmumtu Gregor ( k,Unrrinqmlluilding. 1k Mitchell's 01d Stand, \Voodville 0f â€I.“ A (2.\ LL. 11 (VIII "'1 LSON‘H. l):ur.plwl|‘s Md “and, and is icpniring and Carriage-Pain!- “.N'D NEW SPIKDH :nts em you purchase \,\'i)cd\ ille.