Council met this 11th day uf July, 1881, pursuant tn :uljmn'mnunt. Muuw hers ull prosenc'. Minutes of last. meet. ing mud and approval. 1\ I 2 .MH .........‘.In.l l31mm! by Mr. Parkinson, seconded by .\I r. Bowos, that. Htis council :mlimr. ize II Rugm's and “I. Luwnslnough m nu‘clmm- a gravel pit from Mr. (,‘mJy 01' Mr. Wuod on the 1311: Con. Cam vied. ‘ ‘ I I l ICU. Mow-4| by Mr. l’nlkinson, secundml by Mr. Broad, that Hm Reeve, give his. nrdur ur. the 'l'roumn-vr in hwur of \V. Foster, Esq" for $50.80, and to Juhn Datins, for $17.00 fur the grmcl hill, 10!; 18, con. 7, instead of Hm one that. was intended to bu pulchasml from Mr. \K'.Pexl|-.u'. Curried. Movwi by Mr. Luwnsbrougln, svcmnl- ed by Mr. Broad, that the sum of $35 be expenlcd on the huundary line bu tween Ups and Mm-iyoxn, opposite the Ooh Can. of Muripum‘, [0 meet. u liku sum granted by the Ops connei‘, Mr. \V. Luwnsbrough, Commissioner. Gur- Tied . ll‘llo Moved by Mia Bruad, seconded by Mr. Bowea, that. $75.00 lie expemlml on the 8th Con. liuu bezwcen lots 15 um! 22. \V. Parkinson, Commissiuncr. Curriml . Udl Ill.“ . 'A petition was presented from J. \Vqldon, Esq, and 19 others praying the'oouncil not to 30“ certain streets in the village of Oukwoud us asked for by Mi". Dunks. gun . uuunw. Moved hv Mr. Lownshrough, socmnl- ‘ (Ed by Mr. Parkinson, that having hennl the parties both for and ngninst selling certain streets in the village of Oaks wood the matter he laid. over till the nexn sitting‘of council. Carried. A petition Was presented by Mr. Ellis, of Mailiilla,;;allxtl ï¬signed by B. Clendcnningnnd others. praying this c nncil to take the necessnly steps (or nlteriné; the boundary of Union S. 3., 3 tlllli,4, Brock and Man-iposa. Moved by Mr. Broad, Seconded hy Mr. Parkinson, that the petition of H. Ulendenning and others in legal-d to altering the houndary of Union S. 5., 3 and 4, Brock and Muriposn, he re» ccived and laid over until a meeting ot both councils at some convenient time and place be arranged, and the Clerk be requested to correspond with the Clerk of Brock with or view of turning. ing the same. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lownshrough, second- ed hy Mr. Broad, that this council up- point .\l r. E. Bowes to meet the Reeve of Brock for the purpose of securing a gravel pit on lot 24. con. 3, of Brock. Movrd by Mr. Bowes, seconded by M.- Pm kinson. that the Reeve give his v Movi‘d by Mr. Bowes, secondeu uy lir. Pall kinson, that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor of J. McGinlny, for $350.00 on account of work on drain. Carriml. Moved by Mr. Bro-Lid, seconded by Mr. Parkinson, that the Treasurer be iistrncted toFtake the sum of $23.02 charged to this tOWnship by by-lauv No. 225 on account of roads from the general funds and place the same to the credit of the Groom: Lake drain account. Also the sum of $6.24, charged to this township by bylaw No. 256 to the credit of the above drain account. Also the sum of $30.00, charged to the town- ship by by-iaw No. 240 on account of roads to the credit of the Grant drain fund account. Also the sum of $7.50 on the proportion due from this town~- ship on account of the roads of Mnripnsu und~Eldon as provided hy hy~law No. 240, to the credit of the said drain ‘ac« count. Carried. Moved by Mr. Broad. seconded by Mr. Parkinson, that the Treasurer he instructed to place the amount of 819.-- 77 credited in error to (he Goose Lake drain account in 1879., and the sum of $22.29, credited in error to the Goose Lake drain! account in 1880 to the general township uceonnt. Carried. Moved by Mr. Parkinson, seconded by Mr. Broad, that Ml. Elias Bowen he appointed Connujssioners to have the bridge repaired opposite lot 5, con. 9. Carried. Mr. Donald Campbell tendered his resignation as overseer] of drainage works. Moved by Mr. Bowes, seconded by Mr. Lownsbrougli, that the resignation of Donald Cmnpbeil. Esq.. as Overseer nmler drainage ‘iy-lnw No. 240 be ac- cepted und that this council appoint George Smith, Esq., P. L. 8.. Overseer of the same, remuneration mot to ex~ cee'l $30.00 ; and that n liynlaw ho prepared to carry the same into eï¬bct. Carried. Moved bv Mr. Bowes, seconded by Mr. Lownsbrouglu, that. By-law N0. 271 lwing a by-luw to repeal Bylaw No. 263 and to appoint, Geo. Smith, Esq, 1’. L. 8., superintendent of the drain now in comma of construction .l'}sq., l’. 1:. 5., snpennwuu drain now in course of < under By. law 240, in pine Campbell lesigned, be re mud a ï¬rst. time. Curried. ................... The foliowing accounts were [passed nnd ordered to be paid: R. Ferguson for cedars for 2 sluicewuys, $4.00 ; W. mBylu“; No. 271, after passing through commiuee, was read a third time andpasged. DI A BII’ODJ 'I'O‘VSSIIII’ ('Ol' SCI 1.. . ‘ vygflv\;"'\On as overseen of drainage 240, in place of Donald med. be received and szws Im- cmlur for 2 sluicewuys, 8.! ; J. Uhidley do 1 do 82 ; J. Chiulluy for repuiling maul at crack, Ulh CHIL. $2 00 , J. bloom (hr 99 loads nf gnu-cl at 5 cents pen loud, 84.05; J. Smith (30 loads of gmvvl M. 5 cents par luaul, 83.00; H. Perrin clwu'ing hrunh on 13m com. 86.00; J. Smit'n for gmwl, $5.00 ; E A. Bowen sen-Vin: n'otin-«s fur Cum-c of Revision, 86.40 ; (3. D. lhrr for Votera‘ Lists. $45 ()0; '1‘. Pulcv, fees as constable in case of smtutu lalmr delinquents, $3.00. The following grants were (mule to indigent persnns: Blaws family, in Cam of A. Cameron, $10.00, $2.00 of which is to he pniul to N. McLeod; Mrs. Sweetlmul, $2.00 ; Mrs. James, in cam of J. F. Cuuniugs, $4.00. halt) :- v. -. v ..-..- D I . , Council :uljuumed to meet, again on the second Monday in Auuust. I. Campbell vs. Maybeo, Millar garnishmeâ€" J udgmcut than Rod, Campbell was entitled to muuey. McNeil! vs. McArthur-Judgmeuu for plaintifl' for $9.19. Sittings huh] at Woodville, on June 27th, 188]. before His Honor, Judge Dean. I. Cuaunbcrlain vs. McIntyre, et afâ€"Iudg. meut fur pluintifl‘ [or $3.63. Jackson vs. McIntyreâ€"Judgment for plaitltilt' for $27.80. Harris Jr. Sou vs. McIntyreâ€"Judgment; for plaintiff for $47.65. Smith' vs. McEachernâ€"Judgmeut for plaintifl‘ for $13.00. --- - 1‘1'1 ~ McKeniie vs. McNabbâ€"Judqment Ior plaintiï¬ by G. \V Millar for $53.00. Hon/amt vs. Andrewsâ€"Judgment for plaintifl‘ by G. '\V. Millar for $36.85, Wilson vvs. Ordeâ€"Adjourued at; plaintiff ’s re'plcst till next court. I‘Voxnn Co. Va. Sutherlandâ€"Judgment for plaintilf for $86.62 by Clerk. l’aftevéon Bros. vs. Nesbittâ€"Judgment by G. \V. Millau' for $23.20. . Parker vs. McNeillâ€"Jadgment for plain- titf by G, \V. Millar for $l02-00. 'Patterson Bros. vs. Pirt Campbellâ€"- Judgment for plaintiff, by Clerk for $101.83. Patterson Bros. vs. SCampbellâ€"Judgment for plaintiff by G.\V. Millar, for $129.22. McMillan vs. J. A. Numbâ€"Judgment; for plaintiff for $21.67. Toronto Reaper Co. Va. \IcMillnnâ€"Judg - ment £01 plmiutitfs by G. \V. Millar, fon ‘ Sinith Vs. McNeil], et al, Smith garnishee â€".djuurued ‘for survice on p. (l. $19.75. Anhas vs. McIntyre-Judgment for plain- tiï¬â€˜ for 364.10. Campbell Vs. McIntyreâ€"Judgment for pluintitf for $54.03. - Leas vs. Campbell, et (llâ€"Adjourned to next. court. . May bee VS \IcIntyraâ€"Judgment for plaintifl for“ :3 32. ll. - Robertson Vs. McIntyreâ€"Judgment for plaintitf for $23.17. - McKay vs. Davis-Adjourned till next Court. anien \ 9. (mm pbollâ€"Judament for plain- tiff by 0. \\. “ï¬lm; {or $26.25. Mc'Corqumlalo vs. McArthurâ€"Judgment for plaintiff by G. W. Millnr for $35.32. McMillan vs. McGuireâ€"Adjourned. Mnrgan vs. McCorquodaleâ€"-Judgment for p‘mintlï¬' for $4.00. Morrison #9. McCulloughâ€"J udgment for plaintiff for $16.00. Lens vs. McLenunnâ€"Judgmeut for plain- tiff by G. W. Millnr, for $16.85. MéKinnon vs. McLeanâ€"Judgment. for plaintiff for $7.00. McDougall vs. McEachernâ€"Adjourned to next court. by consent. - Smith vs. Leas â€"Judgment for plaintiff by G. \V. Millnr for $6 00. 'Tisdale '9! al, vs. McNeill el (llâ€"Jeffrey claimant, judgment for claimant. Standérh 13.;ka vs. McEachernâ€"-J udgmunt for plaintiffs for $19.99. D-aues vs. Mitchellâ€"Judgment for plain- titl‘ for $4.00. Staples vs. Stoddartâ€"Plaintifl‘ non-suited. Staples vs. Smith-Judgment. for plaintilf for $3.20. Millnr vs. Donaldâ€"Judgment for plaintiff by G. \Y. Millnr for $5.56. McLennan vs. Cameronâ€"Judgment for plaintiff for $15.01). Noxon Co. va. Sutherland A. C. Camp- boH, claimantâ€"Judgment for claimant with- out costs. FIRST DIVISION ('0l'lKT, COIIN'I‘I' 0F VICTORIA. Campbell 0! al. vs. Janet \IcCuaigâ€"Judg- ment for plaintifl‘ for $100. 00. campbén et. «I, vs. Bick ct alâ€"â€"Adjourned until next court. Toronto Oil Co. vs. Cmnphellâ€"-Jn(lgment for plaintifl's by clerk, for $75.18. Myles vs. Cameronâ€"Adjourned. Donnelly vs. Campbell, Pt (llâ€"Judgment for plaintiff in verdict of jury for $8.34. tween purties. V Helix-whorl] vs. McDongnll. Mary Gilchrist claimantâ€"Judgment for plaintilf, condition- ally. Annns vs. McDouï¬nil Mary Gi‘chriat, claimantâ€"Judgment or plaintiff, (audition- ally; Campbell vs. McDougall, Mary Gilchrist, claimantâ€"Judgment for plaintiff, condition- ally. .fohnson va. Grahamâ€"Judgment for plain- tifl' by G. \V. Millar, for $112.00. Johnson \ a. Grahamâ€"Judgment for plain tifl‘ for 3140 4‘. 0" Use “Castorino†Machine Oil for all kinds of Machinery. It is also excellent for Humans and Leather, mnkin it. water and weather proof. For sale by colors. McMnster vs. Armstrongâ€"Settled ba- Joux. F. sun's ovnn $100.00. CUNNI) xos, Clerk. BY ï¬re in (‘umlu-ay threu h'nnscs, two Itshles andtwo sheds wuru totally destroyed. Dunlxu n hmvy shower at. Millbno‘c. countless myrhuls of mull black toads lull with the min. Shortly nftur the rain. and .uexb‘duy, in some places. it was almost unptmï¬blu to step on the sidewalk without crushing sumo of these little hnppurs. MANILLA STATION. July I‘Lâ€"Thc stables and sheds ut' the Limimur House. uwucd by P. I.. Grass was cunsumml by lire today, with a (“nullity of hay, oats. and mm pigs, two valuuhlu hum“, and stock amounting on emu ImInn-‘ing to the (Robe Lightning 65’PER CENT. (6 On security of real estate mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to J NO . A BARRON, Lindsay, or to RONALD MCEACHERN. \Vest half Lot. 18, Con. 1, Ft @113 smvmsom. BUTGHERS, POULTERERS, 8d)! Having commenced business in our new shop, we beg to announce to the pub- lic generally that we are prepared to supply FRESH M EATS of all kinds in their season L'LI IJUAA .uu....~ v- .V__ W at reasonable prices. Customers leaving their orders with us will receive ï¬rompt at- tention. Our waggnn will call tri-week!y at Bolsover, Kirkï¬cld, Victoria Road and Cambrny. Parties in the village will be supplied daily at their houses. “’9 are prepared to pay the highest cash price for good conditioned SHEEP and CATTLE, HIDES, SKINS, «kc. TERMSâ€" CASH, WEEIILY. (1‘ Worth their Weight in Gold! THIS INGOMPARABLE Medicine has secured for itsolf an imporishe‘oie fame throughout the World. for the allevietion and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. They assist tho digestlvo or- gans. cleanse the increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands ef persons have testiï¬ed that hv their use alone they have been restored to health and. strength; after every e_th_er means had proved. un- iiiâ€"cassful. will be tmmd 1m aluwhle in every House hold in the cure of Open Soxes, Hard Tumours, BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS, BOUGHS I“. “Ila Hnln 'Ihrnnkn Bronchitis. and all Col-(lsibr'iorbi I'l‘lnroats, Bronchit'is, and all disorders of the Throat and Chest, as also (rout, Rheumatism, bcrufula, and every kind of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at Professor IIoLLo- WAY'S Estublislnnunt, 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and sold at 19. 1M" ‘23. 9d., 45. 66., 119., 22s., and 339. each Box and Pot. and In Canada M. 36 Cents, 90 cents. and 81.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. UUIII-‘I, llllll IIIU unlsul nun,†... [at] _ _ _ ,,, w- annex-1 have no Agent in the united States, nor are my Medd- einee sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the Label on tho ?ots and Boxes. If the address to not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are ape-’- nous. “:1‘he‘ Trade Marks of my said Medicines are registered in Ottawa, and also at Wash. ington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London. Sept. 1, 1880. Oflice, Kent; Street, next. to Keith's Agricultural Store, AND OINTMENT. MONEY THE PILLS STOMAGE and BOWELS, .WOODVJLLE, ONT. , Fuuelon IA Mu. Jusncs Almouu will lil‘usitln at line fall â€sizes. on this circuit, which wxll In: held st Lindsay on Sept. 26th, l'utul'bumugh on Oct. 3rd, and Colman: nu Out. 24th. ARMSTRONG’S SAW MILL Lumber. Sash 85 Doors. _ Planing, Ripping 8w. V w The Advocateâ€"ieonly $1 per annum, the cheapest and best paper in the Com. Wilkinson Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs N. B. CAMPBELL. only authorized agent In [ms secuou [Ur TORO‘NTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPION’ REAPERS . MOWERS. and the HONEY FA N§1Ng gu :‘ l have just received what I claim SPRING A ND HAlRiM ATTRASS ES A LARGE Mrs. Freeman's Worm Powder is a safe. sure and cflectu adults. Pnce 25 cents or 5 for $1. lugs. Freeman's New Domestic Dyes are perfect Ea umliblty they have. no equal. Pnce 1: cents per packaae. \Vnodville, Mny 1881. -__,________â€".â€"..___ Lâ€" A :r- SMITH, HARRESS \IAKER SADDLER :10 I have now on hand a new stock of WHIPS, BRUSHES, WHIP LASH 300 Pairs HARVEST (1'11â€. All kinds of DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS Inn at the shortest notice. Repairing 1 We desire to call the attention of the far: Fanning Mi“, now being manufactured at our. All Machines warranted to give satisfas A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS ALL It is a perfect cleaner, nnd chnfl‘cr. It will t: out all Cockle. Chess and other foul seeds. m: is a most perfect separator, nml will separate shrunken grains. It is very rapid in its actic souls. and if 0M: and Pens, or Timothy m thron h this Mill, they will come out perfect, Peas mm large Peas, taking them from th - . n , :__ _ um ....J Q. The-gégt -Mill,MainufacLured In And in proof of this strong statement, having them in use. To intended youraclms, and, We feel conï¬de!“ lint! HANDSOME LOUNGES, Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, FURNITURE OJ†UNDEizTAKING STOCK COMPLETE. W. G. STODDART. W I)!" [EDI nvv In vmins. It. is very rapid in its action. ls sepamtes ml if (late and Pens, or Timothy mnl (.‘lover sceil ‘ this Mill, they will come out perfectly separated. It milm‘gc Pens, taking them from the chafl‘ in the 1 Honey ImproVed Fanning Mill and Separator. is ackno I v _ | Apply to P. S.â€"â€"The \Vanzer CALL A N D INSPECT â€"-F0 Ru- Shingles, ARMSTRONG BROQ. IKING STREET, IVOOD VILLE. MPBELL. Only authorized agent in this section for ANNING MILL. All kinds of Reaper Repairs on hand, Castorim: and Seal Machine Oils. A CALL SULICITED. ‘. .-nn-‘rr LVLIAA. AVAUAAvâ€"nw'_v.â€" ' -_ is strong statement, W0 can furnish abundant testimonials from these use. To intended pnrclms'ers We Would say, come and see It. for Id, we feel conï¬dent you will be entirely satisï¬ed that they are all they are represented. 's HARVEST GLUVE.‘ Cheap for Cash. £R§9ATI£ W56E'vm1â€"ï¬ UNMBXO. d to give satisfaction or 1m sale, and so“ CAEA P for CASH, ON TIME. Also Agent for the Celebrated N. B. CAMPBELL. and Raymond Sewing Machines:- supplied cheap. n to be the hest and 1 brought into \Voodville. It will take out, Wild Oats perfectly. It will take seeds. making a perfect sample of Market Wheat. It separate all the large kennels} from the sumllaml t ___... .u. “1.." on safe, sure and effectual destroyer of worm in children or - ' ' v v w â€" V, The mlvurtisur. having been [wrumuantly cured of that. drum! discnw. \‘unsmuptium, by a simplu rciuutly, is anxious tn nmku known to his fellow snnorors the menu «A cure. To all whodcsim it. he WI" send u copy of tho prescriplinn uautl, (ï¬ve of charge ) “ith the (“ft"linlll for wagering and using the same. which they will ï¬nd a. sum: Cum: run Coh’alull’Tluh', Atrium, Bnmscm'rm, kc. ___.'l| TH CON SU_Ev1PTIVB§._ UIKIIAl III I In. “x. Parties wwhmg the prescription . Will plenw address, Rev. 1'}. A. WILSON, 194F011" Rev. E. A St.. \Villimunburgh. P l will mail (Free) tho rauipo for a simplu V2 mums BALM that will removu 'I‘Ax, b‘liEL‘KlJ‘JS. l’l RIFLES mul BLL)'l‘CllES, leaving the skin soft, clear mud beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, iuulosiug 3c. staulv, Ben. Vnudolf 8:. 00., 5 Bockmuu St. N., l . farming community to the above well known out won ks. We are prepared to give PS HOI‘SI‘. COVEI‘S SJCCRRIE COMBS, SH ES, TRU\KS c. ado to order, frqln_the best material and BKmVI‘pfly attended to. STOCK AT SPECIAL BARGAINS PIMPLES. cheapest stock of Furniture ever 3 way cabs For brightness 1nd uncuu mun-luv u. .--.....-- largo kernels from the small and :pamtes all kinds of grain as Well as 1' seed are mixed together and put ted. It will sepr rato small and a lit, in the most perfect manner. ‘11:: is acknowledged by all to bo SOFAS AND Tables 0, THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. Thé :Dominion. N It! TH Wan-tw-