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Woodville Advocate (1878), 28 Jul 1881, p. 8

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for extra value in Green. and Japan Teas, go to McIntyre Prior's. , THE 'anfiship of Eldon has 750 votexs, according to its list. ‘3? Get 101: I Machine Oils at. GIIIIII Brds. THE inimitable Cool Burgoss gave an eutertuiumom here on Tuesduy t-veniug last. A 0 Mn. FRED G. MILLAR. of .Viccoriu Road, has been appointed a Notary Public. in Texas. at him" Bros. ' ELDnN Volers’ Lust. was issued from this oflice on Monday Inst. A large Lussortmeut. of Fzms uh Guuu Bros. EAVY thunder storm em-Iy‘Monduy. warningâ€"A. light. rain with very vivid lightniua. â€"@’ A large quantity of Liven-pod (egwciully for butter use) and Barrel Salt, at. \chutyre Jr, Prior’s; FENELON township council get, their printing done at. Pet'erborough. Very encouraging to the developemeut of home industry . Lou“; newu scarce. QL'OITS are the rage here now. Sat; the “New Singe‘r" Sewin" Mm chine at.“ In. Canumuu' s. Glycelimq Mucl'ine Oil, Coal Oil émc. at. McIntym .L Pliur s. SEVERE storms occumul to tho north 0! how. on Sumlny and Monday Mat ' m ?uris Green, best. quality, cheap, Now is the time to buy your Boots Jr. Shoes. All are invited to inâ€" spects McIntyre K: Prion-’3 Large Stock. To PnlNTERS.â€"â€"\Vanted to purchase a second-hand quarto-medium qudon, Liberty or Pearl press. Must be in good order. Apply to this ofiice. MR3 Hugh and Mrs. Duncan Mco Millan left. for the “Great. Lone Land” on Monday last, to meet their husbands who are segtled .in the Souris Valley. @‘ McIntyre 5: Prior are selling oti“ their ‘Boots Shops at a great. reduc- tiOu. See adv. in another column. Q Now is the time to secure Inn'- gnins, as the balance of our Stock must. Ire-cleared out. this m'outln. K. (S; A. Campbell. GREEN cucumbers are now appe. .u ing all our tables. An exchange says the) we not connected with any secret soci- ety, but they can teach you many glips and signs. A mx'r of oatmeal in a pailful of water is recommended as the host. «hink during the mum Weather. Ewpecially ix this i. cooling and stimulating drink for those exposed to the glme of the um. - @ Ordered Suits, $9.50 ; good all \Vool Twe'hd Suits made to order only $11.00. A first-class- Tailor on the premises. McIntyre .i'. Prior. @ Lay in 3 supply of our 35ct. 'apam Tea acknowledged to be the best, 'ulne ever offered in \Voodville. K. 3:, A. Campbell. @‘ During the next. fifteen davs we will sell the Bnkmce of our Stock nth per cent. below cost. K. A. Cam pbPH. Sow: of our small boys are in the ‘nahit of going to the dam to bathe. It. nay not be known that them is a depth f ;Nlt%l‘ sufficient. to drown in the pdnd mt such is the case and parents would «10 wall to look after the hopefuls. @’ McIntyre 1‘; Prior have a huge stock of Roots «k Shoes which must; he sold to make room fm their fall stock Come and secure Bargains. AN exchange says that. it. has the authority of a phrsician for tho state” ment. that, in families that; roast. their own éofive diptheria cannot get a foot- hold, as the pungent aroma of the roast- ing cofl'ee effectually destroys the germ of the discuse. If this is true it is a fact. worth knowing, and practicing too, in diptheria times and seasons. Tm: Post Office cmiosity has liven made too suhiect of an enquiry to the' Globe with the following: results :«-â€"“ A HAIR SNAKE â€"-J. C. G., Wnbdville._~ The mptila (lesclihetl is evidently thn mmsile known as the “hair simko " from the miataken notion that a horse- hair soaked for a snflicientlv long while in water will tum into a snake of thin kind. The scientific name is Cardin: aquaticua. @- OmIn-e Plinfs and Ribbons the latent colon, just anived at McIntyre dz Prior’ 8. “'1: have receivovl the prospectus of a new agricultural journal in lm lmown us “ The Rural Cuumliuu.." It. will he a fortnightly Journal of Agriculture", llor- ficulturo and rural affairs. Its mlimriul department will he plucnd under tlm well known agricultural writer. \[I'.\V. F. Clarlm. $1.00 per uuuum is the mice of sulxscriplion. C. Blackett Robinson, publisher, Toronto. “gum! guattm. to Guam Brds. for best vulue TuE skunk ! What a world of thought this title suggests ! \Vhat is a skunk? Is there such :1 thing? \Vho has ever seen one ’l \Vho has ever s‘nelt one? He is like the great sea~scrpent whose nwful nppearunce is. chronicled at proper intervals of the “ silly season” of uewspuperâ€"whatev‘er that may he. Turn we to the page of philosophy The pages of those who wrote in days of old teem with skunk ! The old fanatics who wulked in the garden at Athens found lil'e endurnble until they found skunk, and then they committed suicide, and laid the blame of the offence at the door of what. they termed “ the mockery of life." Empedocles had only gone to the edge of the crater of Vesuvius, and taken off his shoes of brass in order to gaze into the sulphur-nus vacuum, so that he might whifl' oll' the-effects of some {Roman “ cmtur” he had been inn-- hibing. But he smelt skunk, and the results of that fatal snifl'history records toâ€"dny. It this the smell of skunk, too, that startled the geese which saved Rome,â€"â€"so at least we may gatherfrom Pliny, Herodotus, Josephus, rimâ€"Ex. And if it.only smelt half as bad as the one we hare been made acquainted with for the last week, we me no; surprised at the despair and suicide of the ancient gentlemen recorded. The efiluvia of the skunk “ is not by any meunsn pleasant one." iwg‘: they may visit the settlements on the Little Saskatchewan and Binl Tm Creek, and will go from Bl'lllldtn In th- SOllli‘I and Turtle Mountain «011 n- t ‘. \Vu won cl nilvise more of on: eompntriots in Outnlio to follow thr good example of these gentlemen, m (I came up in spy out the land for them- m-IVEN. Very .likc‘ly Mess”. Henslin :unl McKenzie may wish to carry hack the soil of one or two «f our richest townships to fertilize n county or two in thui! nntive Prm ince. \Vel‘, we cdnhl h'NU'H thn (hit, but we would pre far that these gentleman shonll 16‘ member the tale about nhl heathen Mn homet and the mountainâ€"quid if our tmmshipn cannot go to them, by all menus let them come to the townships -â€"â€"Wi1mipeg Daily Times. Stock of Groceries now complete. New Teas. New Sugar. Lowest prices at. H. Wilson’s. WI. MCKIXZIB, move of Bide! , his brother John C. McKenzie, of this an Nelson Heaslip,'\-oevo nf Bexloy, mud Robert Campbell, of Kirktield, haw been in Winning; for n few smug This afternoon they set. out. for Bum don in tho “independent . tourist" fashion, taking with them a tan: and the necessary immdimenta ~for cum paigning. Before returning to \Vinui- Q3" “’9 are showing the cheapesn and Ltst Stock of Boots J; Shoes in town, and as our Stock must be cleared out to make room for full importation we are ofl'ering special inducements. lead our :ulwrtisement in another (alumni. The piices cannot be beaten \IcInty re Prior. ‘ The Grand Trunk allows School teachers to travel during the holidays at a. fare and a third. The Mayor 11M proclaimed Thursday, the th of August, a civic holiday for the town of Lindsay. ‘ The Pickering Agricultural Societyintcnds holding in; Fall show a: Brougham on Mon- day and Tuesday Oct, 10 and 11th. A Tornado passed a little north of Bow- mnnville last week. The News says it look- ed like a dense cloud of smoke as it whirled along. _ The Oshawa infanticit‘e case is again be. fore the Magistrates. The girl Mary Cotter has‘been arrested and committed for trial at the next nssizas. Preparatory to a change of gauge, there is ngreat rush of \s'crk at the Toronto and Nipissing car shops, Uxbridgc. Orders have been given to'bnild no more narrow gungc cars. All aglecmeut has been made between M r. Major and the Council of Reach for the drainage of the Nonqnon Swamp rovides that he is to have the work tinishcq by the 15th of November next; that he is to be paid 75 )er cent. of the amount of work done on the 15th of each month until the work is finished. and that in default nf his not having the work completed on the 15th of Nov. he is to forfeit $5 per day {or each day that ex- ceeds that date untll the work is finished. The Suhscrihcr is prepared to loud Money at. greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of Accanling to amount required mtl terms of {payment on a Straight Loan or Sinking "und Syfitcm. Instnlmcnts required to rc- pay a Loan of SLOW) in the following periods : 10 years, $143.20? 9.0 yc.|rs.’$95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each year pay off the entire debt. Principal and Interest. ' NO COMMISSIOV. N0 FINES. Dm‘t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ is also agent. for several lint-class In- surance Companion. Funnel-'1 risks taken at lowest rues. CHEAP MONEY ! $200 to $20,000, Expenses reduced. 6 TO 7 PER GENT. I. C. GILCHRIST, Postmaster, Woodvillc. A 1; from Having commenced business in our new shnp, we beg to announce to the pub- lic generally that. we are prepared to supply FRESH .\1 EATS of all kinds in their season at reasonable prices. Customers leaving their orders with us will receive prompt at- tention. Our wuggou will call tri-week!y at Bnlsovex; Kirkfield, Victoria. Road and Cmnbray. Parties in the village will be supplied daily at their houses. w-vun“. “w‘ w- V‘VV- u: cuuld not rev 4: his Imml hi0 had. but -y the use of D- 'l'lnbmvu bc'lrrh'lc Oil the min diam-pun“! mul nlthnugb three months has chggml, ho has not. hzul an attack of it mce." 'l‘huru is um a mum: clan m-ous class of Iis-rrdurs than thum- mulch alfuct the breath- n; organs. NuHify this danger with Dr. l‘homm‘ h‘c'cch-ic ‘05! 4| puhnuuio of acknowledged ellivucs'. It cures lameness ml 3011-qu8 when appfied rxmrunlly. as o I an armed neck nick in the back 3 and, I an inward upcmfiu, pnssesses must subâ€" 3 amtial claims to pniic confidence. SMITE 8o STEVENSON. BUTCHERS, PflULTEREfls; 0! Has no equal fur the pennant“! tun: uf Vs. Coldg'. SOH' Tin-oat. Asllnua. from" heaping Cough. nmuchlus. and all Lung Discus". a Ever ' bottle guaranteed to give saliva-grim. T. M. LBUXU; 8: CU., PwpriuL-h l‘momo. “'9 are prepared to pay the highest cash rice for good couditwued SHEEP and CATTLE, HIDES, SKINS, c. TERJIISâ€"CASH, WEEKLY. Worth their Weight «in Guld! TRIS INGOMPARABLE Medicine has secured fez itselfan imperishablc famefihpoughout the World. for the allevxemien and. cure of 111957. diseases to which humanity is Item -Jo!m Haw. Owclxt l‘ H . nay-1.9415. houlmler was!» lam~ fu- ulno‘lpolyhafpag purify, regulate and improve the quality of the Blood. They assist the digestive or- gans, cleanse the swommn and. BOWELS, increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousaan of persons hsve testified that bv their usa‘alone they have berm restored to healm and strength; after every oyner means had. prove anâ€" successful. will be found invaluuhiu in owl-y Mouse- hold in the cure of Open Sores, [lard 'lumoms, BAD LEGS, 0L8 WBUNDS, GOUGHS ________ ,\ _ -- Colds, Sore Thwats, Bronchitis, and all disorders of the '| him at, and Chest, as also (wilt, Rheumatism, bcrofula, and uvexy kind of Skm Disease. Manufactured only at Professor HOLLO- WAY’S Eflnhlishmcnt, 533. OXFORD STREET, LON DON, mulanlulat. Is. 1' “(1., 23.9(1. 43.6d., lls, 1’23. ,nn (1339. each flux and Pot.- mul In Canada £36 aunts, 9:) Cents, and SI. 50 cents, and tho Inn-gar sizes in plopontxon. w OAVTIO§.~I have no Agent in the Unified. gum, nor are my Idea;- cines and were. Purchasers should therefore lock to the Labe1c_:: the Pots and. Boxes. If the addrees 13 net 533, afford street, 1.02.102, they are spu- : ens. The Trade Marks of try mill Medicines nro rcgiatqrcd in Uttawn, and also a: Wash. ington. Signal, THOMAS I OLLUW 533. Oxford Street, London. Srpl. I, 1880. Burdock Healing ointment should be med in connection with Hurdock Blood Bimrs for curing Ulocn. Absces‘cs Fevers, Sores. ‘r. Prim as cents per box. ‘ T.,_.‘IIIJ}URN _CO.. - 4...... .a-‘na-‘n AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS WOODVILLE, ONT. Sou Mina. Tonom. A Y. MONEY TO LEND 0n security of real estate mortgages at. 6 per cent. Apply to JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, Otfice, Kent Sheet, next. to Keith’ 3 Agliculmml Stone, or to RONALD MCEACHERN. “lost half Lot 18, Can. 1, Fanelon 6) PER cam: (6 a»: The Advocatéwis only $1 per annum, the cheapest and best} paper in the County. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte - V. Patent Ploughs TORO‘NTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPIGN’ REAPERS MOWERS. and the HONEY EARNING? Mi l have just received what I claim to be fhe SPRING AND HAIR MATTRASSES A LARGE Sim-.1; A'l‘ SPECIAL BARGAINS \Vrodville, May 1331. A J- fiMITH HAREI ESS VI AK 1* P, E‘ ADDLER 351C. R'ING S‘TRIL’ET, 1VO0DVILL1). I have now‘ on hand n new stock ......_...~.n All kinds of l)0UB‘_.I". “pd swam CNEY’S We (XL-sire to can the: uttuntiuu of the farming community tn the above we" know" Fanning Mill, uuw being manufactured at. our wm ks. We are prupnrcd togive Fanuin;a . \ml, nuw bung mzuuu \Uuu u 1 ma ..... 1..1.: 1, 1..., ‘1 11.1.11- -- A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUh MILL IS ALL THAT IS CLA!;1ED FOP iT. It is 11 perfect cleaner, and clmfl'cr. It will take 'mlt \Vilcl ()nts perigctly. It will take out all ‘ ocklv, Chess and (llllul‘ lonl seeds. making a perfect snmplo uf Market \Vheal. It; is a most, perfect 33 mrator, and will sepnmto all the large kernels Hum the small and shrunken grains. l; is Very mpicl in its action. It scpmntes all kinds of grain as Well as seeds, and if Data and Pens, or Timothy nml (Jlnvm- seed are mixad together and put. thmu rlx this Mill. they will come out pmfecuy sclmmtod. It will seprmtu small n'nd a lit Pens mm large Tens. taking them from the clmfl' in the most. perfect manner. 'Bhu Honey Imprm'ml F mming Mill and Separator. is acknowledged by all to, bq _. a“-‘--_.-..-._ And in proof of this strong statement, We ca having them In use. To intended purch: yourselves, and, “'0 fuel confident you w ALH-v nlun |~ The BestMill tMgnufacthred In _The fDominion. All Mitchines warranted to give satisfastion or no sale. and snlr‘l CAEAP for CASH, or ON TIME. Also Agent for the Celebrated Special Induceni'éfits quhgash HANDSOME LOUNGES, Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, 300 Pairs II 1R VILSI.’ GLOVLS (in germ for Cash. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING STOCK COMPLETE. , W. G. STODDARTs P. S.â€"â€"The CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK AT THE \VA REIKOOMS. CAMPBELL. Only authorized agent in this section for UUV-l': Iluu ‘JIAVUIJI- 4.---.. t thu shortest nutico. licpEixlinérfirrémptly attended to. ANNING MILL. All kinds of Tumor Repairs on hand Castorine and Seal Machine Oils A CALL SOLICI 'Jl‘b D. {WOODV'ILLE ommno. x a new stock of WH’H’S, HORNE COVERS, [CCRRIE COMES, BRUSHES, \VHIP LASUES, TRUNKS l’x‘c. ERS’ ATTEEE FE N. B. CAMPBELL. \szer and Raymond Sewing Mnéhinos supplied cheap. IMPROVED FANNING MILL \fVLIAI‘ITE n to be the best and cheapest stack of. Furniture ever brought into \Voodville. LOUNGES, SOFA-S AND Sets. Chairs. Tables 3w, mt, W0 can furnish alvumumn walluumnua uvu. 'uuuu {c.l purchasers We would say, culnc .ml ace it for lent you wlll be entirely satisfied that they are all they are represented. ;;r_1+3' “1311ch __ .. , all mm WORM, w l.-... _ m Am.“ a “7» r\ i IfS'.’ GLO V138 Cheap far (jasn. i". HARNESS made tn order. from the best material and can furnish abundant testimonials {mtg those T( D CONSUMPTIVES. gaun- l’artiesw'\s"i;i1i:\g the prescription awill please addresa, Rev. E. A. WlL‘iON. 194 Penn St, \Villlamsburgh. N. Y. 1 will mail (Free) the racipe for a simple VEGETABLE BALM that will rcnmvo TAN, FREUKLES. PIM l’LEfi and lfL_I)’l‘C_l.l_E_S, Tha advertiser; having been pernnuontly cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy. is anxious tu unko kuo_wn it) his fellow-aufiorors the means of cure. To all who denim it be m“ send a copy of the prescription used; (free of charge ) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which “my win find a. w m; Cums run Coxsuum‘iux, Atrium, 15mm cums, c_. A - u- FRECKLES. PlMl'LKS and nunvu :95, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant. 'rowth of hair on a lul‘ld [fiend or smooth ace. Address, iuclusmg .0. stamp, Ben. Vandolf 00., 6 Beekmau St. N.. Y. Lumber, ARMSTRONG’ SSAW MILL Sash Doors. Planing, Ripping 8750. PIMPLES. Apply to - â€"â€"FORâ€"â€" Shingles, ARM STRONG BROS.

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