an. - 'VVOOL‘ â€W'OOL ! | . .Beauerz'on Wool/en Mill, "@112. 92%Tnmlvillc ï¬awmtc, JUS. J. (3.\ \‘JJ, PHOPRIETOR. 1)l"l“lU£Câ€"-K-I.::a: srnmrr, “‘OOEH'ILIJ), oxr. Sum nu-‘rlux :--$LOU per nun-nu, in ad- ‘.';uu:u, 01' $1 5‘.) if not 30 paid. ADVERTISING BAT IS. .'_ c: Inmn, l qur ........... . . . . . .Slfl 00 The place to buy your FULL CLOTH, '1‘\‘-.' i‘IITI‘S, WHITE, GREY and CHECK r'l ANXELS, Nil) BLAXKE'l‘h‘, HORSE 1}]{AXKETDZ STOCKING YARN, c., is ‘ at the J08. J. CAVE ~â€" M A R A STREET. â€"â€" m: ’ “:0 place to get your ï¬g â€"003 ( m'd‘infh Spinning, Wca m' n y. Clan-'1. Dressing, (i‘m‘nrl’ng, 60. done iq at the Bcavcrton “'oollcn Mill, North Pint! of the Bridge, Mam Street ï¬stca'n and We?! Pumps, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE. ONT. July 10th. me. Wâ€. V! Cands not exceeding one inch munuu. V. mix. M ï¬lm», .3. “w ‘1... 3 ALL NE\V “'ORK \VARRANTED. ‘eweréon Woollen mil! M A RA ST RE E'l‘u . u. .......... , --‘ . ..\-_-__ -_ __-“L.-." ,.V , The IIIIIlI-Isi-gIIcIl III rctIIIIIinI, thanks to his 1 ms \elf Binders, c. ' I: IIS 1‘ I - . I . - mun“ h “ mul ‘ Shmms rm the I Peas and other Semi Grams on Hand. paItIvIIIIgw IlIIIiIIg the IIIIxt tucnty: liII- Inna-r. “(lllltl r-cupu :fIIIIy l .. 3 \ I, . . I I ' iIIfIIrIII III III and the puhlic IIIIIIIIHI "' 1 ‘1?“- â€N I- A; ])UL\(J:\1\’ ‘1I:I: l INHL‘ ICMII'I" III bIIsilIIcss III III\ old stand ' Egavgzzgfl rflflggry’ hunk-ll) II cIIIIII-IHIy MI. I). \. Lambbcll's l I‘III'IIIIIIII: rtIIIII. .\ _, A _ .. _ .. ‘_ ‘ , BAViBS’ON’S BLG‘JK, BEAE’ERIOE‘!’ Alex. Cameron. alï¬iuse Prices fer Cas‘ MI Iade GTYOUNG “um, I l‘ihty u tumul L The [Jase to selJ. your Wool ism: tho ‘.fln, Dimim'ss, E»: (! Brcalh. ‘ Hipuilo' Lu Hi ghy recommended for Biitausnosn ulnar]- Ache, l‘on- ‘= Hip niloandIges- ï¬rm, Dinlm'ss, Edvarlburn, 22ml Luann. Loss of Ap- \ tits“ Jaundlcv. Loss of; -' Ni: x: .1- wk. Liver 6‘ om- has aririn v from the Stom- plain: ' '1 non. lhm t h or Rhine) s. 'i‘kcv are safe3 mild and th Jmu gh xu theiractlon. .‘rom 1 tob p‘Jlsi'J Sula --. TENT-1 5250. FEB BOX. ’3 } (use “(waiving l’romptly Attended (0. utiurl' disc-am.- so (VIM. Hay Intending [nmwlmsm‘s \mnld .Io wvll ’.\ IAL .-\.\' I) .\‘.-,|; and rumparc winds and pricvs hcfuzc purchasing elsewhere. 4813-3603 ‘ï¬ARE‘GES {I'IMlHIm-le 'I'Ill'} H. .-\(' 1] .na Must)â€" Presh Groceries l‘uhltnhrn and-M 0 l} 1) RES SOLICITED. 12%. G Hm}; y .\ ,er b11533!“ (I all] p (ll I? l N E A 550 RT.“ EXT 01" H loan- ‘3th rh #3 H 3} M3 2535. ,HISINESS. All of which he wxll sell lune.) ;c 11:11 Camrrn nomads]. UU tm; wane tune. Asthma, -\-vr. Hrmwh‘tis. 'NIICUIE llzc. Kidneys, Nt'l‘vmls Dc- .1! m “Inn the (unstim- mh is taken as cl'lcdcd. I « r mlu by all Drug. Mus. i Stem: COATED. :uu . $5.00 per _ PURELT Ea mum}: cll'cutmi cun, an and cures nu. Asthma. Beavcrtou. ..-$‘l:2 00 . . 20 0") .. . 30 on . 60 00 (HiOlH-‘ld SMITH, Township ('h-rk, Municipality [of Thumb. Oliico at Mr. [ï¬t-id's store. Lm-nevillu, Ont. l'. S. MARTIN. OFFICEâ€"Rooms lately occupied by \V. M. (fuchmnc, liiglow‘s Block, Port; Perry. Olï¬ce over Standard Bank, Cannington, Out; $15,000 Private Funds to Loan. Mr. Sinclair will be at; “'oodville CVcry Tuesday GEO. F. BRUCE, (1ch 6th Division l'ourt Coma: of Ontario Conveyancer. Commissioner in B. 11., Issuer of Marriage Licenses kc. Agent for the Freehold Loan Hld Savmgs Co Uilice, Mara St. North of the bridge. Beaverton. BENTISTS, Jun. Lindsay, Olll. One cftne abmc “ill be at Hamilton‘ a Hotel,. 3emexton on the 513 ‘()ND MUN- DAY of each month. He \xi‘l a!so \isit \Vuodvxlle on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’hcrson’s Hotel. J. Nl-ZELANDS. l..l‘..\‘. ; JUS. PENTLAND, L.D.S. “'00 D V I L LE LIV ERY STABLE, may!“ EDWARDS, Proprietor. Livery Rigs at any time mnl at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Cnnnnercial 'l‘rawcllers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles In connection with the Eldon House. Eldon Township (‘lvrk and Treasurer, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor In Chancery, (Tonn'cyiuwcr, 4.0., ckc. JAMES LANVSON, CARTER. d'c. Carting dune tn and from all parts of the village, Xipissing and Midland Railway slntiuns. Charges moderate. llcsidence,:me dnur north of Eldon House. Queen Street, \Vnodvillc. Money to Luau on tirsu-class security at 6 to 6.5 pc_r ceu‘t. ‘ 1- . “n." mn‘v A II Henry to Loan at 6 pet cent. OFFICESâ€"«Kent. b‘tlcct lelsay, Ontario. ' gig-M for A. HARRIS. SON Co., Rmmtford, Manulacturcrs of Reapers, Mow- ers, rclf-Biudcrs, (kc. The highest cash 1): in; paid for all kinds of “IDES, SKINS. '1‘ALLO\\' c. Any quantity of TAN ILUZK \VANTEI), for which ('ush will be paid. Auctioneer for the ('oumy ot'uuturlo. Alllull‘lr‘S â€"mv:.\v1-:|:'1‘n.\'. 1'. 0., ONTARIO ARCH. J. SINCLAIR, (Late of McDougall Sinclair. Toronto.) Bax-119nm, Solicitor, Notary .80., New -4... Surgeon Dentist. (Late of J. G. Adams, L.D.S., Toronto.) “’ilcon Sewing: .\1 ly nu Lan A RUM. C A MPBELL, kumu ('ovx'n' Altrnosnmg. UFHL‘E-â€"Olle dour oust; 0f Post Ollice, \\'omlviH0. Ont. servm‘ts \‘cw work made to order at sllortcst notice. l‘mst nmtvrinl :unl \vurknmn used. Repairing of all kinds neatly and prmnptly executed. All kinds of lï¬lncksmithing. wt liqnnrs and Gig: trains: and every cc ling public. BEAVERTSM mam: wows, Oï¬iccâ€"Boswell’s Block, Cauuiugton acors ~5hceinga. , a.Smcia11ty. J.\U. .‘h l :v\( (v \I‘T, kirktiuldfl (' 0.!!“1SMIOYILR IN m i...( "‘3‘. ‘ .\\(' ER (Ll~‘.NlCR;\L INSI'HANCH AGES __MU.\'I‘ZY TU LOAN at 6 per vent. ~ IMPROVED FARMS FUR SALE WM. CA )1 lï¬liON, \Voodville. Agent for l’nion loan a: ï¬zu‘lng's (‘0. M A R’l‘l N H OPK le‘, Jaumsrmus‘ sunu'n‘ous do. OFFICE in Town Hall, Bcnvcrton. NEELANDS 6; PENTLAND NC ELDOX HOUSE, \VUUIH‘IIJJZ, 1820.63. FBVDAIIIN l‘roprlcloro ml 43.: : :Lu'ommmlntion and attentive :u‘ts. Bur we]: an-liul “ith the choir- jqunrs and Cigars. 'l'ms in and {rum all -. and every ccm'ouiclm (or the travel- HUGH I). SINCLAIR, JNO. A. J A CKSUN. 1 Machines and mud. WMWB ï¬hmwmwhï¬ $311511: v5.15 warm“. of Mnntrml J. SNELLUROVE, 11. \\ EI.-‘LE ,..LDS†\\'x! ~mll G. 11. HOPKINS. l “B" mul “Royal†cdlcs kept cmmtant- 3‘33!) \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1882. 'onzpnny NORTHERN l I 0TH I), “'001111 LLB, BENJAMIN SCAHNIflV, Proprietor. This ï¬rst-class house has just been re- ï¬tted.fu1uished :uul uthcrmse renovated and 1111prnved.licinv~' iu thr centre «11' the business part, of the \ill:‘ -_{e. and furnished with splendid 3:111â€. .le ruems. it is therefore most convenient fur travellers and commer- cial 111« 11. and the public "Chelallv. 'l‘he Bari 1s smvphwl \\ ith the host 0f Liq umsautl Cigars. (mud bluhles and Hustler in at tendauco. Haviu" bought the. shop and ï¬\tIIrcs of Mr. U.- C. gmith, liutclIcI customcls 0.411101) on gettin'rthc III-st 0t liucf at all times, and other meats in Season. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO." Parties having fat. cattle to dispose of will phase call or leave word at my shop. and its hranL-‘zus. and all paints in Canada 'and the Umted \‘tates. \x; 1L zicau L-urrcncv hon 'ht and sold. SAVINGIS’ DE l‘Alel "EXT. Intcrest allowed on Ucpusits at the rate of 5 per cent. :Vtcs coliecthl at. lowest rutes_ (mice “curs, 10:3. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 10 u m to '3 p m. Fnrmms “111111115 meat \1i11111cnseicave tl1c11‘ (lulu: t- '10.: 11i--l1H1ch11-: at thc shop The highest-1 1s h who paid for â€11)" Bankerï¬ MQHEY TQ LQAN HARNESS MAKE I, SADDLER «S: I!ABNESS- 30!.LA? S, HALTERS, WHIPS CURRY 6013338, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VAUSES AND ALI. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING- A large assortment of whips from lï¬cts. up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECF'FEI). on good security. ‘Irafts issuedf‘npuu the “'OODVILLE HAHN SSS SHOP MON BY TO LOAN 0): G00 f) SECI'R 1T Y Sale and Farmers? Notes cashed at lmvoxt rates. Cheques Issued upon the Standard Bank of Canada, payablv at. par :15 all its Branches in. Ontario and (Quebec. NOTES COLLECTED Sewing-s; Degartmemt OFFICE lInI‘RS, rum: 10 .\.?=I. T0 4 v.31. Proctor‘s Brick Him-k, ï¬rst door east of Tum: â€all, ISSUE? OF HARMimE UCENSFS. If so, i: may I-o frmn the 19â€! vunhnry, (‘.\':'\a:nn. 'I‘l0.\'.\L (Hum n lhrmmv (u onj«\y:I‘-lv lw-th. _ H Have you lost t) 9 Sense of 1 aste of Smell ? ('atmzrh, luv: .1†time. [‘1 ‘w- 9'. .‘ all "ï¬lgfsb: :m sunny. far 48 1 treatise uu ('ntnl cured hi 'I‘. J. n. Erwkwille, Ont. . MADI LL, Manager. Deposits rmeivcd rate of I". per cent H U6 1[ )1 (COM? UODA LE, wo‘omuu: mrrrmm smw. W, :3. DEZ'SiGALE-E, BANKER, Dominion 33-531: of Canada JAMES STUART. TERMS CASH__ ‘r‘f‘. 3115111355 warns. ESTABLISH III), 1856 1;: n limnmv \s!1ll‘0‘~?¢rl‘c yuu lw-th. H not only (-mes .1†n!!n~rdi=<n~:\s.-q at I‘m same RU)" pm‘ lvvaZo. Fur sale Ivy wuul )lwliv-ine ninth-rs. Fund 8 page pmnyhlvts cuntnin‘ng Mnrrh, and cv-Miï¬vrxtos of the I. =. Harding, Duminim Agent, and in‘-:i c-S‘. at the per numun allowed. A T LOWEST {ATES. Itmzum‘ of the I'm: t'nxs‘rl'l‘h €11 menu-c ynu CARii-IAGE WORKS, Everything in the line kept on hand or made to order-0n short nutioo. Having in my omp‘ny none but First-Class \Vm-knwu and the (“fly In town. l’u\ies having Second Hand Rims to Icpair, paint m- trun, should latch [In In along. home of the bush rigs ever made in \Voodvillu nearly ï¬nished. A?! â€Curl." ‘p'i’m'rrmz‘ctl. HORSE-SMOKING A SPECIA LITY INSPECTION INVE’I‘ED. Beauerton Lumber Yard. IRBSK YARD ANZD) 3-320) KEELEY FH-STCLA‘SS CARRHGE PMNTER XIV. TAYLOR, Proprietor. LUMBI] \, . ‘H1NGIII S, and LATII 913' Drain Tile a Specialty INS URAIVCE EFFECTED .' Do you wan to borrow money on real cs- tatc a: 6 per cent. and at moderate charges ? Do yen want your property insured ina. ï¬rst-class company ? Do you‘ want an accident insurance. ‘7 Do you want to join the Mutual “an “age Aid Asmcintion of Canada. ' It you lcquirc any of these give me .1 call. Now is the time to pay 011‘ old mortgages holdat high rates of interest. All enm- municm‘ious strictly private and promptly attended to. lam also agent for the most approved patents of “’0“ Pumps. Cistern Pumps and Force pumps, at; moderate charges muln superior article. All orders ï¬lled on short notice. w. c. STODDART, Cabinet, Maker 8e Undertaker A good Hearse furnished :19. Short Notice and an Reasonable 'l‘ernm. 7/73 Leading Machines: '.l'ORON'l'() CORD SELF BINDER 'IORHNTU ll".- \iI" i, New Gum TORONTO MO“ I‘. H. ‘ 3.1 \SSE Y H. -\1‘ \‘E‘ 'i‘il R. 3i »\:~‘.\":".Y .l'A'l'. ‘HHARP'S' RAKE. 1:144}: Y .111 <1'1‘\1 1 1:11.134: 00. 76.11495 ('0, 0?:W. W I Hi I A written Warrant ‘:_v with om-h AIIDREW McP ESQIT, of all kinds and qualities on hand. Ill: Mx‘rc usul iu ( HIGH IMF: .M 131. QAMEEELL, All" m ("u-- :lv 11: mullml. Drivcrlifhs either (.1 hr t‘u “hm-ls In- 1: sn- at. Blst sheaf naku' in the Inmsot. -â€"â€"KL\'G ST}: INST. “'OODVILLEâ€" All ‘V’ox‘k VVram‘unted. 39:41: 173770012†43 "\"OOD\' 11.] 1E. )Iortgnges Bought ! â€"F'ARMEF?S !â€" Strong, simple and clnrnbie; \VOODVILLE, ONT. ofe 'cry dCSCIiI 112) 101]. . B CAMPBELL [\(v .1 .\ IV \\ 'JUI‘\ ILL“ ""zl'lhI-: :w\l:x :-()_\ \\ “X In iuals of [lilpln‘llu' liml as cheap as H: PR FA .‘I N I .\' Mum warm. Ind "v CH MAX. STEAK A I) Mm ‘unzuln than all ut‘lzer put [040111012 and VI: It .m- My itself. he (“unpnny given nvnchmv Lina Shin Ms Ill‘nU-i- lmr. hm] H.\.\HT m mu, .‘Vflfllt for Ill XI!)- Since our last, Egyptian affairs have hc‘ come more complicated than ever. The bombardment of tho forts of M1. \andria has resulted 111 the destination of a groat pui- tion of the city by ï¬re, and its evacuation by Arubi Boy and his army after having done an immense amount of dostrnction. He is now reported as awaiting the approach of the False Prophet, Ill Mohid (tho Mes- siah) with his myriad of fanatical followers, {ploclflllll a holy “'1“ and thus drim tho ,1 I .11 11.,“ L, ,,, 4‘ I , i ll“ , II 31, I, n.‘\ted Christian from the land. The British Government is busy preparing for the strug~ gle, and a large farce is in immediate readi- ness. F‘ais :er entertained for the safety of the city of Cairo. Attempts: have been made to lire it. by the followers of Arahi Bey, and an ugly spirit is abroad. of which the European population are becoming al- armed. The Egyptian Dif/ ou/ty. / Suhjoincd is a list. of successful enn- (lltllltCS at the recent. examinations for the Oalm’oml high school, June, 1832:â€" Juhn (lke ............ 419 Onliwood John Mark ........... 399 “ Minnie lloherts ...... . 38$ Fenelonl"alls Maria Landell ..... ‘. . . 377 5 Fenelun Bella Cullen .......... 3(36 Fenelon Falls Isabella Spence ...... . 362 Hartley Lultie Parkinson . . . 351 19 Mnriposa Clara Anderson ...... . 345 Oaku‘oml Julianne. Langxfurcla .. 3H (kuneron _ Cameron Findlay. . . . . 337 Little Britain Yestlv Conne. . . . . 3216 Manilla inhert L‘nnnings . . . . . 33-! Cameron \‘Vllllmll Mark. . . . 333 Little Britain l-lnnnah ()rtscy ...... . 3'36 Uninhrny Just‘llll hie-Nam) ...... 3:25 Cameron Emma Norflieute. . . .. 3'25 (lakwood George Clemlenning.... 3'23 (,‘amhmy Lena Perkins. . . . . . 319 Norlaml Arthi r Uleinlenan. . . .. 3l7 Canihray Minnie Chrysler ...... 317 4 Garden Mitchell Morgan ...... 315 Litie Britain Phena Allin .......... 312 Little Britain \leey Webster ...... 31] 17 Mariposa Amanela Houston. . . .. 310 Norlauil ‘ Jas. Shearer ........ 308 Hi Maripnszv 1 Wm. linrden ........ . 307 Little Bl‘ilail % Juhn Perkins ......... 302 Nor-land Katie McDonald ..... . 301 Manilla lilla Davidson ....... .. 300 17 Mariposa James (Tnnnnies. . . . 293 Umner n i “'11:. l.ang.~ford ....... 1296 Cameron L Amman R Mark ...... 294 Little Britaii ‘ George Vareoc ........ 294 4 Fenelnn Annie Nnrtheote ...... ‘29:! ()nkwoml l Sarah Newson ........ . 256 (Iamhray 5 Sarah Branden. . . . . 29-1 7 Mariposa. ABOUT one o’clock yesterday afternoon, (12rhinst) asmash-up took place on the .\'lidland,at (.‘anmngton station. It appears, a special freight was on its way north, with goodi for the ditl‘erent places along the line. and while delivering freight at the station, another special freight, also on its way north, came along, and made an unsuccess- ful attempt to pass on a single track. rcâ€" sultiug in placing the locomotive of the latter, and about a doneu empty box aml Hat cars, hers (It) com’mI. Only two of the disabled cars hclonged to the ï¬rst train. The locomotive did not leave the track, but the freight cars were thrown prolniscuously on either side of the line, and some of them pretty badly wrecked. One tlat car tried to climb a telegraph pole, but, the polo was not strong enough and gave way under the Weight. Other of the tlat ears wore turned completely over into the ditch, and one box ear tank up its position OVer the Well, at an angle of forty-live drgrees, one end being in the ditch, and the other projecting over the track. l°‘ortnuately there was no loss of life. the only casualty being that one of the brakesmcn had his face somewhat out by being thrown among a vile of tracks. â€is injuries are but. slight. luwever though it is almost a. miracle that he escaped with his life. A Wrecking train was soon on the spot. from lthridge, and by dint of hard work the line was got clear shortly before t: n o'clock, p. m. The dicahled locomotive will have to be taken to the shops for re- pairs, and will need a pretty thorough over hauling before it is lit for serViee again.» (n'v't (U14 1'. BI‘SINHS dull. llM’lNu is now well on. Uxbridgu civic holiday on Friday July 28th. Humor: f'mmty he: for 1982 will In: 82920.50 and for (ulllcï¬iunul purposes Slim. SUITTH Vicmrin Fall Exhibition is to l»- hnltl at lllllllsu',ml Friday and Saturday, 29th aml 30th of .‘Suptmnbur. - Till-3 (lnmlwuml correspondent to :lm l’xhritlngnnrml cluinn there were twn (hum-ml people inthat village an the twelfth. Complaints were lately mm tmvmhlp ('nllflcll that dog are nm‘. rating pigs as mall as :‘hlmz AT its; hut sessiun Brnxk town (‘mmuil intmdumrd mul {ac-ever! :1 hf," mamin-I fhv- sum of S'ZJVL’) for tho pmw mu-nt of the public In all-1533's of mm ncip lity. 'I'mzmimm Free â€rm-x claims t Immrmm Arahi Boy .13 n. furmw' nmn. Ly Immc l‘utric‘; FnX‘ pmw'wif In the papers has lwm rm and Fuloy‘s history travel by it! 1miiion in the famous Ambi Bey. ARA BI BEY AT BAY. TERMS on: IHDLLHK l'ltll ANSI]! Slrlvlly In .hh'uum- oak“ oml High St-hool. ..... . . .. 399 1:! ...... . 388 l ..... i . . 377 mm to ...... . 362 5011...... 351 )n ...... . 345 ;~«fl)l'1l.. .. 3-“ nu-w (Hay. 0-)] e..-..... 3216 ist. . . . . 33-! k......... 333 cy ...... . 3‘36 n.1, ...... 3:25 lcute. . . .. 3'25 naming..." 3'23 I......... 319 lenan. . . .. 317 5101‘ ...... 317 gun ...... 315 ......... 312 star ...... 311 lstun. . . .. 3lU ....... 305 1 ........ . 307 a ......... 302 Mid ..... . 30] »n ....... .. 30C uys. . . . ‘29? 0rd ....... ‘2!" l ark ...... 2!)- Oc ........ ‘29 cote ...... ‘29: 'u ........ . ‘25 un......... 21% 'usodgww L 1-5:, Kmqumg) 937, pquflun 7-62? uupuog f- mg. “EWP'H “WWI Hi?- uumunuf) 96'6- “ .mumn 868 flow-WW u om: “II!““N 108 pummx 30g “E"U-‘H â€DWI 1.08 vaudymnv 4)! gm: pmzpox mg vsodmm it 11:: “WU-'3 “DWI NH “NH-'9 9.1!1 9H: "slung f. LIE A'mqnnzf) “g puulaox mg Kunming) 9;}; pomnm ) gag IIOJNHI)†93g Xu‘uluuzf) (no "EWEJH OIJ‘WI £8: umnmm 1- - â€NWâ€? I 5 "W33"?! 01â€â€ 1‘69 uomumn â€g 1100.“)sz g“; â€SW-mm 61 19s: Kan-"1H 392 Sun†unlnun‘q (mg unpund g ru- suua uopuad 33;}; NUMBI" ; 30 lo fn Hoar now killin UH'; -!;\\i‘ n") \‘ I!â€