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Beaverton Express, 20 Jul 1883, p. 4

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Ilollomay‘s Ointment mul PHILâ€"Si)" Help. ~l‘rior to the dieoowry of these remedies an easy. nmdy and reliable remedy for out. Ward disliguratious and inward complicat- ions was, practically speaking, unknown No one need now he at 1 lens if they should. unfortunately suffer from ulcers. sores. tu mourn, boils, bruises, sprains. e. l‘ln- nloping llollowny‘s medicines are very intelligil-li printed directions for using them. which should he nttentively studied and immediately followed by all who resort to his treatment. Sooner or later the antler- m- Wlll aesuwdly triumph over the worst «linenses. This searching Ointment dispers- r.- nll those malignant humour: which aggrn. vaio dime of the thin pieVent the eie. urination of ulcers, on! unite inflammatory ‘ iaudeinsiosju v.9 uynom. Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. lownshrough, that the Clerk be instructed to have the necessary notices given in ne- carcinoma with law to open parts of Flora and Edna streets in the village of Oakwuod. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrnugh seconded by Mr. Broadr that this Council instruct the ('lcrk to procure from "art 00. six Copies of the consolidated Municipul Act. (.‘arried. Muted byMr. “mad, sccondcd by Mr. Bowos, thnt this Council adjourn to moot again on the first Monday in August next. Carried. Moved By Mr. Bronchficconded by Mr. Adam, that this Council assist the rate- payers of Uakwoodito eflect a drainage nf and Village to the amount of $50.00" W. Lownsbrougln and John Cassiday, Commis- uionorm. Yeas. Lownsln-ough, Broad and Adam. Nays. Bun-es. Moved by Mr. Lownshrongb, seconded by Mr. Brawl, that the petition of A. Cameron and 17‘ others concerning the expending of money in making ditches in the village of Oakwoodbe received. Carried Moved By Mn. Broad“fecundedr-hy Mr. Moved by Mr. B0\Ves, seconded by Mr. Broad; that the Clerk take legal advnce and have a By-law drafted to give effect to the application made by the Trustees of Union School Section No. 4 Mariposa and Brock for a loan of one thousand seven hund- red and fifty dollars for the erection of a new School House. to be submitted audlmss- ed at the next meeting of this Council The Clerk read a petition from A.Cameron residingin the village of Oakwood. The Clerk read an application from the Trustees {of Union School Section No. 4 Manposa and‘Brock, fonthe issuing of De- bonturea. ' Moved by Mr. Bowes. seconded by Mr. Broad, whereas the Clerk having read a copy of a resolution passed by the Council of Ops granting $20.00 to‘improvu the houn- dary line between Ops and Mariposa on con- dition that the Council of Mariposn grant the sum of $40.00 Resolved that this Council grant the sum of $20.00 for. tho im. provement of said roadprovidingthe Council of Ops expend the like sum and that “C Lownsbmugh he Commissioner to expend the same. Carried. The Clerk read a copy of rcsuhltions pass- ed by Ops Council respecting a grant for the eastern boundary line. Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. Lownshrough. that :the Clerk correspond with tho Councils of the adjoining munici- palities requesting them to agree with the equalization made in 1878 with the union school sections in this T ownshlp. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrough, seconded by Mr._ Broad, that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor of J. J. Cave for $4.. 20 for advertising Court of Rmisiou. Car. ried. (in: fit ‘(I Moved by Mr. Bowes, seconded by Mr. Lownsbrough, that the petition of Thomas Smith and 76 others praying this Council to sell the original mad alloWanco running between. Lots 12 13 Con. A, be received and flash this Council rent the same to 'l‘hcwas Smith Jn,‘ at a rental of $7.00 per anuum instead of selling the same. And the said rent to. be eXpeuded on the road beat in which said allowmice _for road is situate. Carried. Marlpoea Township Council. Council met this 9th day of July 1883. Members present Messrs Adam, Broad, Lownsbrough and Bones. Absent. Mr. Parkinson. Minutes of last meeting mad and approved. Moved by M r Broad second- ed by Mr. Bowen that the Council grant the sum of 810.00. to be expended on the Boundary line between Mariposs and Ops opposite the first Concession of Msriposs providing Ops expend the like sum. W. A. Casey Commissioner to act jointly with a Commissioner appointed by Ops Council- Carried. The Clerk read a petition from John Heatlie and 43 others for opening road between 12 and 13 Concession A. Also a petition from Thomas Smith and 76 others against opening said read. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrough, seconded by E. Bowen, that the petition of John Hentlie and 43 others praying that the road between Lots 12 6'. 13, Con. A, be received but this Council «Ices not deem it expedient to grant the smile. ‘ Carried. I 3110' lat. [$3. We will also pay tho highest prion {or nnv quantity of MARKETABLE PRODUCE, I33" l’mtiev. indebted to us eitllm by Note ()1 Book Account; are requested to call and settle bofme 15th May and save costs. D1091: 000113,]3111111 111111 Colored Caslnnmos, Beautiiul \mx l’1i11ts, 131111111 Hollands, Cottons, Si1i1tii1<rs,])u1l1s D1-,11i111s Clothin", Mon’ 3 Suits: l11)111.,5(3,0() 1111\x1111ls. Boots 11111] 811111111 regardless 11f1aost in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps; White Dress Shirts, Oxford Shirts, New Prints, New Laces, New Cretc New Embroideries, New Muslius, New Veilings. Ludies’ Parasols, Ladies’ Hosiery, Ladies’ Sun Shadies, Ladies’ Gloves, “The Tweed House.” All the «hm-e we oflur at your own prlcos. The loading and most thlolmble styles in EPMWEQWM'} Bargains I Bargains in Ordered and Ready- Made Clothing. MILLINERY .'. Regatta, Shirts, The lmlauco of our stock which is mostly now. consisting of Great Reduction in Prices. RODGERS BROS, Cheap at McIntyre Prior’s WOODVILLE Rubber Glrculars, D. MCKENZIE, One Hundred £©® Ladies’ JLQQ Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas, Ladies’ Tics. Difiiflfl‘if‘ Q Gents’ Silk Umbrellas, Gents’ Underwear. Davidson Block, Beaverton. Gents’ Silk Ties, WOODVILLI, ONT. New Cretonnes, , (EC. A fresh snm'fly of PATENT IRON "AME STR'H‘S. “ HIP-A" AXLE GREASE an. HAHN "SS (HIS. AIM a :0 ul \"H‘ir’v of TRUNK-q nml VA LINES 251m- cent A GOOD SUPPLY 0? SINGLE AND DJUBLE EARNESS IN 87008! A splendid assortment of \V'Imle‘none \Vhips, warranted, and sale cancelled at any time rffound not as represented. qu work made 0 order at shortost notice. .llost materials and workmen used. Repairing of all kinds neatly and promptly executed. All kinds of Blacksmithing. We can start in addition to our already largo fox-co l90 Mldlllmml (‘unvussers mid mun men who can give full time to tho hllsillt‘sm Steady om dominant and good salaries to succus.» ful mun. t (locs'not matter What your previous occupation has been. if you am willing to work your success in almost certain. The host of references required. Apply, (unclosing photo." mssiblo) to STONE WELLINGTON April lStli. um. Nursm‘yinon. Toronto. MORRIS. STONEV : WELLINGTON, Pnomumons. Salesmen Wanted ! BEAVERTON OARRIAGE WORKS, "A "NF-‘13 “”3. A]! I a: 0 ul \ uric- H’ of '1"! NKQ nml V .‘l. [\‘Eq 251m- cent below 0M plicea. A ("DOD ASSOIH “1' NT 01" H AI'VEST MI l‘TS 0N H -\\D AMERIGAN PADS! Tun Markham Sun gives terrible accounts of the havoc played by the recent storms on the Sutton Blanch of the Midland Railway Track, Mills, Dams, culverts and bridt es \\ ere cairied away and in one instance the track was hung in the trees some feet from the ground. Mount Albert is a scene of deâ€" solution and Sutton has suffered severely. --FLY PROTECTORS !-4 BARR”) is to have 3-. public park. The voting on the by-law was carried by a large majority. THE Uxbridge car shops are being closed and the machinery removed to Port Hope. Iagmill Nurserigs, A LI'I'rLe son of Mr. D. Smelt, of the Ux- bridge our shops was drowned in Gould’s pond Uxbridge, on Monday of last week. It is n It known how the accident occurred. To begin work at once for Fall, 1883. for the Tm: Into rains have washed large ditches across several of the Streets of Port Perry. District Jottlngs. Tun Brock Fall Show is to be held at Sumlurlmul this year. It will be remember. ed the place was changed .to Cuuniugtou, but it was found to be illegal. Uptersrove. Ox Friday evening 13th inst” a number of the friends in and around L'ptergrovo of J. H. Maguire late station agent here. met with him andpresentedjhini with an address, accouipaued with a gold locket, on which was engraved his initials, a costly writing desk bearing his name in full, and a Very valuable gold headed cane mounted with tine ebony. beautifully chased and embossed bearing a suitable inscription, all being an expression of their esteem and reslwet for lnni and in appreciation of his many and varied acts of kindness and generosity as well as his gentlcinanly and Christi in bcaiu ing towards all classes of the community during the number of years he has been among us. (Tho presentation took place in the station house and was made by Rev.- II. Sinclair of this place. attu- which Mr. Maguire made a very suitable and feeling reply. ann N BITERS Horse - Shoelng a. Speciality. J. J. CLOVER, Beaverton, Ont. Parties calling early will accmu goml bargains. They are Selim: Fast. J. SNELLGROVE, The largest in Canada. (GUARANTEED NOT TO SUALD 0R HURT.) In ordnr tn introduce the many new lines in SOMETHING NEW J. J. GLOVER SINGLE and DOUBLE - mu oewnre or mrtuer aggressmns. 'l‘uls Midland llailwuy’s appeal from the l Court. of Revision of the township of Thorah ‘ was heard in the Court House on Tuesday. before His Honor J udge _l)art.uell. The grounds of appeal were, over assessment on the station grounds and buildings at Beo-w wrtou. and upon the vulue of the roadway" through the. itowusbip of ’l‘hornh. As to the first ground it appeared that the Assess- ment was no higher than it had been for Se‘Tl‘ill years. The Company objected that one building situated on their grounds did not belong to them, but to one Gordon, but as they had been assessed for years at the same rate, the Judge held that their ‘re- medy. if any, for this year must be against the owner, Gordon. As to the Roadway. it was found that the Company owned sev. eral news more than they were assessed for, and the average value of the lands through which it passed was greater than their assessment. Appeal dismissed with costs. J. L. Bigger. lelleville, for Railway; J. E. Fal‘LWUll, for T1). of Thornh Max:515 Sm'ru . Co”- of the Beavertou Foundry inform us that they are being nude the victims of a large nmouut of falsehood and miSI‘epI-esmimziun by agents of other connuuiies, located in neighbouring villages and that every effort. is made by these 1111- ' scrupulous individuals to divert the atten- tion of customers from the merits of our fonndry's goods. One of these individuals fromumnehrid 'c happened in the village one 11:13 last owl: and rfter drowning his dismetion In liquor pmceeded to the foundry where he bestowed on amount of filthy abuse upon its worthy manager which would make even atmmp hlus‘I. Mr Smith We learn did not have the sc mudrel arrested and lined as he should have done, but he will hewnre of further aggre ssious. A (main match between eleveus of the village ciul) took placeon the cricket ground on Wednesday of last week. The teams “Mcclmuichs" vs. ' ‘Profesaions” madeo good 5mm.- rcsultiug in :1. Severe defeat for the "Professwns" by eight wickets. A ('qunsle in the store of .‘ll‘.’ D. Mc- Kenzie fellon Monday evening last. breaking all the lamps and clmmlcrlier. Fortunately the oil dill not take tire. or we might have been called upon to chronicle a more serious disaster. The Pickering News has become quite jea- lous of the gratuitous pufl' preferred us by the Globe“ anal suggests that a reporter bu sent to that hamlet to interview its harbour. W “'1‘: have received and owned this Week three bales of Imported “'a Papers “'iudow Blinds in the Newest Patterns. The Medical Hull, Beavertun. W Pure Path; Green and llellehone. a laru «3 stock just received at the \ledical Hall, Be.“ cl tun. ELA‘I‘ED and gorgctl with victory the “Mechanics” can no“! heat anything in thy shape of a cricket club the viilage can pro. ducc 3 Mn. N. F. PA'I‘I‘EIKSON Barrister of Port Perry has bum made .1 Q. 1‘. The only onu in Ontario (,‘m'uty. Dx. \V. H. Jc Mike to Kirklivld. l'lc-Nu‘s are now tlw nnlcr of Parties arrivu daily and are loud at uur pretty village and lake. . lhun Mr. J. J Glover’s new anh'ertiwmen: in another column. As 0113:: has lu-on tendunwl from hero fur a >itc fur tlu- prulmsul ('unnty Poor "mm, Tut: llcthmlist Sunday School held a pic- nic on “'cdumulny last in Barber's Grow- lhzv. (i. L‘. l'.\'l’l‘l-2l:su.\' has accepted the call to Knox (‘hurclu A lulu-mum‘s Meeting 0f 'l‘lmrah Agri. cultural! Society will take place on Saturday the 28th inst. 'l‘m: “Ulmckcrs” crass sticks with L'x. bridge on Saturday next at Uxbridge. A match with ()rillia Is also on the tapia. and see the new Please call on gitzwrrtou 30ml film's. uusxrux is removing In” the day. in praise

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