“'iu'r is Your: (Inner Fun READER. 1’â€" The matrimonial chances of a young lady in life have been determined partially by a speculative society Woman, who is fair if not fat and forty. Having kept a record of 1,000 of her acquamtauces who have been led to the altar, she ï¬nds that the chances between the ages of 14 and 4-) are as follows : There are 32 chances at the ages of 14 and l5 “)4 chances at 16 and 17, 219 at 18 and 19, 230 at 20and 2|, 16:3 at 2‘2 and 23, 62 at 24 and 25. 60 at 26 and 27, 40 at 28 and 29, 18 at 30 and 31. ll at 32 and 33, 8 at 34 and 35. 4 at 36 and 37, and 2 at 38 and 39. It will therefore be seen that from 18 to 25 is the golden flood time of matrimony. and that it is at these ages that the most chances are taken in the great lottery. The girls will please take notice and goVern themselvrs accordingly. MI'CH interest is being taken in the pro- posed move toward village incorporation and shortly the matterwillassume a tangible shape. The movement certainly cannot be wondered at and has be in provoked by the illiberality of the Municipalities in which this village stands. During the past tivo years. we are safe in asserting $20.00 has not been spent in this village despite the fact that many very important and sanitary works are needed. In the past every im- provement the village has received has been either wrung from the reluctant township treasuries or .takenfrom the private purses of the citizens. most frequently the latter. That this is not fair treatment is evident to every villager whatever may be the feel~ ing of the township._ \Ve pay a large per- centage of the taxation of the township 0f Eldon besides contributing to the township of Mariposa and certainly should be entitled toa modest amount of attention. Incorpora- tion means control of taxes and we are con. vinced that this advance will in a short time lighten them by one half. besides place- izng us in a position to improve our village and render it attractive. These consider- ations are such that our citizens cannot overlook them. \\'e have here the nucleus of as handsome an inland village as Ontario possess and by the. judicious expenditure of less money than we now contribute for township purposes this position can be oh. mini-d. (or sister villwo. ('auuington, has puwpered since incorlmration and there Is certainly no reason why we should not do the same. 4 I is Tm: hi-torv oi modicino no preparation has roooivmi such univomi commendation for tho niioviMionit nflordmnnd thnpormnnont cum it. «floats in kidnnydimaot. an 03. VAN vam'n Rum" (7mm. m notion in than dim-0mm mmnplninu in simply wonderful, Sold by uil drug- 0‘ Iâ€. Wm' momm nun whom blood Iswnrm within Sit like his frnmlniro out in alabaster '2“ 0:- let hi: ha r grow rustv. oonntnml thin. When "Cmmmnx RFNRWER" will make it grow the tutor. For M10 by all Drugglatn. "ugh R05! “'oirm l:suannzumo.â€"A tablespoonful 'Of sultpetre, dissolved in a pailful of Water “hind sprinkled on cabbagea, will keep off the worms and not. injure the cabbage. It will also free your cucumber and squash beds from the striped bug and borer, if occasion- ally poured on the earth. {DIED 05' the 16th. inst, Mrs , ï¬â€˜-_' ‘v- uuvuuoulica. Tux junior twalves of \Voodville and U):- ibridge played a unto]: of Lacrosse, at (lan- nington on the 12th. inst. Two games were played, ï¬rst was won by \Voodville and second was declared a “drawâ€. a. l’amsols sold at cost, for cash at McIntyre Prior's. ta. Seaside Library and miscellaneous books at Gunn Bras" \Voodville. A pleasant pic-uic was held on Tuesday last. by the children of the Presbyterian and Methodist. Sabbath schools of this place in Stuart’s Grove. A large gathering were present and all heartily enjoyed themselves. Mn. Wm. CAMBRox when visiting his rauche in Garden last week, came across a large black bear. The animal crossed the road a short distance ahead and after quietly taking in the situation meander-ed ofl' Vflla. w- All \Vonl Tweed. 50cts. per yard. at McIntyre Prior’a, \Voodville, 0? Cheap Plints, Cheap Sateens. Cheap (Batonnes, at McIntyre Prim-’8, Wood. A flaw side“ all: to' the school is bein" oomtmcted. This is much needed and will be heartily “elcomed by the little ones who attend the school, as well as by those citi- zens residing in that vicinity. Woomuuz Brass Run] is to be resucitab Q“. Mu. Jso. J AMIPSON of Penetnuguiahene wt: in town last Wet". 'l‘nusr: wishing to purchase A newly calvml cow should call on Mr. Wm. Cameron who has three now on hand for sale. .‘IANILLA Brass Bnml are engaged «luring the 12m. of July by \\ oodvillu [oduo of Orangemeu, THERE are several dangerous holes in the sidewalks just now. They should be re- paired. \\’. erx M. l). of Bmceï¬eld, is at home visiting his friends here. Tue Woonvxue ADVOCATE or the Buvenmx Expkass from now be Jun. lat. 1884, for 40cm. 3" Fresh Strawberries at Prior's. flir- Dress Muelins cheap at Priua‘a. Tm: crops are now looking well 6th. inst, Mrs. Grncn. wife of w. Thor-ah. aged ‘29 years. afooarille aural Baum. McIntyre 8r, Mclnnyre Park-tun, Dumlm, Durham. Grm‘, llnlhm. Kent. l,nnnrk. wanlk. Simone, “allaml and Mnsknkn. These forms will Ire mid cheap and on (may terms .of payment. MONEY T0 LOA N M. 63 and 7 per cent. If you want a Farm address or call por- aunnlly o" chtinns 15 nml l6. Township 4. “Alum 2 1280 m-n-s : also West Half E). 'l‘nwnxhii) 7 Range l2, :2" wrcs. Sections 15 and 16 is lu-nr the ’l‘mvn of Harris, and cnnvq-niv-nt t0 n Railway. Will t-xclmngo for Lands m Ontario. MM 3 number of Improved Farms for Sale in the ('Imlmiug of ()nlnrm, \‘Icl‘m‘in. Brum. Manitoba [ands for Sale Joseph Shmvfelt. Armour. saw that ho consid- nra lhxrdouk Blood Nittcrsa lite snvinq friend to him. It curod him of dobility when doctors fail- 0d A Goon circulation of the fluids of tho body is imlis: mnsahlo tn perfect health. The Bile. Tho Ilium , Tho Sucrotions of the Skin. Kiclnnys mul anuls are all puriï¬ed by Burdock Blond Hitters. Miss l-‘. Milloy. Erin. tried in vain for two yours to "urn bilious headache. poor circulation. and Minor chronic ills, Two bottlosot Burdock Blood n:;‘.u_,_ Au___ ‘ I.4_ Bitters éllrod hei. As the rosn of winter vanish under the caloric in- fluonoo of the sun's rays. so does Bri 'ht's Disonsu. Dropsy, Stone in tho Kidneys and "adder. and Inflammation of tho Kidneys, leave the body up on the administration of Du. VAN Bunnx's KID- NEY Conn. Sold By all drugglsts. ('mmxsn the stomach. Liver, Bowols and Blond. and tonu up the debilitated ayatmu. You canacmnplish hnth nwnsures in the most easy and natural manner by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mother (lmvcs‘Worm Exterminator is lvloasnui to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Why go limping and whining aboui. yoiu‘ corns; when n twontyï¬vo cunt bottle of Hollownys Com Cure wiil remove (ham '3 Use the safe. pleasant and effectual worm killer. Mother (imves‘ Worm Exterminator; nothing eqnnla it. G. W. Mingny, l’m-kdnlo. Toronto, writes: "My Wife had soveml very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Du. Aus’rm‘x l'llusl’u- ATINE. and its mousuutnuss to take, I gavohor two bottles, and she has not had an attack since. and her health is much improved." For sale by all druggista. J. S. Wothoroll. writing; from \Vinnilmg, says: “I cnnsuymoro about Pnospnnxxn now than whoul saw you lost in Toronto. My honltlxis much ilnprovodmndl mu froe from headaches or any aches, having only used two and n halfbot- ties of your l’hosphutiuo. For sale by all drugg ists. D. McCrimmon, Lnocusternhad Chronic Rhon- mutisln {or years, which resisted all treatment ilptil he tried Burdock Blood Bitters. It cured 111:1. DROPSY, Kidney and Urinary Complaints, tho irregularities and \voakning diseases of Fenmles are all remedied by the regulating toning pow- ur of Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr. Henry Marshall. Reeve of Duun,writes: “Some time ago I got a bottle of Northrop .8: Ly- mau‘s Vegetable Discovery from Mr. Harrison, and I cbnsider it the very best medicine extant for Dyspepsia." This medicine is making; mar- vellous cures in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. ect.. in purifying the blood and restoring mun- hood to full vigor ..- ...... u-vu. \J‘Ilu‘ piaiut, Constilntimi, Dï¬ï¬Ã©bsia, Impurity of the Blood, and other physical inï¬rmitios. and as a female medicine, it has acomplished remarkable cures. LEADING druggists on this continent testify to the large and constantly increasing sales of Northrop (S: Lyman‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspo )sia Cure, and report its beneï¬cunt effects upon t lair cuntonnerslroublm} with Liver Com- ..|-:__‘ n....;,-,,, Now THAT there is a reliable remedy for kidney roubles. half the terrors attached to these com- plaints have been rmnoved. For this let us be thankful. and to Da. \‘Ax thmx's Kmxm’ Gum: award all praise for having thus removed a hither- to cousiderml fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by all druggists. . McFA DYEN. BEAVERTON Free of Cost All persons wishing to test the merits of a rent remedyâ€" one that will positively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungsâ€"arc requested to call at Gunn Bros; Wodvillr, or John McKinnons Beaverton, and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. Clothing, Having purchased the large stock of Mr. A. C. Campbell at a low rate in the $ I intend clearing it out at once and at cost. The stock is complete in every line and we mean business when saying that we can sell cheaper than any house in town. % JOH N SCOTT, Woodville. All Wool Tweed Suits got up to order in ï¬rst-class style and Cheap. Give us a call and we will convince you that The Cheapest Store is at the Sign of “ The Red Flag.†“THE RED FLAG,†WOOdville 51mm Eljntms. ARE NO\V BEING OFFERED BOOTS AND SHOES, Anything in the line of O'l‘If‘F. in horohv nivnn that the! above hv-luw . win be taken into consideration by the (2mm- cll of Thorah. with o, View to Hm flnnl {musing n! Hm sumo at n moutinn In Pm hem In hn Town Hall. Bunvorton. on thu-«mv Hm 28th Ilnv n! July. A. D.. 1N5. the said meeting to commence at one o'clock. p. m. nEnnan mm‘n. Thor-ah. Juno 2m. 1883‘ Township Clerk. 3rd.~Thnt tho R 0 ho. and in hereby author- ized to oxucuto n Ch name of tho (‘m-pnrntimu. such deeds may requisite for carrying out ihui .. )-|uW, nll tim expenses of cnnveyinp t a t' l! 3m“ bv the parties purchasing 7 , , ,,, i ..... , ..... pul‘tiuns not convoyml, to any ntlu-r person, fox the above or any creator sum or rate. 2nd.-â€"'l‘hut the portions of tho (hunm‘on or Whitby Nund. heruhy clused. he sold ‘0 tho pro« printers of tho ud'ncont lands for the sum. or at the mm of ion dol am pm- ncro. provided. that if the propriutm's of the ndjncont lands shall nut accupt tho conveyance. and complete thupur- chase of theirsuvoml iortiona of the aforesaid mud. within one your min the data n! the mss- in v Hhisl)y-1 w, tho‘n tho Coungil may sell tho 18E Corporation of the Municipality of Thorah enacts : latâ€"That from and otter the final passing of this by-lnw all that portion of tho rond known as the Cameron or Whitby Road lying between the South end or the r‘reinen Bridge. on the lat Con~ ceskiull, end the southern limit of the nllownnco for road between the 3rd and 4th Concessions of the said Township, he, and the some is hereby closed up. and no longer used or considered at public highway of the said Township of 'l‘herah. BY-LAW to close ‘mrt of the road known as , the Cmnernn or W nitbyrond. and to provide luv the sale of flu: same. The superiority of Mother Grnvca‘ Worm Ex- torminntoris shown by its good efl'octs on the children. Ill-ï¬tting boots and shoes cause corns. Hollo~ wny's Coruc um is the article to euro. Fall Wlmat.......... Spring \Vboat.n. Aranecta Wheat...†Barley ......... Oats.......-.-.-. Puns...... Potatoes, per bag. . . .. . Apples, per barrel ....... Butter .................. . . Eggs ........... Roof, hind quarters ....... Pork . . .................. Indus..L... Api'flés )over. . . .. . Timothy . . . .. . ‘ v.- . Full Wheat ......... Sm mg Wheat ....... .. . Amnucta \V heat. . .. . Barley. Oats ...... . . Peas . . . . . . Pens. Biack- eyed ........... Buttcr, p91 lb tr ade ...... L Vgs per dozen trade†_\Vool per"). mover ............................ 800®lGdi Timothy..... ...... . ......... . ...... .. 250.133 00 BEAVERTON MARKETS. Geese. per [h ........ Chickens, per 1!»... Turkeys, per 1?: ...... Clover ............. n va' In“ In ..................... Potatoes, per {bushel ...... Byo .............................. Hides Butter. pox: lbcnsh Eggs. per dozenltradu _\}’(‘)01,perlb...l â€I" "up; u “Ulla... Amuecta Wheat. v‘,_.u,,, Full \Vhent ..... Spring \Vhfggt Ijng‘loy BYâ€"LAW No. 7, 1883. Township of Mora/2 ! LOCAL MARKETS. .-......u.u...... . County of Ontario. ..............-...... Nboat. n . “110515.. cun...-...-...-- . ...,.... -...--- purlmgm...†.. ‘01- barrel... ....... ........u-.-... ............----- ....--n- --....-..........-.. int-latteâ€. . . .. ........... ...... Notice. Wt TORONTO MARKETS. 'OODVILLE MARKETS. ...u....--....-. .. , at the Sign of .......-......... 0d,) 0 F. BRUCE. ............ ssoozoooootu mmmmmuuwmmmm aamawaygaeaa GUUOHOOOHOII mwummwmmmmmm $5.; m...» mwï¬mmm_ .mmmmmwmhmmw~ 000M000000007?181725 @ru (@@@ «ï¬ï¬ï¬uw@d0t§ mgswmmulummomm%mumï¬w %00000000000T63607l5 .......... ..... Nu. mwmun mmmmoo mm 00000000000586000 ?.,I.I:Ild.tï¬@ @m@u(@ mmmwwmumummwwmwmm m000000000037500.0.M Roevo. A: we mean Bargains ovcry one shuull Lake advantag u uf tlm nlmvo sale. {emombor we are THE UNI. \ (.‘ HI" .-\I’ 8"! (m‘ “Beaver: m. The above will be sold at Cost to save Removal. Ducks, Donims, Tickinga, Luce \Vindow Nets, Hosiery, and ‘ Gloves, Merino Goods. Damask Cretonnes, W'h'ite ’Cottous, Factory ()ottbns, Towels, Special Bargains in Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Muslims March In Steam Engine, Mill and oihei Castings and Repairs on short Notice. M- ALLLM v.14 .ujv IV 1.11! “Combination†Plough, NO. 2 SOD PLOUGH, NO. 4, OSHAWA PLOUGH, ROAD SCRAPERS “ HARVEST QUEEN†LEAPEL, “Harvest King†Reaper, “SPRAGUE†MOWER May 15th. 18). . . - -_ .. ---- VAVUJJ, a.uu|,r. v u! per yard. Fulling and Finishing. 12 cts. Fulling and Pressing, 100ts. per yd. Fulling, 7cts. per yd. \Veaving, all wool, llcts. per yard, twillcd. do half cotton, cotton provided by me, Mots per yard, twilled or plain. W'eaving, half cotton, blue, cotton provided by me, 150ts. per yard, twilled or plain. A Fine Range in Black Remnants! The Toronto House! Carding and Picking 5cts,, Greasing, 20ts per 11). Carding and Spinning, 150-138. and 9 lbs. Yarn ofl' 10 lbs Carding, Spinning and Weaving, all W001 Full Cloth, Call and see them. As I have added a Firstg All W'ool Tweed 65 to 7OCts. per yard, very cheap. All “[001 F1111 Cloth 70 to 65cts. per yard, extra. value. Bed Blankets, best in the market, at 623, cts. per ll). Horse Blankets, very cheap. All “7001 Shirtings at 40 to 45cts. per yard, great value. Half Cotton Shirtings, Sheeting and Tweeds very cheap I beg to return my thanks to my numerous friends and cus- tomers for their past patronage and hope for a. continuance of the same, and I now offer to the public the best stock of All Wool Tweeds, Full Cloths, Shirtings, Bed and Horse Blankets, Insertions, Velvets, Check Shirtings, Corsets, Cnshmeres. North Ontario Woollen Mill! Pï¬RAS/QLS, 303‘s: S‘U‘EE’S, E‘rive me a call and judge for yourself .Bémvmmm @3321â€. Alex. Dobson. Proprietor. I will give you a higher prico for your Wool than any man in ‘. 1883. I will Guarantee Satisfaction. “BEAVERTON FOUNDRY-- Collars, Tics, \\ 1itc Sl1i1ts,Rogz1tta 5111113 Embroideries. \\'ill remove in about. 9|) days to new premises, We will olfer Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggm SheetAiings, Table Linens», . SMITH As all the above goods are my own nmnutncturo MANUFACTURERS OF a First-Class Loom to my mill I am able to mauul‘aéturo " at the lunumug pnuus: at tho following prices: ALEX. DOBSON, Beaver-ton, Cash or Trade. Benvertom Beaverton. 3. W001. ,1, 400ts.