\‘.' flc- airingâ€" and Painting Hcdgo's Adjustable Carriage Top. \Tlxich we intend to dear out at the Lowe :t Pos- snble prices. In all styles, Single and Double, including the Carriage VVQrks ! '.'oodvmc, April 23th. 1873. 'I'm: cufl'muhouses ï¬recteil'. as a pliilnlb tlimliio experiment in Boston liavenirowd a cumflcto snout-xi. They have been only in uperstmn for sixteen months. yet a proï¬t of $1,000 a month has been reached. The mpital was furnished by benevolent men ; Int plate-glass \i'iinloWs, hard-wood ï¬nish, doc-Intel vulls. and tasteful furnishings, re- move the impression of cheap clinijity. Not only are good meals furnished at a low rate. lint there (are reading-rooms, smoking par- lols. and billanl rooms, the idea. being to furnish all the social attractions of the saloons, with the exception of intoxicating drinks. P. G. Campbell, 50 BUGGIES 50 Waggons Built to order and from the best materials. Inxlmx, Ont. has lwen mule the scene of mmtlwr terrlhlo disaster. This time a thud has npreml ale-strm-tinn and uï¬sery among its pm-plc. Many Ewes llsvo been lust and “In lugs to ploperty will reach an rnormotln mnmlut. 'l‘ur. pctitiun against Mr. J. D. \Iclntyro "f South \‘icturia wan dismissed with cosh. Famous “ Bambridge,†APPLIED :xnnmu r 1 lemu 1753.1. 5 x 1:: 1.14 1.01.4, cumunuxg, ' C.-1LLO('SLL'.h'PS s WELLINGS, sumo JOLV'Z'S, a .4Lzs,‘ FROST 12132:, LAME..1-:s:,cc::-. ., 00517: .4cnovs 121:1 13:33, Lmumao, 1 Hrs, szzvuas, f '» I. 'BA CI, mom), CRAMPS, 4511mm, For the Spring Trade we have built TquszAsas. Courumrs tnd 4mm: whlch HAGYARD'S YELLOW On. 15 nann- tecd to cure or telicvc either in 3 as g: Bust. Cheaply and Quickly Executed. Jamgbï¬yeï¬ï¬â€™ WOODVILLE, ONT. (faitnrial Mott‘s. INDEX nun Immum to: corn)“, 3, som: runogr, 4, 001.33, die. Sole Agn-nt {or ALL KINDS or REPAIRING nm'rm' AS]! QUICKLY; nxmmrnn. A large “sum-uncut ol Whips from 15 cents "MINES“. (‘01.1mm, "Al/l 1-th ers, Cvnm' Conn“, lmlzsmm, 'l'xu'xma. ‘I'AIAM'R, AM) Ahl: HIM) LI" Hun». FUJINIMIINU. \VUUDVIIJJ'I IIARNIuh h‘ SHOP. HARNESS MAKI’I‘I ,SAIHHJ‘IR SODA, ABFRNI‘ZTHY AND FRUIT IIUISCUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Buns. Rolls and Pastry a Specialty FRUIT CAKES, MIXEDTEA CAKES. LEWIE FOR SALE. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Superior Urn 2m and by the host makers. Work left at the N320. of the Advomlc will receive [mu-up! :luanuu. ORDERS SOLICITED. PART] HS SUPPLIED \\'ll()Â¥.l'ISAl.IC. gum cricun 8: §1t°i$5 aifzzttlzcï¬ FAMILY BREAD \VATCII AND CLOCK REPAIRING PracticalWatchmakeIKzJeweller Cards not exceeding one inch. 55.0“ per _ annlnn. Transient advertisements {lets per line lst insertion 3cts. per line each subsequent in- sertion, measured by a scale uf nnnpnricl. Sunsvulp'rmx :-â€"$l.OU per annum, In ad- vance, or $1.50 if not so psud. ADVERTISING RATES. g column, lymr... . ......812 00 OFFICEâ€" McKimmn’s Store. Beaverton. Ont. Ehc gravcrtuu prmï¬. JOS. J. CAVE, PROPRIE'I‘OR. “It sells well and gives more general satisfact- ion than any blood puriï¬er we keep," says S. Perriu. druggist, Lindsay. regarding Burdock Blood Bitters. Bile is nature‘s true (‘nthurtia Regulate tho Liver to seen-to pun- Nile and you will obtain regularity o! tho llowcls and make healthy blood. Bun-(luck Blood Bitters will do this. Mrst Mulho‘lnnd. Onkville. was cnrod of dyspepsia and oft-recurring hilious attacks by {hat unfailing liver regulator Burdoc Blood ï¬tters. Hcmlacho is caused by disordod Stomach. nor- vous irritation and poor circulation, Whatever may be its cause. Burdock Blood Bitters is the best remedy. who Wnudviltc gamma, rositneli, pornmuuutiy and 80(me ’in cum all onus of idnuy diseases. by a ldruggists. promptly executed and entire nz|tisfactionguar- unwed. A gum! at VCR 01' lalcst designs Ill No Household should be considered complete without «bottle of Dr. Villl llurou's Kidney Cure is in tho closet. It is the only ruined): that will Clocks, all warranted‘ D. 11. Howard. of Gonovn. N. Y. took over half a gram of variom lmtunt medicines for Paralysis and, dobilityâ€"ho says Burdock Blood Bitters enr- od xim. (:mmmc Eruipclas and all Eruptions and Rumors 0! tlm'lnlumlm unsightly in appearance and so prmluctivquf misurv. "my be curml. The remedy is Hurdm-k Blood Bitters. .\'_Y quantity nf_:(um_]§jf1_‘(_)XI-2 LUKE for ml .labuah Snow. Gunning (3mm. 8. 5.. writes: “I was cumplutuly ‘u‘ustmtcd with thu nnlhma. but hearing 0! Dr. T mums" Hcluctrie 0H,] {uncured a homo, and it done mu so much umnlt la! 1 got another. and before it was used. I was well. My son was cured u! n Imd cold by the use of [m]! a homo. It goes liko wnld-nro, and makes icuros wherever it in used." Lot-12, «mm-sum. ‘2, l-lhlun. April mh, 18M. .1 Mr. \\'m. lloyd Hill. t‘ulmurg, writes: "Having used Dr. Thomas Heleetric ()il tor some years. I haw much pluauuro in tuatllyinu in its uttlcncy in relieving palm in the lmrk uul shoulders. I have also used lt in cases of cruup in children. and have found it to be all that you claim it to be." BEAVERTON, ONT. OFFICE : â€"-K1.\'n Sun-2m, \\'oovvn.1.I-:. THEO. DU MONT, JAMES STUART. UOI)V1 LL]. Ii â€(1‘ "'. ®:‘< 4~<4<u<w<<¢a~ >52 CC>>>>>>L JOHN BERRIE. l2§1.\fll.l.~llill|. "£56 IS UNXLD Spam! 3410mm. IN THE (‘0U.\ "n' All kinds of (fur. King and Stuart St J N0. SHE EMMY. .....812 00 ..... :20 00 ..... 30 no . . 60 00 up. UNI-:1“ Six BOTTLES will purify the blood, unidivating nll hummus, fmm the ('Ollllllllll pimple, blotch, or lmil, tn the must malig- nant farm of scrolulnlls ulcer. UN F. To Six llo'rruzs. by (lemming the lilnml, will purify the unï¬iplcxinn {rum Snllow- "ch, smooth nut lhc wrinkh-s resulting from ilnpurfc-ct, lmuri~lnnent of the body. sum-tun fnnl hrcnth, ninl renovate the en- tire syslmn. ONE 'I'n 'l‘wn lu'r'rm's will cure nnlinnry ('unslilmtmn or cost lV‘HIUHS, lhoruhy rcnmv- ing Ill-sulaclw, l’iics. liiliunsnum and .lauunlicc. and all diseases resulting {mm tnrphl Liver. 051-: To Six Iln'rrm-‘H hy cleansing the blond, improving the grlurrnl health, aml fortify- inu the systrln against taking fresh cnlils, wil:in all cases n-lim'v, and in moat cmzvs cure that minnmn. loathsome, and dan- gerous disease, FAT} hllll. 0x5: 1'0 'l‘unn: lln'l‘TlJ-Zs will regulate nll dc- mngeniqnta ul the kidneys. curiw urinary «lillicultics. prontrnlinn. (lrnvcl. )inbutes. 0M: 10 Faun Bum.†will rcini’igomte the ( ntiro aysu-m, curing nnrvons and general «lchility, Female wcnkllesl and all it: nltcmlnnt flllfli‘l'lflfl. I‘llfl'l: 0N8 MlnluUl 301.0 “Y AMDUNT REQUIRED TO CURE: A Good Hearse furnished at short notice and on Reasonable Terms. Cabinet Maker Hadertake: June 2nd, 183:. W.G.Stoddart Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Retunded. All Druggists and Dealers. Wool Oara’ing, Spinning, WEAVING, Cloth Dressing c., Enlarged and Thoroughly Re- ï¬tted with a large amount of new Machinery. Drain Tile a Specialty Brick and Eatwg‘y Is now one of the most complete custom mills in the Province. LUMBER, SHINGLES, and LATII WEEDS, FLAMELS, BLANKETS, YARNS 6‘50. Beauerz‘on Lumber Yard. ' BRICK YARD . AME POTTERY. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. ~77. V"""' 0 |‘â€"~ â€"W~â€"-â€"â€"- Sold by _.____ DnUGGlflTS d DEALERS Everywhere. ï¬ï¬‚eQ‘EflS The Beaverlnn Woollen Mill GUARANTEE :â€"Afler fair trial, with no rollef or cure effected, your money will be refunded. PRICE, $1.00. Constantly on hand. Give me a. can. NOTICE! G. T. YOUNG, CASE PAID FOR WOOL. of all kinds and qualities on hand. DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. A good assortment of WOODVILLE, ONT. of every description. having been NARA STREET, Beaverlon. Famous “Rainer" Pianos OFFICE -â€" KING nuns-r. woonvxnu, on my»: 380011111112 gamma, J OS. J . CAVE, PROPRIETOR. An unfailin cure for 80mins! Wonkamn. Epormutorrh . lmpofuucy. audall diwdscï¬ ma? follow as a consequent-o or Self-Alarm; ,. ,1 1313')? memory, universal )uxsiiude. 33;: u: t: a 944;: dimness of vision premature o (1 age. and many other diseases that load to insauit un" wanna}; tion and a. )rem-tnre arm's. Eu! pill’dt" hrs .5 our Pamph at, winch '0 dealrp to send 2.0 by mai to ever one. 331‘ The tinrmm Hum-7m; is sold by a! dragging at 8: pr: pack-ago. or r.x pack es for 85. on will be non! Pm by mull on roccip of the mhuey, by afldrcssing Befona Taking THE Lfrud" ~GREAT ENGLISH REMEL‘" TRADE â€ARK. GRAY'S TRADE ï¬i‘li'flfl. BPEGIHG HEDIOIKE WORM POWDEES. m pleasant to take. Contain their own Pnrgntive. II a. safe, sure, and cb’cctxral (entroyar a! worm. in Children or Adnlm. {BIL/008N588, ova/95mm, INDIGESTION, JA (mo/cs. ER Y8IP£LA8, .mr RHEUM, HEARTBURN, iflEADAO/IE, “Bell’s†Organs A New and Olroct Line. via Seneca and Knniu'iee. has recontiy been oponod. botwoon Newport Iowa. Richmond, Cincinnati. indiannpoiia and Lu fayotto. und Council Blufla. St. Paul. Minneapouo and lntermedImo points. A" Through Passenger. carried on Fast Express Tmlna. For more dotalled lniormntlon. coo Map. and Folders. which may he obtained. as well an Tlokotu. at all pvinoipnl Ticket Onion. in the United States and Canada. or of R- a... can; As It is familiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages and eomforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at all connecting; polnts. Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUB, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED. FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT 0A7 COACHES; a lino oi the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINANO CHAIR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPIHO CARS. and DINING OARS that are acknowledged by prose and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRV. and In which superior meals are oorved to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between OHIOAOO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. via the lemons ALBERT LEA ROUTE. And every npecleo of disease arlsh‘g {ran-1 disordered LIVER KIDNEYB. STUMAQH, BowcLb on BLOOD. T. HILBURH (1-0., By Its.maln line and branches It roachea Ohlcngo, Jollot. Peoria. Ottawa. La Salle. Geneseo, Moilno and Rock Island. In lmnols; Davenport. Musca‘lne. Washington. Keokuk. Knoxville, Oskaloooa. Fnlrfleld. Des Molnoa, West Liberty, Iowa City. Atlantic, Avocn. Audubon. Harlan. Guthrie Center and Counoll Bluflo, In Iowa; Callatln. Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leann-- worth and Atchlson In Kansas. and the hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermedlate. Tho f‘GREAT ROCK HSLAND RGUTE,†Being the Grant Central Line. aflords to travelers. by mason of its unrivaled goo; graphical position. the shortest and best route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and the West. Northwest and Southwest. h It Is literally and strictly true. that its connections are all of the principal llnoo of road hetweon the Atlantic and the Paciï¬c. CHICAGO, ROCK lsLAND PACIFIC R’Y, WHO IS UNACQUAINTED “'ITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF TNES COUNTRY. WILL SEE BY EXAMININO THIS MAP. THAT THE \\'OOI)VI LLE, ON'I‘A RIO‘ WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE Vic-Proo't (Don't Manager. THE GRAY MEDIcn‘n Cr), AGENT FOR. AND THE Tl/E 87051110â€, DRYIJL'SS OF THE 8Hâ€, mzzmzrss, (mops y, nurrmma OF THE HEART, ACID/TY (4F Pmprie tors. Tone NTO. Toronto. 6:"; CHICAGO. -Lï¬m‘v. Manutactnrod only at I’roforsor Hangouts Ebtemia’nmeut, 78 New Oxford Si. (ï¬ne 53;"; Oxford St.)Londan. md sold at 15. lfdh 2a. 911., in. (3-1., 1‘..l., 929., :m! 335. each Box and P06, and :1: waJu : 36 cams, 90 cents. and 81.50 cents, and manager ste m proportion. ' [53’ CAUTIONâ€"I have no Agent in the Unwed Buzzes. um- ue my Mancini»; sold them. Pu:- chggerï¬ should therefore 1’30]; to ï¬lm Limo! on the Pom nmd Buss. If 3!: ‘ .v3»‘..-e--~ .38 no: .'..,3 0),};4 Street, London. they an; spurious. 1000â€" of Div 721%“) SAD $68,021! WESSBS, (388338 COM Bore Threats. Bronchitis, mv‘ all disorders of th ‘ hroat and Chest. as uiso( ouz. lineman. mm. Scrotum. and every kind of Sim; Dig-em will bofoupd invylusble in ever-v hum-m n: the cute 01 Open b01613, Hard 'i‘umoms, Thou-341mm of per-Pans have teatiflml that bv their use alouo they have lufen rest. my} to heals“: and strength, afï¬er every omex moan: ï¬nal grown. r n .nnn again“ unsuccesélujl lncrcsse the secretory powers of the Liver. [hmoe the nervous watem‘ and throw ium rim cinch»- twn the puruxt Elements for custamwo' and :0- pninug tuu frame. irn-ifyï¬ late and improve the quali'y 9! tbs hood. '1 o,‘ ushmt the mgoauve albums. campa- tho cpred {or itself an impuriï¬hable mum [nicfufhéf 6: the world {or the anuviation and urn: ‘0! mo»! diseases to winch humanity is heir. JNO. E. FAREWELL. Whitby. Jun.l.1881 (3ka of the Peace. , -_'_V July 317.7801». a. Mind. Dod.-lu. ' annmozâ€"Fob. )3. nut. 20, May 8. June-19. Sept. 4, Nov. 6. Duo. 11. CANNINOTONrâ€"Fob. l4. Mu. 81. May 0.)than lie-pus. Duo. 12. Bmvnmox.-â€"Fob. 15. Mann, Juno 21. Sept“; Doc. 14. Umanomer-Mar.m. Janeen. Se;»t.1. Deal: By order, . "jut-13.1.J’u'iyi'BJp'tj'l:bCZâ€"i'lebv'..f800.". â€I" " Blounmu.â€" } May 3. July 4. Sam. 3. Dvrnu'u Clwnxâ€" Juu.3. Hana. NuV. a. Pop-5' 12“?â€11‘91‘12' h}u_._)9. _May 7, Junolï¬ Worth their Weight in Gold. Wumr.-â€"-Jau. 9. F015,] â€9.3.. rAprz‘i. May}. 1. .I__u 'n . THIS INCQAMPABABLE MEDICINE has Sittings 0! Division Courts [or 1883‘. ADVERTISE ! l'ublhhod bxmdur of the Genoa! Sanctum. 3. ST. JOHN AND OINTMENT. aromas: and EMTJLS, I o 'VI‘II‘ , Cen'vl T'K'C . M'l’ “'0.