‘15 it M “nod Inger, mutton and broad, with milk, lwminy, oatmeal, lmllud corn, .z'lll lice Would form usafl: dict. Stimu- nuts should be avoided. Tlmab is "mt. qm-ncllod by cold (on or weak ‘nummulv, avoiding ice watt-r. “'lmtluer i m clmlcru 001st or not, these simpln diutic vulva :Iu- wonll observing. sinco Hwy embody the [ninciplos of right iuviug during the sultry months. And if the Asiatic plnguu alumlu uppmn‘ llu-y wrnisln to (mull person lrl:n safest means of (fl‘cctually avoiding it. Tun the Asiatic cholera prevails in same places in France seems to be es- tnblished beyond a doubt. It has been found by experience that this epidemic travels most usually by the routes of eommeree. In 1832* it ends its ap- penance on this continent in C.InaIla_ in June; appeared in New York in’ the early part ofJuly,.anIl in Philadel- phia in the latter part of the same month. PIogI‘eSsing by the water routes and avoiding elevated Iegions, it "radually spread though the vaIious parts of the country. III 1849, after ' its appearance in Europe, it made Some impression upon the Atlantic IIoIts of this countIy, and was active .I.ong the Mississippi rival IIII.I its Iaibntaiies. Rigorous qIIaIIIntinII I measures have been successful in keep- ‘ i In out this sconge since 1866, when A number of sporadic cases 00.1 I meal, but these meIIsIIIt-s IIll'orIl no absolute assuIIIIIco of immunity ’1‘le l I.IIliviIlIIII| may best avoid con~ Hgitm by a temperate and OI'MI lite, IIIIl shunning all excessI-ss. UnIIpe oI ' U‘t‘llllm qu'It should be let alone, i ‘llll vegetables, even \IlII-n pI'--epI-Il3 l l melted. pmtakrn (It with IIIOllt‘lllllUH. I Tun cholera score has taken a etrong hold of the public and all our exchanges arr demanding that proper sanitary precautions be taken. This is a wise step and one- that should be generally followed. It is too late for prevention when a dread disease is among us. [letter that we prepaao for an emer~ goncy even though it never come. The law demands that ever village and tnwn shall have a Board of Health. None has as yet been appointed for this village and we call upon the council to comply with the low in‘ this respect“ A' new peel has macle its appearance and is rapidly destroying lhe balsam tree of this locality. The trees put on the appearance of death, and on in- vastigution it is discovered the leaves have all been partially severed flow the stem by agreen worm- about half an inchtin length, and: very voracious. The heat remedy we have found inn liberal sprinkling with helebore. We onserved a ï¬ne grove a few days ago which had the appearance of being completely killed, and on inspection discovered the trees covered with this ‘ \"nrm. ‘ THE Midland division of the Gland "Frank has at last been furnished with the much talked of weather signals and farmers who may be fortunate enough to live contiguous to the railway will receive ~the meteorological probabilities from the passing trains. This service should prove of considerable value to the communib during the harvest season and t ecompany deserve the gvatitude of the public. '7‘ we report comes from Rome that there is a probability of the Pope ele- vating one of the Archbishops or Bis- hope of Canada to the dignity of the 'Uardinelete at. the ooneiatory in Novâ€" ember next. There are sixteen vacant ,lmte to be given away, and the Arch- bishop ot Baltimore is to get. one of them. Another may come to Canada. if the Catholics are readylto subsclibe the funds neomsary to uphold the dignity. Tn: late rains heve produced a better and more healthy business feels ing among an: farmer friends. -The prospects of a bountiful harvest, have never been better than at present and we trust the antioipaï¬iom will be fully realized. editorial gum. ‘ hull-b8}; quantities of butter and egg are being shipped tram here almost daily. These products have risen tn ho a very important i consideration to the farmer and every year is likely to improve the market. If hettor care were exercised in the manufacture of w butter greater satisfnetiun Would result lmth :to the buyer and seller. We the seen huttcr hmnght tn the stun-s and purchased for n gmn‘nprico which should rather hm'e been lit fm' soap grin-no than the table and . _,.,.-....J nun-m v’alu‘llhlli (‘uun Its use nluninsurus the renmvnl uf Kulnny mnl Uturino nmlmlinx. nnul mumlw umlmtruntml nc'inu uf the bu“ 3:. Thu purity of its ingrmlionla is :uwtlwr paint in Its l'avm. As 1 Hum] puriï¬es u IIM no mllml It'is alto a gun favorite wit“ the Iu-lu u. 'l‘hosc twin fines to bodily cumfm‘t. Dys- pepsia and Hilimunwns. yield when wnr i3 waged against them with Nurthrnp it l.y-~ man’s Vt-gvtnhh- hismvory nlnl dysln'ptiu: , I - -- * ‘ yet people are surprised that a better price is not. ubtaincd. Firm class butter nlwnyn mmmauds a goml who, but trash should nut In: nucephnl, it in dour: 1. any lll'il‘l‘. M 1:. llomxsox, tho Missionary from Ermnmga who preached on Sabbath last did so tun large audience. A collection was taken uu for the Mission he represents. Tux Lacrosse Club were unsuccessful in their negotiations with the G. '1‘. R. fur an excursion to [’eterboru on the 18th. Those who oxen rt on that day will Le entitled to a full fare ticket on payment. of the price. Tux “Checkers" were to 11am played a match with the Olillia at the R. C. picnic at Brechin last week and prepared for it. The Orillinns failed to pm. in an appearance, however, at the picnic much to tho disap- pointmcnt of our boys and those who had gathered to see the play. 'I‘heI'Checkers‘ we believe would like to hear from the Orillia Lacrosse Club with n hnpu of some time crossing sticks with them. Baxter's \{andrake Bitters cure indivesâ€" tion. Heart Burn. Cositiveness and all ma]. anal diseases. Twentyâ€"(Ive cents per bottle. I1: is our duty to record still another death this week, this time in the person of Mrs. Jae. Duncan who died on Friday last. The lzuly had been sick for some time but on Thursday strung hopes of her recovery were entertained. A sudden change occurring, however, she npidly de-~ cllned and passed. sunny. The cause of death we learn was blood poisoning. She leaves a husband and infant daughter to mourn her early end. Mr. Duncan and family have the heartfelt sympathy of all in his affliction. TIIB Presbyterian Sabbath School of Woodville picniced hero on \Vednesday. READ Harrison . Leslie’s New advertise- ment in another column. MR. “'3‘. BAIN, of Thorah. returned from Calgary. N. \V. T; on Tuesday last. He reports the crop prospects of the far west as very promising. His brothers who have located near Calgary, are much pleaied with their new home and intend herding a large number of animals this season. Tun Richmond Hill Lacrosse Club de- feated Uxbridge by three straights inside of twelve minutes on Dominion Day. Grip is humorous, by profession sud by practice ; but. like its English contemâ€" porary, Punch, it can be serious enough when any great cause is at stake. This is sensible enough : “Mr. King Dodds who ‘ makes an honest living by advocating the continuance of the " Curse of Canada †is very fond of asserting that prohibition does not prohibit. [and points triumphantly to the secret drinking dens which he asserts may be found in all prohibition States. 'l‘his is his strongest argument. Well, what does it amount to, if true 3 Is it not better to have an evil driven to the holes and corners where none but abandoned sets will follow it, than to leave it in the 'respectahle' position it occupies in imost communities at present. Prohibition kills the treating system, and thereby breakcs the hack of the liquor traï¬ic. It~may leave a boozing den here and there in the slums of the towns, but the question is would King Dodus or any other decent member of society cure to take his tipple in such quar- ters habitually ?:Nine men out of every ten 1 would go without it ï¬rst.†3 '- Puro Paris Green at the “Medical Hall" Beavmton. 300 lbs in stock, the cheapest and best in the market. A hrmor uys tlnt for three you-I past he has! not been troubled with cabbage moth, his remedy being the simple one of placing a small bunch of the common elder bush on the growing cabluge. Cut this out and save it. CRAFLI’S and scythea are a rate article in this part of the country now. Everywhere the mower and very soon the reaper and often the self-binder. This above to what a science farming in hecomingï¬nd also shown the rapid advance in wealth our taxman have made in the last few years. [En] Gluuawal Village picnic occurred on Tueadty lut. Quite a gathotlngï¬of our boy. ware present. ~ MR. H. Wefsrcorr announces Huvoat Too'l. cheap. in another column. DIVISION Court was held on Monday lust. The docket was light. TunnAu Township Council meet on the grnvcrto‘ts gum! Ema; Un the evening nf July 8th, either on Sim. one nr Mam Sum-ls ur at Station, a lwmy. plain, gulul lmlnl Inng. Finder will he snit- nlnle Icnuulml by returning tu. Betwcrton, July Mb, 1138!. LOST. A .Gold Ring! Eldon. July 9th. 188! q“, . ‘ .' “v "u, unu- v- 1 u \;l!lUl\o II. lll., tuiutncontmct for Ditching tho Wntorcoursu through East half hot 3. in Int Concuss-ou of Eldon. The plan and wofllo mnv bu roan at tho Clark's: 0mm. Lornovhlo. Full particulars of turn“. «ml tho mnnuur in which the Work in to [ml-formed will bouivount the time and place. H. D. .‘lcl-IACHERN. WM. CAMERON. 011,... u - -.. ____ HE umlcrsignml (‘omminslonom will Im at Lot". on 3nd Concession of Eldon, on tho 19th (In ' 0! July. ISM. at the hour of 4 o'qlpgk. p. 111.. hi n! n "nutâ€"n... t“- I\:A I..~. A n, . Bold by all Dragging; ".J‘m 01.818 hotl- Road. Contract ! It in lncompurably the cheapest blood nodi~ cine, on account otJts concentrated strength. and great power over disease. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AyeMCo†Lowell, Mass. stimulates and regulates the union of tho «llgestivo and ussimllatlvo organs. renew: and strengthens the vital forces, Ind spoodlly cnres Rheumatlnm, Neuralgia. Rheuma- tlc Gout, Catarrh. General Doblllty. and ull diseases nrlslng from An lmpoverlshod o:- corruptul condition of tlw blood, and n Wuh- enod vitality. the whole frame eufl'ere. The strength de- clines. the spirits droop. the complexion be- comes cadaveroue, the flesh wasted, anpine nese and despair take the places of energy and hopefulness. A few timely doses of the Pill: bring back digestion. appetite, and physical energy: The stomach is strengthâ€" encdend toned. the liver invigorated, the do-vitnlized blood restored to its normal condition, and the invalid recovers the strength. the energy, and the health that belong to vigorous manhood.â€"-0b~m-ver. “ Having suffered nevorol for non. your: wlth Eczema. and having {is led to 11nd nllet {tom other remedies l have mule mo. during thepastthrae month of Atzn's SAMAI’Aâ€" RILLA, which has elfocted n 0025!“: are. I consider it, A magniï¬cent. rem y for m blood diseases." Ayer’s Sarsaparilla For disorders of the liver and stomach the Pills are claimed to be a swift and sure speciï¬c, and the claim is veriï¬ed by an over- whelming mass of testimony. Now we all know how entirely the bodily health depends upon the condition 0! these important organs. if the digestion ls impaired. the bowels dis‘ ordered. and the liner torpid or congested. .1._~. -- . .4.- .. â€nuâ€"n: anneal-A of whlch I hue now taken three bottlee, with the result that the sores ere heeled, and my general health greatly 1m rovetL I feel very grateful for the you medlelne has one me. Yours respectfully. M an. Amt O’BRIAI.†168 Sullivan St... New York, June 2-1, as; w All persons lntemetod are Invited to cell on Mrs. O’Brlln: nleo upon the Rev. L P. Wilde of 78 East 54th “not. New York City, who will take [ll-euro In teetllylng to the wonderful ellcley of Alex-*9 Barnpat'ula. not only In the euro 0 this lady. but In his own one end may others within hll knowledge. The well-known writer on the Boston Hm“. B. W. BALL, of Rocked“, NJL. vrltee, Jenn Australia forms no small portion of the vast ï¬eld over which the celebrated Thomas Holloway has spread the blessings of his peerless remedies. Their peculiar adapts- tion to the diseases of our climate was dis- covere I at an early day by our shrewd, oh- servant population, and (or years the do. mand for them has increased with ever accelerated rapidity. The heaviest commer- cial houses in England are in the frequent habit of receiving from their correspondents in Sydney, Melbourne. Adelaide. Geelong, and in fact from every port of Australasia. orders for Holloway's Pills and Ointment, and merchants of the Jewish persuasion, proverbially the most cautious of all the mar- cantile community. invest larger sums than any other traders in these popular preparaâ€" tions. They know full well that the mo- ment the shipments arrive out they can be sold at a large advance on invoice prices, and that the market for thorn never is do. pressed- Few persons think of turning their faces towards the gold ï¬elds without a supply. 0t mercurial trealment, ind proves lhel! 3 complete master of ell wrofuoun (lineal-e. A Recent Cure of Wou- Sores. “Some months ago I was troubled will: Iorofuloun sores (ulcers) on m‘y legs. The limbo Were bully swollen and nflamed. and the sores discharged large quantities or offensive matter. Every remedy I tried failed1 until I used Area‘s SARSAPA‘IILPA, nf nvhu-h I l.--.. _..-. ._n.-_ .L‘_, or the Skin, are the direct run“ 01 n impure state of the blood. To cure theee disease. the blood mt be puriï¬ed, and restored to e healthy and up uni condition. Ann's BAuumm he. for over forty years been recognized by enl- nent medical authoriuee u the man you. erlnl blood puriï¬er In existence. 1: tree. the system from all foul humon, enriches end strengthen: the blood, remove. ell trace. lu. Booms, Blotchu, Ringworm. '1!- mon. Ontbnnoloo, Both. and. Imp“.- Ind .11 acrotnloua dimes, Boron. layup.- Township of Eldon. Tun Muncmm‘s Pam-r AND Tun SICK MAN'» Hon. SCROFULA STAPLE ARTICLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. .I. ll. MAHL’IIH‘}. Station Agent Conun’iaslonors. At the plave where they are made ; by doing so you will sax‘: from 10 to 20 per cent. on your purchase“ Don’t be do- ccived by the plausible talk of men who don’t invest a single Dollar among you to assist in our country’s good. WWWWWWWWWWWWWI FARMERS of North Ontarioa I have now a full line of cook stoves and will peisonally visit the Hamilton Toronto Stove Factories during next month to select an immense stock for Fall trade, and would recommend all requiring Stove Repairs or any special make of stove to send in description required at an early date IE? Remember the Place, We are agentsâ€" and are selling large quantities of this wire which is decidedly the cheapest and best in the market. ‘ SEAPERS, MERS, PL©W€L and FANNING MILLS We have a. ï¬ne show in these goods and ask houeékeepers tc call and examine. In this line we have a supply of all the leading colors, readyll for immediate use. No mixing or muddling requiredr Cam do your own Painting. In a few days we receive from the factory a larger supply of this twine and are supplying a great many farmers in this sectlun. Purchased below regular prices. Great variety, Largest stool: in town to select from. Come and get Bargains f EXTRA FINE AND PURE, the best in Market. Is most complete and kept constantly well sup- plied. Prices are extremely low in all lines. â€"Ha.rdwa.re Cheaper Than Ever !-' We have pleasure in announcing to our customers and! Far. mere m General, GREAT BARGAINS IN Harvest Tools, Scythes, Snaths, Hoes. Rakes, Grain Cradles, Spades, Shovels c. A large and well assorted stock to choose from. STOVES. STOVE S. STOVES HARDWARE 8!. STOVE Granite Ware, Preserving Kettles, Saucepans, Teapots, etc. Our Stock of Nails, Hinges, Locks; and Shelf Hardware . BINDING TWINE- The Leading Hardware and Stove Emporium} OF NORTH ON TA RIO. Great Bargains in Harvest Mitts ! Splendid Value in Paris Green ! READY MIXED PAINTS ! Keep your money at home by buying your Buckthorn Wire Fencing; BEAVEHTON JAS. CAM ERON. EMPORI'UM Simcoe Street, Beavert‘on, the