Ax Orilmn in én’quiring with View to lighting um town by electricity. \Yuouvlu: Oz‘mgomen celobnted the 12th Sun-lulu“ this yéu'. Tun iuhnt daughter of Mr. R. Prior, dial on Friday lat. Mn. Suwu 8mm of Muripou (close to the village) died on Fndty morning Int. Hr. Smith has been sick a long time, being subject to epilwtic ï¬ts, during one of which he oxpined. lie was much respected wd Jain {smily lure the nympnhy o! 311 in their aï¬iiotiou. m. Baguins tt McIntym Plior’l, note the following cub prices :â€" 20 lbs Rice .......................... $1 00 20 lbs Buley ........................ l 00 ’0 lbs Raisins .......................... l 00 Ill lbs do .......................... l 00 Hi [In do ......................... l 00 It) lbs Sugar ........ ' ................. l 00 I‘.‘ lbs Grmullted Sagu- ............... l 00 Mr. W. A. (hum. returned from Scot- hm! Int week, looking well and hwty after his journey IONS! the “briny.†QUIEF Street has undergone the ï¬rst thuwugh overhauling it ever received, And now looks decidedly the better therefor. Manse is now We" advmced. The crop in this section wiil be somewhnt light. MRS.BOSS tad daughter Georgina, left for Non Scoti: on Monday hat where a lengthy stay will be made among their numerous friends. We wish them. New amt and health‘ul holiday. I. 0 G. '1‘. Open Temple tomorrow owning.) Fridny.) u good. prognmme is being provided. A leavel headed newspaper man comes down as follOWs :-we presume that some people think that newspaper men are per- uisteut duns; let a farmer place himself in a similar business position and see if he would not do the same: Suppose he raise a orop of one thousand bushels ol‘ wheat, and his neighbour should come to buy a bushel, end the price was only the small sum of two dollars. or less. and the neighbour says, "I will pay you the. sum in a very few days." A: the farmer dou’ t went to be small in the spatter he says “all right" Another comes in the some 'way, out! the whole of" the 0661‘ thousand bushels are gone out to one thous- I and ditferent persons. and not one of the purchasers concerns himself about it, for it is a small amount he owes the farmerland of course that could not help him any. He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away his crop of wheat in little dribbles. and that he is seriously emberrased in his business because his debtors treat itus I. lIttle mutter. But if all would pay him promptly, which they could as well as not, it Would be a very large amount to the fur- Iuer and enable him to carry on his busi- IIess without dilliculty. The above comâ€" parison is too true of the diï¬culties that a ueWspsper man bus to contend with. '- Chenp Millinery. Miss Htrtley will be leaving for holidays in About a week parties desiring Millinery should come 1nd secure cheap goods. McIntyre 8; Prior, \Voodvillc. I‘m: Ontario Presumen this season are arranging to go to the fur weat and Rocky Mountains of the Northern Paciï¬c, The idea, is if possible to take the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Company's steameruito some point on Lake Superior from which the Northern Paciï¬c Railway can be reached oasily. The trip will lost About. two weeks if matters me arranged as intended. 5'- Cheap Munlina. _ch_oap Prints, cheap Drea- Good _ut McIntyre o}. Prior’a Wood- ville. "- Muchine Oil, (10:! Oil And Harvest llita lt McIntyre Prior’s \Voodville. MANITOBA is rejoicing in the arrival of a new class of immigrants. These are none other than caterpillars, which, instead of destroying useful plants mnl vegetablas, conï¬ne their uteention to thistles. The subject is engaging the attention of inspec- tors of noxious weeds. If you are troubled with a â€hacking mugh," Downs’ Elixir will give you relief at uucc. \Varrauwd M recommended or money mfuuded. lm. MCCRIMMON of Kincnrdine has been in town during the week Visiting friends in this vicinity, As well expect life without air, as health without puro blood. Cleanse the blood with Ayer'a Snrsnparilla. arooamue aural mews. Us the 29th, “IL, the wife of Mr. J. Conner, ’l‘hurah of a daughter, DIED. 031 Friday the llth inst. Samuel Smut], limb Cot-evasion Maripoaa, aged 35 years. BIRTHS. Us the 6th inst“, mo wife of 1). Black, Woodvflle, of a daughter. Ox Juno let“. the wife 0‘ Mr. P. Hun-en, 'l'horah. of a daughter. On Friday hunt, llth inst, Victoria, be‘ loved wife of Jan. Duncan, Benetton, aged ; . years. On Saturday the 12m inst†Minnie, in- fant «Innghtur of Alice and Richard Prior, Woulville. aged 5 months 13 day; The Best Dollar Weekly in the County. . o o o n n ----- uuuuuu eeeeee ..... . ..... ...... uuuuuuu ..... ....... ...... ooooo Tho knowing mukot prices are Ouh Quoutiom WOODVILLE MARKETS. Ed! Wham ....................... Sï¬r'ma wn Arunenta heat" yqloy. . . . ............... Butter.i-or lb cssh.......§....: ................. Eggs. per dozen “00!.sz ..................... Pontoon. per bushel .......................... BEAVEBTON MARKETS. Full Who-t... .$0%¢9105 S pring When. . 1 00 Q l N sunset. Wheat†.. 0700075 Buley .. ongooo Outs. ....... . ....... 0309035 Pass . 0.500(1) gutter. perm ........ 01317013 $33!â€!de bias mm. 01903301. 0‘â€th u............91§@91_! Spring When... unmet. Wheat“. Baby.- .. Oats. Pen . gutwr,p:rlbuu trad “ï¬gs. per oxen e. l. per lb ........ Potatoes. per bushel†Apples. per bushel ..... . ....... .....-.. v..- W. Williamson. BUTCHER Ind P03133333 lining purchased the business of Mr. John McKiuuon. Woodn‘llo. my shop will Alwtya be found with 9. full supply of all moon in season. yhjfll iwirllflbe sold at tho invest prime. FOB which will be sold’ it tho invest time. FOR QQSfl-QNIJY. Poujtr): in sqgson. ‘nrtjes 'ifp tat cattle (or we should call on me before sell- H. Logan, The apfln trade is now oponin md those re uiriug a. well-ï¬tting suit should 'cave their on an; at once to avoid the usual rush Buits made and trimmed to order at lowest pticea 11108. â€W'AIIS Proprietor. Fimt‘clnssoccommodation and attentive servant-i Bu well supplied with tho choicest Liquors And Cigars. 'Bus to and from all trains. and every convenience for the travelling public. â€"â€"BEAVERTO.\'â€"- -Tai|ming Establishment !- ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANAâ€"' DIAN, Plain and Fancy TWEEDS, PANTINGS and. WORSTEDS. Ordered Clothing got up in First. Class Style and Finish. Massey Manufacturing Gomp’y, Toronto, MANUFACTURETS 011‘ Self-madam. Reapers. Mowers and Rakes. This ï¬rm build double the number of Machines of any ï¬rm in Canada. Employ 450 men and pay $18,000 per month wages. hnild 9.000 binders and sell them. l.000 mowers short this year. Binders will sll be ï¬eld in three weeks. Runners. don‘t buy from unscrupu- lens agents who sell a few machines to catch a few dollars of yours. who don’t follow or understand their business ; who handle cheap machine: made two or three hundred miles away and who don’t keep repairs. [lemma of Suppers. Also agent for WILKINSHN SYLVESTER‘S and HAMILTON FLOWS. CHAMPION and lIUNl-JY FANNING MILLS. Orders solicited. Y‘ ‘ _ ‘ L\\ B. CAMPBELL. N. B. CA MPBELL ’oodvillo. July Iâ€. Local Markets. JERSEY SUITS ELDON HOUSE, Woonvmm, â€"WOODVILLE, ONT. â€" CLOTHING .' WOOD'V'ILLE- Sole agent. for North Victoria and Ontario Counties for the A Choice Select Stock of McIntyre Prior’sâ€"~ TVVEED Large Stock of BOY’S McINTYRE 8c PRIOR, nmwwnuu u 000000000 .GQQDJQGGG wwwï¬wmmam 000000000 loé use 190 \VOODVILLE . 76 AND A '1“ P. D. MoARTHUR, BEAVERTON. Corner Store. Thelatgesw Best Stuck in town OOOOOOO Mrs. A. Morison’s New Spring Prints and ~Oretonnes.- FARMERS' PHOUUBE TAKEN ll EXOHA'IGE FOR GOODS. BLACK' AND COLORED CASHMERES, MUSLINS. and FA \CY DRESS Wines and Liquors Mourning Prints, Cottons, Quilts, Towels, etc. Woodville. May lst, 1684. meaï¬mï¬s. former! occu lodb John Montana: y gill beyfouud axe NEW GOODS FANCY GOODS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE OPENED MONTHLY AT GOODS. A choice lot of flu removed to the And 3 full stock of Woodvilleu TAKE PAREIGULAR NGTIGE DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Grockery Glassware; BOOTS AND SHOES This is no boast as we intend reducing our stock to its very lowest point. MUST BE SOLD at ANY PRICE by Any Quantity Butter Eggs Waning!!! HARRISON LESLIE, “ The Cheapest Store,†Harvest Mitts, Rakes, Forks,†Prepare for Harvest ! 193’ Pure Paris Green on Hand. 10 Per Cent DiscOunt! GLEAEMEG» Sflflfl ! J mm. 1884 For Harvest Tools ,-â€"Soythes, Rakes Forks, Cradles, Shovels, Hoes etc, etc., call at JOS. CAMPBELL’S, Ordered Work a. Special Discount. HARVEST TOOLS ! SCYTHES, CRADLES and all other Harvest Tools at the GREAT SLAUBHTER SEPTEMBER 1313. If you want argains do not miss this GRAND CHANCE. Positively must. be cleared out Without fail. Now is the time to purchase cheap and ï¬rst-class Boots and Shoes. A positive reduction all round. Give ‘ us a call. ‘ "TI-IE CHEAPEST STORE,â€- BEAVERTON. “Cheap Cash Hardware Store," BEAVERTON, On all Gash Sales Until August 1st. REMEMBER We are offering our entire stock of ROD. CAMPBELL, mefl'vs, Blow/mg Boillé, Ilumors. Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Erysr'pclas, and all diseases arising from Impurc Blood, Derangml Summit, or irrrgular action of the Bozcels. Cures Dizsnwss, Loss of :11mctilc, Imligmtwn, Bilimtsness, Dyspepsia, Jmmdicq. Aflbgqions of ({1}: Ligqr and Kc'Jncys, In Prices. GRAN D Neal- Hamilton House, Beaverton, Ont. ‘IU‘I-tv‘u I By buying your AT- Woodville Tin Shop. At and below cost. “'OODVILLE BOOT AND SHOE STORP: H. WESTOOTT,