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Woodville Advocate (1878), 31 Jul 1884, p. 3

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Ire Velee and new It Wee Apnea-ted by the Aukmeâ€"llervelteue Ilene.- the Built cl Carelel end (Beetle-ed Encoder Training. The old Romene. who conquered eighty- eix ioreign netione. hed rccognieed the eecret ct encoeee when they celled their ermiee enm‘tur, bodice oi drilled or exer- cieed men. Exercise overeomee ell dim. cultiee. end it the power of its influence but iimite. they heve never been emer. telned. It ineuree every victory: prectice, i. a.. exereiee end experience. would eneble e hundred veterene to beet e thou-end recruite. even it the recrnite were better ermed. A brigade oi crdinery riflemen would heve no chence egeinet e regiment of picked erchere. euch ee were employed in wer in middlb egee. - In the London Tower. end in the ermoriee oi Btreeburg. Nuremburg. end Vienne. there ere eeverel coete ct meil thet heve been pierced through end through end evidently by the eeme ehot. Thet ie. the errow hee broken the breeet-plete. peeled through the bod o! the cnireeeier. end .then through e beck-plete. A common rifle. bell rerely penetretee the body of eiiull- grown men. when meiLocete ere gone out o! teehion. During the middle egee it wee the cuetcm o! princes. end even 0! weelth burghere. to keep runners, who follow their cer- ri ee efoot while the horeee were going et in! gellcp. Feet runnere were in greet de- mend. end it perente wented to quelity their children for e poeition c!_ thet eort. the hordshipa or it. - It iroertoinly queer that now-Min a a. 3mm. ahort-loggod dog on easily on the tones! man. It has not been nlwoya 30. Au ostrich prover that two legs oon goon fat as (our: Wont of exercise pro- ,,|, _I_ 2:4! ______ the begun to tnin them from the earliest ohi dhood. and male them undergo u singu- lar opention, nunoly. the roman! of tho nploen. which wu up to hive an in- :flugnoo 0!; the_ vigog ‘L the luau. |.__2-_ _ From the city of Pueblo, in Mexico, A may country roed leede eoroee the hill: to the volley of Amozoo. Eeriy in the morn- ing thet road ie crowded with Itelien huohetere. who entry heevy heehete on their books. They often come from a dietenoe of ten or twelve miles. but meke the trip nt in sharp trot. end without e single atop. Their children trot at their eidee. oer-tying smell bundles or hogs. and thus leern their tredee eo greduelly thet they homily feel the Lifting weights in another excellent lung exercise. There is a story 0! e Grecien Someon. the nthlete Milo of Crotonn, who dny after day carried a cell around the Irene, and gained in strength on cell geine'd' in weight. till he could fluclly curry I. steer. We may doubt it the eteer wen quite lull grown ; but there inno doubt that Dr. Winnhip, of Boston, Mue., prnc. tice‘d with dumb~helle and bngiule of pig iron till he won eble to lift. thmugh only for a moment, the weight of the heevieet steer on the Tense preirle. It is equally certnin thnt before he begun to exercise he wee the unieet student of the medical college. nd it A weekly men 0! modern times could uplift tuoh 3 weight, why ehould not It chumpion oi the Grecian erenc hnve been nble to curry it for n distance 0! hell n mile ? For it connot be denied thct people hove become more uuy since they begun to trnntto gunpow or end etecm inetecd ot 13! short windednens can handily outed by various kinds 0! exercise, especially by mountsm excursions. hnhly eooounte tor the whole diffexenoe. Next to tootbnll, the hvorih some of the English school boys is the some celled? " hue and hounds." In wemhing their men I noticed that for one boy who is too short-legged to_v_vin_. 91; leestfiwelve ere soo short winded. Their lungs give out a long while botorp t_he_ir logs do._ But tint sort In oountriee where they etill rely on the strength of their limbs, u in Turkey. hun- gery end Atghenieten, there are plenty of men eerning their breed by oommon lubor who could utonieh the eo-oelled athletes of eFrenoh oirone. A Turkish porter will shoulder e box which the driver of e New York expreee weggon would heeitete to unload without eeeietmoe. During the Afgheu wer the netive wer- riore carried omnon to e better-y on the top 0! a hill from where the Englieh soldiers were uneble to _oerry them d9_wn_e¢_eir_i. . The foot coldiere of the Turkish Jeni- zeriee hed to drill in full ermor. run, wreetle end even ewim. without removing‘ their iron equipmente. Such e velue did‘ their drill-mentor eet u n the influence oij eerly treining thet ey would never eccept erecrnit o! more then 12 yeere of ego. There cedete were exercieed for is!“ like the cone of the old Bpertene, ore they were eeeigned to ectnel duty, end the reeult wee thet the Jainism... repeetedly heet the ermiel o! ell Wen.“ Europe combined. The encicnt Greeke meneged to trein not only their troopc hot the whole netion by oflering liherel prizee ior proficiency in ell kinds of hodiiy exerciee. such ee running. leeping, upon-throwing. end wrestling. At e dietence o! 60 yerde their epeermen could hit e terget with nnieiling certeinty. Their runnere competed with horeee end greyhounde. It in on record thet the chempion leener oi the Sperten Ilel'otee chumpion Inner 0! we upuflln new“! onoo cloned 52 he}. 9nd 0. mu" 9! Cro- wee-g .â€" I-vv- But the meet wonderful reeulte of life- lonitreiniugereeeen in the eohievemente of t eOrientel eorobete. who oome from oountriee where over-populetion obliged euoh poo letowork mireolee in order to exoel the r numeroue oompetitore. Durin the leet Vienne exhibition e troop o Jepeneee j ere ettreoted ier more ettention then e diepley of their netive ert worhe end menuleoturee. The bed emeeingly olever rope deneere en tumblere. mere hoye name of them. But their belt rlormere where ell - heeded old our}:° my It hed tehen them e life- time of preotiee to mater the diflloultiee of their epeoiel triohe. One of them begen hie periormenee by pnttlu the pelm ol hie left hend upon e box. en elter etretoh- in; out hie loge horizontelly in one direction end hie right erm in the other. he reieed himeeli in e wey thet hie whole weight wee enp‘gorted on the edge oi hie leit hend. Wi out ever touohing the ground with eny other pert oi hie body. he then been to turn on line wriet, elowiy et dret. then more end more qulehl . till hie outetretohed leet whirled eround he the epolree of e hori. zontel fly wheel. The repiditi oi hie motione wee wonderful enough. ut how he oontrived to keep hie belenee would heve I Benedictine Hone-tery et Mellr. on the Doneu. The epieoioue oloietere. rloh dining- hell. well-filled brery. eoienttilo oolleotione. gerdene, perk. the level view end e generoue oolletion reited t eir edmiretion to the utmoet. AI they left enenthueieetio ledy eeid to one of the younger monhe: " You ere in heeven here." He weeequel to the oooeeion. " We ehould be." he re. plied. “ but thet we leek the engele."â€" m at Vienna Letter. Iottlcd. " Do on cell thie e ireeh . medem '2" he eeh . no he turned lrom plete to the lendled "air!" the eeid. in e voiee meent to perelyee him oleer through. " I em no hen. end I do not know. I em eimply e gloor overworked lendledy who ren O 4 be ind eepenue leet month.”-Detm't Fru Prm. inf?“ tho‘poi t r we? W?” n on e n o eom gene ee of iudgmente. numbering between 8.000 end 8.000 in the to. The ewerde, inoluding intereet, will emount to ebout "300.0(1). They will be enbmitted to the 8.03:” of Stete for eertiiioetion within ew vâ€"â€"- â€"v__ -â€" tonofin‘ Southgffi VIE-47. ”on 765 foot. ,AIA_ A EXERCISE. of ii pnul'oqpobmmhol mum-antic The next performer hed In etteudent whqheld e tin hex by e leether etrep. end ewung it elcwly to end fro like the pendu- lumcl elemeeloch. In theceutreot the‘ hoxweeelerge hole ehcut en inchend en hell. but oertelnly not more then two inche'e. in diameter. The junior etepped heck to e dietenoe oi ehout twenty yerde end begun to throw little copper elle et the tin box. The llret hell wee ceught by the ettendeut. who thereupon rueed the ho: e couple 0! inchel. but continued to owing it to end fro. The eecoud. third end ell lollowing belle went etreiaht through the nerrcw eperture without ever touching ithe rim oi the hole. He threw ehout forty of them. end then retired emldet the pro- longed eppleuee c! the whole eudienoe. tor this time everybody could eppreeiete the mireoulcue cleverne- c!_ the trick. But the chempion of the bend eeme leet His whole outfit coneieted of e etreight wooden pole. ebaut ten feet long. end herdly three inches in diameter. It wee out of! eqnere at each end. end did not‘ seem to be very heevy. This pole the jnggler pleeed upright on the level enrfeor ofewooden board. tried the boerd with hie feet to see thet it did not eheke. then proceeded to climb the pole. He olembered np end down some ten or twelve times in quick eneceeeion. He then eseended to the very top. eeinedit with hie bends. let go hiefeet. end went spinning eronnd in e circle. till it mede one giddy to look et him. Bye sudden eontreo on of his body. he then joined his feet et the top of the pole. let so his hende end slowly reised himself till he stood bolt upright like e etetne on e piller. All this while the iller hed no other support but e fist en hoerd. end wee belenoed entirely by the menegement of the etetne. One of the spectetors. en expert Ameri- cen gymnest. got permieeion to on the etege end exemine the le. He ooked at the lower end. took e hoerd. looked et the floor below. en then mined the board Itself. It wes nothing but e piece of pine wood. ,- .. . . ,,,,,e-e_ sense 1’ _-I.-3 'câ€"- u '__- " Well. how do you uphill it ‘1 " I uked him when he came bunk. “ I can’t believe in witohordt," he uttered, “ so I don't know 9. all yum 69 sq want it." ‘ “After the performenee won over the jugglere distributed little nerds. showing the portreitl of their ohempione. and their prin 'pel exploits. Like ell Jepeneee ' turee, the drewinge were mode by bend. t resembled eeoh other no eloeel ea printe from the some eteel plate. ey were worth keeping. for both the [abject end the wor‘kxâ€"nusnshi illustrated the wonderful influence of exexcise. It is e misteke. seys the London World, to suppose thet the Queen enjoys e holidey during her spring visit to Belmorel. Ex- eetly' the sums emount of business is trenseoted es when her Mejeety is at Windsor. A messenger with e huge seek of boxes end begs 1s despetehed from Buokinghem Peleoe three deyse week. end irom Whitehsll on the elternete deys. He leevee King's Cross et 10.80 in the morn- ing, end errivee et Aberdeen et 3 the next morning. going on et once to Belleter by the specie! “ messenger" trein. which is run on the Deeu'de line when the court is: in Bootlend. end which elso oonve s the supplies of ereem, butter, fruit en vege- tebles which ere sent to the Queen every dey from Frogmore. The messenger reeehes Belmorel shout 7. end remeine there till eerly in the etternoon of the following dey. when he sterts with enother leed to eeteh the trein leeving Aberdeen et 440. whiohbringe him to Euston Bquere et 8 the next morning. As e rule. the Queen end Sir Henry Ponsonby ere kept herd et work from 9.80 to 1. Her Mejesty usuelly breehteste et 8.30 in Bootlend. in order to heve time for e turn in the gerdene before going to business. The Pepuens o! the Meley eoest of New Guinea. ere represented by the Russien ex- plorer. Dr. Mlklueho Keeley. es being in the most primitive stsge. They ero wholly uneequeinted with metels, end meke their weepons of stone. honee. end wood. The do not know howto stert e fire. thong: fire in in use emong them. When the treveller esked them how they mede efire. they could not understend his queetion,hut they erded it es very stunning. end enswe them when e person‘s fire went out he got some of enenghbor, end, it ell the fires in the villege should go out. they would get it lrom the next vinege. Some of the netives represented thet their tethers end grendlethere hed told them thet they remembered s time, or hed heerd from their eneeetors thet there wee s time, when fire wes not known, end ever thin wee esten rew. The netivee of the euth- ern eoest of New Gaines, heving no iron. sheve themselves now with e ieoe of glese. Formerly they sheved th flint. which they could eherpen quite well. end used with ooneidereble dexterity.â€"From Popular Science Monthly for Auguu. The monk doee not elweye cone to be 5 men. The membere of en ornithological congreee thet wee letely held ct Viennn vieited. with their wives. the wenlthy Benedictine Monutery st Melk. on the Bonn. The aficion- cloletere. rich dining- hnll. well-filled bury. ecienttflc collections, gnrdene, port. the level view and n generous colletion rel-ed t eir ndmlrntlon to the ntmoet. Al they left on enthneinetic ledy sold to one o! the younger monks: “ You ere ln heeven here." He wee equel to the occnelon. “ We ehonld be," he re- plied. "hnt thet we look the angels."â€" M 0 Vienna Letter. " Do on coll this 3 Inch . modom '2" be out . u be turned tram ploh to tho undid-L. " 8|: 1" o add. in o voioo moons to porolyu him olou' through. " I on no hon. and I do not know. I on 31:13pr o Koo: ovomrhd luunody who no I 4 be {mi upon-u 1m month."-Detm't Fru Prm. .u.......-___-,--_- v ~ ~- , u of indmonb. numboring Damn 2,000 and 8.000 In 010m... The nwudn, Including inmost. will amount no than! 02,700.00). jg», at“! be {nymigud to tho . .onl, L, A People Who Cannot nuke Ill-c. A and Working Queen. The ale-k Bull 3 an. :5 [emu Inlet ad 40 Ioudol though a mum to u mun Inn-n. ALondon oeblegreln eeye: A terrible eccident occurred this morning to the ex reee trein on the Menoheeter a she!- do d Reilwey. The trein eterted ell right with e e number of peeeengere end wee going et igh epeed when the exle of the engine broke neer Pennieton. Thu is e smell merket town on the river Don. in the Weet riding of York. end ie epproeched by e bridge over the.river. When the exle broke. the e no Jumped the treck end dregged sever cerriegee etter it tothe ‘river below. The eoene wee one of terrible confueion. end the oriee for help of the peeeengere who were wedged in the broken oerrlegee were heert-rending. Aniotenoe wee et onoe obteined from the town. end thoee who eurvived the oreeh. together with the wounded. were got out. Twenty-five pereone were killed end forty were injured. meny of them very eeriouely. A gene of workmen wee et once eet to work end the interruption to tremo wee elight. To-chlnx India-II In Their Experienc- BA Ethiohnl! (NflGdJ ldoepeteh (my: ergeant ng.o the tee y ty.ueye e end Breinerd were the them hen- the whiaflea of the rescuing gunners. They gg!ped_eeeh other» egeyl cult of the tent , ‘IA_._4_L .. When Long fit Olen of the enteuglement of the tent. w '01: bed been swept to the ground. he role with greet difficulty end succeeded in olemboring upto erook. Long reoognmed the epproeoh o! the resonate. He oeme down. went towerds the oemp. guinea afieg pgle and gas w-hioh bed been ‘I‘QRA blown down during the sole end held it for ebont two minntee. until hie strength geve cut, end it was blown once more to the ground. He then edvmced, tottering in the direction of the little etenmcr. and in as few minutee the bend of Geptnin Ash hed grouped hie. licorice Council. who is etill exceedingly weak. eteted thet for some days after hie reeone ho hnd no recollection of nnything thet occurred. He did not hear the nwskening scream of the whistle. When his ocmrsdee shook him up from his prostrntc position in the comp and told him suocor wss st head, he excisimed. "For God's sske let me die in peace." A tecspoonful of brandy culled buck the fleeting lite spark. for Con- nell could not hove survived more thm s few hours. “The story told by Connell from his recol- leotion of their starving experience ie eimply heertrending. How they burned heir of! their eeelekin eoete end cut them into stripe. boiled them into stew, end ete vomionely of them till their etemeehe rebelled end neneee and weakness ensued. The diflioulty of keeping heat in the body we very greet. The rule of the camp wee to permit no one to sleep longer then two hours. He was then ewekened roughly and called upon to ehoke himself, bent his hende end pound his feet until he reetored circulation. This wee found ebeolutely geoe‘genry to prevent torpor or possible en . The survivors are ell doing well. but etill week from nervous proetretion. Sergt. Frederick reletee mournlully the tragic story of the end death on the ice. icovered ground of George Rice. the ertiet ,S,_;_I. of the expedition. Rice and Frederick volunteered to leave the comp and proceed 25 miles for meet cached near Cope In- belle. They bed 3 elcd. rifle and hetehet, with provisions for five deyc. They trov- elled three deye. hut toiled to find the cache. On the wey towerde their camp Rice become week end finelly geve up. Frederick cemped that n t under I trog- ment of e boot. and next ey revisited his compenicn to pny his last tribute to his remeine. Frederick reteined sufficient strength to drag hook the lied to cemp, where he encountered more woe in form of the death of Lien. Lockwood end enother A CRASH INTO A DEEP RIVER. ot- the party. BLACK SKIN AND GOLDEN 003148. The Be-nrhlble em 01 .- Only Child. A Cleveland. Ohio. deepetch eeye: The a etrenge eight of e girl with golden curl- reeohrng necrly to her weiet. end yet with ekin cc leek no ebony.wee preeented in thie city yeeterdey. on the crrivel o! e petty of three. who stopped over on their wcy out. This trech of netnre ie the only child of e hmily nemed Mo en. reeidente o! Phile- delphie. Until wi in n short time she wee noted for her beauty. and moved in the beet circlee of eooiety. It was finelly die- coVered than for some time ehe had been en hehitnel neenio enter. Ste? were teken ‘to overcome the unnetnrel chit. shortly otter which ehe become eerionely ill, and for e long time her life wee deepeired of. Upon her recovery e remcrkelne chenge in her complexion wee noticed. Dork. yellow ggote hegen_to chow them-elven on her face. ,,9 A,,,__ x__|___ T'heee ropidly enended end grew duker. until she ween bleak en en Ethiopien. The thin on the body, not exposed to me oh. however. roman: yellow. The one Mod the phyeioienl. and t trip to the Hot Spun wee edvioed. She won token wither by _91' (Haunted perente, 1111330 no Enrpoeo. They are now on the we home. he young Indy in otherwise in heeleh. but in. however. morbidly sensitive. end he isoleted herself from m wofld. telne- ing to see even her man intimnte lriende. She won closely veiled end “weed no utenfion unul on nooudensel glenoe dil- covered ‘he phenomenon. A Montreal telegram aye: Severe] of :1“ 113mm. ouree mane of 8:. 1:333 e nopre ere Among t e . pilgrim! wyo“ rernmed yeetle‘rdey. m- , ,II _‘.__A_ A AL- LA. vino-lluâ€" vvâ€"v ---._._-.. $113.!“ Russell ”‘32" Ontfuho had 0 or u m an w inonnbln nexu- border. was our!“ 01’: 5 oh“: to the , Ihrina on Tue-d”, and I- now In full pone-lion of looomofln pawn. The romolndor of tho Tutti-h Minuet: oi Aldous hon mntinhd and boon alarmed. Tho tin .loodon hon boon com to Oolro. It to ho out! the innuendo! Turk- ml hon tomonhd tho n10“, ond tho (“Into 0 sho H061: to provont the on‘brool is con. ddorod muons. mum Illlalfl CHM. Tlll BXPLOBIBS. Cited at a Elmo. A Pet lellne Rule ller Ill-tron b! lilting Ilen- Thu-b. A despetoh lrom New London. Oonn., seys: The wife of Ce t. Oleve Geer. o! Groton. one o! the best own meriners in this port. died lest week from u out bite. The women was ourying the ost eboerd her huebend'e vessel when the teline buried its teeth in her thumb. The sun become efi'eoted end swelled to twice its netnrel size. Mire.Geer snflered greet ' until the timeot her deeth. Ohules otter. of this city. is now sfllieted with trouble simi- ler to thet which Mre. Greer died of. He wee bitten by e est on Snndsy. end tor three or four days snfiered terrible pun. His arm wes badly swollen. but utter Thnredey he seemed to obtain relief end to be recovering from his efilietion. It is said to-dey_the_t_ the “gelling he: eppeered ‘egein md Mr.1’otter u in we dame oonduion thus he was when first bitmn. uwnuua .301“! mun. 34‘"? 40?. “It .‘ntâ€" _ no Ante-m by an Artifice to Glen. Insurance Con-mes. A Bedding, Ie., report says: There is great excitement here over the finding 01‘ the dead body of a man in the ethos of Dr. ‘ Eli Qnigley. A fire was discovered in the doctor's ofilce this morning and the partially burned body of a dead man was tonnd on a cot. which was ablaze. At first it was thought to be Qnigley. but on examination is proved to be the headless trunk of the partly decomposed body of a man named Lynch, who died and was buried in J nne. Investigation revealed the fact that Qnigley had disappeared and that he had an insurance policy on his life for 31.000 in the Northern Mutual. of Milwau- ‘kee. and 06,000 in Barker's Association both taken out within a year. The conclu- sion is, Lynch’s grave was robbed, hie body placed in the office, and the mises fired in furtherance o! Qnigley'sec ems to swindle the insurance companies. A gentlemen in Berrie hee hed ten hoye‘ employed eeverel monthe this eeeeon m ‘ eetehing frogs in the mereh et Hollend Lending. The frogs ere prepered end shipped to Detroit. Chicago, end other lerge Amerioen entiee. where there in e greet de- mend for them. The frogs ere sent from the Hollend mereh to Berrie hy the thou- eende, where the legs ere out off. skinned. end rent eoroee ihe line. bringing ee high ee 40 oente r pound. They ere served in hotels en reetenrente. end ere regerded there ee e greet delicacy, heving, when properly cooked, a. flevor eomewhee eimiler to epring ehiphene. thon_g_h they ere more tonic! and dolioioun. The boys who ouch the frogs use a piece of red fignnel all u common fish hook. and some of them muse .- much as from $3 to“ a washboing puid no much per hundred hogs. Does not conduct a select school, yet her‘ charges for tuition are eeldom small. The training im ted has current value every-‘ where, and or this reason she can demand arhltnry compliance with her wishee. One of her appreciated maxims is to get the best vslue for your money you can. Shun the interior or dangerous, even it cheep. Theretore don't buy substitutes for that invsluahle article â€" Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. the always sure. sale snd nlese corn remedy. Putnam's never! s. in psinlees. prom t and certain. Beware of substitutes. 80 d everywhere by dtugiste and county deelers. Take. tuber thun give, the tone of the oompmy you no in. It you hive pun. you will . ghqw “11m,“ more or loan. up on ,I,___~ _AA _-_ over aubj not md 11 you hove not. 'you “or all: sillily upon 3 subject of other pooplo' a “In your own choosing.â€" Chesterfield. 'Polson’s Nssvxmm: cures fistnlsnoe. chills snd spssms. Nerviline onres vomiting, disrrhaas, oholers. sud dysentery. Nervi- iins onres hesdsehe. see sickness sud summer oomglsins. Nerviiine onres neurslfls,.toothsehe. Inmbsgo. snd seisfies. Noni! eenres sprsins. bruises. cuts, as. Poison's Nerviiine is the best remedy in the world. snd only eosss 10 end 25 cents to try is. Ssmple sud lsrge bottles st sny drug store. Try Poison's Nerviiine. don’s mind man; you of! a any now nnd than to “and you: grandhthor'n tnnonl. km 1 think you and“ so hue the courtesy to and n low of the fill: round to my â€"'.l‘he question whether young women shell pursue the some line oi studies on their brothers. seems to and it: ehiei objection in thei: Meant physio“ constitution. Arguments on this subject see any hsndied on both sides; but the perfect - sptetion 0! Hrs. Pinhhsm's Vegetable Compound to the cure of nilments sttending the feminine orgenism neode no srgnment; its works no its proot. "Beckett." ho add go 1:}: clerk. "g A SWINDLING DOCTOR. Emu-I ol In”. Dune Impede-cc Nerve Pull: Cure. For all of “non Pal-{III Couplslnu ' ‘ \Velkueuo- so common to our boat ' ‘ . ' ' .FEMALE POPULATIONo. . .1. Ir mu. CUR! nmanr 11!: wow you by nu Coxrum'rs. Au. Ounun “mums,- ruxxuxox AND ULCIRATION. Fume um rucnxzm. nu) I'll! commune-r 8mm. W um. AND 18 Pun-murmur mm") to Canaan or Luvs. ' . * . . . ‘9: ‘ 11' WILL mason": AND IXPIL Tuxons non 1' Urnws IN AN mun anus or nnvnwrnm. nxnnxcx’mCAxcanovs llunona rumuc VIBY urn-mum BY m; not. . * . 0 'I If nnxovxs mexxss. Fun-unmet. n3: ALL cmvma rou snuuuuu. ANDleVlI W ruse or run Swansea. 1-: cm: Emu-ma, ll Acul. anv 0113 Pnosnu-nox, sznm Juana-1'!q DRPBEBSION AND lsmolsnox. . ' . D . ' Tun rzxuxu or Bnnmo Down. cumxo P Wllolfl' um BACKACHB, IS ALWAYS .rmmm cmnnvlrsuu. . " . ' . 9 0 ; ' I-rwru. A1- Au. nus mm mm Au. antenna “Axons Am 1x uAnxoxY wrrn 'mn uw- flnr' ‘oomx Till rerun: “or“. . '. j 0 .- * a-I-rs mums: ls SOLELY mnmuerrmg we or man“): no 1m: mm:- or am, , mm- 11‘ Dons ALL 11 CLAIXS To no. mouuxna or mum on ounu rum-m. ‘3 . i . ,, O, ‘ a, Fon ml can: or 11!)an COM In 311an aux 'ruxs null»! 13 unaunnaaxn. ' E 0 LYDIA E. PINXHAX‘B VEGETABLE comm h panned “Lynn,“ Pfloou. subdue-tor“ MWafldrumMc. BenthymflLWpd¢mtmn of Pub or Image- on receipfi of ”Mum's. Putnam’s “Guide to Health" will bomnllod freeman! lady sending sump. Letter: confidentially mm ‘ No fan!) should be without LYDIA E. PiNmAa LIVER PIKE. They cure Constipnn :1 limo usua- Torpidnlty of the “var. ”coma pl‘r lm .~ 0 . BER-MinaJ v; z T a... E CTRO-VOL'I‘AIC BELT nnd'ul'. r Bunnie Amaucrs am sent on an Drys'Trlal T0 HEN ONLY YOUNG Oil 0[.D,-wlrn'-m‘e tuner- W from zuvocs “MTV. Lom- anufl, Asnxo anxrssu. d all those dlsonseaot I PERSONAL NATUREk resulting irom Awgm ind 0mm Owns. peed relief and compleu restoration to Rum: “con. and MAKIIOOD Gunman. Send 3‘ once (or Illustrated ljgmphle} trio. _Ad1i_reu _ m Von'umo Bnm' 00.. of limbs". am. one: to and ihoir oolobnud Dunno-Verna” Bm had other Exam-mo Amman on tall for thirtldnyl. to men (young or old) mum with among debility. IDII of vlwlty and m- hood. sud all kindred troubles. Also to: than mutiun. nouulfis. palm. 3nd mun 00h.- dilouu. Comp at. meantlon to bed . view ad mnhood financed. No risk II mom-rd uthirty a.” n in Allowed. Wm. them u once for mum punphlot mo. ' VBffiéié'Bhlfijd'd: Marshall..Mich. 30 DAYS" Tm AL 0 .‘ éfi' -) \ I .\~. . ‘ "It“ “mm um count, HAMILTON. CANADA. Will reopen on September and. 1884. It in the oldeenndl enhedlee'coll lntheDominien nee over 1 firednetee. e building eoet 0110.000 end hue over 150 rooms. Funnyâ€"Flee gentlemen and Iwelve ledlee. Mnele end An speculum. Addnu the Principe], A. BURNS. D.D., LIED. U B. 8., Mum on the In. In Ind Thin“ Trinity Hodion College. Toromo. Denim“! Latin to tho Toronto Gonml Bocpihlgnn gllnlggL Lat-um) lion! Ipndon Ophghugno (IAâ€"Aâ€" Loss of A ppetite, - Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness,' ’ Sick Headache and Biliousness. éfiiixiiquumm Ra Bolpihl. looronold’l Throat sud In Hot] non not moon with I I and alumni wor‘k’to magma human; “r to 8 Ad” «my “a am!) ”We, work no null; no a I!" m8 men's udduu nnm 15m um. d' I hit. Penn. ma. :6. par homo. Sold by .1: Drunken. ANTED, LADIES OB YOUNG “on n «E, or country «3 his 3109,!“ 'DYSPEPSIA. I GIIBE “Ts! When I my tug-o I uq Inn: mn-n merely tn nap ! on W. ___:.. m.-- .m - v â€" â€" .â€" When an cure I do hm mun umnly to non Wain u “no And I on have them remrn again. I mean | en euro. lhuvo undo mo dlwaso of HTS SP". or “Luna sxcxussan 1m lung may. 1’ "mm-q -- r ”A A .- um...“- mlmn hav- tamed! to can the un- fsllod nno ton-nu for u once for 3 "amino nu tom-(11.01" Bxpmu ‘ 30min" for uml. {Ind I “mm: mm lâ€"BIAD Tins. EYE. EAR IND THROAT. .B. o. s. Bm'fi'sonLLfn’Qtr. _ -. a, Hooronola‘i' “Id 005i“ M .9 mg! lug gag-mu. 811 Church am D. O N. In 31- 8‘. ma. 0min“ 'mms“:l .. .... 'IIA‘). h m I Baum ox 9W5 . a z 5 suwn-nnr‘ .mi " I ramming :- or run, . rnouuxno or § . O r .3 20mm“ I: wanna. ' . --â€"c

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