NDER and by virtuefof a power 6! sale con~ tamed in a. certain Mortgage, which said [onstage has been assigned to the vendor, and rhich will be produced at. the time of sale. there \ will be sold by public auction on I twp o_'_cloc_sk i}; tho A1t9rqoon_p_y_ Archibald nmpbell, Auctioneer. at the Eldon House. ’oodville, lot 16. on the south side of King cat, in the saldRVillago, said lot being more ticnlzu'ly described in the sold Mortgsge and eigument. Where in now erected upon the land {rammbuildlng now used use. butcher shop (I dwelling house. There is also. upon the amines a good stable. Conditions of sale are as follows :â€"â€"'l\m per nt. of the purohose money at time of sale. mcient themwnth to make one-third o! the rchaae money within ten days from [sale and e ballnnce in thirty do a from sale mth inter- : at Eight. per cent: thencondltions made own at time of sale. For further particulars apply to ' MMIEnMA'GEanY." I59 “'08! 1283.11 SL, 50W York, May 16, 1882. “ I have IF!“ AYER'B CHERRY PECTORAJ. u my fungi y for svveml gems, and do not simtc tn pronounce it. the most effectual ngngdy for coughs and colds we have ever a tried. ' V 'A. J. CRAxE." Luke Crystal, Minn, March 18, 1682. " l sutl‘ered for eight years from Bronchitis. and urn-r trying mnnv remedies with no suc- new, I was cnn-d by the use of Avnn's Curta- Iu’ PEPTIDRAL. Joann-n Wawax." Byhulia, Miss., April 5, 1882. "I cannot say enough in praise of AYHR’S Cunmu' l'rw'ronruq holievin as I do that but for its use 1 should longs nee have died from lung troubles._ l. BnAuDos." Palestine, Texas, April 22. 1882. fl No case of an attention of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatlyrelieved~ by the use of Avnn'a CHERRY I’ECTORAL, and It will always cure when the disease a not already beyond the control of medicine. ’ " ’ iliiixiés‘ Fminnoruzs." Buckingham \‘t., July 15, 1882. Group. »--A Mother's 'h‘lbute. “ While in the cuumry last winter my llllll boy. three yearsuldï¬nu taken Ill will) croup; it seemed as if he Would die from strangu- lation. Uno’of the family suggested the use of Anzu'n Clmunv lawman. a bottle 01 which was always kept. In the o c. This was trial In small and frequent ones, and to our dallght in less than half an ; 'Iur the little mtleut was breathing ensfly. The doc- tor and that the Cumun' Pl-Lt‘TOBAL had saved my durllug‘s life. Can you wonder us our gratitude? Sincerely mum, tn...» I‘M... . nnh‘vn‘y n COUNTY OF VICTORIA. TOTICE ia lifeby ivmi that I have trunn- \ mittml or do ivefm to the persona momma. i in the :3rd and 4th sections of the Vofers‘ List. :1. the copies required by said section to he no nnsmitmdm‘ delivered of the List. made per- Ilnt to mid Act of all persons appearing by the traviscd ausossinent roll of the said munici- lit)‘ to be entitled to vote in the said mimici~ lity My olmztluns for members of the Legislative $01“le mu! at Municipal Eler‘ï¬ions. and that in list was ï¬rst posted up in my ofï¬ce. at Lorno~ le, on Tm-sdnv. July 29th, 1884. and remniuh era for im‘peetluu. Electors are called upon examine the mid list, and if any omissions or her error-e nrefoimd tlignein. to take immedi- my lungs. ’1 hnzl n tvrrihlu cuixgh' unarmed night. alter hi In without. slevp. File 1 actors gave me up. tried Anm'a Cunuv Puc- 'I'UIIAL, which mllcwd my lungs, induced sleep and Inform-d me the rest necmry tor the recovery of m strength. By the continued- use of the "-110me a perma- nent. cure was en‘ecwl. l mu now 63 your. uhl, huh: and huarty, and am satisï¬ed 30‘! nun-zany PECTUIIAL Hu'ed mo. vrm-(mdinga to have tha minié Eoâ€"r;c;:-t_c-(Il. N ing to law. )Med this 20"!) day 0' July, .L 1).. 18%|. JNO. A. JACKHON. Clerk of Municipality. No other complrtlnui ore so insidious in the. “lack an tho-so uflectlng the throat and lungs: none 50 "ï¬lled with by the majority of antler- eu. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trltilng or uncouwiouu 0b “more, is often but the beginning of a fatal eicknosa. Avnn'u Cutsmtv Dacron“. hu well woven-its omen-y in n forty years' Huh with throat and lungdigensco, and should b0 taken in all clues without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. ‘_‘ in 1957 14‘5â€â€œ. it ncvcrocold, which {affected PREPARED BY Dr.J. C.Ayerco., Lowell, Man. Sold by nll Drugsiou. ‘uesday, August 26th, 1884. 'O'I‘lCEl- hereby Man that. I have trans- “ch nrdoliverm tobhu persons mention- 0 :er and uh sections of the Voten' List the mph-t: re nirod by mid suction to be so unarmed ord harm! of cho mm made per- mt to MM Act of all pormna Appearing by the t revised umsamont rollof am said munici- My to be outmod to votoin the sold municipali- t olccuuns for members of the Loginluivo An- ably and M .‘lunlci nl Mentions. and that I list was ï¬rst poakx main my omca At BM- Inn. on 'l‘hursdny..lnly m, um, and running to for! éMon. Electors gro collml upon mmln he said "at. and it any ommlniunn that more on team! thmln, to uko im- lMo pro odinal to have on name corrected (walla-1m LII, Jed at Canninglon. July 2m, 1884. Him a! Woodvmc. Voters’L1s131884 cnicipamy of Thanh! COUNTY OF ONTARIO idlnï¬ to hm. ' thud mu Bth duy of JuIy, A. 1).. HEIGIPALI‘IYOP ELDON Village Property ‘ORTGAGE SALE ’oters’ List 1884 r. A Y E R’ S lharry Pectoral. GEORGE IMI‘ 1...,k ‘ A. J. SINCLAIR, Vendor’s Solicitor. 33 II" B. Chit JIImMEIItyj IN THE Lonmvmo, 0M. . Nmofl. BLACK 00.; B a. 11116 1‘ s Inditshrnnchemuudnll â€tints in Canada and the Untied States. American currency Interwt allowed on deposits at the mm of s por cent. Notes mum-ted at lowest rates. (Dulce flours. I0 3. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday» 10 u m («in nu. A Good Supply of fresh Bread ‘ and Buns on Hand. ' wï¬vmnmm‘, 0331‘. W_-â€". MQMEY TQ LQAN Mam Street. North End of Bridge. FOR BARGAINS IN Full Cloths, coarse and ï¬ne, Tweeds,’ Flannels, Highest Price Paid for W001. R. W. NEWSON, ‘ _ BAKER; _ Crash: Solicited and I’rothly Supplied. Terms Cash. Call at (he Ba 'ery and see us. Our J ebbing Eï¬tablishment ai Complete. Stocking Yam, Cottonades, Shirt- lngs, Winceys ac. One of the above will be at the Hamilton House, Beavertou, on the Second Monday of each month. He will also visit Woodville on the Second Tucs- gage?! each month. stopping at the Queen's o . J..NEELAHDR, L.D.S. 1 4'08. PENTLAND, L.D.S. Drain Tile a Speéialty B. MAD] LL. Manager, and Prelnptlâ€"y Exevcuted. - ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Beauerton Lumber Yard Brick __ and Fang-w Harness Maker, Saddler» c. Allki1‘1d_s of quail'ing Neatly Agent for the Iondon and Ontnrlo Insem- uu-nt (‘ompmu . BRICK YAR!) AND BQTTERY. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. LUMBER, SIIINGLES, and LAT“ Single or Double Buggy or Waggon Hmness Comma, Halters, Whips. Curry Combs, Brushes, Trunks. Valises. Ind all kinda of Homo Funk-minus. A ï¬rst-mass Painter Woodï¬lle. May 90, 1884. BEST MATERIALS AND “'ORKMANâ€" SHIP EMPLOYED. J. BERRI‘E’S . -Woodville Bakery !'. FIFTY RIBS T0 GHOZSE'FRDM HA VING 53’ 1TH: I’A lR'I‘MEN'l‘. WOODVII Lowest Living Prices. P. G. CAMPBELL, Campbell’s Cauiage kas‘! Best] Bread in the Counh'. -â€"â€"-McLe_od‘s Old Stand, WOODYIIILErâ€"I- ' CALL AT THE . Beaver-ton Waollen Mill, Tile! mnnnlocturod from two to at: inch"! on good security. Drafts issued upon the CUSTOM CARDIXG. SPINVI N6. “'EA-V ING c. DONE AT SHORT \‘O'l‘IxB JAMES SWEAWQ. SPECIAL RAW IN (SAC to... I10?! 10 All. POINTS. l’roctor's Brick Block. mu door east 0!: Town Hull NEELANDS Jr. PENTLAND 01) hand. Ropaiuting and Repairing at. Dominion Bank at Canada. 0131] kinds and qualities on hnn‘d. DENTISTS, 1th, llndaly, Ont. . G. 3?“ “EQU'NSGa Should call at the above works. -WOODVILLE, ONT. ' o! Bvory description Any one wanting a flnbclasa ~ESTABLI§IIBD 1856 - ESTABLISHED 1870. States. Amorlcan currency bought and sold. .LE HARD .L’ESS SHOP ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANA- DIAN,‘ Plain and Fancy . TWEEDS, PANTINGS g and WORSTEDS. IE? Pure Paris Green on Hand. 10 Per Cent Discount! This ï¬rm hnihl «lnnhlc the number of Machines of any ï¬rm in Canada. Employ 450 men and pay “8,01“ per month Wages, lmihl 2,009 binders and sell them. 1,000 mowors short. this yuan. Binders will'all he sclcl in three; weeks. Farmers, don't buy from unscrupu- lous agents who sell a fcw machines to catch a low dollars of yours. who don't Sollow or understand their business ; who handle cheap machines made him or three hundred miles away and who don‘t keep repairs. Beware of Su‘ppers. Also agent for WILK INSUN . SYLVI’ISTEIL’S and HA MILTON FLOWS, CHAMPION and HUN EY FANS [N0 MILLS. Orders coliciiod. ‘ ' " l N- B. CAMPBELL, gayest Mitts, Rakes, Forks, June. 1884 Massey Manufacturing Gomp’ y, Toronto, M ANUFACTURETS OF 891121311119“, Beapam, Mawars agd 1531mm For the Fruit season we have Pleselving Kettles, “ Gem’ J are, (118th W81,†.l‘inwzue, Bless Kettles (SEC. Ordered Work a; Special Discount. Ordered Clothing got up in First- ' Class Style and Finish. ‘ N. B. CAMPBELL Prepare For Harvest! SCYTHES, CRADLES and all other Harves Tools at the Now is the time to purchaée "cheap and ï¬rat-claiss ‘ Boots and Shoes. ~ A positive i‘eductipn all round. Give ’ us a. call. “Cheap Cash Hardware Store,“ I BEAVVERTON. , ‘ On all Gash Sales Until August lst. WOOD'V'ILLE- Sula agent. for North Victoria and Ontario Counties for (he A Choice Select Stock of McIntyre Prior’é rMoINTY-RE PRIOR, . ROD. CAMPBELL, Large Stock of BOY’S TW’EED Cures Dizzmess, Loss of Appetite, Imligcstwn, Rilionsncsa, Dyspcmla, Jamdic'c. Ajfections of the Liver and K {3230313, Pimplea, Blow/m, Bails, Ilumors. Salt Rheum, Scmfukl. Erysipewa, and all diseases arising (1mm Impure Blood, Dcranged Stomach, or irregular (wt on of the Bowls. WOODVILLE. Byvbuying your .A T. WOODVILLE [3001‘ AND SHOE STORE H. WESTCOTT, Wood'villo, ELDON HOUSE, Woouvums, 'l‘llos. EDWARDS Proprietor. First-classnqummodntiouundattontivo savantu Bur well supplied with tho choicest Liquors null Cigars. 'Bus tu nud "our all trains. and every couvouieucu for the travelling public. w. Williamson. BUTCHER and Penman msn 0mm. Poul«rs-'ui'B‘enkdin‘." t"'{:‘i§é 'w‘r'v'v; lfgtrcn‘ttlo for :1qu should call on me buforo bell- ilig. ' NOTICE. liqviug pufchmul tho business of Mr. John McKuxuou. “mulnlle, my shnp will alwsys ho lou_nd wit): a full ~umply of all meats in uamn. Winch wnll “â€ï¬'fl‘l Mime lnwost yrites, For. n n on (\va \- Thelargestlï¬ Best Slack In town IIIIIII Mrs. A. Morison’s Néw Spring Prints ‘ and . ~â€"Cretonnes.- Corner Store. “'oodville. May 1st, 1884 Cards not. exceeding one inch. 85.00pm" nnnnm. Transient advertisements 9cm er line lst insertion Rots. per line each an isequent in- nvrtinu. nmnmred by n scale of nunpariel, Orrwnâ€" McKinnon'a Store. Beaverton. Ont‘ Sunscmr'rlos :--$l.00 per nnnum, m ad- vance, or $1.50 if not so paid. AIIVEBTISING QATES. fcohtmn, l ygmr ......... ....... 8|? 00 Jane M ‘56, BLACK AV†COLORED (HSIHIERES, \IUSLINS. and 1“A\CY DRESS (‘ UODS. A choice lot of Fall and Spring Mar/let. 10,000 APPLE AND . PLUM TREES, Prime Varieties and true to Name. Piqaqunll and examine Stock. AGENTS: Markham\ 'uraery .July 1884 Ornca : â€"Kmu ï¬rnsm, Woobvxun. 721110 Eljtzwcrtmt (Expat-:3; slarkham Nursery-l- WELL GROWN, HARDY h the cannon In now open I Am pmpuo) to do uALL KINDS OF â€" lithe eit’nutlrillc gamma, P. D. McARTHUR; ' BEAVERTON, Sawing. Riping, ' Planing, and , Matching, FARMERS' PBflDUGE TAKEN IN EXCHAWE F00 00008. Woodvillo, J uly 1am. Momning P1ints, Cottons, Quilts, Towels, etc. Wines and Liquors NEW GOODS @ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚lflï¬a JOS. J. CAVE, PROPRIETOR. The proprietor of the old Markha Nursery. respectfully oflemfor the 00 ng formerly occupied In John McRao. whom “ill be found Purchasers may have trees: of any desired Isizo, and on favourable terms by M Shortcut noti'co (in! loden'k Prices. .BABSWODD‘ MIGS WAN TED. M \V. W ARXSTRONQ WHOLESAEE OR RETAI L. FANCY II OPENED MON TH LY AT ._\VUODVI_LLE, om. TREES, CY GOODS; CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE n nu 2 Autuu, Iv UU uVlllU J 1r: \v.m1iEN,Gmuobrmge. I» CROSBY “nun.†1‘..I.. 100‘ war, 1mm, Wooavma J. n. WARREN. Camel Has removedto the and a full stock of consisting of His stock of ...... SI? 00 ...... 20 00 30 on '0 Woodvu.